Chapter 13

My Girl

Retrograde amnesia. 


That's how the doctor explained Irene's condition. Based on multiple tests done on her brain, it revealed that a part of Irene's brain that is responsible for a person's memory was damaged, hence the amnesia. It turned out too, in Irene's case, that she had forgotten all the events that occurred 5 years ago. Meaning, for Irene, she was still living her life as a freshman University student. To be exact, the last thing she remembered were the events a few months before her parents divorced, and before her break up with Jennie. 


So, Joohyun unnie.. Have forgotten about.. me? Wendy chuckled bitterly to herself. For her, my existence meant nothing now. 


Seulgi, who seems to understand what Wendy was thinking, held the latter's hand for comfort. 


"But this will only be temporary, right?" Mr. Bae asked. 


"I'm sorry, sir, but I can't guarantee that." The doctor answered emphatically. "We know some who regain their memory in just a short time, but there are also patients who never regain the memories back at all. Permanently." 


Wendy silently gasped at that, unconsciously tightening her hold on Seulgi's hand.


Meanwhile, Joy and Yeri, who stayed with Irene while the other three went with the doctor, briefly filled Irene with what happened. So far, the only thing Irene knows is that she and Wendy had an accident and she's out for almost two weeks.


"Wendy?" Irene asked. "Oh so that's her name? She's the other girl here, right?" 


"Yes, unnie." Joy answered. "But you actually address her as 'Seungwan', her Korean name." 


"Seungwan?" Irene repeated. "So, we must be close then? Considering that I'm the only one who calls her differently, and that we're together during the accident. Am I right?" Irene also recalls how this Wendy girl called her 'Joohyun' earlier, a name that only people close to her use. 


Joy and Yeri looked at each other before answering. Joy nodded. "Yes, you're close with her, unnie." 


"Wow." Irene has a surprised look on her face, as if disbelieving herself. "I can't imagine being close to another girl aside from you three. Well, I hope Jennie and I are not fighting because of that." She then chuckles. "You know how she got jealous easily too. Oh by the way, why is Jennie not here yet?" 




Irene looks at Joy and the younger girl is looking at her grimly. Beside her, Yeri is also not looking too comfortable. 


"Hm?" Irene asked, looking at the two. "Is there a problem?" 


Joy took a deep breath. "To tell you the truth, unnie, you-" 


Joy wasn't able to continue as Mr. Bae, followed by Seulgi and Wendy, entered the room. 


"Dad, what did the doctor say?" Irene suddenly forgot the unfinished answer and addressed her father. "Is it bad? Cause your faces," she gestured to all of them, "are not looking good right now." 


"Well, your body is recovering well, Hyun." Mr. Bae answered. "It's just that, due to the accident, you have forgotten memories from years ago." 


"Oh." Irene frowns. She then looks at the down-looking girl beside Seulgi. "So, is that why.. I don't remember her?" 


Hearing Irene's words, Wendy looks up to meet Irene's apologetic gaze. 


"I'm sorry." 


Wendy was startled with Irene's words. "No, no. You don't have to apologize. Don't worry about it, u-unnie." I don't even know if I can still call her that


Irene nods and just smiles at the kind words. Nobody said a word after that, and the atmosphere turned kind of awkward. 


"So." Irene started, hoping to ease the uncomfortable atmosphere. Besides, she's getting curious. "What else did I forget?" 


Right on time, the door opened revealing Mrs. Bae. Right behind her, is her quiet looking fiance. 


"Hyun!" Mrs. Bae hugs Irene instantly. "Thank you, thank you."


"Mom." Irene smiled, glad to see her mother. Irene felt good to hug her mom, especially since she has forgotten the last time she hugged her parents because both of them were most often not at home since she was young. 


"Don't cry, mom." 


However, this made Mrs. Bae cry even more. This is the first time in long years that Irene smiles at her and hugs her. It felt good and Mrs. Bae missed her daughter so much, although sadly, it's at the expense of Irene losing her memory. Her ex-husband has already told her about it over the phone earlier. 


"I'm just so happy you're awake now, Hyun." 


"I'm sorry for worrying you and dad." 


Mrs. Bae shakes her head. "The important thing is that you're okay now." 


Wendy, despite the turnout of events, still can't help but smile lovingly at the scene. This is the first time she has seen this soft side of Mrs. Bae, and she was sure that Irene has been wanting this for a long time now. 


"Uh, by the way, mom." Irene noticed the unfamiliar man who came with her mom. "Who is he?" 


Mrs. Bae cleared . "Uh, yes. Your dad has told me about your condition." 


Irene waited, while Mrs. Bae seemed unsure of how and where to start. 


Seeing this, Mr. Bae decided to speak up. "Girls?" He looks to Wendy and the rest of the Queens, then finally to Mrs. Bae's fiance. "And Mr. Cho? If you would all please excuse us? We just have to talk to our daughter."


The rest of the girls nodded and left the room one by one, with Wendy discreetly casting Irene a worried look before she left. She knows how badly it hurt Irene when her parents divorced, and she's afraid that Irene will go through it all over again. Still, she can't possibly contradict Irene's parents. So with a sigh, Wendy left the room. Mr. Cho followed too, not after respectfully bowing to Mr. Bae. 


"Dad? What's wrong?" Irene asked, a bit nervous. 


"Listen, Hyun. Your mom and I have to tell you something. It's actually one of the, uh, the memories you have forgotten." 



Meanwhile, Wendy and the Queen are seated on the bench outside Irene's room. 


"Unnie, are you okay?" Joy asked, taking hold of Wendy's hand.


"Uh, yeah." Wendy forced a smile. 


"Unnie, you know you don't have to pretend in front of us, right?" Yeri added in the conversation. 


"Y-yes, yes, of course."




Wendy sighs. "I don't know. I guess I just don't know what to do now." Wendy paused, gathering her thoughts. "I mean.. Joohyun unnie doesn't recognize me and now she thinks she's still someone else's girlfriend." Wendy clenched her fist at that. "I felt like I don't know my place right now.. with her. Where do I stand?" 


Joy rubs Wendy's back. 


"Unnie, we'll tell Joohyun unnie the truth, okay? You deserve it, and mostly, she deserves it too." 


Wendy didn't answer. It sounded simple but she knows it's not as easy as it sounds.


All eyes turn when Mr. Bae frantically opens the door and rushes out to call for the doctor. All the girls stood up. They didn't manage to ask what's going on as Mr. Bae ran past them already. 


The girls immediately went inside the room and saw Irene, eyes tightly closed while clutching her head. Pain evident on her face. Mrs. Bae was in tears, holding Irene in her arms and repeatedly calling her name. 


"Unnie!" Wendy moved before she could stop herself and went towards Irene. "Unnie, what's wrong?" 


But Irene didn't answer her. The older girl keeps groaning in pain and it hurts Wendy to witness that. Fighting her own tears, Wendy rubs Irene's back hoping it can be of little help. 


The doctor arrived shortly after and after some assessment, they gave Irene a mild sedative to calm her down and to ease the pain. True enough, Irene fell asleep in just a few minutes. 


"She had a mild relapse." The doctor explained. "Well, in cases like her with lost memories, this happens often especially when they try to remember or when something triggers those memories." 


Mr. Bae admitted that they told Irene about the divorce and how her mother is seeing another man now. Obviously, Irene didn't take it nicely, added to the fact that her brain hasn't fully recovered and adjusted yet. 


"Well, sir. With all due respect," The doctor speaks kindly. "I think given this incident, maybe it's better if we let Ms. Irene take it slow, at her own pace. Forcing or triggering her memories back might cause another relapse and it would not be good, especially since she's not fully recovered yet." 


"Yes, yes." Mr. Bae nodded. "I understand, Dr. Choi. It was poor judgement. I didn't know this could happen."


"Give her time, sir. She'll be fine eventually." 


"Yes. Thank you, Dr. Choi." 




The moment Irene woke up that day, she remembered what her parents told her. After that, she became cold with her parents, most often refusing to engage in long conversations with them. "I need time to process this. Please let me be for a while." Irene told her parents. 


It's the reason why when Irene wakes up the next morning, Wendy is the only one in her room, with Wendy explaining that the rest of the Queens can't visit because of their classes. 


"Wow, I really forgot a lot huh." Irene commented. "I can't believe my friends are university students now. And I'm.. already working at my father's company?" 


Wendy nodded. "Yes." 


"And you?" 


"Oh. Uh. I'm, I'm a junior student. Same age as Seulgi." 


Irene nodded at that, unsure of what to say next. To be honest, she finds it a bit awkward to be alone with Wendy. Yes, her friends told her that she and Wendy are close and Irene believed that, considering how Wendy is always here looking after her. Still, Wendy is a stranger to her. Growing up, she only has her friends and Jennie with her. Then one day she woke up to find out that there's a new girl in her life. Irene still doesn't know how to react to that. 


On the contrary, there's also a part of her that finds Wendy's presence comforting. Irene guesses that's the reason why she still lets Wendy spend time with her despite being unfamiliar with the younger girl. 


"So, uhm," Irene cleared . "Seungwan? Is that right?" 


Wendy looks up at Irene immediately at the call of her Korean name. 


"Uhh, Sooyoung and Yerim told me that's how I call you?" Irene asked, unsure. 


Wendy nodded. "Yeah." 


"And I believe you call me by my Korean name, too?" 




"Okay." Irene nodded at the confirmation. "Well uh, to be honest. I'm really not comfortable with other people calling me by my real name, but," Irene interjected, seeing how Wendy held her breath at her words. "But, well, technically we're not really strangers since obviously, we know each other but I just have to lost my memory of you and now-" 


"Hey." Wendy forced a smile. She knows Irene was having a hard time with all these, so she stops the older girl from rambling. 


"It's okay, un-." Wendy stops herself. "It's okay. I understand."


Irene felt guilty seeing Wendy still smiling at her, despite possibly being hurt by her words. She sighs. 


"You can call me just like how you used to call me you know, Seungwan." 


Wendy's eyes lit up. Oh how she missed to hear Irene call her that. "R-really, u-unnie?" 


"Yes, of course." Irene gave a shy smile. "Well, you just have to bear with me though, this is new to me, so.." 


"No problem, Joohyun unnie." Wendy smiled. 


Hearing it, Irene felt the familiarity. Which reminds her.. 


"Uh, Seungwan?" 


"Yes, unnie? 


"Uhm, the girls also told me that we're close."


Wendy nodded. "Yes." 


"So, if you don't mind me asking, uh, how close are we talking about here?" 


Wendy gulps nervously. Irene is asking her that question. 


You're my girlfriend. 


Wendy wanted to say. Yet, she didn't. She knows the truth might shock Irene and the reminder of the latter's relapse yesterday and what the doctor said stopped her. 


"Well, just uhm, just close enough. Just that." Wendy said instead while clenching her fist on the side, still unsure if not telling the truth is the right thing. 


However, her doubt was soon erased. She wished she didn't witness how Irene's face lit up with her answer. Irene even sighs in relief. 


"Oh, thank goodness." The Queen said. 


Wendy's heart breaks with those simple words. Ignoring the hurt, she focuses on Irene first. 


"Why?" Wendy asked, forcing out a chuckle. 


"Uhm, I didn't mean to offend you or something," Irene explained. "It's just that, I don't think I can handle it if someone were to tell me that I'm no longer with Jennie." Irene shudders. "I don't want that to happen." 


"Oh, uh-" Wendy cleared . She can feel her heart breaking and she can't even show it. "Uh, d-don't, don't worry about it, unnie."


"I'm glad." Irene smiles. 


Wendy never thought that seeing Irene smile will hurt her. Yet, it did. 


And as if the heartbreak she's feeling is not yet enough for the day, the universe decided to add more to the wound. 


"I'm sure you know Jennie, right? Given that we're close and all?" 


Wendy can only manage to nod. 


"Great. So, you think you can do me a favor, Seungwan?" 


Again, Wendy forced a smile. "What is it, unnie?


"They said my phone was destroyed from the accident, and obviously I haven't had a new one yet. So, you think you can call Jennie and ask her to come here? I don't know why she's not visiting me and I just need to talk to her." Irene answered. "Can you call her to see me, Seungwan?" 


Afraid that the breaking of her heart will be reflected on her voice, Wendy nods, keeping her answer short. 






"Unnie! What's the meaning of this?!" 


Wendy is at the hospital's cafeteria, mindlessly stirring her coffee, when Joy barged in and harshly sat across Wendy. 


"Why is Jennie with Joohyun unnie right now? Seulgi unnie told me you asked her to bring Jennie here. Is that true?" 


Wendy nodded heavily. 


"Unnie, what the hell?" Joy can't help herself. "Why would you do that?" 


"Joohyun unnie believes that Jennie is still her girlfriend. She wanted to see her." Wendy answered, eyes focused on her coffee. 


"Then you should have told her the truth. She must know the truth." Joy stated. 


Wendy sighs. "You heard what the doctor said, Sooyoung-ah, another relapse wouldn't be good. We shouldn't trigger her old memories to come back." 


"But it's just bad memories, unnie. She didn't react badly when we told her about the other events that she forgot." Joy argued. "Joohyun unnie had a relapse because the news of her parents divorcing is painful for her." 


"And her break up with Jennie isn't?" Wendy looked at Joy. "You said it before, unnie was so broken when Jennie left." 


"Well, yeah there's that, but that incident led her to you, unnie. And I know that you're the best thing that ever happened to her." Joy looks at Wendy, determined. "You're her girlfriend, unnie. Joohyun unnie deserves you. She deserves to know that." 


Wendy answered with a sad smile. "Do you think Joohyun unnie would like it though?" 


"Would like what?" 


"I'm just a stranger to her right now, Sooyoung-ah." Wendy gritted her teeth as the painful truth came from . "She learns from you guys that we know each other and that we're close but reality speaking, she still sees me as a stranger. Jennie, on the other hand, she's the one whom Joohyun unnie knows and believes to be her girlfriend. The Joohyun unnie now, whose memories are from years back, is in love with Jennie. So-" 


Wendy stops herself as she hears her voice crack. She cleared before continuing. "So do you think Joohyun unnie would take it nicely if we told her that I, a face she recalls to be meeting only now, is actually her girlfriend? And that she's not with Jennie anymore?" 


"But.." Joy faltered. She understood Wendy's point. 


"We both know she wouldn't take the news lightly, Sooyoung-ah." Wendy continued. "And I don't want the same thing that happened yesterday to happen again. It could be dangerous for her if she had another relapse. I don't want that. I can't risk that." 


Joy has no answer to that. 


"Besides, you should have seen the look on her face earlier, Sooyoungie." Wendy smiled bitterly to herself. "She was so happy and excited at the thought of Jennie coming over. She- she was so happy." Wendy swallows an invisible lump in . "And how can I not give that happiness to her when all I ever wanted was to make her happy?" 


Joy clenched her fist. How can she argue with all of that? "But how about you, unnie?" 


Wendy shook her head and forced a smile. "I'll be fine. Right now, Joohyun unnie's health and wellbeing is our priority."


Joy sighs heavily. The feeling of being unable to do something frustrates her. "Ugh. I hate this!"


Wendy rubs Joy's arm. "It'll be fine, Sooyoung-ah." 


"But you'll tell the truth to Joohyun unnie once she's fully recovered, right unnie?" 


Wendy contemplated and didn't answer for a while. 




"I.. I won't, Sooyoung-ah." 




Since Seulgi has already briefed her about Irene's condition, Jennie didn't tell the latter about their break up. Instead, Jennie just played along and acted like she is still Irene's girlfriend. 


Since that one visit though, Jennie has been coming to the hospital everyday for almost three days now, sometimes even staying for the night. It made Irene happy, but the rest of the Queens had the opposite reaction. Joy was furious, while Seulgi and Yeri felt helpless that they couldn't do anything about the situation knowing it could harm Irene's condition. 


Wendy, on the other hand, never left but would always stay outside Irene's room whenever Jennie was there. She just couldn't take it to see the two together. However, Wendy already made it clear with Jennie. 


"Thank you, Wendy-ssi, for doing this." Jennie once told her before leaving. 


"I'm only doing this for Joohyun unnie." 


"Yeah, I know. And I thank you for that." 


Wendy nodded. "Oh, and uh, Jennie-ssi?" 




"I also thank you for doing this. I know it's not easy." 


Jennie kept mum and waited, knowing Wendy had more to say. 


"And well, I know things are really complicated right now. But uh, I hope things are clear between us." Wendy speaks kindly but seriousness can be seen in her eyes. "Joohyun unnie and I are still together. And I'm not breaking up with her just because she can't remember us."


Jennie looks taken aback for a moment. Still, she managed to smile and nod. "I know, Wendy-ssi. Don't worry." 


"Thank you, Jennie-ssi."




"We should tell Joohyun the truth about her and Jennie." Mr. Bae said to her ex-wife when they both visited Irene for the latter's check up. 


"Are you crazy, Yoochan?" Mrs. Bae exclaimed. "Don't you remember what happened the last time?" 


"But Joohyun is living a lie right now. It's not fair for her." 


"Yes, but in case you didn't notice, Joohyun is happy. With Jennie." 


"But it's not right!" 


"What's not right is breaking Joohyun's heart! And for what, Yoochan? What's even the point of telling her the truth? Yes, she and Jennie have already broken up years ago. But right now, Joohyun is in love with Jennie. And Jennie still loves her. Why would you break that?"


"For goodness sake Hee-so, Joohyun is still someone else's girlfriend!" 


"Oh yes, that girlfriend whom Joohyun doesn't recognize, doesn't know, and doesn't love!" 


"That's why Joohyun should know the truth." 


"Telling her the truth doesn't mean she will fall in love with Wendy again. In fact, Joohyun might even hate it, seeing how she's happy with Jennie right now." 


Mr. Bae shakes his head. "This is just so wrong. And it's unfair for Wendy too." 


Mrs. Bae scoffs. "Oh, so what? You'll prioritise that girl's feelings instead of your own daughter's happiness?" Mrs. Bae argued. "It's unfair for Wendy, yes. But so what? Right now, Joohyun is happy and in love with Jennie! Why can't you think of your daughter first for once!" 


"You think I don't?" Mr. Bae argued, feeling offended. "I care about Joohyun's happiness just as much as you do. But let's do it the right way."




"I'll tell Joohyun the truth. That's final." 


Mr. Bae turned his back to Mrs. Bae but soon stopped on his track. Standing a few meters away from him stood Wendy wearing an awkward smile. 


"Wendy? How long were you here?" Mr. Bae asked as Wendy walked up to him. 


"Uhm, can we talk, uncle?" 


"Yes. Yes, of course." He gave a quick look to Mrs. Bae before he led Wendy outside the hospital. 




"So, how much did you hear?" Mr. Bae asked kindly as they settled at the hospital's garden. 


Wendy chuckles embarrassingly. "I'm sorry, uncle. I really didn't mean to eavesdrop. I just happened to pass by and uhm, yeah."


"Well, I'm sorry too that you have to hear all of that."


"Don't worry about it, uncle. It's fine." 


Mr. Bae sighs. "So, what do you want to talk about?" 


"Well, uh," Wendy rubs her nape. "I don't mean to pry, uncle. But if you'll allow it, could you not tell Joohyun unnie the truth about us?" 


Mr. Bae couldn't hide her surprise. Among all the others, he didn't expect to hear it from Wendy. Especially since he knows that Wendy is the most affected by Irene not knowing the truth. 




"Uncle, I heard your point. And I agree with you. It's like we're feeding lies to Joohyun unnie and it's not right." Wendy sighs. "But.." 


"Are you worried that she'll have relapse again?" 


"There's that, uncle." Wendy nodded. "But I also think that Mrs. Bae has a point." 


This intrigued Mr. Bae. "In which way?" 


"I may be Joohyun unnie's girlfriend, but she doesn't remember me nor the love we have, uncle." Wendy explained, biting the bitter feeling in her tongue. "Instead, what she remembers and what she feels is her love for Jennie. And though it hurts me to admit it, I can see that Joohyun unnie is happy with Jennie. If, if we tell unnie the truth, it may break her heart again and I don't want that. I can't see her like that, uncle."


Mr. Bae looks at Wendy. The girl is staring at the hands on her lap but the old man can see and feel her sadness. 


"Even if you're the one who's breaking apart?" He asked. 


Wendy looks up to Mr. Bae and gives a sad smile. "I wouldn't be happy either way if I saw her hurting, uncle." 


"So, are you saying that you'll let Joohyun go?" Mr. Bae asked, half disappointed and half understanding. To his confusion, Wendy shook her head. 


"No, uncle." 


Wendy answered with such certainty and it confused the old man. 


"What are you going to do then?" 


Wendy sighs. "The other reason why I prefer not to tell Joohyun unnie the truth is because I don't want her to feel that she has to love me back just because she was told that I'm her girlfriend. I don't want to make her feel that she's obliged to like me and be a girlfriend to me. I don't want to force her feelings on me, uncle. I want it to come naturally. If she would love me again, I want it to be because she is really in love with me, and not just because I'm her supposedly girlfriend."


"So.. Are you saying that.." 


"I will fight for our love, uncle. I will win her back." Wendy answered with determination. "But I want it to be done fairly and naturally."


Mr. Bae stares at Wendy, unable to say anything. After a few seconds, he broke into a proud grin. 


"You know Wendy, I've always known that Joohyun made the right choice with you." 


Wendy bowed her head shyly. 


"Seriously, though." Mr. Bae smiled. "In fact, I even envy you sometimes. You know how to handle and take care of Joohyun even more than us, her parents." 


Wendy shook her head aggressively. "Don't say that, uncle. I know you and Mrs. Bae both love Joohyun unnie more than anyone else can." 


Mr. Bae gave a bitter laugh. "Well, we have a weird way of expressing it though."


"Just don't give up on her, uncle. " Wendy encouraged the old man. "She loves you both, so she'll eventually come around, you'll see." 


Mr. Bae nodded and smiled at this. "Thank you, Wendy-ah."


Unbeknownst to them, someone was sitting at the other side of the garden, listening to their conversation. 


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This story will be fast-paced. I don't really want to drag the story longer for I may not be able to finish it if I do. :)


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0 points #1
Chapter 25: Ha, you don't know how much I love this story. I didn't notice that it was already morning (5am) when I stopped at Chapter 23. I told myself, just one more chapter and I'll stop since it's getting late but here we are. I'm sleep-deprived but totally worth it!

This is beyond beautiful! It made me cry, it made my heart hurt but it also made me happy with how things turned out. There's a lot to say about how great this is but my mind isn't catching up to me. Hahahaha. Oh well, just know that your story is amazing and honestly, I'm glad that I stumbled upon this.

Thank you for writing and sharing your story with us! I hope you're always happy and healthy! 🩷🩵
WluvsBaetokki #2
Chapter 25: Why is this story making me cry buckets when I've already reread this multiple times already..?
Chapter 25: Damn i just finished rereading this for the nth time... And I still cried like it's my first time reading this
Chapter 1: Tapi sepertinya kamu gak bisa menjauh dari para ratu wendy takdirmu akan terus diikuti oleh para ratu
Penasaran dengan ceritanya
Chapter 7: Wow, it seems Wendy intends to unite this child and father and hopefully Uncle Bae will always be there to accompany Irene
Chapter 6: Who does Wendy mean? Is it Wendy's ex because Wendy still hasn't opened up to Irene at all?
Chapter 5: our parents hahaha but you're right Joy... wenrene's your parents... so Irene's ex is Jennie wow...
Chapter 4: Oh, so this is the first time Irene met Wendy, yes, even though Wendy didn't know it, it's no wonder Irene didn't scold Wendy at that time, but why did Irene make Wendy her boyfriend? Has Irene really fallen in love with Wendy?
Chapter 3: don't know each other, suddenly they become boyfriends, wow how lucky you are, Wendy