Chapter 6: Ryu Soojin

Phoenix Aurora (Got7 Jinyoung X OC)



A few days later, Jinyoung


Jinyoung stood carefully behind Jia’er and looked up at the Han Mansion. It was a tall, imposing, and richly decorated estate even from the outside, a symbol of the Han family’s long service to the royal family. 


“Are you sure this will work?” He asked, tugging self consciously at the plain robes he was wearing. Earlier that day, he had slipped out of the palace and gone to meet Jia’er. His friend had handed him a set of servant’s clothing to switch into, the first step of their plan to learn more about Lord Han’s death. At the moment, Jinyoung was not the future prince consort but was Jia’er’s personal servant. Jia’er, on the other hand, had switched out of his teaching robes and into a nobleman’s clothing, far more befitting of his status as the descendant of the Wang family. The plan was to enter Han Mansion on the pretense of visiting the young mistress of the Han family, who was well known to admire Jia’er. While they were inside, both men would find the chance to examine the body of Lord Han. If it worked out, their little excursion inside would provide more than enough evidence to prove Jinyoung’s innocence. It was rude to disturb the dead’s rest, but at the moment, Jinyoung had no other choice.


Now, if only these Yuan robes were a little more comfortable. 


“Stop tugging on your clothes.” Jia’er hissed softly, “It’s too obvious. You’re going to give yourself away.” Jinyoung frowned and forced himself to stop pulling at his clothes.


“They’re too tight.” He grumbled, “My own clothes were far more comfortable.” 


“Deal with it for now.” Jia’er scolded, “Or do you not want to go in?” Jinyoung sighed and took a deep breath.


“I’ll deal with it.” He replied. Jia’er nodded in approval.


“Alright.” He declared, “Let us go inside.”


Jinyoung looked around curiously as he followed Jia’er into Han Mansion. As expected, as soon as Young Mistress Han heard that Jia’er had come to pay his respects, she was more than happy to let him inside. The inside of the mansion gave off the aura of prestige and wealth, not overly decorated with gold and silver but tastefully so. Beautiful pieces of porcelain lined the shelves in the rooms Jinyoung passed, and old paintings certainly worth a fortune hung at regular intervals on the walls. His disapproval of Jinyoung aside, Lord Han seemed to be well received throughout the nation. So who could have held a grudge heavy enough to kill him? And so easily at that?


“Young Master Wang!” A young woman’s voice drew Jinyoung’s attention as he and Jia’er entered the main receiving room. The room was entirely decorated in white, and a large black lacquered coffin sat in the front of the room surrounded by white flowers. A young woman dressed in white mourning robes leapt from her seat as she saw Jia’er, tears running down her face. Jia’er bowed politely.


“Young Mistress Han.” He greeted, “How have you been doing?” The young lady sniffed miserably.


“Horrible, Young Master Wang!” She sobbed, “I just cannot forget how horrible my father’s death was! He was a kind and intelligent lord of the court! I just cannot imagine how someone could bear to kill him! And through poison, such a despicable and low handed manner of assassination!” Jinyoung looked over the young lady of the Han family curiously as Jia’er gently comforted her. Based on the records he had found, Han Ling’er was the sole daughter of the Han family, and Lord Han’s only child from his first wife. She had been given the best education and training since childhood, and well doted on by her father due to her being his only child. That is, she was the only child until not long ago when Lord Han married the young Lady Han, who bore him a son not long afterwards. That child, Han Xuwen, was now six years old and expected to become the next head of the Han family. The Han family’s lineage was nothing out of the ordinary; noblemen often married and remarried, resulting in children many years apart in age. And yet, as Jinyoung watched Young Mistress Han, he couldn’t help but have the thought that something was off. 


There wasn’t particularly anything strange about her outer appearance; Han Ling’er carried herself with the grace and dignity of a high class lady, her body was slender and willowy beneath the plain white mourning robes, and even though she liked Jia’er she kept a polite distance away from him out of propriety’s sake. 


And yet...what was it that kept Jinyoung thinking there was more to her than met the eye? 


“Miss Han, where is your Lady Han?” Jia’er asked, “I should greet her as well, since I am here.” Han Ling’er dabbed at her eyes delicately with a tissue before responding.


“She has gone to the temple to pray for my father’s spirit to be reincarnated soon.” She replied, “Mother will not be back before tonight.” Jia’er nodded, exchanging a quick glance with Jinyoung. It seemed they had chosen the perfect day to visit Han Mansion.


“Then-” Before Jia’er could say more, a maid hurried in and bowed to Han Ling’er and Jia’er. 


“My Lady, Young Master Zhou is here to see you.” The maid said quietly. Han Ling’er froze for a moment, her gaze flickering to Jia’er for a moment before going back to her maid. Jinyoung frowned as he saw the mix of emotions going across the young woman’s face. When the maid had first spoken, she had been annoyed and irritated at being interrupted. But when the maid had announced that Young Master Xi was here, she had been startled, then joyful for another moment, and then uncertain when she looked at Jia’er. And if Jinyoung hadn’t seen wrong…


Was that fear that had flashed across her face?

Who was Young Master Zhou? 


Jia’er cleared his throat as he noticed the perplexed expression on Jinyoung’s face.


“Miss Han.” He said, “If you have a guest, you can go greet them. I would like to stay here and pay my respects to Lord Han for a little while, if you do not mind.” Han Ling’er hesitated as she looked at Jia’er, uncertain about leaving him alone with her father’s body. Then, Jia’er flashed her a gentle smile, and Jinyoung watched as the hesitation melted away from the young woman’s face.


“Alright.” She said, “I will make sure I come back shortly.” 


“Take your time.” Jia’er replied. Jinyoung and Jia’er watched until Han Ling’er left the room, then turned towards the coffin in the front of the room. 


“I really do not understand how you have all the women in the capital wrapped around your little finger.” Jinyoung mused, “One smile is all that is needed to make them swoon in front of you!” Jia’er laughed softly.


“I am not the most beloved man in the capital for nothing.” He replied, “I can teach you a few tricks to use on your wife, if you’d like.” Jinyoung thought back to Jang Soyoung’s cool and composed demeanor, the way her cold steely gaze could shut every mouth in the room with one glance. 


Having a woman like that wrapped around my little finger? I might as well try to pluck a star from the sky!


“I’ll have to politely pass.” He replied, shaking his head. No, it was surely better for them to keep their marriage as simple as possible; he would play his role in her life and empire, and she would play hers. That was all that was necessary. Jia’er chuckled.


“Don’t regret it later.” He teased. Jinyoung frowned and gave his friend a light shove.


“Are we going to look at the body or not?” He hissed, “Young Mistress Han will be back before you know it!” Jia’er chuckled and nodded, and the two men stepped carefully over to the black coffin. Jinyoung clapped his hands together and murmured a quick apology before Jia’er pushed the edge of the coffin open.


Lord Han lay still inside, his hands folded neatly across his chest. He had been dressed in his formal court official’s outfit, his head lying on a small white pillow. If Jinyoung hadn’t known better, he would have thought the older man was simply sleeping. Jia’er took a deep breath.


“Alright, let’s begin.” He said. Carefully, he reached down and tilted Lord Han’s chin up and opened up the older man’s mouth.


“Hm…” He mused, “It really does look like poison.”


“How can you be so sure?” Jinyoung asked curiously. Jia’er pointed down at Lord Han’s mouth.


“See how his tongue turned black?” He said, “That is a sure sign that this person was poisoned through something he consumed. It’s no wonder they jumped on poison as the cause of death so quickly.” Jinyoung huffed.


“It’s an insult to think I would be so foolish.” He grumbled, “I would never be foolish enough to leave behind such an obvious trial of clues.” Jia’er nodded in agreement.


“That, and you have no reason to kill him.” He added, “But...if it’s so clear that Lord Han was poisoned, then there’s really no way to prove that it wasn’t you.” Jinyoung pursed his lips as he thought carefully over their options. Jia’er had a point; no matter how ridiculous it was, the clues all pointed towards him. There were more than enough players in court that disliked him to push the blame onto him, and then they could pressure the empress to marry someone from Yuan. No matter what, Jinyoung couldn’t escape the blame.




“Jia’er.” Jinyoung mused, “Could there be a different cause of death? Something beyond what meets the eye?” Jia’er frowned in confusion.


“Like a hidden wound somewhere?” He asked. Jinyoung nodded. It certainly stretched the imagination, and it was only something he had heard about in books before. But still...the possibility remained that what was on the surface was only a screen to hide the true cause of death. 


“Hm…” Jia’er’s gaze wandered carefully over Lord Han’s body before he reached down and carefully patted along the older man’s chest, stomach, and then the back of his neck. Jinyoung waited as his friend examined the body again, his heart pounding in his chest. If there really was another cause of death, then there was every reason to doubt that Jinyoung was the killer. 




“Aha.” Jia’er mumbled triumphantly as his fingers moved carefully along the back of Lord Han’s neck, “Found it.” 


“Found what?” Jinyoung asked. Carefully, Jia’er withdrew his hands from the coffin and held something up for Jinyoung to see. Jinyoung peered carefully at Jia’er’s fingers, and his eyes widened as he realized what it was. 


“Is that a needle?” He asked. Jia’er nodded solemnly.


“This was embedded deep in Lord Han’s neck right in one of his meridian points.” He stated, “If it was inserted quickly enough, Lord Han would never have noticed before it killed him within seconds.” Jinyoung’s breath caught in his throat. 


Meridian points…


He had long heard of the power of acupuncture; it was a double edged sword, one that could either heal a person or kill them in seconds, depending on which pressure point was used. But to think that someone had used it to kill a lord of the royal court…


Jia’er carefully took a handkerchief from his sleeve and wrapped the needle in the soft cloth. 


“Take this back to the empress.” He said, “She should know what to do.” Jinyoung nodded solemnly and took the cloth from his friend’s hands. Somehow, he had a feeling that he had just stumbled upon something much bigger than what met the eye. 




“Your Majesty.” Soyoung looked up from the book she had been reading as a eunuch stepped inside the doors to her library. 


“What is it?” She asked.


“The Prince of Goryeo has returned.” The eunuch reported, “He is requesting an audience with you.” Soyoung slipped her book shut and placed it lightly on the table next to her.


“Let him in.” She ordered. The eunuch backed out of the study, and a few moments later, Prince Jinyoung entered the room. 


“Your Majesty.” The prince bowed politely. Soyoung let her gaze run slowly over the prince. For some reason, he was dressed in simple clothing befitting someone of a servant’s status, the large wide rimmed Goryeo hat traded for a simple blue ribbon tied around his topknot. Soyoung certainly had never put any restrictions on what he could wear; but perhaps this was all part of his plan to find the true culprit behind Lord Han’s death. Still, it made Soyoung curious.


Just what was he doing out there?


“You wanted to see me, Prince?” She asked. Prince Jinyoung nodded and drew a carefully folded square of cloth from the folds of his clothing.


“Your Majesty.” He said, holding it out towards her. Soyoung nodded towards Hyojun, who stepped away from his position next to her and took the folded square cloth from the prince’s hands. Carefully, Soyoung pulled back the edges of the folded handkerchief, her fingers lingering slightly on the edge of the dark green cloth. 


“An acupuncture needle?” She noted, recognizing the slim narrow object lying inside the cloth. Prince Jinyoung nodded. 


“This was embedded in Lord Han’s neck.” He stated, “Jia’er stated that it was in a position that could have killed Lord Han quickly without him ever noticing.” Soyoung studied the item carefully, the different possibilities of what the needle meant running through her mind. If Lord Han had been killed through this needle, then the poison had nothing to do with it. Instead, it had been added into the box of sweets later in order to hide the real cause of death. But at the same time, that only opened up a wide realm of possibilities. There were many physicians in the capital, many of whom knew how to use acupuncture. She couldn’t just bring them all into the palace to interrogate them one by one. Even if she did, the chance that one of them would confess was quite small. 


“Your Majesty?” Soyoung looked up as Prince Jinyoung spoke again.


“What is it?” She asked. The prince hesitated for a moment before answering.


“Are you aware of a family in the capital with the surname Zhou?” He asked. Soyoung’s gaze narrowed. Indeed, she was quite aware of the Zhou family. 


“Lord Zhou is the head of the royal physician’s bureau.” She replied, “But why do you ask?” A startled look flashed across the prince’s face as he heard her response. 


“When I was at Han Mansion with Jia’er, the daughter of the house was visited by a man identified as Young Master Zhou.” He replied, “I found it strange that an unmarried noblewoman would be visited by a nobleman like that. Are they engaged to be wed?” Soyoung frowned as she shook her head. 


“No.” She replied, “Han Ling’er is engaged to the second son of the Chu family. I personally decreed their engagement.” 


Wait...the son of the head of the royal physician’s bureau is visiting the daughter of a man who was killed by an acupuncture needle?


A tiny smirk turned up the corner of Soyoung’s lips.


“Well, this just turned interesting.” She mused, “Hyojun, take this needle and have someone analyze what it is made of. Acupuncture needles used by royal physicians are made of different materials than commoner physicians.”


“Yes, Your Majesty.” Hyojun murmured as he took the cloth and needle from the empress’s hands.


“Your Majesty, are you suspecting that…?” Prince Jinyoung started to ask a question, but Soyoung raised a finger to her lips to shush him. 


“The walls have ears, Prince.” She warned, “You must learn not to voice your thoughts unless you have evidence as strong as steel to support it.” If anyone heard of their suspicions and warned the true culprit ahead of time, then there would be more trouble than Soyoung would prefer. The prince was not used to the dangerous game that came with stepping into court politics; that was fine, Soyoung would make sure he learned. The prince pursed his lips shut quickly at her statement.


“Then...if Your Majesty would give me the permission, I would like to take a deeper look at the relationship between Miss Han and Young Master Zhou.” He said, “I’m certain I can confirm what their relationship is.” Soyoung raised one eyebrow.


“Oh?” She said, “And how do you intend to do that?” Prince Jinyoung smiled faintly.


“If I may come closer, Your Majesty, I will tell you.” He said. Soyoung smirked lightly.


“Come.” She said, beckoning to him lightly with one hand, “Let me hear what you have planned, little poet.”


A few days later, Jinyoung


Jinyoung ran a finger lightly over the white glazed teacup in front of him, his heart pounding nervously in his chest. He was sitting at a wooden table placed outside one of the teastands set up to serve travelers on their way to the capital, waiting for two people in particular to arrive. In order to ascertain the relationship between Han Ling’er and Young Master Zhou, Jinyoung and Jia’er had created a plan to lure the two out of the capital and to this teastand in particular. Jia’er was familiar with Han Ling’er’s handwriting, and the es in the best brothel in the city were more than willing to show Jia’er a sample of Young Master Zhou’s handwriting. Then, Jinyoung and Jia’er had each forged one of the different handwritings and wrote a letter to Han Ling’er and Young Master Zhou, asking the other to meet outside of the capital at this teastand because of an urgent matter regarding Lord Han’s death. If they had really murdered Lord Han, then there was no way they wouldn’t appear. 


Those with guilty hearts will definitely appear, because they will always be afraid that someone discovered the despicable things they did. 


And as long as they appeared, it didn’t matter whether they realized someone had set up a trap; all that mattered was Jinyoung heard what he wanted to hear. As for the rest, he could leave it to the empress. 


At the appointed time, he heard the rustle of footsteps and turned his head slightly to see Han Ling’er approach the teastand. A few minutes later, a finely dressed young man appeared and the two sat down at the table behind Jinyoung. 


“Ling’er.” The young man hissed, “What is going on? What happened to Lord Han’s body?” 


“Was it not you that wrote that letter?” Han Ling’er asked, “It was in your handwriting!”


“The letter I received was in your handwriting!” Young Master Zhou replied. The two nobles were silent for a few moments before they spoke again.


“It seems that someone is beginning to suspect us.” Young Master Zhou whispered, “Ling’er, you made sure no one will inspect the body, right?” 


“Of course.” Han Ling’er hissed, “There is no way anyone could find that needle. The coffin has been shut this entire time.” Jinyoung couldn’t help but smirk slightly.


If only you knew, Young Mistress Han.


As he tilted his head slightly to the right to peer at the couple, he saw Young Master Zhou reach out and grasp Han Ling’er’s hands. 


“Ling’er!” He whispered, “We must be careful! No one can find out about this, or else it will spell doom for both of us!” 


“I know, I have not forgotten.” Han Ling’er replied, “For our future together, I will not let anything stop us. Father’s fortune, and the family name, will certainly be mine. And then, we can enjoy our bright future together forever.” Jinyoung’s eyes widened slightly as he heard her. 


Am I hearing things?


If he had not, what Han Ling’er and Young Master Zhou had done was not limited to killing Lord Han alone. 


Rather, the two young nobles were also in a secret relationship.


Given both families’ status in the capital, if anyone found out about this, the news would spread like wildfire. As a noble lady engaged to another man, Han Ling’er’s reputation would be ruined forever. 


Just what have I stumbled upon?


“Alright, if you are certain nothing has gone wrong, then we should head back.” Young Master Zhou said, “If we stay here any longer, I am afraid someone will see us together.” Jinyoung heard the shuffle of wood against dirt ground as the nobles rose from their seat, their rushed footsteps hurrying away a few moments later. Jinyoung let out his breath slowly, the nerves in his chest finally easing as the nobles disappeared. His mind whirled with what he had just overheard.


“Our” future…


“Father’s fortune will be mine…”


If Jinyoung’s thoughts were going in the right direction…


Han Ling’er and Young Master Zhou have been in a secret relationship for some time now, even though she is engaged to the second son of the Chu family. As the only child of the Han family, she would have been entitled to inherit a large sum of her father’s fortune upon his death. But with the birth of her younger brother, that meant Han Ling’er became a mere pawn to the family, a child to be married out to a good husband for the benefit of her family. The young son of the Han family automatically became the default heir, pushing his sister further down the rank of succession. And so, in order to prevent her brother from taking everything from her, Han Ling’er decided to kill her father before he officially announced Han Xuwen as his heir. All she would have to do after her father was dead was forge a document from her father that made her the heir to the Han family. Then, she could free herself from the political marriage she had been bound to, take the entire Han fortune, and live life as she wanted.


Jinyoung’s hand grasped the edge of the wooden table tightly as the reality of what had happened hit home. It was absolutely ridiculous to think that a highbred noblewoman would go to such extreme lengths to capture her family’s fortune. 


And yet, it all made sense. 


Jinyoung swallowed hard and quickly placed a few coins onto the table before hurrying back on the path towards the capital.


I have to let the empress know.


As Jinyoung hurried along the forest path, his footsteps slowed as he saw two figures ahead of him. 


Is that…?


His breath caught in his throat as he realized who it was. 


“Ling’er, I was right.” Young Master Zhou said, “There really was someone listening.” Jinyoung gulped. 


“How did you know I was there?” He asked. Young Master Zhou smirked and tapped his ear.


“I am the son of the best physician in the country.” He replied, “Perhaps you may not know, but the ability to listen to a patient’s ailments is one of the most fundamental skills a physician must have. You were so nervous listening to us, your breathing naturally grew heavier. Perhaps another person would not have noticed, but I certainly did.” Jinyoung took a step back as Young Master Zhou drew a sword from the sheathe he held at his side.


“Let’s just say you were unlucky, young man.” He said, “You almost escaped my detection, but I had this sinking feeling that something was wrong.” 


“He seems to be a foreigner.” Han Ling’er noted, “Perhaps someone from Goryeo?” Young Master Zhou smirked.


“Even better.” He replied, “No one will notice if a mere citizen of a vassal state dies out here in the forest.” Jinyoung felt his throat go dry, terror holding his feet firmly rooted to the ground as Young Master Zhou advanced towards him. In order to avoid attracting attention, Jinyoung hadn’t taken a single royal guard with him. Because of Jia’er’s fame in the capital, he had told even his friend to stay behind. Perhaps he could bring out the royal family’s name now, but then both nobles would know that the empress was already suspecting them. 


There was no escape.


Jinyoung closed his eyes, certain that he was about to be cut into two.


And then suddenly, he felt something fly past his ear, followed by the sound of steel cutting into flesh and a loud cry from Young Master Zhou. Opening his eyes cautiously, Jinyoung was shocked by what he saw. A moment ago, Young Master Zhou had been about to attack him, but now he lay on the ground, writhing in pain. Sunlight streaming down from between the tall tree leaves reflected off of something small embedded in the young nobleman’s shoulder, and as he looked closer Jinyoung realized that it was a small silver dart-like object, narrow and tapered at the end. 




There was a soft rustle of movement from behind, and Young Master Zhou’s eyes widened in fear.


“R-ryu Soojin!” He gasped, his body trembling as he attempted to move backwards in fear. Jinyoung turned slowly, wondering what the young noble was referring to. 


A young woman, clad in light blue and white robes, stood behind him, one hand holding a sword covered in a white sheathe decorated with elaborate golden swirling designs. The sunlight sparkled off of the steel dart in her other hand, her long slender fingers twirling the weapon around lightly in her hands as she leveled a cold gaze at the two trembling nobles. Her long hair fluttered freely in the wind save for the light green flower hairpin pulling it back from her face. A light blue mask covered the bottom half of her face, giving her an aura of mystery and secrecy. 


Jinyoung’s heart pounded loudly in his chest.


Who is that?


The sound of footsteps pounding against dirt ground reached Jinyoung’s ears, and he turned again to see Young Master Zhou scramble to his feet, grab Han Ling’er, and make a run for it. There was a rush of movement from behind Jinyoung, and he froze as Ryu Soojin’s white sheathed sword flew past him, knocking directly into the soft flesh behind Young Master Zhou’s knees. The young nobleman was sent tumbling to the ground, Han Ling’er falling with him. Before Jinyoung could blink, Ryu Soojin had leapt from behind him, grabbed her sword before it fell to the ground, and landed in front of the fallen nobles. Han Ling’er let out a cry of fear, attempting to scramble backwards before Ryu Soojin’s dark gaze froze her in place. Young Master Zhou gasped for breath as Ryu Soojin pressed the heel of one black boot clad foot against his back. 


“Where are you going, little traitor?” She growled, her voice low and dangerously cold. 


“P-please spare me!” Young Master Zhou gasped, “I don’t want to die!” Ryu Soojin’s gaze narrowed as she leaned closer to him.


“What a coward.” She said coolly, “To think that a young noblewoman plotted to kill her own father in order to be with you.” 


“L-lady!” With a start, Jinyoung realized he had called out without thinking. Ryu Soojin paused for a moment, her dark eyed gaze sliding upwards slowly to meet his.


“What is it, little prince?” She asked. Jinyoug’s heart hammered loudly in his chest.


Why did I speak? Park Jinyoung, you fool! Now she’s going to kill you too!


Still, it was too late to stay silent now.


“Please don’t kill him.” He blurted, “His crime is worthy of death for sure, but if you kill him here, he will never receive the proper punishment at the hands of the empress.” Ryu Soojin gazed at him for a long moment, enough to make Jinyoung wonder if he had said too much. Then, he heard her scoff softly.


“I don’t intend to kill him.” She stated, “To end his life here would be far too easy of an escape for him.” One slender finger reached out and tilted up Young Master Zhou’s chin.


“A bastard like you deserves to stay in prison for the rest of your life.” She stated, “Along with the daughter who dares to kill the father who gave you life and raised you in the best environment a child could ever ask for.” As she finished speaking, Jinyoung heard the sound of running footsteps, and he looked further down the path to see a large group of soldiers on horseback approaching. 


The royal guards!


Hearing the guards’ arrival, Ryu Soojin rose to her feet, giving Young Master Zhou one more shove to make sure he didn’t move. Certain that the young nobles weren’t going anyway, she walked back the way she had come, passing by Jinyoung on the way. 


“Prince of Goryeo.” She paused as she passed Jinyoung, making him gasp in surprise.


“Yes?” He asked, hoping he didn’t sound too terrified. 


“Always remember that you are a prince of Goryeo.” Ryu Soojin stated, “Whether you are from a vassal state or not, your status is second only to the empress. And so, do not ever beg for anyone’s life rashly. Pick and choose your battles wisely. Do you understand?” Jinyoung frowned in confusion as he turned his head slightly to look at the young woman next to him. Ryu Soojin’s gaze was cautious and careful. If Jinyoung looked carefully, he could see just a hint of earnest warning in her liquid ebony eyes. 


“Why are you telling me this?” He asked, thoroughly perplexed. Ryu Soojin cast a glance behind her at the approaching soldiers, and without answering Jinyoung’s question, she took off back down the forest path, quickly disappearing before Jinyoung could say anything. The young Goryeo prince stood staring down the path, bewildered by all that had just happened to him.


Just who was that girl? Why had she given him a warning like that? 


“Your Highness!” Jinyoung turned as someone called out to him, a sigh of relief escaping his lips as he recognized the guard standing in front of him.


“Sir Hyojun.” He greeted. 


“Are you alright?” Hyojun asked, “Are you injured anywhere?” Jinyoung shook his head. 


“I’m fine.” He replied, “Thankfully, someone saved me in time.” Hyojun looked around curiously.


“Someone?” He asked, “Who was it?” Jinyoung thought for a moment. 


“Sir Hyojun, do you know who Ryu Soojin is?” He asked. A startled expression flickered across Hyojun’s usually placid expression for a brief second, then was gone. The young guard shook his head.


“No, I do not, Your Highness.” He said. Jinyoung frowned. He had certainly seen some sort of reaction to the name of the young woman that had saved him. But seeing as Hyojun seemed intent on not providing him with an answer, it was likely better not to press the matter. 


“Very well.” He replied, “Let’s go back.”

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2033 streak #1
Chapter 37: The epilogue was so cute!!! And wow! They have so many kids... LoL... Hyojun leaving again was a bit sad but it's understandable. And the kinda Yi-En's punishment and story was funny. I really enjoyed reading this story. Hope to see you again in your future works. Wishing you good luck!!
2033 streak #2
Chapter 36: I still believe the story has come to an end. I'm still yearning for more! This was such an amazing story. Could even be made a K-drama if you ask me. Although, I do wonder if Yi-En's another consort now since they were legally married. Also, they both never addressed it. So I'm more curious than ever. LoL... Anyway, can't wait to read the epilogue. But will be back later to do so ^^
2033 streak #3
Chapter 35: I knew it! I mean that can't be true, y'know with what happened the previous chapter. Poor Jinwoo though! That child was thinking his father was abandoning him. Although it was done for his own safety. I can't wait to see how she makes her reappearance. And also, about being Yi-En's princess consort. Will be back later to read more and catch up ^^
hakimmj #4
Chapter 37: Finally for now they be happy with all their children. Can't wait for more after this. Thanks for the updates! :))
2033 streak #5
Chapter 34: Wait what???? You must be be kidding right? I mean it's a trick for some greater good right? Why do you have to drop this bomb on us while we were all so happy about the way things were going? Anyway, enough of my dramatics, I know! Will definitely be back later to read more and find out what happens herein. So until then, no spoilers please!! ^^
hakimmj #6
Chapter 36: Finally! Their strong love for each other really makes them become stronger. Soyoung finally can reclaim hers and the family. Can't wait for more moments of jinyoung and soyoung with their children. Thanks for the updates;;))
2033 streak #7
Chapter 33: Definitely wasn't expecting the twist about the consort and her role in the chaos. Glad she decided to come clean at least now and that Soyoung took it well. And she's expecting again. That's for sure I think, with all the hint that's you've given us. And I can't wait to see how this develops further. But will be back later to read more ^^
hakimmj #8
Chapter 35: Can't wait to know the identity of the woman. My instinct is so strong for the revival of soyoung. Please make them meet again and be happy:((
hakimmj #9
Chapter 34: Oh my god!! Soyoung :((
I can't believe this. Jinyoung will be so sad for this. Hope to know what happen after this.
hakimmj #10
Chapter 33: Really happy when jinyoung is back and safe. Their moments with the little prince is so sweet, can't wait to read more of their moments. Hopefully soyoung is alright. Thanks for the updates.;)