Chapter 18: Royal Sister

Phoenix Aurora (Got7 Jinyoung X OC)



Another week passed by in a blissful haze for Jinyoung and Soyoung. After Jinyoung’s jealous outburst, Soyoung had stopped spending most of her free time with Yi-en, and instead returned more often to their rooms or appeared in the royal library where Jinyoung would be studying after her morning sword practice. Every time Jinyoung saw her, he felt his heart fill with joy at the same time a smile spread uncontrollably over his face. After the morning meal, Soyoung would settle down at her desk to read the petitions that had been sent in that day, and Jinyoung would sit nearby while he read a book or a new trade proposal that had been sent in. It wasn’t much, but Jinyoung felt happy just being in the same room as his wife. Occasionally, she would ask him for his opinion on the request in the petition in her hands, and he would lean politely down next to her, his hands kept folded behind his back as he ran his eyes over the neat characters written in black ink. He would pose a suggestion to her, and Soyoung would think over it for a little bit before either rejecting or accepting the idea. Sometimes Soyoung would doze off at her desk, and Jinyoung would wrap a cape over her shoulders before returning to his seat.


When night fell and the royal couple had finished their evening meal, Jinyoung would take Soyoung into his arms, and they would fall onto the bed together, their soft laughter filling the air as they became one under the bedsheets. Sometimes, Jinyoung would lie awake after Soyoung had fallen asleep, his hand trailing gently through her hair or rubbing soothing circles over her shoulders. He would gaze at his wife and marvel at how far their relationship had come in the past six months. In the beginning, she had kept him at more than arm’s length, seeming intent on leaving him to his own devices. Then, slowly but surely, he had begun learning more about the young empress, and slowly he had worked his way past the thick walls that she kept around herself. In front of others, she was still the cold and untouchable empress of Yuan, but in front of him, she was now able to shed that mask she kept on during the day. It was more than Jinyoung could ever ask for, and he had never imagined that such a day could come when he had first been chosen to be her husband that fateful day in the Goryeo palace.


“Soyoung?” He asked one night as she dozed in his arms. 


“Mm?” Soyoung replied, not bothering to open her eyes. 


“Do you think...our first child will be a boy or a girl?” Jinyoung asked. Soyoung laughed sleepily and opened her eyes partway.


“You sure have a lot of questions all the time, little poet.” She said, “Why do you suddenly ask that?” Jinyoung shrugged.


“It just suddenly came to mind.” He replied. Soyoung sighed softly as she propped herself up on her elbow and looked down at him.


“I cannot guess what the heavens would like to give us.” She replied, twirling one strand of Jinyoung’s hair absently around her index finger, “But if I could choose, I would want to have a son first.” Jinyoung looked up at her curiously.


“Because then there is a guaranteed heir to the throne?” He asked. After all, princes would always rank before a princess in terms of successorship. Soyoung sighed again.


“That’s not all.” She replied, “If we have a son first, then he would be the default heir to the throne. That way, if we had a daughter after him, then she would be able to live a carefree life. Whether she wanted to be a demure child or learn martial arts like me, I wouldn’t mind. On the other hand, if we had a girl first, then she would face pressure to act and learn things that a prince would have to learn, because no one knows if we will be able to have a son.” A light tint of sadness tainted the smile on her face.


“If I have a daughter one day, I want her to live a different life from me.” She said quietly, “One that isn’t restricted by factors that are beyond her control, pushing her to walk only on one path.” Jinyoung felt his chest tighten as he saw the barely suppressed sadness on his wife’s face, and he reached out to rub his knuckle lightly against her furrowed brow.


“Smile a little more.” He said softly, “You look best when you’re smiling.” Soyoung chuckled softly and pulled his hand away.


“Who taught you to say that?” She asked, “Wang Jia’er?” Jinyoung shook his head and pressed her hand against his chest.


“This did.” He replied, spreading her fingers so she could feel his heartbeat against her palm. Soyoung laughed softly and leaned closer into his arms.


“Did I ever tell you how a princess like me ended up in the military barracks?” She asked. Jinyoung thought for a moment and shook his head. He had known about it for some time, but there had never been a right moment to ask why. Soyoung sighed softly.


“My mother, Consort Hua, was well beloved by my father, the prior emperor.” She said quietly, “But despite her favored position, she was never able to have any children besides Eunseong and I. Although a son, Eunseong was deemed weak since birth and it was clear he would never become a great military hero or have the strength to stake a place in court politics. On the other hand, while I was strong, I was a girl and of course ranked lower than my brothers.” A deep sigh escaped her lips as her grip tightened on Jinyoung’s arm.


“In this royal palace, where there is one emperor and hundreds upon hundreds of royal concubines, a woman’s place is mostly determined by her children and their capabilities, in addition to her family background. That is a fact I was made aware of since childhood, and I’m sure you know that as well.” She continued. Jinyoung nodded in agreement, his hands resuming rubbing soothing circles on Soyoung’s shoulder as he sensed her discomfort. His mother had been the queen, and his grandfather one of the king’s top ministers, and so his position had never been in question. After providing the king with two sons, his mother’s position was untouchable. On the other hand, it appeared it had been nearly the opposite for Soyoung. He was sure it was difficult for her to pull up the old memories of her childhood, and yet she was offering it to him before he even asked. It was another sign of her trust in him, and the growing strength of their relationship. 


Soyoung laughed dryly as she held up her hand in the air.


“The year I turned eight years old, I told myself if my father’s affection wasn’t enough to protect my mother, and Eunseong wasn’t able to do it, then I would take it upon my own hands to protect my little family.” She continued, “My father always prided himself on his military achievements in his youth, so I decided the only way to stabilize my position in his eyes was to do the same. And so, I walked in right in the middle of his morning court session and declared that I wanted to train alongside my brothers in the military barracks.” Jinyoung chuckled softly.


“His Majesty must have been shocked.” He replied. Soyoung laughed softly.


“Shocked is one way to describe his reaction.” She said, “He nearly called a royal physician on me, thinking I’d lost my mind.” She blew out her breath slowly as she clenched her outstretched hand into a fist.


“But in the end, I was able to convince him.” She said, “He thought I would surely run back in tears within a few weeks at most. But one month turned into two, then two months turned into a year, and before I realized it, I already had enough military accomplishments to solidify my little family’s place in court.” Her smile faded slightly as she recalled what came next.


“And then…” Her voice trailed off, and Jinyoung reached out to wrap his hand around hers. 

“You were able to protect them.” He said firmly, “And that is what matters. I’m sure Consort Hua was always very proud of you.” Soyoung smiled faintly as she laced her fingers through his.


“In any event, I hope my daughter will never have to go through something like that.” She said softly, “At least, not for the reasons I did it.” Jinyoung smiled.


“Our children will live their lives happily.” He swore, “I will make sure that happens.” Soyoung smiled and rested her head against his shoulder.


“I believe you, Park Jinyoung.” She replied.


The next day, Jinyoung was sitting in the shade of a large tree in the royal gardens with a book in his hands when he heard footsteps approach.


“May I join you?” Jinyoung froze as he recognized the voice speaking to him. Slowly, his gaze moved away from his book, slowly taking in the by now familiar bronze colored boots and blue and tan clothing before landing on the hesitant but gently smiling face.


Tuan Yi-en.


Something in Jinyoung wanted to be petty, to tell the Persian prince to get lost. Then, he swallowed the petty irritation rising in his chest and brushed the thought away. 


I should be gracious.


In the end, he was still the Prince Consort of Yuan, and a prince of the kingdom of Goryeo. It wouldn’t be proper to be acting like a jealous concubine, particularly in front of a guest. And besides, it wasn’t like Soyoung hadn’t set aside more time for him after his jealous outburst. 


And so, Jinyoung motioned to the ground place next to him.


“Go ahead.” He replied, a polite smile on his lips. A relieved smile crossed Yi-en’s face and he settled down next to Jinyoung. 


“What are you reading?” He asked. Jinyoung turned his book over so the other prince could see the cover of his book.


“The Spring and Autumn Annals?” Yi-en read, “Your Highness has quite a deep taste in books. That is a notoriously difficult to understand piece of work.” Jinyoung cleared his throat and puffed up his chest a little.


“I enjoy reading, even if it is difficult.” He replied, “And it is always good to learn from both the accomplishments and mistakes of previous ruling empires.” Yi-en nodded in agreement, a little smile playing across his boyish features.


“Seyoung was right when she said you were quite the scholar.” He noted. While the nickname grated on Jinyoung’s nerves again, his ears perked up at what the other prince was saying.


“She talks about me in front of you?” He asked. Yi-en nodded.


“She says you are a very intelligent person.” He replied, “You’ve been of great assistance to her ever since you two were married.” Jinyoung felt an embarrassed blush cross his cheeks as he took in the praise.


“I’m only doing my best as her husband.” He replied modestly. Yi-en laughed softly.


“You are very different from other royals that I have seen.” He noted, “And perhaps that is exactly what that lonely girl needs. Someone who will stay by her side and provide support when she needs it most, but without desiring more power than they are supposed to have.” He sighed and leaned against the tree behind them.


“I’m glad she chose you, Your Highness.” He said with a smile. 


“It could have been you.” Jinyoung muttered, feeling slightly petty again, “The one by her side, I mean.” To his surprise, Yi-en laughed at his words.


“Me?” He said, “Don’t be silly. I know there have been many rumors spreading around, particularly since Seyoung spent so much time with me after I arrived. But the seat by her side was never meant to be mine.”


“Why’s that?” Jinyoung asked, curious despite himself. Yi-en chuckled.


“Because Seyoung is like a sister to me.” He replied, “A very precious little sister. That girl had to bear the burden of protecting her family since she was very young, and so never got to experience what her half sisters did, coddled and beloved by older siblings and the prior emperor in the palace. And so, I took that role upon myself.” He turned his head slightly to look at Jinyoung.


“I only wish for her to receive happiness from a man who truly cares for her in this life.” He continued, “And I’m sure that person will be you.” Jinyoung blinked in surprise as Yi-en reached out and hit him lightly on the shoulder. a little sister? Then...that means their close relationship was never more than a sibling relationship?


“So, there is no need to be jealous of our relationship.” Yi-en said teasingly, “We are siblings, nothing more. Besides, I like wandering the world, seeing what I couldn’t when I served as a political hostage here in Yuan. I could never sit still inside the palace as her husband.” Jinyoung felt his cheeks flush, realizing he had completely overthought what Yi-en meant to Soyoung.


“She told you about that too?” He asked, “Soyoung really tells you everything.” Yi-en chuckled.


“Of course.” He replied, “There are no secrets between siblings.” The Persian prince squeezed Jinyoung’s shoulder gently.


“I’ll be leaving soon.” He said, “But this time, I feel easy leaving that girl in your hands. Please take good care of her. It is not easy to capture the empress’ trust and affection. Do not do anything to forsake that trust she has placed in you.” Jinyoung smiled and nodded.


“I won’t.” He replied, “But why are you leaving so soon? I think Soyoung will miss you.” Yi-en laughed.


“Perhaps she will, but there are still many places I want to visit.” He replied, “And besides…” He leaned close and winked playfully.


“I don’t want to get stuck between you two.” He said, “Or else somebody will be getting jealous.” Jinyoung blushed as he recalled the day just a week before when he had all but demanded that his wife speak with him alone, his mind completely covered by a haze of jealousy.


“I apologize for overreacting that day.” He mumbled, coughing awkwardly. Yi-en laughed.


“It is understandable.” He replied, “The fact that you reacted like that just means you really care for Seyoung. To be honest, I’m glad to see someone care for her that much.” Yi-en rose to his feet and brushed dirt from his robes.


“I will leave this lonely girl in your hands, Park Jinyoung.” He said, “And I hope when I return next time, there will be a little niece or nephew for me to spoil.” Jinyoung blinked in surprise and then laughed.


“We’ll try our best.” He replied. Jinyoung watched as Tuan Yi-en walked off, the sun reflecting off the golden hairband in his hair. A tiny smile crossed his face.


Perhaps next time, we really can become friends.



One month later


“Your Majesty.” Soyoung’s gaze shifted upwards ever so slightly as she heard a voice call out to her.


“What is it?” She asked as she saw the attending eunuch standing in front of her. The old man held out a flat cream colored envelope.


“A letter has arrived for you.” He said, “I think it’s best if you read it now.” Soyoung frowned in confusion, but held out her hand and took the letter. 


Who could it be that is so important?


Slipping out the sheets of paper folded neatly within, Soyoung quickly scanned the neat lines of calligraphy written there before her lips turned downwards in a confused frown. 


What in the world…?



“What? Your sister?” Jinyoung looked up in surprise from his food as Soyoung told him about the letter she had received earlier that day. Soyoung nodded, a frown pursing her lips.


“Yes.” She replied, “My younger sister by two years, to be exact. She is the next eldest princess below me and was married to the eldest son of the mayor of Xanadu when she was fifteen years old.” Jinyoung tapped a finger lightly against his chin.


“I have heard good things about that young man.” He recalled, “He seems to be a well educated person, ambitious but not overly greedy for power. He is expected to take over as mayor of Xanadu when his father passes away, is he not?” Soyoung nodded.


“That is exactly why I chose him to be Hyeyoung’s husband.” She replied, “She wasn’t willing to marry of course, but it wasn’t up to question. The country wasn’t stable enough at that time to let her choose who to marry, and his family had always been loyal to the royal family. I knew she’d be in good hands if I married her to him.” Soyoung sighed softly as she recalled what had been written on the letter.


“Their relationship seemed to be going alright.” She mused, “Not particularly loving, but not hating each other either. Her husband hasn’t taken any concubines, and I haven’t heard of any complaints from either of them. But...why did she suddenly come back to the capitol? And she wants to stay in the royal palace as well.” 


“What kind of person is your sister?” Jinyoung asked, curious. Soyoung thought for a long moment before responding.


“I can’t say I remember much about her after I went to train in the military camps.” She said, “But even before that, I remember her being a coddled and spoiled child. Her mother was one of my father’s favorites, a princess sent over as part of an alliance agreement between her country and the Yuan empire. Her mother also gave birth to two sons before Hyeyoung, which made her even more favored. When the first empress died, it was said my father wanted to name her mother as the next empress, and would have if a majority of the court officials hadn’t been against a foreign princess becoming mother of the empire.” She scoffed softly.


“Eunseong always told me Hyeyoung always got her way. She had a way of putting on a pitiful act when it became useful, and easily had our father wrapped around her finger.” She concluded. Jinyoung raised an eyebrow.


“She doesn’t seem like a pleasant person to be around.” He noted. Soyoung smirked.


“Not particularly.” She agreed, “I avoided most of the inter-sister competition because I was away focused on other things, but the cat fights between her and the other princesses never turned out pretty. You should have seen her face when I declared I had found a husband for her.” 


“She wasn’t willing to go easily, was she?” He asked. Soyoung laughed.


“She threw a fit and refused to eat or drink up until the day of the wedding.” She said, “But I wasn’t about to give in, and ordered that one way or the other she would be on that marriage palanquin at the auspicious time and married out of the city. Even if she had to be carried into the palanquin, I would do it.” Jinyoung chuckled.


“I would expect nothing less from you, Wife.” He teased. Soyoung kicked his shin lightly under the table, an amused smirk playing across her lips.


“When there is neither father, mother, nor brother, the eldest sister plays all those roles combined.” She said, “In any event, I did it all for her own good.”


“So, do you intend to let her enter the palace?” Jinyoung asked. Soyoung sighed.


“I’m not sure.” She said, “I couldn’t tell what her motives are from her letter, and she didn’t mention a single word about why she suddenly decided to return. I’ve already sent some soldiers to check on matters over in Xanadu, but it will be some time before they return, and Hyeyoung is arriving in a few days.” Her gaze rose slowly to meet Jinyoung’s.


“What do you think I should do?” She asked. Jinyoung thought for a moment before reaching out and taking her hand in his.


“I think you should let her stay in the palace. Perhaps you don’t like her, but she is still your sister.” He said, “Something bad must have happened to cause her to suddenly leave her marital home and return to Khanbaliq. Besides, who knows what the people will say about you if word gets out that you refused to let your own little sister stay in the palace when she was in trouble? You know how gossip changes form as it gets spread from one person to another.” Soyoung gazed at him for a long moment, her lips parted slightly in surprise. Then she laughed softly and pulled Jinyoung over to her for a soft kiss.


“It seems that my little poet has matured.” She noted, “You know how to consider the image of the royal family now.” Jinyoung chuckled.


“I know how to consider your image, Wife.” He corrected, “You are the beloved empress of Yuan, after all. I wouldn’t want that image to be ruined just because you didn’t let your sister stay in the palace.” Soyoung smiled and nodded. 


“Very well then.” She said, “I will send my word tomorrow that Hyeyoung will be allowed to stay in the palace while she is visiting.”


A few days later, Jinyoung


“Her Highness, Princess Hyeyoung has arrived!” The attending eunuch’s voice rang loudly through Soyoung’s personal library, accompanied by the rapidly approaching sound of slippered feet brushing across the ground. Soyoung set aside the records she had been reading, her gaze settling on the doorway instead. Jinyoung followed her gaze curiously, wondering what this princess would be like. A few moments later, a figure dressed in robes of pale pink and white appeared in the doorway, followed by two maids. Unlike Soyoung’ s clothes, the young woman’s robes had been designed to flutter as she moved, giving off an ethereal aura. Her hair was tied in two small knots on either side of her head, allowing the rest to fall freely down her back. White elegant hairpins were placed on either side of her head, matching the hairpiece on top. She had features that reminded Jinyoung of a porcelain doll, with large eyes and light skin. Her lips were pressed into a demure smile, her hands folded in front of her politely even as she walked. She gave off the feeling of gentle, delicate beauty, a doll that one should touch carefully lest she break under his touch. 


Jang Hyeyoung.


In some ways, it was almost impossible to believe that this young woman was Soyoung’s half sister. They were both beautiful, but that was where the similarity ended. From what Jinyoung could see, Hyeyoung was the epitome of a gentle demure lady, one who had been taught to cook and sew since childhood, raised to be an elegant lady who listened to her husband. On the other hand, Soyoung was a proud and confident seasoned warrior, certain in all that she did. She didn’t expect to be questioned all the time, and if someone ordered her to do something, Jinyoung was certain she wouldn’t go down without a fight first. 


Yes, it really was hard to believe that both women came from the same bloodline. 


On the other hand, it really was hard to believe that Hyeyoung was what Soyoung had said she was. She looked anything but crafty and spoiled, nor did she seem like someone who always had to have her way. 


Perhaps Soyoung misheard while she was away in the military camp?


Hyeyoung stopped a few feet away from where Soyoung and Jinyoung were sitting and curtseyed politely.


“Royal Sister.” She greeted, “It has been a long time.” Soyoung sighed softly before stepping forward and gently placing her hands under her sister’s arms.


“Please rise, Sister.” She said, “There is no need for such formalities between us.” 


“A subject must still follow the proper codes of etiquette, even if we are family.” Hyeyoung replied, keeping her head bowed. Jinyoung felt himself nodding slightly in agreement before he stopped himself.


She is well educated in royal etiquette.


Soyoung waved for a maid to walk Hyeyoung to a chair before returning to her own seat. Then, Hyeyoung’s gaze fell on Jinyoung.


“You must be my Brother-in-Law.” She said, smiling warmly, “It is my pleasure to greet you.” Jinyoung held up a hand as she began to stand up and bow again.


“There is no need, please sit down.” He said, “It is I who should be greeting you, as my Sister-in-Law.” Hyeyoung smiled shyly and dipped her head.


“Brother-in-Law is quite a gentleman.” She noted. Jinyoung smiled at the praise, then heard Soyoung cough. He looked over to see her staring at him sharply, her lips turned downward in a barely perceptible frown. Catching on quickly, Jinyoung cleared his throat and looked away from Hyeyoung. Soyoung shook her head slightly before turning her attention back to her sister.


“Hyeyoung, what brings you back all of a sudden?” She asked, “Your letter didn’t say why.” Hyeyoung took a deep breath, folded her hands in her lap, and looked straight at Soyoung.


“Royal Sister, I would like to request to return to living in the palace for the time being.” She stated directly. Soyoung raised an eyebrow and exchanged a glance with Jinyoung. The request was not only out of the blue, but also strange. Even in Yuan, where women had far more freedom to act as they wanted, it was strange for a married woman to suddenly return to the home she had married out of. There were only a few reasons Jinyoung could think of; either the woman had been divorced, or there was something terrible enough going on in her marital home that she had to leave temporarily. Soyoung maintained a placid look on her face as she looked over at Hyeyoung.


“And why, Sister, do you want to do that?” She asked. Hyeyoung fidgeted slightly in her chair for a few moments, her fingers tightening around the part of her dress falling around her knees. Then, she sniffled softly and brushed at her eyes before responding.


“My Father-in-law, the mayor of Xanadu, has been very ill, and his body refuses to get better. My husband and his brother are currently fighting over how to split the future inheritance.” She said quietly, “My husband is afraid that if they continue arguing like this, his brother will try to do something to harm me, and so told me to leave Xanadu for now.” Her gaze was pleading as she gazed up at Soyoung.


“Royal Sister, I beg of you.” She pleaded, “Please let me stay. There is nowhere else I can go.” Hyeyoung’s eyes were watery as she recalled the events that were going on in her husband’s family, her delicate hands clenching together tightly as she tried not to cry. For all intents and purposes, she really did just seem like a delicate, gentle young wife who had become terrified of the events at her marital home. Soyoung had warned that Hyeyoung had a way of acting pitiful when it was necessary, but for a moment Jinyoung wondered if perhaps this time, she was being sincere. In that moment, looking at the desperate look on her face, Jinyoung felt pity for the young princess.


“Soyoung…” He began quietly, but Soyoung reached out and squeezed his hand lightly, silencing him with a slight shake of her head before turning to look back at her sister.


“Hyeyoung, there is no reason why I should ask you to live elsewhere in a time of trouble.” She replied, “You are a princess of the great empire of Yuan. Why should you go anywhere else? I will have the servants prepare the chambers you lived in before you were married.” Hyeyoung’s eyes lit up in delight.


“Thank you, Royal Sister!” She exclaimed, “Thank you so much!” Soyoung nodded with a light smile on her face. 


“Go and bring my sister to rest.” She said, motioning to the servants that had come in with Hyeyoung, “And unpack her things quickly so that she may live comfortably.” Hyeyoung took her leave with a quick curtsey, and Jinyoung turned to look at his wife curiously as they departed from the library.


“Why didn’t you let me speak?” He asked, “You allowed her to stay anyway.” Soyoung’s footsteps slowed, and she turned to look at him, clasping her hands behind her back.


“Tell me, little poet.” She said, “If I had agreed to let her stay right after you spoke on her behalf, what would have happened?” Jinyoung thought for a moment before speaking.


“She likely would have been very grateful to me, because she would think I persuaded you to allow her to stay.” He replied, “And given her manners, she would have likely sought a way to thank me.” Soyoung smirked and poked him lightly on the forehead, eliciting a soft yelp of surprise from the young prince.


“Not bad.” She said, “That is precisely what I want to avoid.” Jinyoung frowned in confusion.


“But she is your sister.” He said, “She seems alright. Perhaps you heard wrong about her while you were away.” Soyoung sighed.


“And the fit she threw before her wedding day?” She asked. Jinyoung shrugged lightly.


“It wasn’t a man of her own choosing, after all.” He replied, “It wouldn’t be a surprising reaction. Don’t forget, the fiery Empress of this country shares the same bloodline as her.”


“Perhaps.” Soyoung answered, giving him a light smack on the arm for his reference to her temper, “But it is better to be more careful. It is impossible to guess what a woman is thinking, and I’m certain her reputation didn’t just come out of nowhere. Also, I still have to investigate the reason she gave for returning to the capitol so suddenly.” Jinyoung raised an eyebrow.


“You don’t seem to be buying her story.” He noted. Soyoung frowned and shook her head.


“I let her stay for now because it’s the proper course of action given our statuses.” She replied, “But to think that the brothers would fight over the inheritance like that...they were always known to have a close relationship. The elder brother is intelligent and the clear choice to inherit their father’s position, while the younger brother likes to play and spend his days freely. Why would they suddenly be fighting that desperately over their father’s official position?” Jinyoung nodded in agreement. While he didn't know much about the situation Xanadu, Soyoung's analysis did make sense. 


"And besides." Soyoung muttered, "I still haven't forgotten what happened the last time you were too friendly with other women."


“Are you sure you’re not just trying to keep another woman away from me?” Jinyoung asked with a teasing grin. Soyoung smirked lightly, then reached out and took her husband by the chin.


“Park Jinyoung, are you teasing me right now?” She asked, a barely suppressed amused look on her face. Jinyoung chuckled softly.


“I dare not, Your Majesty.” He replied with a smile, “I merely speak the truth.” Soyoung scoffed and resumed walking with a flick of her head.


“I’ve said it once before, and I’ll say it again.” She tossed over her shoulder, “It’d be best for you to stay away from my sister. There is no smoke without a fire, and I’d rather you not get burnt by it.” Jinyoung smiled faintly and hurried to catch up with her.


“I will keep my distance.”  He replied. Jinyoung didn’t expect it to be difficult; from what he had seen, Hyeyoung seemed like the demure type. If she stuck to that code of behavior, it was unlikely she would approach another man that easily. It wouldn’t be hard to keep his distance. 


As the pair walked on down the path away from Soyoung’s personal library, Soyoung’s footsteps slowed, and she turned her head back towards the library.


“What is it?” Jinyoung asked. Soyoung was silent for a long moment, her gaze focused on the small hallway next to the library’s doors that lead to another part of the palace. A slight frown pursed her lips, then she shook her head.


“Nothing.” She said, laying one hand lightly behind Jinyoung’s elbow to steer him forward, “Let’s go.” 


 As the Empress and Prince Consort walked away from the Empress’ private library, a pair of embroidered pink slippers peeked out from behind the corner of the hallway leading behind the library. Hyeyoung’s gaze was focused on the backs of the Empress and her husband as they walked away, her face devoid of the demure and gentle expression that had been there just moments before. A dark frown turned down the corners of her lips, her hands clenching tightly in front of her. Just the sight of Soyoung’s smile and the slightly playful teasing glint in her eyes was enough to send a fire raging through Hyeyoung. 


“My Lady.” Her personal maid whispered softly from behind her, “As kind as the Prince Consort is, you must not forget what it is we came here to do.” Hyeyoung scoffed softly.


“How could I forget?” She replied. Her gaze narrowed, her hands slipping down to her stomach as she spoke.


“Jang Soyoung, I will certainly take back what should have been mine, and more.” She swore, “You just watch me.”



For the first few days, it was as if nothing had changed. Jinyoung and Soyoung went about their daily activities as usual, and Hyeyoung stayed in her part of the palace. 

Then, one day, Jinyoung was reading a book while sitting under the shade of one of the large trees in the royal garden when a gentle voice reached his ears.


“Brother-in-law?” Jinyoung looked up with a start as he was drawn out of his thoughts, and he found himself looking into a pair of sparkling dark eyes. 


“Ah, Sister-in-law.” He greeted with a bob of his head, “You surprised me.” Hyeyoung giggled, slender fingers pressed against her lips politely.


“My apologies, Brother-in-law.” She said, “I didn’t realize you were so deep in thought. What are you reading?” Jinyoung hesitated for a moment before speaking.


“It will probably bore you.” He said as he held out the book to her, “Even I don’t fully understand this book.” Hyeyoung took the book from him and turned it over lightly in her hands, flipping through a few pages before speaking. 


“The Annals of Master Yan?” She said, “I’ve studied some of this myself before. It is quite a profound piece of work, and full of interesting lessons that are applicable even today.” Jinyoung stared at her in surprise. He had expected that just hearing the title would be enough to bore Princess Hyeyoung into leaving him. But instead, it seemed to have had the opposite effect. At the same time, it was difficult to believe that a supposedly coddled princess had read such a complicated book as the Annals of Master Yan. Hyeyoung giggled slightly as she looked at what was likely a confused expression on his face.


“You don’t seem to believe me, Brother-in-law.” She noted. Jinyoung blinked and slapped at his cheeks.


“Is it obvious?” He asked, “Soyoung always says I’m an open book.” Hyeyoung giggled again and nodded. 


“May I sit?” She asked, motioning to the empty spot next to Jinyoung, “I always love a chance to speak with someone who enjoys the same books as I do.” Jinyoung hesitated, Soyoung’s warning to him coming to mind. Still, Jinyoung was becoming awfully curious about Princess Hyeyoung. It was rare for him to find someone who enjoyed scholastic endeavours as much as he did, much less a woman who liked the same books as he did. Although intelligent, Soyoung had long made it clear that old classics and scholarly teachings was neither her forte nor her interest, and so Jinyoung had limited his discussions to weekly meetings with other scholars outside the palace who had no idea he was the Empress’ husband. Finally, his curiosity won out, and Jinyoung moved over slightly to make room for his sister in law.


“Please.” He said, motioning to the spot next to him. Hyeyoung’s eyes lit up, and she settled elegantly into the offered seat. Before Jinyoung knew it, he found himself deep in conversation with Hyeyoung, the sound of their chatter alternating with amused laughter floating through the air. As she had said, Hyeyoung was well versed in the classics, not just the one in Jinyoung’s hand but also many others that Jinyoung had researched in the past before his marriage to Soyoung. Hyeyoung had thoughts and insights that Jinyoung had never considered before, and Jinyoung was fascinated to hear all that she had to say. It was a type of conversation that he could never have with Soyoung, because she had absolutely no interest in what he could spend hours thinking about. Before Jinyoung realized it, the sun was high in the sky, and he heard the sound of grumbling coming from his stomach. Jinyoung’s cheeks flushed in embarrassment as he rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.


“It seems we have talked into the lunch hour.” He noted. Hyeyoung smiled and nodded in agreement.


“Brother-in-law, would you like to try my cooking?” She asked, “You can take it as a thank you gift for talking with me for so long. It has been a long time since I had such an enjoyable conversation with someone like this!” Jinyoung frowned slightly at the suggestion. He usually ate lunch with Soyoung, and he had likely already spent more time with Hyeyoung than he should have. 


“I should go back.” He answered, “Soyoung is probably waiting for me. It wouldn’t be good to keep her waiting for too long.” Hyeyoung looked disappointed for a moment, then nodded.


“I understand.” She said, “I shouldn’t hold back my sister’s husband for too long. It wouldn’t be right.” Jinyoung nodded, flashing her a small smile.


“I’m glad you understand.” He replied, then bowed, “If you will excuse me.” 


“Brother-in-law.” Hyeyoung’s voice made Jinyoung turn back for a moment as he rose to leave.


“I want to walk around the capitol for a little bit.” She said, clasping her hands in front of her, “I haven’t been back in so many years, after all. If it wouldn’t be too much trouble...could you take me around? I don’t have too many friends left around the city, and I cannot possibly bother Her  Majesty.” Jinyoung bit his lip as he thought over her invitation. On the one hand, it wouldn’t be completely out of the ordinary to be walking around with a family member, particularly one who hadn’t been back to her home city for a long time. But on the other hand, they were both married people; if they got too close, there would certainly be unsavory murmurings spreading around the palace. But then, there was still the lingering question about why Hyeyoung had suddenly decided to return to the palace; she had said it was due to the fighting between her husband and his brother, but Soyoung still seemed uncertain about that answer. If Jinyoung was able to establish a good relationship with Hyeyoung and get more information out of her, perhaps that would be helpful to Soyoung and ease her concerns about her sister’s sudden return.


“I should have time in a few days.” He replied at last, “I can take you around then.” Hyeyoung’s eyes lit up. 


“Thank you so much, Brother-in-law!” She exclaimed, clapping her hands together excitedly. Jinyoung chuckled slightly and resumed his trip back to his chambers.


As Jinyoung turned his back and eventually disappeared around the corner, the gentle look once again slipped off Hyeyoung’s face and was replaced by a satisfied smirk. 


You’re easier to grasp than I imagined, Park Jinyoung.



There was an odd tenseness in the air as Jinyoung opened the doors to his chambers and spotted his wife sitting at the table laden with dishes that the kitchen had prepared. Despite the delicious smells in the air that were making his stomach grumble hungrily, Soyoung’s gaze was darker than the bottom of a burnt pan, and Jinyoung knew better than to think it was because of the shadows cast by the sunlight on the walls. Clearing his throat and waving the attending servants out the door, Jinyoung smiled and settled into the seat next to Soyoung.


“I’m back, Wife.” He greeted, “What have the kitchens prepared for us today? It all looks delicious.” When Soyoung didn’t answer, he carefully placed a few pieces of food into the empty bowl sitting in front of her.


“Here, try some of this.” He said, “This type of meat is your favorite, is it not?” Soyoung pushed the bowl away from her and turned her head away, crossing her arms in front of her chest. Jinyoung sighed.


“What’s wrong?” He asked, “Did something happen at court while I was away?” 


“I lost my appetite the moment I heard that a certain little poet was chattering quite happily with his sister in law in the royal gardens.” Soyoung muttered, “Right after I finally finished a two hour long conversation with the lords of the court over how to deal with the flooding that had happened in one of the coastal towns.” Jinyoung gulped as he heard her response.




He laughed awkwardly.


“You heard?” He said. Soyoung raised an eyebrow.


“I am the empress of this empire.” She said firmly, “Do you think I wouldn’t even hear about my husband talking for hours with my own sister, right after I told him to stay away from her?” Jinyoung swallowed hard, realizing his wife was right.


“We were simply talking about some classics.” He said, looking away, “That was all. She is very well versed in classical literature. And besides, you could have sent someone to get me.” Soyoung’s frown deepened at his suggestion.


“And make myself look like a foolish petty wife, for the entire palace to see?” She asked, “Not a chance.” She reached out and turned Jinyoung’s face towards her with a slender finger.


“Besides, I wanted you to tell me yourself.” She said, “Because I trust that you wouldn’t keep secrets from me.” Jinyoung smiled faintly and lightly took her hand in his.


“And I never intended to keep it a secret from you.” He replied, “We really were just talking about books, nothing more.” Soyoung frowned.


“Then tell me, why did you decide to speak with her even after I warned you not to get close to her?” She asked. Jinyoung sighed softly.


“I’ll admit I had an ulterior motive.” He replied honestly, “She seemed to be so knowledgeable about the old classics, and I rarely come across a lady with her knowledge. I really wanted to talk with her about her thoughts on the old scholars and their writings.” He held up a hand as Soyoung opened to protest.


“And on the other hand, aren’t you still wondering why she suddenly returned to the capitol?” He added, “I thought if I established a good relationship with her, then she would tell me some more information.” Jinyoung squeezed her hand lightly.


“I promise. If she tries anything, I’ll step back immediately.” He promised, “Trust me, Soyoung. Let me help you with this. It’s not like Hyeyoung is the same as Uncle Jaewon.” Soyoung gazed at him for a long moment before sighing softly.


“I trust you.” She said softly, “I once gave my word that I would trust you, and I intend to keep my word. But if Hyeyoung is even slightly connected to Royal Uncle…” Jinyoung chuckled softly.


“That girl? It’s highly unlikely.” He said, “She’s the demure and quiet type.” Soyoung scoffed.


“You speak as if you know her very well.” She grumbled. Jinyoung laughed and pushed the bowl of food back towards his wife.


“You’re getting jealous again.” He teased, lightly steering the topic away from Hyeyoung, “Is that why you lost your appetite?” Soyoung frowned as she looked down at the bowl.


“No.” She said, “Although it didn’t help. I haven’t had an appetite for these dishes lately.” Jinyoung raised an eyebrow.


“But you usually love lamb and beef dishes.” He noted, “Are you feeling unwell? Has Eunseong taken a look at you?” Soyoung shook her head.


“I’m fine.” She assured him, “I’m sure it’s just the stress from dealing with the flooding incident lately.” 


“Well you should still eat a little.” Jinyoung insisted, “Or else, you won’t have the energy to address any other issues that come up.” Soyoung sighed and nodded.


“I’ll try.” She said softly. Jinyoung grinned and pushed a different dish towards her. 


“This one is made with sour pickled vegetables.” He said, “It’ll be good for stimulating your appetite.” Soyoung nibbled obediently on a piece of pickled vegetable, and the two ate in silence for a few moments.


“And...Soyoung?” The empress looked over as Jinyoung spoke again. He hesitated for a few moments before continuing.


“Hyeyoung asked if I could take her around the capitol in a few days.” He said, “I thought it would be helpful to build a stronger relationship between us, and so I…” He trailed off, and Soyoung sighed. 


“Go on.” She said, “She hasn’t been back to the capitol for years, and I’m sure many things have changed since her wedding day.” Jinyoung looked up in surprise.


“You don’t mind?” He asked. Soyoung frowned.


“How could I not?” She replied, “My husband is going to be walking around the city with my sister, just the two of you. But, because I trust you and I am aware of your reasons for doing so, I’m not going to keep you from going. I’m not that possessive over my husband.” Jinyoung smiled in relief. 


“You are such an understanding woman.” He said with a grin. Soyoung merely grunted softly as she returned to nibbling on her food, and Jinyoung made sure to spoon more onto her plate.


Soyoung, I’ll make sure you didn’t trust me in vain!


That night, Soyoung found herself dreaming again. 


In her dream, she was walking through a narrow path in a forest at night, a bow and arrow in hand. All around her, all she could see besides darkness were tall trees that stretched on for miles. The sound of animals rustling in the bushes filled the air, but the darkness shrouded them from Soyoung’s view. Suddenly, she heard the sound of a branch cracking in front of her as something stepped on it, and Soyoung quickly lifted her weapon to aim for whatever animal had risked appearing in front of her. Then, she froze as her eyes landed on the most beautiful creature she had ever seen. 


The animal was a tall elegant stag, it’s body glowing as if made of brilliant silver light. The light that radiated from the creature was so bright Soyoung had to raise a hand to shade her eyes as the animal approached. The animal walked proudly, as if it knew it was the king of the forest that surrounded Soyoung. Its light footsteps carried it to Soyoung, and she stared in surprise as the animal bowed as if submitting to her. Carefully putting aside her bow and arrow, Soyoung reached out hesitantly towards the stag. The animal’s body was cool to the touch, its skin soft and silky to the touch. The deer gazed up at her, its eyes wide and trusting as Soyoung patted it lightly on the muzzle. 


Then, Soyoung’s eyes widened in surprise as the deer slowly turned into rays of light under her touch, the lines defining its body melting away into silver light. The light collected into a glittering sphere in front of Soyoung, and she reached out curiously to touch it. The moment her fingers touched the sphere, the light grew brighter, and a moment later, Soyoung’s eyes widened as the sphere moved forward and melted into her body. Although the deer had been cool to the touch, the light that filled Soyoung’s body was warm and gentle. The warmth then collected slowly within itself until Soyoung could only feel it in her lower abdomen. Soyoung’s hands laid lightly over her stomach, her eyes wide with confusion.


What is this warmth?




“Soyoung?” The empress’ eyes opened slowly, and she saw Jinyoung hovering over her, a concerned gaze on his face.


“You were making odd noises in your sleep.” He said, “Did you have a nightmare again?” Soyoung blinked as the last vestiges of her dream faded away, and she shook her head.


“No.” She replied, “I’m fine. It was just a strange dream.” She lightly squeezed Jinyoung’s shoulder.


“Go back to sleep.” She urged. Jinyoung gazed at her for another moment in concern, then laid back down on his side of the bed. As he pulled her into his embrace once more, Soyoung let her mind wander back to the dream, her hands subconsciously moving to her stomach. She could still feel the warmth from the light that had entered her, as if her encounter with the stag had really happened.


Just what was all that?


Author's note: A new character is here! Just what is Jang Hyeyoung up to? Please subscribe and read on to find out! 

On another note, any guesses on what Soyoung's dream was all about?

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2026 streak #1
Chapter 37: The epilogue was so cute!!! And wow! They have so many kids... LoL... Hyojun leaving again was a bit sad but it's understandable. And the kinda Yi-En's punishment and story was funny. I really enjoyed reading this story. Hope to see you again in your future works. Wishing you good luck!!
2026 streak #2
Chapter 36: I still believe the story has come to an end. I'm still yearning for more! This was such an amazing story. Could even be made a K-drama if you ask me. Although, I do wonder if Yi-En's another consort now since they were legally married. Also, they both never addressed it. So I'm more curious than ever. LoL... Anyway, can't wait to read the epilogue. But will be back later to do so ^^
2026 streak #3
Chapter 35: I knew it! I mean that can't be true, y'know with what happened the previous chapter. Poor Jinwoo though! That child was thinking his father was abandoning him. Although it was done for his own safety. I can't wait to see how she makes her reappearance. And also, about being Yi-En's princess consort. Will be back later to read more and catch up ^^
hakimmj #4
Chapter 37: Finally for now they be happy with all their children. Can't wait for more after this. Thanks for the updates! :))
2026 streak #5
Chapter 34: Wait what???? You must be be kidding right? I mean it's a trick for some greater good right? Why do you have to drop this bomb on us while we were all so happy about the way things were going? Anyway, enough of my dramatics, I know! Will definitely be back later to read more and find out what happens herein. So until then, no spoilers please!! ^^
hakimmj #6
Chapter 36: Finally! Their strong love for each other really makes them become stronger. Soyoung finally can reclaim hers and the family. Can't wait for more moments of jinyoung and soyoung with their children. Thanks for the updates;;))
2026 streak #7
Chapter 33: Definitely wasn't expecting the twist about the consort and her role in the chaos. Glad she decided to come clean at least now and that Soyoung took it well. And she's expecting again. That's for sure I think, with all the hint that's you've given us. And I can't wait to see how this develops further. But will be back later to read more ^^
hakimmj #8
Chapter 35: Can't wait to know the identity of the woman. My instinct is so strong for the revival of soyoung. Please make them meet again and be happy:((
hakimmj #9
Chapter 34: Oh my god!! Soyoung :((
I can't believe this. Jinyoung will be so sad for this. Hope to know what happen after this.
hakimmj #10
Chapter 33: Really happy when jinyoung is back and safe. Their moments with the little prince is so sweet, can't wait to read more of their moments. Hopefully soyoung is alright. Thanks for the updates.;)