Chapter 33: Ghosts of the Past

Phoenix Aurora (Got7 Jinyoung X OC)


Soyoung froze slightly as she heard what the butler was offering her.


“What are you talking about?” She asked hesitantly, reaching out to take Jinyoung’s hand which was squeezing her shoulder reassuringly. 


“I’m sure Your Majesty is quite aware of what this servant is talking about.” The butler answered, “The truth behind the death of your father, and all of the chaos that happened among the princes as they fought for the throne afterwards. Haven’t you always wanted to know the truth?” Soyoung took a shuddering breath before answering.


That’s true, I did always want to know. 


“I will listen to what you have to say first.” She said at last, “And then I will decide whether or not to trust your word.” The butler hesitated as Soyoung gave her temporary decision, but seemed to decide it was worth the risk. 


“The entire matter was a plot set up by the Grand Preceptor.” He said, “He had always thought he was more suitable for the throne than the previous emperor was. It only grew worse when it was clear that your father wasn’t the type of emperor that could be controlled from behind. But behind it all, he was not the only one involved.”


“Of course not.” Soyoung replied, “My uncle couldn’t have possibly planned a coup all by himself.” The butler shook his head.


“No, Your Majesty.” He said, “The thing is…Royal Consort Qi was also involved in the entire matter.” Soyoung’s eyes widened in surprise. 


The former Royal Consort Qi…


Consort Qi had been one of her father’s many concubines in the inner harem, but that was not all. 


Consort Qi was also Soyoung’s biological aunt, the younger sister of Consort Hua, the mother of Soyoung and Eunseong. 


Soyoung felt go dry. Her memories of her aunt were nothing but positive. Although both her aunt and mother had been chosen to enter the palace, the two sisters had maintained a close relationship, straying far away from the competitive nature of life in the inner harem while the other concubines fought endlessly to gain the emperor’s favor. Both had managed to bear children nevertheless, and they were content with what they had. Although Soyoung’s half brother borne by her aunt had perished during the fight for the throne, Soyoung had bestowed both mother and son with posthumous honors after it was all over. But now, all that the butler was saying threatened to turn all she knew about her aunt upside down. 


“What are you talking about?” She demanded, “My aunt was a rare positive light among the walls of the palace. I will only add to your punishment if you dare to sully her name.” The butler shook his head.


“I only speak the truth, Your Majesty!” He said earnestly, “Royal Consort Qi was his lordship’s main partner in the entire coup!” 


“And why would she bother to plot a coup with another man against her husband?” Soyoung demanded.


“Because…because the royal consort and his lordship were lovers!” The butler blurted at last, hanging his head as he finally spoke of what had likely been the most taboo topic during his entire time at the Grand Preceptor’s manor. Soyoung’s eyes widened in shock, her heart pounding loudly in her ears. An illicit relationship between an imperial consort and another man was strictly forbidden; everyone who stepped into the palace gates knew that. If the emperor discovered the relationship, the consort’s entire family and clan could get implicated as well. 


“How dare you expect me to believe that!” Soyoung growled, “You are not only sullying my aunt’s name, but also my mother’s clan!” 


“Soyoung.” Jinyoung’s gentle grasp on her shoulders cut through the furious haze settling over her mind, “Calm down.” Soyoung took a few shuddering breaths as Jinyoung’s warm palm rubbed soothing circles on her back. 


“Continue.” Soyoung said at last, waving a hand at the butler. The butler looked nervously at Jinyoung before continuing.


“Few people know about it, but the Grand Preceptor and Consort Qi were lovers long before she entered the palace. In fact, he had been planning on asking the previous emperor for marriage, but she became of age for the inner harem selection and was chosen to enter the palace.” He continued, “As Your Majesty surely knows, there is no refusing the decision to enter the harem as an imperial concubine. After that, they could only keep their relationship a secret. His lordship promised Consort Qi that her son would be made the next emperor once the coup was over, but the prince died among the chaos that reigned afterwards.” Soyoung scoffed.


“Are you trying to convince me that a man like my uncle is capable of something like love?” She demanded incredulously, “I would never believe something like that, much less believe that he was willing to hand the throne over to one of my brothers instead of taking it for himself.” The butler shook his head.


“It’s all true, Your Majesty!” He pleaded, “The Grand Preceptor planned to put a puppet emperor on the throne and control from behind the scenes. But in the end, there was one variable that he hadn’t foreseen which completely destroyed his plans.” Although the man didn’t specify what the variable was, it wasn’t hard for Soyoung to guess what it was.



Jang Soyoung, the warrior princess whom many would have expected to be killed during the rebellion, survived and was pushed onto the throne. 


Soyoung sighed deeply and closed her eyes briefly before speaking.


“Am I supposed to believe such an unbelievable story based on your word alone?” She asked, “There is no one to confirm what you have said here today.”


“You can confirm it with Consort Qi herself!” The butler answered eagerly, “She will definitely be able to confirm it!” Jinyoung frowned.


“Isn’t Dowager Consort Qi long dead?” He asked, “The records have her written as killed during the fight for the throne. She was even given posthumous honors.” The butler shook his head.


“You see, Your Majesty…” He trailed off, his gaze darting away nervously.


“Speak!” Soyoung demanded, causing the man to jump at her sharp voice.


“Consort Qi never died!” The butler blurted, “I came across her after her son’s death and happened to be in a position to save her from the rebels. I thought I’d hide her and move her to the Grand Preceptor’s manor afterwards, but before I could reveal that she was alive, his lordship told me it was better for her to be dead because he didn’t want his past relationships coming back to haunt him in the future! I took pity on Consort Qi, and instead of revealing that she was still alive, I sent her to my hometown to live out the rest of her days under a false identity. She is still alive!” Soyoung stared at the butler, stunned. 


“You do realize that you have lied to the imperial family this entire time, don’t you?” She asked coldly, her tone filled with warning. The butler fell to his knees again and bowed repeatedly.


“Please spare me, Your Majesty!” He cried. Soyoung sighed.


“Forget it.” She said, “Where is my aunt living now?”


“Xanadu.” The butler answered honestly. Soyoung sighed again. 


The summer capital. To think, my own aunt was alive right in front of me and I never caught wind of it! 


It does make sense that he chose to hide her there though. The more dangerous the place, the safer it is, after all.


“One more question.” She said at last, “How did they manage to kill my father? The physicians all said he died of a sudden illness, but I never believed a single word of that.” The butler dipped his head shamefully.


“That was Consort Qi’s doing.” He answered, “This lowly servant does not know exactly what happened, but I know Consort Qi used another younger consort to take the previous emperor’s life.”


Soyoung took a shaking breath and looked at the butler straight in the eyes.


“If you dared to speak even one false word to me, I will have your head within seconds, do you understand?” She warned, “If you have anything to correct, now is the time.” The butler shook his head, terrified.


“All I have said is the truth, Your Majesty!” He insisted. Soyoung nodded and rose to her feet.


“Keep a close eye on this man.” She ordered the soldier standing guard, “And have him write down and sign to everything he said today. He must stay alive until I give further orders, do you understand?” The guard bowed his head before dragging the butler out of the room.


“Your Majesty, please remember what you promised!” The butler’s voice echoed down the hallways as he was dragged away, his cries eventually fading into the distance. Soyoung blew out her breath and took Jinyoung’s hand as they walked out of the imperial prison.


“What do you think about what he said?” She asked as they strode slowly down the path away from the prison. 


“I feel that he has no reason to lie.” Jinyoung answered, “It might sound ridiculous that a consort everyone thinks has died is still alive, but it’s not altogether impossible. That man was betting his life on everything he said.” Soyoung swallowed hard.


“Still, to think that my own aunt was in an illicit relationship with my uncle, and that they were working together to pull down my father…” She shook her head, “It’s absolutely beyond comprehension! In my memories, my aunt was always warm and gentle, how could she…?” Jinyoung gently wrapped an arm around her shoulders.


“We don’t even know if he was telling the truth yet.” He murmured soothingly, “Don’t think too much into it yet. It’s bad for your health.” Soyoung sighed deeply and turned to pull Jinyoung into a hug. Jinyoung’s soft chuckle echoed in her ear.


“Your Majesty, the servants are going to see us.” He murmured. Soyoung huffed and only pulled him in tighter.


“They’ll turn away.” She answered, “Just let me hold you for a little while.” The hug lasted for a while before the royal couple finally finished their walk back to Soyoung’s study.


“So, have you decided what you will do about Consort Qi?” He asked. Soyoung nodded.


“I’m going to go find her.” She answered. 


“That is far too dangerous.” Jinyoung protested immediately, “Assuming Consort Qi is really there, you don’t know what she’s like now, who she lives with, or what her attitude towards you will be.” Soyoung shook her head.


“The only way to know exactly what happened is to ask her directly.” She answered, “I will present it as taking a trip through the empire to check on the status of my people. It’s something that all rulers periodically do during their reign, so it won’t come off as suspicious.” Jinyoung opened his mouth to protest again.


“But, darling-” He began, but Soyoung pressed a finger to his lips.


“You may come with me, if you wish.” She said, “I was going to bring Jinwoo along anyway.”


“Bring Jinwoo along?” Jinyoung spluttered, “He is only a toddler!”


“And the most likely future heir to my throne.” Soyoung added, “He should know what is out there in the empire.” Jinyoung groaned. 


“Can’t you send someone else to check on Consort Qi?” He asked. Soyoung shook her head.


“I can’t trust anyone with this.” She answered firmly. Jinyoung gazed at his wife’s determined expression and knew there was nothing he could do to change her mind, nor was it his place to do so. 


This might be Soyoung’s only chance to know what happened to her parents. It’s not my place to stop her.


“Very well.” He said with a sigh, “But I will be coming with you.” Soyoung grinned and kissed the back of his hand.


“I knew you’d say that.” She declared. Jinyoung smirked and pulled her in closer for a deep kiss.


“I’ll be taking more of those as payment for agreeing.” He murmured teasingly against her lips, “Little wildcat.” Soyoung laughed, her soft breath tickling his lips. 


“Scheming poet.” She murmured between kisses, turning her body in a swift movement so that he was sandwiched between her and the desk. Jinyoung smirked and pulled her in again. 


“I will have you pay for that, wife.” 



The planning process seemed to take forever, but one month later, Soyoung and Jinyoung were finally ready for their trip towards Xanadu. The sun was high in a cloudless sky as the caravan set off, seeming to signal a happy trip ahead of them. 


“Mama, where are we going?” Jinwoo asked eagerly as he peeked out the window of their carriage, his eyes wide with excitement. Soyoung laughed softly and pulled her son back into the safety of their carriage.


“Somewhere you have never been before.” She answered, gently smoothing over the little boy’s wrinkled robes, “You will be seeing Mama’s empire.” Jinwoo wrinkled his nose in confusion.


“Empwire?” He asked, tilting his head curiously. Jinyoung nodded and ruffled the boy’s hair.


“That’s right.” He said, “That means the great country that your Mama rules, and that you will rule one day as well.” Jinwoo’s confused frown only deepened at what Jinyoung said, and Soyoung chuckled as she smoothed away the boy’s wrinkled brow.


“Jinyoung, you’re confusing our son.” She teased. Jinyoung huffed.


“I am not the one who is already arranging teachers for him.” He grumbled. Soyoung laughed and reached over to give her husband a kiss on the cheek.


“Petty.” She teased. Jinwoo wriggled his way between his parents before Jinyoung could protest.


“Jinwoo too!” He exclaimed, looking up brightly at Soyoung,” Mama, Papa, Jinwoo too!” Soyoung laughed and smoothly placed her son snugly between the two of them. As Jinwoo grew older and realized the value of kisses, he began asking for one every time he saw his parents doing the same. 


“Where should I give our little Jinwoo a kiss?” She asked, gently tickling the boy’s soft cheek with a finger, “Here? Or here?” Jinwoo squealed in delight and wriggled into Jinyoung’s arms.


“Papa, Mama tickle me!” He squealed with a laugh. Jinyoung laughed and cuddled his son closer to him.


“Bad Mama, right?” He murmured, kissing the toddler on the cheek, “Bad Mama!” 


“Jinyoung!” Soyoung scolded, but Jinyoung pressed his cheek against Jinwoo’s, and Soyoung knew there was nothing else she could say. The older Jinwoo got, the more he resembled Jinyoung. When both of them sat together and looked at her with the exact expression on their faces, she couldn’t help but give up on whatever she had been insisting on just moments before. 


“Oh forget it.” She muttered, a small smile on her lips. The trip out of the capitol and through the surrounding forests went without a hitch, and Soyoung watched as Jinwoo and Jinyoung slowly fell asleep. The little boy had been so excited about the trip the night before, he refused to sleep, and Jinyoung had taken it upon himself to entertain the child until the toddler finally fell asleep. Soyoung pulled off her cloak and gently draped it over the two most important men in her life before pulling open the cloth curtain covering the carriage window. The sound of birdsong could be heard through the trees, as if they were welcoming her into their world. Soyoung closed her eyes and took a deep breath of fresh air. Despite knowing what came ahead, with Jinyoung and Jinwoo by her side, Soyoung felt surprisingly at ease.


I hope that this entire trip can be a peaceful one.



The royals had planned a four month trip around the nearby cities, with Soyoung and Jinyoung returning to Khanbaliq with enough time to prepare for the Goryeo king’s birthday celebration. It might have seemed strange to some for the ruler of the Mongol empire to go all the way to Goryeo for the celebration of a vassal state’s king, but at the end of the day, the king was still Soyoung’s father-in-law. Even with her position, there were still some things she had to do. 


The first two months of the trip went relatively smoothly. Jinwoo was more than happy to explore every city they visited, his eyes lighting up at the sight of new snacks and games. Every day, he would take Jinyoung’s hand and insist on going outside to explore, which Soyoung granted after seeing how happy her son was. For the first time, the little prince could simply be a little boy and enjoy his carefree days like any other child her age. It wasn’t something Soyoung had been given at his age, and she was more than happy to let her son enjoy his childhood when he had the chance to. For Soyoung, it was the first time in forever that she could pretend to be a regular couple with Jinyoung. Although she knew that even out here, she took every step under the watchful gaze of several guards hidden along the street, no one else knew she was the ruler of the entire empire. No one had any expectations about her, and no one was there to bind her with the stifling rules of the palace. Out here, she was only Jang Soyoung. 


Their first few cities seemed to be operating smoothly. The citizens looked happy, the streets were clean, and no one was making a fuss at the magistrate’s office. No secret reports came to Soyoung about nobles repressing the commoners, and business went on as usual. Before Soyoung knew it, they were well on their way to Xanadu. 


“Soyoung.” Soyoung turned her head at the sound of Jinyoung’s voice, her eyes never leaving the stack of documents on her lap. A plump sweet snack landed on her lips a moment later, right at the exact moment she started wanting one. A small smile turned up her lips as the delicious taste filled . She had come across the fruity snack at the last city they visited, and since then she couldn’t keep herself away from them, so much so that the chefs she had brought with her had to immediately learn how to make it. Jinyoung chuckled softly.


“I never imagined the grand ruler of the entire empire would fall for a street snack.” He teased. Soyoung huffed in exaggerated irritation and merely opened for another one, which Jinyoung helpfully gave her.


“You simply don’t understand how delicious they are.” She replied simply. 


“If you eat too many, you’re going to get fat.” Jinyoung teased again, holding the plate of snacks away from her. Soyoung frowned slightly and pulled Jinyoung closer to her by the collar. 


“When did my little poet get so bold?” She asked, leaning close enough that their lips almost touched, “You seem to have forgotten how to hold your tongue around me.” Jinyoung looked startled at their sudden proximity for a second before his handsome face broke into a smile.


“Ever since my wife let me do this.” He answered, leaning in to give Soyoung a quick kiss before moving to the other side of the carriage. Soyoung could only laugh and shake her head as she returned to her reading. Even after a few years of marriage and a child born from their union, Jinyoung still had a way of leaving her speechless with his gentle affection. Still, although Jinyoung had only been teasing, Soyoung’s hand lingered over her abdomen as she flipped the page. 


Am I imagining things?


Soyoung was wearing a loose fitting dress, but as she lightly touched her stomach, she almost felt like her stomach had indeed grown rounder than before. The young empress thought for a moment, then shook her head. 


I must be imagining things.


The caravan arrived at Xanadu a few days later, and Soyoung felt uncharacteristic nerves flutter in her chest as she looked up at the large plaque marking the city gates. 




Is this really going to be the place where I’ll find the answers I’ve been searching for?


“Your ladyship.” A guard appeared at the front of the carriage as they arrived at the inn, “Would you like to visit that person immediately?” Soyoung shook her head.


“Send some trustworthy men to find out where she is, what her current situation is like, and who is around her first.” She answered. The guard bowed before waving a few men over to one side to carry out what Soyoung had ordered. 


“Mama, can we go play?” Jinwoo asked, his eyes wide in delight. Soyoung laughed softly and patted his head lightly.


“Tomorrow, little one.” She answered, “I’m a little tired.” Jinwoo seemed disappointed, but nodded in agreement. The royal caravan soon settled into their lodgings, and Soyoung leaned her head tiredly against Jinyoung’s shoulder as they sat and gazed out the window at the bustling city. Jinyoung’s warm hand rubbed soothing circles on her shoulder.


“All that traveling must have taken a toll on you.” He murmured softly, “On top of everything, you had to look after Jinwoo as well. We should have gone to the summer palace to stay.” Soyoung sighed softly and nestled closer to her husband, closing her eyes as she let the city sounds fill her ears.


“I’ll be fine after some rest.” She responded, “It’s been a long time since I’ve been back in Xanadu. If we went to the palace, everyone would know the empress had arrived and I’d never get a moment alone with you.” The city had the official title of the summer capital, but Soyoung preferred Khanbaliq over Xanadu, and so she rarely ever made a visit outside of unavoidable official matters. 


And besides, if my aunt hears that I’m here, she’ll likely try to run away.


“I grew up in Xanadu.” She murmured sleepily, “Did you know?” 


“Did you?” Jinyoung answered curiously.


“Mm.” Soyoung responded, “But I’d always sneak out of the palace and run up and down the streets with the commoner children. Mother always scolded me when I got back, especially when I dragged Eunseong out with me instead of letting him study. I’d tell her I was helping Royal Father scout out how the people were doing.” Jinyoung chuckled.


“That type of speech could have gotten you into a lot of trouble.” He noted. Soyoung laughed softly.


“It could have.” She agreed, “But it helped that I was a girl, and had inherited my father’s straightforward personality from his youth. Anytime he heard about it, he found it more amusing than anything.” Jinyoung picked up Soyoung’s hand and gently kissed her fingers.


“So you did have some happy moments in your childhood.” He mused. Soyoung opened her eyes slightly.


“Perhaps.” She answered, “It’s very faint in my memory now. In any event, that was all before I volunteered to join the new army recruits. After that…” She swallowed hard, and Jinyoung kissed her forehead softly.


“Let’s stop there.” He murmured, “It’s all in the past now. Get some rest instead.” Soyoung nodded and closed her eyes again.


“Thank you, Jinyoung.”



The next week was full of pure and simple happiness. As promised, Soyoung and Jinyoung took Jinwoo exploring around the city, with Soyoung using the opportunity to observe how her people were living in the other capital of her empire. With the exception of a few official businesses that were found to be abusing their authority around the city, which Soyoung duly took care of with the local magistrate without making it obvious that the empress herself had arrived in the city, everything seemed to be going well with the citizens of Xanadu. Jinwoo was more than delighted to explore the city, and Soyoung took the opportunity to spoil her little child with local food and toys that he couldn’t find in Khanbaliq. At night, she took some time away from work to tell him stories she could remember from her childhood in Xanadu, and Jinwoo would listen with full attention while Jinyoung sat nearby and watched them with a warm smile on his face. 


Then, after a week, news came from Soyoung’s men that a woman matching Consort Qi’s physical description had been found. The former consort ran a small tavern near the edge of the city, where rent was lower and more affordable. After taking a day to prepare herself, Soyoung and Jinyoung went to visit the tavern for themselves. The tavern itself was a humble little establishment, barely two floors but comfortably full with customers and certainly making enough for a woman to survive on. Servers rushed around the little tavern, plates of steaming food in their hands. Heads turned as Soyoung and Jinyoung arrived with a few disguised guards in tow. Soyoung had cut down on the amount of guards following her to avoid drawing attention, but it seemed like the appearance of an unfamiliar face was enough to grab some attention from the patrons.


“Have you noticed?” Jinyoung whispered to Soyoung, “All the waiters are women.” Soyoung nodded. Jinyoung was right; most taverns were usually staffed by men, with the occasional woman thrown into the mix. At most, female employees were staffed in the kitchens rather than showing their faces outside among the customers. For those who did work in the front of a restaurant, they were often performers used to entertain the guests. But here, things were different. There were no entertainers, nor were there any men in sight among the waiters. All of them were women. 


How interesting.


Soyoung took a large private room upstairs overlooking the tavern, where she could get a good sense of the surroundings without being obvious. When the food arrived, Soyoung’s eyes widened in surprise. She had told the waiter to serve their most popular dishes, but the dishes that appeared were unexpected, to say the least.


To be specific, Soyoung had once eaten all the different dishes on the table before. 


Every dish on the table had been food that Consort Qi had often made in the little kitchen in her palace every time Soyoung and Eunseong came to visit. Soyoung remembered her aunt as being an excellent cook, and she had always looked forward to eating simple delicacies from her mother and aunt’s hometown. Her hand trembling ever so slightly, Soyoung picked up a piece of meat from the closest dish and placed it in . The crisp, sweet taste of beef stewed in a fruit based sauce filled , and Soyoung knew she had found the right place.


The dishes had been simplified for life outside of the palace, expensive ingredients swapped out for basic ones, but the taste was still the same as Soyoung remembered. A soft sigh escaped her lips as she put down her chopsticks.


“Call a waiter here.” She said simply, squeezing Jinyoung’s hand as he gave her a curious look, “This is the place.” A young woman arrived before long, and Soyoung tossed a bag of money at her.


“Take this to your boss and tell her I’d like to reserve this entire tavern tomorrow.” She said to the startled waiter. The young woman stared in surprise, taken aback by the sudden order.


“P-pardon?” She stammered. 


“I said, I’d like to reserve this entire tavern tomorrow.” Soyoung answered, “Don’t make me repeat myself again.” The young woman bit her lip. 


“I apologize, My Lady.” She said, “But our boss has a hard rule that she will never allow anyone to buy out the entire tavern for a day.” Soyoung raised an eyebrow.


“Oh?” She said, “And why is that?” 


“Our boss says that if the nobles are allowed to reserve the entire tavern, then where will the customers go?” The waiter replied, “Everyone should be allowed to eat here when they want to, not just those with more money than they can spend in a lifetime. Our boss treats the rich and the commoners the same.” 


“How rude!” One of the guards snapped harshly, but Soyoung raised a hand as the young woman ducked in fear. 


“Well said.” She mused, “Treating the rich and the commoners the same.” 


How ironic, given her background and previous lofty goals. Is this her attempt to make amends for her past?


The young waiter nodded eagerly.


“Our boss is very kindhearted!” She blurted, “She treats everyone very well. She even takes in young women with nowhere else to go like me and gives us a job and a roof over our heads! You can ask anyone else here, My Lady, and they will say the same thing!” Soyoung sighed.


“Enough.” She said, “I didn’t ask about the owner’s accolades.” With another sigh, Soyoung reached up and untied a jade pendant necklace hanging around her neck. 


“Go and show this to your boss.” She said, handing the necklace to the young waiter, “She will understand what she needs to do.” Although confused, the young woman did as she was told. She returned before long, confusion written all over her face.


“Aunt Qi said she will reserve the entire tavern for your tomorrow, My Lady.” She said, handing the necklace back to Soyoung. Soyoung nodded before waving the girl out silently. 


“That’s odd.” Jinyoung commented, “Why did she suddenly change her mind after you showed her the necklace?” Soyoung smiled dryly as she refastened the necklace around her neck.


“Because there are only two of these necklaces in the world.” She answered, “One for my mother, and the other for my aunt. Once she saw the necklace, I knew she would have no choice but to agree to see me.” A soft sigh escaped her lips as she bit into a different dish, then frowned as her stomach immediately roiled and bile rose in . 


“Are you alright?” Jinyoung’s eyes widened as Soyoung gagged and spat out the piece of food in , “Does it taste that bad?” 


“Horrid.” Soyoung muttered as she quickly drank her tea to rid of the taste. Jinyoung frowned as he tried the same dish she had just eaten from.


“It tastes good!” He exclaimed, “The cooking here is excellent!” Soyoung only shook her head and drank more tea. Her stomach hadn’t felt well for the past few days, but Soyung had only chalked it up to exhaustion from traveling and irregular eating. A thought suddenly crossed her mind as she suddenly recalled the last time she had felt like this. 


Could it be…?


No, it couldn’t be. That’d be too big of a coincidence. I must be overthinking this.




The next day arrived quickly, and Soyoung left Jinwoo in the care of Eunseong and several trusted maids before heading out with Jinyoung to see her aunt. The tavern was empty as promised, save for the young women who worked there.


“Aunt Qi is waiting for you inside.” One of them said, motioning for Soyoung to go inside. The empress left her guards scattered in various places around the tavern before taking Jinyoung to the indicated room. Her heart pounded nervously as she paused by the door, her hand hanging hesitantly by the wood and paper frame. Jinyoung reached out and took her other hand reassuringly.


“It’ll be alright.” He said quietly. Soyoung smiled at him gratefully and nodded before taking a deep breath. Her slender fingers pushed open the doors, and Soyoung narrowed her eyes slightly as she let her gaze adjust to the outpouring of sunlight streaming in through the window. As her eyes settled, Soyoung’s gaze fell on a woman standing by the table in the middle of the room. The woman looked to be about 40 years old, and she was dressed in a simple dark green dress paired with a silver hairpin. As Soyoung gazed at her, it was as if her mind peeled away the years from the woman’s face, smoothing the wrinkles just starting to appear and returning her to a face that Soyoung had seen frequently in her youth.


Aunt Hayeon.


“Your ladyship.” The woman spoke at last, breaking the silence that had settled around the room, “I believe you wanted to see me.” Soyoung blew out her breath silently as she realized her aunt couldn’t recognize her. 


“Indeed.” She answered as she straightened her back and took a seat by the table, pulling down Jinyoung next to her, “Thank you for agreeing to meet me.” The woman shifted uncomfortably.


“It is my pleasure to have a visit from someone as esteemed as yourself.” She answered after a long pause, “And I could hardly refuse after you…” She swallowed hard.


“After you showed me that precious item.” Aunt Qi finally said. Soyoung raised an eyebrow.


“Oh?” She said, feigning curiosity, “This item is precious? How so?” She pulled the necklace from her pocket as she spoke, dangling it casually between her fingers. Aunt Qi gazed at it for a long desperate moment before finally speaking.


“Please, My Lady, where did you get that necklace?” She cried, “Please tell me! It belonged to someone very precious and beloved to me!” Soyoung scoffed dryly as she put the necklace on. 


“Beloved?” She repeated, a wry smile on her face. Aunt Qi jumped as Soyoung slammed her hand on the table. 


“How beloved was this person to you, when you willingly caused her death?” She demanded, “Tell me!” The woman trembled as she sank to her knees, the blood draining from her face as she began to realize what was happening.


“You are…from the palace?” She whispered in shock. Soyoung laughed dryly.


“Aunt.” She said for the first time since she had come across her long lost relative, “You’ve merely left the palace for a few years. Have you already forgotten the face of your own niece?” Consort Qi’s lips parted in surprise, her eyes filling with tears as she took in Soyoung’s words. Slowly, she crawled to her knees, her trembling hands reaching up to touch Soyoung’s face.


“Soyoung?” She whispered, “You are Soyoung? My little Soyoung?” Soyoung slapped Consort Qi’s hands away from her.


“Don’t touch me.” She growled, “You traitor!” 


“Soyoung, please listen to me! I didn’t want this, I didn’t want it at all!” Consort Qi cried, “It was all him! That man led me astray with his sweet words and fed me lies until I did as he said!” Soyoung sighed deeply, her face looking conflicted.


“Even now, you are trying to hide the truth?” She asked, “Even now, when I am standing in front of you?” She rose to her feet, her hands trembling with anger.


“How dare you lie to me when you caused my beloved mother’s death!” She cried angrily. The world suddenly spun around her, and Soyoung heard Jinyoung’s voice cry out as she lost her footing and abruptly fell back into her seat.


“Soyoung!” Jinyoung’s comforting embrace wrapped around her, his hands rubbing her shoulders gently, “Deep breaths.” Soyoung closed her eyes briefly as she waited for the world to stop spinning. 


“Consort Qi.” Jinyoung spoke as Soyoung collected herself, “We were already told everything about what happened between you and your lover, including the plot to take the throne. There is no need for you to continue lying like this. My wife is your own niece who you watched grow up. Won’t you just tell her the truth?” 


“What..?” Consort Qi sounded shocked as she took in what Jinyoung was saying, “Jaewon…Jaewon told you everything? Impossible, he would never tell anyone!” 


“Consort Qi.” Jinyoung answered simply, “When did I ever mention the Grand Preceptor’s name?” Consort Qi’s eyes widened, her face turning paler as she realized Jinyoung had tricked her into talking with a few words. Then, she laughed bitterly as she fell to the ground.


“An intelligent boy.” She commented, “An intelligent boy indeed. I would expect nothing less from the man who my niece chose.” An unreadable expression filled her eyes as she looked up at Soyoung.


“You were always a bright child, Soyoung.” She said, “Intelligent and bold, always knowing what she wanted. It’s no wonder you are the one who emerged at the top and took the throne at the end.” A deep sigh escaped her lips.


“Very well.” She said, “I knew this day would come eventually. I’ve already lived so many years in peace, it’s time I pay the price for my actions. You came all the way here to find out what happened that year, didn’t you? I have hidden from the truth long enough. It’s time for me to pay the price for my crimes. But before I do that, I have one request from you, Soyoung.” Soyoung looked down at her aunt slowly, a weary expression on her face.


“And what is that?” She asked.


“Spare the reputation of my son.” Consort Qi replied, “He is already dead, I don’t want his name to be sullied even in the afterlife. No matter what, he is still your brother.” Soyoung sighed deeply.


“I am not a tyrant who fails to differentiate between right and wrong.” She answered simply. 


“Very well.” Consort Qi said, “I will tell you all you want to know.” Soyoung motioned for her to continue, and Consort Qi took a deep breath as she folded her hands over her lap.


“You are correct.” She said, “The Grand Preceptor and I were lovers when we were younger. He was my first, and my one true love. If I hadn’t been chosen to join the harem, I would have married him long ago. But what could we do? The royal edict came, and we hadn’t been engaged at the time. You know very well that a royal edict must be obeyed. We continued secretly meeting up in the palace, and it helped that the previous emperor did not favor me very much. The years passed quietly just like that. But then, as the previous emperor grew older and it started becoming clear he was thinking of a successor, Jaewon came to me with a daring proposal: we could take the throne for my son. After that, the boy could rule as he wished, and we could live together, away from the public eye. He promised me that he would step away from politics if we managed to place my son on the throne!” Soyoung scoffed.


“Step away from the public eye?” She said, “What a joke. The Grand Preceptor has been secretly after my position for years. How could he have ever thought of stepping back from politics? Aunt, you were too foolish to believe his words just like that. You say you loved him, but did you truly know the real him? He merely used your feelings for him.” Consort Qi hung her head.


“I know I should have known better.” She said, “But I was deeply in love with him, even after all those years, to the extent that I was willing to turn a blind eye to everything he was doing.” Soyoung sighed deeply.


“Enough about your illicit relationship.” She growled, “I didn’t come all the way to hear about that embarrassing part of the imperial family’s history. How did you kill my father?” Consort Qi swallowed hard.


“It was a rare type of poison from the western regions.” She answered, “It was slow acting, but its effects couldn’t be distinguished very well from regular illness and aging. I bribed a maid to mix arousing medication in His Majesty’s drink every time he called a consort to serve him in bed, which made things move along quicker. Within a year, his weakened body completely wore itself out and he died from what looked like a sudden illness. The plan had been to put my son on the throne and later remove the other princes through other means, but I don’t know why everyone suddenly started to fight for the throne! I lost contact with Jaewon, and before I knew it, everything had fallen into chaos in the palace.” A desperate look filled the old consort’s face again as she grabbed Soyoung’s hand.


“Child, it was all his idea!” She insisted again, “I was led astray by his sweet words, that’s all!” Soyoung shot the older woman a sharp, cold gaze, sending her falling back to the floor again. 


“What an embarrassment.” Soyoung groaned as she closed her eyes and laid her hand against her forehead for a long moment. She had long wondered how her father had died, but to hear that he had essentially died in large part because of bed business, and likely didn’t even realize what was happening when he died, was not what she had been expecting. Her father had been a war hero in his youth and a well beloved ruler in the earlier years, but Soyoung had to admit that as he grew older, she remembered him growing less attentive to his duties and choosing to spend his days in the inner harem instead, leaving a messy court and far too many younger siblings for Soyoung to address by the time she took over the throne. 


“And why didn’t you say anything in the end?” She asked at last, “You should have known I was the one who inherited the throne. You could have stepped forward and told me everything I needed to know. Why did you instead choose to hide?” Consort Qi bit her lip.


“I was afraid.” She answered hesitantly, “Plotting against the emperor is a crime worthy of not only my own death but my entire maternal family as well. I couldn’t risk it, even after you succeeded the throne. I tried to see Jaewon after everything had settled a little, but he refused to see me and instead sent his butler to send me away from the capitol. I was so afraid of seeing anyone besides him by then that I chose to flee as he had told me to. Before I knew it, several years had passed, and I thought everyone had forgotten about this old consort.” 


“Until now.” Soyoung said quietly, and Consort Qi nodded woefully.


“Until now.” She echoed. Soyoung swallowed hard as she thought over everything she had just heard. Jang Jaewon had made it sound like he was going to put Consort Qi’s son on the throne, but all of a sudden, every prince was making a move for the dragon throne. If he had stuck to his word, that was unlikely to happen; in every generation and every dynasty, there were always princes who chose to stay away from the fight for power, and it was always clear which princes had the best chance to become the next emperor. If suddenly everyone was up in arms, then it was likely Jang Jaewon had instigated something among a few key princes, which then led to them forming alliances with their own brothers and making a grab for power after the previous emperor had passed. 


“Aunt.” She said at last, “Do you have anything that can prove what you have said to me today? Something like a letter or a note, perhaps?” Consort Qi hesitated, then shook her head.


“No.” She said, “I burned everything from then, because I wanted to cut ties with my past.” Soyoung gazed at her aunt carefully. Based on her aunt’s speech, it was clear that she still held some affection for the Grand Preceptor. But at the same time, in order to save herself, Consort Qi was willing to throw Soyoung’s uncle out as a shield and push all the blame onto him instead. 


“Aunt.” She said softly, “Do you realize you gave your heart to a man who wanted you dead as soon as his plan fell to pieces?” Consort Qi’s eyes widened.


“Impossible!” She cried, “In all my years in the palace, if there’s one thing I was certain of, it was Jaewon’s feelings for me! He would never…!” Her voice trailed off as Soyoung pulled the butler’s signed testimony from her sleeve and unfolded it slowly, one slender finger tapping the spot where he had written the truth behind her departure from the capitol.


“If the butler hadn’t taken pity on you and sent you out of the city instead, you would have gone to meet my father in the underworld a long time ago.” She said simply, “Even with this, do you still intend to protect him?” The color drained from Consort Qi’s face again, and slowly, she let out a dry laugh. 


“Very good, Jang Jaewon.” She said, “Very good. You used me to do your dirty work for so long, tricking me with your honeyed words, and this is how you repay me.” 


“Do you have anything that will prove what he conspired to do all those years ago?” Soyoung asked, “Any letters or something like that?” Consort Qi hesitated, her mind seeming to flutter between turning on the man she had loved for years and exposing the truth of the man that had betrayed her. Finally, she sighed.


“I’ll be right back.” She said at last. Soyoung motioned for a few guards to go with her aunt, who returned a few moments later with a box in her hands.


“I’d kept this as a memento of times gone by.” Consort Qi said as she handed the box to Soyoung, “But if that man no longer cherishes our time together, then I see no need to protect him either.” Soyoung opened the box curiously, a frown crossing her face as she picked up a ring sitting on top of a thin stack of envelopes inside.


“This is…” Her voice trailed off as she exchanged a confused glance with Jinyoung. 


“A ring that your grandfather had made for each of his sons.” Consort Qi replied, “It was meant to be a unique signet ring for each son, but Jaewon never used it. He always felt bitter that your grandfather had chosen your father to be the crown prince instead of him, so he refused to use it and instead made his own. Few people have ever seen the ring or the mark on it.” Soyoung turned the ring over in her hands a few times. She had seen her father’s signet ring as well as her own before, but she had never seen one from any of her uncles before. But, judging from the material the ring was made of and the intricate patterns on the stamp, it was certainly not something a regular citizen could have made and used. 


“And how would you have this?” Soyoung asked. Consort Qi laughed dryly.


“When I was much younger and deeply in love, I wished to have a lover’s token from the man I had given my heart to.” She answered, “I also would have done anything for Jang Jaewon. And so, when I saw this ring, I requested that he give it to me. In the end, it became a symbol of our secret love letters, a mark that only he and I knew about. That way, he always knew when letters were coming from me.”


“And these letters?” Soyoung continued, flipping one open casually. 


“The only written proof of our planning back then.” Consort Qi answered, “Jaewon never wrote down any of his plans out of security concerns. The only time he mentioned it was when he was temporarily sent into exile by your grandfather under suspicion of harboring intentions to steal the throne. I wrote to him regularly then, and he must’ve been so angry over being sent away that there were several times when he wrote assurances to me that he would be back, and that our plan would definitely succeed.” Soyoung’s frown deepened as she ran her eyes over the letter she had opened, her eyes narrowing as she realized her aunt was telling the truth.


“Very well.” She said, “Thank you for telling me everything, Aunt.” Consort Qi hesitated before she responded.


“What do you intend to do with all of this?” She asked. Soyoung smirked slightly.


“What else could I do with it all?” She responded as she rose from her seat, “I believe we are done here.” 


“Do you really not intend to punish me at all?” Consort Qi asked, causing Soyoung to pause by the door. Soyoung closed her eyes briefly and sighed. 


“Consort Qi has already died a long time ago.” She said after a long thought, “But new evidence has appeared that rather than maintain her loyalty to her husband, she continued an improper relationship with the Grand Preceptor throughout her entire time at the palace. For that, Consort Qi will be stripped of her posthumous titles and demoted to a commoner, her body to be moved from the concubines’ tomb in the imperial burial grounds.” Soyoung swallowed hard before turning around to look at her aunt.


“As for you, Aunt Qi.” She continued, “You are nothing more than the owner of this little tavern. Live your life peacefully for the rest of your days. I thank you for your hospitality.” Tears filled Consort Qi’s eyes as Soyoung and Jinyoung left the room, and loud wails could be heard coming from the room as the guards fell into their place a respectful distance behind the imperial couple.


“That is a rather light punishment, don’t you think?” Jinyoung mused, looking at Soyoung curiously. Soyoung scoffed dryly.


“Indeed.” She answered, “But I am not a cruel tyrant. That woman was one of the few who gave me a shred of warmth and kindness in my childhood. No matter what, I cannot look past that fact. And besides…perhaps living on will be even crueler for her than taking her life directly.” Jinyoung reached down and took Soyoung’s hand in his, his thumb rubbing soothing circles over the back of her hand.


“Still, I’m surprised she handed over what we wanted just like that.” He said, “Are you sure her words can be trusted?” Soyoung smirked slightly, her hand tightening over the box in her hand.


“Jinyoung, do not underestimate how quickly people can turn on each other in the palace, especially the women whose entire lives revolved around gaining the emperor’s favor and picking the right side in order to survive another day behind the red imperial walls.” She warned, “There aren’t that many things that a person won’t do to survive, especially when told the one person they held dear had long betrayed them.” 


“Does that include you?” Jinyoung asked quietly. Soyoung smiled faintly.


“I intend to be different from the rest of them.” She answered simply, “But if anything should go wrong, I hope you remember that there are a few people that I will never turn on. And that includes you.” Jinyoung smiled, his footsteps coming to a brief stop as he leaned down and kissed the top of Soyoung’s hand.


“I believe you.” He replied. 




A hushed silence descended over the inn that night as it always did, as its inhabitants went to bed to rest after a long day of going about their lives. Soyoung and Jinyoung lay in the warm embrace of the other’s arms as they slept, Jinyoung’s arm resting comfortably over Soyoung’s hip as her head rested against his chest. Then, the peaceful night was suddenly broken in a flurry of movement as the young empress suddenly bolted from bed, barely managing to push her husband’s arm away without waking him up before she ran to the chamber pot at the other side of the room. The sound of retching broke through the quiet night, Soyoung’s body heaving as she coughed and gagged over nothing in particular. A cold sweat broke out over her face, her head starting to ache as she continued to dry heave over the chamber pot. When the wave of nausea finally subsided, Soyoung sank to the ground and rested her head against the cool wall with a groan, her eyes closing as the room seemed to spin around her. 


What’s wrong with me?


Everything had tasted fine during dinner, and she hadn’t eaten anything new. So why was she feeling sick? 


A thought came to Soyoung’s mind again, one that had occasionally come to her once or twice already during her trip. 


Could it really be…?


Soyoung’s gaze slowly lifted up to the sky, where she could see the moon slowly starting to fade and prepare itself for the sun to rise. Before long, all the shops and restaurants on the busy street below would start to open its doors for business, including all the local physicians and apothecaries. Soyoung swallowed hard and pushed herself to her feet.


It’s time to find out.


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2033 streak #1
Chapter 37: The epilogue was so cute!!! And wow! They have so many kids... LoL... Hyojun leaving again was a bit sad but it's understandable. And the kinda Yi-En's punishment and story was funny. I really enjoyed reading this story. Hope to see you again in your future works. Wishing you good luck!!
2033 streak #2
Chapter 36: I still believe the story has come to an end. I'm still yearning for more! This was such an amazing story. Could even be made a K-drama if you ask me. Although, I do wonder if Yi-En's another consort now since they were legally married. Also, they both never addressed it. So I'm more curious than ever. LoL... Anyway, can't wait to read the epilogue. But will be back later to do so ^^
2033 streak #3
Chapter 35: I knew it! I mean that can't be true, y'know with what happened the previous chapter. Poor Jinwoo though! That child was thinking his father was abandoning him. Although it was done for his own safety. I can't wait to see how she makes her reappearance. And also, about being Yi-En's princess consort. Will be back later to read more and catch up ^^
hakimmj #4
Chapter 37: Finally for now they be happy with all their children. Can't wait for more after this. Thanks for the updates! :))
2033 streak #5
Chapter 34: Wait what???? You must be be kidding right? I mean it's a trick for some greater good right? Why do you have to drop this bomb on us while we were all so happy about the way things were going? Anyway, enough of my dramatics, I know! Will definitely be back later to read more and find out what happens herein. So until then, no spoilers please!! ^^
hakimmj #6
Chapter 36: Finally! Their strong love for each other really makes them become stronger. Soyoung finally can reclaim hers and the family. Can't wait for more moments of jinyoung and soyoung with their children. Thanks for the updates;;))
2033 streak #7
Chapter 33: Definitely wasn't expecting the twist about the consort and her role in the chaos. Glad she decided to come clean at least now and that Soyoung took it well. And she's expecting again. That's for sure I think, with all the hint that's you've given us. And I can't wait to see how this develops further. But will be back later to read more ^^
hakimmj #8
Chapter 35: Can't wait to know the identity of the woman. My instinct is so strong for the revival of soyoung. Please make them meet again and be happy:((
hakimmj #9
Chapter 34: Oh my god!! Soyoung :((
I can't believe this. Jinyoung will be so sad for this. Hope to know what happen after this.
hakimmj #10
Chapter 33: Really happy when jinyoung is back and safe. Their moments with the little prince is so sweet, can't wait to read more of their moments. Hopefully soyoung is alright. Thanks for the updates.;)