Chapter 27: A Battle Lost

Phoenix Aurora (Got7 Jinyoung X OC)



Two weeks later, Jinyoung


Jinyoung felt his heart begin to pound nervously as he looked down the hill at the large military camp spread out below them. Just less than a month ago, the sprawling rows of tents and military equipment had clearly belonged to the Yuan empire, one of multiple military stations that had been set up on the edge of what had been Jin territory. Now, the imposing flag of the Yuan empire had been taken down and replaced by a red and gold Jin flag, marking the entire area as Jin territory. 


Of course, in theory, what was Jin territory was also Yuan territory; there was no independent Jin territory. The symbolism though, and the message behind it, was clear; the rebels were intent on staking out their own territory and cutting away from the Yuan empire. And inside the seemingly innocuous military camp were the very men who were leading that effort that could possibly bloom into a much larger war.


“Are you sure about this?” Yeojin asked one more time, casting a glance over at Jinyoung. The young prince took a deep breath, swallowed hard, and nodded. In the last two days in the capital, Jinyoung had rushed forward bravely with only one goal in mind: end the insurrection before it even truly began, and put a smile back on Soyoung’s face. Now that he was here though, he could feel his body trembling slightly with nerves. He had dealt with businessmen and he had dealt with certain court officials, but dealing with enemy soldiers was an entirely different matter. Even someone as inexperienced as Jinyoung knew there was a risk that he wouldn’t live to walk back out of that military station. Still, he had already come this far.


There was no turning back now.


“Let’s go.” He answered. 


The guards at the front gate tensed immediately as they saw Jinyoung and Yeojin approach, their hands immediately going to the swords at their hip. Jinyoung swallowed hard, his throat going dry. Even though these two men had only been sent to guard the front gate, it was clear that they were well trained soldiers. Jinyoung had no doubt that they would slit his throat without a second thought. Yeojin lifted her head and pulled out a badge from her waist. 


“Go and tell your leader that messengers from the Yuan imperial army have arrived.” She ordered, flashing the badge in their faces, “We have something to say to your leader.” One of the soldiers scoffed.


“Our leader is not someone that can be seen so easily.” He scoffed, “You Yuan trash.” Yeojin bristled at the insult, but Jinyoung took a deep breath and held out his hand to silently hold her back. Taking another moment to steel himself, Jinyoung straightened his back and looked down at the guard.


“I am the Prince Consort of Yuan and a prince of the Kingdom of Goryeo.” He said, making sure to keep his voice steady, “Go and tell your leader that I have an offer for him that he cannot refuse, particularly if he wants to keep his men alive.” The guard looked like he was about to refuse again when another voice spoke.


“What’s going on?” Jinyoung’s gaze flickered towards a figure walking towards them from further inside the camp. The youth was tall and slender, and unlike the soldiers all around him, he was dressed in loose flowing robes typical of the Jin people. There was no weapon in sight on him; instead, he held a delicate fan in one hand, which he used to fan at his face. His eyes were sharp and inquisitive, taking in the two newcomers in front of him without another word. A small, friendly smile lit up his features, the complete opposite of the two guards at the gate.


“We have guests?” The young man said cheerfully, “Well, do not just stand there! Invite them in!”


“Young Master, these two say they are from Yuan.” One of the guards answered, “They wish to see the Chief.” To Jinyoung’s surprise, a small curious smile turned up the corners of the youth’s face as he looked up at Jinyoung and Yeojin. 


“Is that so?” He answered, “And why do you wish to see my father?” Jinyoung gulped as he realized who he was talking to.


“I...have an offer for your Chief.” He answered, “One that he cannot possibly refuse. If he accepts, then both Yuan and the Jin people can survive this matter unscathed.” An amused smirk turned up one corner of the young man’s lips as he nodded.


“Very well.” He said, “I will take you to see my father.” 


“Young Master!” The guards protested again, but the young man interrupted their protests.


“I also would like to hear what this man has to say.” He said, “Besides, there are only two of them. Do you really think they would dare to try something here, of all places?” The guards hesitated, then bowed as the young man refused to back down.


“As you wish, Young Master.” They said. The youth grinned, pivoted on one foot, and waved to Jinyoung and Yeojin.


“Please come with me!” He said cheerfully. Confused and bewildered, Jinyoung exchanged a glance with Yeojin before following the young man through the gate. After they walked far enough to be out of earshot, the young man turned and grinned.


“So!” He exclaimed, grabbing Jinyoung by the hands, “You are the Empress’ husband I hear?” Jinyoung’s eyes widened in surprise, the words dying on his lips for a long moment from surprise before he nodded wordlessly. The young man’s eyes sparkled in delight.


“You are so handsome!” He declared, “It is no wonder the Empress chose you!” Jinyoung laughed awkwardly, exchanging a confused glance with Yeojin over his shoulder.


“Thank you for the praise.” He answered modestly, “But my wife isn’t such a superficial woman.” The young man grinned.


“You are too modest. Please, tell me about the capital! Tell me about the Empress!” He insisted, “I want to know everything there is to know!” Jinyoung blinked in surprise, feeling more bewildered by the moment. When he had set off for the former Jin territory, he had expected to be met with soldiers ready to take his life at a moment’s notice. It would have been a miracle for him to even make it into the military station to see the rebel chief. If there was one thing he hadn’t expected, it was the friendly treatment he was currently facing at the moment. The young man in front of him was the complete opposite of what he had expected; he was inquisitive and friendly, and seemed to barely care that Jinyoung was married to the enemy leader. Jinyoung cleared his throat awkwardly.


“Forgive me for being frank.” He said, “But...are you really the Chief’s son?” The youth blinked as he took in Jinyoung’s puzzled expression, then laughed softly.


“I am his second son.” He replied, “My name is Kunpimook Bhuwakul.” Jinyoung hesitated as he spun the unfamiliar name silently around on his tongue, trying to figure out how to voice it without insulting the young man. Seeming to sense his confusion, the youth laughed and clapped a hand on his shoulder.


“You can call me Bambam.” He said with a grin, “All of my friends call me that.” Jinyoung grinned in relief and bowed.


“It is a pleasure to meet you.” He said. Bambam chuckled and immediately pulled Jinyoung to his feet.


“Forget about the etiquette.” He said, “I am neither my father nor my older brother. They are the ones who are actually in charge of planning the military. I’ve never liked those things, but they insisted on bringing me with them so I could see the ‘real world’ and maybe change my mind.” Jinyoung found himself smiling as he looked at Bambam. Although this younger man was the enemy leader’s son, Jinyoung found it easy to talk with him. Unlike the cautious soldiers surrounding them, Bambam gave off a carefree aura, one that told Jinyoung that he had quite the unfettered spirit. Bambam sighed softly.


“If you really have a way to stop my father from going to war, that would be excellent!” He declared with a clap of his hands, “I have never liked the idea of two groups of men going to war.”


“And that is why you so eagerly brought me in here?” Jinyoung guessed. Bambam nodded. 


“Aren’t you afraid that I was lying?” Jinyoung asked, “Or that I was actually a skilled warrior? I could take your life at this moment.” Bambam tapped a finger against his lip nonchalantly for a moment before shaking his head.


No, you would not do that.” He said with a cheerful smile, “You are not a warrior.” The young man trailed one finger in midair, seeming to be outlining Jinyoung’s figure. 


“Your not a warrior’s body, although you are quite handsome.” He said, scrunching his nose lightly and waving his finger, “Are you on a diet? You are so skinny!” Jinyoung blinked and laughed awkwardly, not sure if he should be amused or insulted by the younger boy’s rather straightforward comment. Yeojin let out a soft chuckle of amusement from next to him, disguised quickly under a quick cough. 


“Ah!” Bambam said with a clap of his hands, “The Empress likes skinnier men, right? That is why you are so skinny.” Finally, Jinyoung decided to switch the topic before the youth said something he shouldn’t.


“You are such an interesting person.” He mused, “The Jurchen people have always been known for their military prowess, prior to being overtaken by the Mongols. If you do not follow in your father and brother’s footsteps, then what do you want to do with your life?” Bambam’s eyes lit up again at Jinyoung’s question.


“A designer!” He declared, “I like designing clothes and interior decorations!” A thoughtful look came over his eyes as he looked over Jinyoung’s clothes, one finger tapping his cheek lightly.


“Hm, who chose your clothes this morning?” He asked, “There is not enough color to it!” Jinyoung raised an eyebrow. Of course he wasn’t particularly dressed well; he and Yeojin had traveled nearly day and night to arrive at the military station as soon as possible, always keeping in mind the possibility that the rebels could launch an attack at any time. A good rest, a bath, and a fresh change of silken clothing wasn’t exactly available to Jinyoung at that moment. Still, the other young man’s excited gaze made him want to know more.


“Oh?” He said, “And what would you change about it?” Bambam grinned, and began describing the style of clothing that he thought would suit Jinyou best, down to the very color of his robes and the design stitched onto them.


“In short,” He finally said after rambling on, “That would make it more ‘bling’!” He emphasized the last word with a flick of his hand, and Jinyoung smiled in amusement at the answer. 


“Bling?” He repeated curiously. Bambam’s eyes sparkled as he nodded.


“More shiny!” He answered, “It is currently too dull!” Jinyoung chuckled at the boy’s expression.


What an interesting fellow.


“Well then, perhaps if your father agrees to my proposal, you will have the chance to do what you want.” He noted. Bambam’s eyes widened in delight at Jinyoung’s response.


“Would you like to see my tent?” He asked, “I put up all the decorations inside!” Jinyoung hesitated, but before he could think of how to politely turn down the hopeful look in the young man’s eyes, a deeper voice interrupted.


“Kunpimook.” The voice said, “What do you think you are doing?” The smile slipped off of Bambam’s face, and he turned around quickly and bowed.


“Father.” He greeted, “What brings you here?” Jinyoung gulped as he laid his eyes on the rebel leader for the first time. The Chief was a tall and imposing man, every inch the warrior that Jinyoung had expected to see. Although they weren’t actively in battle at the moment, the Chief was still clad in nearly full armor, the silver material glimmering under the sun. Unlike Bambam’s friendly curious gaze, his father’s eyes were cold and calculating, sizing up Jinyoung and Yeojin within an instant. 


“I heard you brought new friends into camp.” The Chief replied, “So I came to see who it was. I never imagined we’d have the honor of hosting the second most powerful person in the empire.” The young man who had come with the Chief scoffed at the polite statement.


“Second most powerful?” He sneered, “He is merely a weak scholar. What could he possibly do?” His gaze narrowed as he looked up at the Chief.


“Father, I say we kill this weakling, then send his body back to the Empress as a warning!” He declared, “That will teach her to think better than to send envoys to us!” 


“Brother!” Bambam protested, and Yeojin quickly moved to pull her sword out at the sound of the young man’s threat. The soldiers who had come with the Chief immediately reacted in turn to Yeojin’s movement, and in seconds, Jinyoung found himself staring at the sharp end of multiple swords. 


“General Han.” He murmured softly, laying one hand on Yeojin’s arm, “Don’t forget why we came here like this.” Yeojin’s eyes narrowed.


“And I swore I’d bring you back alive to Soyoung.” She answered. Jinyoung sighed and squeezed her arm again lightly.


“I don’t plan to die.” He said, “So please don’t act rashly and ruin that plan, alright?” Yeojin turned and gazed at him for a long moment before sighing and sheathing her sword.


“Very well.” She said, “After all, I agreed to follow your plan this time.” The other soldiers relaxed as Yeojin stepped back, and Jinyoung took a deep breath before bowing politely to the Chief.


“My name is Park Jinyoung.” He said, “I am the Empress’ Prince Consort, and a prince of Goryeo. I have come to offer you a chance to allow both sides of this brewing conflict to benefit and survive unscathed.” The Chief’s sharp gaze ran up and down Jinyoung before settling on his face, and he gazed at him long enough for Jinyoung to squirm uncomfortably before he spoke.


“Did that young lady who sits on the dragon throne send you as an envoy?” He asked, “If you say yes, I would never believe that the imperial court would allow our people to benefit, even if it is out of a peace treaty.” Jinyoung pressed a polite smile to his face and shook his head.


“On the contrary,” He answered, “What I am about to offer you is a business transaction...with me.” He had considered for a long time how to make the rebels even listen to him without being suspicious of the validity of his offer; there was no way they would listen if he said he was from the imperial court. After all, the old school nobility that made up the imperial court would never have given their support to the agreement he was about to propose. Making a business deal with Jinyoung alone had been the only option. The Chief raised an eyebrow in surprise at Jinyoung’s response, a slightly amused taking over his weathered features before he chuckled ever so slightly.


“Oh?” He replied, “Then that gives me even less of a reason to spare your life right now, doesn’t it? What benefit will come to me from doing business with you?” Jinyoung swallowed down the nerves fluttering in his chest, threw back his shoulders, and smiled calmly at the Chief. Right now, all he had to do was convince the Chief to listen to him. As long as he did that, he’d be already halfway to achieving what he came to do.


I cannot let him intimidate me.


“You’re right.” He answered, “You could take my life right now, and very easily at that. But if you do that, you will lose the chance to both protect your men’s lives and bring benefits to the residents of these lands. You may be the rebel leader, but you are also a man who values the lives of his brothers in arms, am I right? Taking my life would perhaps bring a sense of satisfaction to your men, but what is worth more, their lives, or my death?” Jinyoung wasn’t just laying exaggerated praise onto the older man to obtain his goodwill; he was making yet another bet, one that he hoped would work out in his favor. Based on his observation, whether it was Soyoung or the bandits that had attempted to loot the flooded town, there was one point of commonality among them all: the bond that was built between fellow soldiers after going through life and death together. Jinyoung had guessed that the same held for the rebels, and he had based the earliest steps of his plan on that one quality.


If Jinyoung’s gamble worked in his favor, then it was the perfect quality that Jinyoung could take advantage of during this situation.


The Chief gazed at Jinyoung for another long moment, his sharp gaze reminding Jinyoung of a hunter considering how to attack the prey standing in front of it. At last, he smirked in amusement, the slight sound cutting through the tension settling in the air like a knife.


“How very interesting. Very well, Prince.” He said, “Let me hear what you have brought for me.” He turned and clapped his hands.


“Men, take our two guests to rest, and then take them to my tent for discussion.” He ordered. Jinyoung relaxed slightly as he realized he had won the first step of the precarious gamble that he had taken. The moment he relaxed though, the next thing the Chief said made his chest tense once more.


“One more reminder, Prince Consort.” He warned, “If you do not manage to convince me of whatever plan you have in mind, then your life, as well as your friend’s, is completely in my hands. You understand what I mean by that, right?” Jinyoung gulped as he nodded. Of course he understood what he meant.


If Jinyoung didn’t manage to make the Chief agree to his proposal, then he and Yeojin would never leave this camp alive.


There is no other option. I can only win this bet.



A little while later, Jinyoung found himself sitting in the largest tent in the military camp  with Yeojin next to him. The young general’s eyes were sharp and narrowed as she looked at the men surrounding them, her stance tense and rigid. 


“Relax a little bit.” Jinyoung whispered, “They’re going to be uneasy if you look uneasy.” Yeojin scoffed.


“I’m not going to relax when all these people look like they want to send our heads rolling.” She growled under her breath.


‘Don’t worry, they won’t touch us yet.” Jinyoung assured her.


“And what makes you so sure?” Yeojin asked. Jinyoung smiled ever so slightly as he recalled the time he had helped the flooded town’s citizens deal with mountain bandits who were trying to attack the town after seeing it returning to its former condition.


“Because whether it is mountain bandits, rebels, or poor commoners, they are the same.” He answered, “Although they put their lives on the line, they will rarely ever say no when there is benefit to be gained and little to be lost in return. And what I am about to offer these men is a chance to both benefit and save their lives. They will not risk killing us before they even consider my offer.” He reached out and lightly unclenched Yeojin’s hand which was tightly clenching her sword.


“You and Soyoung both have to relax.” He said, “And you have to remember that not everything requires putting weapon against weapon.” Yeojin scoffed again.


“So you’ve learned how to tell me what to do now, have you?” She asked with a smirk. Jinyoung chuckled and folded his hands in front of him before bowing politely.


“It is a mere suggestion.” He answered smoothly. Yeojin smirked, then stiffened as the rebel Chief stepped into the tent once more, his two sons behind him. Bambam waved to Jinyoung cheerfully, while his older brother only glared in irritation, his arms crossed over his chest. 


“So.” The Chief said, “Tell me what it is you have to offer me, Prince.” Jinyoung hesitated, casting his glance lightly over to the group of burly soldiers standing behind the Chief. Catching on to what he was thinking, the older man waved a hand at them, and they all left the tent without another word. The Chief motioned for Jinyoung to continue, and the young prince took a deep breath before speaking.


“Since you are so direct with me, then I will also avoid beating around the bush.” Jinyoung said, dipping his head politely to the older man. 


“As you have likely already guessed, I came here because I do not wish for your men and the imperial army to go to war.” He continued, “And so, my main request would be that you take your men and return to where you came from.” The Chief was silent for a moment, then motioned for Jinyoung to continue.


“I know that the former citizens of the Jin dynasty have been limited to taking only lower ranked positions in the years since the Mongol empire took over the land.” Jinyoung said, “Although the Khan took all the well trained intellectuals with them when they first emerged victorious, things have changed in the years since then. Now, although there is no express limitation on who can enter the greatest academies in the capital, it is well known that the longstanding antagonistic relationship between the former Jin citizens and the Mongols has led to teachers refusing to take in Jin students.” He took a deep breath before getting to the main part of his proposal.


“If you agree to order your troops to pull back instead of moving forward with this rebellion, then I will guarantee that the young men with the best academic potential among your people will have the chance to receive education in the capital.” He said, “And then, they will have the chance to participate in the annual scholarly examinations. For those who want to use their martial arts skills rather than literary skills, they will have the chance to train in those respective academies as well.” The Chief was silent for a long moment, then he and his elder son started to laugh. Jinyoung frowned slightly as he exchanged a confused glance with Yeojin.


“Prince, I can see that you have good intentions.” The Chief said at last, “But why should I tell my entire army to retreat, on the mere, the mere chance that some of my people can obtain a Yuan education? It may be that your thinking is, they could receive a good education, potentially obtain a good score on the scholarly exams, and then obtain a position in court. But that, Prince, is very far away, if it even happens at all.” He crossed his arms and leveled his gaze at Jinyoung.


“Why should I give up the chance of getting back all of Jin territory and allowing my people to live as they want, in exchange for the mere potential of future benefit?” He asked.


“And besides,” Bambam’s brother interjected, “Everyone knows that the Empress is heavily pregnant right now. If we were to go to war, she wouldn’t be able to lead the military forces herself. Without her leading them, we are almost guaranteed a victory.” Jinyoung sighed softly. He had expected it wouldn’t be easy to convince the rebels to pull back rather than move forward. After all, the current situation pitted the odds against Yuan; if the rebels only looked towards immediate benefit, going to war would definitely be the better choice. 


Thankfully, he had come prepared for that.


Jinyoung reached into his sleeve and pulled out another sheet of paper, deliberately taking his time to unfold it and smoothing out the creases before laying it onto the table in front of them.


“That is true, you could launch an attack and potentially reclaim all the land that used to make up the Jin dynasty.” He agreed, “But don’t forget, my wife is called the Warrior Empress, and that name didn’t come from thin air. Even if she is pregnant and cannot lead the army herself, do you really think she couldn’t find a way to defeat the rebels all the same? After all, all of the best generals were trained either under her hand or alongside her in her childhood. You are free to take whatever risks you’d like, Chief, but if you look at the bigger picture, your chances of winning are about the same as your chances of losing.” Jinyoung reached out and pushed the sheet of paper closer to the Chief.


“And if you lose, then you will not only lose your men, certainly many lives among the Jin populace, and on top of that, the chance for your businessmen to earn triple the profit they are currently earning now.” He concluded, “Do you really want to risk that, Chief?” Jinyoung was bluffing, of course; he had never discussed the brewing rebellion in detail with his wife. If she had a method of crushing the rebellion without risking a bigger war than she could handle, he wouldn’t have had to come here. 


But of course, the rebel chief didn’t have to know that part. 


At that moment, all he had to do was bluff enough to make the man sitting on the other side of the table believe him. The scholars that Jinyoung had spent hours upon hours studying would have shaken their heads at his behavior at the moment, but, as Jinyoung had learned on more than one occasion, it sometimes paid for someone in his position to stretch the truth.


Bambam’s brother scoffed, and Jinyoung froze as the young man pulled out his sword and pointed it at Jinyoung’s neck, and within seconds, Yeojin had risen to her feet and had her sword placed against the man’s neck as well. Bambam’s eyes widened at the sudden switch in the atmosphere, his eyes flitting back and forth as he seemed to wonder who to urge to calm down first.


“How dare you threaten my father?” He growled. 


“Yongson!” The Chief growled, “Put your sword away and sit down!” 


“But Father-!” Yongson protested, but the older man shut him up with one look. An extremely irritated look in his eyes, Yongson pulled his sword away and stepped back from Jinyoung. The young prince blew out his breath slowly as Yeojin relaxed slightly as well. 


“Chief, allow me to be frank.” Yeojin growled, “Regardless of your opinions on the imperial family, this man is still the Empress’ husband. If your son continues to rashly threaten his life, then we will have to seriously reconsider whether it is worth offering your people so many benefits in exchange for stopping the brewing war.” The Chief’s eyes were focused carefully on the sheet of paper, and there was a long moment as he read over the words on it before he spoke.


“He is a rash young man,” The Chief said at last, “I will certainly punish him later.” Yeojin scoffed quietly at the superficial answer, but Jinyoung patted her arm softly to keep her from saying more.


“And so, Chief?” He said, smoothly diverting the topic back to the main point, “If this offer is combined with the offer to give your people a chance to study in the capital, what would you say? Is it still worth it to go to war?” Slowly, the Chief’s gaze moved up to look at Jinyoung directly.


“Is the Merchants’ Bureau truly willing to give our people exclusive use of one of the Khanbaliq port terminals for trading?” He asked, “They have always kept our traders out of those waters.” Jinyoung smiled faintly. It was true; according to multiple years’ worth of records in the imperial archives, those descended from the Jin were not only kept out of the scholarly academies, but also from the bustling Khanbaliq trading ports.


“Perhaps you may not know this, Chief,” He answered, “But the Empress tasked me with addressing multiple business dealings for several months. During that time, I built quite a positive set of relationships with the members of the Merchants’ Bureau. This…” He tapped a finger lightly against the stamp on the bottom of the sheet, “Is their official stamp. All your merchants have to do is give 30% of their profits to the imperial family. In return, the Empress will not charge taxes on your earnings.” It wasn’t something he had discussed with Soyoung yet, and he knew he would get a scolding for acting like this, but Jinyoung had a feeling that Soyoung wouldn’t refuse in the end. After all, taxed or not, the imperial treasury would be receiving an extra source of income. Given what they would receive in return, there was little reason for Soyoung to reject a transaction like this. As to how he had gotten the head of the Merchants’ Bureau to agree to this transaction, it had taken a full day of nagging and pestering, on top of using his status to pressure him a little and reminding the older man of the positive results Jinyoung had achieved in the past, combined with a promise that he would take full responsibility for any issues that arose. It had been difficult, but in the end, it had worked. 


Seeming to be slightly convinced, the Chief’s gaze narrowed slightly as he looked at Jinyoung again.


“Answer this, Prince.” He said, “You say that the Empress has not sent you here as an official envoy. How can we be sure that the officials in charge of the academies will agree to it, much less the Empress? How do we know that she will not send her imperial army after us, even after we sign this agreement?” Jinyoung smiled faintly at the question.


Time for more bluffing.


“Chief, I did say the Empress did not send me as an official envoy.” He answered, “But at the same time, do you really think she knows nothing of what I am doing and saying to you today? Could I have even left the capital without her blessings for this journey?” The implication underlying his words, of course, was clear; the Empress may not have officially sent him, but he was her unofficial representative, and she would respect whatever agreement he came to. Yet again, it was another stretch of the truth; Soyoung did know what he was doing, if she had read the letter he had left her, she just neither knew nor approved of the details. And yet, even a soldier like the chief in front of him surely understood the further implication of what Jinyoung was saying. 


If Soyoung approved of it, then the court officials would be in no position to voice their protests against the agreement once it was signed. After all, no one would be foolish enough to suggest that carrying out a war with an indeterminable length, scale, and potentially sizable territorial losses was a better option than giving the Jin people small benefits that would keep them placated. Jinyoung and Soyoung would be cutting corners this way and completely throwing the usual unofficial procedures to the wind, but in times like this, Jinyoung was now well aware that he couldn’t just stick to the rules anymore.


Of course, Jinyoung hadn’t come up with this idea all by himself; he had relied a lot on Jia’er and Yeojin in the last two days in the capital to give him ideas and information that he couldn’t find within the limited time frame, particularly when it came to the inner workings of the imperial court.


“And,” Jinyoung added, “The young woman with me here is General Han Yeojin, one of the Empress’ top generals. She will also sign this agreement. With both the imperial family and the military’s support, what else do you need to be concerned about, Chief?”


As the Chief hesitated, Bambam suddenly spoke up.


“Father!” He said boldly, “I would like to go to the capital!” 


“Bambam!” Yongson scolded as his brother spoke out of turn, but Bambam only hesitated for another moment before plowing on.


“Father, you know I never wanted to spend my life the way you and Brother have.” He said, “I want to go to the capital and see all the new sights there! I want to be educated there and become a designer one day!” 


“Ridiculous!” The Chief snarled, “You would be like an unofficial political hostage there!” Jinyoung sighed softly.


“On the contrary, Chief.” He interjected, “I intend to be the one teaching all the youths who come from Jin. Your son has been nothing but friendly to me ever since I stepped foot into this military station. I will make sure that he can live a free and happy life in the capital. And of course, no one will be able to touch a hair on his head.” After another long moment, the Chief blew out his breath slowly.


“Prince, if you fail to live up to your part of this agreement, I will spare no effort to exact vengeance.” He said at last, “And when that happens, the first life I take will certainly be yours.” Jinyoung felt a chill run down his back at the threat, but pressed a small smile onto his lips as the initial shock passed and bowed his head.


“Certainly, Chief.” He answered. 


“Father, surely you do not intend to give this brat what he wants!” Yongson protested, “We have already come so far! We cannot step back now!”


“Shut your mouth.” The Chief growled in response, “The prince has a point. We will have to retreat, but what he is offering us in return is more than a suitable compromise. In the end, the main reason why we intended to rebel was to obtain a better life for our people.” The older man held out his hand.


“Bambam, get me a pen.” He ordered. Bambam’s eyes lit up, and Jinyoung finally felt himself relax slightly. 


“Yes, Father!” Bambam chirped happily and dashed off. Despite Yongson’s dark dissatisfied gaze currently fixated on Jinyoung, the young prince finally let out the breath he had been holding.


Wait for me, Soyoung. I’ll be home soon.


After spending one night in the military station, Jinyoung and Yeojin prepared to return to Khanbaliq with Bambam. Although the agreement had only been signed the day before, the signs of the soldiers retreating could already be seen all around the military station, which boosted Jinyoung’s confidence that the conflict would fade before long. The Chief and a few select soldiers went to see them off at the front gate. 


“Prince, I hope you will live up to your word.” The Chief warned again, his expression serious as he looked at Jinyoung. The young prince smiled and bowed politely.


“Rest assured, as long as you maintain your end of the bargain, then I shall do the same.” He answered. The Chief nodded, then looked over at Bambam.


“Behave yourself in the capital.” He admonished, “Do not become an embarrassment for our people.” Bambam grinned excitedly and nodded.


“Don’t worry, Father!” He exclaimed, “I will definitely behave!” The Chief gave his younger son a look that told Jinyoung he didn’t believe that promise in the least bit, but nodded anyway and patted Bambam on the shoulder. Bambam’s cheerful expression fell a little bit as he looked around at the group of men who had come to see them off.


“Where is Brother?” He asked quietly. 


“He disappeared last night after the agreement was signed and hasn’t been seen since.” The Chief replied, “He is likely sulking in a corner somewhere, stubborn and rash as he is. He’ll let it go after a little while.” Bambam sighed, then bowed to his father.


“Then, we will get going now, Father.” He said. The Chief waved him off, and together, the little group of three set off for the Yuan capital.


The first few days of traveling back to Khanbaliq went relatively peacefully. Bambam chattered on incessantly, which grated on Yeojin’s nerves, but Jinyoung managed to keep the younger boy entertained by telling him stories about the capital and the imperial palace. In turn, Bambam told him about life in the former Jin territories, and how life had been for him growing up as the son of a longstanding warrior family. At night, after Yeojin and Bambam had fallen asleep, Jinyoung looked up at the moon hanging in the sky and wondered how Soyoung was doing in the imperial palace. Was she furious with him? Was she worried about him? Was she waiting eagerly for his return? Jinyoung couldn’t even begin to fathom the earful he would get from his wife once he returned. This time though, he chuckled even when he thought about being scolded by his wife. As long as he could be by Soyoung’s side again, even scolding would sound like music to his ears. 


And then, on the third day of traveling back to the capital, Jinyoung once again experienced something he never imagined he would.


The day had started out normal enough; the three travelers woke up early in the morning as usual, with a few grumbles from a half asleep Bambam, ate a quick breakfast, and then continued heading for Khanbaliq. It was a bright and sunny day, with barely a cloud in the sky. Bambam took to singing a song in the traditional Jurchen language, his cheerful voice lifting Jinyoung’s mood as well. 


Then, as the afternoon drew on, Yeojin suddenly stiffened, and she raised a hand to pull everyone to a stop. 


“What’s wrong?” Jinyoung asked, but Yeojin shushed him with a finger to her lips. Jinyoung frowned in confusion as he looked around them. They had just entered a forest path, and as far as he could see, they were only surrounded by trees and the soft rustling sound of the wind blowing through the tree leaves. He looked over at Bambam, but the younger man seemed just as confused as he was. For a long moment, the three travelers stood stock still in the middle of the forest path. And then…


“Move!” Jinyoung gasped as Yeojin suddenly shoved him to the left, nearly sending him toppling off his horse if Bambam hadn’t grabbed him in time.


“What-?” Jinyoung was about to ask Yeojin what was going on when he suddenly felt something forceful hit him from behind before pain bloomed on his right side, sharper than he had ever felt before in his life. It felt like someone had slapped him hard across the back, except with quadruple the amount of force. Jinyoung froze as he slowly processed what he was feeling, then looked down to see what had happened. His eyes widened as his gaze lowered down to his shoulder. 


There, protruding out of the spot between his left shoulder and his chest, was the sharp end of an arrow.


Everything seemed to slow down in that moment, and eventually all that Jinyoung could hear was the sound of his heart pounding in his ears as he felt his grip loosen on the reins and his body slipped to the hard ground below as Bambam let out a shout of alarm. The color seemed to bleed out from Jinyoung’s surroundings at the same time that red blood trickled down Jinyoung’s arm. From what seemed like a distance, he could hear the sound of sword clashing against sword, the sure signs of an ongoing physical fight.


“Brother, stop!” He heard Bambam’s voice cry desperately as the younger man gathered Jinyoung in his arms. The fighting sounds continued unabated, and slowly, Jinyoung felt his vision begin to blur. The pain radiating in his shoulder now felt like pieces of ice moving through him, freezing each inch of his arm until he could barely feel it anymore. 


Is this...what it feels like to be dying? Jinyoung found himself wondering fuzzily as his eyes drifted closed.





The soft crackling sound of a fire was the first sound to reach Jinyoung’s ears as he slowly awoke from his slumber. 


“Soyoung…” He whispered as a hand lightly patted a piece of cloth against his forehead, “Soyoung…” 


“If you’d like to see her again, you’d better stay alive.” A voice chided, breaking through the fog still settled over Jinyoung’s groggy mind. A hand pressed a cup of water to his lips, and slowly, Jinyoung found the strength to open his eyes. As he cracked open one eye slowly, then another, he found himself gazing at two pairs of concerned eyes. Coughing softly, Jinyoung cracked a light smile.


“Am I dead?” He asked. Yeojin scoffed as she pulled back from him.


“What nonsense.” She said with a scowl, “If you are dead, then so are we. I, for one, do not intend to die so soon.” Jinyoung blinked again, then realized that he was currently propped up against a tree. His outer robes were partially draped around him, and he could feel a tight bandage wrapped around his shoulder. Jinyoung experimentally took a deep breath as he pushed himself into a better sitting position, then gasped as pain shot up his chest.


“Take it easy.” Bambam said quickly, “You’re injured.” Jinyoung blew out his breath carefully, then reached up to run a hand over his chest. Slowly, the events that happened right before he fell unconscious floated back up into his memory. 


That’s right...I was shot by an arrow.


“You are lucky General Han has a good ear.” Bambam commented, “If the arrow had hit its original target, you’d be dead by now.” Jinyoung frowned slightly in confusion.


“But...who…?” He asked before Yeojin pointed towards another tree. 


“That fool.” She answered. Jinyoung followed the direction Yeojin was pointing at, then blinked in surprise as he realized who it was.


“Yongson?” He said in surprise, “But...why…?” Bambam sighed and Jinyoung’s eyes widened as the younger man bowed to him.


“I apologize for my brother’s foolish actions.” He said, “He thought that if he killed you, then the agreement would become void and the war could continue on.” Jinyoung sighed softly as he realized what was going on. From the beginning, he had noticed that Yongson was highly against coming to a truce; if he had been in charge, he likely would have killed Jinyoung as soon as he entered the military camp and launched a full on attack right afterwards. It wasn’t completely out of the ordinary for him to make an attack on Jinyoung’s life.


“Just kill me if you dare!” Yongson growled from where he was tied up on the other side of the fire, “But I bet you wouldn’t dare to do it! You weakling!” Jinyoung sighed softly at the rebellious expression on the other young man’s face. If Soyoung had been here, she likely wouldn’t have let the man go without at least a few wounds to learn his lesson. Jinyoung though, wasn’t in the mood for that.


“General Han.” He asked quietly, “What would happen if he was found killed here?” Yeojin sighed.


“In all likeliness the rebels would believe that he died under my sword, even if he didn’t in actuality.” She replied, “After all, this path is one we must use to return to the capital. And then…” She let the sentence hang in midair, but Jinyoung understood where she was going.


The agreement would certainly turn to ash. 


Jinyoung sighed softly. Given what Yeojin had said, that meant that the only thing he could do was make sure Yongson ended up back with his father’s army without coming to harm along the way, and at the same time without getting the chance to turn around and come attack Jinyoung one more time. He tapped his finger lightly on the ground as he wondered what he should do. Then, he smiled faintly as an idea came to mind.


“Bambam, how well do the people in this area know your father and brother?” He asked. 


“They know who my brother and father are, and they can recognize their faces.” Bambam answered, “But why do you ask?” Yeojin frowned slightly.


“There was a little roadside teastand that we passed on the way here.” She said, “Are you thinking…?” Jinyoung smiled and nodded. There was no way they could bring Yongson back to the military station. If they did that, it would not only slow down the progress of their travels but also give room for Yongson or anyone else against the agreement to make up stories about how Yongson had ended up with them in the first place. Jinyoung had read about wrongful accusations like that in old imperial records, some of which had led to innocent officials being punished for what they hadn’t done, or worse, war. There was no way he was going to give Yongson the chance to make him experience it for himself. 


“Bambam can ride a horse with me from now on.” Jinyoung said, “General Han, could you write a little note and tie it to Young Master Yongson over there?” Yeojin frowned in confusion, but wrote the note as Jinyoung dictated it to her. A little while later, Yongson was tied to the horse, a note strapped onto his chest explaining how he had ended up in this situation and instructing the owner of the teastand to send him back to the Chief’s base.


“How dare you!” Yongson growled, “How dare you embarrass me like this!” Bambam frowned and crossed his arms.


“Brother, you are the embarrassing one!” He scolded, “You are embarrassing all of our people!” Yongson growled and turned his gaze on Jinyoung.


“You will regret not killing me one day, Prince.” He swore, “I will make you regret it!” Jinyoung chuckled wearily.


“We will see about that.” He said. Yeojin smiled and checked the ropes one more time.


“Don’t worry, young man.” She said with a teasing grin, “I tied the ropes very tightly, and this horse is very sturdy. You will be back with your father in no time.” Before Yongson could say anything else, Yeojin hit the horse on the rump, sending the animal bolting down the path in the direction they had come from. Jinyoung finally let himself relax again as the horse carrying the rebellious Yongson finally disappeared into the distance. Carefully, he let his hand run over the bandages covering his chest. 


“You got lucky.” Bambam commented, “If General Han didn’t push you aside in time, that arrow really would have hit your heart.” Jinyoung’s gaze lifted slightly to Yeojin, who was nonchalantly stoking the fire set up in the middle of the clearing they were in.


“Th-” He started to say, but Yeojin cut him off before he could even finish one word.


“Thanks are not necessary.” Yeojin said coolly, “I was merely doing my job. If you really want to thank me, then treat Soyoung well from now on. She has suffered a lot while you were gone.” Jinyoung raised an eyebrow.


“How so?” He asked. Yeojin sighed as she looked over at him.


“You really don’t know?” She asked. Jinyoung blinked as he thought back on that time Soyoung had all but fallen into his arms in her exhaustion. 


“Well, she did mention once that she missed me…” He recalled. Yeojin sighed and shook her head.


“You two really need to sit down and talk, just the two of you.” She said, “Please make sure you do that once you go back, Prince.” Jinyoung chuckled wryly and rubbed the back of his neck.


“Yes, I will.” He answered. 


Two weeks later, Soyoung


“Your Majesty!” Soyoung looked up as the attending maid rushed in, “Your Majesty!” Soyoung frowned slightly and put down the map she was holding in her hands.


“What is the rush?” She scolded, “You have lost all sense of decorum!” The maid skidded to a stop and bobbed quickly into a curtsey.


“I apologize, Your Majesty.” She said breathlessly, “But the guards at the front gate just reported that the Prince Consort has returned!” Soyoung froze as the maid’s announcement sunk in, the map in her hands slipping from her fingers as her grip loosened. Her heart began to pound loudly in her chest, her breath catching nervously in .


“Both alive?” She asked, barely daring to let hope fill her chest. The maid nodded eagerly.


“They also brought back a third person with them!” She exclaimed. Soyoung finally blew out the breath she had been holding, a soft sigh escaping her lips as she sank back down into her chair in relief.


He’s alive.


He came back alive.


That’s the most important part.


“Tell him to come here after he is well rested.” Soyoung ordered, “I’d like to hear what he has accomplished with the rebels.” The maid nodded and hurried off to deliver her order, and Soyoung sighed deeply as she leaned back against her chair.


All that matters is he came back alive.


Jinyoung arrived in Soyoung’s private library a few hours later, carrying a rolled up piece of parchment in his hands. The young prince was smiling in satisfaction as he bowed to Soyoung, and although Soyoung wondered why he looked so pleased with himself, she couldn’t help but notice that he seemed to be favoring his left side as he bowed to her. 


“I have returned, Your Majesty.” He announced. Soyoung gazed at her husband for a long moment, letting her gaze run over every inch of him that she could see as she struggled to keep her face expressionless. Besides favoring his left side, Jinyoung seemed none the worse for wear. Soyoung’s hand tightened slightly into a fist as she thought over how to react to Jinyoung’s return. In that moment, she wanted to grab him and slap him, to scream at him for acting so impulsively, to demand if he knew how worried he had made both her and his brother, to ask him if he knew how poorly she had slept every night since he suddenly left, to kiss him, to check over every inch of him to see if he was still doing well...the list went on and on.


Instead though, Soyoung sighed deeply, pushed down the rush of emotions swirling through her chest, and leveled her gaze with Jinyoung’s. 


“You are injured.” She noted matter of factly, being careful to keep her tone aloof. Jinyoung looked surprised that she had noticed, then chuckled softly.


“It is already much better now.” He said, “You do not need to worry.”


“Who said I was worrying?” Soyoung snapped before she could think twice. She bit her lip as soon as the words left , wishing she hadn’t spoken so instinctively, but Jinyoung’s fallen expression told her it was already too late to regret it. Clearing awkwardly, Soyoung nodded at the rolled up scroll in Jinyoung’s hands.


“Let me see what you managed to accomplish with the rebels.” She said. Jinyoung handed over the paper in his hand, and Soyoung quickly began reading its contents. To her surprise, Jinyoung had managed to sign a peace agreement with the rebels. Of course, it hadn’t been without giving them sizable benefits, but none of the provisions were particularly harmful to the imperial family. In fact, Jinyoung’s agreement opened the door for more talents to enter the pool for official positions, and increased the revenues that the imperial family would receive every year. In the end, the former Jin territory would still belong to Yuan. Soyoung was certain the court officials would raise quite the ruckus when she told them about this, but personally, she was satisfied.


This is impressive.


When Jinyoung had run off to the rebel headquarters, she had only hoped that he would come back in one piece, alive and well. Whether he managed to stave off the war or not didn’t matter to her. Now that he had returned though, Soyoung could see that Jinyoung had achieved far more than she had expected from him.


“How did you think of offering them these things?” She asked at last, “And how were you sure they would accept it?” Jinyoung smiled faintly.


“They are rebels, but in the end, they raised a rebellion because there was something they wanted.” He answered, “I saw that at the restoration effort, and I was certain that would still be the case here. And so, I thought of what could placate them without completely giving them their independence again, and this was what I came up with.” Soyoung sighed softly as she folded up the agreement again.


“Then, you were operating on the  mere hope that the rebels would accept your offer?” She asked. Jinyoung lowered his head slightly.


“I did say I was making a gamble.” He admitted, “Forgive me?” Soyoung let out a deep sigh as she gazed down at her husband. He had a soft sheepish look on his face, one that reminded her of a little puppy who had done something wrong and was now hoping for forgiveness. 


A gamble? He certainly makes it sound like a simple matter. He doesn’t even know what could have happened! If the rebels had refused to accept his offer, or even speak to him, would they have let him leave there alive? Did he never consider what would happen to me if I became widowed this early in life? And where did that injury come from? Was it from the rebels, or is it just a coincidence?


Soyoung swallowed down the anger rising in her chest, and took a deep breath to steady herself before speaking. Now wasn’t the time to scold him to no end. She had thought many times over what to do after Jinyoung returned, and finally, she had decided on what was likely to be the best option for both of them.


“You did a good job.” She said at last, “I thank you for all the efforts you made to settle this matter.” Jinyoung beamed.


“It is my honor.” He answered, “As long as I can be of assistance to you.” Soyoung gazed at Jinyoung for another long moment.


“Go and pack your things.” She said, “I already had the servants pack most of them.” Jinyoung looked up hopefully.


“Are you going to let me sleep in your chambers again?” He asked. Soyoung took in the hopeful expression on Jinyoung’s face, and for a moment, she couldn’t bring herself to say what she had wanted to voice next. Then, she swallowed hard and tightened her grip on her desk.


“No.” She answered at last, “That’s not where you are going.” Jinyoung frowned in confusion.


“Then…?” He asked questioningly. Soyoung sighed softly, then closed her eyes as she turned away from him before answering his question.


“You are going to Goryeo.” She announced, “Your brother delayed his return to Goryeo by a month to make sure he saw you return alive.” Jinyoung was silent for a long moment, his breathing growing heavier as he seemed to process what she was saying.


“For a visit to my father?” He asked. Soyoung sighed again and shook her head, still keeping her gaze away from Jinyoung.


“No.” She answered, “Permanently.”






Jinyoung staggered in shock as the single word rang out into the air, barely able to believe what he was hearing.


“Permanently?” He whispered. 


“Permanently.” Soyoung repeated, her tone barely wavering as she repeated her answer. Jinyoung’s lips parted in surprise at the definitive answer, his heart pounding loudly in his chest. He hadn’t taken on this gamble on his life merely to obtain Soyoung’s forgiveness; he had truly, honestly, only desired to help his wife and lift some of the burdens resting on her shoulders. He hadn’t expected to be showered with praises and rewards. He hadn’t expected her to fully forgive him just because of the agreement he had signed. But still, he had hoped, just a little...that she would open herself up to him once more, even if just a little. Perhaps if he managed to show her how much he had improved and matured, then perhaps she would spare him a few more glances than usual, would say a few more words to him, and stop pretending like he was invisible. 


Regardless of what he had expected, returning to Goryeo permanently was far from what he had had in mind.


“Why?” He whispered as he finally found his voice again, “Why are you sending me away again? What did I do wrong this time?” Soyoung scoffed at his question.


“What did you do wrong?” She repeated, “Park Jinyoung, need I list them all out for you?” Still reeling from Soyoung’s announcement, Jinyoung said the only thing he could think of. 


“Please.” He said at last. Soyoung’s eyes narrowed angrily. 


“Taking action without permission, risking that you would be captured and held as a hostage to be used as a pawn in the war, signing an agreement that affected the fate of the entire country without even telling me about it, and dragging one of the best generals along with you.” She growled, “Need I continue?” Jinyoung swallowed hard, still stunned. 


“I know I did all that, but none of the results were harmful to the empire.” He protested, “And it was in my own name, I never put the imperial family’s reputation at risk. And even if I was wrong for acting on my own…” He swallowed hard, a lump rising in his throat.


“Surely it is not so serious as to warrant being sent back to Goryeo.” He finished desperately. Soyoung closed her eyes and sighed heavily.


“Didn’t you say you would accept any punishment I wanted to give you once you returned?” She asked. 


“I...I did,” Jinyoung admitted, “But even so-!” He jumped as Soyoung slammed her hand onto her desk.


“Then you should keep your word.” She said firmly, “Go back to Goryeo with your brother. This is an imperial order.” Jinyoung’s body trembled as he gazed at Soyoung’s stern face. Once again, what he was facing wasn’t Jang Soyoung, his wife. The woman looking back at him now was Empress Soyoung of Yuan, and she was making it clear that her order was not to be disobeyed.


“Your Majesty.” Jinyoung said quietly, “While I did say that in my letter, did you not also promise you’d give me seven days to earn back your trust?” Soyoung gazed at him for a long moment, her brow slightly furrowed.


“Indeed I did.” She answered, “But Park Jinyoung, you did not manage to do that within seven days. On the contrary, you exceeded your deadline by an entire month. And besides, I…” She hesitated ever so slightly before continuing.


“I regret it.” She said at last. Jinyoung frowned slightly, more bewildered than ever.


“Regret what?” He asked, even though he dreaded hearing her answer.


“Everything.” Soyoung answered, “I regret not sending soldiers after you that day you ran off rashly. I regret giving you the seven days that you asked for. And I even regret…” Jinyoung thought he saw her breath tremble as she in her breath before finishing her sentence.


“I regret choosing you from among the princes that day in Goryeo.” Soyoung continued, “I regret taking your hand in marriage. If I hadn’t...then so many things could have been avoided. I...I wish none of it ever happened.” Jinyoung felt his body grow numb as he slowly processed what Soyoung was saying, barely able to believe what he was hearing.


She...regrets it?


Not only that, but she also wishes none of our time together, the relationship that we built up ever happened?


Then...all the experiences we went through together, the emotions that we surely both they mean nothing to her besides a source of regret?


No, it can’t be!


“You’re lying.” The words slipped from his mouth before he could stop it, “You’re lying!” Soyoung’s gaze flickered to the side, away from him.


“I speak nothing but the truth.” She insisted. Jinyoung’s body trembled, and he felt tears fill his eyes unbidden.


“Jang Soyoung!” His voice rose louder than he had ever heard it before, fueled by the turmoil rushing through him, “Look at me and tell me that you don’t want me to be by your side anymore. Look directly at me and say that you wished you’d never married me!” Soyoung took a deep breath, seeming to steady herself before looking over at him.


“Park Jinyoung, I wished we were never married.” She said coldly, “Go back to Goryeo. I never want to see you again.” Jinyoung’s hands clenched tightly into fists, so tightly that he thought his nails would draw blood from his palms.


“Then...please give me a divorce letter.” He said, “If I am never to return again, then we should at least make our legal relationship clear.” Instead of being taken aback by his request, Soyoung reached into her desk and pulled out a thin envelope that she pushed silently towards the end of the table. Shocked beyond all measure at the turn of events and Soyoung’s determination, Jinyoung took a deep breath and scrubbed at his eyes futilely before rising to his feet and taking the letter in his hands.


“You were always well prepared for everything.” He commented bitterly, “Even when it comes to matters like this.” Soyoung didn’t respond, and Jinyoung took a deep breath before bowing.


“Then, your subject will take his leave, Your Majesty.” He said. Rubbing one more time at his eyes, Jinyoung turned and left the room, feeling like his heart had shattered into a thousand pieces.




As the door closed behind Jinyoung and his footsteps faded away, Soyoung finally let out the breath she had been holding and turned to look at the closed door. Her vision quickly began to blur, and Soyoung lowered her head as drops of moisture overflowed from her eyes, dripped down her cheeks and onto her hands. The young empress’ body trembled as she clenched her fists tightly before finally letting out the sob that she had been suppressing while her husband was in the room. Her entire body shaking, Soyoung clapped a hand over in an attempt to stifle the sound. If Jinyoung saw her cry, he would never believe that she really wanted to send him away from Yuan. But now that he was gone, all that Soyoung could see in her mind was Jinyoung’s devastated face, the hopeful expression collapsing into disappointment, bewilderment, and finally, crushed. It was cruel of her, she knew. The “punishment” she had put on him was far out of proportion to the alleged wrong he had committed and particularly given the benefits he had brought to the country. 


And yet, Soyoung felt that she had no choice but to send him away for good.


Forgive me, Jinyoung.

It wasn’t until I heard you’d rushed off to enemy territory that I realized one thing.


I cannot imagine living in a world without you in it. 


If you had died on that trip, I wouldn’t have been able to take it.


But, the longer you are here with me, the more danger you will be in, and the more likely you will have to run off to situations like this, where your life could be lost within the blink of an eye.


Instead of selfishly holding you by my side and exposing you to such dangers, the better choice would be to send you away cruelly, even if it hurts you to do so.


This time, I’m not sending you away because I am angry.


This time, you must leave in order to make sure you live. 


Farewell, Park Jinyoung.


I will always treasure the moments we spent together.





A little while later, Jinyoung found himself astride a horse next to Jaebeom at the palace gate. All around him, he was surrounded by the sounds of palace servants making last minute touches to the princes’ packed belongings and checking on the Crown Princess and the children in their carriage, but Jinyoung could barely hear any of it. In his ears, all he could hear was the echoes of Soyoung’s words to him. 


I regret taking your hand in marriage.


I regret everything.


Out of all the things she had said, those words had hit Jinyoung the hardest.


Ever since leaving Soyoung’s personal library, his body had moved numbly, each limb merely going through the motions that packed up the last of his belongings in his guest room and carried him to where his brother was waiting. Jaebeom hadn’t said a word when Jinyoung had arrived. Instead, the Crown Prince had simply squeezed his brother on the shoulder, brushed the back of his hand over Jinyoung’s still wet cheeks, and helped him onto his horse. 


As the group of travelers headed for Goryeo began leaving the imperial palace, Jinyoung cast one last look up at the glittering buildings that made up the expansive imperial palace. In one part of his heart, he hoped, just for one moment, that someone would run out from one of the buildings with a message from Soyoung that she had changed her mind, that she didn’t want him to leave after all. 


After a few long moments though, nothing happened, and Jinyoung sighed as his chest tightened painfully in realization that his wish wasn’t going to come true. Once Soyoung decided on something, it was nearly impossible to change her mind. Sighing again, Jinyoung clenched the reins tighter and headed out after his brother.


Morning turned into afternoon as the little group moved away from Khanbaliq, and Jaebeom brought the group to a stop as the sun began to set.


“We will rest here for tonight.” He announced, “Go and begin setting up camp.” The servants hurried to do as he said, and Jinyoung slipped off his horse silently before trudging over to a tree and sitting down on the ground wordlessly. As he sat there in a daze, a tiny figure trotted over to him and handed him a flask.


“Uncle!” Soomin chirped, “Have some water!” Jinyoung smiled faintly and reached out to pat the little girl’s cheek before taking the flask from her.


“You’re not afraid of Uncle anymore?” He asked. Soomin giggled and shook her head.


“Uncle, where is Royal Auntie?” She asked, “Is she coming with us back home?” Jinyoung’s chest tightened again at the question, the smiling fading from his lips.


“No, little one.” He said softly, “Your aunt has things to do in Yuan.” Soomin’s eyes were wide with confusion as she tilted her head slightly.


“But why, Uncle?” She asked, “Mother says she is your wife!” Jinyoung sighed and shook his head.


“When you are older, you will understand.” He answered simply,  deciding it was better not to get into the details in front of his young niece. Soomin pouted slightly again before turning and running back to her mother. Jinyoung blew out his breath and sipped at the cool water in the flask before leaning his head back against the tree. Tomorrow, they would completely leave Khanbaliq’s borders, and with it, the only life that Jinyoung had known for the past year. 


Is this really the end?


As Jinyoung tilted his head up towards the sky, he was surprised to see white flakes fluttering down from the sky, landing briefly on his sleeve before melting away.




It was still late autumn, far too early for the first snowfall. What was going on?


Jaebeom sighed from where he was standing nearby, setting up a tent.


“Snow at this time of the year? If this gets heavier, we will have to delay our trip back to Goryeo.” He mused. Jinyoung sighed deeply as he lifted his hand up and let the cool snowflakes land on his palm before scoffing dryly. 


Delay our trip? Do even the heavens think I shouldn’t be leaving?


The sound of hoofbeats rounding the corner filled the air as Jinyoung closed his hand around the melting snowflakes, and the soldiers around them tensed as they prepared for the sudden newcomer. Jinyoung didn’t bother turning his head towards the sound, barely caring at the moment who had come. He heard the sound of a horse’s whinny as its rider pulled it to a stop, and a familiar voice called out to him.


“Brother-in-law!” Jinyoung’s head jerked towards the sound as the voice spoke, and his eyes widened as he realized who had arrived.


“Eunseong?” He exclaimed, “What are you doing here?” The Grand Prince was out of breath from what must had been a long ride, his long hair blowing unkempt in the wind as he slipped down from his horse and hurried over to him. Jaebeom motioned for the soldiers to stand down as he realized who had come after them, and Eunseong gave him a quick nod of thanks before he squatted down next to Jinyoung.


“What am I doing here?” He repeated with a slight scoff, “Stopping you from making a decision you’ll regret, of course.” With strength that Jinyoung never thought he had, Eunseong reached down and yanked Jinyoung to his feet before pulling him towards his horse.


“Come on.” He said, “We’re going back to the palace.” Jinyoung frowned in confusion and yanked himself out of Eunseong’s grasp.


“Your sister said she never wanted to see me again.” He reminded the Grand Prince, “She even gave me a divorce letter! If you drag me back like this, that would be disobeying an imperial decree!” Eunseong sighed and shook his head before reaching out and poking Jinyoung on the forehead.


“You and my sister really are the same.” He grumbled, “Both are idiots when it comes to matters between a man and a woman.” Jinyoung frowned and clapped a hand over his forehead.


“What are you talking about?” He demanded. Eunseong held out his hand.


“Give me that divorce letter.” He said. Still confused, Jinyoung reached into the folds of his robes and handed the envelope to the younger man. Not wanting to have his heart crushed one more time, he hadn’t even bothered to read it after he left the palace. Opening the envelope with a flourish, Eunseong unfolded the paper and sighed.


“I just knew this would be the case.” He said, “Take a look at this for yourself.” Jinyoung’s eyes focused on the single line of text written on the paper as Eunseong turned it over for him. 


“Live on well.” 


Jinyoung’s lips parted slightly in surprise. He had no experience when it came to divorce letters, but even he knew that those types of letters would usually have far more written on it, typically listing the receiver’s wrongs that had resulted in the end of the marriage.


“ this…?” He spluttered. Eunseong sighed.


“My sister has this terrible habit.” He said, “If she cares about something enough, she becomes afraid that she will lose it. For her, it's an inevitable result of the way we grew up and the position that she holds. Anything that she holds dear becomes the target of multiple players and forces in the imperial court. And in the end, she’s forced to hide the way she thinks and feels about almost anything, even her own husband. If it gets serious enough, she…” Eunseong swallowed hard.


“She always chooses to push that person or item away, as far as possible, in order to keep them out of the public eye.” He finished. Taking in Jinyoung’s perplexed expression, he grabbed Jinyoung by the shoulders.


“Can’t you see?” He demanded, “She doesn’t hate you. She doesn’t even think you did anything wrong! All of this, all of the cruel words that she said to your was all to protect you! Even if it hurts her to the core, she would rather you give up on her, perhaps even hate her, if that’s what it takes to keep you alive!” Eunseong’s grip tightened as he shook Jinyoung slightly.


“You are important to her.” He said firmly, “You mean more to her than anyone has ever meant to Jang Soyoung before. This letter is proof of that. She never intended to divorce you. She only wants to protect you!” Jinyoung staggered in shock, a thousand different emotions rushing through him at once.


I’m...important to her?


“Then...why did you come after me?” He asked, “Why are you telling me to go back?” Eunseong sighed.


“Because I know my sister far too well.” He answered, “And despite everything she says or does, you’ve become irreplaceable in her life. She may act like it’s nothing to send you away permanently, but right now, she’s bearing all of the pain of this decision silently on her own. Ever since you left, she didn’t take a single step out of her library, nor has she had a single bite of food. Even I cannot get through to her, but I can no longer stand on the sidelines and watch her suffer like this.” Eunseong’s eyes were filled with desperation.


“You may not have noticed, but you are one of the few people who can bring a genuine smile to her lips.” He said, “And ever since the day the relationship between you two broke down, she’s barely smiled even once, especially while you were at the restoration effort.” His grip tightened again on Jinyoung’s shoulders.


“Please!” He begged, “I know, I just know that you care about my sister just as much as she cares about you! Won’t you return and bring the smiles back onto her face?” Jinyoung’s body trembled as he took in everything Eunseong was saying. If it was all true, then everything Soyoung had done suddenly made sense. Her anger at his decision to run off to Jin, the cruel decision to send him away permanently that was completely out of proportion to the crime he had supposedly committed, the slight tremble that he had noticed in her voice when she had handed down his sentence…


She cares about me. 


And I? What do I think?


Jinyoung swallowed hard and closed his eyes briefly to center his thoughts. The past months away from her rushed through his mind, combined with the yearning he had felt at the restoration effort, the joy that he had felt when he had seen Soyoung again, and all the other emotions that Jang Soyoung had stirred in his chest during the course of their marriage. The way her small smiles put butterflies in his stomach, the way he couldn’t help but find her adorable when she was half asleep in the morning while lying in his arms, the way he felt his heart break as she sobbed in his arms after yet another nightmare, the way he wanted to hold her forever and never let go…


I love her.


Letting out a shaking breath, Jinyoung opened his eyes and looked over at Jaebeom.


“Hyung-nim, I-” He began, but Jaebeom was already smiling and nodding his head.


“Go on.” He said, “Go back to your beloved’s side.” Jinyoung smiled gratefully and ran for his horse, his mind filled with a newfound sense of determination. He and Eunseong hurried off back towards the palace, where Soyoung, and Jinyoug’s future was.


Wait for me, Soyoung.





Soyoung gazed out at the lake located at the center of the Royal Gardens as she stopped inside the pavilion she usually rested at during her daily walks. The lake was peaceful despite the wind and snow blowing down around them, the surface barely rippling under the moonlight. Soyoung wasn’t sure what she was doing here in the middle of the night, but all of a sudden, her personal chambers had felt too large, too empty and lonely for her to be staying there at this hour. And so, Soyoung had slipped a fur lined cape over her shoulders and stepped outside on her own, with no particular destination in mind. Slowly, her footsteps had carried her to the garden, where she now found herself. Soyoung reached up and let the falling snowflakes land on her palm before melting away. 


“Snow already?” She mused, “The weather this year is certainly strange.” Before long, she would be heading back out to the grasslands for the annual winter hunt, and then...Soyoung smiled softly as her baby gave her a kick from inside her belly, as if knowing the direction of Soyoung’s thoughts.


“You’ll be out in this world soon.” She mused softly, “Isn’t that exciting?” The baby answered with another flurry of kicks, causing Soyoung to wince and run her hand over her stomach to soothe the unborn child inside. 


“Calm down.” She murmured, “It’s already very late.” The child seemed to calm down again under Soyoung’s soothing touch, and the young empress sighed again as she looked back out at the lake. The idea of motherhood both thrilled and terrified her; it was a realm completely unknown to her, and Soyoung would be navigating it on her own. Eunseong would help her, of course, but it wasn’t the same as having...Soyoung swallowed hard as her thoughts returned to a certain someone.


As having Jinyoung with  me.




You are probably outside of Khanbaliq’s borders by now, aren’t you?


The image of Jinyoung’s crestfallen expression rose again in her mind unbidden, twisting Soyoug’s heart like a vise. Somehow, she couldn’t help but think how nice it would be, under this cold weather, to have Jinyoung’s arms around her, to feel the steady rhythm of his heartbeat against her back as he hugged her tightly, the sound of their laughter mixing together as they felt the baby’s movements. 


Soyoung blinked as she felt tears bubbling up in her eyes again, and she quickly shook her head in an attempt to clear them away.


What’s wrong with me?


Jang Soyoung, you’re the one who chose to send him away! Stop feeling like this and just accept the consequences of your own decisions!


Still, the more she thought about it, the more the tears flowed down her cheeks until they were unstoppable once more.


Jang Soyoung, stop being so weak!


Soyoung had always prided herself on being strong, on being able to control her emotions and what outsiders could see. 


And yet, when it came to Jinyoung, everything she had so carefully crafted seemed to fall into complete disarray. 


I sent him away in order to protect him...but why does it hurt even more to send him away alive than to know that he’d been killed?


For what felt like eternity, the only sounds that could be heard in the Royal Gardens was the sound of Soyoung’s muffled sobs under the sound of the wind blowing through the trees and sending snowflakes whirling through the air. Then, from a short distance away, Soyoung’s ears picked up the sound of footsteps pounding against the ground. Assuming it was simply a servant fussing over why she was outside in the middle of the snow at this hour, Soyoung barely paid attention to it. 


Then, a familiar voice shouted at her from across the little lake she was sitting in front of.


“Jang Soyoung!” Soyoung’s eyes widened in shock, her head jerking up at the voice. Her gaze fell on a tall figure standing on the other side of the pathway surrounding the lake. The young man looked flustered, quite windblown, and had very clearly run for quite a distance before arriving at the lake, but his gaze was steady and crystal clear as his eyes focused on her. Soyoung’s heart leapt into , her lips parting in surprise as she realized who it was.




Jinyoung paused to catch his breath for another few seconds before he broke into a run again, and time seemed to slow as he ran towards her, the falling flakes of snow landing briefly on his dark hair before melting away. He skidded to a stop in front of Soyoung, his chest heaving as he leaned over to catch his breath. Soyoung’s eyes were wide as she rose to her feet and stared at her husband, completely taken off guard by his sudden appearance.


“What are you doing here?” She gasped, “Didn’t I order you to leave?” 


“You did.” Jinyoung answered, “But this time, I’m not going to follow your order, nor will I let you lie to me again.” Soyoung was speechless for a few moments as she struggled to gather her thoughts and smooth over the startled expression on her face.


“What nonsense are you talking about?” She demanded. 


“Eunseong already told me everything.” Jinyoung said firmly, “You’re sending me away because you’re trying to protect me. But while I respect those intentions, I have no intention of letting you get your way this time.” Soyoung’s eyes widened again.


Stupid brother! Why did you have to go and ruin my plan?


“I have no idea what you are talking about.” She said, turning her head away. Soyoung gasped softly as Jinyoung turned her head back towards him.


“Soyoung.” He said, “Can’t we stop lying to ourselves?” 


“I’m not-!” Soyoung began to protest, but her voice cut off as Jinyoung laid a hand against her cheek.


“Then why are you crying?” He asked, “If your heart wasn’t as broken as mine from our separation, why is the strongest woman in the entire empire crying all by herself like this?” The warmth of his hand seeped through Soyoung’s cheek, and to her utter mortification, she felt more tears bubble up in her eyes and rush down her cheeks. 


“I...I…” Words stumbled around on Soyoung’s tongue as she struggled to think of what to say, but none of them seemed able to form a coherent sentence. At last, Soyoung swallowed hard, her lower lip trembling as she realized she could no longer keep a lid on everything. 


“Why?” She whispered at last, her hands around the front of Jinyoung’s robes, “Why did you come back, Park Jinyoung?” Soyoung’s hands shook as she spoke.


“In order to protect you, I forced myself to make one of the hardest decisions of my life!” She whimpered, “I suppressed everything I thought and felt and forced you to leave the palace! Why did you come back?” Tears rushed down her face unbidden as she pounded a fist repeatedly against Jinyoung’s chest.


“You are always like this!” Soyoung said, “Every action that you do, every decision that you make, it always throws all of my emotions into a mess! First you make me jealous, then you crush my heart, then you send me into a panic!” The proud empress in her told her to stop rambling, to pull back the image she always kept up, but once she started venting all the pent up emotions within her, Soyoung could no longer stop the words flowing from her lips.


“Time and again, my heart broke over and over again because of you!” She cried, “I’m not a weak woman who needs to be coddled, nor have I ever cried so much over one person before! And yet, because of you, within one year, I’ve felt more emotions than I’ve ever felt for one person before! Why?” Her chest tightened painfully as she hit Jinyoung’s chest again, sobs breaking free from her lips. Jinyoung reached out and laid his hands on her arms, keeping her steady as she ranted on and on.


“I’m sorry.” He murmured, his voice barely audible over her cries, “I’m sorry Soyoung, I’m sorry.” Soyoung attempted to shove him away, but he barely budged. 


“Why do you make me feel like this, Park Jinyoung?” She demanded, “All that I am, all that I’ve tried to make myself be, all my efforts to hide my thoughts and feelings always falls apart when it comes to you! I am the Empress of the greatest empire in the world! What right do you have to do this to me? What right do you have to make my heart ache like this?” Jinyoung’s arms closed around her waist, one hand lifting her chin up so she was looking at him. An indescribable mix of emotions had filled Jinyoung’s expression, tears glimmering in his eyes as he gazed down at her.


“Because I am your little poet.” He murmured softly, “And no one can ever replace that position in your heart.” Before Soyoung could say anything else, Jinyoung leaned down and captured her lips in a deep kiss. The soft warmth of Jinyoung’s lips traveled down Soyoung’s mouth and filled her body, chasing away the cold wind that surrounded them. Soyoung’s heart pounded loudly in her chest as she found herself returning the kiss, her hands tightening around the front of his robe. 


“You-!” She protested as Jinyoung finally pulled away, but he was kissing her again before she could even finish the sentence. Soyoung’s body trembled as emotions rushed through her all at once; desire for the man holding her in his arms, relief that he was finally back in front of her again, irritation that he had disobeyed her order despite her good intentions, and finally, an inexplicable warmth that bubbled in her chest like a little babbling brook. Despite all her misgivings, and despite all her anger at him, Soyoung wanted nothing more than to stay in that moment with Jinyoung forever. 


At last, Jinyoung pulled away slightly and rested his forehead against hers.


“Jang Soyoung.” He murmured softly, his chest heaving slightly as he caught his breath, “If you struggled so much to send me away, if every part of you doesn’t want to send me away...won’t you stop pushing me away?” Soyoung found herself still reeling from the rush of emotions left from Jinyoung’s kiss, but still, her mind was able to focus on one clear answer.




Somehow, at some point in time, it had no longer become enough for Soyoung to know that Jinyoung was alive and well. 


No, he had to be in her life, and by her side.


This man...truly has become irreplaceable to me.


Just when...when was it that I fell so deeply in love with this little prince from Goryeo?


“But...your safety.” She murmured softly, “You’ll be in danger if you stay by my side-” Jinyoung’s lips were on hers once more before she could finish again, stealing her breath again and making Soyoung feel lightheaded, all thoughts of protests flying out of her mind in an instant. 


“Park Jinyoung!” She scolded breathlessly as he pulled away, “Won’t you let me finish my sentence?” Jinyoung grinned cheekily.


“No.” He answered, “Not if you are going to say anything that involves reasons to send me away again.” Jinyoung reached out and lightly unclasped her hands from his robes, choosing instead to wrap his hands around hers.


“Why should I be afraid when I have you by my side?” He asked, “You are the greatest warrior in the entire empire.” Soyoung sighed softly and shook her head.


“I cannot be by your side at every moment.” She chided, “What if-” Jinyoung leaned down and gave her a soft peck on the lips, making her lose her train of thought again. 


“I said I wasn’t going to let you finish those sentences.” He said with a cheeky grin. Soyoung sighed softly as she looked up at her husband, her heart growing warm despite the tears still drying on her cheeks. 


At this point, I can truly no longer resist the feelings I have for this man. 


In all the battles that I have fought in this lifetime, this will be the first where I will admit my loss. 


Or perhaps...from the moment this man entered my life, it was already a losing battle.


“Soyoung.” Jinyoung said softly, “Won’t you let me make up for my wrongs?”


“With what?” Soyoung asked softly, swallowing hard. Jinyoung let go of her hands and took a step back, spreading open his arms.


“With all that I am.” He answered, “With this entire person that is Park Jinyoung. With the rest of my life, up until my last breath. And…” He stepped forward again, took Soyoung’s hand in his, and pressed it against his chest.


“With this heart that now beats only for you.” Jinyoung finished. The warmth of Jinyoung’s chest flooded through Soyoung’s fingers, the gentle thrum of his heartbeat pounding a steady beat against her palm.


“Jang Soyoung.” Jinyoung reached out and cupped hand against her cheek, “I love you.” 


Soyoung’s eyes widened at Jinyoung’s confession, her heart pounding loudly in her ears as her breath caught in . In all the years she had been alive, she had never dared to hope that someone could love someone like her, a woman who bore the fate of the country on her back and was the complete opposite of the norm, a woman who had survived a terrible childhood and had the entire imperial court wishing someone else was on the throne.


And yet this man, the man she had married out of necessity rather than feelings, was now saying that he loved her. And, looking at the earnest expression on Jinyoung’s face, Soyoung could tell that he was telling the truth.


Dare I accept this man’s feelings and keep him by my side?


Will the heavens show me a little mercy this time, and allow me to give my entire heart to this one person?


Well...if the heavens want to go against me again, this time, I will fight it to the end.


I will not let anything take Park Jinyoung away from me.


Soyoung closed her eyes briefly and took a deep breath before answering. 


“Little poet.” She said, “A few verses from a poem have suddenly come to mind.” Jinyoung frowned slightly in confusion. 


“Which one?” He asked, seeming perplexed by the sudden change in topic. Soyoung sighed softly, finding it ironic that one of the things she disliked most was suddenly so useful in front of the confession of the man that had come to mean so much to her. 


“There is a handsome young man, who I cannot forget.” Soyoung answered, “Every day I see him not, the more maddened I get.” Jinyoung’s lips parted slightly in surprise before he shook his head and laughed softly.


“Then, do I have the honor of being the phoenix in your life?” He asked. For the first time in what felt like forever, Soyoung laughed softly and reached out to pull him closer to her.


“What nonsense.” She murmured, “Besides you, my heart belongs to no one else.” Before Jinyoung could process what she was saying, Soyoung grabbed him lightly by the collar and pulled him down for another deep kiss. She felt Jinyoung chuckled softly against her lips as he melted into her kiss, his arms wrapping around her waist once more as he pulled her closer to him. As the royal couple pulled apart slightly, their chests heaving as they gasped for breath, Soyoung laughed softly and cupped Jinyoung’s face in her hands.


“I love you, Park Jinyoung.” She said softly, “I love you more than words could ever express.” Jinyoung’s eyes lit up, and a wide smile crossed his face. Then, instead of saying anything else, Jinyoung answered her confession with yet another kiss, and Soyoung was all too happy to oblige.


A little while later, Soyoung lay drowsily in bed, the warmth of Jinyoung’s arms around her and the gentle rhythm of his hand patting her hip lulling her to sleep. Just as she was about to fall asleep though, she felt Jinyoung pull away and cover her with a warm blanket. Soyoung’s eyes flew open as she heard his footsteps begin to pad away, and she reached out to grab his wrist sharply before he could get too far away. Jinyoung smiled warmly as he turned to look at her.


“Did I wake you?” He asked softly. Soyoung shook her head.


“I wasn’t entirely asleep yet.” She replied, “Where are you going?” Jinyoung pointed out the window at the night sky.


“It’s getting late.” He replied, “It’s time to go to sleep.” Soyoung nodded in agreement.


“That’s right.” She answered, “It is time to go to sleep.” Jinyoung smiled innocently.


“Then...I will return to my guestroom now?” He said, pointing a finger towards the door. Soyoung’s grip tightened as Jinyoung took another step away from her, yanking him to a stop.


“No!” She blurted firmly, “Why should you go back there?”


Jinyoung raised an eyebrow in response to her statement.


“Then...shall I sleep on the sofa?” He asked, pointing a finger at the plush sofa where Soyoung had slept at the beginning of their marriage. Soyoung huffed at Jinyoung’s proposition, a rare pout gracing her lips as she struggled to voice her thoughts without explicitly saying it.


I want you to sleep in THIS bed, stupid!


Finally, Soyoung let out another huff as Jinyoung didn’t say anything else, and turned to face the other side of the bed.


“Forget it.” She grumbled, “Go and sleep wherever you want.” There was a long moment of silence, then she heard a soft chuckle come from Jinyoung. Then, there was a soft rustle of movement as Jinyoung stepped closer and pulled back the blankets covering Soyoung. The bed dipped slightly as Jinyoung slipped between the sheets, a soft sigh of comfort escaping his lips as he wrapped his arms around her and rested his chin on her shoulder. 


“This is much more preferable.” He murmured, his breath tickling Soyoung’s ear.


“Go back to your guestroom.” Soyoung grumbled pettily, giving him a light halfhearted shove. Jinyoung chuckled softly.


“Didn’t you want me to stay here?” He asked. Soyoung felt her cheeks flush at his statement.


“Cheeky.” She muttered, clasping her hands over his anyway. Jinyoung chuckled again and snuggled closer to her. 


“Good night, beloved.” He murmured. Soyoung smiled and closed her eyes.


“Good night.”


Author's note: I've been looking forward to writing this reconciliation scene for a long time, and it's finally here! Fun fact, the line Soyoung is quoting comes from the famous poem/song called Feng Qiu Huang, which talks about the performer's adoration for the one he loves. Jinyoung makes a reference to phoenixes because "Feng Huang" literally means "phoenix." 

On another note, the baby will be here soon! Please prepare yourselves for more romance and bumbling new parents as Soyoung and Jinyoung navigate the new life that is parenthood.

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2026 streak #1
Chapter 37: The epilogue was so cute!!! And wow! They have so many kids... LoL... Hyojun leaving again was a bit sad but it's understandable. And the kinda Yi-En's punishment and story was funny. I really enjoyed reading this story. Hope to see you again in your future works. Wishing you good luck!!
2026 streak #2
Chapter 36: I still believe the story has come to an end. I'm still yearning for more! This was such an amazing story. Could even be made a K-drama if you ask me. Although, I do wonder if Yi-En's another consort now since they were legally married. Also, they both never addressed it. So I'm more curious than ever. LoL... Anyway, can't wait to read the epilogue. But will be back later to do so ^^
2026 streak #3
Chapter 35: I knew it! I mean that can't be true, y'know with what happened the previous chapter. Poor Jinwoo though! That child was thinking his father was abandoning him. Although it was done for his own safety. I can't wait to see how she makes her reappearance. And also, about being Yi-En's princess consort. Will be back later to read more and catch up ^^
hakimmj #4
Chapter 37: Finally for now they be happy with all their children. Can't wait for more after this. Thanks for the updates! :))
2026 streak #5
Chapter 34: Wait what???? You must be be kidding right? I mean it's a trick for some greater good right? Why do you have to drop this bomb on us while we were all so happy about the way things were going? Anyway, enough of my dramatics, I know! Will definitely be back later to read more and find out what happens herein. So until then, no spoilers please!! ^^
hakimmj #6
Chapter 36: Finally! Their strong love for each other really makes them become stronger. Soyoung finally can reclaim hers and the family. Can't wait for more moments of jinyoung and soyoung with their children. Thanks for the updates;;))
2026 streak #7
Chapter 33: Definitely wasn't expecting the twist about the consort and her role in the chaos. Glad she decided to come clean at least now and that Soyoung took it well. And she's expecting again. That's for sure I think, with all the hint that's you've given us. And I can't wait to see how this develops further. But will be back later to read more ^^
hakimmj #8
Chapter 35: Can't wait to know the identity of the woman. My instinct is so strong for the revival of soyoung. Please make them meet again and be happy:((
hakimmj #9
Chapter 34: Oh my god!! Soyoung :((
I can't believe this. Jinyoung will be so sad for this. Hope to know what happen after this.
hakimmj #10
Chapter 33: Really happy when jinyoung is back and safe. Their moments with the little prince is so sweet, can't wait to read more of their moments. Hopefully soyoung is alright. Thanks for the updates.;)