Chapter 22: Rumors and Suspicious Hearts

Phoenix Aurora (Got7 Jinyoung X OC)





Hyeyoung stared at Soyoung in shock as the empress stepped into the room, her steely gaze focused on the younger princess.


“You-!” She spluttered, “What are you doing here?” Soyoung smirked.


“To find out the truth, of course.” She replied smoothly, “And you have told me exactly what I needed to know.”


“You set me up!” Hyeyoung exclaimed, seeming to realize what had happened. Soyoung laughed dryly.


“To be exact, I set the bait and your little helper here all too willingly took it.” She corrected, pointing at Yuan’er, “I’d predicted that if I scared her just a little bit, the first person she would rush to was the person who instructed her to put those herbs in the medicine. And in the end, I was right.” Her gaze was cold as she focused on Hyeyoung.


“Little sister, I knew you were always cunning, but I never imagined your heart would be so cruel.” She said, “Jang Hyeyoung, will you admit to the crimes that you have done?” Hyeyoung was silent for a long moment, then looked up at Soyoung with a defiant look in her eyes.


“No.” She said firmly, “Your Majesty heard wrong. I did not give instructions to harm your royal body and render you infertile.” She raised a finger and pointed at Yuan’er.


“It was this maid who taught me to do such a vile thing.” She continued, “It was all her idea. If someone must take the blame, then I ask that Your Majesty punish this girl instead.” Yuan’er’s eyes widened as she turned and stared at Hyeyoung in shock, quickly realizing that was going on. 


“Your Majesty, I would never come up with such a terrible idea!” She wailed, bowing to the floor, “Please, spare my life!” Soyoung sighed deeply. 


Of course, it is always easiest to push the blame onto the servants. Even if there was one less maid in the palace, most people wouldn’t care. They’re easy targets who often take all the blame for things they didn’t even do.


“I will not simply push all responsibility onto Yuan’er merely because she is an easy choice.” Soyoung replied firmly, “I am not deaf. I know what I heard, and I will not accept your implausible arguments to the contrary. Yuan’er is simply a maid who works in the Physician’s Bureau. Why would she attack me for no reason?”


“And besides,” Eunseong added, “Those herbs are hard to find precisely because of what they can cause. There is no way a simple maid could even afford to buy such a thing.” All of a sudden, Hyeyoung’s eyes filled with pitiful tears as she fell to her knees in front of Soyoung, her lips trembling as she gazed up at the empress.


“Royal Sister, I’m sorry!” She cried, “This maid offered to me an idea that could give me more than I could ever imagine. I was only temporarily blinded by greed and almost committed abhorrent acts! Please forgive me!” Soyoung gazed at her for a long moment in confusion, wondering why her attitude had suddenly changed, when a voice behind her spoke.


“What’s going on?” Jinyoung asked. Soyoung turned to see that her husband had arrived, and was currently standing looking rather perplexed at the whole scene playing out in front of him.


“Brother-in-law!” Hyeyoung wailed, “You must save me!” Soyoung sighed deeply as she understood why her sister’s expression had suddenly changed. If there was one weakness she could point out about Jinyoung, it was that his kind heart  was far too susceptible to pity. All someone needed to do was tug at his heartstrings, and he would immediately be on their side.


And that, clearly, was something Hyeyoung had already figured out.


“Why are you kneeling?” Jinyoung asked, moving to pull Hyeyoung to her feet, “Come, you’re pregnant. You shouldn’t be kneeling like this.” Soyoung couldn’t help but grit her teeth in irritation at her husband’s motion.


Park Jinyoung, I’m the one who is your wife! She’s not the only pregnant one here!


“Park Jinyoung.” She said sharply, “Stay out of this, and let go of her.” Jinyoung sighed and he turned to look at her.


“Soyoung, what crime has she committed?” He asked, “Can’t you at least tell me that?” Soyoung glared at her sister, who sniffled pitifully behind her sleeve.


“She conspired to render me infertile.” She said coldly, “She bribed one of the Physician’s Bureau maids to place special herbs into my weekly medication, a little at a time. If I hadn’t realized it in time, the consequences would have been unthinkable.” Jinyoung’s face turned pale as he looked over at Hyeyoung, who shook her head miserably. A conflicted mix of emotions rushed over Jinyoung’s face before he responded.


“Surely, there must have been a misunderstanding?” He suggested hesitantly, “Sister-in-law is going to be a mother herself. Why would she do such a thing?” Soyoung sighed in exasperation.


“She already admitted to it herself.” She said firmly, “And I have already decided she will be punished. Park Jinyoung, you should know very well that I am not one to force someone to admit to something they haven’t done.” Shock mixed with disappointment filled Jinyoung’s eyes as he sighed deeply and knelt down next to Hyeyoung. 


“Sister-in-law.” Jinyoung said softly, “Why did you do something like that? You know it can be a capitol offense to attack the empress.” Hyeyoung gazed up at Jinyoung, her eyes swimming with tears. 


“I was kind to this maid a few times.” She said, pointing at Yuan’er, “And in return she offered to help me. She said she knew what I wanted the most, and could help me get that.” Tears rolled down her cheeks as Hyeyoung let out a pitiful sob.


“I’ve always felt inferior to Royal Sister!” She wailed, “I know I’m not as talented as her, but I’m not a bad person either! I haven’t been living well either, you know that, Brother-in-law! And yet, Royal Sister has everything that a person could ever hope for. So when this maid offered me an idea to give me so much more, I was led astray by greed and did things I shouldn’t have.” She gripped Jinyoung’s hand tightly.


“Royal Sister has never liked me.” She whimpered, “Brother-in-law, you must help me! It really isn’t my fault! And my child! My poor child is innocent!” If there hadn’t been a crowd of spectators growing behind her, Soyoung would have rolled her eyes. Within a few sentences, Hyeyoung had managed to make herself look like the victim, the poor younger sister who had been disliked by her sovereign sister and married off in an allegedly miserable union and pushed into a corner before making a desperate attempt to grab the throne and get out of that misery. Her eyes narrowed as she fixed her gaze on Jinyoung, who had turned to look up at her with another conflicted look on his face.

“Wife…” He said quietly, “What she did was wrong, but it’s not entirely her fault. If you punish her directly like this, it will only make the situation even more explosive. Why don’t you-?”


“Husband.” Soyoung demanded sharply, cutting off his pleading words, “Are you trying to imply that I, the ruler of the Yuan empire, have to obtain your permission before punishing my own sister, who dared to attack me?” Jinyoung gulped and shook his head.


“Of course not.” He replied, “It’s just-” 


“Guards!” Soyoung said sharply, interrupting whatever protests Jinyoung was about to make, “Take Princess Hyeyoung from her quarters immediately. She is to be moved to Ci’an Temple for the remainder of her pregnancy and then sent back to Xanadu after the child is born, never to return to the imperial palace again. After the baby is born, take the child and have a well off family adopt it.” Hyeyoung’s eyes widened in horror as she heard Soyoung’s proclamation. 


“Sister, please spare me!” She begged, grabbing Soyoung’s hand, “Temples are horrible places to live! I cannot possibly go there! And my child! You cannot possibly sentence my poor innocent child to live without ever knowing who his mother is!” Horrified sobs wracked Hyeyoung’s chest as she placed her free hand on her stomach.


“This child is also of royal blood.” She cried, “This innocent little life is also related to you! How could you dare to let it live like that, stripped of what it deserves?” Soyoung’s gaze narrowed as she pulled her hand away from Hyeyoung, causing the younger princess to tumble to the ground with a yelp.


“Of what it deserves?” She repeated, “Jang Hyeyoung, your mind has always revolved around what you think you deserve. And in the end, that is what turned you into the selfish monster that you are today, trying to fight for things that fate hasn’t arranged for you.”


“Soyoung,” Jinyoung pleaded softly, taking Soyoung’s arm, “I don’t think this is a good idea either. Temples aren’t ideal for pregnant women; they don’t have the resources and care that is required. Why don’t you calm down and think it over a little bit more?” Soyoung switched her glare to him, but for once, he didn’t back down.


“Do you expect me to let her free without any punishment, Husband?” She asked. Soyoung jabbed her finger in Hyeyoung’s direction.


“If her child is innocent, then what about ours?” She asked, “Our future children, who she almost prevented from coming into existence due to her own greed! If I leave this girl around here any longer, what will she do next? Today, she targets my body and my ability to have children. Tomorrow, she could be after your life!” She scoffed as she looked down at the sobbing princess. Jinyoung was right; the more she spoke, the angrier she felt, moreso because she knew of the little life growing within her that Hyeyoung’s actions had nearly destroyed. She wasn’t calm right now, not one bit.


But at that moment, in this situation, Soyoung didn’t care. Now wasn’t the time to be softhearted or merciful.


Soyoung’s voice was cold as she spoke again.


“Or do you care more about the fate of a woman who isn’t even related to you and tried to harm your own wife than the woman who sleeps by your side every night?” She asked. Jinyoung’s eyes widened at her question, his lips moving soundlessly as he fumbled for an answer to the sudden question.


“Of course not.” He finally said, “I am simply trying to help both sides see the bigger picture in this situation and come to a conclusion that would be acceptable to both of you. And besides…” He tried to offer her a tiny smile. 


“The sages of old had always lauded the merits of a magnanimous ruler.” He said. Usually, Soyoung would only laugh when Jinyoung started rambling on about what the sages of old had taught, but this time, she felt something snap within her at the sound of his words.


“And our great ancestors who built the empire of Yuan also taught us to repay an eye with an eye, and a tooth with a tooth!” She snapped. Completely ignoring the fact that many pairs of eyes were watching them, Soyoung stepped forward and poked a finger into Jinyoung’s chest.


“Listen carefully, Park Jinyoung. You can play nice all you want, but I weigh kindness and punishments very carefully.” She growled, “If our ancestors had been magnanimous in everything, they wouldn’t have been able to build this great empire. And if I forgave everyone without a single punishment no matter what they did, I would have been killed before I’d spent a day on the imperial throne!” Soyoung took a deep breath before she continued speaking, but it did little to quell the fire burning in her chest.


“Given what Jang Hyeyoung has done, not requiring her to suffer the same as I did is already a show of great magnanimity!” She snarled, “And yet, you want to protest against merely sending her to live in a temple for the next eight months? Park Jinyoung, have you forgotten who you are?”


“Soyoung, in the end, you two are sisters!” Jinyoung pleaded softly as he took her hand, “Can’t you two end this amicably?” Soyoung laughed dryly.


“Sisters?” She repeated, “Has this woman ever treated me as her sister? This woman has thrown away all sense of responsibility that she needs to bear as a member of the royal family and is carrying the child of an unknown man. Do you expect me to consider the wellbeing of a bastard child within the womb of a woman who has neither shown respect for me as a sister or as a ruler?” Jinyoung was at a loss of words as he gazed at her, and it became clear that he knew there was nothing he could do that could convince her to change her mind. Reaching down, Soyoung grasped his hand and pushed it off hers.


“I’ve entertained your silly arguments for far too long.” She said coldly, “I’ve only even listened because I respect you as a person, and as my husband. Men! Take Jang Hyeyoung away!” Hyeyoung shrank back in fear as imperial guards advanced towards her. Then, she let out a cry and suddenly fell backwards onto the ground, curling into a little ball with one hand over her stomach.


“My stomach!” She cried, “My stomach hurts!” Soyoung turned and gazed at her sister for a long moment, unsure if Hyeyoung was being truthful or not. Her body language seemed legitimate enough; her eyes were closed tightly, her arms wrapped around her belly as if there was a deep aching pain inside of her. Her cries were plaintive, and if Soyoung didn’t know her sister’s personality better, she wouldn’t have thought twice before believing that something really had gone wrong.


But yet, wasn’t the timing of this pain a little too convenient?


“Sister!” Hyeyoung gasped, “My baby! Please, save my baby! I beg of you! Whatever you want to do to me, I’ll take it all when my child is safe!” Soyoung turned and looked at Eunseong, who only shook his head as an indication that even he wasn’t sure if she was simply putting on an act or not. Finally, Soyoung sighed deeply. If anything happened to the child, the blame would be put immediately onto Soyoung herself. 


“Eunseong, go and see what’s wrong with her.” She ordered. 


“No!” Hyeyoung’s protest caught Soyoung off guard, “I only want Physician Yu to see me!” Soyoung frowned.


“Eunseong is the best there is in the entire imperial palace.” She said, “Is your child’s life more important or your personal preference more important?” Hyeyoung shook her head again.


“It must be Physician Yu!” She insisted. Soyoung sighed again and waved her hand at a maid.


“Go fetch Physician Yu quickly.” She ordered. The maid nodded and hurried off, and soon Physician Yu arrived. Hyeyoung was taken into her innermost chambers, leaving Soyoung, Jinyoung, and Eunseong waiting outside the door while the servants and guards were sent to wait outside the inner chambers. As they waited, Soyoung looked over at Jinyoung, who stood with a worried look on his face.


“Jinyoung.” She said coldly, “Just what do you think you were doing?” Jinyoung frowned as he looked at her.


“I was only trying to keep the situation calm.” He said quietly. 


“I don’t know how you would define calm,” Soyoung responded coolly, “But if your definition is defending my sister in front of everyone, then I would prefer you not say anything at all. To this day, I still cannot understand why your instinct is always to protect her.”


“I am not taking sides,” Jinyoung replied softly, “But she is a kindhearted and demure person. Perhaps she was tempted by the chance to obtain the throne, but at least she admitted what she did and is now feeling remorseful. Shouldn’t you at least take that into account? Soyoung, you’ve always punished and rewarded fairly. Why must you go so far this time?” Soyoung bit back a groan and stepped forward so she was standing directly in front of Jinyoung. 


Kindhearted and demure? How ridiculous!


“If Hyeyoung is kind and demure, then what does that make me?” She asked, “A ruthless and merciless violent ruler?” 


“You know that’s not what I meant-” Jinyoung started to say, but Soyoung didn’t bother letting him finish.


“Let me tell you this, Park Jinyoung.” She said, “That woman is not as innocent and pure as you may believe her to be. She is a fox, and you have been so blinded by her act that you’ve completely failed to see it. The herbs that she selfishly ordered to be put into my medicine nearly rendered me infertile, but that’s not the only issue. Those herbs also have the potential to cause a pregnant woman to miscarry and then be infertile for the rest of her life.” Her gaze was cold as she took a deep breath before speaking.


“If I told you I was pregnant now, and nearly lost our child because of Hyeyoung’s selfish actions, would you still so easily believe my sister’s pitiful act and ask that I only punish her lightly?” She demanded. Jinyoung’s eyes widened in shock, confusion flitting across his face.


“You’re pregnant?” He asked.


“I’m saying if.” Soyoung replied, neatly avoiding answering the question directly. Jinyoung hesitated, various emotions flitting over his face as he struggled to find an answer. At last, Soyoung sighed and shook her head.


“Forget it.” She said, “It shouldn’t even make a difference.” Before Jinyoung could say anything else, the doors to Hyeyoung’s chambers opened and Physician Yu stepped out. 


“Your Majesty, Your Highness.” He greeted with a bow. 


“How is my sister?” Soyoung asked. 


“Her Highness Princess Hyeyoung and her child are both fine.” Physician Yu replied, “The princess became too agitated due to the situation, which also aggravated the fetus. Thankfully, the princess was attended to quickly enough, and the baby is now stable. As long as she takes her medicine to nourish the child every day, there shouldn’t be any issues.” 


“Then it would be alright if she moves to Ci’an Temple in a few days?” Soyoung asked, ignoring the look of alarm that crossed Jinyoung’s face.


“Yes, Your Majesty.” Physician Yu replied. 


“Very well.” Soyoung said, “Her punishment will begin in a few days then.” As she began stepping away, Hyojun walked into the room.


“Wait, Your Majesty.” He said, “I would ask that Your Majesty reconsider before ordering the princess’ punishment.” Soyoung glared at him.


“Hyojun, do you also intend on defending Hyeyoung?” She asked. Hyojun shook his head.


“I dare not, Your Majesty.” He replied, “There is merely a point that must be raised to you before you decide anything.” Soyoung sighed deeply and motioned for him to come closer. Hyojun came closer and lowered his voice so only Soyoung could hear what he was saying. 


“Rumors have begun spreading like wildfire around the palace and the capitol that the Prince Consort is the father of Princess Hyeyoung’s unborn child.” He reported quietly. Soyoung’s heart leapt into as she stared at Hyojun in shock.


“What did you just say?”




“What did you just say?” Jinyoung looked in confusion at Soyoung as Hyojun said something quietly to her, his voice low enough that Jinyoung couldn’t pick up on what he had said. Hyojun had a grave look on his face, and slowly, Soyoung’s gaze flickered over to Jinyoung. After a long moment of silence, she swallowed hard and turned towards the outside door.


“Guards!” She called. There was a rush of movement from outside as imperial guards entered the room at the sound of her voice.


“Yes, Your Majesty.” They said with a bow.


“Princess Hyeyoung is put under house arrest for attempting to harm the body of the empress.” Soyoung ordered, “No one is to visit her and she is not allowed out of her rooms without my express permission. Is that understood?” 


“Yes, Your Majesty!” The guards replied. Jinyoung stared at Soyoung in confusion.


Wasn’t she intent on sending Hyeyoung away just a few moments ago? Why did she suddenly change her mind?


“As for Yuan’er, she is also to be locked in the imperial prison and shall not be freed until this matter has been thoroughly examined and clarified.” Soyoung continued. 


Soyoung turned to Jinyoung again as the imperial guards took their places around the room.


“You.” She said, “Come with me.” More confused than he had ever been, Jinyoung followed Soyoung out of the room and back to their chambers. Soyoung waited until she had dismissed Eunseong before looking at Jinyoung.


“I am about to ask you a very simple question.” She said, crossing her arms, “And all you need to do is answer yes or no.” Jinyoung frowned in confusion but nodded in agreement. Soyoung took a deep breath before continuing.


“Park Jinyoung.” She said, “Did you sleep with Hyeyoung a month ago?” Jinyoung’s jaw dropped as he heard the question, his body freezing as he stared at his wife in utter bewilderment.


“Did I...wait, what? Did I…?” Jinyoung spluttered as he struggled to collect his thoughts, “No, I never engaged in any sort of behavior with her! How could I sleep with my own sister-in-law, who is a married woman herself?” He jumped as Soyoung slammed her hand onto her desk.


“Then, Park Jinyoung, can you explain why there are rumors going everywhere around the palace that you fathered Hyeyoung’s unborn child?” She demanded furiously. Jinyoung’s eyes widened, his heart pounding in his chest.


“Soyoung, that is not something you can say lightly.” He warned, “Surely, you know better than to believe every little rumor that goes around the palace.” Soyoung scoffed and crossed her arms.


“Hyojun, repeat what you just told me.” She ordered. Hyojun bowed before turning to Jinyoung.


“Your Highness, a rumor has been spreading around the palace since Princess Hyeyoung’s pregnancy was announced.” He said, “The rumors are all saying that you fathered her unborn child, and those rumors have only been fueled all the more because you’ve been going to her chambers more often.” Jinyoung half laughed, completely thrown off guard by the sudden news.


“I only went more often because I wanted to find out who the father is!” He protested, “Soyoung, you know that.” Soyoung didn’t respond, and instead let Hyojun continue.


“Your Highness, of course the Empress knows that, but there were also servants who heard you speaking to the unborn child the other day.” He said, “While it may have been an innocent conversation, men do not typically engage in such behavior unless it is their own child.” Jinyoung groaned.


“As long as Soyoung believes I didn’t do such a thing, isn’t that enough?” He said, “False rumors will die down eventually.” At last, Soyoung spoke.


“There is no smoke without a fire.” She said, “Park Jinyoung, is there anything you need to tell me about?” Jinyoung frowned as he tried to think of what could have triggered this landslide of rumors. 


“I...I suppose there was that one time I fell asleep in her room after having some tea.” He said, “But nothing happened, I’m sure! Hyojun saw it himself, and I can ask Hyeyoung if you’d like!” Soyoung looked over at her guard.


“Did you see the entire sequence of events play out?” She asked. Hyojun hesitated, then shook his head.


“I only happened to pass by after His Highness fell asleep.” He replied, “But the princess assured me that they were only drinking tea and talking about poetry.” Quickly catching on to what the implications were, Jinyoung started to protest.


“Soyoung, I would never-!” The young empress cut him off again before he could speak.


“Enough!” She said firmly. Jinyoung’s voice faded, and he felt his chest clench as Soyoung fixated her gaze on him. The look in her eyes was unfamiliar to him; it was slightly  melancholic, mixed with worry and disappointment.


“I’m disappointed in you, Jinyoung.” She said softly, “Why didn’t you tell me?”Her voice wasn’t loud, her tone only sounding weary rather than furious, but for some reason, the short sentence made Jinyoung’s heart hurt. 


“I thought...since nothing happened, it was alright not to bring it back up.” Jinyoung replied, lowering his head guiltily. 


“I’m sorry for not telling you earlier.” He added quietly. Soyoung sighed deeply and turned her back to him.


“I’ll ask you only one more thing.” She said, “Have you fallen in love with Jang Hyeyoung?” Jinyoung gazed at Soyoung’s back for a long moment as he thought of how to answer. 


“No.” He said at last, “I am sure I have not.” 


“Then that is all.” Soyoung said with an air of finality, “You are dismissed. Hyojun, you may leave as well.” Jinyoung hesitated even as Hyojun  moved to follow the order, and the young imperial guard paused by Jinyoung’s side.


“Come, Your Highness.” He said, “Let’s not bother Her Majesty.” Jinyoung waited for another moment, a little voice in his mind silently begging for his wife to turn around and look at him, to hug him and tell him that she wouldn’t believe such ridiculous rumors, the same way she steadfastly protected him when he had been accused of murdering Lord Han. Then, when she still didn’t move, he sighed and bowed in her direction.


“I will take my leave.” He murmured. With one last look back at Soyoung, he turned and followed Hyojun out of the room. 




As the doors slipped shut behind Soyoung, she finally let out a deep sigh and lowered her head, her eyes closing wearily. It was only midday, but she was already feeling exhausted. She had only intended to catch her sister admitting to what she had done, but somehow the matter had spiraled completely out of her control as new information had been thrown at her left and right. An unfamiliar feeling of helplessness had taken over, one that Soyoung didn’t like at all. And Jinyoung…


I already warned him that his kind heart would get him into trouble one day, and it looks like my predictions are about to come true.


Jinyoung had said he was only trying to keep matters peaceful, but his actions made it clear that he was more than an objective referee. While he had recognized that Hyeyoung had committed a crime, every other word that came out of his mouth had been in her defense. Just the recollection of Jinyoung’s worried expression, his pleading eyes when he had asked Soyoung to lower Hyeyoung’s punishment, was more than enough to make her heart clench painfully. 


Jie.” The sound of Eunseong’s voice outside the door broke into her thoughts, and Soyoung blew out her breath slowly before sitting down at her desk.


“Come in, Brother.” She called. Eunseong entered the room with a tray of steaming medicine. His gaze softened as he spotted the troubled look on her face. 


“Come and drink this medicine.” He said, “I added herbs that will help with your nausea as well. After that, you can have some lunch.” Soyoung looked briefly over at the steaming bowl before making a face.


“I don’t have an appetite.” She lied, although her stomach growled at just that moment to expose her lie. Eunseong chuckled.


“Even if you aren’t, the baby is.” He replied, “You must at least eat to nourish the fetus.” Soyoung sighed again and frowned before finally downing the bowl of medicine. 


“Sister, you are worried about Brother-in-law, aren’t you?” Eunseong noted as Soyoung picked at her food.


So what if I worry about him falling directly into Hyeyoung’s trap? Whatever I say, he always has something to counter. He simply won’t accept what I say when it comes to the things she does.


 When Soyoung didn’t answer, Eunseong pressed on.


“I have heard the rumors as well.” He said, “Don’t blame Hyojun for not telling you earlier. No one dared to bring it up and worry you over a mere rumor.” Soyoung swallowed hard.


“I’m only afraid those are not simple rumors.” She said quietly. 


“Do you really think Brother-in-law fathered Hyeyoung’s child?” Eunseong asked, his eyes wide. Soyoung shook her head.


Of course, it would explain why he’s been so protective of her, and always favoring her side. It would also give another reason why he’s been spending more time with her and why he still hasn’t found out who the child’s father is. 


And yet...I don’t want to believe it just yet. 


“I’m still skeptical about that.’ She replied, “He isn’t the type to do something like that. As innocent as he is, he’s not a fool. But because of this, I’m starting to see that there are bigger problems that I’ll be facing as long as Hyeyoung is here.” 


“What do you mean?” Eunseong asked. Soyoung’s hands clenched tightly in her lap.


“I was only considering the idea earlier.” She said, “But now I know for sure. Hyeyoung is trying to steal Jinyoung and make him her own.” Eunseong’s eyes widened.


“But why would she need to do something like that?” He asked, “She has one of the best marriages a woman could ask for! She could live the rest of her life in complete luxury without barely lifting a finger! Why would she try to seduce a married man, where the only possibility would be shame and at most a position as a secondary concubine?” 


“Think about it.” Soyoung replied, “If Jinyoung falls in love with her, I will most certainly divorce him in order to minimize the damage to everyone’s reputations. It would be ridiculous to expect the Empress to share a husband with another woman. But if I do that, then Goryeo will surely not take it lightly, and my reputation among our people will definitely be impacted. If something else happens right after I lose the support of Goryeo, then what could most likely happen, and who would benefit the most?” A look of understanding filled Eunseong’s eyes as he caught on to what Soyoung was implying. 


“Don’t tell me...she wants the throne?” He guessed, “Or at least, pave the way for her unborn child?” Soyoung closed her eyes and nodded as she sighed. 


“It’s only a daring guess.” She replied, “But I wouldn’t put it below her. Hyeyoung has always been a competitive person and is used to getting what she wants without barely lifting a finger. On the other hand, I, who had to fight for everything since childhood, had the greatest prize of all fall into my lap. She couldn’t have possibly accepted that easily back then, and whoever is instructing her to do all this certainly picked up on her personality. Now that I have proven that a woman can also be a capable ruler, her jealousy will certainly become even more inflamed.” 


I can only blame myself for overlooking this.


From the beginning, Soyoung should have noticed it. In the beginning, Hyeyoung had already put on a show of having similar interests to Jinyoung, gaining his friendship first all while acting like a demure and innocent wife who had been forced to run from the ongoing chaos at her marital home. Once his heart was softened towards her, she had begun to earn not only Jinyoung’s goodwill, but also his pity, so that he would always stand on her side no matter what Soyoung did. And because Soyoung was always one who chose to act firmly and decisively rather than move with a light hand, that only worked to emphasize how demure and understanding Hyeyoung was. The end result? Breaking her relationship with Jinyoung.


While Soyoung was experienced in politics and warfare, she had to admit that competing against another woman’s schemes was not something she’d had to do before. As for Jinyoung, he was smart when it came to reading and artistic endeavours and had read more books than Soyoung ever would in her entire life, but the one thing he did lack was experience in interacting with the many conniving players in court who each had their own motives. 


And somehow, Hyeyoung had managed to exploit both of those weaknesses.


“You must tell Brother-in-law about this!” Eunseong urged, “Just look at what he did today! He completely believes her! And yet, despite the kindness he has shown her, Hyeyoung is secretly planning what amounts to a coup!” Soyoung shook her head.


“Jinyoung pities her too much already.” She replied, “His heart is kind and he’s unable to look beyond what is presented on the surface. He thinks she is a demure and gentle girl. Anything else that I say now will only make me look like I’m acting out of pure jealousy and pettiness. He won’t believe me.” 


“Then…?” Eunseong asked worriedly, “Surely you’re not going to just let her off like this.” Soyoung bit her lip.


“I cannot send her to Ci’an Temple yet.’ She said, “Otherwise, everyone really will think that the child is Jinyoung’s.” Soyoung’s hand clenched into a fist as she recalled the concerned look on Jinyoung’s face as Hyeyoung had cried that her stomach hurt. 


“I will not just allow her to do as she wants.” She decided, “Eunseong, when you go and purchase herbs next week, go and send a message to Wang Jia’er. Tell him that Jinyoung wants to meet with him in the palace, then have soldiers bring him to me when he arrives.”


Jang Hyeyoung, I will not let you have what you want.



As night fell and the imperial palace grew quiet, a slender figure slipped from the empress’ chambers and headed to the military training grounds. The camp was quiet and empty save for the soldiers on guard duty, and the figure’s light steps took her through the camp undetected under the cloak of night. The cloaked figure went straight to General Han’s tent located in the center of the training grounds, barely pausing before stepping into the spacious room. Yeojin looked up in surprise at the figure’s sudden appearance, her hand moving instinctively for her sword before she realized who had come.


“Your Majesty!” She exclaimed, “What are you doing here?” Soyoung pressed a finger to her lips.


“Not so loud.” She shushed. Yeojin brought Soyoung to the little table usually used for eating and drinking, blowing out a few extra candles so the extra shadow in the room would be less noticeable.


“What brings you here at this time of night?” She asked. Soyoung looked over the table with a serious expression on her face.


“I have a favor to ask of you.” She said. 


“Please go ahead.” Yeojin replied, “I will do whatever I can to help you.” 


“Pick some of your most trusted men and send a message to your men in Xanadu.” Soyoung said, “Tell them to secretly investigate what is going on in the Mayor’s mansion, starting from the time Hyeyoung married into their home. What sort of people have been frequenting the manor, who the couple interacts with most, both in and out of the manor. The more information they can get, the better it will be.” Yeojin frowned in confusion.


“Certainly, I can do that.” She said, “But why are you suddenly asking? Didn’t you have Hyojun send men to investigate?” Soyoung sighed quietly.


“There is something that I must investigate for myself.” She replied, “This time, I cannot rely on Hyojun’s information alone.” 


“Does this...have to do with what Princess Hyeyoung has been up to in the palace?” Yeojin asked, “You suspect there is more going on besides what she has said, don’t you?” Soyoung smiled faintly.


“So even you have heard about it?” She asked. Yeojin chuckled.


“It’s as they say.” She replied, “Good things are never spread around easily, but bad things are spread around for thousands of miles. And this time, it involves the Empress’ own sister and husband. Of course it would make for exciting gossip, even for soldiers.” Soyoung laughed dryly.


“And this is why I truly can no longer just sit and wait for news.” She said, “I must get ahead of her, before she does anything else that will damage things beyond repair.” As Soyoung finished speaking, she felt a wave of nausea roll over her stomach, a muffled cough escaping her lips as she clapped a hand over and tried to calm her rolling stomach. Yeojin quickly brought the chamber pot to her, and Soyoung gasped as her body heaved uncomfortably over the pot. After she was done, Yeojin poured her a cup of tea and pushed it  over the table to Soyoung.


“Soyoung.” She said softly, “Are you…?” Soyoung sighed as she sipped at the warm soothing tea before nodding.


“Two months.” She said softly, putting a hand on her stomach, “And the timing couldn’t have been better, right?” 


“So that is why you decided to become more assertive in addressing the situation with Hyeyoung.” Yeojin said, “For the sake of your child. The prince doesn’t know, does he?” Soyoung shook her head.


“I cannot tell him yet, not now.” She replied, “And it isn’t just for this child. It is for my husband, and for the future of our country as well. I’ve let her run rampant for long enough. It’s time to bring an end to this.”


“And I will certainly help you.” Yeojin replied.


A few days later, Wang Jia’er arrived in the palace, and he was quickly ushered to Soyoung’s personal library where she was waiting for him. His eyes widened in surprise as he saw her rather than Jinyoung waiting for him there, and he immediately fell to his knees.


“May Your Majesty live forever.” He intoned. 


“You may rise.” Soyoung replied, lightly lifting Jia’er to his feet. 


“Your Majesty, I thought Jinyoung had invited me into the palace today.” Jia’er said, “And yet, you were the one waiting for me. To what do I owe the honor of a private audience with you?” Soyoung smiled lightly as she sat down in her chair and motioned for Jia’er to take a seat.


“Wang Jia’er, you are like a brother to Jinyoung in the capitol.” She said, “You are someone he trusts greatly, and I have always appreciated the accompaniment you have provided for him.” Jia’er grinned and bowed.


“It is my honor.” He replied humbly. Soyoung leaned her elbows on her desk and rested her chin on the top of her hands.


“Wang Jia’er, I need you to do a favor for me.” She said, “Can you help me?” JIa’er’s eyes widened and he clasped his hands in front of him as he bowed.


“Please go ahead, Your Majesty.” He replied, “I will certainly do my best to help you.” Soyoung smiled.


“Good.” She replied, “I know you are quite well known around the capitol. If you say that you are the second most well connected person in the city, no one will dare to claim being first place.” Jia’er blushed.


“I have embarrassed myself, Your Majesty.” He said, rubbing the back of his neck as Soyoung implied at his womanizing ways. Soyoung laughed softly.


“Wang Jia’er, I need you to make good use of your connections and investigate a matter for me.” She said, “I would do it myself, but it would be too obvious if I personally went to ask around about this issue. Do not tell Jinyoung about what I am about to say to you.” As she spoke, she reached out and handed him a golden token.


“You can use this to use my information network in the city as well.” She added. Jia’er frowned slightly in confusion, seeming to pick up on the heaviness of the task he was about to carry out.


“Who or what do you need me to investigate, Your Majesty?” He asked.


“My sister.” Soyoung replied, “Jang Hyeyoung.”



One week later


Jinyoung sighed as he paused outside of Hyeyoung’s quarters, a stack of books in hand. As much as he didn’t want to, he knew he had to face the ever growing rumors sooner or later. In the one week that had passed from the day Soyoung had told him about the rumors, he had found himself the target of stares and hushed whispers from servants and court officials alike. While they all still bowed to him politely and never dared to say anything directly to his face, Jinyoung could tell from their side glances that they had all heard the rumors spreading like wildfire around the imperial palace. Jinyoung knew that Soyoung had given orders to quell all rumors, but with so many mouths in the palace, there was no way she could prevent all of them from talking about the rumors. Otherwise, Soyoung had been ignoring him again, and Jinyoung didn’t blame her. The few times they did talk in the last seven days always turned into yet another argument, their voices rising loudly until one person finally announced that there was no getting through to the other and declared that they would be sleeping elsewhere for the night. 


In the end, Jinyoung had decided that the only thing he could do was face the problem directly and ask Hyeyoung to clarify what had happened that night. While Jinyoung was certain that nothing had happened between them that day, he knew that one word from Hyeyoung would be worth much more in quelling the rumors and Soyoung’s suspicions than anything he said. 


The guards standing at Hyeyoung’s doors blocked him as he tried to approach, but he appeased them with little bits of money.


“I’ll only give her these books to read, then I’ll be back out.” He promised, “It won’t take long! If the Empress finds out, I will bear the blame for it alne.” The guards hesitated briefly before finally stepping aside to let him in. Jinyoung bowed in thanks and hurried inside, only to skid to a stop in front of the doors to the innermost chambers as he heard a loud crash and a shout from inside.


“My Lady!” He heard Zhen Zhu shout, “My Lady, please calm down!” 


“Let go of me!” He heard Hyeyoung yell, “What use is there to living like this, locked up like a criminal inside my own room?” 


“My Lady!” Zhen Zhu wailed as there was another loud crash. Jinyoung quickly shoved open the doors, and his eyes widened as he took in the chaos going on inside Hyeyoung’s room. Pieces of broken pottery and porcelain lay everywhere, likely thrown there by Hyeyoung in a fit of anger. The tablecloth had been ripped off the table, broken pieces of teacups laying across its green cloth surface. The princess herself was currently standing on top of a chair, holding another vase in her hands. The smell of alcohol hung thickly in the air, an indication that Hyeyoung had been drinking. Jinyoung jumped aside as Hyeyoung threw the vase in her hands, laughing drunkenly as the vase shattered into a thousand pieces. 


“Sister-in-law!” He shouted as he quickly put the books down on a nearby shelf and hurried to where she was balanced precariously on top of the chair, “Please calm down! Why did you drink so much? Come down here first, then we’ll talk over whatever is bothering you, alright?” Hyeyoung looked down at him, a lopsided grin crossing her face.


“Brother-in-law!” She exclaimed, “You’ve come!” Jinyoung nodded, holding out his hand.


“Yes yes, it’s me.” He said, “Won’t you come down? What’s bothering you?” 


“Your Highness, My Lady has already been locked in here for a week!” Zhen Zhu replied, “I do not understand why Her Majesty is doing this! My Lady is a princess, not a criminal! She is already under so much stress because of this child, and now this house arrest has only made things worse!” 


“That’s right!” Hyeyoung slurred, pointing a finger down at Jinyoung, “Why? Why must I have to suffer like this?” She clapped a hand to her chest.


“I, Jang Hyeyoung, am a princess of Yuan!” She declared, “Since childhood, I’ve always had whatever I wanted! What right does my sister have to punish me like this? Why?” Her foot wobbled, and Jinyoung let out a shout as Hyeyoung slipped off the chair, tumbling into his arms as she did so. Jinyoung staggered under her weight, his hands instinctively falling around her waist in an attempt to steady her. His back hit against the wooden bedframe behind him, causing him to yelp in pain. Hyeyoung blinked at the sound, her teary eyed gaze meeting Jinyoung’s eyes.


“Brother-in-law!” She cried tearfully, “Brother-in-law!” 


“It’s alright, Sister-in-law.” Jinyoung said softly as he attempted to pull away from her, “You’re safe now.” His eyes widened in surprise as Hyeyoung refused to let go of him.


“Brother-in-law, what did I do wrong?” She asked woefully, “All I wanted was to truly love someone for once! I’ve already spent so many years following what my mother, and then what my sister wanted! Why can’t I just have the love of my life once and bear his child? It’s not a difficult thing to ask!” Jinyoung swallowed hard as Hyeyoung pressed against him.


“I know, I understand, Sister-in-law.” He said softly, patting her lightly on the shoulder. 


“My sister has never liked me!” Hyeyoung said woefully as she finally pulled away from Jinyoung and sat down on the bed, “Ever since the day she met me, she hasn’t liked me. Do you know why she married me off so quickly after she took the throne?” Jinyoung shook his head, unsure of how to answer. Hyeyoung laughed at the confused expression on his face.


“Do you really think she was trying to plan a good future for me? It was all because she thought I would be a threat to her throne!” She declared, taking his hand, “My Brother-in-law, my poor, sweet Brother-in-law. You don’t even know what kind of woman you married, do you?” She sniffled and poked a finger at Jinyoung’s hand to punctuate every sentence.


“She is a possessive, dominant woman!” Hyeyoung declared, “She is merciless to those who threaten her position! That, is what she turned into after spending years on the battlefield!” She clapped a hand to her chest.


“I’m afraid, Brother-in-law!” She slurred, “I’m afraid that one day, she will come after my life as well, and my baby!” Jinyoung shook his head.

“She wouldn’t do that.” He assured her, “I know she won’t.” Hyeyoung hiccuped as she shook her head drowsily.


“Do not underestimate what a jealous woman is capable of.” She slurred, waving one finger at Jinyoung, “Especially one with power!” Hyeyoung suddenly looked sad again, and she waved at Jinyoung to come closer. As he did so, she reached out and his eyes widened as she lay a hand on his cheek.


“I wish...oh, how I wish you really were my father’s child.” She whimpered, “What has Jang Soyoung done to deserve a wonderful man like you? Why must I be pushed off to a man I’d barely met while she can have her pick? Why?” Jinyoung gulped as he felt his throat go dry. 


“I...I think you’re drunk, Sister-in-law.” He said, trying to push her away as lightly as possible, “Didn’t you say you were in love with the father of your child?” 


“The father of my child?” Hyeyoung slurred, tightening her grasp around Jinyoung, “But you...Park Jinyoung, you are so much better than him! Don’t you think that I am wonderful?” Jinyoung gulped as he heard her say his full name rather than the title she usually used.


“Aren’t I better than my sister?” Hyeyoung yelled when Jinyoung didn’t respond. His heart pounding loudly in his ears, Jinyoung finally found the strength to pull away from Hyeyoung and leapt to his feet.


“You are drunk, Sister-in-law.” He said, feeling flustered, “Zhen Zhu, get some sobering soup for your mistress. I will take my leave now.” Zhen Zhu bowed and walked him to the door. As soon as Jinyoung was far away enough, he sighed and slumped to the ground. His heart was still pounding in his ears, and he could still smell the alcohol on Hyeyoung’s breath mixed with the scent of her perfume on her clothes.


Are you in love with Hyeyoung?


Soyoung’s question to him rang once more in his ear, and Jinyoung placed a hand on his chest as he took deep breaths to calm himself. Although his heart was pounding, it felt different from the way he felt when he was around Soyoung. When he was with Soyoung, his heart fluttered slightly with nerves, his heart ached with jealousy whenever he had seen her with Yi-en, and his heart had twisted in pain whenever she woke up from her nightmares with tears rolling down her cheeks. When he kissed Soyoung and held her in his arms, his heart pounded with desire for the young empress, his chest overflowing with emotions he didn’t know how to express as warmth flooded through his veins from her mere touch alone. On the contrary, although Hyeyoung had been pressed right up against him, he had felt nothing but flustered, not in the same way that he felt around Soyoung, but because his mind knew it was improper. 


In short, drunk as Hyeyoung may have been, her proximity made him uncomfortable.


Jinyoung sighed and rose to his feet, then hesitated as he looked down at his hand.


Wait a minute…


Now that he thought back on it, something As Jinyoung thought back on the events that had just unexpectedly transpired, he suddenly realized what it was.


When Hyeyoung had been pressed against him, he was able to feel her rounded belly pressing lightly against him as well. It was subtle and hidden below the layers of cloth she was wearing, but…


Isn’t she only one month pregnant?


Jinyoung didn’t have experience in these things, of course, but he understood enough to know that a woman’s belly grew as the child within her grew. At one month, the fetus was still tiny, so the mother would barely show any outward signs of pregnancy. And yet, based on the size of her stomach now…


Even if she was carrying more than one child, surely her stomach wouldn’t be that large already.


Jinyoung swallowed hard and switched directions to head for the imperial library.


I may be wrong about this, but I should double check.



After Jinyoung’s hurried footsteps faded into the distance, Hyeyoung rose to her feet, all signs of drunkenness gone from her face. Zhen Zhu looked worried as Hyeyoung took the warm cloth the maid offered her and patted her face with it.


“My Lady, don’t you think that was a little too forward?” She asked, “You were so close to him. What if he noticed something about your belly?” Hyeyoung scoffed.


“Don’t worry about that.” She said, “That fool couldn’t even tell that I wasn’t actually drunk or where the scent of alcohol was coming from. Do you think he could pick up on the subtleties of a woman’s body, especially when my sister hasn’t even borne him a child yet?” 


“But what if he gets scared off because you were too forward?” Zhen Zhu asked. Hyeyoung laughed and shook her head.


“Didn’t you see how he acted when my sister wanted to punish me?” She asked, “He always stands on my side first. It won’t be long before his heart is completely mine.” As Zhen Zhu still hesitated, Hyeyoung patted her maid on the hand.


“As long as Physician Yu doesn’t say anything, it’ll be fine.” She said, “Don’t worry so much.” Zhen Zhu finally sighed and nodded.


“Yes, My Lady.” She said.


“Go and prepare a snack for me.” Hyeyoung said, “My child is hungry.” 


“Yes, My Lady, I will send it right away.” Zhen Zhu said. As the maid went to the door, Hyeyoung let out a little gasp as she felt a cramp in her belly, her hand flying to her slightly rounded abdomen where her child was nestled. 


“My Lady?” Zhen Zhu asked in alarm, “What’s wrong?” Hyeyoung blew out her breath slowly as the cramp eased and then didn’t return again.


Was I just imagining things?


“Nothing.” She lied, “I’m fine.” Zhen Zhu left the room, and Hyeyoung swallowed hard as she gently rubbed her hand over her stomach.


My baby, you must stay safe and healthy. Everything depends on you.



A little while later


Jinyoung took a deep breath as he stood in front of the Physician’s Bureau. He had thought long and hard over whether he should confront Physician Yu directly about this, and had twice thought it would be better to just talk to Soyoung about it, but had decided in the end that bringing issues up to Soyoung could just put them into yet another argument. Soyoung had been more sensitive lately, her anger inflamed more easily than before, and it had only gotten worse since Hyeyoung had become pregnant and rumors started flying around about her and Jinyoung. Matters had only gotten worse lately because the court officials were pressing Soyoung to quickly take action, find the source of the rumors, and quell them before it got out of hand and affected the reputation of the imperial household.


And so, here he was, preparing to question Physician Yu directly. It wasn’t like he was certain that Hyeyoung was lying; after all, she had no reason to lie about her own child, right? What benefit would that bring her? But somehow, a tiny voice in Jinyoung’s head warned him that he should at least ask. Physician Yu had been assigned to take care of Hyeyoung since her pregnancy was first diagnosed. Surely, he would know best. 


“Your Highness?” Jinyoung turned as a voice called out to him, a tiny smile crossing his face as he saw Physician Yu standing there.


“Hello Physician Yu.” He greeted. The older man bowed in response.


“What brings you here?” He asked, “Are you not feeling well?” Jinyoung shook his head. 


“I...just had a few questions to ask about my Sister-in-law.” He said. Physician Yu looked surprised that Jinyoung was asking after Hyeyoung so openly, but nodded.


“I shall tell Your Highness all that you wish to know.” He replied. Jinyoung carefully started with simple, more basic questions that he knew the answer to. After all, in all of history, no military strategist revealed what he wanted at the very beginning. After Physician Yu seemed to become less wary of him, Jinyoung cut directly to the main question.


“One last question.” He said, “My Sister-in-Law...are you sure that she is only one month pregnant?” Physician Yu’s face turned pale at the question, alarm flickering lightly across his face before his face settled into a placid smile.


“Of course, Your Highness.” He said, “How far along a woman is into her pregnancy is a basic fact that can be diagnosed directly from her pulse. There is no way I could have made a mistake about that. Why does Your Highness ask?” Jinyoung smiled and shook his head, hiding the fact that he had noticed the panic on the older man’s face.


“No particular reason.” He said, “I just thought I’d ask. Her needs will change every month, right?” Physician Yu chuckled awkwardly.


“Indeed, Your Highness.” He replied. Jinyoung patted the older man on the shoulder.


“I will be leaving now.” He declared. Physician Yu bowed as Jinyoung walked away. 


“Goodbye, Your Highness.” He said. Jinyoung waved a hand over his shoulder, but already his mind was whirling with what he had just seen. Physician Yu had affirmed what he had asked, but the panic on his face, while brief, hadn’t gone unnoticed. Combined with Jinyoung had read and felt earlier…


Something is wrong.


But if she was lying...then why would she do that? 


And if there’s one many others are there?


“Brother-in-law?” Jinyoung stopped as he heard a voice call out to him, and he spotted Eunseong standing a few feet away.


“Eunseong.” He greeted. The Grand Prince was dressed in casual wear, evidently having just been outside of the palace to obtain herbs. Eunseong’s observant gaze seemed to pick up on the perplexed look on Jinyoung’s face and quickly guessed that the Goryeo prince was troubled by something.


“What brings you here, Brother-in-law?” He asked. Jinyoung took a deep breath before making his decision.


“I’m concerned about something.” He replied. 




“Physician Yu?” Soyoung looked up as Eunseong finished speaking, her eyebrow raised ever so slightly. Her twin nodded.


“I think we should question him.” He said, “I received news that there may be more to Hyeyoung’s pregnancy than meets the eye. Specifically, that she may be further along than we originally thought.” Soyoung frowned slightly and put down the document in her hand.


“And who told you that?” She asked. Eunseong hesitated. 


“I promised him I wouldn’t tell.” He said quietly. Soyoung sighed softly.


“Him?” She said, “It’s Jinyoung, isn’t it? These days, he is the only male who could get that close to her.” Eunseong hesitated before nodding.


“I ran into him outside of the Physician’s Bureau.” He replied.


“Did he say why he thought that way?” She asked. Eunseong shook his head.


“I’d guess that he went to see her and managed to find a way in.” He replied. Soyoung sighed as she leaned back against her chair. Of course Jinyoung had gone to visit her. 


But this time, it looked like Jinyoung’s visit hadn’t been an entirely wrong move in hindsight.


After all, if Hyeyoung wasn’t just one month pregnant, then that would make the flow of events make much more sense. 


If she had known there was a child on the way before, then she would have all the more reason to render Soyoung infertile, which would put her child directly in the line of succession. If she had conceived hypothetically three months ago, then it could have been before Hyeyoung had even arrived at the capitol, which would provide a reason why Soyoung had investigated nearly every male in the palace capable of having children and still hadn’t found anything connecting any of them to Hyeyoung. 


And, it would give Hyeyoung yet another reason to become close to Jinyoung and work her way into his heart. 


Biting her lip, Soyoung tapped her finger against the table for a few moments.


“Did Jinyoung speak with Physician Yu as well?” She asked. Eunseong nodded.


“He did, but he said Physician Yu didn’t say anything different from what he’s always had.” He answered, “Although apparently the physician also looked alarmed at the question.” Soyoung frowned slightly as she turned this new piece of information over in her mind. It would be risky to call Physician Yu so soon after Jinyoung had asked him about how far Hyeyoung was. But at the same time, there were benefits to doing so. If Physician Yu was really working with Hyeyoung to create the false pretense that Jinyoung was her child’s father and all the other issues that had stemmed from the younger princess, and if Soyoung questioned him right after Jinyoung did, then alarming him would likely cause him to panic and take actions outside of the original plan. After all, those who acted in a panic rarely acted carefully and in a well thought out manner. 


And that, was always the best plan to catch the enemy. 


“Call Physician Yu here.” She ordered, “I will ask him about this myself.”


The older man soon arrived at her library, where he bowed politely. 


“May Your Majesty live forever.” He said. 


“Rise, Physician Yu.” Soyoung said, “You need not be so formal. I only called you here to ask a few questions about my sister, Hyeyoung.” A look of surprise flitted across Physician Yu’s face before he bowed again.


“Go ahead, Your Majesty.” He replied. 


“First.” Soyoung said, lightly testing the waters,“How is Hyeyoung doing now after that scare a week ago? Is the child stable and her body healthy?” Physician Yu smiled lightly.


“Her Highness’ body has been improving greatly.” He said, “Although the fetus was disturbed last time, it seems to have stabilized now thanks to the medication that the princess has been diligently taking.” Soyoung nodded, a light placid smile on her face.


“Second,” She continued, “When do you think my sister will be fit to travel? After she is well enough, I still think it would be best to send her to Ci’an Temple.” Physician Yu hesitated before answering.


“I would not advise Her Highness to travel.” He answered, “That is, not at least until the fetus has reached about three to four months old. During that time, the child becomes the most stable in the mother’s womb.” Soyoung nodded again.


“Very well.” She said, “But Physician Yu, are you certain that Hyeyoung is only one month pregnant?” The older man’s face turned white, and he cleared his throat awkwardly before speaking.


“Of course, Your Majesty.” He said, “Why do you suddenly ask about that? This old subject has served long enough in the Physician’s Bureau to tell something like that.” Soyoung laughed softly.


“Don’t look so afraid.” She said, “I wasn’t implying that you were wrong. I just wanted to know so I could plan her trip to the temple.” She waved a hand at him.


“That is all.” Soyoung declared, “You may go now.” Physician Yu bowed and quickly left the room, and Soyoung waited for a few more minutes before turning to Eunseong.


“So?” She asked, “What do you think?” Eunseong smirked.


“He’s not very good at lying.” Her brother noted, “Even I can tell that he’s hiding something.” Soyoung nodded in agreement. 


“Also, do you remember what happened when I was about to send her to Ci’an Temple one week ago?” She noted, “Although she claimed that her stomach hurt and her child was in danger, Hyeyoung insisted on calling the much further away Physician Yu when you were right next to her. I didn’t think much about it then, but now, it’s suddenly making much more sense. 


“Because...if anyone else took her pulse, they would realize that she was lying?” Eunseong guessed, and Soyoung nodded. 


“Then...what do you intend to do now?” Eunseong asked. Soyoung smiled faintly and returned to the document she had been reading before Eunseong had arrived.


“The pieces have been put into place exactly where I need them.” She replied, “For now, all we need to do is wait for the ball that will start pushing down this precariously placed set of dominoes.” 


“Jie!” Eunseong protested, “We cannot possibly wait any longer! Waiting like this already brought so much trouble into the imperial palace!” Soyoung smiled and shook her head.


“Don’t worry, Brother.” She said, “I have a feeling it won’t be long before that ball comes.”


“What did you say?” Hyeyoung turned in alarm as Zhen Zhu finished speaking. The maid jumped at her mistress’ tone, but nodded in confirmation.


“It’s true.” She said, “One of the maids in the Physician’s Bureau who has long served as a spy for Lord Jaewon sent the message to me. She said Physician Yu was summoned to the Empress’ library shortly after the Prince Consort asked him about your pregnancy.” Hyeyoung bit her lip in worry, her hand clenching around her handkerchief. 


They must have caught onto something. 


But how? What did either of them see or hear?


“Physician Yu shouldn’t have said anything yet.” She decided, “If he did, both my sister and her husband would have been here by now.” 


“My Lady, is there anything we should do?” Zhen Zhu asked. Hyeyoung thought for a moment, then nodded.


“That person is still in the capitol, isn’t he?” She said, and Zhen Zhu nodded in affirmation. Hyeyoung blew out her breath slowly.


“I was going to spare his life, but it seems like that won’t be possible anymore.” She decided, “At this rate, it won’t be long before the Empress finds him. And if she does, everything will begin to unravel. Send a message to my uncle, and tell him that person needs to be gone!” Zhen Zhu nodded.


“Yes, My Lady.” She said. As Zhen Zhu went to prepare the message, Hyeyoung turned to the mirror and took a deep breath, her lips pressed into a thin line. She was so close to her goal, just so close! Given the fragile trust that was wearing thin between the imperial couple right now, if Hyeyoung just pressed on it a little more, surely the line that tied them together would break. 


I cannot let a man who has become useless to me ruin everything now!





The streets of the capitol had fallen silent as the sun had set, the usually bustling marketplace shut down for the night and shops shuttered until the next morning. The moon hung in the cloudless sky, its silver light illuminating the streets below. It was a peaceful night, one just like any other in the Yuan capitol city. 


That is, except for the figure currently dashing headlong down the street.


The young man’s breath came in soft gasps as he fled, his heart pounding loudly in his chest from exertion. His eyes were wide in fear as he turned to look back behind him and spotted the same figures who had crashed into his rented room still in hot pursuit behind him. His footsteps skidded to a stop as he saw another figure up ahead, also dressed in black and masked like the ones who were behind him. The moonlight illuminated the silver unsheathed sword in the other man’s hand, the silver light making him look like the god of death himself waiting for the fleeing man. 


“Look, I only ever wanted to find the princess who captured my heart!” The man cried, “We were truly in love and she suddenly disappeared! I swore to marry her one day, I wanted to keep that promise! I haven’t done anything wrong that is harmful to anyone! Why are you all intent on killing me?” The man holding the sword stepped forward, and the fleeing man gulped as the sword was placed against his neck.


“You were wrong the moment you stepped foot into the capitol.” The man replied, “You should have just stayed in Xanadu, where you could have lived quietly for the rest of your life, but instead you chose to create trouble. And now, you will pay the price for your foolishness.” 


The sword swung into the air, and the night was punctuated by a shrill scream before everything fell silent again. 


As the fleeing man crumpled to the ground and lay there unmoving, one of the men who had been in pursuit came up to the one who had delivered the final blow.


“Lord Hyojun.” He said, “What should we do with the body?” Im Hyojun pulled down the mask covering his face, the moonlight illuminating his sharp, cold features.


“Leave him to me.” He replied, “I will take care of it.” The men hesitated before Hyojun looked at them coldly.


“Do you not trust me to dispose of a mere body?” He asked.


“No, of course not.” The other men replied with a bow, “We will take our leave now.” The other men hurried away, leaving Hyojun with the crumpled figure of the man who had tried to flee. Hyojun sighed and leaned down to look at his target. 


“You really should have just stayed in Xanadu.” He murmured, “The princess already got what she wanted from you, and yet you foolishly thought she truly loved you.” For a long moment, the city was silent save for the sound of wind blowing lightly through the trees and the sound of crows cawing in the air.


Then, the fallen man’s hand moved ever so slightly.


Imperial Palace


At the same time that the young man from Xanadu was being pursued, the imperial palace was blanketed in peace and quiet, its inhabitants slumbering within their respective rooms. 


Then, the peace was suddenly shattered by the sound of a shrill scream.


“Zhen Zhu!” Hyeyoung’s terrified scream echoed through her chamber, “Zhen Zhu!” The young maid bolted up from her bed in the adjoining servant’s room, her eyes wide in shock at the sound of her mistress’ horrified cries. Leaping down from her bed, the maid quickly slipped on her shoes and hurried into Princess Hyeyoung’s rooms, where she had been sleeping peacefully merely moments before. 


“My Lady, My Lady!” She exclaimed as she rushed to light a candle, “What’s wrong?” As the golden candlelight filled the room, Zhen Zhu’s footsteps skidded to a stop as her gaze fell on her mistress. Princess Hyeyoung lay curled up in her bed, her arms wrapped around her abdomen. A cold sweat had broken out on the princess forehead and cheeks, her face contorted in pain. 


“Something’s wrong!” the princess gasped, “My stomach hurts so much! Something is terribly wrong!” Zhen Zhu rushed to pull back the covers from her mistress, and a loud gasp escaped her lips as she looked down on the bed. 


Princess Hyeyoung’s nightgown and bedsheets were soaked in blood, the red fluid made all the more terrifying by the candlelight. It was not difficult to tell where the blood was coming from; as the princess moved, Zhen Zhu saw that the lower part of Hyeyoung’s nightgown was turning more red.


It’s coming from the princess’ body!


“My...My Lady!” Zhen Zhu whimpered, pointing at the blood. Hyeyoung looked down and her eyes widened in shock, a strangled scream escaping her lips.


“No…no!” She screamed, her hands grasping at the sheets as if she could stop the bloody flow that way, “No! My baby!” A wild look filled Hyeyoung’s eyes as she looked up at Zhen Zhu.


“Get Physician Yu!” She screamed, “Get  him here right away!” Zhen Zhu nodded quickly, barely able to order her body to move properly from the shock of the sight in front of her. She fled quickly through the night, and soon Physician Yu was ushered into the princess’ rooms. Hyeyoung’s eyes were wide as she grasped the older man’s arm.


“I don’t care what you have to do!” She gasped, “You must save my child!” Physician Yu’s eyes were wide in horror as he took in the sight in front of him, but he nodded and carefully extricated himself from the princess’ grasp.


“I will do my best.” He promised. Promise as he did though, a grave look filled the man’s face as he took Hyeyoung’s pulse. His gaze flickered over to the blood soaked sheets, took her pulse again, and then he backed away before falling to his knees.


“Please forgive this subject for being incompetent!” He said, “There is nothing I can do to help you now, Your Highness.” 


“What do you mean?” Hyeyoung demanded, her hands grasping at her aching abdomen, “You have a way to save my baby, don’t you? You must!”


Physician Yu hesitated for a moment before answering.


“Please forgive me, Your Highness.” He finally said, lowering his head, “You have suffered a miscarriage. The child is lost.” Hyeyoung stared at him for a long moment in shock, her hand laying on her belly for a few moments before she laughed.


“Stop joking around with  me, Physician Yu.” She said, “It’s not funny!” Physician Yu shook his head.


“I dare not lie about this.” He replied, “The pain you felt in your stomach, the blood, and your pulse just now...the child is gone, Your Highness.” 


“How could that be?” Zhen Zhu demanded as Hyeyoung dissolved into sobs, “Didn’t you say just a few days ago that the fetus was stable?” 


“The child was certainly stable when I last came to see Your Highness.” Physician Yu replied, “Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, all the food that the princess consumes has been carefully prepared, and the child should have been stabilized inside the mother’s womb by three months of gestation, and yet…” He shook his head.


“It is possible that the fetus itself was too weak to survive.” He said, “Things like that cannot be noted from outside the mother’s body. Or, it could be that the mother’s body for whatever reason decided to reject the fetus. At this point, it is no longer possible to tell. If the princess had been further along, the dead fetus could have been delivered and we could tell, but when a woman miscarries between three and four months of pregnancy, the fetus becomes absorbed back into the mother’s body.” 


“You incompetent fool!” Hyeyoung screamed, picking up a pillow and throwing it at the older physician, “Don’t you know how important this child is to the entire plan?” 


“I know, I do know!” Physician Yu exclaimed, “But at this point, only an act of heaven can put that child back into your belly. Even if you tried to conceive again now, your body wouldn’t be able to do so so close to your miscarriage.” 


“Get lost!” Hyeyoung screamed, “Get lost, right now! And don’t you dare say anything about this to anyone!” 


“Yes, Your Highness!” Physician Yu replied before hurrying out of the room. After he left, Zhen Zhu came and knelt next to her mistress’ bedside.


“My Lady?” She said quietly. Hyeyoung’s body trembled, her hand still on her now empty belly. 


“Why?” She whimpered, “Why must the heavens take my child from me? Why must the heavens go and ruin everything? I’m so close, just so close!” 


“My Lady, what should we do now?” Zhen Zhu asked. Hyeyoung took a shuddering breath, tears still rolling down her face as she thought for a long moment.


“No one must know about this.” She said firmly, “Even if my child is gone, I can still fulfill the plan. In fact, the loss of this child could become even more helpful at this point.” 


“What do you mean?” Zhen Zhu asked, frowning in confusion. 


“Come closer.” Hyeyoung said, beckoning one finger towards her maid. A few minutes later, Zhen Zhu nodded.


“I will do as you say, My Lady.” She replied.


Author's note: Remember that little oath Hyeyoung made that if she was lying then nothing good would befall her child? Well, it's come back to bite her now!


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2033 streak #1
Chapter 37: The epilogue was so cute!!! And wow! They have so many kids... LoL... Hyojun leaving again was a bit sad but it's understandable. And the kinda Yi-En's punishment and story was funny. I really enjoyed reading this story. Hope to see you again in your future works. Wishing you good luck!!
2033 streak #2
Chapter 36: I still believe the story has come to an end. I'm still yearning for more! This was such an amazing story. Could even be made a K-drama if you ask me. Although, I do wonder if Yi-En's another consort now since they were legally married. Also, they both never addressed it. So I'm more curious than ever. LoL... Anyway, can't wait to read the epilogue. But will be back later to do so ^^
2033 streak #3
Chapter 35: I knew it! I mean that can't be true, y'know with what happened the previous chapter. Poor Jinwoo though! That child was thinking his father was abandoning him. Although it was done for his own safety. I can't wait to see how she makes her reappearance. And also, about being Yi-En's princess consort. Will be back later to read more and catch up ^^
hakimmj #4
Chapter 37: Finally for now they be happy with all their children. Can't wait for more after this. Thanks for the updates! :))
2033 streak #5
Chapter 34: Wait what???? You must be be kidding right? I mean it's a trick for some greater good right? Why do you have to drop this bomb on us while we were all so happy about the way things were going? Anyway, enough of my dramatics, I know! Will definitely be back later to read more and find out what happens herein. So until then, no spoilers please!! ^^
hakimmj #6
Chapter 36: Finally! Their strong love for each other really makes them become stronger. Soyoung finally can reclaim hers and the family. Can't wait for more moments of jinyoung and soyoung with their children. Thanks for the updates;;))
2033 streak #7
Chapter 33: Definitely wasn't expecting the twist about the consort and her role in the chaos. Glad she decided to come clean at least now and that Soyoung took it well. And she's expecting again. That's for sure I think, with all the hint that's you've given us. And I can't wait to see how this develops further. But will be back later to read more ^^
hakimmj #8
Chapter 35: Can't wait to know the identity of the woman. My instinct is so strong for the revival of soyoung. Please make them meet again and be happy:((
hakimmj #9
Chapter 34: Oh my god!! Soyoung :((
I can't believe this. Jinyoung will be so sad for this. Hope to know what happen after this.
hakimmj #10
Chapter 33: Really happy when jinyoung is back and safe. Their moments with the little prince is so sweet, can't wait to read more of their moments. Hopefully soyoung is alright. Thanks for the updates.;)