Chapter 28: Blissful Love

Phoenix Aurora (Got7 Jinyoung X OC)




Soyoung wasn’t sure when she fell asleep, but when she opened her eyes again, long golden rays of sunlight were already stretching over the floor of her room and the soft sounds of birdsong could be heard from outside the window. Soyoung cracked open one eye sleepily as her hand touched cold blankets on the other side of the bed, her brow furrowing in confusion as she realized that Jinyoung wasn’t lying next to her. Sitting up slowly, Soyoung cast her gaze around the room carefully, her frown deepening as she saw no sign of her husband. 


“Jinyoung?” She called, but there was no response. Soyoung felt a flurry of movement from inside her belly as she stretched slightly, bringing a small smile to her face.


“Good morning, little one.” She said softly, running a hand over her swollen stomach, “Shall we go find your father?” The baby kicked her hand in response, and Soyoung patted her stomach one more time before slipping out of bed. Soyoung padded slowly around the large chambers, but Jinyoung was nowhere to be seen. Her confusion increasing with every second, Soyoung draped a cloak around her shoulders and headed for the door. The moment she opened the door though, Soyoung found herself looking directly into Jinyoung’s warm smiling face right outside the door.


“Jinyoung!” She exclaimed, “Where have you been?” Jinyoung chuckled at the look on her face.


“Good morning.” He said, leaning in to give her a quick kiss, “Did you sleep well, Young-ah?” Soyoung smiled as warmth spread through her at Jinyoung’s touch.


“Mm.” She answered softly, her half asleep mind still taking in what Jinyoung had said.




“Jinyoung.” She said softly, “What did you just call me?” Jinyoung chuckled and graced her lips with another soft kiss.


“Young-ah.” He repeated with a cheeky grin, “Now that our feelings are out in the open, I cannot just call you by name all the time, can I?” Soyoung felt a light blush warm her cheeks, and she quickly cast her gaze around for something to change the subject.


 “Where did you go so early in the morning?” She asked. Jinyoung grinned and lifted up the little lacquered wooden box he was holding.


“Making you some sweets.” He announced with a smile. Soyoung tilted her head slightly, a confused but amused smile crossing her face.


“Sweets for breakfast?” She asked. Jinyoung chuckled and poked a finger at her lips.


“Isn’t that your favorite these days?” He asked. Soyoung huffed and put a hand on her belly.


“It’s the baby’s favorite, not mine.” She corrected. Jinyoung smirked and leaned down towards Soyoung’s rounded stomach.


“That’s about the same thing, isn’t it, little one?” He asked, leaning his ear against her belly. The baby answered Jinyoung with a flurry of kicks, making Soyoung wince.


“Jinyoung!” She scolded, “Don’t make the baby kick so much.” Jinyoung chuckled and kissed Soyoung lightly.


Mian.” He murmured softly, “Let’s go eat?” Soyoung’s stomach grumbled before she could respond, and she laughed softly before walking over to the table with Jinyoung. watered as Jinyoung opened the lid to the box, revealing a large plate of tteok in various flavors. Soyoung slipped one out as gracefully as she could manage with her stomach rumbling hungrily before biting into one piece. A little smile of satisfaction crossed her face as she savored the sweet flavor of the red bean paste mixed with the stick rice flour coating surrounding it. 


“Is it that delicious?” Jinyoung asked, smiling faintly in amusement, “You look like you just ate the best food in the entire world.” Soyoung smirked and ate the rest of the sweet before answering.


“Only when you make it.” She answered, “Eunseong tried to make it when you were gone, but it simply did not taste the same.” Jinyoung reached out and took her hands.


“I’ll make it every day for you.” He promised. Soyoung laughed softly and slipped her hands free so she could eat another piece.


“Don’t do that.” She replied, “Too many sweets aren’t good for anyone, especially an expectant mother.” Jinyoung tapped a finger against his chin for a moment.


“Then...once a week?” He offered. Soyoung smiled and nodded.


“Alright.” She agreed. Jinyoung rested his head against his palm as he watched Soyoung eat, a content smile on his face. 


“Is it really that delicious?” He asked again after a few minutes. Soyoung raised an eyebrow and put half of a rice cake into before pushing the plate towards him and motioning for him to take some. Jinyoung shook his head, a cheeky smile turning up the corner of his lips.


“There’s a better way to have a taste.” He said. Soyoung raised her eyebrow curiously at his response, and Jinyoung smirked before leaning in closer. Soyoung moved backwards out of instinct, but Jinyoung looped one arm behind her to hold her still before leaning closer and biting off the other half of the rice cake in . Soyoung’s eyes widened as her husband came in so close, his lips gently brushed hers as he bit off the food, his touch lingering ever so slightly before Jinyoung pulled away. As if nothing had happened, Jinyoung tapped a finger against his cheek as he chewed on the rice cake.


“That’s not too bad, if I do say so for myself.” He said nonchalantly. Soyoung felt her cheeks flush hot as she realized what had just happened.


That sneaky..!


“Jinyoung!” She finally spluttered, “Park Jinyoung!” Jinyoung looked at her innocently, a little smile playing across his lips.


“Yes, yeobo?” He asked smoothly. Soyoung’s eyes widened, her face growing warmer as she heard the little term of endearment Jinyoung had thrown in at the end. 


“This is ridiculous.” She muttered, clapping her hands over her cheeks as she turned away from him. Jinyoung had some incredible magical power that could allow him to render her speechless within a few words. Soyoung supposed that it was a testament to how much she loved this man, but she couldn’t help but imagine what would happen if the court officials ever saw her like this. She still had an image to keep up, after all!


“ are not allowed to use that word when other people are nearby!” Soyoung finally spluttered, barely managing to keep her voice calm. Jinyoung chuckled and she felt his breath tickle her neck as he moved closer to her.


“Which word?” He asked teasingly, “Yeobo?” Soyoung’s eyes widened again, and she turned quickly to scold him, but Jinyoung’s lips were on hers before she could say a word, his kiss sweetened by the taste of the red bean paste still lingering on his mouth. Soyoung’s breath hitched in as warmth spread through entire body once more, her heart pounding in her chest. Her breath came in ragged gasps as Jinyoung finally pulled away.


“You...are very dangerous.” She muttered, gazing up at her husband’s warm gaze. Jinyoung chuckled at the flushed expression on her face.


“We are husband and wife.” He said softly, lacing his fingers through hers, “And we hold mutual feelings for each other. There’s no need to be embarrassed.” 


“But still!” Soyoung protested halfheartedly, although she didn’t pull her hand away, “What if other people see the warrior empress blushing like a teenager?” Jinyoung laughed softly.


“Then...they will only say that the Empress married an incredible man.” He answered, leaning in for another kiss.


“And which scholar taught you to say sweet words like this?” Soyoung murmured softly. Jinyoung chuckled, the soft rumbling from deep in his throat making Soyoung’s heart skip a beat.


“Your little poet.” He answered before deepening their kiss. Soyoung sighed softly as she wrapped her arms around Jinyoung, breakfast completely forgotten.


Just what did I do to deserve to have a man like this love me so deeply?


As Jinyoung’s hand laid against the back of Soyoung’s neck to support her better, Soyoung gasped as she felt her belly tighten slightly, interrupting the haze that had settled over her head. 


“What’s wrong?” Jinyoung asked as Soyoung laid a hand on her rounded belly, “Did the baby kick?” Soyoung grimaced as she felt another slight cramp.


“No.” She answered, “I felt a cramp.” Jinyoung’s eyes widened.


“Don’t tell me…?” He asked, letting his question trail off. Soyoung frowned and shook her head.


“There’s still a little more time before I’m due.” She answered, “It shouldn’t be time yet.” Jinyoung’s brow furrowed in worry, and he quickly walked to the door.


“Go and summon the Grand Prince.” He ordered the servants standing outside the door.


“Jinyoung, I’m sure it’s fine.” Soyoung assured him, “It’s only a small cramp.” Jinyoung shook his head as he returned to her side.


“This is our first child.” He said, taking her hand as he helped her to the bed, “I am not taking any chances.” Soyoung smiled faintly and rested her hand against his cheek.


“You really have matured.” She noted softly. Jinyoung smiled and leaned into her palm.


“When I was at the restoration effort, there were many things that I’d never seen before.” He said, “But I will always remember watching a young wife bury her husband long before his life was supposed to end. Her father in law reminded me of one thing that I will remember for life: appreciate the people by your side,  because you never know what tomorrow will bring.” Jinyoung reached up and squeezed Soyoung’s hand warmly.


“And for me, that includes both you and our baby.” He said, “I will make sure that both of you are safe.” Soyoung smiled and reached out to smooth out her husband’s furrowed brow.


“I am so lucky to have you.” She said softly. Jinyoung smiled and turned his head to kiss her hand.


“And I am lucky to have you.” He answered.


Eunseong arrived before long, and Jinyoung was sent outside the room as Soyoung was examined. Soyoung could hear Jinyoung’s pacing footsteps coming from the doorway as Eunseong checked her over.


“He’s such a worrywart.” She noted with a soft laugh. 


“As every father-to-be is.” Eunseong answered with a chuckle, “But I’m glad to see a smile back on your face, Sister. I wasn’t wrong to bring him back.” Soyoung scoffed and poked a finger at her brother’s forehead.


“This is the only time I won’t punish you for disobeying my order.” She noted. Eunseong chuckled.


“Then I shall thank Your Majesty for your grace.” He answered teasingly. 


The prince was done before long, and Jinyoung was called back into the room. The Goryeo prince was back at Soyoung’s side in an instant, his hand grasping hers.


“So?” He demanded, “Is anything wrong with the child?” Eunseong exchanged amused glances with the medical maids who had come with him before he answered.


“The child is fine.” He answered, “And so is my sister. She’s not in labor yet, so do not worry about that either.” Jinyoung frowned in confusion.


“Then why…?” He asked questioningly. Eunseong chuckled.


“My sister is feeling practice contractions.” He answered, “It happens because the mother’s body is practicing for birth. It will only hurt a little and happens every now and then, so don’t worry too much. It’s nothing my sister cannot handle.” Soyoung smiled and ruffled Jinyoung’s hair.


“See?” She said, “I said there was nothing to worry about.” Jinyoung huffed and squeezed her hand.


“I still think it was better to ask.” He grumbled. Soyoung laughed and pinched Jinyoung’s cheek.


“Your worried face is adorable, Husband.” She teased. Jinyoung’s cheeks flushed pink, and Eunseong let out an awkward cough.


“Sister, if you will excuse me, I will leave you two lovebirds in your own world now.” He said, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. Soyoung barely let her gaze flicker over to Eunseong before she nodded and waved him away.


“Go on.” She said simply. Eunseong left the room quickly, and Jinyoung sighed as he leaned in closer to Soyoung’s swollen stomach.


“Child, you should be nicer to your mother.” He chided softly, leaning his head against her belly, “You’re making her uncomfortable.” Soyoung flinched as she felt a sharp kick from the baby. 


“I think he’s saying he knows.” She murmured, running a hand over her stomach. Jinyoung looked up at her curiously.


“How do you know it’s a boy?” He asked. Soyoung thought for a moment before answering.


“Because of the conception dream.” She answered, “In that dream, a stag made of light rushed towards me and then entered my belly. I found out I was pregnant not long afterwards.” Soyoung sighed softly as she ran a hand through Jinyoung’s hair.


“Would you like a son or a daughter?” She asked. Jinyoung pondered for a moment over her question.


“I’d like both, to be honest.” He answered, “A daughter with your graceful beauty and leadership, or a son who is scholarly like me. Either would be wonderful.” Soyoung laughed softly.


“You don’t want a son who is a warrior like me?” She teased. Jinyoung laughed at her question.


“That would also be wonderful.” He admitted. Jinyoung reached out and gently laid his hand against Soyoung’s swollen stomach.


“No matter what this child is like, the most important thing is it is healthy.” He added, “That, and that it is made from our union and our love. No matter how this child turns out to be, I will shower it with all that love I am capable of giving.” Soyoung smiled and wrapped her hand around his as she felt a kick against the spot where Jinyoung’s hand lay. 


“You will be a wonderful father, Jinyoung.” She said softly. Jinyoung grinned and kissed their intertwined hands.


“And you, will be a wonderful mother.” He murmured. Soyoung sighed softly.


“I wouldn’t be too sure about that.” She said quietly, “You know how I grew up.” Jinyoung shook his head.


“So what?” He said, “From all of your actions since you became pregnant, I can tell that you already know how to love and protect this child. That is the most important part. As for the rest…” He smiled and leaned up to kiss Soyoung gently.


“We’ll learn about the rest together.” He murmured, “That way, we will be ready when the next one comes.” Soyoung laughed and hit his chest lightly.


“You are getting ahead of yourself.” She murmured, “I do not wish to spend the rest of my youth carrying a child in my belly.” Jinyoung grinned.


“I didn’t say it had to be right away.” He replied, “But I thought it’d be nice if we had at least one son and one daughter.” Soyoung thought for a moment, then nodded. 


“That would be nice.” She agreed, “I was always grateful to have Eunseong.” She smiled as she ran a hand over her stomach.


“Would you like to be an older brother, little one?” She asked softly. The baby gave her a light nudge in return, making Soyoung smile.


“I’ll take that as a yes.” She decided.


“Have you thought of a name yet?” Jinyoung asked, “There was so much going on, I didn’t even have the chance to consider any.” Soyoung smiled and nodded.


“Jinwoo.” She answered softly, “The ‘Jin’ comes from his father, and I chose the character ‘woo’ because I hope that he receives the protection of the gods for the rest of his life.” Jinyoung’s eyes widened slightly.


“Soyoung..” He said softly, “Are you sure?” Soyoung laughed softly and poked Jinyoung’s nose lightly.


“You are the baby’s father.” She reminded him, “It is right that your son’s name has one character from your name.” Jinyoung chuckled and batted at her hand.


“Then...if it is a daughter?” He asked, “There is no way to know for sure, after all.” 


“Why don’t you choose?” Soyoung suggested after thinking for a moment. Jinyoung blinked in surprise at her response, then he looked away as he considered the question carefully for several minutes. Soyoung smiled as she watched the rising sunlight illuminate her husband’s pondering face. 


Since when did he look so attractive simply by sitting there and thinking?


Then, Jinyoung smiled and snapped his fingers.


“Inyoung.” He announced, “Jang Inyoung.”


“Inyoung…” Soyoung turned the name repeatedly over on her tongue as she thought it over. 


“An intelligent and prosperous child.” She mused as she recalled the meaning behind the name, “I like it.” Jinyoung beamed at her praise.


“ I get another kiss as a reward for thinking of a good name?” He asked with a playful grin. Soyoung laughed and beckoned him closer. Jinyoung’s eyes lit up as he sat down next to her, and Soyoung gently pressed a gentle kiss to his lips before pulling away. Jinyoung pouted as he let out a soft huff.


“That’s not enough.” He grumbled. Soyoung laughed.


“Since when did you like kissing so much?” She asked teasingly. Jinyoung’s pout deepened at her question.


“Only because I love you so much.” He grumbled, lowering his head like a little puppy. Soyoung laughed again and pulled her husband in closer for another kiss, her laugh still echoing from her lips. Then, as Jinyoung tugged her in closer still, his arm wrapping around her waist, Soyoung raised a hand and lightly pushed him away. Jinyoung stared at her in surprise, a confused look entering his eyes as she kept her hand on his chest to keep him from leaning in again.


“That’s enough for now.” She said, running one finger along the corner of her lip to wipe away smeared lipstick. Jinyoung pouted as he looked at her.


“Just one more?” He asked, holding up one finger. Soyoung looked over at the puppy dog eyes on her husband’s face and couldn’t help but burst out laughing again. 


“You!” She said with a soft laugh as she batted at his nose again, “Are you a child or about to be a father to a child? What’s with that look?” Jinyoung’s pout deepened as he crossed his arms and turned away.


“We were in a cold war for months!” He grumbled, “In that time, I barely had the chance to properly speak to you, much less touch you. You cannot blame me for wanting to make up for all of that, especially now that our feelings are out in the open.” Soyoung looked at her husband’s sulking figure and couldn’t help but laugh again at his childishness. Reaching out, she turned Jinyoung around and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek.


“You’re so silly.” She murmured, “But I really have work to do. There are many things that have to be read before court starts, and I’m not going to have them read if I sit here kissing you all day.” 


“Then...afterwards?” Jinyoung asked, his eyes lighting up hopefully. Soyoung smirked and poked him on the chest as he leaned in again.


“Perhaps.” She answered with a teasing smile on her face, “And perhaps not.” Jinyoung whined again as Soyoung slipped off the bed carefully and wandered towards her desk. She paused as she reached the threshold between their inner chambers and the next room over, and turned back to look at her pouting husband.


“Would you like to come to court with me today?” She asked. Jinyoung looked up in surprise.


“Why do you say that?” He asked. Soyoung smiled. 


“I made a fuss about sending you back to Goryeo, but our relationship was mended without anyone else really knowing.” She said, “I thought if I brought you along to court, then I could solidify your place by my side once and for all. You are not merely a prince married over for convenience; you are my beloved husband, my partner, and the father of my child. From now on, no one is to take you lightly or think they can plot against you so easily. On the other hand if I kept your return a secret, people will start saying things and continue to act out of line.” Her gaze was steady and firm as she spoke.


“If I am going to love you, then I will do it openly.” She declared, “Because I have nothing to hide.” Jinyoung hesitated, then straightened his back and nodded. 


“I’m not sure how much help I can be there.” He said, “But I will go with you, if that is what you think is best.” Soyoung smiled and padded back over before kissing him gently.


“Your presence is more than enough.” She answered softly.


“May Your Majesty live forever!” The familiar sounds of the court officials filled the air as Soyoung walked into the room with Jinyoung behind her. She could see surprise flicker across the older men’s faces as they spotted Jinyoung with her, who merely calmly sat down in the chair located one step lower on Soyoung’s left as she had instructed him to do. Soyoung couldn’t blame them for the shock they were surely feeling at the moment; after all, any pairs of ears had heard their argument, and many eyes had seen Jinyoung leaving the palace with all of his possession in tow.


“Your Majesty...this is…?” One court official finally ventured to ask. Soyoung smiled calmly.


“As you can see, the Prince Consort will be attending court service with me today.” She answered, “In fact, he will be present at any future court service where I deem it necessary.” A soft murmur filled the air as the court officials exchanged surprised glances again.


“Your Majesty, with all due respect,” The same court official answered, “The Prince Consort may be a well learned man, but you personally drove him out of the imperial palace not that long ago due to his disrespect and failure to be grateful for the favor you have shown him. And for generations past, no member of the harem has been allowed to involve themselves with the matters of the imperial court. Why should the Prince Consort be allowed to sit here with you in this sacred room where the fate of the country is often decided?” Soyoung’s eyes narrowed, her cold gaze making the court official shrink back.


“That is correct.” She agreed, “I did send the prince out of the palace not that many months ago. However, since his return, he has proven time and again that his mentality has matured far beyond what it was when he first entered the palace. In fact, the peace agreement that saved our entire empire from being plunged into another war was negotiated by the prince himself, who sent himself directly into enemy territory in order to help us all. In my opinion, that merit outweighs all of his previous wrongdoings. As of now…” A tiny smile crossed her face as she looked over at Jinyoung, her gaze telling him more than she could ever express with words.


“I see no reason to send him away again.” She concluded. The officers were silent for another moment before another dared to step forward.


“Your Majesty.” He said, “You are, of course, free to bring back whoever you wish. But to have the Prince Consort attend court with you…” Soyoung sighed and reached out to take Jinyoung’s hand.


“Members of the inner harem are not allowed to interfere with political matters, but for generations past, many emperors have often taken their legally married empress to court with them.” She said, “Some with good results, and some with poor. As for me, I trust that my husband is someone that I can rely on for good advice when it comes to matters that appear in front of the imperial court.” Her eyes narrowed again as she fixed her gaze again on the court official who had dared to speak.


“I am not asking for your opinion.” Soyoung said coolly, “Rather, I am making an announcement to all of you. I am not a tyrant, but I do believe that at least in small matters like this, my decision is due proper obedience and respect. Or do you, the long serving court officials of the Yuan empire, want to compare my legally married husband, who earned great merit by helping our entire country, to a mere imperial consort hidden away in the inner harem?” The court official’s face turned pale, and he quickly bowed.


“Of course not, Your Majesty.” He answered. Then, Soyoung turned her gaze on Jang Jaewon, who up until this time had said nothing and was currently staring blankly forward. While the Grand Preceptor was usually calm and unreadable, surprise had clearly been evident on his face when Soyoung had walked in with Jinyoung. It was clear that he had not expected to see Jinyoung in the palace, much less right by Soyoung’s side.


“Uncle.” She said, drawing the older man’s attention, “You surely do not have any objections, do you?” A conflicted look flashed across Jang Jaewon’s face before he took a deep breath, stepped forward, and bowed. He raised his head to look at Soyoung before speaking, and Soyoung made sure to meet his gaze calmly. There was irritation and anger in her uncle’s eyes, along with disbelief and annoyance. He had clearly expected Jinyoung to be gone forever, which only further cemented Soyoung’s longstanding belief that he was behind everything that had caused her relationship with Jinyoung to break down. There was no ignoring one fact though, and that was Soyoung had won this round. Of course, she wasn’t satisfied with just knowing that her uncle knew; she wanted him to say it.


“It is the empire’s great fortune to have an Empress and Prince Consort who have a good relationship despite having faced so many obstacles.” He answered at last, “The Prince Consort is an intelligent man. I see no need to object to his presence during court discussions.” Soyoung smiled calmly.


“Excellent.” She said simply, “Then all of you, listen carefully. From this day forward, you are to listen to Park Jinyoung’s words in the same way that you listen to mine. I will not tolerate any news that anyone has been disrespecting him, even a little bit. Do you all understand?” The court officials hesitated, taken aback by the power that Soyoung’s words were vesting in Jinyoung. 


“Do not make me repeat myself.” Soyoung growled, and the court officials hurried to bow as they caught onto Soyoung’s impatience.


“Yes, Your Majesty.” They answered.


“Let us move along then.” Soyoung said, satisfied with their answer, “How have the preparations for the winter hunt been coming along?” Another court official stepped forward to answer her question.


“Your Majesty, the path of travel and the place where the imperial guests will stay have already been arranged.” He answered, “The hunting grounds have also been surveyed for safety. There should be no issues with the event this year. There is only one matter we have all been concerned about.” 


“Oh?” Soyoung said, raising an eyebrow, “And what is that?” The court official hesitated before answering.


“Due to Your Majesty’s current...condition,” He said, “We were all discussing whether it would be a better idea for Your Majesty not to attend this year’s winter hunt. As Your Majesty knows, the journey is not an easy one, and the royal heir is almost due to arrive into this world. If anything were to happen to you or the child during the hunt…” Soyoung looked down at the older man and scoffed at what he was saying. He had a good reason to back up his proposition, that much was for sure. Soyoung though, knew better than to just look at what was on the surface. If Soyoung didn’t attend, then the court officials would likely attempt to persuade Jinyoung to stay behind as well. Even if they didn’t succeed in doing that, Soyoung knew the old tribal leaders well enough to understand how they would act if she wasn’t there. Without Soyoung being there, the next highest ranking Yuan official would be Jang Jaewon; everyone would look to him for leadership. It was too great of an opening for her uncle to gain power and standing, one that Soyoung could not possibly allow him to have.


“I appreciate your concerns,” She answered at last, “But I do not believe there is a need to worry. I may be carrying a child, but I am not made of glass, as I am sure all of you have seen during the past six months. While I am not able to hunt, I am quite capable of making the trip to the hunting grounds. It has been a long time since I saw the grasslands, and I would like to hear about the lives of the people there.”


“But, Your Majesty, the child-!” The same court official began to protest, but Soyoung cut him off.


“If my child wishes to be born at the grasslands, then so be it.” Soyoung answered smoothly. Squeezing Jinyoung’s hand, Soyoung turned to look at her husband.


“Husband?” She said, “What do you think?” Jinyoung thought for a moment before smiling.


“The Yuan people originated from the grasslands, did they not?” He answered, “In fact, it would be quite fitting for our firstborn to arrive at the grasslands.” Soyoung smirked lightly at his answer. It wasn’t just that Jinyoung had answered the way she had hoped he would; Jinyoung had smoothly worked their ancestral ties into his answer, leaving little room for the court officials below to argue against his logic. After all, the Yuan people had always been proud of their lineage reaching back to the brave warriors who had ruled the grasslands for generations.


“Then the matter is settled.” Soyoung said, “I shall attend as usual.”


A little while later, Grand Preceptor’s mansion


A loud thwack echoed through the air as Jang Jaewon’s fist collided with Hyojun’s cheek, the force of the blow sending the young man sprawling on the ground.


“Useless!” Jang Jaewon growled, “You useless thing! How could you allow that little prince to return to the palace?” Hyojun paused to wipe blood from his lip before he picked himself up from the floor.


“My Lord, Her Majesty drove me out of the palace.” He reminded the older man, “There was no way I could know of his return.” The breath was knocked out of his lungs as Jang Jaewon punched him again.


“Have you forgotten everything I ever taught you?” He snarled, “You may have been driven out, but didn’t you leave behind eyes and ears to report back to you? And you dare to say you had no way of knowing his return?” Jang Jaewon reached down and grabbed Hyojun by the collar.


“First you failed to kill Hyeyoung’s little lover, then you allowed the Goryeo prince to return to her side!” He snapped, “Now, the entire court knows that he has the Empress’ support and backing! How is anyone supposed to touch him now?” His gaze narrowed angrily at Hyojun.


“Im Hyojun, just where do your loyalties lie?” He snarled, “Have you forgotten who plucked you up from the streets and gave you the life you have now? Have you spent so many years by Jang Soyoung’s side that you really think you are her personal guard?” Hyojun’s hands trembled as he gazed into his master’s angry eyes.


“I never forgot where I came from, not for even a moment.” He answered, pushing down the fear in his chest. 


“You’d better not have.” Jang Jaewon growled before tossing Hyojun back onto the floor and sitting down at his desk.


“I will give you one more chance, Im Hyojun.” He said coldly, “The Empress insisted on attending the winter hunt today. If she wants to go that badly, then we will let her go. But while she is there, that will be the perfect chance to finish her off once and for all.” Hyojun’s eyes widened slightly.


“My Lord, you mean…?” He asked. Jang Jaewon nodded.


“I will arrange for you to follow along with the guards.” He said, “While the hunt is going on, kill the Empress and the baby inside of her. I am tired of having her on the throne. She must be finished once and for all. Once the Empress is gone, the Prince Consort will be reduced to nothing but a useless widower. Do you understand?” Hyojun bowed in response.


“Yes, My Lord.” He answered. 


When Hyojun was finally allowed to leave the Grand Preceptor’s mansion, he paused outside the door and sighed as he looked up at the sky.


Your Majesty...My Lady….sometimes, I wonder...the things that I have done...were they the right choices?


When Hyojun closed his eyes, he could still feel the grasp of Hyeyoung’s dying lover on his ankle, the rasp of the dying man’s voice as he begged for Hyojun to save him, to spare his life. He could still see the streaks of red flashing across the man’s chest as Hyojun had dumped him right outside the town, feel the sharp flick of the arrow against his palm as he had released the arrow holding the message into the military camp led by Han Yeojin. Hyojun had known that his actions were against the interests of his true master during that time, but at the same time, he had justified it by thinking that there was a chance Yeojin wouldn’t believe him, or perhaps that the man would die before Yeojin got to him. It was against what Jang Jaewon wanted, and yet there had consistently been something inside of Hyojun that had pushed him to act for Jang Soyoung’s benefit rather than his own. Even when he had acted according to Jang Jaewon’s instructions, he had felt conflicted as he had imagined how the young empress would react if she knew what he had done. He wanted the woman who had given him friendship and trust to smile, not to be angry or sad, and that feeling had only grown more in the years by her side.


But now, Hyojun had been tasked with taking her life.


He couldn’t simply refuse, Hyojun knew that. Jang Jaewon would take his life before he could even finish that sentence. 


Sighing again, Hyojun walked down the steps and headed for the little room he had rented after being driven out of the palace.


My Lady, what should I do?




Jinyoung caught the hints of a small smile turning up the corners of his wife’s face as he entered her private library with a stack of books and a box of snacks in tow.


“You are in a good mood.” He noted as he put down the things he had brought. Soyoung smirked.


“Didn’t you see the look on my uncle’s face today?” She asked, “He foolishly thought it would be that easy to target you and then get rid of you completely. He underestimated my ability to protect the people I care about.” Jinyoung chuckled and sat down in the chair next to Soyoung.


“Don’t I get some credit for being smart too?” He asked. Soyoung laughed and leaned over to give him a little kiss.


“Of course.” She answered, “That’s one of the things that I found most attractive about you from the first day.” 


“Oh?” Jinyoung said, raising an eyebrow, “Does that mean you had feelings for me since the first day?” Soyoung laughed and gave him a little push away from her.


“Don’t get ahead of yourself.” She answered with a chuckle. Jinyoung pouted, but then turned his attention to something Soyoung had said earlier.


“Why are you so certain that the Grand Preceptor was behind everything that happened?” He asked curiously. Soyoung smiled wryly, closing the book in her hands with a light thwack.


“Because he, more than any of the other court officials serving me, wishes for nothing else but for me to be stripped of my position on the throne.” She answered, “And if I lost you and the support of Goryeo as a result, he would surely benefit the most in the long run. I would have gotten rid of him a long time ago for the intentions that he surely holds, but every time I get close, he always has someone to take the blame for him.” Her gaze was slightly melancholy as she looked up at Jinyoung.


“Did I ever tell you about the role he played in the chaos that led to my ascension to the throne?” She asked. Jinyoung shook his head, and sensing that she was ready to tell him the story, he moved closer and took her hand. 


“Would you like to tell me?” He asked. Soyoung reached out and looped her arms around his before resting her head on his shoulder.


“When my uncle and father were much, much younger, my uncle was the one that everyone expected to be named crown prince.” Soyoung said, “He had everything that anyone would want in the future ruler of the country: wit, charm, intelligence, bravery, and a strong maternal lineage. He was pretty much guaranteed the position. For some reason though, after my father returned victorious from one of the largest battles of their time, my grandfather decided that my father would be named crown prince instead. No matter what anyone tried to say, he could not be persuaded otherwise.”

“He must have been furious.” Jinyoung commented, knowing very well how sensitive the topic of naming a crown prince could be. Soyoung scoffed softly.


“Furious was an understatement.” She said, “My uncle attempted to take my father’s life within a week of the announcement. Unfortunately, my father in his youth was too shrewd to be killed that easily. In the end, my uncle was outed as the man behind the assassination attempt, and my grandfather exiled him to the borderland as punishment for plotting against his own brother. It was not until my father ascended the throne and spared the entire world of their crimes that he was brought back. Many court officials pleaded that my uncle was too dangerous to bring back, but my father wanted to create a reputation of kindness and magnanimity, and hoped that perhaps he had matured and given up on the throne in his years of exile.” She sighed and shook her head.


“Unfortunately, it was the complete opposite. In the years of exile, my uncle’s desire for the throne and his bitterness at failing to obtain it had only grown to much more times beyond what it had been in his youth.” She said softly, “Before long, there were rumors of various attempts on my father’s life once more, but my father was once again too crafty to fall for any of them. That is, until he grew old and his mind started to become more muddled than before. And then...” Soyoung swallowed hard and squeezed Jinyoung’s hand tighter.


“The rumors at the time said my uncle had ties to some of the tribal leaders, and arranged for one of them to send a beautiful young woman to my father’s side. If my father had one weakness, it was his desire to have increasingly more beautiful women in his harem. That young woman immediately became his favorite, and slowly, my father began to fall ill, until one day, he was suddenly dead. Everything fell into chaos after that.” Soyoung scoffed again.


“He surely thought that if my brothers all killed each other off over the throne, he would be able to just sit on the side and obtain the benefits without barely lifting a finger.” She noted, “But who would have guessed that there would be enough court officials supporting a woman on the throne rather than giving it to my uncle?” 


“They were merely rumors, Soyoung.” Jinyoung reminded her gently, “Perhaps it wasn’t his doing.” Soyoung shook her head.


“No.” She answered, “I secretly sent people to investigate the matter after I had stabilized my grip on the throne. It took a lot of digging, but eventually, my men found bits and pieces of the messages that had been sent between that tribal leader and my uncle, and between that tribal leader and that woman who had seduced my father.” Soyoung swallowed hard.


“That woman poisoned my father.” She said coldly, “Slowly, little by little, she fed him poison by claiming that it was nutritious soup that would help my father live a long life. And my foolish father, his brain muddled by age and desire for that beautiful young woman, drank it all without a second thought. And besides, everyone knew that my eldest brother trusted my uncle’s thoughts and advice more than the words that came from his own father. Is it any surprise that my eldest brother made an open claim to the throne first?” Soyoung’s free hand tightened into a fist.


“I would have gotten rid of my uncle that day, if he hadn’t managed to bribe one of my servants ahead of time to destroy the notes implicating him and pushing all of the blame onto that tribal leader.” She growled. Jinyoung lightly rubbed her shoulders to calm down his wife.


“So it is because he always wanted the throne that you believe he is behind everything that has happened to you ever since you became empress?” He asked. 


“There is no one else who would dare to do any of those things.” Soyoung replied, “Nor would anyone else benefit if the court is thrown into chaos again. But I...surely will not let that happen. The next time I obtain evidence of his wrongdoings, I will not give him a chance to push the blame onto a scapegoat again.” Jinyoung squeezed Soyoung’s shoulder gently and pressed a kiss to her cheek.


“I believe you won’t.” He answered, “And I will help you.” Soyoung raised an eyebrow as she looked up at him.


“In the past, wouldn’t you have tried to convince me to look at the bigger picture rather than jump to conclusions?” She asked. Jinyoung laughed and rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment.


“Normally, I would.” He said, “But this time, I think your line of reasoning makes sense. And besides…” He reached down and cupped her chin in his hand.


“I swore to love you for the rest of my life.” He added, “And with that, comes with believing the words that come out of your mouth.” Soyoung smiled and kissed him gently. 


“And I chose to tell you because along with loving you comes with keeping no secrets from you.” She answered. Jinyoung chuckled and pulled her in for a deeper kiss.


“I love you.”




A week later, Soyoung and Jinyoung set off for the winter hunting grounds along with the rest of the imperial court. Jinyoung fussed endlessly over Soyoung, often asking if she was hungry, tired, thirsty, or uncomfortable in quick succession. While Soyoung appreciated her doting husband, eventually his nagging became too much to bear and she warned him that if he didn’t calm down a little bit, she would have him ride in a separate carriage for the rest of their trip. Jinyoung quieted down after that, but not before reminding her to tell him if she felt any real contractions. Despite the court officials’ apparent concerns and Jinyoung’s nagging, Soyoung wasn’t concerned about her child arriving outside of the palace. Nothing had felt out of the ordinary about her body, and at the moment, there was no reason to expect that her child would arrive earlier than expected. Even if the baby did make its first appearance at the grasslands, that was fine with her. In a way, giving birth out here was safer than in the palace, where there were many eyes watching and lines of bribery that could harm the baby while Soyoung was at her weakest.


The journey to the grasslands was more or less uneventful, except for a short snowstorm that threatened to slow down their journey. The tribal leaders were all cordial with Soyoung as usual, all of them making sure to praise her good health and bravery for traveling in her current condition. There were a few younger noblemen who foolishly scoffed and questioned Soyoung’s ability to attend the winter hunt while heavily pregnant, but Soyoung quickly shut their mouths when she challenged them to an archery competition. The young men were shocked, to say the least, when they realized that even sitting down and heavily pregnant, Soyoung was more than capable of scoring more points than they had earned combined. For the rest of her time while the men were not out hunting, Soyoung spent time talking with the tribal leaders, receiving updates on the life among the less sedentary parts of her empire and whether they were still able to live in comfort and safety. Thankfully, there were no more military threats for the time being.


On the final night of the annual winter hunt, all the attendees gathered together in front of a large bonfire to roast the meat that had been caught during the past week to celebrate yet another successful hunt. Wine was passed around for all the attendees, and the air was filled with the shouts of song and celebration as people danced happily around the large bonfire. Soyoung declined wine, and instead sipped at her tea calmly as she watched the people celebrating the bountiful harvest. It had been a long time since her heart had felt this calm and she had been able to merely sit and watch how happy her citizens were. The last time she had been here, Soyoung and Jinyoung had nearly been bitten to death by wolves; Soyoung could still remember the terror that had filled her chest when she had realized her husband had wandered into the wolves’ territory, and the pain that had twisted her heart when she saw he had taken the wolf’s bite for her. This time, everything had been much more peaceful, and Jinyoung had even managed to bring back a few animals to contribute to the feast. 


And yet, Soyoung couldn’t help but feel a little anxious about the peace that she was feeling right now. As far as she could remember, there had always barely been a moment when she could stop and take a breath ever since she took the throne. There was always some issue involving the empire, or some plot or another against her, that she had to address. Relaxing simply wasn’t a concept that existed, even after Jinyoung had entered her life. 


Soyoung sighed and ran a hand over her stomach as the soft motions of her baby turning in circles within her womb drew her out of her thoughts. 


Perhaps I am just worrying too much.


The night drew on, and the feast eventually came to an end. The drunken guests and soldiers returned to their tents, and Soyoung and Jinyoung similarly retired to their tent in the center of the camp. The day had been long, and Soyoung found herself drifting off to a dreamless peaceful sleep in Jinyoung’s arms not long after they curled up in bed together. 


That is, it was dreamless and peaceful until Soyoung awoke to the sound of footsteps walking across the grass floor of their tent. Without opening her eyes, Soyoung’s hand moved ever so slightly, and when her fingers encountered Jinyoung’s warm skin, she realized that the person moving across the floor was not her husband. Immediately, her senses were on high alert.




The newcomer was a skilled fighter, his footsteps barely making a sound as he walked across the tent; if not for Soyoung’s sensitive hearing, she would have never even picked up on the intruder’s presence. Soyoung’s fingers moved subtly towards the sword she always kept on her side of the bed, but before her fingers could close around the smooth surface, she felt the cool edge of a sharp blade pressed lightly against her neck. Soyoung’s breath hitched in , her fingers closing in on themselves just short of her sword. 


He moved as if he knew I would reach for my sword. 


But who…? 


Soyoung cast her gaze upwards, her eyes meeting the gaze of the masked man standing by her bedside. The man’s eyes glittered under the moonlight slipping in under the edges of the tent, and Soyoung felt her heart skip a beat. 


Could it be…?


The man gazed at her for a long moment before he raised his other hand and beckoned for her to get up before motioning towards the darkened camp outside. The message was clear: let us take this outside. The gesture confused Soyoung, and yet, it also solidified her growing suspicions as to who this person was. She didn’t want to go with this person, but she also knew she was currently in no position to refuse. On any other normal occasion, Soyoung would have had her sword pulled out and had the man kicked out of her tent within moments. At the current moment though, she didn’t want to alarm Jinyoung or risk injuring him by initiating a fight within the limited confines of their tent; it was better to get out of the tent first and then deal with this assailant afterwards.


Pushing aside the blanket, Soyoung moved carefully out of the bed to avoid waking Jinyoung. Slipping her hand subtly around her sword, Soyoung followed the young man out of the tent and into the forest surrounding the camp. The man never said a word even as they walked out of the familiar surroundings of the central camp, choosing instead to keep the edge of his sword pointed at Soyoung’s neck as he led her deeper into the forest. Instead, Soyoung took the opportunity to take in more details surrounding the assassin. The man was young and slender, and walked with the soft footed smooth gait that Soyoung had trained her elite soldiers to have in order to decrease their chances of being caught if she ever had to send them as spies. Although he kept his face to Soyoung the entire time, he walked backwards just as smoothly as if he had been walking forward. It was clear that he had scoped out this area ahead of time. Then, Soyoung’s gaze fell on the little tassel dangling from the man’s sword, and she knew her silent guess about his identity had been correct. 


The man continued walking with no signs of stopping, and eventually, Soyoung knew better than to keep following him blindly. 


“Young man.” She said at last, “Why don’t you stop wasting time? If you truly intended to kill me, you wouldn’t need to bring me all the way out here, would you? Just what do you want with me?” The man’s footsteps paused, and for a long moment, he didn’t move. Then, he swung his sword up into the air, the sharp blade shining under the moonlight as the deadly edge swung down towards Soyoung’s neck. Soyoung moved on instinct to the attack, her hand slipping her own sword out in one fluid motion and blocking the assailant’s sword with a loud metallic clang. Undeterred, the man shoved his weight against Soyoung, and eventually, the young empress found herself being pushed backwards. The assailant loomed closer as he pressed his sword ever closer to Soyoung’s neck, and Soyoung swallowed hard as her eyes met the pair of sharp dark brown eyes barely visible over the black cloth mask covering the man’s face. 


Those eyes...I know those eyes far too well.


Soyoung could sense hesitation in the slight tremble that she could feel coming down from the assailant’s sword, and she quickly seized the opening she had found, twisting her wrist slightly to cut the man’s wrist and shove him away from her. The man fell away from her as he was thrown off balance, and Soyoung quickly moved after him to take advantage of her opening. Still, as the man managed to parry Soyoung’s next blow, something in Soyoung told her that this fight wasn’t making sense. Being heavily pregnant with a nearly full term child, Soyoung’s body was far heavier than it had been before, preventing her from moving as nimbly as she used to. Walking was quite the chore, much less running and engaging in a physical fight. And yet, as Soyoung dodged her assailant’s next blow, she couldn’t help but feel like the assailant had slowed his pace to match hers, allowing her just enough time to return the blow every time. The man’s moves were smooth, and he moved as if he could anticipate what she would do next. If not for the events leading up to this fight, Soyoung would have nearly thought she was merely sparring with a friend rather than fighting against a masked assailant.


In short, it was something only someone who knew Soyoung well could do.


It didn’t take long for Soyoung’s energy to run low though, and as she pivoted to return another blow, Soyoung felt her heavy body swing off balance. Before Soyoung could regain her balance and find another opening, she saw the man running towards her again, and she barely managed to lift her arms to form a makeshift shield before the man’s foot collided with her arms. The force of the blow sent her tumbling backwards, a soft gasp escaping her lips as her back slammed into a tree that had been behind her. Her sword fell from her hand, falling out of her reach with a loud clang. Her breath completely knocked out of her lungs, Soyoung swallowed down a curse as she slid to the ground, her arms instinctively wrapping around her swollen stomach as the assailant approached her again. Soyoung’s heart leapt into as she felt her stomach cramp painfully, tightening around her belly like a vise before disappearing again a few moments later. The child kicked at the suddenly shrinking of its temporary home, as if it was wondering what was going on. Her heart pounding in her chest, Soyoung lightly rubbed the underside of her stomach to soothe her baby.


Please hang in there a little longer, my child! I will bring you back to safety, I promise!


Soyoung found herself staring at the tip of the assailant’s sharp sword as he stopped right in front of her, his gaze cold under the moonlight.


“Do you have any last words to say?” He asked. His voice was deep and raspy, clearly an attempt to disguise its true sound. Soyoung’s hand moved subtly behind her as she gazed steadily at him, her fingers carefully gathering a little ball of dirt and mud left behind by the earlier snowstorm.


“You wouldn’t dare to kill me.” She answered, “Would you like to know why?” Surprise seemed to flash through the man’s eyes briefly.


“Stop wasting my time.” He growled, “I have no time for your little games, Empress.” The assailant raised his hand into the air, and Soyoung tensed as she watched the sword swing forward, the momentum carrying the man’s body forward ever so slightly. Silently, she counted down the seconds as the man came closer. Then, at the perfect moment, Soyoung’s hand tightened around the ball she had clenched in her fist and threw it directly into the man’s eyes. Her assailant yelled in surprise and stumbled backwards, his sword falling harmlessly to the side as he clawed at the mixture of snow and mud irritating his eyes. Making good use of her opportunity, Soyoung reached out, grabbed her sword and stumbled to her feet, pausing for only a moment to regain her balance before giving the man a shove in the chest and sending him tumbling to the ground. The trick she had used was a child’s trick, one that she hadn’t used for years after her training had settled in. 


And yet, at that moment, with no other weapon by her side, Soyoung had no other choice but to default to her baseline instincts.


Looping the sharp end of her sword around the end of the man’s mask, Soyoung flicked the dark piece of cloth to the ground, exposing the man’s face. Her breath ragged as she gazed down at her assailant, Soyoung’s gaze barely wavered as she took a proper look at the man lying on the ground.


“So it really was you.” She said solemnly, “Im Hyojun.” Hyojun’s eyes were wide as he gazed up at her, a bitter laugh escaping his lips even though he currently had a sword pointed at his neck.


“In the end,” He commented dryly, “one way or another, I still can never beat you in a fight.” Kneeling on the ground in front of her, Hyojun closed his eyes and lifted his head slightly.


“I have lost.” He said quietly, “Your Majesty may do as you’d like with my life.” Soyoung gazed at her former guard for a long moment, at a loss of words. Then, she scoffed incredulously.


“Is this what you have fallen to, Im Hyojun?” She demanded, “You chose your side in this fight, and now you are giving up that easily?” Soyoung reached down and yanked Hyojun up roughly by the collar.


“When did you become such a coward?” She growled, “If you chose a side, you should have thrown everything into that side and lived well! Instead, you are attempting to straddle both sides, never fully devoting yourself to either. Do not think that I didn’t notice how you were going easy on me just now. Just what are you thinking, Im Hyojun?” Although Hyojun was now kneeling at her feet, Soyoung couldn’t help but feel growing frustration in her chest, mixed with anger and growing furor. She had already faced Hyojun’s betrayal once, and it had felt like losing a limb to send him away. Soyoung had expected that she would never see Hyojun again; surely, he would have the sense to not show his face in front of her again. And yet, here he was, once again, and to take her life of all things. If it had felt like being punched the first time she had realized Hyojun’s betrayal, now it felt like someone had grabbed her chest and squeezed so hard she could barely breathe, ripping open the wounds that his first betrayal had left and stabbing them with a knife once more. 


And at the same time, her former personal guard was clearly hesitating. 


The conflict between his actions was in no way reconcilable, and just thinking about it was giving Soyoung whiplash. 


In short, it made no sense. 


Hyojun gazed at her for a long moment, not saying a single word.


“Answer me, Im Hyojun!” Soyoung growled, tightening her grip on his collar. At last, Hyojun sighed deeply, his breath trembling.


“I can’t do it.” He said simply. Soyoung frowned in confusion.


“What did you say?”  She asked. Hyojun gritted his teeth before yanking himself free from Soyoung’s grasp.


“I said I cannot do it!” He snapped, his voice tinged with uncharacteristic desperation, “Don’t you think I wanted to be loyal to the Grand Preceptor? I thought I could serve him loyally for the rest of my life! But no matter how I try…” He sighed and ran a hand through his hair in frustration.


“I cannot do it anymore.” He declared, “I can no longer raise a sword against you. You say that I am attempting to straddle both sides, and yes, that’s true. But Your Majesty, I cannot help it. My heart, and my loyalty that goes with it, has long stopped being the Grand Preceptor’s alone.” Soyoung felt her confusion grow as she took in Hyojun’s words.


“Just what are you trying to say?” She demanded, “Stop beating around the bush, Hyojun.” Hyojun laughed dryly.


“Time and again, I asked myself what I was doing.” He said, “When I sent that note to General Han’s tent, when I struck down former Princess Hyeyoung’s lover but couldn’t bring myself to bring down the final finishing blow, when I sent those rumors but hesitated and ended up using a name that I knew would trace my actions back to me…time and again, I have asked myself why I undercut the very plan that I had been ordered to carry out, why did I place myself in such a difficult position every time?” He swallowed hard as his lips trembled.


“Even today, I thought I could at least complete this one mission. Since I chose to follow the Grand Preceptor, I could at least do this, couldn’t I?” He continued, “But I cannot do it. I wasn’t sure of why before, but now, I finally know why.” His chest heaving as if he had exerted all of his energy just by speaking, Hyojun reached up and hit his chest with a fist. 


“It’s because this heart...has long ceased to beat for me alone.” He said, “Instead, it beats only for the most esteemed woman in the entire empire, the one who extended a hand to me when I was at my loneliest.” Hyojun laughed dryly again as he shook his head.


“Isn’t it funny?” He shouted as if he wanted to shout his words to the skies, “My mind tells me to never forget who plucked me from a life of living on the streets, and yet my heart tells me to do something completely different. I was trained to be a pawn that listens to one man’s orders only, but here I am, destroying that man’s plans with my own hands. But it can’t be helped, even if it pushes me into such a despicable state. Your Majesty, you should understand even better than I do, that a person’s heart cannot be controlled.” Soyoung felt her head spin as she struggled to process all that Hyojun was saying. For starters, Hyojun was certainly saying that he had been the one who told Yeojin where Hyeyoung’s dying lover was located. Soyoung had never bothered to discover who had sent that note; it hadn’t been the most important thing then, and Soyoung had quickly become more occupied with other things. Under other circumstances, Soyoung would have thought Hyojun, the man who had betrayed her, was lying. And yet, no one besides her and Yeojin knew about that note. But if that was the case, then Hyojun had been secretly doing things to help her on more than one occasion.


And that, had all been because…


"My heart has ceased to beat for me alone."


Soyoung wasn’t the most experienced when it came to matters of affection, but even she could see the meaning that lay beneath Hyojun’s words. Hyojun had always been a person good at hiding his thoughts and emotions, but Soyoung had never imagined he had held such emotions bottled up inside of him, even if he hadn’t realized what they meant.


But at the same time, even if he had realized it earlier, and even if he did hold feelings he couldn’t voice for Soyoung, what difference did it make? 


Another cramp seized Soyoung’s stomach at that exact moment, causing a groan to escape from her lips as pain shot up her abdomen. Soyoung felt herself stagger slightly as she struggled to keep her balance, one hand flying to her rounded belly. 


“My Lady?” Hyojun reached out to her as she stumbled, but Soyoung raised her hand sharply to ward him off.


“Don’t touch me.” She growled, her voice coming out sharper than she had expected. The pain had been unwelcome, that was for sure; it wasn’t time for the baby to arrive yet, and Soyoung knew it. If she didn’t want anything horrible to happen to her child, she would have to go back to camp as soon as possible. At the same time though, the sharp burst of pain had immediately cleared away the confused haze that had settled over Soyoung’s mind and brought the world back into sharp focus. Soyoung’s chest heaved slightly as she breathed through the cramp until it faded away, her voice still sounding breathless when she finally spoke again.


“So what?” She finally said. Hyojun looked at her in confusion, and Soyoung sighed deeply.


“If you had told me all of this a year ago, perhaps it could have made a difference.” She said quietly, “But now, I hope you don’t think your words can make a difference, because they cannot. What do you think you can accomplish by telling me these things today?” Frustration mixed with anger swelled up in her chest again as she gazed at Hyojun.


“I thank you for the things you have done to protect me.” She said, “But no matter what, it won’t change the fact that you have done countless things against me because my uncle ordered you to do so. It will not change the fact that your betrayal broke my heart and the ties that could have held us together for life. It will not change the fact that I gave you my trust, and you ripped it up and threw it back into my face.” The more she spoke, the more the anger Soyoung thought she had suppressed welled back up through the wounds that Hyojun’s reappearance had opened again, her voice rising along with it.


“It will not change the fact that instead of coming clean to me earlier, you chose to continue attempting to serve both sides until I happened to uncover what you had done.” She continued, “If you had told me earlier, perhaps we could have made good use of your position by my uncle’s side, but instead…” Soyoung blew out her breath slowly as frustrated tears welled up in her eyes, her sentence trailing off as she couldn’t bring herself to finish it. Swallowing hard, she pointed at the sword lying on the ground next to Hyojun.


“And it will not change the fact that you raised your sword against me!” She stated coldly, “Even if you weren’t able to bring down the final blow, what has happened has happened. No amount of words or hesitation on your part can change what you have done, Im Hyojun. There is no changing the past. Don’t you understand? I can never take back a person who likes to serve two different people whose goals face completely different directions.” Hyojun’s face looked crestfallen at Soyoung’s words, but he swallowed hard and nodded as he looked away from her.


“Your Majesty is wise.” He answered quietly, “This servant was simply too foolish.” Soyoung watched as Hyojun rose to his feet, his shoulders slumping slightly as he picked up his sword. 


“Your Majesty, thank you for giving me the chance to speak with you one more time.” He said quietly, “And thank you for giving me so many things over the past decade.” As Soyoung wondered what his words meant, Hyojun turned the sword around so that the sharp end was pointed towards his chest. 


“This servant will now take his leave.” He intoned, his voice dangerously calm. At once, Soyoung realized what Hyojun intended to do. When Hyojun moved again, his hand moving in one sharp motion to bring the sword to his chest, Soyoung immediately took two steps forward to close the gap between them, her hands closing around Hyojun’s sharply.


“No!” Her voice rang out sharply into the night air, her hands yanking the sword to a stop. Before Hyojun could try again, Soyoung yanked the sword out of his grasp in one fluid motion, tossing the sword to the side with a loud clang. The sudden movement sent Hyojun off balance, and Soyoung barely stopped herself from falling on her stomach as she tumbled forward with him. For a long moment, the former master and imperial guard sat on the ground silently, their ragged breaths the only sound in the air. Soyoung could feel the energy draining from her body, her limbs exhausted from the fight, their argument, and the quick steps she had taken to stop Hyojun from running himself through with his own sword. Still, she somehow found the strength within her to speak again. 


“No.” She said firmly, “Don’t you even dare.” Hyojun’s eyes were wide with surprise as he gazed up at her.


“I’m tired, Your Majesty.” He said desperately, “I’m so tired of feeling like my body is being pulled in two different directions every time I need to do anything. Please, just let me end this. Treat it as my punishment for betraying you.” Soyoung grit her teeth and grabbed Hyojun by the collar again before shoving him against the tree behind them.


“Listen closely, Im Hyojun.” She growled, “If you really feel like you should be punished for what you have done, then don’t even think of ending your life so easily.” Soyoung’s grip tightened on Hyojun’s collar.


“If you really would like to be punished, then live on.” She ordered, “Leave the Yuan empire, and go far, far away, the further the better. Live on in a different empire, under a different sky than the one you know, never forgetting the wrongs that you have done here, both to me and to this empire. Ending your own life here would be far too easy, don’t you think? I would rather you live on under the weight of the crimes you committed, forever remembering the pain and suffering that you have caused.” She shook Hyojun by the collar as he stared up at her in a daze.


“Do you hear me, Im Hyojun?” She demanded, “That is an imperial order!” Hyojun’s body trembled slightly under her touch before his gaze steadied and he swallowed hard. 


“Yes.” He answered at last, “I understand, Your Majesty.” Soyoung blew out her breath and finally let go of Hyojun and rose to her feet. As she did so, she caught onto the sound of hoofbeats pounding against the ground, along with the shouts of soldiers. 


“You should go.” Soyoung said to Hyojun, “The soldiers have caught onto my absence.” Hyojun slowly picked himself up from the ground and gazed at her for a long moment without saying a word.


“Leave!” Soyoung repeated, sharply jabbing a finger at the road behind him, “I will tell them I threw my assailant off the cliff. If you don’t go now, they will certainly catch you!” Hyojun swallowed hard, then bowed deeply to her before picking up his sword and sheathing it again.


“Please take care, Your Majesty.” He said. Then, with one last look at her, Hyojun turned and continued down the path, and soon disappeared into the darkness. Soyoung sighed as she gazed after him even after Hyojun had disappeared from her sight. If it had been anyone else, their head would have been sent rolling for even thinking of raising a sword against the Empress.


And yet, with Hyojun, Soyoung couldn’t bring herself to do it.


Hyojun, who had protected her for years, even while following her uncle’s bidding.


Hyojun, who Soyoung had held unspoken affection for as an older brother figure, a family figure she could lean on when she needed it. 


He had betrayed her, but at the same time, had tried to help her. Soyoung couldn’t just ignore what he had done in secret to help her. 


This was certainly the best ending for them.


Our intertwined fate truly began when you saved me on that cliff that day when my mother was killed. Let it end here, Im Hyojun, also on a cliff. 


This is my repayment to you for helping me in secret so many times.


Go, and don’t ever turn back again.


If our paths cross a third time, I cannot guarantee I can let you go again.




The sound of pounding hooves and a loud shout drew Soyoung out from her thoughts, and she turned to see Yeojin and Jinyoung leading a large group of soldiers. Her vision was flooded with the golden glow of torches, and Soyoung had to blink a few times before her eyes adjusted. Jinyoung’s eyes were wide, his eyes filling with a mixture of relief and terror as he gazed down at her from his horse. Soyoung felt exhausted and worn out, but still, she managed to give her husband a tiny smile.


“Jinyoung-yah.” She greeted softly, “What took you so long?” At what could be the worst moment, Soyoung felt her stomach cramp painfully, even painfully than before, sending her doubling over in pain as a gasp escaped her lips. It was as if her body wanted to punish her for ignoring the ones she had felt earlier, and so had doubled her suffering with this new cramp.


“Soyoung!” Within seconds, Jinyoung had enveloped her into his arms, carefully lowering her onto the ground as he held onto her. 


“What’s wrong?” He gasped, his eyes wide in fear, “Are you injured?” Soyoung groaned in pain as she gripped her stomach tightly.


“My stomach…!” She gasped, “It hurts!” Although Soyoung had felt her fair share of pain on the battlefield before, nothing could compare to the pain she was feeling now. It felt like someone had taken a knife and was stabbing her repeatedly in the stomach, twisting it for good measure before taking it out again. A cold sweat broke out on Soyoung’s face, and she felt going dry as she gasped for breath. 


“Don’t worry.” Jinyoung assured her urgently, his hands trembling even as he tried to tighten his grip reassuringly, “The baby will be fine, I’m sure Eunseong will make sure of it.” 


“Men!” Soyoung heard Yeojin’s voice cutting through the haze of pain that was settling over her mind, “Search the mountainside for the assassin!” 


“No!” Soyoung’s voice rasped as she struggled to speak, “There’s no need!” Yeojin looked at her in confusion.


“Why not?” She asked. Soyoung raised a trembling finger to point at the cliff not too far away.


“I...threw that man off the side of the cliff.” She lied, “I watched him fall with my own eyes. He is certainly dead. There is no need to search for him.” Yeojin frowned at her words. Hesitation flickered through her eyes, and Soyoung could tell that her friend didn’t believe her. Of course, that made sense. Even with Soyoung’s background and training, the very idea that a heavily pregnant woman could throw a trained assassin off a cliff was ridiculous.


Still, she had essentially given her word to Hyojun that she wouldn’t touch his life this time. If Yeojin or her men got a hold of him, there were only two possible conclusions. One, Hyojun would be killed by her men in an attempt to get away. Or two, he would get away, but not without taking the lives of some soldiers in the process. For Soyoung, neither option was particularly desirable at the moment.


“Then I shall have to see the body.” Yeojin declared, “Men! Search the bottom of the cliff for a body! Whether that person is dead or alive, I-”


“Yeojin!” Soyoung’s voice came out as a sharp growl, “Didn’t you hear me? I said there is no need to search!” Yeojin was silent as she gazed at Soyoung for a long moment, then, seeming to finally catch on, she sighed and nodded.


“Forget it.” She said, giving in, “The Emperess’ health is more important. Let’s go back.” Soyoung blew out her breath in relief and sank into Jinyoung’s arms as they headed back to camp.


Stay away Hyojun. Don’t ever come back again.





“Get the Grand Prince here, immediately!” Jinyoung’s voice rang out sharply the moment his feet touched the ground, Soyoung ensconced safely in his arms. Her body trembled as he held onto her, and Jinyoung felt his heart break as he took in the pain on her face. Soyoung was a warrior, a woman who had seen and survived countless battles and injuries. Her ability to tolerate pain was certainly far above the rest. But tonight, his wife’s face looked absolutely miserable, her lips clamped down in an attempt to suppress cries of pain. It was clear that she was suffering. 


Jinyoung found himself barking out orders to servants and soldiers as he hurried towards the tent, ordering them to do anything he could think of to make Soyoung feel better. It wasn’t like him to speak so sharply or to give orders left and right, but this time, things were different. His wife was in pain, and just taking a look at Soyoung’s pale face was enough to make his heart panic like it had never panicked before.


No, now was not the time to play the part of the noble gentleman. 


Jinyoung was ordered out of the tent as soon as Eunseong arrived, and as much as he didn’t like it, Jinyoung was forced to wait outside for news. Jinyoung could feel adrenaline flooding through his veins as he stood outside the tent, so much that he couldn’t keep still for even a moment. Eventually, he took to pacing outside of the tent, but even that did little to ease the worry clenching at his heart. 


If anything happened to Soyoung or their child…


Jinyoung shook his head and tried to push the thought out of his mind.


No, Soyoung is strong. She’ll be fine.


At last, after what felt like an eternity, the tent flap was pulled back, and Eunseong’s willowy figure appeared in the entrance. 


“How is she?” Jinyoung demanded before his brother-in-law could say a word, “Is she alright? How about the child? Is the child still safe?” Eunseong smiled wearily and put his hands on Jinyoung’s shoulders.


“Calm down.” He said gently, “One question at a time.” Jinyoung blew out his breath slowly, then swallowed hard before he spoke again.


“How is Soyoung?” He asked. Eunseong sighed and smiled faintly. 


“It looks like she was in a fight with the assailant, but she’s fine now.” He answered, “The stress of tonight’s events was what caused the irregular contractions, but I managed to stop them for now.” Jinyoung frowned at the words the younger prince had used.


“For now?” He repeated. Eunseong nodded.


“Soyoung will have to be on bed rest for a few days.” He answered, “Then we shall see where things stand then. The child is already sitting much lower in her body than it was before. If the contractions start again, I’m not sure I can hold them off again until her actual due date.” Jinyoung swallowed hard.


“Then you mean...the baby might be born here?” He asked. 


“Possibly.” Eunseong answered, “We’ll have to take one day at a time, Brother-in-law. But for now, I can tell you that both mother and child are still safe and in good condition.” Jinyoung blew out his breath slowly in relief. For now, that information was good enough for him. 


“Go in and stay with her.” Eunseong said, giving Jinyoung a light shove towards the entrance, “She needs your strength.” Jinyoung nodded and hurried inside. Eunseong had only left a few candles lit, but it was enough to cast a warm glow around the tent. Jinyoung felt his heart clench painfully as his gaze fell on Soyoung. His wife was curled up in bed, her eyes closed as her chest rose and fell in a steady rhythm. She looked impossibly small under the blankets, just a fraction of the powerful Empress that she truly was. 


If I find out who dared to make her suffer like this…


Jinyoung took a shuddering breath to calm himself down before he went and sat down next to Soyoung. He sighed softly as he lightly caressed her cheek, his chest easing slightly as he noticed that her cheeks were a healthier pink color compared to the pale color that had taken over her face earlier. Slowly, Jinyoung’s fingers traced down to the white bandages wrapped around parts of Soyoung’s hands, his brow furrowing as he saw other bandages peeking out from where they crisscrossed her back. Despite facing a threat on her own life and being greatly disadvantaged, Soyoung was still Soyoung. It was clear that she had fought to the best of her ability to protect both herself and her child. 


Soyoug’s eyes fluttered open as Jinyoung touched her cheek again, and she gave him a tiny smile.


“Jinyoung.” She said softly, reaching out from under the blankets to take his hand. Despite the turmoil in his heart, Jinyoung lightly wrapped his hands around hers.


“Did I wake you?” He asked gently. Soyoung smiled again and shook her head.


“I wasn’t asleep yet.” She answered. A light frown marred her pretty features as Soyoung looked up at him.


“Why do you look like that?” She asked quietly. Jinyoung frowned slightly.


“Like what?” He asked. Soyoung reached out and poked a finger at his brow.


“You look like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders.” She murmured softly as she lightly pushed at his furrowed brow, “As if you are carrying the worries of the world in your heart.” Jinyoung sighed and lightly nuzzled his cheek into her palm.


“I can’t help it when I see you like this.” He answered quietly, barely able to keep the tremble out of his voice. Soyoung lightly cupped his cheek.


“Don’t say that.” She said, “I’m fine, aren’t I? Both the child and I are safe.” Jinyoung swallowed hard as the warmth of Soyoung’s hand seeped into his cheek.


“I know, but...I can’t help but imagine if there had been more than one assassin, if you hadn’t been able to hold him off…” Jinyoung’s eyes widened as Soyoung pressed a finger to his lips.


“There are no what ifs, Nyoung-ah.” She chided lightly, “All that matters is everything turned out alright.” Jinyoung’s heart fluttered lightly at the new pet name, his cheeks flushing slightly. 


“No fair.” He muttered, “How can you suddenly use a pet name now, of all times?” Soyoung’s warm laughter lifted his heart. 


“Come here, Nyoung-ah.” She said softly, moving over slightly to make room for him on the bed. Jinyoung hesitated for a moment before slipping between the sheets and wrapping his arms around Soyoung. Another deep sigh escaped his lips as he rested one hand behind her head and tucked her head against his collar. 


“No words can describe the panic I felt when I realized you weren’t in the camp.” He murmured softly, his hands trembling just recalling the moment when he found the camp devoid of his wife’s presence, “Your sword was gone, but there was no sign of a fight inside our tent. I had no idea where you could have gone. The only clue was the footprints left behind by the assailant, but they seemed to be leading so, so, far away. The longer we searched, the more I thought I would certainly go crazy if I didn’t find you soon.” Soyoung sighed softly and tilted her head up slightly to press a kiss against his lips.


“I’m sorry for worrying you.” She said softly, “I didn’t want to alarm you, so I didn’t wake you up.” Jinyoung huffed as his grip tightened around Soyoung.


“Waking up to an assassin is nothing compared to realizing you’d essentially been abducted.” He grumbled. Soyoung sighed and snuggled closer to him.


“Alright, let’s stop thinking about it.” She said, closing her eyes, “I’m tired.” Jinyoung sighed and lightly rubbed a hand over her shoulders.


“Before we sleep, I have a question to ask.” He said. While he was more than relieved to have his wife back safe and sound, one thing had been bothering him ever since he had found Soyoung again. 


“What is it?” Soyoung asked softly, cracking open one eye. Jinyoung took a deep breath before voicing the thought on his mind.


“The assailant from today...was it Im Hyojun?” He asked quietly. Soyoung froze for a moment before letting out a soft scoff.


“Of course, you would be the one who figured that out.” She noted with a tiny smirk, “What tipped you off?” 


“Your reaction.” Jinyoung answered, “Usually, you would have certainly agreed with General Han that a body would have to be located. But instead, even while in pain, you insisted that there was no need to search for one. For you to act out of character like that, there is only one reason: the assailant is someone you want to protect. And out of all the possible people, there is only one option that makes the most sense, and that is Im Hyojun.” Soyoung laughed softly and reached up to trace a finger playfully around his lips.


“You know me too well.” She mused, “Since when did you know me that well?” Jinyoung feigned biting her finger, making Soyoung laugh again and pull her hand away. 


“Of course.” He answered, “I am your husband. No one can know you better than I do.” Soyoung smiled as she nuzzled his neck slightly before answering.


“Rather than wanting to protect him, I wanted to keep my promise to him.” She said at last, “He came for my life tonight, but in the end he gave up. He told me so many things, more than I could have imagined would come from his mouth. He told me of the things he had secretly done to help me, about how he had handed over Hyeyoung’s lover to Yeojin and helped us turn the entire situation around. And he said…” She swallowed hard before continuing.


“He said I had captured his heart.” She said at last. Jinyoung’s eyes widened, his head jerking down to look at his wife as he realized what she meant. 


“He what?!” He nearly yelled, his heart jumping into his throat. Soyoung’s grip on him tightened, and her lips closed onto his before Jinyoung could say anything else. 


“But so what if he did?” She continued, “For me, the only man who can capture my heart is you, Park Jinyoung, and Hyojun is well aware of that fact.” Jinyoung grumbled even though his heart felt warm from Soyoung’s kiss. To think, that the young man by Soyoung’s side at all hours of the day had secretly held feelings for his wife for who knew how long! Soyoung giggled as she pinched his cheek.


“You’re pouting.” She teased, “Getting jealous?”Jinyoung grumbled and huffed, even though he knew it made him look childish.


“Yes.” He muttered petulantly. Soyoung laughed and kissed him again, her soft lips peppering his face with tiny kisses until Jinyoung’s pout smoothed back into a smile.


“So what if he did have feelings for me?” She said again as Jinyoung’s smile returned, “That won’t ever change the fact that he chose to betray me in the end. But at the same time, I cannot just ignore the fact that he did secretly help me on more than one occasion. And so, I decided the best thing to do was to let him go. I told him to leave Yuan, and go as far away as he could. That, is the best I can do for him as a former master, and someone who had trusted him.” Jinyoung was silent for a long moment as he reached out and gently caressed Soyoung’s face with his hand.


“I am so fortunate to have married such a mature and understanding wife.” He said at last, “You always make sure to look at the bigger picture.” Soyoung smiled at his response.


“And I am fortunate to have married an understanding husband.” She replied, “Even if you get jealous over little things sometimes.” Jinyoung chuckled and poked her on the nose.


“Says the one who also gets jealous over little things as well.” He teased. Soyoung grinned and hit his chest lightly.


“In all seriousness,” She said, “You won’t tell anyone, right?” Jinyoung smiled and shook his head.


“If you wish to let him go, then I will help you.” He promised. Jinyoung reached down and clasped his hand around hers before pressing a kiss to her palm.


“I promise.” He murmured softly. Soyoung sighed and closed her eyes as she rested her head against Jinyoung’s shoulder.


“Let’s rest now.” She said softly, “I’m really tired.” Jinyoung smiled and pressed a gentle kiss to her cheek.


“Good night, my love.” He whispered.


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2033 streak #1
Chapter 37: The epilogue was so cute!!! And wow! They have so many kids... LoL... Hyojun leaving again was a bit sad but it's understandable. And the kinda Yi-En's punishment and story was funny. I really enjoyed reading this story. Hope to see you again in your future works. Wishing you good luck!!
2033 streak #2
Chapter 36: I still believe the story has come to an end. I'm still yearning for more! This was such an amazing story. Could even be made a K-drama if you ask me. Although, I do wonder if Yi-En's another consort now since they were legally married. Also, they both never addressed it. So I'm more curious than ever. LoL... Anyway, can't wait to read the epilogue. But will be back later to do so ^^
2033 streak #3
Chapter 35: I knew it! I mean that can't be true, y'know with what happened the previous chapter. Poor Jinwoo though! That child was thinking his father was abandoning him. Although it was done for his own safety. I can't wait to see how she makes her reappearance. And also, about being Yi-En's princess consort. Will be back later to read more and catch up ^^
hakimmj #4
Chapter 37: Finally for now they be happy with all their children. Can't wait for more after this. Thanks for the updates! :))
2033 streak #5
Chapter 34: Wait what???? You must be be kidding right? I mean it's a trick for some greater good right? Why do you have to drop this bomb on us while we were all so happy about the way things were going? Anyway, enough of my dramatics, I know! Will definitely be back later to read more and find out what happens herein. So until then, no spoilers please!! ^^
hakimmj #6
Chapter 36: Finally! Their strong love for each other really makes them become stronger. Soyoung finally can reclaim hers and the family. Can't wait for more moments of jinyoung and soyoung with their children. Thanks for the updates;;))
2033 streak #7
Chapter 33: Definitely wasn't expecting the twist about the consort and her role in the chaos. Glad she decided to come clean at least now and that Soyoung took it well. And she's expecting again. That's for sure I think, with all the hint that's you've given us. And I can't wait to see how this develops further. But will be back later to read more ^^
hakimmj #8
Chapter 35: Can't wait to know the identity of the woman. My instinct is so strong for the revival of soyoung. Please make them meet again and be happy:((
hakimmj #9
Chapter 34: Oh my god!! Soyoung :((
I can't believe this. Jinyoung will be so sad for this. Hope to know what happen after this.
hakimmj #10
Chapter 33: Really happy when jinyoung is back and safe. Their moments with the little prince is so sweet, can't wait to read more of their moments. Hopefully soyoung is alright. Thanks for the updates.;)