Chapter 17: Childhood Friend

Phoenix Aurora (Got7 Jinyoung X OC)



Note: This chapter (namely, the end part) is rated PG-15




Jinyoung felt his jaw drop slightly as Jia’er stopped in front of a tall building on the busy marketplace street, looking quite proud of himself. He tilted his head up and looked at the glittering sign hung above the entrance, reading it multiple times just to make sure he wasn’t seeing things.


Hundred Flower Manor.


The name was deceptively simple, but Jinyoung knew better than to think otherwise. He could be considered more innocent, but he wasn’t a fool. Hundred Flower Manor wasn’t a restaurant, nor was it a hotel for travelers arriving at the capitol.


No, it was the most popular brothel in the entire Khanbaliq City.


Jinyoung gulped as he took in the sight. He had made a point to walk quickly past the brothel every time he happened to pass by, just in case someone was watching and thought he was interested in going inside. Beautiful young women dressed in brilliantly colored clothes were standing all around the front door and down the red carpeted steps leading down from the front door. Their high pitched voices called out cheerfully in the air, waving perfume scented handkerchiefs at any man who walked near them. 


“Jia’er.” He said quietly, “The place you wanted to bring me to...was the brothel?” Jia’er grinned.


“How about it? It’s the perfect place for you, right?” He replied, “There’s no better way to learn how to be intimate with women than being surrounded by them! And this is the most ideal place to do that.” Jinyoung frowned.


“I don’t know.” He said, “It’s not the place that someone like me should go into. If I get seen…” Jia’er sighed.


“Don’t worry so much.” He said, grabbing Jinyoung by the arm, “I’m a regular here, so I have a private room that’s always reserved for me! There’s no need to worry. Besides, there’s very few people in the capital who actually know what you look like. There’s no need to be concerned!” Jinyoung spluttered protests as Jia’er dragged him towards the brothel entrance, but his friend was more than intent on making him go inside. Soon enough, Jinyoung found himself sitting next to Jia’er in a large heavily decorated suite on the top level of the brothel. 


“Young Master Wang!” The door opened, and the Madam of the brothel stepped inside with a broad grin on her face.


“It has been a long time!” She cooed, “What took you so long to visit? Our girls have missed you so much!” Jia’er chuckled.


“I’ve been busy with some things.” He replied, “But I’m here today!” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a large bag of coins before slapping the bag on the table.


“Bring me all your best girls.” He said, “This is my friend’s first time here, and I want to make sure he has a good time. If they serve him well, this money will all be yours.” The Madam’s eyes lit up at the sight of the money, and she laughed happily as she waved a feathered fan in front of her face.


“Please wait just a moment, Young Master Wang!” She said, “I will bring you all of my best girls right away!” She hurried away down the hallway, clapping her hands and pulling young women away from less rich customers as she went. Soon, Jinyoung found himself surrounded by a flurry of multicolored cloth and excited feminine voices.


“Young Master, you are so handsome! Is this your first time here?”


“Young Master, please have a cup of wine!”


“Young Master, would you like to hear a song?”


“Young Master, what is your name? You are so handsome!” 


Playful hands pulled at Jinyoung’s hands as some of the girls cooed over how soft his hands were, while others fawned over the high quality of his clothes. Some girls tried to give him a massage, while others tried to feed him fruit.


Before long, Jinyoung was overwhelmed by the outpouring of affection from the young women surrounding him, and he tried to shoot a plea for look at Jia’er, but his friend was far too occupied with a group of ladies of his own. 


The best place to learn how to be intimate with women?


What nonsense! 


Perhaps that would have been the case if he had been married to any other woman in the nation. But instead, he was married to Jang Soyoung, the warrior empress of the entire empire! There was absolutely no way she would ever act like this in front of him, or any man for that matter. Eventually, Jinyoung slammed his hands on the table and stood up sharply. The young women’s chatter stopped immediately, and they stared up at Jinyoung in surprise at the sudden movement.


“What’s wrong?” Jia’er asked. 


“This is absolutely ridiculous.” Jinyoung declared, “If this is how I must learn to be intimate with my wife, then I would rather not learn! My wife would never act like this anyway!” Just the thought of Soyoung acting the way the es were, eyes sparkling as they fought to shower their attention on Jinyoung, their bodies elaborately decorated and slathered with scented perfume to make their customers happy, made Jiniyoung shudder.


The es giggled at what was surely a flustered expression on Jinyoung’s face.


“Young Master, what type of intimacy are you looking for?” One of them cooed, running a finger down Jinyoung’s face, “Are you looking for a warm embrace? Or perhaps it is a kiss that you want? Or is it…” Jinyoung gulped as the girl shrugged one shoulder lightly, exposing the unblemished white skin beneath.


“Something more?” She suggested, smiling seductively at him. Jinyoung felt a deep flush cover his face. 


“Just teach me how to be more romantic!” He finally yelled in exasperation, “And you! Get your clothes on properly!” He pointed a finger at the e closest to him, his body trembling in embarrassment at his current situation. 


“The simple type! Not the type of intimacy you are all thinking about!” He added quickly. The girls all stared at him for a long moment, then burst into giggles.


“Young Master, you are so innocent!” The e closest to him cooed, poking him on the cheek, “Very well, we will teach you all that we know, right girls?” A chorus of agreement came from the es gathered around the table, and Jinyoung sat back down carefully. 


“Not too close.” He muttered as some of the girls tried to sit closer to him again. Clearing his throat, he pulled over a few sheets of paper and an ink brush.


“Very well.” He said, “Let’s begin.”


A few hours later


Jia’er sighed as he followed Jinyoung out of the brothel and down the street.


“Honestly.” He said, “What were you doing?” 


“What?” Jinyoung asked, casting a casual gaze over at his friend. Jia’er sighed.


“You didn’t accept a single suggestion from those ladies!” He grumbled, “What use was there to bringing you here?” Jinyoung shrugged.


“None of their ideas made sense.” He replied, “Shower her with gifts? Praise her beauty every chance I get?” He scoffed.


“Soyoung would think I was out of my mind if I did anything like that.” He said, “Or, she would think I had done something wrong and was trying to make up for it by showering her with gifts!” Jia’er rolled his eyes.


“Are you sure you’re not overthinking it?” He asked, “The empress is a woman at the end of the day.” Jinyoung chuckled.


“But she is no ordinary woman.” He replied simply. By the time Jinyoung returned home, the sun was beginning to set, and the servants began rushing around the palace to light the elegant lamps that hung from various parts of the palace walls. Jinyoung sniffed at his arms and made a face as his senses were assaulted by a cloud of flower scented perfume.


Perhaps if I hurry, I can change out of my clothes before Soyoung finishes work and returns for dinner.


All thoughts about that flew out of his mind, however, as Park Jinyoung stepped into his chambers and stopped short in the doorway. Jang Soyoung sat half sprawled on the large plush sofa in the main part of the chambers, her long legs spread out under her as she leaned over the little table placed between the two parts of the couch to read the petition in her hand. She had long switched out of her official golden robes, and now wore a long set of robes made of sky blue fabric. The end of her dress had been neatly trimmed to mimic elegant bird feathers, the rest of the gown covered in strategically placed flower embroidery. The dress clung to her body more than some of her more formal gowns, showing off the young empress’ slender figure beneath. Soyoung had traded her phoenix crown out for a golden hairpiece decorated with dark blue gems which sparkled in the fading sunlight as she moved her head ever so slightly. Jinyoung gulped, his throat going dry all of a sudden. 


She really is so beautiful, no matter what she’s wearing. How is that even possible?


Then, Soyoung looked up and smiled as her gaze fell on him standing in the doorway.


“You’re back!” She said, neatly tossing the petition onto the pile of other petitions waiting for her, “Where did you go all day? You don’t usually go out for so long.” Jinyoung grinned awkwardly and fumbled for an answer.


“I...uh...Jia’er and I had a lot to talk about today!” He lied quickly, casting his gaze away from his wife’s sharp gaze. Soyoung raised an eyebrow, seeming to catch onto his discomfort. Rising neatly from her position on the sofa, she took her time walking across the room before coming to a stop in front of Jinyoung. Jinyoung gulped as she gazed at him, her dark eyed gaze almost seeing right through him. Then, she frowned slightly as she sniffed the air around him. 


“Where did you say you went today?” She asked. 


“T-the teahouse.” Jinyoung replied quickly. Soyoung raised an eyebrow.


“Oh really?” She said, “Since when did the teahouse spray the air with flowered perfume?” Jinyoung gulped as she sniffed at his left shoulder, and then his right.


“Soyoung, the servants are watching.” He mumbled. 


“Be quiet.” Soyoung snapped, her sharp gaze silencing whatever Jinyoung had been about to say next. She made a quick, tight circle around Jinyoung before crossing her arms and tilting her chin up to look at him.


“So?” She said, “Where did you go today?” Jinyoung gazed at his wife’s face, everything about the expression in her eyes telling him that there was no hiding the truth of what had happened. He sighed deeply.


“Jia’er took me to the brothel.” He admitted quietly. For a long moment, silence descended on the room until it was so silent that Jinyoung was sure he could hear a pin drop. At last, Soyoung uncrossed her arms and placed them on her hips.


“And why in the world did you do that, little poet?” She asked. Jinyoung sighed.


There’s no getting out of this now.


“Didn’t you say you were thinking of having a child?” He replied, “I don’t know the first thing about being more intimate with a woman, much less conceiving a child. I mentioned it to Jia’er, and when he heard that he…”


“Suggested that you learn from going to the brothel?” Soyoung finished the sentence for him, a knowing look in her eyes. Jinyoung hung his head.


“...Precisely.” He mumbled, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have gone.” Soyoung gazed at him silently for a long moment, and Jinyoung was beginning to feel concerned that he had angered his wife again. Then, Soyoung took a step back, her hands falling from her sides. She snapped her fingers, and maids quickly ran to her side.


“Prepare hot bath water for the prince.” Soyoung ordered, “He has been outside for a long time and is in need of a bath.” Jinyoung blinked in surprise at the sudden order.


“But it’s still early!” He protested, “Shouldn’t we have a meal together first?” The sharp look in Soyoung’s eyes caused the hesitant smile on his lips to fade, along with any hope that Soyoung could potentially be willing to let the matter slide.


“I am not going to sit down next to a man who is covered in a brothel’s flowery perfume!” She said firmly as she gave him a light shove towards the part of their chambers reserved for bathing. 


“You!” She snapped, pointing to one eunuch, “Whatever clothes the prince wore today, take them and burn them!” 


“S-Soyoung, surely there is no need to go that far.” Jinyoung protested weakly, but his words fell on deaf ears as Soyoung turned to glare at him.


“I’m not holding this against you because you did it out of concern for my wishes.” She said firmly, “But that does not mean I will spare whichever part of your clothes those women touched!” She gave him another light shove towards the bathing room.


“Now hurry up.” She said firmly, “Or else don’t think of holding me while we’re sleeping tonight.” Jinyoung pouted slightly at that, trying his best to give his wife a pitiful expression, but she shook her head.


“Don’t try to act pitiful.” She said firmly, “That’s not going to work today.” Jinyoung sighed and plodded obediently to where the servants were waiting to help him bathe.


“Yes, Wife.” He mumbled.



Soyoung tapped her fingers lightly on her desk as she waited for Jinyoung to finish bathing. At that point, she wasn’t sure whether she was supposed to feel angry or just frustratedly amused. The idea of her husband, the Prince Consort of Yuan, going to the most famous brothel in the city was absolutely ridiculous. She trusted that he wasn’t foolish enough to let his identity slip, but if anyone caught so much as a whiff of his presence there, it would affect not only his reputation but the royal family’s as well. Gossiping mongers wouldn’t care why he was there; they only cared that he had been there. 


Still, a little part of Soyoung couldn’t help but feel amused at the whole thing. True to his nature, her little poet had gone to the brothel not to be entertained by women, but to learn how to be more romantic and intimate with a woman. And all because she had proposed having children with him. For Park Jinyoung, everything came down to learning something new. 


Well, I suppose I should be grateful Wang Jia’er didn’t take him to read inappropriate books.


Soyoung snapped her fingers lightly, and a eunuch hurried to her side.


“Yes, Your Majesty?” He asked. 


“Send an order to every brothel in Khanbaliq.” Soyoung said, “None of them are to welcome Wang Jia’er into their business for the next six months. If I hear of any of them doing so, they will have to be shut down for six months. That is a royal order.” The eunuch bowed and hurried off to deliver Soyoung’s order.

Soyoung didn’t bring the matter back up again after Jinyoung returned from his bath, and they ate their dinner in silence. That night, she felt Jinyoung tossing and turning next to her, a soft huff escaping his lips every few minutes. Finally, Soyoung decided to speak before her husband spent the entire night sleepless.


“What are you doing?” She asked, opening her eyes slightly. Jinyoung froze, then turned to face her.


“I can’t sleep.” He mumbled, looking guilty. Soyoung sighed slightly then reached out and took his hand in hers.


“I’m not angry at you, if that’s what you’re concerned about.” She said softly. A look of surprise flashed through Jinyoung’s face.


“You’re...not?” He asked uncertainly. Soyoung chuckled softly.


“I’m not someone who dwells on petty jealousy.” She replied, “As I already said, you did this all because of what I said. Now, I cannot say the same thing about Wang Jia’er, but I’m not angry at you.” Jinyoung laughed softly.


“Do I want to know what you did to Jia’er?” He asked. Soyoung grinned.


“I’m sure he will be complaining to you about it by tomorrow.” She replied. She sighed softly and rolled onto her stomach to look down at her husband.


“Jinyoung, there is one thing I want you to remember.” She said, “There are some things that can be learned from books, and there are some things that cannot be learned just by listening to others speak about it. Our relationship, and how we’re going to approach things in the course of our marriage, is one of those things that cannot be learned, unlike matters like poems or mathematics. Do you understand?” Jinyoung blinked as he looked up at her.


“Wife, you speak as if you are very experienced in these matters.” He said, a teasing glint in his eye. 


“Watch what you’re saying, Park Jinyoung.” Soyoung grumbled, “I am speaking about human emotions in general. How our relationship progresses, and whether we are able to have a child…” She ran a finger lightly down Jinyoung’s chest until the tip of her finger tapped lightly over his heart.


“It depends on this. It’s not a step by step process that someone can just tell you about.” She said softly, “So don’t go trying to learn how to be more intimate with me, or else I don’t know what trick Wang Jia’er will try to pull next time. Do you understand?” Jinyoung hesitated for a moment, then laid a hand over his chest, right over Soyoung’s hand.


“Yes, Wife.” He said softly, “I understand. “ Soyoung hummed softly in approval and rolled back onto her back, letting her hand stay interlocked with Jinyoung’s hand.


“Sleep then, little poet.” She said, “Don’t dwell on the matter anymore.” Soyoung closed her eyes, and a few moments later, she heard Jinyoung’s breathing slow down, followed by the sounds of soft snores. Opening her eyes slightly, Soyoung turned her head and looked over at her sleeping husband. Sometimes, Park Jinyoung’s love for the scholarly arts and pursuit for knowledge was frustrating and felt overwhelming. But at other times, like now, it emphasized his innocence, and Soyoung almost found that part of him endearing. It balanced with the life that she had led up until now, almost like two sides of a coin. Sighing softly, Soyoung closed her eyes and let her body drift off to sleep.


Good night, cute little poet.



Another month passed without Soyoung bringing up the matter of children again. Jinyoung, on his part, continued wondering what she had meant when she said everything depended on his heart. He was grateful that Soyoung never pressured him about the matter, but at the same time, it left him all the more confused. Still, Jinyoung made sure to stay far away from any brothel in the city, lest he find himself dragged in again. The royal couple’s relationship continued as it had been ever since they returned from the hunting grounds, and for a little while, Jinyoung thought he would be content with such a relationship. After all, it was already more than he could ask for in an arranged marriage. 


Then, one day, something happened that caused Jinyoung to change his mind.


Jinyoung returned to his chambers one day to find Soyoung reading a letter, a small smile on her face. 


“What are you looking at?” He asked, wondering what could cause his wife to be smiling. Soyoung looked up and folded the letter neatly in her hands.


“A good friend of mine is returning to the capitol city in a few days.” She said, “I’ve decided we will throw a feast to welcome him back. Of course, he will be staying in the palace as well.” Jinyoung raised an eyebrow as he caught onto the pronoun his wife was using.


“He?” He repeated. Soyoung nodded, holding out the letter to him.


“Tuan Yi-en.” She replied, “A close childhood friend of mine. He’s been wandering the world for a number of years and has decided to come back to the capitol for a visit. You can read his letter if you’d like.” Jinyoung paused as he reached for the letter, then drew back.


“There’s no need.” He said, “This is your private matter between friends.” Soyoung chuckled and slipped the letter into her drawer.


“Very well then.” She said, “You will come greet him with me, right?” Jinyoung blinked.


“This is a person who requires you to personally greet him?” He asked, “Surely you could just send some soldiers to bring him back.” Soyoung scoffed softly.


“Jinyoung, he is a close friend, not a prisoner.” She chided, “It’s only right that I greet him personally.” Jinyoung felt his lips tugging downward in a slight frown as he began to pick up on how important this Tuan Yi-en was to his wife. In the half a year or so after he had married Soyoung, he had never seen her react this way to a man before other than him. Jinyoung felt his chest tighten slightly at the thought, but he quickly pushed the feeling away. Soyoung looked at him curiously, seeming to pick up on the frown on his face.


“What’s wrong?” She asked. Jinyoung shook his head.


“Nothing.” He said, “I will come with you to meet your friend. I’m curious about what type of person he is.” Soyoung grinned.


“I think you’ll like him.” She replied, “He’s a well educated young man. Perhaps you two will become friends.” Hearing Soyoung praise him again threatened to draw out the previous discomfort in Jinyoung’s chest again, but he managed to smile faintly.


“Perhaps.” He agreed softly.



A few days later, Jinyoung stood next to Soyoung along with a large retinue of servants as they waited just outside Mentality Hall. The sun was bright in the sky, the weather had been good for several days, and everyone seemed to be in a good mood. Soyoung in particular seemed surprisingly eager as she waited for their guest, her eyes sparkling slightly in the sunlight. Jinyoung, on his part, felt more confused than ever. 


Just what sort of man is this Tuan Yi-en? What does he have that makes Soyoung so eager to see him?


Soyoung had been busy preparing for her friend’s arrival in the past few days, sometimes skipping meals to run off and prepare for the welcome banquet or to oversee preparations for her friend’s quarters instead. Jinyoung always let her go, but watching her retreating back left an ugly taste in his mouth every time without fail.


Jinyoung’s thoughts were interrupted though, as the sound of hoofbeats rose in the air, and a loud voice called from the palace gates.


“His Highness, Prince Tuan Yi-en has arrived!” 


A tall, slender figure astride a midnight black horse galloped into the palace, and soldiers rushed to help him with his things. The horse’s rider was dressed in clothes akin to those that Jinyoung had seen on the grassland, but more elegant and refined. The young man’s hair was tied in a simple ponytail, his head undecorated save for the dark blue band circling his head. The young man’s cheeks were slightly flushed from the wind blowing past his face, and his eyes glittered in delight as his gaze fell on Soyoung. Slipping off his horse, he grinned and hurried up the steps to where Soyoung was waiting. Pursing his lips slightly to hide his smile, he cleared his throat and bowed politely.


“Your subject, Tuan Yi-en, greets Your Majesty!” He declared. His words were polite and courteous, but Jinyoung could catch the playful tone underlying his speech. Soyoung chuckled softly and lifted the man to his feet.


“Yi-en ge.” She said with a smile, “When did we become such strangers? You haven’t bowed like this to me in years!” Yi-en beamed.


“That was before you became the empress!” He replied. Soyoung chuckled and gave him a light shove.


“Don’t give me that.” She replied teasingly, “The rites between a subject and the sovereign ruler never applied to us anyway.” Tuan Yi-en grinned, then enveloped Soyoung in a warm hug.


“I missed you, Seyoung.” He said. Soft murmurs of surprise rose up among the retinue of servants, and Jinyoung’s eyes widened at the open display of affection. Soyoung didn’t even show open affection of that sort to him, much less to another man! It was absolutely unheard of for a married woman to act like this! Then, to his utter surprise, he watched as Soyoung returned the embrace.


“I missed you too, Yi-en ge.”  She said, “You must tell me about all of your travels!” Jinyoung swallowed hard, his heart pounding in his chest. 


Yi-en ge? 




Am I hearing things?


Jang Soyoung, the fearless empress of the entire empire, was calling another man by the close endearment of “ge” in public?


Suddenly feeling a need to interrupt, Jinyoung cleared his throat loudly, and Soyoung looked over at him. Letting go of Yi-en, she lightly turned her friend to face Jinyoung.


“Yi-en ge, this is Jinyoung.” She said, “He is my husband.” Yi-en’s eyes lit up.


“So you are the one that our Seyoung chose!” He exclaimed, “I have heard many things about you while I was traveling!” He bowed politely to Jinyoung.

“It is my honor to meet you, Your Highness.” He said. Jinyoung smiled politely.


“You are very polite, Prince.” He replied, “But why do you call my wife by a different name?” Soyoung and Yi-en exchanged glances before the young prince laughed.


“It’s like this.” Yi-en replied, “When I was younger, I couldn’t pronounce Her Majesty’s given name, so she told me to call her Soyoung instead. But because I was young, my pronunciation was off and I started calling her Seyoung. Little by little, it just stuck and I never stopped using it.” Jinyoung chuckled awkwardly.


“Is that so?” He replied.


They have nicknames for each other too?


“Jinyoung, I’m going to walk Yi-en to his quarters.” Soyoung said, “Would you like to come with me?” Jinyoung hesitated for a moment, then shook his head.


“It’s alright.” He replied, “I still have a lot of reading to do. You two go and catch up.” Soyoung smiled faintly and squeezed his arm lightly.


“I’ll see you tonight.” She replied. Jinyoung nodded and waved as he watched her go. As he stared at their retreating figures, Jinyoung felt an ugly feeling rear up in his chest again. Soyoung tilted her head slightly towards Yi-en, who said something to her and made her laugh. She seemed genuinely happy in the other young man’s company, her eyes glimmering with amusement at what he said.


She’s never smiled so brightly at me before, much less laugh out loud so many times in close proximity. All she ever does is smile slightly.


What is it that’s so funny anyway?


Jinyoung swallowed hard as he clenched a hand around his chest.


I don’t like this feeling one bit.


In the week after Tuan Yi-en’s arrival, it didn’t take long for the new prince to establish his presence in the palace. Soyoung was a generous host, often taking time out of her schedule to spend time with her friend or involving him in her daily schedule. More than once, Jinyoung would walk by while Soyoung was doing her morning sword practice, and spot Yi-en being her sparring partner. Their swords would clash under the bright sunlight, the sound of laughter filling the air as the two friends parried each other’s blow before leaping away from each other again. Soyoung would make a teasing jab at Yi-en’s sword skills, and he would retort back with a playful reply. Sometimes, Jinyoung would think Soyoung would be irritated by what Yi-en said, but she would only laugh and shake her head, and their swordplay would continue. 


The amount of time that Soyoung was spending with another man quickly caught the eyes of the nearby servants, and before long, chatter was spreading among all ranks of the maids and eunuchs that roamed the palace halls. One day, one conversation in particular caught Jinyoung’s attention as he was on his way out to meet Jia’er.


“Did you see Her Majesty and His Highness sparring this morning?”


“Who? The Prince Consort?”


“No, of course not! She was sparring with the Persian Prince, Prince Yi-en!”


“Again? They really are good friends!”


“They’re not just good friends, I bet they’re more!”


“Shh, don’t let anyone hear you gossiping about the empress!”


“It’s the truth! Don’t you know? Her Majesty and Prince Yi-en have known each other for years. When they were younger, there was a rumor that the prior emperor was going to engage Her Majesty to Prince Yi-en!”


“Is that really true?”


“Of course! Don’t you think they make a great pair anyway?”


“Yes they do! When I see them sparring, I think they look like a pair of heroic wanderers traveling the world to uphold justice! His Highness is a wonderful fighter!”


“Yes, and His Highness is so handsome! He knows Her Majesty so well. And, didn’t you notice? Her Majesty is always smiling when she’s around him!”


“If Prince Yi-en didn’t decide to wander the world right before the prior emperor died, he might have become the Prince Consort now!” 


Jinyoung felt his breath catch in his throat, and he lightly blew out the breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. He looked down and found that his hands had clenched together, and he swallowed hard as he looked at the nail marks his hands had left there. The ugly feeling that had arisen in his chest when he had first seen how close Yi-en and Soyoung were was back, clenching around his chest so hard he found it hard to breathe. He staggered slightly, and he felt a hand lightly tap against his arm.


“Brother-in-law?” Eunseong’s voice reached his ears, and he turned to see Soyoung’s brother standing behind him, a concerned look on his face.


“Are you alright?” The prince asked. Jinyoung swallowed hard and nodded.


“Just...found it hard to breathe for a moment.” He said softly, “Perhaps I was walking too fast.” Eunseong raised an eyebrow, then turned his head towards the maids standing further down the hallway as he overheard what they were talking about. 


“You two!” He snapped, “Are you done with your work already? Should I give you more if you have so much free time on your hands?” The maids’ eyes widened as they saw Jinyoung standing next to Eunseong, and quickly scurried off with a quick bow. Jinyoung chuckled softly.


“Sometimes, you really remind me of your sister.” He noted, “Especially when you’re being firm like that.” Eunseong chuckled.


“Sometimes, being a member of the royal family means you have to know when to be sharp and when to be soft.” He replied, “If you just let servants gossip like that, they’ll never know where the boundaries lie.” Jinyoung smiled and nodded.


“I’ll remember that.” He replied, “I’ll be off now.”


“I’m bored!” Wang Jia’er declared for the umpteenth time, cupping his hands on his cheeks and leaning his elbows on the table he and Jinyoung were sitting at. Jinyoung sighed and lightly tapped at Jia’er’s elbows.


“Etiquette, Wang Jia’er.” He chided lightly, “You are a nobleman.” Jia’er groaned and refused to move, a light pout gracing his face.


“Who cares for etiquette when there’s no one to show it in front of?” He replied, “Your wife ordered all the brothels to refuse me for a whole six months! Do you know how long six months is?” Jinyoung chuckled.


“You still have the children to teach.” He replied, “And don’t you always have ladies waiting at your front door either way? You’re being showered with attention nevertheless.” Jia’er grumbled softly as he poked at the tea cup in front of him dejectedly.


“That’s not the same thing as holding the ladies in your arms!” He muttered, “It’s just not the same thing! And I still have to wait another four months!” Jinyoung chuckled in amusement and shook his head, sipping at his cup of tea. He really had to give it to Soyoung; she had managed to punish Jia’er for bringing Jinyoung to the brothels without barely lifting a finger or making a fuss over the whole matter. It was a mere refusal to allow Jia’er into the brothel houses, and it was already more than enough to make him completely miserable. Jinyoung sighed quietly as thoughts of his wife rose to his mind again.


I wonder what she’s doing now…


“Jinyoung?” Jia’er waved a hand in front of Jinyoung’s face, “What’s wrong? You’re completely spaced out. Something on your mind?” Jinyoung frowned slightly and shook his head.


“Just wondering what Soyoung is doing.” He replied, tapping a finger lightly against his teacup. Jia’er grinned.


“Oh? You’re pining for your wife already?” He teased, “It seems like your relationship has progressed again!” Jinyoung frowned and batted at his friend lightly.


“That’s not it.” He muttered, “She’s just been spending a lot of time with that Prince Yi-en lately. Between work and accompanying her friend, I’ve barely seen her at all!” He looked over at his friend.


“Do you know anything about this Prince Yi-en?” He asked, “He and Soyoung seem pretty close.” Jia’er smiled.


“Who are you talking to?” He said, “Of course I know!” He cleared his throat and began to speak.


“Tuan Yi-en, second prince of the Kingdom of Persia. In order to maintain good ties with the Yuan empire, he was sent over to live as a hostage of sorts in the Yuan empire when he was just a young child.” Jia’er explained, “He had an aptitude for martial arts, so he struck up a friendship with the empress, who was just a princess then. They maintained a close friendship ever since that time! Since he’s only a few years older than her, there were many rumors back in the day that he would become her husband, all the more better to maintain good ties between the two empires.” Jia’er shrugged.


“But who would have thought that when the hostage time period ended, the prince instead wanted to wander and explore the world he had been kept from since childhood, and asked to be given permission to leave the palace.” He continued, “I hear the empress continued exchanging letters with him all these years.” Jinyoung’s hand tightened around his teacup as he listened to Jia’er speak.


A friendship ever since childhood, huh? Then...isn’t that the epitome of childhood lovers?


Swallowing hard, Jinyoung turned to his friend again.


“Do you know anything about Prince Yi-en’s abilities?” He asked, “For example, his scholarly pursuits, his hobbies, anything like that?” Jia’er chuckled.


“Of course.” He replied, “He’s known throughout the capitol to be a skilled martial artist, one who can match up to the skills of the empress. Of course, that would be because they grew up and trained together. On the other hand, he is an excellent scholar, well versed in poetry, literary arts, and painting.” Jia’er clapped his hands lightly together.


“In short, he is the epitome of an ideal nobleman.” He concluded, “There are plenty of women who fall at his feet and want to marry him, but he’s refused them all so far.” Jinyoung felt his other hand clench tightly over his thigh.


I should have worked harder at martial arts when I was younger!


“Ideal nobleman?” He scoffed, “With such ideal qualities, I bet he’s just a complete player!” Jia’er raised an eyebrow.


“You speak as if you know him very well.” He noted. Jinyoung nodded eagerly.


“He’s always in the palace spending time with Soyoung!” He exclaimed, “She invites him to spar with her every morning! Then, after laughing and having fun with the empress, I’ve seen him playing music in the royal gardens while maids giggle over him, or he holds conversation with young maids and woos them all with stories of his travels!” He shook his head.


“Jia’er, you didn’t see the lovestruck look on their faces!” He declared, “Soyoung made him sound like a perfect gentleman, but I’ll bet that is just all an act!” Jinyoung heard a light chuckle from his friend and looked over to see Jia’s barely suppressing a laugh.


“What?” He asked, “I’m not lying!” At last, Jia’er burst out laughing, shaking his head.


“I’m sure you aren’t lying.” He replied, still laughing, “But Park Jinyoung, you should take a look in the mirror right now at your face!” Jinyoung frowned as he ran a hand over his face.


“Do I have something on my face?” He asked, perplexed. Jia’er finally stopped laughing and leaned closer to him.


“One word.” He said with a grin, “Jealousy.” Jinyoung blinked, his mind slowly turning over what Jia’er had just declared.


“Wait.” He said, “You think I’m jealous of Soyoung and Yi-en’s relationship?” Jia’er scoffed lightly.


“Not just ‘think.’” He replied, “You very clearly are. From the words that you are saying to the tone you are saying them in and the expression on your’s very clear. You are jealous.” Jinyoung swallowed hard and began fanning his face, suddenly feeling rather hot. 


“What nonsense.” He muttered, “Why would I be jealous?” Jia’er chuckled.


“Because she is your wife, and she is rather close to another man.” He replied, “And you...well, I can say at least that you certainly care for her.” Jia’er poked Jinyoung’s cheek.


“The expression currently on your face?” He teased, “It’s exactly the same one Her Majesty had on her face when she saw you dancing with those noblewomen during the imperial hunt.” Jinyoung felt his cheeks grow hot and he fanned harder at his face, although the cool breeze did little besides disturb his hair. 


Is this...what jealousy feels like?


Just seeing her with Yi-en makes my chest hurt, so much I can barely breathe.


And...those nicknames! They’re getting on my nerves!


Jia’er laughed at the flustered expression on Jinyoung’s face.


“Alright, don’t just sit here.” He said, giving Jinyoung a light shove, “Go and get your girl.” Jinyoung frowned as he stumbled slightly off his chair.


“What are you talking about?” He asked. Jia’er laughed.


“Don’t let Prince Yi-en take over your time with your wife!” He said, “So what if they’re childhood friends? So what if he’s talented? So what if he could have become her husband?” He poked Jinyoung on the chest.


“You are her husband now, the man who has peeled back her many layers little by little and worked your way into her trust. You are the one who has gone through life and death with her! If you don’t fight your way back, he might just take over!” Jia’er declared, “There’s no need to hide your discomfort with what’s going on! Just be frank with her!” 


“How am I going to do that?” Jinyoung asked, puzzled. Jia’er grinned.


“Grab her like this!” He said, attempting to demonstrate, “Look directly into her eyes and say, ‘Woman, don’t you know what you’re doing to my heart?’ And then kiss her!” Jinyoung felt his cheeks flush with second hand embarrassment as Jia’er’s elaborate display caught the attention of multiple people around them.


“She might just hit me if I said something like that.” He replied. 


“Women love a line like that!” Jia’er protested, “It works every time!” Jinyoung laughed and shook his head.


“Don’t forget that my wife isn’t an ordinary woman.” He replied. Shaking his head again, Jinyoung left Jia’er to his own devices and stepped out of the teahouse. Sighing softly, he tilted his head up to the sky.


Perhaps I really should say something?



Jinyoung mulled over what he should do as he returned to the royal palace. The maids informed him Soyoung was in the royal garden when he asked, and he walked in that direction with no particular plan in mind. Jinyoung repeatedly rehearsed different renditions of what he would say to Soyoung when he found her, but none in particular seemed to work. She would never listen to a speech about how a woman was supposed to act according to societal values, and if he rambled on about what the scholars of old said about how an empress was supposed to carry herself then she might grow angry instead. In the end, Jinyoung’s mind was still blank when he arrived at the royal gardens. His ears caught the sound of a zither, and he followed it to the center of the gardens where a large pagoda had been built to allow royals to sit and enjoy the flowers in comfort. Sitting in the middle of the pagoda was Tuan Yi-en, dressed in flowing white and blue robes. The sunlight shining down on him gave him an almost ethereal glow, making him look more like a celestial being descended from the heavens rather than a visiting Persian Prince. An elegant zither sat on the table in front of him, Yi-en’s long fingers plucking expertly at the strings.


Then, Jinyoung’s gaze fell on Soyoung.


The young empress sat on the other side of the table, dressed in forest green and white robes. Her long hair fell freely down her back, unbridled save for the small bun at the top of her head framed by an elegant gold and green headpiece. Her head was leaning against her left fist, elbow leaning on the table below as she dozed under the soft lull of the music coming from Prince Yi-en’s zither. It was a beautiful sight, one that tugged at Jinyoung’s heart.


Of course, it would be even better if Tuan Yi-en wasn’t the one sitting there.


Jinyoung felt the same odd emotion as before tug at his chest, wrapping around his heart and constricting his chest. He felt like a haze had fallen over his brain as he suddenly recalled the maids’ hushed whispers about how close the empress was to Tuan Yi-en, how they made such a great pair, and how they almost got married. Taking a shuddering breath to calm himself, Jinyoung strode forward before he could think twice, and stopped right inside the pagoda. Yi-en looked up at him and dipped his head politely, but didn’t stop playing. Gritting his teeth, Jinyoung hesitated for only a moment before speaking.


“Jang Soyoung!” His voice came out far sharper than he had intended, the sound cracking out into the air like a whip. The attending maids jumped in surprise at how loudly he had spoken, and Yi-en stopped playing abruptly, taken aback by his tone. A long moment later, Soyoung slowly opened her eyes, showing no signs of being startled by the sudden noise interrupting her slumber. The sleep slowly cleared from her eyes, and a warm smile lightened her face as her gaze fell on her husband standing next to her.


“You have returned earlier than I imagined.” She said softly, “Come and sit with me.” For a moment, Jinyoung was tempted, but he shook his head a moment later.


Just be frank with her. If Jia’er was right about anything, this is what it would be.


“I have something to say!” He declared, “Please come with me!” Soyoung frowned slightly at his tone.


“You could say it here.” She replied, “There’s nothing that Yi-en ge can’t hear.” The endearment grated on Jinyoung’s nerves again, and he took a deep breath.


“I have something to say to you.” He repeated, “Alone.” Soyoung raised an eyebrow as she caught onto his tone, then nodded and rose to her feet, brushing off her clothes.


“Very well then.” She replied, “We can go back to our chambers.” Jinyoung nodded in satisfaction, and together they walked silently back to their rooms. Jinyoung could feel Soyoung’s curious gaze on him the entire time as they walked, but he refused to say anything before they arrived back in their chambers and walked to the innermost parts of the large interconnected rooms. Upon arriving, Jinyoung sent the attending servants away and shut the doors behind them. 


“Are you alright?” Soyoung asked, “You don’t look so good. Did something happen when you were outside?” Jinyoung gulped, took a deep breath, and turned around with a firm expression on his face.


“Jang Soyoung, since when did you become so easy?” He asked. A puzzled expression flashed across his wife’s face before it settled into an expression of utter bewilderment. 


“What in the world are you saying?” She asked. For a moment, Jinyoung wondered if he’d gone too far, but he plunged ahead anyway. 


“You said Tuan Yi-en is only your close friend, but that’s not the way I see things!” He declared, “Since when did your smiles become so easy to earn? He barely lifts a finger and earns your smile!” He felt an unfamiliar irritation rise in his chest as he continued to speak. 


“Also, don’t you usually spar alone?” Jinyoung continued, “Since when did you have to practice the sword with a sparring partner? Can’t Hyojun do that role even if you needed a sparring partner?” He huffed and crossed his arms.


“Also, what’s with those nicknames?” He fumed, “I’ve never heard you call anyone ‘ge’ before! Nor have I ever seen you hug someone like that besides immediate family! Also, how does he dare to call the empress of Yuan by a different name than her given one? It is ridiculously rude!” He huffed agan and turned around.


“Also! You’re always spending all of your free time with Tuan Yi-en! I understand he’s your friend, but there’s a limit to what you have to do even if you are the master of the nation he is visiting! You’re’re even…!” He spluttered for a long moment before he spat out in an embarrassingly petty sounding voice.


“You’re spending so much time with him, your own husband barely has any time to see you!” He finally declared with a frustrated huff. Jinyoung waited for a few moments, then turned when Soyoung didn’t respond. He frowned slightly when he saw a small amused smile on Soyoung’s face.


“What?” He snapped, feeling his cheeks burn in embarrassment. Soyoung crossed her arms slightly and took a few steps forward to stand in front of him.


“Why, Park Jinyoung.” She said with a light twinkle in her eye, “Are you jealous of Yi-en ge?” 


Again with the ‘ge’!


Jinyoung’s eyes widened as Soyoung came to the same conclusion as Jia’er had, and he barked out an awkward half laugh half scoff as he turned back around quickly.


“Me? Jealous? What for?” He asked. Soyoung laughed softly and walked around so he was looking at her.


“Of how close Yi-en ge and I are.” She replied, “Of how much time I’m spending with Yi gege.” Jinyoung’s eyes widened in bewilderment as he heard what Soyoung was saying.


Not only Yi-en ge, but now ‘Yi gege’ too?


“You-!” He spluttered incoherently for a few seconds before he stamped his foot lightly and snapped his hand back to his side.


“I am not jealous.” He said firmly, although he himself was starting to question what he was saying. Soyoung grinned.


“Then why does a certain little poet look like an angry little puppy right now?” She asked. Jinyoung turned around quickly at the comment.


“Jang Soyoung!” He snapped quickly, “I am a man, not an animal!” Soyoung laughed softly and held up her hands in mock surrender.


“Very well, very well.” She said, “You are my little poet, alright? Not a puppy.” Then she smirked lightly.


“A jealous little poet.” She amended. Slowly, she began stepping towards him, and Jinyoung instinctively began stepping backwards.


“Well, I suppose it’s understandable.” Soyoung noted, “After all, Yi-en ge is handsome, quite the intelligent man, and an incredible warrior to boot. He’s spent the last six years wandering the world and has helped many people along the way. The people all praise him for having a heart of gold.” Jinyoung gulped as he felt his back hit against the wall behind him. Soyoung pressed one hand against the wall behind him, her eyes glimmering with amusement as she leaned close.


“My Emperor Father was quite fond of him back when we were children.” She said, “He always said I should marry someone like him.” Jinyoung gulped as he took in the look in Soyoung’s eyes.


She’s playing with me on purpose!


“Jang Soyoung.” His voice came out in a slight growl, “I dare you to say anything more about Tuan Yi-en.” Soyoung smirked. One slender finger reached out and poked Jinyoung lightly in the chest.


“You. Are. Jealous.” She dropped each word with an emphasis, a knowing look in her eyes. Jinyoung took in the way her red painted lips were curled up in a cat-like smirk and the way her eyes glittered in amusement. Then, he looped an arm around Soyoung’s waist and neatly flipped them around so his wife was the one with her back to the wall and Jinyoung was the one towering over her. 


“You really are fearless, aren’t you?” He mused, his gaze glowering as he looked down at her. Soyoung laughed softly.


“That’s what I’m known for.” She replied with a cheeky grin. Jinyoung let one hand trail down his wife’s cheek, his fingers lingering by her lips. 


“It seems there’s only one way to stop you from talking about another man like that.” He mused. Soyoung raised an eyebrow.


“What’s that?” She asked. Jinyoung smirked. Without saying another word, he pulled Soyoung into his embrace, his lips closing tightly over hers. Warmth immediately bloomed in his body as he held his wife close, chasing away the irritation that had taken over his actions. He heard Soyoung laugh softly against his kiss, and a moment later, her arms wrapped around his neck as she returned the kiss. Just like the last time, Jinyoung felt like a fire had been lit inside of him, spurred all the more by Soyoung’s touch. In that moment, nothing could pacify the irrational anger in his heart better than the touch of his wife’s hands, the warmth of her body in his arms. All that mattered most to him was she was there, in his arms, his and his alone. His body desired the woman in his arms; that was really the only way he could put it. It was an odd sense of possessiveness that Jinyoung had never felt before. They both broke apart a little while later, both gasping for breath. Soyoung laid her forehead lightly against Jinyoung’s as she gazed into his eyes, her arms still looped behind his neck.


“Are you still being jealous?” She asked, a light smile playing on her lips. Jinyoung smirked and pulled Soyoung in for another kiss.


“Quite.” He murmured, “I’m not quite done yet in the slightest.” 




Jang Soyoung wasn’t quite sure how she had gotten herself into this situation. She had only intended to tease Park Jinyoung when she had rambled on about how wonderful Yi-en was. He had only ever been a brother to her, and nothing more. She knew the servants had been gossiping about other things, but both she and Yi-en had nothing to hide, and so had ignored them all. 


But yet, seeing the adorably petty expression in Jinyoung’s eyes was more than enough to make her want to poke at him a little more, to press his buttons teasingly and see his eyes darken with jealousy.


Soyoung could feel herself growing lightheaded as she stood ensconced in Jinyoung’s embrace, every kiss he showered on her stealing every breath from her lips. And yet, she didn’t mind. Warmth and unfamiliar joy bloomed in her chest as they kissed, her husband’s touch setting a fire in her body that she had never felt before. 


This man...just what has he done to me? I’ve never felt this way towards anyone before.


Slowly, she could feel them moving away from the wall they had been pressed against, their footsteps moving subconsciously towards the large ornate golden bed in the back of their innermost chambers. Some last shred of rationality reminded Soyoung that it was still the middle of the day, and she still had many things waiting for her to do. Then, Jinyoung pressed a kiss to the nape of her neck, and that last shred of rationality flew out the window.


Oh forget it. I’ll just work more tomorrow. 


Soyoung felt Jinyoung’s fingers pulling at the long ribbons that tied her dress neatly together at her hip, managing to pull a few loose before they tumbled onto the bed together. At some point, he had managed to pull her hairpiece off her head, and now her hair lay completely untied, falling like a waterfall down her back. Jinyoung pulled away for a moment, a hesitant look entering his eyes as he hovered over her.


“Soyoung.” He said quietly, “Are you alright with this? There’s no going back if we go forward with this.” Soyoung gazed up at her husband, her chest heaving as she caught her breath. It was a kind gesture from Jinyoung, a sign of his continuing gentlemanly and well learned self. The thought warmed her chest and sent a smile to her lips. Soyoung reached out and lay a hand against his cheek.


“I never regret anything I choose to do.” She replied, “So there is no need to hesitate, Jinyoung.” Jinyoung’s gaze softened, and he waited for one more moment before he leaned down and resumed his kisses. Her body automatically responding to Jinyoung’s touch, Soyoung closed her eyes and let the fire burning within her take over.



A little while later


Soyoung sighed softly as her body rose from the depths of its slumber, her eyes opening slowly. Outside the windows, she saw the golden glow of fading sunlight, and she guessed that it was already late afternoon. She frowned slightly as she thought of the many petitions still sitting on her desk and the meetings she had skipped over without a second thought earlier that day. 


Catching up on those will not be fun.


Still, she felt a warm smile cross her lips as she felt movement next to her, and Jinyoung rolled over and draped one arm lazily over her waist. His touch was warm against her bare skin, a warmth that spread throughout her chest. Soyoung took a moment to gaze at her husband’s sleeping face, the warm smile spreading as she admired his features. In that moment, he looked like a child, long lashes draped over his cheeks as he slept peacefully. 


There really are so many sides to this little poet.


She reached out and poked at his cheek playfully, earning her a frown from her husband. A moment later, a sleepy hand reached out and grabbed hers, and in moments Soyoung found herself yanked into Jinyoung’s tight embrace. 


“Somebody is feeling playful today.” Jinyoung’s voice, still thick from sleep, came from above her head, and Soyoung laughed softly. 


“Weren’t you asleep?” She asked. 


“Weren’t you trying to wake me up?” Jinyoung retorted sleepily, pressing her captured hand against his chest. Soyoung smirked and hit him lightly on the chest. 


“Someone’s tongue is getting sharper.” She noted. 


“Only because I’m always next to a certain sharp tongued empress.” Jinyoung replied, “Now stop moving. Let’s sleep for a little while longer.” 


“I have work to do.” Soyoung grumbled, trying to squirm out of his grasp. It would have been easy to shove him aside, but something within her didn’t want to. 


“It can wait.” Jinyoung muttered. Soyoung raised an eyebrow.


“Didn’t the scholars of old teach their students to be hardworking?” She asked, “Since when did you encourage people to be lazy?” Jinyoung cracked one eye open.


“I suppose I could make an exception for you, dear Wife.” He replied, “Or should I find a reason to keep you in bed?” Soyoung raised an eyebrow.


“You’re not thinking…?” She trailed off, and Jinyoung grinned cheekily.


“Precisely.” He replied. 


In one swift motion, Jinyoung pulled the blankets over them, and a moment later, all that could be heard was the sound of Soyoung and Jinyoung’s alternating laughter filling the air.


Author's note: So, who's ready for royal babies? :D

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2033 streak #1
Chapter 37: The epilogue was so cute!!! And wow! They have so many kids... LoL... Hyojun leaving again was a bit sad but it's understandable. And the kinda Yi-En's punishment and story was funny. I really enjoyed reading this story. Hope to see you again in your future works. Wishing you good luck!!
2033 streak #2
Chapter 36: I still believe the story has come to an end. I'm still yearning for more! This was such an amazing story. Could even be made a K-drama if you ask me. Although, I do wonder if Yi-En's another consort now since they were legally married. Also, they both never addressed it. So I'm more curious than ever. LoL... Anyway, can't wait to read the epilogue. But will be back later to do so ^^
2033 streak #3
Chapter 35: I knew it! I mean that can't be true, y'know with what happened the previous chapter. Poor Jinwoo though! That child was thinking his father was abandoning him. Although it was done for his own safety. I can't wait to see how she makes her reappearance. And also, about being Yi-En's princess consort. Will be back later to read more and catch up ^^
hakimmj #4
Chapter 37: Finally for now they be happy with all their children. Can't wait for more after this. Thanks for the updates! :))
2033 streak #5
Chapter 34: Wait what???? You must be be kidding right? I mean it's a trick for some greater good right? Why do you have to drop this bomb on us while we were all so happy about the way things were going? Anyway, enough of my dramatics, I know! Will definitely be back later to read more and find out what happens herein. So until then, no spoilers please!! ^^
hakimmj #6
Chapter 36: Finally! Their strong love for each other really makes them become stronger. Soyoung finally can reclaim hers and the family. Can't wait for more moments of jinyoung and soyoung with their children. Thanks for the updates;;))
2033 streak #7
Chapter 33: Definitely wasn't expecting the twist about the consort and her role in the chaos. Glad she decided to come clean at least now and that Soyoung took it well. And she's expecting again. That's for sure I think, with all the hint that's you've given us. And I can't wait to see how this develops further. But will be back later to read more ^^
hakimmj #8
Chapter 35: Can't wait to know the identity of the woman. My instinct is so strong for the revival of soyoung. Please make them meet again and be happy:((
hakimmj #9
Chapter 34: Oh my god!! Soyoung :((
I can't believe this. Jinyoung will be so sad for this. Hope to know what happen after this.
hakimmj #10
Chapter 33: Really happy when jinyoung is back and safe. Their moments with the little prince is so sweet, can't wait to read more of their moments. Hopefully soyoung is alright. Thanks for the updates.;)