Chapter 36: In Your Arms

Phoenix Aurora (Got7 Jinyoung X OC)



Three months later, Khanbaliq


Jinyoung couldn’t help but scowl as the servants rushed to help him dress in elaborate dark blue robes. He had been woken up early in the morning, and without even knowing what was going on, he had been dunked into a hot bath before being made to stand stock still as servants made him try on the robes he was currently wearing. When he asked what was happening, the servants merely responded that Jang Jaewon’s official coronation ceremony would be in one week, and as the former empress’ spouse, he was expected to attend. Of course, Jinyoung knew better than to think Jang Jaewon really thought of him that way. If it was an imperial coronation, guests from all across the empire and beyond would be invited to attend. Bringing Jinyoung out was very likely simply a false show of mercy and kindness, another method for Jang Jaewon to show that the dowager Prince Consort was living well. 


“If he continues running the country this way, there won’t be a country for him to run anymore in another year.” He muttered as the maids did their work. 


“Your Highness,” One helpful servant murmured softly, “If you’d like to keep your head, I’d suggest you not say anything like that outside of this room. You know better than all of us that there are some things that are better left unsaid.” Jinyoung sighed and pressed his lips shut, knowing he had no choice. Besides, no matter what he said, he couldn’t change the fact that Jang Jaewon was only a few days off from officially stealing the throne and likely running the empire to ruin before long. At the moment, he had no choice but to do as he was being told. 


Meanwhile, a carriage with the Persian imperial family’s crest was rolling to the capitol city gates, where it was stopped for inspection by the guards.


“Your Highness.” The head guard greeted as Tuan Yi-en pulled back the curtain to the carriage window, “Thank you for coming for our emperor’s coronation.” Yi-en smiled politely.


“Naturally, it is what I should do.” He answered, “Persia and Yuan have always had a good relationship.” The guard’s eyes turned to the young woman sitting next to Yi-en. She was sitting with her hands folded simply in front of her, a purple silk mask covering the bottom of her face 


“That woman is…?” He asked. Yi-en reached over and took the young woman’s hand.


“My wife.” He answered, “We were married a little over a year ago.” The guard stared at the woman next to the Persian prince.


“May we see her face?” He asked, “The guards have all been instructed to look carefully at the faces of each guest who arrives for the coronation.” 


“I don’t think she’d like that.” Yi-en answered smoothly, his eyes filled with a warning expression, “My wife doesn’t like other men looking at her.” Another guard that had made his way over to the other side of the carriage suddenly made a grab for the mask covering Yi-en’s companion’s face, and the girl only shifted slightly to get out of the way before Yi-en reacted and grabbed the man’s hand.


“In my country, no one is allowed to lay eyes on the Princess Consort’s face besides her immediate family.” He said coldly, his grip tightening on the guard’s wrist, “It wouldn’t be very good if the great empire of Yuan offends the future queen of Persia during such a glorious event, would it?” The guard’s face turned pale as he realized the big mistake he almost made, and all guards quickly backed off from the Persian carriage. The carriage rolled forward again without any issues, and Yi-en sighed as the guards faded into the distance.


“The servants have gotten bolder.” He commented.


“Likely the result of a master who doesn’t care.” His companion answered, “If a dog’s misbehavior is tolerated, they’ll only continue to push the boundaries until someone puts them in their place.”


“It seems that another change of master is needed.” Yi-en replied, pulling back the curtain again to look at the city rushing past them. With the change of ruler, even the entire atmosphere of the extravagant capitol city had changed, and he didn’t like it one bit. His female companion scoffed slightly and crossed her arms.


“A few more days.” She said, “That’s how much longer we will tolerate this type of behavior. After that time has passed, everything will return to the way it should be.”



 Nighttime, six days later


Park Jinyoung felt like he was dreaming. In his dreams, he heard the light creak of his window opening, which was followed before long by the sound of soft footsteps padding across the wooden floor. A soft tsk sounded near his ear as a gentle hand laid against his cheek, the bed dipping slightly as something, or someone, settled onto it.


“What have they done to you…” A female voice said, “Did they even feed you properly?” Jinyoung struggled to open his eyes as the voice spoke, something stirring in his heart at the sound of the voice. Somewhere deep in his sluggish mind, something reminded him that he knew this voice, that the voice was both painfully and joyfully familiar. 


“To lock him up in a room like this,” A male voice followed, “Is he royalty or a prisoner?” 


“A prisoner in his own home, that’s what.” The female voice commented, “They will all pay for treating him this way.” 


“Someone’s coming, we must go, My Lady.” The male voice spoke again, and the hand withdrew from Jinyoung’s cheek.


“Wait for me just a little longer.” She said as the weight on the bed lessened, “Just a little while longer.” Jinyoung fought to open his eyes again as the footsteps faded away.


Wait, who are you? Let me see who you are first!


When Jinyoung finally opened his eyes, he saw nothing besides a darkened room all around him. There wasn’t a single sign of someone having been in the room besides the conversation Jinyoung felt like he had overheard. The prince sighed and rubbed one side of his face in confusion.


“A dream…?” He murmured to himself. Jinyoung’s sleep clouded mind attempted to trace back to the voice that he had heard, particularly the female one. Oddly enough, it sounded like…Jinyoung shook his head.


“I must be imagining things.” He muttered as he laid back down and pulled the covers up around him. He had to be, because…


That voice sounded like Soyoung.




Two cloaked figures stood atop one of the buildings near the imperial palace, their distance perfect to keep them hidden from the attention of the soldiers on guard while allowing them to observe the activity going on inside the palace. 


“That was close.” Tuan Yi-en noted as he pulled down the cloth mask that was covering his face, “We would’ve been caught if we stayed any longer.” His female companion didn’t answer for a long moment. 


“He’s gotten skinnier.” She finally said, her voice slightly muffled by the mask covering her face, “His cheekbones never showed that much before.” 


“Do you regret it?” Yi-en asked, “Leaving him there, I mean.” The young woman next to him shook her head.


“No.” She answered, “I knew they wouldn’t take his life. But if he knew everything, then things wouldn’t have gone as planned. If he hadn’t returned to the palace, Jang Jaewon wouldn’t have fallen for the trap. No matter how you look at it, there’s no way we could’ve told him our plan, or taken him with us.” Long slender fingers curled into a fist under the glimmering moonlight.


“When I get my hands on the ones who treated him so poorly, I will make them pay.” She swore under her breath. Yi-en chuckled.


“I have no doubt that you will.” He responded, “After all, you have always been a person who doled out punishments and rewards fairly. No one can get away with harming the Prince Consort like that.” His companion pulled a sheet of paper from her sleeve and unfolded it. The moonlight shone on the white sheet, illuminating an elaborate map of the scene that would be the following day’s coronation ceremony, drawn by none other than Han Yeojin herself. 


“Have all the final preparations been made?” She asked, eyes carefully scanning every detail drawn in thin black on the paper in her hands.


“Everything has been put in place.” Yi-en answered, “Everyone awaits your orders.” 


Jang Soyoung smiled and folded the map back into a tiny square.


“By tomorrow night,” She declared firmly, “I want this palace purged of this dark cloud that has taken over.” Yi-en smiled and bowed.


“The entire Persian forces are at your command, Your Majesty.”



The next day, Jinyoung


The palace celebrations started early in the morning, the loud sounds of music and celebration so loud that even Jinyoung could hear it from his little corner of the imperial grounds. Maids rushed to prepare him starting from midday, and Jinyoung dutifully stood still as the servants moved him around like a large doll to get him ready for the grandest event the capitol had seen since Jinyoung and Soyoung’s wedding. When the whole process was finally over, Jinyoung took a long moment to gaze at himself in the mirror. The man looking back at him seemed tired and worn out, the dark colors of his robe making him look older than his actual age. It looked so ridiculous on him that Jinyoung couldn’t help but scoff ever so slightly.


“Your Highness, the hour has come.”  The attending eunuch said, “Please come with me.” Jinyoung closed his eyes briefly, took a deep breath, then let an empty expression settle over his face before he followed the eunuch out of the room and to the celebration area. Jang Jaewon had chosen a wide open space for his coronation in the center of the palace made of white stone and marble that sparkled in the early afternoon sun. The sound of laughter filled the air, a jarring sound if one thought about how Jang Jaewon had managed to take hold of his position. Judging by his comfortable seat on the throne and the glittering elaborate golden robes he was wearing, the official coronation had already taken place. Jinyoung cast a quick look around the guests, and was surprised to see Tuan Yi-en sitting in the middle of the room. A young woman sat next to him, dressed in a purple dress with a matching purple silk mask covering her face. Even with her face covered, she made quite the impression, and her dark eyes seemed to shimmer endlessly under the sunlight, capturing the attention of anyone who looked her way. Yi-en offered Jinyoung a tiny smile as their eyes met, and Jinyoung quickly turned his gaze away.


Strange, when did he get married?


“Your Majesty, the Dowager Prince Consort has arrived.” A eunuch announced, and suddenly, all eyes were on Jinyoung. The prince shifted uncomfortably at the sudden attention; it wasn’t like he wasn’t used to the attention. As the husband of the most powerful woman in the country, excessive attention came along with the position. But today, the attention was different. Everyone stared at Jinyoung as if he was an exotic animal brought out to be paraded in front of everyone in attendance, not a dignified prince from the neighboring royal family. It almost made Jinyoung less than human, and that put a bad taste in Jinyoung’s mouth. 


“Ah, our Goryeo prince is here.” Jang Jaewon sneered, drawing snickers from some of the gathered nobility, “Come and take a seat.” Jinyoung started to follow the attending eunuch, but was stopped as one of the court officials spoke.


“Wait.” He said, “The prince has yet to give his greetings to the new emperor.” A few murmurs of approval rose from the guests, causing Jinyoung to grit his teeth as expectant gazes turned to him. Jinyoung swallowed hard before raising his head defiantly.


“I have no intention of bowing to a thief.” He answered coldly. 


“How rude!” Another noble scolded, “How dare this man speak so improperly to His Majesty? He is the one chosen by the heavens to lead the Yuan to rule the entire world!” Jinyoung scoffed, anger rising in his chest.


“He will be lucky if he doesn’t run the country into complete ruin by this time next year!” He snapped, “Even the youngest child on the street knows of the horrid acts this man has done while hiding behind the power of the imperial throne.” The first noble who had suggested Jinyoung give his greetings motioned to some soldiers behind Jinyoung, who moved forward and attempted to force Jinyoung to his knees. Still, Jinyoung remained stubbornly standing, and eventually two guards had to come to knock his legs out from underneath him, sending Jinyoung crashing to the carpeted floor. The sound of laughter from several nobles filled the air, and Jinyoung felt his cheeks burn in embarrassment. 


He hadn’t been brought here as a false sign of goodwill. He had been brought here to be a clown, to be turned into a spectacle for all the attending guests to see how far the Empress’ most precious husband had fallen. And here, in front of a man who had already established himself as a tyrant, no one would dare to speak on his behalf even if they wanted to.


“Park Jinyoung, do you realize why I brought you here today?” Jang Jaewon sneered, an irritatingly amused smile on his face. Jinyoung bit his lip and decided it would be best to stay silent, his eyes stubbornly refusing to look at the new emperor. Jang Jaewon rose to his feet and strode up to Jinyoung, reaching down to pull up the younger man’s chin so Jinyoung was forced to stare up at him.


“You see.” He said, “I asked the shamans what I should do to establish a stable reign. And the answer the heavens gave them…” He leaned close and sneered into Jinyoung’s face.


“Offer a person of high status as a sacrifice to the gods and satisfy the evil spirits that seek to haunt our blessed empire.” He answered his own question. Jinyoung stared for a long moment at the look on Jang Jaewon’s face, and finally, he realized what was going on.


I’m the sacrifice.


“You dare to trust the words of quacks who claim to speak the words of the heavens?” He finally said, “You are a fool, Jang Jaewon.” The new emperor chuckled.


“The same shamans predicted that I would finally possess the thing I’ve sought after for so many years.” He replied, “I think their word is more acceptable than yours, little prince.” Jinyoung gritted his teeth as Jang Jaewon tapped the side of Jinyoung’s head.


“Isn’t this good for you?” He said, “You can go and see your precious wife now. Use your smart head for a moment and think over that.” Jinyoung swallowed hard, his throat going dry.


“Aren’t you afraid Goryeo will rebel because of this?” He demanded even as he felt his arms being dragged behind him and his wrists tied together with sharp rope that cut into his skin. Jang Jaewon laughed.


“Do you really think I kept you alive because I was afraid of your tiny vassal state?” He answered, “For once, you are wrong, Park Jinyoung.” He reached out and patted Jinyoung’s cheek demeaningly. 


“I only kept you alive to see how you’d suffer. But in the end, everything you did was absolutely boring.” He said coldly. 


“You are insane!” Jinyoung growled, “Absolutely insane!” 


“So what?” Jang Jaewon laughed, “I am now the emperor! No one can stop me!” Jinyoung fought desperately as he was dragged to his feet. 


I can’t die here, I can’t!


“Then satisfy this one last wish before I die!” He finally shouted. Jang Jaewon’s curiosity seemed to be piqued, and he waved the guards away before looking at Jinyoung.


“And what is that?” He asked. Jinyoung took a deep breath before speaking.


“Tell me how you killed my wife.” He demanded. Jang Jaewon looked at him for a long moment before laughing again.


“Is that all it was?” He said, “I thought you had already given up on that idea, little prince. You do not have proof that I played any role in my niece’s death.” Jinyoung scoffed as he charged on. There was nothing left for him to lose at this point.


“Oh?” He taunted, “I thought you were the best emperor this empire has ever seen. Isn’t that what you said to every woman who entered your room, and every noble who came to greet you? I never thought that you would be someone who wouldn’t dare to live up to things that you have done.” A smirk crossed his lips as another thought came to mind.


“Or perhaps, you are afraid?” Jinyoung challenged, “You must be afraid that Soyoung’s ghost will come after you at night!” A laugh escaped his lips at the thought.


“The venerable emperor of Yuan is a coward!” He sneered. With every word that he said, he saw Jang Jaewon’s fists tighten more, the lines in his jaw tightening as each word hit his ego, tighter still, until at last, everything snapped. The older man strode briskly over to Jinyoung and punched him hard enough to send the prince tumbling to the ground again before grabbing Jinyoung by the collar.


“How dare you call me a coward.” Jang Jaewon growled, “The woman called the warrior empress died by my hand! And all it took was a maid and a few bowls of medicine that she drank on her own accord without ever suspecting a single thing!” Jinyoung was silent for a long moment before he began to laugh, which only drew more ire from the seething emperor.


“So that’s what it was.” Jinyoung sneered, “It really was in the fetal medicine.” He hadn’t spent the last year just sitting around, after all. Besides the writing projects he had taken onto himself, the news passed to him from the various servants and a few more daring nobles told Jinyoung stories of an emperor who was completely full of himself, who thought he truly did own the world now that he had snatched the throne, a personality fueled by a long held belief that he was the most suitable person for the throne rather than the former emperor and his children. He lacked the steady mind and graceful humility that Soyoung showed in front of the court and her people, which meant that if Jinyoung pushed Jang Jaewon a little too far in just the right direction, he would snap. Jang Jaewon raised a hand to hit Jinyoung again, but then, another voice spoke.


“Your Highness, would you like to hear more?” Jinyoung’s eyes widened slightly, and all eyes turned to look at a tall figure that strode into the banquet area like he owned the place. Jinyoung’s jaw dropped slightly, and horror filled Jang Jaewon’s eyes.


Im Hyojun.


The former palace guard stood just as tall and proud as the last time Jinyoung had seen him before Soyoung had discovered his betrayal, his sharp eyes showing a slight hint of amusement as he took in the look on Jang Jaewon’s face.


“Master.” He said mockingly with a bow, “It has been a long time.”


“You-!” Jang Jaewon spluttered, “How could you-?”


“Be alive?” Hyojun completed the sentence before reaching behind him, “Perhaps you should be wondering how this person should be alive instead.” He pulled a girl out from behind him, drawing confused whispers from the onlookers. The girl looked terrified as she clung to Hyojun’s sleeve, her body trembling under the searching eyes of the people watching her. 


“Identify yourself for all the nobles here today.” Hyojun ordered, and the girl quickly fell to her knees.


“I…I am a servant who served the former empress!” She babbled, “This man who has declared himself emperor bribed me to put poison into Her Majesty’s food and drink! After she became pregnant, the orders were to put more into her daily medicine too!” Startled whispers filled the air at the girl’s revelation, some nobles barely reacting while others stared in horror at Jang Jaewon. After all, even for someone who declared themselves emperor and heir to the throne, killing the previous ruler to take the position was strictly forbidden. If uncovered, it could easily put the ruling position in jeopardy.


“What nonsense!” The first court official who had mocked Jinyoung spoke up, “Are we supposed to believe the words of a mere commoner? Who can prove that this girl even worked by the deceased empress’s side?” Hyojun laughed at the statement.


“Why are you making such a big fuss if you are so confident that this girl is lying?” He asked pointedly, “The more you kick up a fuss, the more suspicious you look.” Hyojun reached into his sleeve and pulled out two gold ingots before tossing them onto the ground in front of the girl.


“This maid had these with her when I found her.” He declared, “For all of the nobility here, one look is all is needed to see that this is imperial gold. But tell me, where could a mere maid get imperial gold from, if someone hadn’t given it to her?” 


“What fool would use their own gold to bribe a maid inside the imperial palace?” Another court official challenged. Hyojun shook his head.


“Your Highness,” He said, turning to Jinyoung, “You can surely tell why my former master used imperial gold, can’t you?” Jinyoung took a moment to think, then chuckled.


“Because my wife shut down your secret forge and arrested your men.” He answered, looking up at Jang Jaewon, “In your rush to kill her, you had no other option to get money quickly, and could only fall back on using imperial gold.” A small smile creeped up Jinyoung’s face as he realized Jang Jaewon had fallen prey to his own trap.


“The imperial treasury keeps thorough records of imperial gold and who it has been given to.” He added, “Shall we take a trip there?” The color drained from Jang Jaewon’s face as several court officials shook their heads, clearly beginning to be swayed.


“Your Majesty…how could you kill the Empress?” One brave official finally spoke up, “She is your own flesh and blood!” Jang Jaewon growled.


“She is not my flesh and blood!” He snarled, “She is a bandit who stole the throne that was supposed to be mine! She was not worthy of sitting on the dragon throne, and you all know it! How could you all be swayed by the words of a mere girl?” Jang Jaewon turned to the guards still standing behind Jinyoung.


“Kill them!” He ordered, “Kill them all! By order of the Emperor, kill them and throw them into the forest for the wild animals to destroy!” Hyojun fought back easily against the guards that advanced, but two got past the former palace guard and advanced on Jinyoung. The prince attempted to get away, but in his captive position, he could barely move. One of the guards raised a gleaming sword into the air, and Jinyoung closed his eyes as he braced himself for the worst. 


Then, he heard a rush of movement past his ear, followed by the distinct ping of something hitting the metal sword raised above his head. Something seemed to hit the guards behind him, sending them sprawling away from Jinyoung. A gentle arm wrapped around Jinyoung’s waist, pulling him up from the ground and breaking the bonds around his wrists in one fluid motion.


“You dare to lay a finger on my husband now?” A female voice spoke, “You have all grown very daring while I was gone!” Jinyoung’s eyes flew open at the sound of the voice. He had dreamed of that voice so many times, begged the heavens to let him hear it in reality just once, and now…


Jinyoung’s throat grew dry as he took in the person standing in front of him, one hand held out protectively. Long black hair fluttered in the wind, the rich ebony color standing out against the purple silk of the dress the young woman wore. With a start, Jinyoung realized it was the woman that had arrived with Yi-en. Interestingly enough, although his apparent wife had leapt in to protect Jinyoung, Yi-en didn’t look perturbed at all. On the contrary, he looked almost amused, as if he had been expecting this to happen all along. 


Could it really be…?


Jang Jaewon’s eyes narrowed.


“And who are you?” He demanded, “Move aside! This has nothing to do with you.” Rather than being cowed by the sharp glare in Jang Jaewon’s eyes, the young woman only laughed and met his gaze directly.


“Uncle.” She answered calmly, “It has only been one year. Have you forgotten the sound of my voice already?” Jinyoung’s eyes widened, and the color drained from Jang Jaewon’s face as the young woman’s words hung in the air. She merely laughed softly before reaching up and pulling down the silk mask that had been covering her face. The silk fell slowly away from her face, revealing sharp features reminiscent of a wildcat that had caught its prey. Startled whispers filled the air as the woman revealed her face for the first time, and Jang Jaewon staggered slightly at the sight of her familiar features.


Jang Soyoung gave an exaggerated bow in her uncle’s direction.


“Have you been well, Uncle?” She said, a smirk pulling up one corner of her lips. 


For a long moment, Jinyoung felt like his world came to a stop, and everything seemed to fade away except for the young woman in front of him. His hand trembling slightly, Jinyoung reached out and touched her wrist.


“Soyoung?” He breathed, barely daring to believe what he was seeing. The young woman turned to look at him, and Jinyoung’s breath caught in his chest as he took in his wife’s face for the first time in a year. Tears filled his eyes unbidden as a mixture of emotions roared in his chest. As if sensing what he was feeling, Soyoung reached out and gently cupped his cheek in her hand.


“Just a little longer.” She said softly, “And I’ll be all yours.” Jinyoung swallowed hard as he savored the warmth of her palm against his face for a long moment before nodding.


“Jang Soyoung!” Jang Jaewon seemed to finally come to his senses, “That is impossible! You are dead! Your ashes were already interred!” Soyoung chuckled as she stepped forward, holding her arms out with her hands facing the sky.


“Is that so?” She answered simply, “But I’m afraid I must disappoint you, because I am very much alive.” 


“Impossible!” Jang Jaewon repeated as he shook his head, “That is impossible!” Soyoung smiled ever so faintly.


“You see, I took a trip to the underworld.” She continued, “And the god of the underworld had no interest in keeping me. He said I had too many things left to do, so he drove me back.” 


“What nonsense!” Jang Jaewon shouted, “You must be a fraud! Guards, arrest her!” Hyojun moved before the guards could even get close to Soyoung, drawing a smile from the empress’ face.


“A fraud?” She repeated, barely perturbed by what was happening, “Then, how shall I prove that I am real? Shall I tell all your secrets to the most distinguished guests that have come here today? Perhaps I should start with your secret relationship with my aunt. Or perhaps I should start with all your attempts to remove me from the throne ever since I took it. Or perhaps…” A slight smirk rose on her face again.


“Perhaps we should talk about how you’ve repeatedly colluded with enemy empires for years now.” She added. Jang Jaewon’s face turned pale, and Jinyoung knew that Soyoung had struck a nerve. There was simply no way of denying it; the woman in front of them now was the empress herself, alive and well. 


Then, he laughed again.


“Do you really think you’ve outsmarted me, Jang Soyoung?” He declared, “The palace is not a place where you can come and go as you wish!” There was a rush of movement from all sides, and Jinyoung’s eyes widened as they were suddenly surrounded by large groups of soldiers. Judging by their appearance and the armor they wore, these were not imperial guards. Despite the turn of events though, Soyoung merely smiled calmly.


“So this is where you have been spending your illegal money all this time.” She said, “A personal army.” A confident smile graced her face as she looked at her uncle.


“Still, since I decided to return, I certainly didn’t return alone.” She added. With a flick of her wrist, Soyung sent a red firecracker exploding into the skies, announcing the presence of the one and only warrior empress to all who were watching. Within seconds, the sound of pounding feet came from outside, and a second layer of soldiers appeared. But this time, this was no ordinary mercenary army. Two generals strode forward calmly until they stopped in front of their respective masters.


“My Lady.” Yeojin bowed to Soyoung.


“My Lord.” An unfamiliar general stopped in front of Yi-en. 


“Our soldiers are at your command.” Both finished at the same time. 


“Excellent.” Soyoung answered, “Arrest everyone here.”



It had been many years since Soyoung felt the sense of triumph burning in her chest that she felt at that moment as she stood gazing at her uncle. The look on his face was the exact expression she had been aiming for: shock, disbelief, mixed with horror at how everything he had planned so meticulously had fallen into pieces within moments. And in the end, he had no one to blame but himself. It had been a long year since the day she had put her plan into motion, but it seemed like everything was falling into place as she had intended. Chaos quickly reigned around her as the soldiers rushed to fulfill her command, the sound of fighting filling the air as Jang Jaewon’s soldiers attempted to fight back. Soyoung grasped Jinyoung’s hand tightly and pulled him to one side.


“Jinyoung, I need you to leave the palace right now.” She said firmly. Jinyoung opened his mouth to protest, but Soyoung shook her head.


“Not permanently.” She added before her husband could get the wrong idea, “I need you to go into the city to keep the civilians safe. Fighting that breaks out in the palace will inevitably spill out into the city, and I need someone I can trust to evacuate civilians from the worst hit areas. You are my husband Jinyoung, so they will trust you.” Jinyoung hesitated for a long moment.


“You’ll come find me?” He asked. Soyoung pulled him in quickly, her warm lips brushing across his.


“I swear.” She murmured, “I will come find you very soon.” Jinyoung grasped Soyoung’s hand tightly and brushed a kiss in return over her fingers.


“Then I will see you soon.” He said. Soyoung watched as Jinyoung joined Yi-en a few feet away before both men rushed off with several soldiers close behind. Then, she clutched the sword tightly in her hand before turning to where her uncle was attacked by several soldiers at once.


It’s time we end this.




As always, Soyoung ended up being right. Jinyoung’s gaze fell on chaos in the capital city as soon as he left the palace gates, his eyes widening with horror. It seemed that Jang Jaewon had already put soldiers around the city to create trouble in the event that a fight for Khanbaliq happened. The sound of shouts and screaming filled the air as civilians ran for cover from the soldiers ravaging and destroying everything in sight. Jinyoung swallowed hard and took a moment to collect himself before beginning to shout out directions. As Soyoung had predicted, the people were willing to follow a familiar face, his trustability heightened by his status as the revered former empress’ husband. It took some time, but within a few hours, Jinyoung had sheltered several groups of civilians in the center of the city, away from the chaos that had broken out around the farther reaches. Jia’er appeared before long to help, moving citizens to safer places that Jinyoung hadn’t thought of while using his connections around the city to avoid the places where Jang Jaewon’s soldiers had taken over. Yi-en took another group of soldiers to round up the renegades after Jinyoung was settled, and Jinyoung felt a small tug on his sleeve after the Persian prince left.


“Mister, what do we do now?” A child’s voice reached his ears, and Jinyoung looked down to see a young boy standing in front of him.


“Do not be rude!” An older woman, likely the boy’s mother, rushed up and pulled the boy away, “This is His Highness Prince Jinyoung!” Jinyoung smiled and shook his head.


“It’s alright.” He assured her before reaching out and gently wiping soot from the boy’s cheek. 


“Now, little one,” Jinyoung answered, “We wait.”


“Wait for what?” The boy asked, his eyes wide with curiosity. The sound of a firecracker going off into the distance caught Jinyoung’s attention, and he turned to see a green fire bursting into the sky. Yi-en had managed to suppress the final wave of renegades wreaking havoc in the city.


“For my beloved.” He answered, “The Empress of Yuan.”






The loud screech of weapon hitting against weapon filled the air as Soyoung’s sword slammed against Jang Jaewon’s once more, the force of the hit sending both stumbling a few steps back. Soyoung had to admit, while her uncle was not a good strategist, he, like many other princes, had at least learned how to use a sword properly. After getting rid of the soldiers protecting him, it was still taking Soyoung longer than she’d anticipated to fully beat him down. Still, she was not going to be deterred that easily from her goal. Their swords met again a few moments later, and this time, neither person let go.


“How could you possibly be alive?” Jang Jaewon growled, “You should be long dead, just like your useless father!” Soyoung smirked.


“You thought you had outsmarted me a long time ago, didn’t you?” She answered, “But in the end, you fell in the very trap you created.” She thought for a moment, then amended her statement.


“Or perhaps, I should say you were destroyed by the very brother you detested.” She added, “I should thank my father for one thing: he feared assassins so much, he did all he could to protect himself against them, even by medical means.” Jang Jaewon’s eyes widened.


“Could it be…that medicine…?” He guessed, and Soyoung smirked again before sending a kick into his legs to knock him off balance and using the momentum to run her sword through her uncle’s abdomen.


“I have to admit you set up a good trap, but you underestimated a few things, Jang Jaewon.” She said coldly into his ear as her uncle choked on his own blood, “One, my brother’s medical abilities. Two, the gift my father gave me a long time ago once I’d established myself as the leader of the military forces. And third…” Soyoung pulled the sword out and kicked her uncle away from her.


“My will to live.” She finished, “To live and protect this country.” Soyoung watched as Jang Jaewon crawled towards the golden throne that had been set up for the once festive coronation ceremony, a soft sigh escaping her lips as she shook her head. Even in death, her uncle’s one obsession was the throne. Soyoung strode forward and finished her uncle in one blow, letting his lifeless body fall onto the carpeted floor, his eyes still open and staring towards the throne. It was funny, how easy it ended up being in the end. All it took was one cut, and the man who had threatened her safety and wellbeing for years was finally gone. 


“Soldiers, drop your weapons!” Soyoung’s voice rang out over the remnants of the battlefield, “The traitor is no more!” The loud triumphant shouts of Soyoung and Yi-en’s soldiers filled the air, and Soyoung finally let herself smile as she looked up at the sky. At last, it was all over.




The sound of nervous whispers surrounded Jinyoung as he walked among the commoners he had gathered. He could feel their hesitant, unsure gaze on him even as he helped to tend to the wounded, but he couldn’t blame them. They had trusted him enough to run when he told them to, but nothing had happened for a few hours already. Before long, the people would grow restless and demand answers from him that Jinyoung didn’t have.


“Your Highness?” Jinyoung turned as a young child wandered up to him shyly. It was a little girl with two buns on her head, messy strands of hair falling onto her forehead. 


“Is the Empress really alive?” She asked curiously as Jinyoung knelt down to her level, “My mama said she went to heaven.” Jinyoung smiled and gently rubbed dirt from the child’s cheek.


“Yes, she’s alive.” He answered, “I saw her with my own eyes. Once she has restored peace to our city, she will appear in front of everyone, I promise.” The thundering sound of hoofbeats suddenly filled the air, and on instinct, Jinyoung pushed the child back, turning so that he could shield the people behind him as much as possible. The soldiers with him rushed to do the same, sword half drawn in the event of an attack. 


But then, as the sound drew near, Jinyoung’s eyes were met with something completely different.


A large group of soldiers appeared at the other end of the street, but as they came closer, Jinyoung quickly recognized the figure leading them at the front.




Jang Soyoung sat astride a tall white horse, her black hair flowing in the wind behind her. She only wore the purple dress she had been wearing for the coronation ceremony, but at that moment, with the sun shining down on her, she looked every inch of the warrior empress that she had always been.


“It’s the Empress!” Someone behind Jinyoung shouted, and delighted cries filled the air as the people realized that their true ruler had finally come for them. The group came to a stop a few steps away from Jinyoung, and for a long moment, nobody moved. Jinyoung’s gaze met Soyoung’s eyes, and he saw a rush of emotion fill his wife’s dark orbs. Relief and joy mixed with exhaustion and worry as her gaze swept over her husband, searching for any wounds. At the same time, Jinyoung found himself doing the same thing, and to his relief, she seemed to be generally unharmed. Then, at last, Soyoung slowly dismounted from the horse, her footsteps tapping lightly on the ground as she landed.


“Jinyoung.” She said softly, and that was all it took for the dam to break. Jinyoung took off at a run before he even realized what he was doing, the wind rushing past his ears as he closed the few steps left between him and his beloved and wrapped his wife tightly into his arms. His body shook with emotion as the adrenaline from the day’s events began to wear off, and tears flowed down his face as he held Soyoung for the first time in what felt like an eternity. He closed his eyes as he held her, drinking in the warmth of her very much alive body and savoring the steady thump of Soyoung’s heartbeat against his chest and the unmistakable touch of the young empress’ hands on his back as she returned his hug.


“You’re alive.” Jinyoung murmured at last, his voice thick with emotion, “You’re alive, you’re alive, you’re alive.” He could barely believe what was happening, but it was unmistakably true. Soyoung had returned to him, alive and well.


“I promised, didn’t I?” Soyoung’s voice answered in his ear, “That we’d spend the rest of our days together, until the very end.” 


“But how is this possible?” Jinyoung whispered, “This makes no sense!” Soyoung laughed softly, the brief melody sounding like music to Jinyoung’s ears.


“I have a very long story to tell you, Park Jinyoung.” She answered as she pulled away slightly, cupping his face in her hands, “But first…” She leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to Jinyoung’s lips.


“I missed you, little poet.” She murmured softly. The little pet name tugged at Jinyoung’s heartstrings, and he sighed as he threw all decorum to the wind and pulled his wife back in for a proper kiss.


“And words cannot express how much I have missed you.” 



The soft shift of blankets was the only sound that could be heard as two figures lay huddled under the gentle covers, one smaller figure ensconced tightly in the other’s arms. Jinyoung sighed softly and ran a finger down Soyoung’s face before twirling a finger around a stray strand of hair. A soft laugh came from the figure in his arms, and Soyoung’s eyes opened lazily as she reached up and took his hand in hers.


“Cheeky.” She commented, kissing his palm gently. Jinyoung smiled as Soyoung snuggled closer into his arms.


“I still can’t believe I’m experiencing this right now.” He murmured, “It feels like a dream.” Soyoung smiled and kissed him sweetly.


“Fear not, husband.” She said, “This is definitely not a dream.” Jinyoung sighed as he savored the kiss.


“You don’t know how many times I dreamed of this happening.” He answered, “Dreaming of waking up with you in my arms, of having you by my side, of hearing your voice and laughter, only to-” Soyoung reached up and pressed a finger against his lips, cutting off his words.


“Enough.” She murmured, “That is all in the past now. I am back now, and that’s all that matters.” Jinyoung pulled his wife in for yet another kiss, drawing a laugh from the empress.


“Haven’t you had enough kisses?” She teased. Jinyoung pouted slightly.


“You owe me a year’s worth of kisses.” He answered petulantly. Soyoung laughed again at his childish behavior, but still leaned in and obliged her husband’s wishes.


“But Soyoung,” Jinyoung said as she pulled away again, “You still haven’t told me yet what happened. How did you make it out alive? I thought for sure you were dead.” Soyoung smiled faintly.


“And how did you decide I was dead?” She asked, “Because of my body and the ashes?” 


“And because Eunseong insisted that you were gone.” Jinyoung added. Soyoung propped herself up on her elbow.


“The body was mine.” She answered, “But the ashes were not.” Jinyoung’s gaze grew even more confused, and Soyoung chuckled before kissing her husband’s furrowed brow.


“You see.” She continued, “There is something my father created a very long time ago, which is a medicinal pill that can allow the user to appear as if dead while still being very much alive. However, its effects can only last for three days before the user must be woken up from the coma the medicine puts them into.” Jinyoung’s mind turned over the information slowly before he finally guessed what had happened.


“You mean…you took this medicine?” He concluded, “And Eunseong knew it all along?” Soyoung nodded. Jinyoung huffed in irritation.


“That Eunseong!” He grumbled, “I’ve always treated him well, and he lied to me all along!” Soyoung chuckled and squeezed his hand.


“Don’t blame him.” She said, “I told him to keep it a secret from you. From the beginning, everything was part of my plan.” Jinyoung gave her a perplexed look, and Soyoung sat up comfortably before continuing to talk.


“You see, I’d already known that I was poisoned several months before your father’s birthday.” She explained, “Specifically, the day I found out I was carrying twins.” 


“If you knew, then why did you let it continue?” Jinyoung pressed, “Why let yourself suffer like that?” Soyoung shook her head.


“There were a few reasons.” She answered, “First, because I wanted to draw out the person who had poisoned me in the first place. If that person wanted me dead so much that they attacked me cowardly when I was most vulnerable, then I decided I’d go along with it and make it look like I had fallen into their trap, because only that way would the enemy truly reveal themselves. And second…” Soyoung sighed softly.


“If I hadn’t faked my death, I really would have been dead by now.” She said quietly, “There’s only one cure recorded for the poison my uncle used against me, and it’s located in Persia. But at the same time, I couldn’t just up and go to Persia without drawing unnecessary attention and creating more problems. In the end, I had no choice but to temporarily slow down the effects of the poison while leaving enough time for it to kick in, and then go to Persia after everyone’s attention was away from a living empress. Thankfully, the medicine not only imitates the signs of death, but also truly stops the heart until the user takes the antidote. Otherwise, I would have already died before I even reached Persian territory.” Jinyoung swallowed hard as he heard his wife’s words, his chest aching as he realized how much his wife had done in order for everything to turn out the way it had. Slowly, he reached out and pulled her down into another kiss.


“You’ve suffered, my love.” He murmured, “I wish I could’ve helped you.” Soyoung shook her head.


“I couldn’t let you know, Jinyoung.” She answered, “This whole time, only Eunseong and Yeojin knew what was happening. If you’d known, Jang Jaewon wouldn’t have believed it. He needed to see your anguish and devastation in order to believe that I’d truly died.” Soyoung sighed softly as she gently touched Jinyoung’s face.


“Will you forgive me, Jinyoung?” She asked quietly, “For putting you through so much during this past year.” Jinyoung smiled and kissed Soyoung’s fingers.


“I will always forgive you, Soyoung.” He answered, “No matter what you do, I will always forgive you. All I need is for you to stay alive.” Soyoung smiled, relief lighting up her dark eyes as she returned to his embrace.


“I definitely will not die before you, Park Jinyoung.” She swore, “I promise you that once more.” A soft startled squeak escaped her lips as Jinyoung’s rough kiss took her by surprise.


“Jinyoung?” She murmured, pushing at his chest, “What’s wrong?” 


“Never again.” Jinyoung murmured against her lips, “I never want to hear that word from your lips ever again.” Soyoung thought for a moment before she realized what he was referring to.


“Ah…you mean death?” She asked. Jinyoung’s kiss answered her question again, cutting off anything else Soyoung was going to say next.


“Never. Again.” He punctuated each word with a sharp kiss, drawing a soft laugh from his wife.


“I promise.” She answered, “Never again.” Jinyoung’s kiss answered her again, sending her heart aflame. Closing her eyes, Soyoung let herself drown in Jinyoung’s love.



Much as Soyoung wanted to spend the next several days in reunion bliss with Jinyoung, there was a mountain of work waiting to be done. Jang Jaewon had let the country fall into a disarray in the short time he was on the throne, and on top of stabilizing her people and the empire’s foreign relations, Soyoung had to clear the palace of the people on his side and the many women he had managed to take into the harem. The additional work took up most of Soyoung’s daylight hours, her time in her personal library often stretching late into the night. Jinyoung took it upon himself to help in whatever way he could, from running around outside the palace to stabilize the citizens to meeting with foreign representatives who had been invited to the capital. The exhausting process took longer than anticipated, and it was several months before Soyoung and Jinyoung had time to travel to Goryeo to pick up their children. The sound of little feet running across stone ground reached the couple’s ears before they even entered the central courtyard, and a loud shriek of delight filled the air as a ball of energy barrelled straight into Jinyoung’s arms.


“Papa!” Jinwoo cried, clutching Jinyoung in the tightest hug his little body could muster, “Papa, Papa!” Jinyoung chuckled as he hugged the little boy warmly.


“Jinwoo, have you been a good boy?” He asked gently, “Have you listened to your aunt and uncle?” The young prince nodded eagerly. 


“Of course!” He declared, “Uncle says I’m smart!” Jinyoung chuckled and ruffled his hair.


“So confident.” He teased. Jinwoo puffed up his chest proudly, his hands on his hips. 


“Because I am Papa’s child!” He declared. Soyoung laughed softly from where she stood a little distance from the father-son duo, deciding it was time to show herself to her son.


“Jinwoo-yah.” She called softly, “Don’t I get a hug too?” Jinwoo turned in surprise at the sound of her voice, his eyes widening as he laid eyes on her.


“Mama!” He burst into tears as he rushed into Soyoung’s arms, “Mama! You’re home!” Soyoung hugged her son tightly, savoring the familiar feel of her child in her arms while marveling silently at how much he had changed while she was away. His speech had improved by leaps and bounds, and his body had grown from that of a toddler to a young child. His cheeks were still round and fluffy, but her firstborn had definitely matured beyond his baby years already. 


“Mama!” Jinwoo sobbed, “I missed you!” Soyoung held back tears of relief that had begun pooling in her eyes as she gently patted her son’s head.


“I missed you too, Jinwoo-yah.” She murmured, “I missed you, so, so much.” After clinging to his mother for what felt like an eternity, Jinwoo took his parents to see his baby siblings, who by now were more wobbling toddlers than the tiny newborns that Soyoung remembered. The twins were uncertain around their parents, having been around Jaebeom and his wife more than their own parents, but Soyoung and Jinyoung knew that familiarity would come quickly with time. 


After spending a few days in Goryeo, Soyoung and Jinyoung began the trip back to Khanbaliq, this time as a whole family. Soyoung’s heart was full as she gently laid a hand on Jinwoo’s back to keep the boy stable as he looked out the window excitedly, her other hand keeping Jihun still. Next to her, Jinyoung played peekaboo with little Ji-hye, the sound of the little princess’ delighted laughter filling the air. As if sensing her gaze on him, Jinyoung turned and smiled at his wife. In return, Soyoung laid her head against Jinyoung’s shoulder, and felt a long awaited sense of peace wash over her senses.


At last…we can be at peace.

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2033 streak #1
Chapter 37: The epilogue was so cute!!! And wow! They have so many kids... LoL... Hyojun leaving again was a bit sad but it's understandable. And the kinda Yi-En's punishment and story was funny. I really enjoyed reading this story. Hope to see you again in your future works. Wishing you good luck!!
2033 streak #2
Chapter 36: I still believe the story has come to an end. I'm still yearning for more! This was such an amazing story. Could even be made a K-drama if you ask me. Although, I do wonder if Yi-En's another consort now since they were legally married. Also, they both never addressed it. So I'm more curious than ever. LoL... Anyway, can't wait to read the epilogue. But will be back later to do so ^^
2033 streak #3
Chapter 35: I knew it! I mean that can't be true, y'know with what happened the previous chapter. Poor Jinwoo though! That child was thinking his father was abandoning him. Although it was done for his own safety. I can't wait to see how she makes her reappearance. And also, about being Yi-En's princess consort. Will be back later to read more and catch up ^^
hakimmj #4
Chapter 37: Finally for now they be happy with all their children. Can't wait for more after this. Thanks for the updates! :))
2033 streak #5
Chapter 34: Wait what???? You must be be kidding right? I mean it's a trick for some greater good right? Why do you have to drop this bomb on us while we were all so happy about the way things were going? Anyway, enough of my dramatics, I know! Will definitely be back later to read more and find out what happens herein. So until then, no spoilers please!! ^^
hakimmj #6
Chapter 36: Finally! Their strong love for each other really makes them become stronger. Soyoung finally can reclaim hers and the family. Can't wait for more moments of jinyoung and soyoung with their children. Thanks for the updates;;))
2033 streak #7
Chapter 33: Definitely wasn't expecting the twist about the consort and her role in the chaos. Glad she decided to come clean at least now and that Soyoung took it well. And she's expecting again. That's for sure I think, with all the hint that's you've given us. And I can't wait to see how this develops further. But will be back later to read more ^^
hakimmj #8
Chapter 35: Can't wait to know the identity of the woman. My instinct is so strong for the revival of soyoung. Please make them meet again and be happy:((
hakimmj #9
Chapter 34: Oh my god!! Soyoung :((
I can't believe this. Jinyoung will be so sad for this. Hope to know what happen after this.
hakimmj #10
Chapter 33: Really happy when jinyoung is back and safe. Their moments with the little prince is so sweet, can't wait to read more of their moments. Hopefully soyoung is alright. Thanks for the updates.;)