Chapter 10: Water and Wine

Phoenix Aurora (Got7 Jinyoung X OC)



A few weeks later, Khanbaliq


Servants rushed to open the palace gates as the imperial military appeared on the horizon, the tall red banner of the Yuan empire flapping in the breeze. Servants fell to their knees and bowed as Soyoung’s army came to a stop in the front entrance, safely home at last. Word had spread to the capital long ago about the empress’ successful military expedition to drive back the Tibetan army, and not only saved one of their best generals, but didn’t lose a single soldier in the process. 


“Welcome home, Your Majesty.” The servants intoned. Soyoung smiled as she slipped off her horse.


“You may all rise.” She replied, “Inform the kitchen that I am preparing a feast tonight to welcome General Han Yeojin home. Bring out the best dishes that the palace can prepare by tonight.” Yeojin stepped forward and tugged on Soyoung’s sleeve gently.


“I don’t need that extravagant of a welcome.” She protested quietly, “I am a mere soldier.” 


“Nonsense.” Soyoung replied firmly, “You have stood by my side since day one and faithfully guarded our borders for years. It is only right that you receive an extravagant celebration. And besides, I am also celebrating our successful military expedition.” She waved a hand to a eunuch to pass her message along, and the servant quickly ran off. 


“Go and prepare a set of clothing for the prince.” Soyoung said as she turned to another servant, “Something not too extravagant, but elegant. The blue and gold set should suffice.” The maid nodded and hurried off to fulfill the empress’ request.


“Then, I will go and unpack my things first.” Yeojin said with a bow. Soyoung nodded and waved her off.


“Go and rest before the banquet tonight.” She replied. 


A guard approached from behind the servants, and Soyoung recognized one of the imperial guards she had placed near Jinyoung to protect him while she was gone. She raised one hand and motioned him forward.


“How was the prince while I was gone?” She asked as she headed further into the palace, “Did anything happen?” The young guard hesitated before responding.


“Not entirely.” He stated. Soyoung raised an eyebrow.


“Not entirely?” She repeated, “And what is that supposed to mean?” The guard gulped before answering.


“The Grand Preceptor came to see him.” He responded at last, “And the prince met with him in your personal library.” Soyoung’s footsteps came to an immediate stop, nearly sending the servants behind her crashing into each other in an attempt not to run into her. 


“What did you just say?” She demanded, the unfamiliar feeling of alarm and concern tightening her chest. The guard swallowed hard and bowed his head.


“I’m sorry, Your Majesty. I should have stopped him.” He said, “But the prince said he wanted to see what the Grand Preceptor wanted while you were gone.” Soyoung sighed in exasperation.


“That idiot!” She growled, “I told him to stay away from Royal Uncle! What did they talk about?” The guard shook his head.


“I am not sure.” He replied, “All the guards and servants were instructed to stay outside. I just recall their conversation did not last long, and it was not within my right to ask about it.” Soyoung sighed, her hands clenching tightly at her side.


“Where is he now?” She asked. 


“In the palace library.” The guard responded, “He spends most of his waking hours there.” Normally, Soyoung would have smiled ever so slightly in amusement at that statement, but today her gaze only narrowed and her lips pressed into a thin line. 


“I shall go and have a talk with him.” She declared. 




The steady beat of boots hitting against stone pavement drew Jinyoung’s attention out of the book he was reading, the familiar sound making his heart skip a beat. It had been a few weeks since he had last heard that sound, but he knew immediately who it was coming from.


Jang Soyoung.


For some reason, Jinyoung felt himself smiling ever so slightly as he turned towards the sound, and before long, the attending eunuch’s voice called loudly from the doorway.


“Her Majesty the Empress has arrived!” Closing his book with a light flick of his hand, Jinyoung turned to greet his wife. Then, he froze as Jang Soyoung came into view, caught in place by the woman standing in front of him. It seemed as if she had just arrived home from the military expedition, barely even pausing before she jumped directly back into her work at home. She was still dressed in her silver armor, its surface neatly cleaned and polished as if she had not just come straight from the battlefield. Her long midnight black hair was tied into a tall ponytail that flicked with her every moment, a red and silver crown sparkling in the sun from its position on her head. The sunlight reflected off from her sharp dark eyed gaze that took in everything around her within seconds, sending flecks of amber gold through their dark orbs. 


Jinyoung felt his throat grow dry as he stood gazing at the empress, his heart pounding in his chest. No matter how he tried, he couldn’t pull his gaze away from the beautiful empress standing in front of him. 


She looks like a goddess of war, ready to cut down anyone who dared to stand in her way.


Jinyoung gulped as he took in his wife’s gaze.


Make that a furious goddess of war.


“Your Highness!” The sound of the eunuch’s hiss in his ear snapped Jinyoung out of his daze at last, and he turned to the old man who waved his hand at him to bow. Quickly remembering his manners, Jinyoung cleared his throat, folded his hands in front of him, and bowed.


“Your Majesty.” He greeted. Normally, Soyoung lifted him to his feet within moments; because they were husband and wife, greeting her like this was a mere formality. But this time, Soyoung didn’t move from her place in the library doorway, her gaze maintaining their strict and furious demeanor. Jinyoung peeked up at her, wondering what was going on. After a long and tense moment, Soyoung sighed deeply and waved a hand at him.


“Get up.” She ordered. Jinyoung gulped and did as he was told. Soyoung held out her sword to one of the servants behind her, who took it carefully.


“Take that to my room.” She ordered, her steely gaze never leaving Jinyoung’s face, “And you are all dismissed.” Jinyoung frowned in confusion, trying to get some hint as to what was going on from the attending eunuch’s face. The old man just shook his head and backed out of the room with the other servants as he had been ordered, shutting the doors behind him. 


Jinyoung swallowed hard and hesitated for a few moments before speaking.


“Welcome home, Your Majesty.” He said, “I heard your military expedition was a great success.” A slight smirk turned up one corner of Soyoung’s lips.


“Indeed.” She replied, “I owe it to you, Husband. You are the one who proposed the idea of using ships to me.” Jinyoung smiled awkwardly and bowed again.


“Of course, it would not have worked if Your Majesty was not skilled in the military arts.” He responded.


It’s strange. She’s praising me, but why does it feel like she’s scolding me?


Soyoung strode carefully forward, her hand reaching out to pluck the book from Jinyoung’s hands.


“A military strategy book?” She mused, the comment hanging in midair without calling for any particular reply. Jinyoung gulped as she looked up at him, her gaze cold as steel.


“I...I thought it would be helpful.” He said after a few moments  Soyoung nodded slowly, seeming to accept his answer. Lowering the book towards the table, Soyoung tapped it lightly against the desk’s wooden surface. 


“Park Jinyoung, is there anything you’d like to tell me about?” She asked, “Something that happened while I was gone?” Jinyoung hesitated at the question, pondering over what she meant. She hadn’t mentioned anything in particular; perhaps she was simply just asking? She had been gone from the palace for some time after all, and Jinyoung hadn’t bothered to send her any letters. For a moment, Jinyoung wondered if he should mention the Grand Preceptor’s visit, but decided against it a moment later. Nothing had happened as a result of Jang Jaewon’s visit; the older man had left as Jinyoung had asked, and had not asked for another individual audience ever since. 


“No.” He said with a shake of his head, “The palace was very peaceful, although there are many petitions waiting for you on your desk.” Jang Soyoung raised an eyebrow, and Jinyoung offered her a slight smile in response. Then, she sighed deeply and slammed the book in her hand on the table, making Jinyoung jump.


“Park Jinyoung!” She barked, “Why won’t you be honest with  me when I give you a chance to do so?” Jinyoung gulped.


“Is Your Majesty perhaps...referring to Royal Uncle’s visit?” He finally asked hesitantly, “You heard about that already?” Soyoung sighed in exasperation.


“Park Jinyoug, do you really think I wouldn’t hear about something like that when Royal Uncle personally makes a trip to the palace and asks for a private audience with you?” She demanded, “Didn’t I tell you to stay away from him?” Jinyoung bit his lip.


So that’s why she looked so angry.


“Nothing happened, really.” He tried to protest, “I was able to fend him off. He suggested I look over your petitions for you, and I told him very firmly that I wasn’t going to step over the line of what I was allowed to do. That was it, really!” Soyoung shook her head.


“Sure.” She replied, “Nothing happened this time, but can you guarantee nothing will happen next time? Or the time after that? Park Jinyoug, that man is not a normal court official!” 


“I know that!” Jinyoung replied, “And I never went seeking him out! He was the one who approached me first!”


“Why couldn’t you have just said no to his visit?” Soyoung responded, crossing her arms, “Park Jinyoug, why can’t you just listen to me?” Jinyoung sighed, beginning to feel awfully wronged by Soyoung’s words. He had expected some scolding, but this was starting to go overboard. Soyoung had been on a tirade almost since the moment she had entered the room, barely pausing to even take in what he was saying to defend himself.


“Your Majesty, I have listened to everything you said since the day I stepped through the doors to this place.” He replied, “I’ve never stepped a single foot over the line, doing only what you have given me permission to do.” He sighed and crossed his arms.


“You cannot blame me for choosing to see him. I knew next to nothing about this man. All you have told me is I have to stay away from him.” He said, “It is only natural that I would be curious about what he wanted. After all, as the old scholars have said, knowing your enemy well will guarantee success in any battle.” He offered his wife a little smile, but Soyoung only sighed in exasperation.


“Do not throw your useless scholarly theories at me!” She said firmly, “Those will do you no good if you get yourself killed!” Jinyoung raised an eyebrow.


“Why would I be killed?” He asked. At his question, Soyoung hesitated, uncertainty entering her eyes for the first time since she had stepped into the room.


“There’s no need for you to know right now.” She said at last. Jinyoung frowned.


“Then, Your Majesty, do you expect me to just hide behind you and stay in the dark?” He replied, “Never questioning a single word that you say, simply nodding and following along? Even the court officials are allowed to question your decisions if they think it isn’t right. All I wanted to do was seek out answers, is that wrong?” Soyoung was silent for a long moment, then her gaze rose to meet his eyes directly.


“Can’t you trust me enough to not ask so much?” She asked, “Rather than blind devotion, I only ask that you trust my judgment.” Jinyoung fell silent, unable to form a coherent answer in his mind. Soyoung sighed deeply and stepped back from him, an unreadable expression in her eyes.


“Perhaps I will expect my court officials to simply follow what I say.” She said, “Because they are my subjects, and I am their sovereign. But you…” She sighed and shook her head.


“I do not expect the same from you. Because you are my husband, not a mere subject. And the only way I can protect you is to ask that you trust my thinking.” She finished, “I hope you can understand that, Park Jinyoung.” Without waiting for Jinyoung to respond, Soyoung turned and walked to the library door. Then, she paused by the doorway and turned back to look at him. As the sunlight lit up her face, for a moment, Jinyoung was struck by the tired look that stuck out on the young empress’ face despite maintaining her tall, proud, posture and sharp gaze. It had been a whirlwind military expedition from start to finish, and the trapped soldiers had been saved and returned to the capital in record time. The empress had surely been sapped of her strength.


“There will be a banquet tonight to welcome my best general and her soldiers home.” Soyoung noted, “As my husband, you should attend and sit next to me.” Then, she was gone, the sound of her footsteps fading rapidly into the distance. The tension in the air eased, and Jinyoung slumped back against the desk, suddenly feeling exhausted himself.


That was certainly not how he had imagined the empress’ return to the palace would go.


And yet, Jang Soyoung’s words had been completely unexpected.


Jinyoung knew that rulers expected obedience from their subjects, from the highest court official to the lowest commoner in the country. He himself had seen the way his own father interacted with his queen and consorts. While his father proclaimed that he loved his wives, there was still a silent sense of acknowledgement between the women and his father that the king was a ruler, the sovereign of the entire country, a person whose decisions shouldn’t be questioned. Even when someone raised questions, they tread very carefully so as to avoid offending the most powerful person in the entire nation. 


And yet, what Jang Soyoung wanted from him wasn’t mere obedience, but trust? What did that mean? And why did she say she wanted to protect him? She had obviously been doing so ever since she had chosen him to be her husband, but until this day, Jinyoung still didn’t understand why. If he died, she could certainly find a more qualified husband within record time. So why make all these efforts to help him alone? Jinyoung sighed deeply, covering his face with one hand.


Did I go overboard?


Soyoung had barely raised her voice while they argued, but the words she had said and the look in her eyes had left an odd guilty sensation squeezing Jinyoung’s chest.


As he stood there, Jinyoung heard the sound of fluttering footsteps, and a voice spoke quietly a few seconds later.


“Your Highness?” It was a young maid’s voice, one of the young girls that served the empress’ chambers.


“What?” Jinyoung asked, not bothering to look at the girl.


“Her Majesty asked that clothes be prepared for you for tonight’s banquet.” The maid said hesitantly, seeming to sense that something had just gone wrong,  “Would you like to take a look?” Taking a deep breath, Jinyoung opened his eyes and looked at the tray the young maid was holding. A set of fresh robes lay folded neatly on the tray’s wooden surface. The outer robes were made of a warm navy blue cloth and trimmed with gold colored fabric. The collar of the inner robes were embroidered with a simple but graceful pattern, the patterns trailing down to the waist where a dark blue and gold belt was to be wrapped around the wearer’s waist. There was no questioning the status of the person wearing these clothes, but at the same time avoided the overly flashy and elaborate designs that drew too much attention. Even without putting it on, Jinyoung knew that it would give off the aura of a refined and elegant aristocrat. 


Jinyoung sighed quietly.


“It will do.” He said at last, “I’ll go prepare for the banquet later.” The maid bobbed in a little curtsey, then hurried off. Jinyoung took a deep breath and sat back down at his desk, determined to get a little more reading in before he had to prepare for the banquet. Still, no matter how he tried, he couldn’t focus on his book the way he had been before. Finally, Jinyoung shut the book and placed it on the table with a soft thump.


Perhaps I should apologize.



Try as he did, Jinyoung was unable to approach the empress for the rest of the day. After leaving the library, she had only paused for a change of clothes and dove straight into the work that had piled up while she was gone. Although he had asked for an audience, Jinyoung had been kept outside by the eunuch on duty, and when he had insisted on seeing Soyoung, Hyojun had come outside and forced him to leave. And now, before Jinyoung realized it, night had fallen and he was now standing in the middle of the dressing area in his chambers, his arms outstretched as the servants rushed to prepare him for the banquet. 


“How long do I have to stand like this?” Jinyoung grumbled. 


“Your Highness, you are the empress’ husband. You must look your best at public events.” The maid next to him said, “Or else the ones who will suffer are us servants. Please do not move.” Jinyoung sighed. He thought he was quite capable of dressing by himself, but Soyoung had ordered a little army of servants to help him, and they had all descended on him before Jinyoung could say a word. At last, a eunuch finished arranging the headpiece on Jinyoung’s head and announced,


“You are ready now, Your Highness.” Jinyoung turned to look at himself in the mirror and paused for a moment as he stared at himself. As he had expected, the robes gave off an aura of refined dignity, showing off his status without blatantly flaunting it for all to see. 


“Her Majesty chose well.” The old maid from the Embroidery Bureau commented with a warm smile. Jinyoung only smiled politely, but he had to admit the old maid was right. And speaking of the empress…


Jinyoung gulped as he realized he was going to meet her for the first time that day since their little argument. How would she react? Or rather, how was he going to react?


There was little time to think about that however, Jinyoung realized, as the servants hurried him along to the banquet hall. Jinyoung could already see that the large banquet hall was lit with a multitude of candles, their golden light casting a warm glow on the dark night outside. The sound of cheerful chatter and conversation came from inside, no doubt coming from court officials socializing. And, near the doorway, just barely out of sight of the room’s occupants, stood Soyoung. As Jinyoung drew closer, he noticed that she was dressed in a beautiful snowy white and blue dress decorated with lilac flowers along the sleeves and at the base of . Her long sleeves blew lightly in the wind, giving off the impression that the empress had wings. On her head she wore the phoenix crown signaling her status as ruler of the country, the finely wrought red and gold decorations sparkling in the candlelight spreading out from the banquet hall. Soyoung turned her head ever so slightly as Jinyoung approached, his heart pounding nervously in his chest. Her gaze flickered silently over Jinyoung briefly for a few seconds, seeming to take in how he looked in the clothes she had chosen for him. Jinyoung gulped.


“Your Majesty, I-” 


“Quiet.” Soyoung’s voice interrupted him smoothly, “It is time for the banquet now.” Jinyoung stared at her in surprise, taken off guard by her answer. Soyoung only looked up at him ever so slightly, then held out one hand. 


“Let us go, Husband.” She said. Jinyoung stared in confusion at her hand for a long moment, wondering what he was supposed to do.


“Your Highness!” The eunuch next to him whispered helpfully, “You must walk in while holding Her Majesty’s hand! It shows the unity between the Empress and her Prince Consort!” Jinyoung snapped out of his daze at the reminder.


“A-ah.” He stammered, feeling embarrassed at failing to pick up on the obvious. He slipped his hand over Soyoung’s, tightening his grasp ever so slightly. Her palm was warm despite the chilly night, and Jinyoung could feel the rough surfaces of calluses against his palm, the result of many years of training with a sword. Then, Soyoung moved forward, and Jinyoung quickly followed along.


“Her Majesty the Empress of Yuan, and His Highness the Prince Consort have arrived!” The eunuch at the door announced, and all chatter immediately came to a stop. The court officials hurried back to their seats and bowed politely as Soyoung and Jinyoung passed.


“Greetings, Your Majesty, Your Highness.” The intoned. Soyoung barely acknowledged their words, her gaze barely moving from the next step ahead of her. When they reached their seats at the front of the room, Soyoung slipped her hand from Jinyoung’s and folded her hands in front of her before turning her gaze on the court officials below her.


“My beloved officials, you may all sit.” She said, her voice carrying easily over the large banquet hall. 


“Thank you, Your Majesty.” The court officials replied before taking their seats. Soyoung turned her gaze to the young woman sitting closest to the front, a small but genuine smile rising to her face.


“Tonight, we are celebrating the return of my closest confidante and best general, Han Yeojin.” She declared, “Yeojin has bravely defended our borders for many years and kept our country safe as a result. I owe many things to her, as do all of you. Yeojin, I hope you can continue assisting me in the future.” Han Yeojin smiled and rose to her feet before bowing.


“It would be my honor to stay by Your Majesty’s side.” She replied with a smile. Jinyoung tilted his head curiously as he looked at the woman that Soyoung had openly called her closest confidante. Given that the empress usually surrounded herself with an iron wall, this general was certainly an impressive person. Unlike the other noblewomen Jinyoung had seen, Han Yeojin had avoided the elegant soft flowing robes that showed off grace and beauty. Instead, she wore a set of dark grey robes decorated on the right with what looked like intricately locked branches and slightly blooming flowers. The robes fit snugly around her body like a man’s clothing, showing off a body well toned from years of being on the battlefield. Although she smiled, the way she stood told all those around her that she was alert, her gaze flickering slightly in the direction of any movement that could indicate that danger was near.


Although a woman, it was clear she was not someone to be underestimated. 


Han Yeojin’s gaze flickered over to Jinyoung briefly, and she gazed at him silently for a few long seconds before she spoke.


“You must be Prince Consort Jinyoung.” She said with a bow, “I have heard many things about you from Her Majesty.” Jinyoung let out an awkward laugh and dipped his head.


“It is a pleasure to meet you, General Han.” He replied. Barely sparing a look at Jinyoung, Soyoung motioned to a maid, who stepped forward and poured a cup of wine for Soyoung.


“Come.” She said, “Let us drink a cup to Han Yeojin and thank her for all she has done for this country.” Jinyoung followed along and raised his cup, but when he sipped at the cup he was surprised to find that it was water. He cast a questioning look over at Soyoung, who only smiled politely in response. 


No, it hadn’t been a mistake. 


Jinyoung frowned ever so slightly as the maids refilled their cups. It seemed that the empress didn’t trust his drinking ability yet. At the same time, Jinyoung had to admit that her caution had been right. It was common knowledge throughout the entire Goryeo palace that Jinyoung was quite the lightweight when it came to drinking; all he could tolerate was one cup, and then he would be drunk for the rest of the night. If Jinyoung didn’t want to make a fool of himself, it was probably best for him to avoid alcohol tonight. The night drew on uneventfully; special dishes of all sorts were served for the guests, and various performances were held for their enjoyment. Soyoung barely said a word to Jinyoung the entire night; instead, she only quietly sat in her seat and sipped at her wine, dropping a few words occasionally to the servants beside her. Jinyoung found the silence unbearably awkward; his own legally married wife was sitting next to him, but her refusal to interact with him was as cold as late winter frost! 


I must find a chance to apologize.


A maid approached to refill his cup, and Jinyoung sighed as he pushed it to her for more water. He cast a glance briefly at the maid, and for a moment, he frowned as he realized that it wasn’t the same maid that had been serving him all night. Then, he shook his head.


I must be getting paranoid.


Servants worked in shifts; everyone knew that. It shouldn’t be surprising that a new maid had appeared. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Soyoung turn her head ever so slightly as the maid filled his cup. After the maid stepped away, Jinyoung raised the cup to his lips, but he paused as he felt a hand on his arm. Jinyoung turned and saw Soyoung gazing at him, her hand resting lightly on his arm. Jinyoung raised an eyebrow in confusion, but Soyoung’s grip on his arm only tightened. Jinyoung frowned.


What is she doing? Am I not allowed to drink even water now?


Soyoung gazed at the cup in Jinyoung’s hand for another long moment, different thoughts seeming to run through her mind. Then, she neatly plucked the cup from Jinyoung’s hand and spoke in a voice loud enough for the guests sitting nearby to hear.


“The prince has had too much to drink tonight.” She announced, “I shall drink this cup for him.” Jinyoung stared in confusion as Soyoung downed the little cup of water in one swift motion. 


“But I-” He began, but Soyoung laid a hand over his again.


“Unfortunately, the Yuan wine is too strong for you, Husband.” She said, “It is alright. My alcohol tolerance is more than good enough.” Her tone was light and chiding, but the look in her eyes said otherwise. Her hand squeezed his lightly, sending one clear message.


Don’t talk, and just trust me on this.


Jinyoung pressed a small smile to his face.


Very well, two can play at this game of charades.


Thinking back on how Jia’er treated his many lovers, Jinyoung wrapped his fingers around Soyoung’s hand and lifted it to his lips. Soyoung’s eyes widened as Jinyoung pressed a small kiss to the top of her hand.


“I am blessed to have such a caring wife.” He replied. A startled look flitted across the empress’ face for a brief moment before her face settled into a slightly amused smile. 


“Husband, we have guests watching.” She responded lightly, “Can’t we wait until we retire for the night?” As Jinyoung fumbled for an answer, he heard the sound of laughing from the court officials below.


“Your Majesty, our country is blessed to have such a loving couple on the throne.” One of the court officials said, “I drink this cup to you!” Soyoung smiled and dipped her head politely as the unnamed court official drank the cup of wine in his hand. Then, the man turned to Jinyoung.


“Your Highness, I drink this cup to you!” The same maid that had poured water for Jinyoung earlier stepped forward and refilled the cup, and Jinyoung saw Soyoung’s gaze lingering on the girl before she stepped away. Once again, Soyoung slipped the cup from Jinyoung’s hands before he could even raise it. 


“Lord Song.” She said, “I have stated that my husband is getting drunk. I will drink this for him.” The court official looked startled for a moment, then smiled and bowed as Soyoung drank the cup of water.


“Your Majesty has such good alcohol tolerance.” He praised, “I am impressed!” The court official returned to his seat, and Jinyoung looked over at Soyoung with a perplexed frown. 


Just what is going on?



The banquet came to an end without any further incident, and Jinyoung soon found himself heading back towards his rooms with Soyoung. As they walked, Jinyoung sneaked a look at the young woman next to him. The empress hadn’t said a single word since they left the banquet hall, the icy tension from before returning now that they weren’t surrounded by court officials. Finally, Jinyoung decided he didn’t want to wait any longer.


“Your Majesty, I have something I want to say.” He said.


“You can hold it until tomorrow.” Soyoung responded. Jinyoung frowned, then with a start realized they were heading away from their chambers and approaching Soyoung’s personal library instead. 


“Why are you going there?” He asked, “It is getting late.” 


“I have many things to do.” Soyoung replied, “This is not the time to rest.” Jinyoung frowned.


“Surely there is not anything that cannot wait until tomorrow.” He replied, “Why do you have to do it now? Also, what was that at the banquet-” Soyoung sighed, her footsteps slowing to a stop. Her gaze burned into his, shutting his mouth immediately.


“Little poet, you sure have many comments to make today.” She said. Jinyoung gulped. 


“I...I…” He fumbled for something to say, but came up with nothing. Soyoung turned swiftly on her heel. 


“You may retire first.” She called over her shoulder, “I will be spending the night in my library today.” Jinyoung swallowed hard. How was he going to sleep if he hadn’t apologized yet?


On a whim, he reached out and grabbed Soyoung’s hand.


“Your Majesty, won’t you let me say what I want to say first?” He asked. Soyoung’s dark gaze was cold, her pink lips pursed firmly together. 


“Good night, Husband.” She responded. She slipped her hand free from Jinyoung’s, and walked into her personal library with Hyojun. The servants settled outside, and a eunuch pulled lightly on Jinyoung’s sleeve.


“Come, Your Highness.” He said, “Her Majesty would not like to be bothered while she is working.” Jinyoung sighed and gave in, realizing that his wife was not going to hear a single word he wanted to say tonight. He turned and followed the eunuch along the stone paved path towards his rooms, a slight pout on his lips. As they walked, Jinyoung looked down at his hand and clenched it lightly. Soyoung’s gaze had been cold, so cold. It was so different from the slight amusement that colored her eyes when he rambled on about books, or the sharp alertness that her eyes held when she was speaking with a court official. It stung of rejection, of a refusal to take even a look at him. The palace was lit with warm candles strategically placed by hardworking servants, but the air around Jinyoung and Soyoung had been as cold as winter snow. Even her body seemed to have felt it; her hand had been as cold as her gaze, strange and unfamiliar to Jinyoung. 


Jinyoung’s footsteps paused as the thought crossed his mind. 


Wait a second.




He had held Jang Soyoung’s hand before the banquet began and they entered the hall together. At that time, it had been warm and inviting, calloused but easy to hold. But when he had grabbed her hand earlier…


Jinyoung his heel and ran back towards the empress’ library, ignoring the startled shout of the eunuch he had been following. 


I hope I’m not overthinking this.





Soyoung sighed softly as she watched Jinyoung disappear around the corner on his way back to their chambers. Then, she turned to the maid that had followed her inside the library.


“You are all dismissed.” She said, “Go rest now.” The maid hesitated, but Soyoung shook her head.


“I won’t need serving tonight.” She added. The maid nodded and bobbed in a curtsey before hurrying off. Soyoung turned to Hyojun after she heard the rustle of movement that signaled her servants had left.


“You can go rest now too, Hyojun.” She said, “You have been working hard during this past month.” Her personal guard frowned.


“Your Majesty, I cannot possibly-” Soyoung smiled faintly and shook her head.


“You have been at war for the past month, just like me.” She said, “I have matters to attend to, but you don’t. Who is going to attack me here in the middle of the night? Go and rest.” She gave Hyojun a light shove as the young man hesitated. 


“Go on.” She urged, “There’s no need to come back tonight.” At last, Hyojun bowed and took his leave, shutting the doors behind him. After Hyojun’s footsteps disappeared into the distance, Soyoung finally let the smile slide off her face. Her body slumped over and her hands slammed onto the table in front of her as the room began to spin. Soyoung’s heart pounded loudly in her ears as her breathing became labored. Soyoung shut her eyes in an attempt to stop the room from spinning, but the dizziness persisted and grew in strength instead. Soyoung’s legs gave out from under her, sending her plummeting to the floor beneath her. Even the slight jolt was enough to send a crack of pain through her aching head, and Soyoung knew better than to think it was the effects of drinking too much that night. 


It’s fine.


I’ll make it through this, just as I have every other time.


This was what Soyoung had expected the moment she had taken Park Jinyoung’s cups and drank the arsenic laced water herself. 


And it was precisely why she had sent everyone away for the night. 


As long as no one happened to return, no one would know of the empress’ extremely vulnerable state.


And then, Soyoung heard the sound of running footsteps approaching, and a voice called out from outside the door to her library.


“Your Majesty! Your Majesty, are you inside? Can I come inside?” The voice sounded winded and concerned, the sign of having rushed from wherever the speaker had come from.


“Jang Soyoung!” Through the ringing in her ears, Soyoung finally picked out who was speaking. 


Park Jinyoung.



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2034 streak #1
Chapter 37: The epilogue was so cute!!! And wow! They have so many kids... LoL... Hyojun leaving again was a bit sad but it's understandable. And the kinda Yi-En's punishment and story was funny. I really enjoyed reading this story. Hope to see you again in your future works. Wishing you good luck!!
2034 streak #2
Chapter 36: I still believe the story has come to an end. I'm still yearning for more! This was such an amazing story. Could even be made a K-drama if you ask me. Although, I do wonder if Yi-En's another consort now since they were legally married. Also, they both never addressed it. So I'm more curious than ever. LoL... Anyway, can't wait to read the epilogue. But will be back later to do so ^^
2034 streak #3
Chapter 35: I knew it! I mean that can't be true, y'know with what happened the previous chapter. Poor Jinwoo though! That child was thinking his father was abandoning him. Although it was done for his own safety. I can't wait to see how she makes her reappearance. And also, about being Yi-En's princess consort. Will be back later to read more and catch up ^^
hakimmj #4
Chapter 37: Finally for now they be happy with all their children. Can't wait for more after this. Thanks for the updates! :))
2034 streak #5
Chapter 34: Wait what???? You must be be kidding right? I mean it's a trick for some greater good right? Why do you have to drop this bomb on us while we were all so happy about the way things were going? Anyway, enough of my dramatics, I know! Will definitely be back later to read more and find out what happens herein. So until then, no spoilers please!! ^^
hakimmj #6
Chapter 36: Finally! Their strong love for each other really makes them become stronger. Soyoung finally can reclaim hers and the family. Can't wait for more moments of jinyoung and soyoung with their children. Thanks for the updates;;))
2034 streak #7
Chapter 33: Definitely wasn't expecting the twist about the consort and her role in the chaos. Glad she decided to come clean at least now and that Soyoung took it well. And she's expecting again. That's for sure I think, with all the hint that's you've given us. And I can't wait to see how this develops further. But will be back later to read more ^^
hakimmj #8
Chapter 35: Can't wait to know the identity of the woman. My instinct is so strong for the revival of soyoung. Please make them meet again and be happy:((
hakimmj #9
Chapter 34: Oh my god!! Soyoung :((
I can't believe this. Jinyoung will be so sad for this. Hope to know what happen after this.
hakimmj #10
Chapter 33: Really happy when jinyoung is back and safe. Their moments with the little prince is so sweet, can't wait to read more of their moments. Hopefully soyoung is alright. Thanks for the updates.;)