Chapter 2

The New Pack

"Ah, hyung," said Dongpyo as he stood in the doorway to Seungwoo and Wooseok's room. "What's up?" Asked Seungwoo as he looked up from the book he was reading. "Can I hang out in here for a little while?" Asked Dongpyo. "What, is Junho wanting some time alone?" Asked Seungwoo. Dongpyo nodded. A sigh left Seungwoo before he nodded. "Come sit down," he said, scooting over to make room for Dongpyo. Dongpyo went to sit down next to Seungwoo, scooting as close to the werewolf as he could, while respecting boundaries, before focusing on the book Seungwoo was reading.

"What'cha reading hyung?" Asked Dongpyo. "Oh, a new kingdom story that came out while we were in the states," said Seungwoo as he turned a page. "What's this one about?" Asked Dongpyo. "The first guard," said Seungwoo. "Oh!" Said Dongpyo. "Is this the book adaptation of that drama that was like really popular a few years back?" He asked. "Mhm," hummed Seungwoo. "Oooh," said Dongpyo. "What chapter are you on?" He asked. "I just started reading it," said Seungwoo. "So chapter two," he said. "Can I read too?" Asked Dongpyo. "Here, let me read it to you," said Seungwoo as he turned back to the first page and started reading from chapter one.



"Seungwoo's having another sleepless night it seems," hummed Yohan as he lay in bed watching a movie, his hearing picking up on Seungwoo and Dongpyo's slightly muted conversation. "Wait, what time is it?" He asked, reaching over to the nightstand to grab his phone. "Oh, just before midnight," he said, getting up and turning off the tv before leaving the room and going to check on the others. He went from room to room, peeking into them to see how the others were doing and saw that Junho wasn't in his room again. "No wonder Dongpyo went to Seungwoo and Wooseok's room," he hummed, moving to the next room.

"...And so Joshua was faced with the biggest decision in the world, face his enemy or take Chan and run," said Seungwoo as the door opened. "Ah, just checking on everyone," said Yohan as he smiled slightly when Seungwoo turned his attention to Yohan. "Junho isn't in his room again," said Yohan as he scratched the back of his head. "He's probably outside with Wooseok," said Dongpyo. "Wooseok told me he was heading out there," said Seungwoo.

"Cool," said Yohan. "Have fun with the story telling," he said, chuckling before leaving and closing the door behind him. He headed downstairs and grabbed his shoes, putting them on and heading out onto the front porch, interrupting a conversation between Wooseok and Junho.

"Oh, come to join us?" Asked Wooseok as he turned to Yohan. "I was watching a movie," said Yohan. "And got bored so I checked on everyone," he added. "Ah," said Wooseok. "Sorry I wasn't in my room," said Junho. "No, it's fine," said Yohan. "Just wasn't expecting Dongpyo to go spend time with Seungwoo is all," he said, going to sit down between Wooseok and Junho.

"Does it get any easier?" Junho asked. "What, controlling when you change?" Asked Wooseok. Junho nodded. "It's different for everyone," said Wooseok. "Some people are able to adjust to it quickly, others aren't," he said.

"How long did it take you to get used to it?" Asked Junho. "I got to choose my animal form apparently," said Wooseok. "As my brother was able to choose his," he added. "I was able to adjust to it quickly because I chose it," he said. "Jinhyuk had trouble, and he got to choose his animal form," he said. "Same with his brother," he said. "It's different for everyone," he said. "I see," said Junho.

"I've been fine with my animal form," said Yohan. "Sure, I had trouble when I first started changing but I was able to adjust to it quickly," he said. "I think I'd expect that though," said Junho. "You are the alpha after all," he said. "Yeah, I guess there's that," said Yohan.

"I wonder how it is for werewolves," hummed Junho. "Probably the same," said Wooseok. "I never asked Seungwoo though, he doesn't like talking about his species as a whole for some reason," he said. "I never asked what it was like for him growing up as a pure blooded werewolf anyway," he added. "Hm," hummed Junho.

"Well," said Wooseok as he got up. "I'm going to bed," he said. "The only reason I came out was because Junho asked me to come outside with him," he said. "Alright," said Yohan. "Goodnight," said Junho. "And thanks, for coming outside with me," he said. Wooseok smiled slightly, nodding before heading to the door and heading inside, closing the door behind him.

"Only you can break that icy exterior," Junho said suddenly with a snort, leaning back with his hands intertwined behind his head. Yohan chuckled some. "Only me huh?" He asked, crossing his arms over his chest. "Yeah, only you," said Junho. "And it seems Dongpyo is the only one to get Seungwoo to melt," he said. "Well," said Yohan. "Dongpyo just has that affect on everyone," he said. Junho hummed in response.

"Well," said Yohan. "I want to help you any way I can," he said. "I know that's not very helpful to you but," he added, sighing. "I want you to be comfortable," he said. Junho let out a light chuckle. "Thank you," he said. "I'll keep that in mind," he said. Yohan nodded, getting up. "Come on," he said. "Let's head back inside and get some sleep," he said. Junho nodded and got up, following Yohan back inside.

Yohan stopped by Seungwoo and Wooseok's room, seeing that Dongpyo was asleep in Seungwoo's bed while Seungwoo was asleep in Wooseok's bed. He shook his head and headed over to Junho's room to make sure Junho was going to be fine and found Wooseok asleep in Dongpyo's bed. "Goodnight," he said to Junho. "Goodnight," said Junho as he nodded. Yohan grinned before leaving, closing the door behind him and heading off to his room.

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