Chapter 14

The New Pack

Eunsang could finally feel it, the first signs of the change. It started off as becoming moody, snapping at every little thing. After that came him being sick for the first time in his life. It was that, that caught the attention of the older members, and Wooseok was the first to figure it out.

"Ah, your first change is coming," said Wooseok as Eunsang confided in him about the recent events. "I didn't think it'd come this soon," said Eunsang as he blinked. "I still don't know what I'll become yet," he said. "You still got time," said Wooseok. "Talk to the others, get their opinion on what it's like for them," he said.

"What's it like for you?" Asked Eunsang. "Well, I'm a polar bear," said Wooseok. "There are advantages to being one," he said. "But for me I'm not a fighter, despite my large size being able to take down most opponents," he said. "I'm a tank, I tank attacks instead of dealing them," he said. "I think the one disadvantage I have is being slow," he said. "But I counter it by being tanky as hell, taking all the attacks," he said. "I see," said Eunsang as he nodded.



"Your first change is coming huh?" Asked Hangyul as he ran errands with Eunsang once he felt well enough to do so. "Yeah," said Eunsang. "Who'd you talk to first?" Asked Hangyul. "Wooseok," said Eunsang. "Because I confided in him first I guess, with him being an adviser and all," he added. "I see," hummed Hangyul.

"It's not like I'm in a hurry to figure out what I'm going to be," said Eunsang. "I know," said Hangyul. "It's just a bit shocking that your first change is finally here is all," he said. "I'm sure everyone was expecting it to happen sooner or later," said Eunsang. "Mm," hummed Hangyul.

"What's it like as a wolf?" Asked Eunsang. "I'm a messenger mostly," said Hangyul. "I'm the fastest runner between Seungyoun, Minhee and I," he said. "So I'm usually sent to deliver messages if it's quick," he said. "I see," said Eunsang.

"Dongpyo's learning from Seungyoun," said Eunsang. "Seungyoun knows how to be stealthy," said Hangyul. "I'm a fast runner but I know how to fight," he said. "I did gain quite the reputation back during the war anyway," he added. "I see," hummed Eunsang.

"Give it some thought, who knows, you may choose something different from the rest of us," said Hangyul as they finished running errands and headed home. "I'll think about it," said Eunsang.



Talking to Junho and Dongpyo gained Eunsang pretty much the same response as the others. "It's different," said Junho. "Because you get to choose your animal form," he said. "Take our suggestions but it's really your choice in the matter," he said.

"Just for the love of god don't choose a house cat," said Dongpyo as he sighed. "You're still hung up on that one huh?" Asked Eunsang as he gave a teasing grin. "It's not like I don't like being a house cat," whined Dongpyo. "I just wish I was something better sometimes," he said. "Being stuck as a messenger is great and all but," he said, sighing.

"I heard Yohan might send you to Berlin by yourself," said Junho. "Really?" Asked Dongpyo. "It's a test," said Eunsang. "To see how you would handle the long trip in your cat form and whether or not you get caught or not," he said. "Moonbin and them will know you're coming of course," said Junho. Dongpyo hummed.

"How are things for you two?" Asked Eunsang. "Been fine," said Junho. "Living as a 'shifter certainly changed things for me," he said. "Same," said Dongpyo. "It's like we finally have a place in the pack," he said. "It's nice," he said. "Even if we're still new at this, you can tell that they treat us a little bit differently than before," he said. Eunsang hummed in response.



Getting an answer out of Seungwoo was easier than Eunsang thought, though Seungwoo had questioned why Eunsang wanted his opinion on something that mainly concerned shapeshifters. "It's because we're the same, I guess," explained Eunsang. "Our kinds change into different things, if that makes sense," he said. Seungwoo hummed. "I guess," he said.

"So how are things for you as a werewolf?" Asked Eunsang. "It's odd," said Seungwoo. "Not in a way that you'd think though," he added. "I'm a pure blood, so I was born a werewolf," he said. "Growing up, I knew in the back of my mind that I'd become a wolf but as time passed and I started changing it was weird," he said.

"How so?" Asked Eunsang. "Werewolves start changing at the age of 10," said Seungwoo. "At least, us pure bloods anyway," he added. "But we continue to age until our body feels like it's ready to just stop aging," he said. "Sometimes it's later, sometimes it's earlier," he said. "I have yet to see anyone stop aging passed 30 though," he said. "Jinyoung doesn't have much of an answer for it," he said. "And he's the second werewolf to ever come into existence, and the first turned werewolf," he said. "I see," said Eunsang.

"I'm sorry I can't help you much in the way of being a shapeshifter but," Seungwoo said, shrugging. "It's okay," said Eunsang. "Thank you, for taking the time to talk to me at least," he said. Seungwoo nodded.



It was another few days before Eunsang felt a hot flash go through him, and he knew it was time. It was the middle of the night as he sat up in bed, panting as he was covered in sweat. He quickly and quietly ran to the desk and scribbled a note onto a piece of paper he found before rushing downstairs and out the back door. He felt more sure now, of what he would become, as he ran straight for the forest.

Eunsang managed to get somewhere out of view of the house, panting as he stopped by a tree. He looked up at the stars above the tree leaves above him, concentrating on them as he felt another hot flash go through him. "This is it huh?" He asked, before closing his eyes and focusing on his animal form. He focused until he felt a rippling effect go through his body and he was soon in his animal form, his clothes shredded into pieces around him. With one last look around him he ran off, making sure to keep within the property boundaries.

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