Chapter 12

The New Pack

Junho felt like everything was not going his way, despite him understanding that Seungwoo needed his space, and Seungsik was not tied to their pack in anyway. Subin was staying around because of Wooseok really, since he wasn't really needed at the moment. Wooseok was being plagued with nightmares once again, and everyone could only give him so much space before Wooseok went back to staying up most of the night and taking short naps throughout the day to ward off exhaustion as best as he could.

Junho sighed as he lay wide awake again, taking in the sounds of the house as he listened for the telltale sign of Wooseok leaving his room to go sit on the porch swing outside. Everyone else was asleep, at least, as far as Junho could tell. There wasn't much to do now a days except wait on Minhee's eventual return from his missions.

There, the distinct sound of a door opening and closing reached Junho's ears so he sat up, listening as Wooseok headed passed his door and headed downstairs. Junho then got up, going to make sure Dongpyo was still asleep before leaving the room and closing the door behind him. He headed downstairs and grabbed his shoes before heading out and joining Wooseok on the porch swing.

"Couldn't sleep either huh?" Asked Wooseok as he leaned against the arm of the porch swing with his chin in his hand as he rested his elbow on the arm. "No, not really," said Junho as he sat on the other side of the swing with a sigh, crossing his left leg over his right knee and resting his hands in his lap.

"It's crazy, this life we live," said Wooseok as he stared off into space. "Yeah," said Junho. "I know, I haven't been around as long as you or any of the others but," he said, shrugging. "It's been rather crazy recently," he said. Wooseok hummed in response.



"Wooseok, I need you to go to Berlin," said Yohan as he went to grab the reports for that month. "Turning in reports huh?" Asked Wooseok as he eyed the folder he was given. "Yeah, if you don't mind," said Yohan as he looked at Wooseok. Something flashed across Wooseok's face before he blinked, his expression going blank. "No problem," he said, his voice flat and expressionless. "I'll be back in a week then," he said.

"I'm going with you," said Hyeongjun as he walked over. "I have missions, so," he said, shrugging. "Alright, let's go," said Wooseok as he he went to grab his phone, wallet and passport before leaving with Hyeongjun.

"You think he's going to finally confess that not so hidden crush on Jinhyuk?" Asked Hangyul as he walked over and stood beside Yohan. "I don't know," said Yohan. "But he looked like he needed to leave," he said.

"Fate won't let them be together though," hummed Hangyul. "That's the cruel thing about our kind as a whole," agreed Yohan as he sighed. "I will never understand how you 'shifters work," said Subin as he leaned against the doorway into the kitchen. "Then again, I never understood how my own kind works either," he said, shrugging, causing Yohan and Hangyul to turn to Subin.

"Any word on when Seungwoo will come back?" Asked Yohan. "No," said Subin as he shrugged again, pushing away from the doorframe and walking over with his hands in his pockets. "I'm going running, if you'd let me," he said. "Be careful," said Yohan. "No problem," said Subin before he turned and headed out the back door.



When Wooseok came back he came back with Seungwoo, who had really just stayed in Berlin to go in an all out brawl with Jinhwan, who had also been facing weird flashes of anger. The brawl left Seungwoo with a new scar on his left hip, going from his left hip to his right across his stomach. Seungsik had also come back with them, having never left Europe since all he did was tell Byungchan that he and Subin were still alive.

"Well," said Subin as he observed the scar, checking to see if it would become any worse than it was. "You're fine," he said. "I know," said Seungwoo. "Yixing himself took a look at me, got stitched up and everything," he said.

"Should've seen Jinhwan," Wooseok said with a snort. "He got the worst of it, a new scar is now across his ear and down his neck, on the same side as the one on his face," he said. "Ouch," said Subin. "It's what I get for fighting the leader of iKon," Seungwoo said, sighing.

"Well, he was a werewolf hunter," said Seungsik. "Can you really expect him to hold back?" He asked. "I guess not," hummed Seungwoo. "What's with you and going all berserk all of the sudden?" Asked Wooseok. "I don't know," said Seungwoo as he sighed again.

"Oh, you're back," said Yohan as he walked out onto the front porch. "How was it?" He asked. "Been fine," said Wooseok as he nodded. "Everything went fine, it was nice to see my brother and Jinhyuk again," he said. "I'm still up for the spar," said Seungsik as he turned to Yohan. "If the kid's up for it," he added. "I'll go see what he wants to do," said Yohan before he headed inside.

When Junho rushed outside to get ready for the spar Seungsik was already in the back yard in his wolf form, watching Junho's moves closely. Junho bowed in apology before rushing off to strip down and change, soon coming back in his animal form. "Remember you two, especially you Seungsik," said Wooseok as he was the judge of this spar. "No teeth or claws, the winner knocks their opponent off their feet," he said. When Seungsik and Junho nod in agreement of the rules Wooseok shouted for them to begin. Seungsik was wary as Junho started circling around him, looking for a weak spot to attack.

"This isn't going to end very well," hummed Subin as Wooseok went to sit down beside him. "I know," said Wooseok. The others had made their way outside to observe the spar, and it was only then that Yohan forgot about Hyeongjun not being there. "It's alright," called Wooseok. "I can stop Seungsik if it gets too far, don't you worry about that," he said. "And how far is far exactly?" Asked Yohan. "You'll know," said Seungwoo. "Trust me, you will," he said.

Everyone turned their attention back to the fight when Junho made a move, leaping at Seungsik's side when he noticed a peculiar shaped scar on one of his back legs. Seungsik was quick to react, jumping away and letting Junho get close before headbutting him and using the momentum to practically throw Junho to the side.

"What's the scar on his back leg?" Asked Yohan. "That is the one where he got turned," said Seungwoo. "Seriously?" Asked Yohan. "What, you thought he was a pure blood the entire time?" Asked Subin. "Yeah, kind of," said Yohan as he scratched the back of his head. "Well, he's not a pure blood," said Subin. "He's the only one out of all of us that's a turned werewolf, handpicked by Seungwoo himself," he said.

Seungsik eyed Junho as he tried another approach, Junho being heard growling as he tried to figure out how to get passed Seungsik's defenses. It was a lapse in judgement that proved to be Junho's downfall, with Seungsik going full offensive as he rushed forward, slamming into Junho, the momentum slamming him into a nearby tree. Junho grunted, getting to his feet when Seungsik backed away, launching himself at Seungsik at a last ditch effort to try and bring the larger wolf down. Something flashed in Seungsik's eyes as he hopped out of range of the attack, quickly turning and throwing himself into Junho as he was landing, rearing up and throwing him behind him. Junho landed in a heap a few feet away, huffing and struggling to get to his feet.

"He doesn't know when to give up does he?" Asked Dohyun. "I believe you will end up like him," remarked Yohan, earning a grumble from Dohyun. "No I won't," said Dohyun. "I know better than to attack head on like that," he said.

"Seungsik, it's over," said Wooseok as he stood, watching as Junho admitted defeat and flopped unceremoniously to the ground. Seungsik bared his teeth in a smirk before nodding, going to change and put on his clothes. Subin shook his head and went to check on Junho, helping the now human Junho back over to where his clothes were to let him get dressed.

"You know what kind of fight I'd like to see?" Asked Seungyoun. "A fight between Seungwoo and Wooseok," he said. "Two alphas facing off against each other?" Asked Seungwoo as he turned to Wooseok. "Would I win? Would you win? Who knows," said Wooseok.

"Are you up for a serious brawl?" Asked Seungwoo. "I haven't had a serious fight in years, I'm rusty," said Wooseok. "I'd like to see it," said Junho as he walked over after getting dressed with Subin. Everyone else nodded in agreement. "Try it," said Seungsik as he walked over. "Hm," hummed Wooseok and Seungwoo.

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