Chapter 10

The New Pack

"Huh," said Subin. "I thought this place would be bigger than this," he said as he stood in the front yard looking up at the house after getting dropped off by a taxi. "They know we're here," said Seungsik as he looked around the area. "So let's go," he said, walking over to the front porch and up the steps. Subin followed after him, going to ring the doorbell.

It was Seungwoo who opened the door, nodding to them in greeting. "Hey you two," he said. "Come on in," he said, moving to let them in before closing the door behind them. "Sorry about not going to get you from the train station," he said. "It's alright," said Subin. "We guessed that you were busy so," he said, shrugging.

"Wooseok took our only car to get groceries," said Seungwoo as he scratched the back of his head. "I'll let Yohan know you're here," he said before going to text Yohan. "I think he said you were sharing a room with Wooseok and I," he said. "That's fine," said Subin. Seungsik nodded. "Follow me then," said Seungwoo before he headed upstairs to his and Wooseok's room.



"Huh," said Yohan as he came face to face with Subin and Seungsik. "I thought you two'd look more different than this," he said, earning a raised eyebrow from Subin. Seungsik shook his head in amusement. "Well," he said. "I can see why Seungwoo's still around," he said. "Oi," Yohan said with a scowl. "I'm not that bad," he said.

"It's been a while you two," said Wooseok as he walked into the livingroom. "Yes, it has," said Seungsik. "Staying out of trouble?" Asked Subin. "Of course," Wooseok said with a snicker. "Why would I have any motive to do anything bad?" He asked, earning a chuckle from Seungsik.

"Well," said Yohan. "When do you want to get this spar over with?" He asked. "Hm, I want to spar with Seungwoo first," hummed Seungsik. "I want to see if you are still in top shape here," he said. Seungwoo smirked. "I'm still good," he said. "Of course, that's for you to find out, if I've gotten any better than before," he said.

"What are the rules of the spar?" Asked Seungsik as he turned to Yohan. "No teeth or claws, the winner knocks his opponent off their feet," said Yohan. "Well, that changes things," said Seungsik. "It's a rule amongst the 'shifters," said Seungwoo. "Makes it only slightly easier for them though, but for us, it's an inconvenience," he said.

"We'll make it work," said Seungsik. "Where can we fight?" He asked. "The back yard, and if you don't mind, our werewolf hunter kind of needs to be there to make sure things don't go out of hand," said Yohan. Seungsik turned to Seungwoo. "It's the only way I could agree to the compromise when you get around to sparring with Junho," he said. "Ah," hummed Seungsik. "That's fine," he said.

Everyone headed out to watch the spar, curious about how Seungwoo would deal with having to fight his ex-beta. Only Wooseok and Subin would have any guess on the outcome, but even they were unsure of who would ultimately win. Hyeongjun was curious, as to what this fight would entail. He had been wary of what Seungsik would be like, but if Seungwoo was stronger he didn't have much to worry about until Seungsik's fight with Junho. Everyone gathered around the backyard to observe the spar, with Wooseok being the judge of this round.

When Seungsik and Seungwoo both came into view in their wolf forms Junho leaned forward to observe the fight more closely. "Remember you two," said Wooseok. "No teeth or claws, the winner knocks their opponent off their feet," he said. When Seungwoo and Seungsik nodded to the rules Wooseok brought his hand down for them to begin.

Seungwoo begun the fight by launching himself forward, slamming into Seungsik who moved just a little bit out of the way to push forward and shove Seungwoo away. They both stood their grounds, growling at each other before Seungsik took the initiative and attacked, leaping forward and slamming into Seungwoo. Seungwoo let him, using a trick that Wooseok did to get under Seungsik and rearing up, throwing Seungsik behind him. Seungsik skidded back on his paws, huffing as he landed rather hard into a nearby tree.

Seungwoo quickly turned around, growling at Seungsik as he stood his ground. Seungsik growled back, baring his teeth as he got to his feet. Seungwoo prepared to rush forward to slam into Seungsik again when Seungsik admitted defeat by bowing down on his front paws. "That's it huh?" Asked Wooseok. Seungwoo nodded.

"Alright," said Wooseok. Seungwoo nodded and turned to leave when Seungsik launched himself at Seungwoo, catching Seungwoo by surprise. Seungsik slammed into Seungwoo, the two of them wrestling around on the ground. "Aw, that's a cheap move," said Subin. "I know this is a spar but come on," he said.

A commanding snarl came from Seungwoo as he kicked Seungsik off him, getting to his feet as his fur stood on end. Seungsik grunted, slowly getting to his feet as he turned to face Seungwoo. Blood was coming from a slash mark on Seungsik's face, going from his left ear down to his cheek.

"Ah, now you've set him off," said Subin as he sighed. "Back out now, this fight is over," he called. Seungsik inclined his head and Seungwoo snorts, going to grab his clothes and change back before putting them on. Seungsik went to do the same, with Subin going over to check on the wound after he came back.

"Did you really need to do that?" Asked Seungwoo as he walked over to Subin and Seungsik. "Spar rules be damned," said Seungsik as he wiped blood away from his face, the wound practically healed now, leaving a pink line where it was. "We can't fight like that, and you know it," he said. "Well, you know the rules, and you're fighting a 'shifter next," said Seungwoo. "I know," Seungsik said sighing.

"Damn, werewolves heal fast," said Junho as he walked over. "Still want to fight me kid?" Asked Seungsik as he turned to Junho. "I'd like to try," said Junho. "Tomorrow," said Yohan as he walked over. "I think we've seen enough action today," he said.

"B-But hyung," whined Junho. "Listen to him kid," said Seungsik. "This may have been a regular spar between Seungwoo and I but I'm a bit sore from being slammed into a tree," he said. "Tomorrow, I promise," he said. "Unless Subin wants his turn," he added. "No, I'll go too far with the kid," said Subin.

"I don't think it's a good idea to proceed with the fight," said Hyeongjun as he walked over. "I was this close to stepping in to stop the fight when Seungsik went after him after being slammed into a tree," he said, putting his thumb and index finger millimeters apart to emphasize the point.

"We heard a fight," came a new voice, causing everyone to turn to said voice. "Oh, Hongjoong," said Seungsik. "What brings you here?" He asked. "Europe runs, what else?" Asked Hongjoong. "Byungchan was wondering where you two went," he said. "Yeosang was in the area not too long ago, came to see what all the fuss was about," he said.

"Long time no see Hongjoong," said Seungwoo. "Same to you my friend," said Hongjoong as he put his hands in his pockets. "You're alone?" Asked Yohan. "For the most part, though Jongho's nearby," said Hongjoong. That's when they noticed another wolf off in the distance, observing them. "Come on over Jongho!" Called Seungwoo. "It's safe," he called. Jongho went to change and put on his clothes before coming over.

"Well, more werewolves," Hyeongjun said with a sigh. "They're with us," said Seungsik. "I figured," said Hyeongjun. "Let's take this inside," said Yohan. "Introductions can be done there," he said. Everyone agreed and headed inside.

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