Chapter 13

The New Pack

"Before you get your spar started," came another voice, causing everyone to turn to spot Yeosang, Mingi and Seonghwa, along with a new person they haven't seen before. "Yeosang," said Seungwoo, a bit relieved with the distraction. Yeosang inclined his head in greeting.

"Here to hunt again or are you on official business?" Asked Yohan. "San wanted to check on Subin," said Yeosang. Subin inclined his head, looking between Seungsik and Seungwoo. "Go to him," said Seungsik. "I'm just here to make sure you weren't marked by any other vampire," said San. "You know I'd rather die before a vampire decides to sink their fangs into me," spat Subin, a growl escaping him as he clenched his hands into fists.

Wooseok blinked as realization hit him. "This was the compromise you had come to?" He asked. "We had to mark one of them, to let Mingi join them for whatever they needed, yes," said Seonghwa. "Not in the way you think though," said San. "The necklace," he said, turning to Subin. Subin sighed, taking out the necklace from under his shirt and showing it to San. "Happy now?" He asked. San nodded, and Subin stuffed the necklace back into his shirt.

"Our venom can't really turn pure blood werewolves into hybrids, at least, from learning about others trying it to mark them or something," said Seonghwa. "I know there was one, but he was killed off not long afterwards," he said. "Mark, yeah," said Subin. "I remember him," he said. "Something about the way our venom works or something," said Yeosang. "There are hybrids out there but they're pretty much unheard of," he said.

"Wait, hybrids exist?" Asked Yohan. "Joshua became one didn't he?" Asked Seungwoo. "I wouldn't be surprised if there was a vampire and 'shifter or vampire and werewolf hybrid," he said. "A pure blood werewolf can't become a hybrid, the venom kills the wolf," said Seonghwa. "I wasn't the one who turned Mark, but it did happen to a few others I know," he said.

"A turned werewolf has a chance," said Seungwoo. "Isn't that right, Seungsik?" He asked. Seungsik merely shrugged, and everyone else but the vampires, Mingi, Wooseok, Seungwoo and Subin turned to Seungsik in shock. "What?!" Asked Dongpyo. "You act like it can't happen," said Seungsik. "It happened to me, way before I came to be a part of Jinyoung's side of the pack," he said. "The only downside really is I can't turn anyone, but I'm now immune to silver but I can still die from other ways," he said. "I'm so in tuned with both sides of me that I don't even get fazed by blood anymore," he said.

"What do you hunt?" Asked Yohan. "Animals," said Seungsik. "Wait," said Junho. "During your fight with me something flashed in your eyes," he said. "What was that?" He asked. "You're not getting thirsty are you?" He asked. "No," said Seungsik. "I hunted before I left Berlin," he said. "And before our spar I hunted," he added.

"Subin," said San as he turned to Subin. "What?" Asked Subin as he looked at San. "Be careful," said San. "If you'll excuse me, I need to hunt," he said, turning to Yohan. "One human per vampire," said Yohan. "And if you hunt animals don't get caught," he said. San inclined his head before turning and running off, going into the forest that surrounded their property.

"And you two?" Asked Yohan as he turned to Yeosang and Seonghwa. "We're gonna stay around for this fight if you don't mind," said Yeosang. "Mingi was hoping to get a spar in," he said. "Bear versus bear huh?" Asked Wooseok as he turned to Mingi. Mingi smirked. "I may be virtually indestructible but I can put up a good fight," he said. "An all out brawl then? Between the three of us?" Asked Seungwoo. "I'm fine with that," said Wooseok. "Sure," said Mingi. Seungwoo and Wooseok nod before going off to strip and change.

"What are the rules of this brawl?" Asked Yohan. "Anything goes, but the main rule is no life threatening injuries," said Subin. "For Mingi that's not a problem," said Yeosang. "It's the other two that need to watch out," he said. Mingi dropped his human illusion, stretching as he leaned down on his front paws, before grunting and sitting back on his back paws, waiting for Seungwoo and Wooseok to get back.

"Damn, he's rather large, even for a 'shifter," said Yohan. "According to Mingi, he was going to be the next main alpha of his pack, before everything happened anyway," said Yeosang. "Mingi never trained to be a fighter, from what he's told me, but his large size makes it rather hard to believe that," he said.

When Wooseok and Seungwoo came back after changing Subin stood to go and address the three of them. "Remember, no life threatening injuries, anything goes in this fight," said Subin. Wooseok, Seungwoo and Mingi nod in agreement to the rules. "Alright, begin!" Said Subin before he quickly stepped back. Wooseok, Seungwoo and Mingi immediately charge at each other, Mingi and Wooseok slamming into each other so hard it caused everyone to flinch. Seungwoo was left in between the two polar bears, but managed to get out from between them and start circling, looking for a way into the fight.

"Where's his contract item?" Asked Yohan as he didn't see a visible one on Mingi. "It's a tattoo," said Seonghwa. "I have it here," he said, showing the tattoo on his shoulder. "Mingi has it on his chest, near his heart," he said. "You won't be able to see it in his animal form but you'll see it in his human form," he said.

"Damn, they're going toe to toe on this one," said Yohan as Wooseok and Mingi wrestled with each other. Seungwoo eventually managed to throw himself into the fray as he slammed into Wooseok, sending him a few feet away. Seungwoo growled low in his throat before being tackled by Mingi. The three of them continued fighting, Seungwoo keeping Wooseok and Mingi's attention divided as he got more involved with the fight.

"Mingi rarely loses a fight," said Yeosang. "With him not being able to be injured and such it's nice to have protection," he said. "How do you three get around anyway? Surely he's not that fast as you guys are going full speed," said Yohan. "The contract helps him with that," said Seonghwa. "Thanks to it not being a physical object, and being tied to me, a vampire, he gained the speed," he said. "He doesn't get thirsty or anything but," he said, shrugging.

It was Wooseok who backed out first, after Seungwoo and Mingi teamed up to tear into him. Subin was left to step in, and Seungwoo and Mingi turned to each other to continue the fight. "He lasted longer than I thought," hummed Yeosang. "Wooseok isn't a fighter, but he's damn good at it," said Yohan.

"I'm good at defending," said Wooseok as he came back after getting dressed. "I can tank attacks, and let the others go after the enemy or get away," he said. "I think all of the bears in my old pack were defenders," he added, shrugging.

A swipe from Mingi caused Seungwoo to earn a slash across the face, being too slow to avoid it. Seungwoo backed away, snarling as he bared his teeth. Mingi growled in return, rearing up to prepare for another strike with his paw. "He's done," said Subin as Seungwoo backed away, his ears folded back against his head as he continued to back away. "Mingi, this fight is over," called Yeosang. Mingi huffed, putting up his human illusion as he let his arm drop to his side.

"First Jinhwan, now Mingi? Are you going to your death here bud?" Asked Subin as he walked over to check on Seungwoo's injury. "Sorry about that," said Mingi as he scratched the back of his head with his non bloodied hand. "Go wash up, we're leaving after you're done," said Yeosang, his voice flat and expressionless, a blank look on his face. "Here," said Yohan as he went to get the hose. "Wash your hands off," he said, turning on the hose as Mingi walked over to clean himself off.

"Damn," said Wooseok as Seungwoo walked back after changing and getting dressed and Subin took care of the three claw marks that now marred the right side of his face. "We're twins now," he said with a humorless chuckle, earning a snort from Seungwoo. "I wasn't expecting that," said Seungwoo. "No wonder you backed out early," he said. Wooseok hummed in response.

"We should get going," said Seonghwa once Mingi walked over after thoroughly washing his hands. "San's expecting us," he said. "Of course he is," said Yeosang as he shook his head. "We'll be around then," he said to Yohan. "Remember the rules," said Yohan. "Yeah yeah," said Yeosang as he sped off, with Seonghwa and Mingi following after him.

"I think I need to hunt," said Seungsik. "We need to get going anyway," said Subin. "Can it wait?" He asked. "Unfortunately not," said Seungsik. "Go then, I'll pack our things," said Subin. Seungsik nodded and sped off into the forest to hunt.

"You two leaving already?" Asked Seungwoo as he turned to Subin. "Byungchan's expecting us back now," said Subin as he shrugged. "We'll be fine, don't worry," he said. "Stay safe you two," said Seungwoo. "We will, don't worry about that," said Subin as he nodded.

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