Chapter 11

The New Pack

"So what's your role in the pack?" Asked Yohan. "Me? I'm a soldier," said Hongjoong. "Same with the others in my group," he said. "I'm a medic, as well as a soldier," said Jongho. "One of the best ones according to Subin," he said. Subin had a proud smirk at the mention. "He's right," he said.

"You mentioned you knew Yeosang," said Yohan. "Yeah, him and Seonghwa are the ones who introduced Mingi to us," said Hongjoong. "We took him under our wing, after Kris said it was okay to of course," he said. "Officially he belongs to Yeosang and Seonghwa, but occasionally we'll need him for something," he said. "Of course, there's still one member of their coven you haven't seen yet," said Jongho. "But I doubt he'll come around, San's rather skittish when it comes to people he doesn't know," he said.

"Whose idea was it to get involved with vampires?" Asked Yohan. "Can blame Seungwoo here," said Seungsik. "We didn't have a need to do anything with them, but he was able to convince Kris to let certain vampires into the network," he said. "It proved to be a good investment," said Seungwoo as he crossed his arms. "Byungchan is handling it well, now that Chani's on board with taking that entire side of the information network," said Seungsik.

"Oh, Chani got on board with it?" Asked Seungwoo. "That's why there was so many vampires in Toronto," said Subin. "Chani was establishing that he had the information network in his control, and that Yuto would be the person to go to for any information," he said. "They're using a human?" Asked Wooseok as he blinked. "He's been marked," said Seungsik. "At least, that's what Chani said," he said. "Vampires know not to mess with him, not with Hui and his pack keeping an eye on him," he said.

"That Starbucks is going to get even busier than ever," remarked Seungwoo. "Trust me, Yuto already complains about it and Byungchan's there daily to help out," Subin said with a shake of his head. "Sejun became an employee for that location too, after Yuto got promoted to manager," he said. "Kris owns that store in particular so Yuto doesn't have to worry about much of anything except corporate," he said.

"So there's more of you?" Asked Junho. "What do you mean?" Asked Hongjoong as he turned to Junho. "I mean, like there's more groups within the pack," said Junho. "Eh... There's really just my group," said Hongjoong. "Jinyoung owns the largest group, but they're trackers mostly," he said.

"Every general's pack has a specific job," said Seungwoo. "My side is the soldiers, Jinyoung has the trackers, the third general has the medics and the fourth has the hunters," he said. "Who are the other two?" Asked Junho. "Yixing and Yedam," said Seungwoo. "But as you've probably noticed, Yedam is never in Toronto for any extended period of time and Yixing controls part of Berlin," he said.

"The way Kris has it set up is kind of weird," said Subin. "But some of us were moved around," he said. "I was with Yixing's pack originally," he said. "I was with Jinyoung," said Seungsik. "We got moved around for the purpose of having a certain member of each group from each general," he said.

"Jinyoung got Sunwoo, who was with me," said Seungwoo. "I got Hanse and Chan from Yedam," he said. "The more violent prone wolves get sent to me, and those who have good tracking skills, is a medic, or wants to become a vampire or werewolf hunter go to their respective generals," he said.

"Who became the hunter in your side of the pack?" Asked Hyeongjun. "Yunho did," said Hongjoong. "As MK became a vampire hunter on Jinyoung's side, Yunho became a werewolf hunter on our side," he said. "I wondered how that would play out," said Seungwoo. "You and Minhee were discussing things about it when you got back from your missions," he said.

"Wontak got involved with Yunho's initiation mission," said Hyeongjun. "And he asked me to go help him with it," he said. "I know Kangmin got involved with MK's, we were there to help him as he did the same to us with Yunho's initiation mission," he said.

"You know," said Yohan. "Despite being in a new pack you're still heavily involved with the other pack," he remarked. "I mean, I'm a werewolf," said Seungwoo. "I have no real reason to be here," he said, shrugging.

"He has a point," said Wooseok. "To be honest I still keep tabs on my old pack," he said. "Xiao is still a fresh new alpha, same as you," he said. "So he comes to me for advice if no one else can help him," he said. "I agreed to help you," he said before Yohan said anything. "So that's why I haven't left yet," he said. "But when I deem you ready to be without me, then I will leave," he said. "I sometimes forget about this deal," Yohan said, scratching the back of his head.

"Well," said Hongjoong as he got up. "I think it's time we head off," he said. "Leaving already?" Asked Seungsik as he looked over at Hongjoong. "We need to go deeper into Europe from here," said Jongho. "Byungchan has a new lead and we need to find them," he said. "You guys are going in your wolf forms?" Asked Yohan as he blinked in realization. "It's easier to get places," said Hongjoong. "No worries though, we got it from here," he said. "You guys were lucky to live near the forest, we would've never come close when hearing the fighting going on," he said. "Be careful," said Seungwoo. "Yeah yeah," said Hongjoong as he turned to Jongho. They both nod to each other before leaving. A howl was heard a few minutes later before it went silent.

"So about that spar...?" Asked Junho as he turned to Seungsik. "Tomorrow kid," said Seungsik. "Don't worry," he added. "I don't go back on my word," he said. "Remember the rules Seungsik," said Seungwoo. "Yeah yeah," grumbled Seungsik.



The fight looked like it would be delayed, as Seungsik had to make a trip back to Berlin to let Byungchan know he was still alive before Byungchan decided to send anyone else. Subin was still around, but he refused to fight Junho, and for good reason. Seungsik was the second strongest, and everyone went toe to toe with him in spars, but in terms of pure brawling, Subin always came out on top. A spar he couldn't do, but a serious fight would cause him to kill Junho.

Seungwoo was getting restless, something that didn't go unnoticed by the others as he was out running for most of the day. It took Wooseok going to find him before Seungwoo would come back, and Yohan decided to give him another vacation. "Go," said Yohan. "I know you need it, we'll be fine here," he said.

"Are you sure?" Asked Seungwoo. "I'm fine here," said Wooseok. "You need to go before you go crazy," he said. "I can man the fort while you're gone," said Subin. "Just tell Byungchan that I'm in your place for a bit," he said. "Tell Seungsik to head back to the states, you're going with him," he said. Seungwoo let out a deep sigh. "Alright," he said, going to get his passport and wallet. Wooseok drove him to the train station.

"Why'd you grant him a vacation?" Asked Junho as he turned to Yohan. "Seungwoo hasn't been in one of those moods in a while," he said. "He needs to fight something," said Subin. "And for some reason fighting someone like Chan calms him down," he said. "Looks like that spar isn't happening after all," he said. Junho hummed in response.

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