Chapter 7

The New Pack

Finding out that he was nothing more than a house cat frankly annoyed the hell of Dongpyo. He wanted to be something like Hyeongjun, or even Hwanhee. Hell, being a lynx would've been better for him but no. Despite everything though, Dongpyo made the best of the situation, and decided to train in being their pack's only messenger. He could go around in his animal form with no one the wiser and deliver messages.

Right now Seungyoun was teaching him the ways of being stealthy in his animal form, and Dongpyo was tasked to deliver a message from point a to point b without getting noticed. He only had half an hour to do so, and the moment he got caught he would fail.

Dongpyo was currently crouched under the coffee table in his animal form, his ears twitching as he listened for movement. He held a small envelope in his mouth as he looked around the room from where he could see. Everyone was outside except for Wooseok who was the receiver of the note, as Seungyoun had said that this was a training exercise and Dongpyo needed to concentrate. Seungyoun was stalking him, and Dongpyo's goal was to get upstairs and into Wooseok and Seungwoo's room to deliver the note.

Footsteps alerted Dongpyo to a visitor in the room and he turned to spot Seungyoun's legs near the front door, freezing in place. "Come out little cat," Seungyoun said, walking around the livingroom. Dongpyo slowly moved, keeping his tail from sticking out of the coffee table and waited for the perfect moment to bolt for the stairs.

"I know you're in here," called Seungyoun, standing directly over the coffee table. Dongpyo nearly jumped in fear, but managed to lightly dig his claws into the wood to stay still, inching forward slowly when Seungyoun moved away from his spot. Footsteps moved into the kitchen and Dongpyo took the chance, leaping forward and bolting towards the stairs and squeezing himself through the railing and upstairs.

He seemed to succeed, rushing straight to Wooseok's room and scratching at the door. There was movement from the other side before Wooseok opened the door, looking down at Dongpyo. "A message for me?" He asked when he noticed the envelope before nodding and holding out his arms for Dongpyo to jump into. Dongpyo hopped up into Wooseok's arms and Wooseok took the envelope from him, opening it and reading it. "Seungyoun! He succeeded!" He called, putting Dongpyo down who sat down, his tail swishing from side to side.

"Damn," said Seungyoun as he walked upstairs. "You're getting better at stealth kid," he said. Dongpyo turned to Seungyoun, nodding before going into his and Junho's room to change. "Really though?" Asked Wooseok as he shook his head, going back into his room. "What? Yohan said no life threatening pranks," whined Seungyoun, earning a laugh from Wooseok as he closed the door.

"15 minutes, a new record," said Seungyoun as he turned to Dongpyo when he came back after changing and getting dressed. "Where were you?" He asked. "Under the coffee table," said Dongpyo as he scratched the back of his head. "Ah," said Seungyoun. "By the way, Yohan needs to talk to you," he said. "He's been doing this with the others too, so it's nothing bad," he said. "Okay," said Dongpyo before he headed out to find Yohan.

"Mission success?" Asked Yohan as Dongpyo found him returning from a walk with Minhee. "Yes," said Dongpyo as he grinned in triumph. "Good job," said Yohan as he chuckled some. "A messenger is what we need really," said Minhee. "All this land will attract a lot of attention from other shapeshifter packs," he said. "He has a point," hummed Dongpyo.

"Come to the lake with me?" Asked Yohan as he turned to Dongpyo. "Sure," said Dongpyo. "Have fun with your talk," called Minhee as he headed back to the house. Yohan waved before heading to the lake with Dongpyo.

"How are you doing?" Asked Yohan as they stood on the dock overlooking the water. "As a shapeshifter?" Asked Dongpyo. Yohan nodded. "I could be better," confessed Dongpyo. "I mean come on, I'm a house cat," he said with a pout. "But I'm doing my best with the situation," he added. "I'm not having much trouble adjusting to it," he said. "Good," said Yohan.

"I know you must be disappointed that you ended up being a house cat," Yohan said, earning a grumble from Dongpyo. "But at least you found your place as a messenger," he said. "That's better than Eunsang right now at least," he added. "I guess," hummed Dongpyo.

"Has he given any indication of what he wanted to be yet?" Asked Dongpyo. "Not yet," said Yohan. "He's thinking about it though," he added. "I see," said Dongpyo.



Yohan's talk with Dohyun was not going to go as planned it seemed, as Dohyun played a prank on him by hiding his phone. That caused a shouting match to go between them and ended with Yohan storming out the back door to calm down before he changed and tore the kid to shreds. This was the closest anyone saw to Yohan losing his temper, and it was for a harmless prank of all things.

Yohan went to the lake, going to lean against the railing on the dock as he thought over what he was about to do to Dohyun before he stormed out the back door. No one had pushed him that far before, and it seemed he needed to set some boundaries between himself and Dohyun before he killed the kid.

Hesitant footsteps alerted Yohan to a new presence as Dohyun walked over, looking at his feet in guilt as he came over and stood beside Yohan. "I'm sorry," mumbled Dohyun.

Yohan took a minute to think about the apology before sighing and turning to Dohyun. "It's okay," he said. "Really," he added. "I was getting news from the other information networks and needed to check my phone before you decided to hide it," he said. "I should've controlled myself better, I'm sorry," he said. "You were stressed out, I wasn't sure over what, so I thought that hiding your phone as a prank would've at least cheered you up some," said Dohyun as he scratched the back of his head, looking up at Yohan.

"Next time try and think before pulling something like that okay?" Asked Yohan. "Be careful with the 'shifters that looked stressed," he said. "Sometimes just talking to them will help," he said. "Like you've been doing with everyone?" Asked Dohyun. Yohan nodded. "Who are you talking to next?" Asked Dohyun. "Junho," said Yohan. "But it's more to try and convince him to not face off against Seungwoo," he added. "Oh," said Dohyun.

"How are you doing? With being in the pack anyway?" Asked Yohan. "I like it," said Dohyun. "My dad was a 'shifter too," he said. "He stopped changing before my mom had me so I never knew what he could change into," he said. "I didn't even know I had 'shifter genes until Seungyoun found me," he added. "My mom didn't want to give me up, but it happened anyway," he said, sighing. "I don't regret leaving though," he said. Yohan hummed.

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