Chapter 1

The New Pack

"Are they finally coming home?" Asked Yohan as he blinked, turning to Hangyul while they both sat in the livingroom watching a movie. "Yeah," said Hangyul as he nodded. "Good," said Yohan. "I know they needed that vacation but," he said, sighing. "Things getting rough for you?" Asked Hangyul as he turned to Yohan. "I feel as if something big is gonna come around soon," said Yohan. "Just a hunch but," he said, shrugging. "We're here for you, you know that," said Hangyul. "I feel a little bit easier, thanks," Yohan said with a shake of his head. Hangyul chuckled slightly.

"Are they going to Berlin or coming straight here?" Asked Yohan. "I'm pretty sure that they're coming straight here," said Hangyul. "We gotta pick them up from the airport don't we?" Asked Yohan. "I think they got it," said Hangyul. "We'll know as soon as they land," he said.

Dongpyo walked into the livingroom, blinking when he found Hangyul and Yohan. "Ah, I was wondering if the smell changed?" He asked when Yohan turned his attention to him. "It's not getting any stronger, you're still smelling like any normal human," said Yohan.

Dongpyo pouted, earning a snort from Hangyul. "When did you even notice the smell?" He asked. "A few days after Junho started changing," said Hangyul. "No one is sure when the change comes, it's random for everyone," he said. "However, for Eunsang he can trigger the change whenever he wants, and it's rather annoying trying to figure out what he ends up choosing," he said. "He's a god damn tease and he knows it," grumbled Yohan, earning a chuckle from Hangyul.

"Where's the others anyway?" Asked Hangyul. "I dunno," said Dongpyo. "I'd assume they're in their rooms," he said. "What'd you come down here for?" Asked Hangyul. "I got lonely," Dongpyo said with a sigh. "Seungwoo not here to keep you company huh?" Yohan asked with a teasing grin, earning a pillow getting thrown at him from Dongpyo.

"You know we don't have feelings for each other like that," Dongpyo said with a scowl. "I just miss home sometimes," he said, going to sit down. "Hey, some of us do too," said Yohan. "Most of us grew up as humans, I wasn't even aware of my shapeshifter side until Seungyoun found me," he said. "Ya'll are youngins," Hangyul said with a snicker, earning a slap on the arm from Yohan.

"I know I shouldn't be expecting Wooseok to stay around forever but," Yohan said with a sigh. "He's done so much for the pack," he said. "He did help Junho for a while before you granted him and Seungwoo a vacation," hummed Hangyul.

"Junho is getting better at controlling himself," hummed Yohan. "It's a good thing we have all this land," said Hangyul. "How did we get this much land again?" Asked Dongpyo. "It belongs to Seungyoun," said Yohan. "He said he got it from his old pack alpha, who gave it to him as a last gift before disbanding his pack," he said. "I see," hummed Dongpyo.



"Guys come on!" Shouted Dohyun as he ran downstairs. "It's time to watch the next episode of that new drama!" He said. "Why is everyone so hyped about this one again?" Asked Seungyoun as he followed behind Dohyun. "It's so interesting," said Dohyun. "At least wait until Wooseok and Seungwoo get back?" Asked Yohan as he went to grab the laptop and wireless keyboard with built in trackpad as the doorbell rang.

"Speak of the devil," said Hangyul as he got up, going to answer it. "Welcome back," he said, grinning when he saw who it was. "Hey," said Wooseok. Seungwoo inclined his head. "You're in time for the drama!" Said Dohyun as he ran over and dragged Wooseok into the house. "We've caught up already, at least let us put our bags in our room," said Seungwoo as he walked in, sighing at Dohyun's antics. "I got it," said Hangyul. "Yohan still has to get setup," he said. Seungwoo shook his head and handed one of the suitcases to Hangyul who headed upstairs to put it in Wooseok and Seungwoo's room. Seungwoo followed after him.

"How was the trip?" Asked Seungyoun as Dohyun made Wooseok sit down on the couch before he ran into the kitchen to get popcorn and drinks. "Was fine," said Wooseok. "It felt good to be back in the states," he said, stretching in his seat. "I figured you were getting homesick," said Yohan as he came back with the laptop and hooked it up to the TV via HDMI cable. "You're learning to read our body language," said Wooseok. "I'm getting better at it," said Yohan as he grabbed the keyboard and went to sit down in the recliner, reclining back as he pulled up the website.

Hyeongjun, Minhee and Junho sat on the floor in front of the couch, as Seungwoo and Hangyul joined Wooseok on the couch. Seungyoun and Dongpyo got the two love seats in the room and Dohyun was left to sit inbetween Minhee and Hyeongjun. "Ready?" Asked Yohan. "Yeah," came everyone's reply. Yohan nodded and pressed play.

"God damn," said Wooseok as the episode ended. "We're only what, three episodes in?" He asked. "Dude," said Dohyun. "Do you think Been was awake during these moments the whole time?" He asked. "I honestly don't know," said Yohan. "It's too early to tell right now," agreed Seungwoo.



Wooseok found himself sitting outside on the front porch swing with his hands intertwined behind his head, staring out into the front yard long after everyone went to bed. "What the hell," he said, sighing.

"First night back and you're already out here?" Asked Yohan as he came outside after putting his shoes on and closing the door. "I couldn't sleep," confessed Wooseok. "Your body clock is out of wack, don't worry," said Yohan as he joined Wooseok on the swing. Wooseok hummed in response.

"What do you think of how I'm doing things?" Yohan asked suddenly. "You're not doing a bad job," said Wooseok. "At some point we'll have to test what you've learned," he said. "But when that happens we can't help you," he said. "Right," hummed Yohan.

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