Chapter 64 (Expose)

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Blue Moon's Triumph: 'Truth, Cry, and Laugh' Sets Records on Clover FM


Eugene An’s last broadcast has set a new standard for entertainment on the airwaves! Our Blue Moon, the radiant voice behind Clover FM's latest sensation, left audiences in stitches, tears, and awe during her groundbreaking broadcast, “Truth, Cry, and Laugh”. Divided into three segments, Eugene's broadcast shattered records and hearts alike, becoming the highest-Theirlistened-to broadcast in Clover FM history. 

It's always bittersweet when a beloved radio show wraps up, but Clover FM's last broadcast with Blue Moon was something special. Eugene's attention to detail in curating the playlist and her dedication to creating a memorable experience for listeners shone through. In the end, Eugene proved that the power of storytelling knows no bounds. As Clover FM basks in the glow of this historic broadcast, one thing is certain: Eugene An's star shines brighter than ever before.


[+19459, -3] Having AnD Squad as a guest on Yujin's broadcast was the best surprise! The way they joked and teased each other made it feel like we were hanging out with them. I couldn't stop laughing!

The chemistry between AnD Squad was undeniable. Their banter was natural, and it felt like they could have kept going for hours, and I wouldn't have minded one bit. A perfect start to the broadcast! This was one of the best broadcasts I've ever watched! Their playful exchanges made me feel like I was part of their inner circle. Thanks for the amazing broadcast! I can't remember the last time I had this much fun watching something online. The guests, the stories, and the laughs—it was all so perfect! I'm sad that this will be the last time we see them together in the Clover FM studio.


[+17265, -88] Yujin and Yuri's openness about their personal lives and dreams was so refreshing. They showed that it's okay to be yourself and have fun along the way. Such a heartwarming broadcast!!

I guess right! There's no way they don't know each other.  Yuri's fianceé is one of Yujin's closest friends. I was ready to cry the moment our Yuri said she would be there whenever Yujin needed her and was laughing one second later when Yujin's response was like, "No, you'll kick my when I come to you with the trouble.”. When Yujin said, ”You shouldn't be here, but you still choose to be here with me. Thank you, and I'm sorry, Unnie.” Did you notice something? Yujin's voice sounded shaky when she thanked Yuri, and Yuri's eyes filled with tears. But Yuri instead responded, "Of course, I chose to be here. I was paid to be your last guest.”. Damn! They were so witty, fun, and heartwarming. I can feel they understand each other's feelings but didn't want to make the vibes awkward. Typical T-person. Their bond is so genuine.


[+17726, -29] Seeing Yujin break down in tears during the testimonials showed how much her family and friends mean to her. It was such a genuine moment that you couldn't help but feel the love and support surrounding her.

When AnD Squad and Jo Yuri warned the staff not to make Yujin cry, I thought it was just a joke, but I finally understood why they did that. Yujin's tears were a touching reminder that even the strongest people have soft spots for the ones they love. Yujin's reaction to the testimonials made me tear up, too. It was a reminder of the love and support that fueled her journey, and it was wonderful to witness her embrace those emotions. The moment when she wiped her tears and smiled at the camera was a time that made my heart stop for a moment. Yujin is so beautiful and enchanting. How can someone look so beautiful when she cries? I want to hug her so badly. I have to remind myself that someone already owns her. For two years, Yujin has not once cried in the middle of a broadcast. She always shows a mature and empathetic side in every broadcast. Makes us forget that she's the youngest in her family. She's still a baby.




The Reason Why Many People Are Wearing Mufflers at the Airport this Afternoon


The AnD Squad's video on last night's broadcast:

Yujin: “From AnPupu: 'AnD Squad, give us TMI about Our Blue Moon'. I warn you not to cross the line, guys, okay?”

Jiehon: ”After this broadcast ends, Yujin will celebrate Doah's birthday with us.”

Yuna: ”Yujin is going on vacation tomorrow. You can find Yujin at the airport in the afternoon and-”

Yujin: ”Yah! That's too much information!”

Yuna: ”TMI means Too Much Information, Dear.”

Doah: ”Yujin will be on holiday abroad with her lover.”

Yujin: ”Kim Doah!!”

Doah: ”I'm kidding! Chill!! We don't know who's Yujin's lover.” *laugh* ”Tomorrow, someone Yujin likes will wear a muffler.”

Yuna: ”If you want to flirt with Yujin, wear a muffler. Yujin will keep staring and falling in love with you.”


[+5954, -23] Doah turned a simple accessory into a tool of affection for Yujin! The AnD Squad's antics have a good sense of humor to keep us excited and warm.

Doah's cheeky remark about Yujin, lover, and muffler was a classic moment of misdirection, keeping fans guessing and giggling along with their inside jokes. But Yuna's suggestion to flirt with Yujin using mufflers is pure genius! Who knew fashion accessories could double as love potions?  Doah and Yuna's teasing might have caught Yujin off guard, but I bet Yujin's already planning her revenge!


[+4545, -54] Yujin's become the ultimate muffler magnet! I heard wearing a muffler around Yujin is the new way to say, 'I love you'.

If wearing a muffler is the secret to catching Yujin's eye, then I better start practicing my muffler-wrapping skills!  It looks like Lunatics just raised the stakes with a muffler-themed proposal! Will she say 'yes' if I wrap the muffler around my neck? “I can't decide what's more entertaining: Yujin's muffler-themed happening at Incheon Airport or the AnD Squad's hilarious commentary that makes the whole situation happen! Either way, I'm all in for the muffler madness!


[+4454, -12] You guys never fail to entertain me! Who needs a holiday when I've got the AnD Squad inside jokes and a bunch of muffler enthusiasts?

I don't know where Yujin's going, but I'm sure it's somewhere with plenty of muffler-themed activities! Muffler skiing, muffler snowball fights, you name it! We're your loyal muffler squad, Yujin! Wherever you go, we'll be there, wrapped up in muffler love! The inside jokes between them became ours to enter Yujin’s heart.




Jungfraujoch, Switzerland

Monday, December 8th, 2025 

“Let me drive.” Hyeju gestured for Yujin to take the passenger seat. She opened the trunk and placed the heirloom they found inside. She sighed as she got into the car and found Yujin staring at her tablet with a serious expression.

“Unnie, do you still have canned coffee?” She asked without taking her eyes off the screen. She looks tired as she yawns and rubs her eyes.

Hyeju opened the dashboard and handed her a can of coffee. She started the car and drove back to Zurich. “You haven't changed your flight schedule and will still return to Seoul?”

Yujin nodded and sipped her coffee. Her gaze was fixed on the road ahead, looking bored. ”Another meeting project and finishing IllaFemme MV.”

As the car cut through the night, the atmosphere inside was tense yet oddly comforting.

“You don't need to follow me. I can do it myself. I don't think it's a big deal to put these heirlooms in their respective places.” 

Yujin shook her head. ”I'll arrive in Melbourne on Thursday morning. Please, pick me up at the airport.”

“Seriously, An Yujin, do you have a death wish or something? You're like a stubborn mule refusing to budge from its path, even if it leads straight off a cliff!” Hyeju's frustration mingled with genuine concern for Yujin, like a protective older sister torn between scolding and nurturing. Despite her fiery demeanor, there was a softness in her eyes whenever she looked at Yujin, a silent acknowledgment of the bond that tied them together.  ”You've been working tirelessly for weeks. You haven't missed any missions, even though we're separated by distance and time zone. You even engaged in a battle with the Aksa owner and exchanged energy with the Pala owner.”

Yujin, on the other hand, exuded a quiet strength, her calm demeanor belying the storm of emotions raging beneath the surface. 

“I can't help tho, that Pala owner is bonding with me,” Yujin replied calmly. "You will be the one who dies if I don't go with you, Unnie. You know the Ankh heirloom is the most they want, and letting you roam alone is an impossible thing I can do. There are only two things that can make me leave you, and you know what they are.”

Hyeju shot her a withering glare. 

“Oh, spare me the dramatics, Yujin. You're the one who insists on playing the hero here, swooping in to save the day at the risk of your own life. It's like you have a death wish engraved on that stubborn brain of yours.”

Yujin couldn't help but chuckle at Hyeju's choice of words. Her calm demeanor in the face of Hyeju's outburst only fueled the fire. ”And you're like a ticking time bomb, Unnie. One minute you're cool as an ice Americano, and the next, you're exploding with rage like a volcano. It's a wonder I'm not burned to a crisp by now.”

“You're always repeating the same tired excuses for your reckless behavior. It's a miracle we're still alive with you being a jerk on every mission.” Hyeju added.

Yujin shrugged, unfazed by Hyeju's sarcasm. “Maybe we're just lucky, Unnie. Or maybe, just maybe, we make a pretty good team despite our differences. After all, it takes both a bull and a matador to put on a good show, and it's our time to show.”

Hyeju couldn't help but smirk at Yujin's analogy, begrudgingly admitting, ”I suppose you have a point. But that doesn't mean I have to like it. You're still a pain in the neck, you know.”

Yujin grinned cheekily and took a sip of coffee in her hand. 

“Then what did you get at Doah's birthday party? Did she come?”

Yujin shook her head.

“I thought she would come to her sister's party. It turns out my guess was wrong. I heard she's going to Milan.”

“Do you think all families are like yours, hmm? Not all siblings have the chance to have siblings like An Jaehyo and An Heeyeon. I even got goosebumps when Son Juyeon gave me a birthday present.”

“Sorry, I didn't mean to remind you of family issues like this.” Yujin laughed, understanding the meaning behind Hyeju's dark jokes. ”But, Juyeon Unnie loves you, Unnie. She’s the one who came to save you that night.”

Hyeju just shrugged, trying to act uninterested, but Yujin could catch a thin smile on her lips.

“What will you do if you meet her?” Hyeju asked a few moments later.

“Make a deal?” Yujin leaned her head against the window, feeling unsure about what she would do.

“You know they don't want anything from us. As Jiwoo Unnie said, we're just merely gifted in front of them.”

“I know,” Yujin replied calmly, and she lifted the envelope in her hand, making Hyeju glance at her. ”I have to ensure her safety. But the Ruler of Water is still unapproachable.”

Hyeju sighed.

“What about the outcome of today's trial?”

Yujin shook her head. “It seems it won't be different from last Friday. They still consider me too young and incapable of doing it alone, and for the time being, Heeyeon Unnie will take care of it. I will meet Solie Unnie after I return to Seoul.”

“Have you told Wonyoung about this?”

Yujin laughed and shook her head, finding Hyeju's question amusing. “I want, but I can't. Our past is already too much for her plate, Unnie. I don't want to burden Wonyoung with something that isn't even her responsibility. Offering the future when our past didn't go well isn't a wise thing to do.”

“Anything related to you will always be her concern, An,” Hyeju responded casually. “I think marrying Wonyoung will solve your problem in court. She will always be your lucky charm. Lucky Vicky.”

Yujin shook her head, considering Hyeju's words no more than dark jokes that mocked her.

“You should hear what she asked me that night. I thought I was ready to face her, but in reality, it . The situation that is currently happening is more than enough to make her hate me. From the beginning, I didn't want Wonyoung to get involved.”

“Isn't all this too much for you?” Hyeju sighed at Yujin's words. “You're worse than me when it comes to relationships. You will only hurt her more if you hide this from her. Astreaia's bond with Polarea is tighter than Ukioia's. In the end, Wonyoung will still find out about what you did behind her.”

Hyeju's casual dismissal of Yujin's concerns about Wonyoung's involvement was like a slap in the face, a harsh reminder that their actions had consequences far beyond their control. It was a stark reminder that they were pawns in a much larger game, with no clear path to victory.

“I have already hurt her. It doesn't matter if she knows it now or later. Keeping my distance from her is the easiest thing for me to do to keep her away from danger. Moreover, Wonyoung doesn't need me.”

Yujin's refusal to involve Wonyoung in their dangerous world was like a declaration of war, a stubborn refusal to admit defeat in the face of overwhelming odds. It was a testament to her resilience, her refusal to let anyone else dictate her fate.

Hyeju's mocking laughter echoed in the confines of the car, a bitter reminder that they were both trapped in a cycle of pain and betrayal. 

“Do you think Wonyoung will easily hate you? You're naive if you think so.” Hyeju scoffed at Yujin's stubborn words. It was a reminder that their bond, while strong, was also fragile, teetering on the edge of collapse with each passing moment. “I bet on the Ankh heirlooms that I have, in the end, you won't be able to beat Jang Wonyoung. Wonyoung's decision that night binds you to her for the rest of your life, An Yujin. You will never be able to keep her away from you.”




Crepuscule Café, Milan

Tuesday, December 9th, 2025 

“Yeeun will join the Victory Project next year. You might be seeing her a lot since she'll be helping Ong Oppa with UnityEnt-related work. Dodo and I will be handling more VictoCrave projects,” Wonyoung announced, prompting a sigh from her cousin.

“I thought you invited me to dinner with your friends to cheer me up after my botched job interview. But instead, you're reminding me of the job that made me flee Quebec,” Yeeun lamented, drawing laughter from the other girls at the table.

“I was just introducing you, Cous. You probably already know Rei, Minji, and Hanni, but they don't know you. I didn't want them to be shocked when they run into you and your squad at the UnityEnt building next month,” Wonyoung defended herself.

“You seem reluctant to dive into Victory's business. Isn't the Victory Project in line with your major?” Minji asked casually, munching on fries.

Yeeun sighed deeply and nodded. 

“I'm not forced. I need this job,” she clarified, attempting to put on a brave face for her new friends. “I wanted to join my dream company, but they won't accept greenhorns like me. Their hiring process is tougher than CSAT, and with top-notch musicians and artists joining, it's harder to get in than winning a dance-off against a robot.”

“Do you want to join Royal Land instead?” Hanni asked, her curiosity piqued.

Yeeun shook her head. “Nope.”

“Ellas?” Minji tried again.

Another head shake from Yeeun. Wonyoung furrowed her brow in confusion.

“Royal Land Ent, Ellas Ent, and UnityEnt are the big three in the entertainment business, and none of them are your dream company. Now I wonder, what's got you down about that failed interview?” Wonyoung prodded.

“My dream company isn't even in Seoul, it's in LA,” Yeeun revealed.

“Whoaaaaaahhh… Cool!!” Hanni and Minji exclaimed in unison, impressed.

“What's the deal with that?” Rei chimed in, curious.

“IndieGo Voyage,” Yeeun declared, sparking a collective puzzled look from her peers.

“But isn't IndieGo Voyage based in Seoul and run by Koreans?” Hanni queried, scratching her head.

“Nope, a Chinese-Canadian founded it, and its headquarters are in LA.” A voice emerged behind them, making them turn their gaze to a figure who had just joined them and extended a hand to Yeeun. Kim Jiwon, with a cheeky grin plastered on her face. “Jiwon.” 

Yeeun welcomed the handshake with a smile. “Of course, I know you. I’m Jang Yeeun, Wonie’s cousin.”

“I thought you weren't coming.” Rei extended her hand and pulled Jiwon to sit beside her, sandwiched between Rei and Wonyoung.

“I couldn't pass up Wonyoung's invite, or else she'd think I'm faking being busy again,” Jiwon quipped, earning a playful slap and pout from Wonyoung.

“Yah! We even live in Seoul, and this meeting could only happen when we were in Milan. And you're late, too. Do you even know what time it is? It's nearly 8 PM!” Minji teased, joining in the banter.

“But hey, at least I'm here now,” Jiwon retorted, before turning to Yeeun. “Hmmm, I heard you're headed to LA if you work for IndieGo Voyage. Youngji Unnie's been living the LA life since she changed agencies.”

“But Yujin Unnie doesn't reside in LA,” Hanni murmured, nods from Minji and Rei but a shake of Yeeun's head.

“Nope, she's LA-bound! She's moving to LA, and the news has been spreading in Seoul since yesterday. News of her move to LA and her name have both been trending. I heard she even started processing her relocation paperwork, and she'll leave for LA tomorrow.”

“Are you sure about that? Maybe her name is trending because of her last broadcast on Clover FM a few days ago and the new video on her channel.” Rei raised an eyebrow skeptically. She tilted her head, glancing briefly at Wonyoung, who suddenly fell silent.

Yeeun shook her finger confidently.

“Absolutely! I heard someone see her going to court w

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1760 streak #1
Didn’t have a chance to read much yet but wanted to let you know that you’re doing a great job! Keep up the good work and thank you for sharing with us!
Pholux #2
Chapter 69: i'm still visiting this website because of your story, authornim. Thank you for writing this wonderful story, happy fifth anniv to Violet I guess haha. See you on the next update :)
1760 streak #3
Chapter 30: Saw the warning but got through it! Hope your day or night is going well!
1760 streak #4
Chapter 29: oh my gosh, now i have to go back and reread with the songs playing in the background!!
1760 streak #5
Chapter 28: wait a minute! wait a minute!!! i need to reread that again!
1760 streak #6
Chapter 27: Thanks for the comments response! I hope our comments encourage you!
1760 streak #7
Chapter 25: i almost forgot loona was in this fic!!! until i saw your note and of course the tags lol!
wonyoandyuj #8
Chapter 68: I hope they have a happy ending they are miserable enough in real life😮‍💨
1760 streak #9
Chapter 23: ugh just reading an izone fanfic after along time gets me in the feels!!!