Chapter 26 (Excuse)

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Unity Hospital, Seoul

Monday, October 27th, 2025

Sooyoung woke up when she heard a cough that filled the room. Reflexively, she left the sofa and walked quickly to the side of the bed to check on Jinsol. The younger girl keeps gasping because of the cough. Her body curled up on her side, which made it even harder to breathe. Her face scrunched in pain and made Sooyoung’s gaze instantly fixed on the monitor connected to Jinsol. Everything’s okay, but Jinsol was still gasping for breath. Sooyoung sat on the edge of the bed and gently pushed Jinsol’s shoulders to lean on her back so Jinsol could breathe more freely.

“Don’t bend over, Dear. Take a deep breath and exhale slowly,” Sooyoung took Jinsol’s hand and squeezed it gently. Her free hand tucked Jinsol’s hair behind the ear and cupped her cheek that burning up. She can feel the fever still didn’t get better.

Jinsol followed what Sooyoung said. She closed her eyes and tried to catch her breath. Sooyoung didn’t let go of Jinsol’s hand. She kept rubbing the backhand with a circular motion until she was sure Jinsol was breathing steadily.

After that, Sooyoung grabbed the water glass beside the bed. She removed the oxygen mask covering her face, helped her drink. When she was about to put on the oxygen mask, Jinsol took her head away from Sooyoung’s hands.

“I’ll wear it while I sleep.” Jinsol’s voice sounded hoarse and weak. Sooyoung nodded and smiled when their eyes met. “Thanks, Babe.”

Sooyoung’s hand moved to rub Jinsol’s chest. Her jaw tightened, recalling what happened two days ago. “Does your chest still feel hurt?”

“It’s still a bit hard to take a deep breath. It’s fine, Soo.” Jinsol put her hand over Sooyoung’s and hooked their fingers, grasping it firmly. Even so, Sooyoung could feel the younger girl was still not in her normal condition. “What happened?”

Sooyoung didn’t answer right away. caught, and she could feel her eyes sting and tearing up. The memory was still evident in her mind. How Jinsol fell limp, unconscious in her arms with a heartbeat that stopped. When she didn’t breathe. When Sooyoung almost lost her.

“Your heart stopped beating for almost ten minutes. I gave you CPR. You were treated with a defibrillator until your heart started beating again. It was barely, but your pulses were so weak. We sent you to ICU and need to put you on a ventilator because you can’t breathe on your own.” Sooyoung choked up but kept talking. She could feel Jinsol’s thumb rubbing the back of her hand, trying to calm her. “For several hours, your condition was unstable. Your body doesn’t respond well to all the treatments given to you. They told me to prepare for the worst. My mind was chaotic when I heard that. I am a doctor and I will do my best to make my patients live, but they told me to give up, I–” Sooyoung took a deep breath.

“I was mad. I snapped out at all the specialists who treated you and they kicked me out. I was banned from entering the ICU room. Neither of the doctors had explained anything to me about your condition. I can only wait and see you through the glass outside the ICU room until Sunmi Unnie came.” Sooyoung pouted. “ happens, I know, but I can’t let it happen to you. It was the worst five hours I’ve ever lived, Sol.”

Sooyoung rubbed her wet cheeks with the back of her hand. It’s not easy for her to share what she feels. But in front of Jinsol, Sooyoung was always able to easily express her feelings.

“Come here...” Jinsol pulled Sooyoung’s hand to hug her.

This time Sooyoung let her body flushed in Jinsol’s arms. She buried her face on Jinsol’s shoulder and heaved a sigh of relief when she felt Jinsol’s hand her back.

“I’m so sorry, Soo,” Jinsol whispered and made Sooyoung let go of her hug. She shook her head and looked down to kiss Jinsol’s lips. She smiled as Jinsol’s hands cupped her face to wipe away the remaining tears on her cheeks.

“It was not your fault. I’m glad you made it. I was so grateful when you open your eyes and Sunmi Unnie allowed me to stay by your side. But,” Sooyoung’s eyes looked sad, “you looked in pain after they took the ventilator out of you. You keep vomiting and shivering. You didn’t even know I was with you.”

“I feel better now,” Jinsol said softly. “And you know that I’ll always hear your voice, Soo.”

Sooyoung nodded. After all, the bonding allows them to feel each other’s emotions even though they are not in the same place. Sooyoung knew Jinsol could hear her even though the younger girl was unconscious, so she was furious when she was forbidden to accompany Jinsol in the ICU.

“Sunmi Unnie asked everyone to leave the ICU to give us privacy. Thanks to her, I can stay by your side. Your condition is getting better and you can get out of the ICU. Those stupid doctors... They should have let me be by your side from the start. I need to near you and–”

“Hey, calm down...” Jinsol smiled as she squeezed Sooyoung’s hand in hers. “You have to learn to control your emotions too, Babe.”

“I am. I always calm with all my patients, regardless of their conditions. But I can’t do that easily when it comes to you,” Sooyoung defended herself and made Jinsol laugh. Sooyoung will remain stubborn if they continue to discuss this conversation. Although sometimes it can be an entertaining act for Jinsol, she chose to let it be for this time.

“Did someone come over while I was sleeping?”

Jinsol could feel Sooyoung’s body stiffened before giving her an answer.

“She came not long after you were transferred to this room and stayed by your side until dawn.”

Jinsol smiled understandingly. Without mentioning a name, she knew which person could make Sooyoung feel uncomfortable by talking about it.

“Did she leave something for me?”

“We’ll talk about this later, Babe. You still need to rest,” Sooyoung’s hand moved to pull Jinsol’s blanket. She seemed to avoid this conversation and made Jinsol grab Sooyoung’s wrist, making the older girl look back at her.

“You know I can find out without asking you, Soo.” Sooyoung’s jaw tightened at Jinsol’s words. “I asked you so I don’t need to use–”

“Fine!!” Sooyoung stood up with an annoyed expression. Sooyoung had no choice. Jinsol will use her ability to see what happened when she was unconscious, which means she will endanger herself by using her strength in a weak state. And Sooyoung didn’t like the idea.

Sooyoung opened a desk drawer and took out a blue velvet pouch. Jinsol opened it and a silver ring with the same symbol on her wrist glowed when it came into contact with Jinsol’s skin.

“What is this?” Sooyoung sat on the edge of the bed and stared at the ring with narrowed eyes. Yeah, it’s a ring, Sooyoung knows. Still, she knew that nothing related to Jinsol is something ordinary nor simple.

“Another silver chain,” Jinsol simply answered the question.

“You still need three more rings to make it work, Sol.”

Jinsol shook her head with a faint smile. She reached out her hand to touch Sooyoung’s face.

“Will you let me out of this place tomorrow night?” Even though she had guessed Sooyoung’s answer, Jinsol still asked her about it.

“No way!” Sooyoung answered quickly with a serious expression. “Do you want to test my patience, huh? I’m sure even now you can’t stand up without my help, but you are brave enough to ask me to be discharged? Yah! Jung Jinsol, are you–”

Sooyoung didn’t continue her words because Jinsol’s hand moved to Sooyoung’s nape and pulled her until their lips met.

“Dramatic Queen, as always,” Jinsol muttered amusingly. Her hand moved to pull the needle in the back of her hand and clenched her fist until the blood flowed out.

“Babe, what are you–?” Sooyoung froze when she saw the blood from the back of Jinsol’s hand dripping and soaking the ring on her palm. The color of the ring changed from silver to rose gold. Instantly Sooyoung understood that the younger girl was turning Silver Chain into Gold Chain with her blood.

Sooyoung took a deep breath and grabbed the wet tissue lying on the table when Jinsol held out her blood-stained hand. She gently cleaned the bloodstain that had stuck to Jinsol’s ring and hand.

“Soo, my hand is swollen. It hurts.” Jinsol started whining when she felt pain in the back of her left hand, the place where the IV needle had been connected to her body.

Sooyoung didn’t say anything. She pulled out a drawer by the bedside table and pulled out a first-aid kit. She closed the drip mark on the back of Jinsol’s hand with a band-aid and lifted a new infusion set in front of Jinsol.

Jinsol frowned at what Sooyoung was going to do but didn’t argue. She stretched out her right hand and let Sooyoung put a new IV for her. Sooyoung always did it alone in their apartment whenever her condition worsened and she refused to go to the hospital. Even so, that doesn’t mean Jinsol is used to it. She was still frowning and biting her lip as the needle pierced her skin.

“Done.” Sooyoung gave a kiss on the back of Jinsol’s hands before catching Jinsol’s lips with hers.

“Now, help me, Babe.” Jinsol raised her left palm, the place where she had slipped the ring.

Sooyoung’s eyebrows raised at the request, questioning what Jinsol would do.

“I need you to send this Gold Chain.” Jinsol grinned as she shook her hand. “Please be my Hedwig for today.”

“You’re asking too much,” Sooyoung grumbled. “You are lucky that I fall for you so deeply and–”

“I love you,” Jinsol beamed. “So much, Ha Sooyoung. I’ll make it up to you later. Now, give me your hand.”

Sooyoung took a deep breath and muttered ‘I love you too, Stupid’ before letting the fingers of her right-hand slip between Jinsol’s. Her chest tightened when she felt her energy being in. She rounded her eyes as the rings on Jinsol’s fingers gave off a bright light and disappeared from her sight.

“Who will get the ring?” Sooyoung’s palm was back in Jinsol’s grasp.

“Someone who will play with fire.” Jinsol smiled faintly as Sooyoung frowned. She pulled Sooyoung’s hand to move to her side. “Since you forbid me to leave this place, you can’t leave me in exchange. Stay by my side and hug me.”

Sooyoung rolled her eyes but lay next to Jinsol. The younger girl immediately snuggled up in Sooyoung’s arms. The warm body’s temperature became even more pronounced when Sooyoung’s hand wrapped around Jinsol’s body. Jinsol looked cold and made Sooyoung pull the blanket over her body.

“Are you hungry?”

Jinsol shook her head and buried her face in Sooyoung’s neck. She took a deep breath and smiled in content. The musk and cherry blossom perfume blends well with Sooyoung’s scent, making Jinsol calm and sleepy. One thing she learned and became a specialty of bonding. Apart from multiplying their power, the bonded partner is the best healer that can speed up the recovery process whenever they are injured.

“For these two days, your body only got medications and IV fluids.” Sooyoung pointed to the IV bag hanging beside her bed.

“I’m not hungry. My head hurts, Soo. Can you give me a pain killer?” Sooyoung could feel a vibration in her neck as Jinsol spoke.

Sooyoung sighed. If Jinsol complained about the headache, it would follow by nausea, which made Jinsol lose her appetite.

If there was one thing Sooyoung could be grateful for, it was Jinsol’s candor. Jinsol never hides her condition from Sooyoung. She would whine and cry when the pain came and rained down on her body. She can snuggle up and hug Sooyoung tightly whenever she feels tired or injured after doing something related to her duties as an Odd Eye. She can say whatever pain she feels so Sooyoung can do something to reduce the pain.

“They’ve given you too much medicine already, Dear.” Sooyoung’s palm slipped behind Jinsol’s pajamas to touch the girl’s stomach. Instantly Jinsol felt warm and the nausea she felt from dizziness subsided. “I can give you hugs and kisses to ease your pain.”

Sooyoung looked down and kissed Jinsol’s forehead. Her hands were gently wrapped around Jinsol’s body. Make sure the younger girl will feel protected and forget the pain.

It didn’t take long for Sooyoung to make Jinsol fall asleep. Sooyoung loosened her hug as she felt Jinsol’s breath rising and falling regularly. Slowly Sooyoung let go of her hug and put Jinsol on the oxygen mask. The younger girl still needs to finish her therapy. She carefully climbed out of bed and reached for her phone, looking for a name she hadn’t called in years.

“What do you want?”

Sooyoung scoffed at how a voice on the other side greeted her. The other girl didn’t change, still annoying for her liking.

“Good morning to you too... Where’s your manner?”

“It’s 3 am, Ha Sooyoung. Shouldn’t I be the one asking you that huh?” The voice sounded irritated, but Sooyoung knew she did not disturb the girl’s sleep at all. “Tell me what you want. Just make it simple because I have an important meeting this afternoon and I need to sleep.”

“Was it you the one they gave the order to light the fire?”

“I’m in charge of putting out the fire, not the other way around.”

“Then do you know where Jungeun is?”

Unlike the previous question, which immediately received an answer. Sooyoung’s question left silence between them.

“Tell me where Jungeun is.” Sooyoung’s intonation sounded strenuous. “Is she still in Osaka?”

“She is near you. Looks very far from your eyes but very close to your veins. Can’t you feel it with your heart?”




Amethyst Saga University, Auditorium

Monday, October 27th, 2025

Yujin starred at her laptop, trying to concentrate on the video she was watching. Now and then, she stopped the video and marked it as part of the video she was going to edit. Even so, she found it difficult to concentrate and kept remembering the conversation last week when they had dinner together to celebrate Yuri’s birthday.

That night, Hyewon invited Wonyoung to come to the Sapphire Tier launching event and of course, Wonyoung said yes enthusiastically. The younger girl immediately turned to her and said, “Of course! I will come with Yujin Unnie!! We will come after the meeting for our festival events. Right, Unnie?”

At that time, Yujin almost choked on the food she was chewing. She just nodded her head silently. From the corner of her eye, Yujin could see Chaewon moving her lips saying “whipped” without a sound. The older girl certainly felt victorious because, in the end, Yujin had to set foot in Sapphire.

Yujin had a reason why she always avoided all things related to Sapphire. Sapphire reminds her of someone. Ironically, that reason has now turned into why she had to come and fulfill the invitation.

Jang Wonyoung.

Wonyoung will come, so Yujin will follow her.

“Unnie, I didn’t see you at the cafeteria. Yuna Unnie said you went to the Auditorium early to finish your assignment, so I followed you here.”

Wonyoung sat next to Yujin and handed her the paper bag she was carrying. “Sandwich and ice green tea latte. I’m sure you already ask Yuna Unnie to buy you coffee.”

“Thank you, Bub...” Yujin patted Wonyoung’s head gently and grabbed Wonyoung’s ice green tea latte, sipping it deliciously.

Next to her, Wonyoung leaned over to stare at Yujin’s laptop screen.

“Isn’t that the video you took while we were working on Syzygy?” Wonyoung looked surprised because it turned out that Yujin wasn’t doing her assignment at all.

“Ho-oh... I’ll upload the video for my account channel if you don’t mind.” It didn’t take long for Yujin to get Wonyoung’s answer because the younger girl immediately nodded her head.

Yujin frowned, not sure about that. However, hiding Wonyoung from public attention is one of The Elder’s plans. From the start, Wonyoung’s consent was not Yujin’s priority. She will continue to publish the video, with or without Wonyoung’s permission. Seeing how Wonyoung easily agreed to her request, it seems like there have been some rule changes since she left Gallia.

Even so, Yujin didn’t want to discuss it. She pulled Wonyoung’s hand close to her and leaned her head on Wonyoung’s shoulder. “I’m tired and sleepy.” She muttered softly with her eyes closed.

Wonyoung leaned back against the back of the seat and grabbed Yujin’s waist to get closer to her. As if it has become their routine. Yujin’s treatment of her so far makes Wonyoung feel comfortable and forget the fact that they only met one month ago. As far as she remembers, this is the second time Yujin behaves like this. But somehow, it all felt familiar to her.

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1760 streak #1
Didn’t have a chance to read much yet but wanted to let you know that you’re doing a great job! Keep up the good work and thank you for sharing with us!
Pholux #2
Chapter 69: i'm still visiting this website because of your story, authornim. Thank you for writing this wonderful story, happy fifth anniv to Violet I guess haha. See you on the next update :)
1760 streak #3
Chapter 30: Saw the warning but got through it! Hope your day or night is going well!
1760 streak #4
Chapter 29: oh my gosh, now i have to go back and reread with the songs playing in the background!!
1760 streak #5
Chapter 28: wait a minute! wait a minute!!! i need to reread that again!
1760 streak #6
Chapter 27: Thanks for the comments response! I hope our comments encourage you!
1760 streak #7
Chapter 25: i almost forgot loona was in this fic!!! until i saw your note and of course the tags lol!
wonyoandyuj #8
Chapter 68: I hope they have a happy ending they are miserable enough in real life😮‍💨
1760 streak #9
Chapter 23: ugh just reading an izone fanfic after along time gets me in the feels!!!