Chapter 34 (Torn)

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Sapphire Corp., Seoul

Friday, October 31st, 2025

“Kim Chaewon, my baby, congratulation!!” Doyeon walked over to Chaewon with a proud smile. Her hands stretched out before engulfing Chaewon in her arms, squeezing her tightly. That warm gesture made Chaewon smile. She was aware she looks tiny in Doyeon's arms.

“Thanks for coming, Unnie.” Chaewon smiled for a moment after Doyeon let go of the hug. She shook her head with amusement at how her cousin greeted some of the Supernova business associates she had met before returning to her side.

“I met Minjoo earlier She looks so hot in that suit.” Doyeon giggled when Chaewon glared at her.

After all, Chaewon knows how Doyeon's reputation is among women. Even so, Chaewon also knew Doyeon's words were nothing more than the way the older girl . Doyeon always enjoyed the change in Chaewon's expression whenever she responded to her teases.

“You look charming in a suit, Unnie. What an International model here.” Chaewon gave a thumbs up and made Doyeon beam.

“Did you come alone? Where's Yoojung Unnie?” Chaewon handed her cousin a champagne glass and took a slow sip. Not seeing anyone around Doyeon like a few moments ago piqued her curiosity. Kim Doyeon is a social butterfly. To her knowledge, Doyeon knew at least half of the guests who came to tonight's event.

“Where's Choi Yoojung?” Doyeon asked back with a gentle smile. She brought the champagne glass to her lips and took a sip. “I don't know where she is now either. Maybe she's still playing around with her coworkers and making trouble like usual.”

Chaewon's eyebrows furrowed at Doyeon's answer. She knows Doyeon and Yoojung are an easy-going couple and are rarely seen together without their friends. But somehow, tonight, Chaewon felt odd hearing Doyeon's answer. Especially when she saw the corner of Doyeon's lips lifted meaningfully like she was expecting something to happen. The gesture looks calm but playful. Even so, Chaewon can see the gaze in Doyeon's eyes did notice their surroundings, as if every corner of this place caught her eyes.

Since this event began, Chaewon has been quite aware of the existence of her cousin. Shortly after the opening of the event, Doyeon was seen mingling with some of the guests she knew. The older girl remained to be around her, in Chaewon's line of sight as if Doyeon had purposely let Chaewon watch over her.

“Who made up the idea of ​​the spectacular fireworks show earlier? Doesn't that cost the most?” Doyeon pointed to the dome of the hall which was opened a moment ago during a firework show that belongs to be an opening show for tonight's event.

“Looks like it was a surprise prepared by them.” Chaewon pointed at Sooyoung and Sunny with her chin. The Sapphire's bosses were standing not far from them. They were chatting casually with the other guests. “We were shocked when we heard the sound of the blow earlier. I thought someone wants to sabotage this event.”

Doyeon scoffed with a smile enchants on her lips. One hand slipped into the pocket of her slacks with a fond gaze towards Sunny and Sooyoung. “Did you know that they are my bosses at Architecture 11?”

Chaewon nodded, seems interested in this conversation.

“They're complicated and admirable at the same time. They look so merry with their projects, Nothing serious and particular but at the same time, they were always making so much profit in their playground. If we look back at what they have done, I can't understand what their real purpose is.”

“Huh?” The frown on Chaewon's forehead deepened to hear Doyeon's response. “Unnie, what-”

“Yah! Evangeline Kim! You are annoying!” The irritated voice cutting off their conversation from behind and made the two of them turn around.

“I'm still your Unnie, you rascal! Behave.” Doyeon crosses her hands in front of her chest for a moment after turning her body. She scoffed when she found a familiar face standing in front of her.

“Why did you park your car so far away? Luckily I can still pick up Sohye Unnie before the event.” The younger girl's expression immediately changed when she noticed Chaewon's presence by Doyeon's side. She smiled shyly and bowed her body politely. It's different from the manner she showed Doyeon and made Chaewon reply with the same gestures.

“You should be thankful to me. I allow you to take my car. Who told you not to bring your car?” Doyeon snorted. She still enjoyed champagne in her hand, unbothered with the protests aimed at her.

“Blame my manager why he doesn't let me bring my car.” The younger girl defended herself with pouted lips. Attempted to show another side that is rarely seen in front of the camera that used to be her other persona.

“Your yellow Lambo caught the attention of reporters, Miss Ennik. It's reasonable that your management forbids you to bring your car. You should have chosen another car, Stupid. Have you forgotten that you are an idol? This is Seoul, not Rome. You don't have your freedom here.” Doyeon replied, not wanting to lose. Scolding the younger girl.

“Unnie! Don't you dare to badmouth my Lambo. That's my dream car! I spent so much for that!” Somi snapped and bent her body as she realized the surroundings. She rubbed the back of her neck while still mumbling. “I'll tell Yoojung Unnie about this.” She said childishly, muttered under the breath.

Doyeon just laughed at Somi's behavior. She raised her glass and grinned when she saw Hyewon walking over to them.

“Thanks for coming, Do. Do you want to try our game?” Hyewon clinked her glass with Doyeon before taking a sip.

“Thank you, but I'm not good at the games.” Doyeon waved her hand, released a relaxed chuckle.

“How about you?” Hyewon's gaze moved to Somi who was standing in front of Doyeon. “Do you want to try it?”

Somi shook her head with a polite smile and thanked her. For the second time at the night, that gestures made Doyeon snort at the change in Somi's attitude. “Why are you always being polite to others but being rude to me?”

“Because I like to piss you off.” Somi casually replied before turning her gaze around the hall. Seen to be looking for someone.

“Where's my cousin? I haven't seen her since earlier.” Somi narrowed her eyes trying to focus her gaze.

“Who's your cousin?” Doyeon frowned at the question.

“Edith Jeon,” Somi answered without paying attention to Doyeon who still looked confused.

“Do you know Edith Jeon?” Doyeon is now asking Hyewon and Chaewon. “I think it's my first time hearing her name.”

Both of them nodded in sync.

“She is our colleague,” Hyewon answered. Her eyes kept lingering on Somi. “She was the one who made all of the design for Sapphire Series merchandises.”

“I guess I know all of your team but I don't-”

“Jeon Heejin, Unnie. You met her four years ago while we were attending an exhibition in Paris.” Chaewon was reminiscent of their first meeting a few years ago.

“Ahhhh an angelic girl who dated Ryujin's cousin?” Doyeon asked to confirm and got a nod from Somi. “I saw her with Jungie on the balcony, Jeon. I thought she was a guest like us.” Doyeon patted Somi's arm and pointed towards the balcony.

“You should have told me earlier, Unnie.” Somi gave Doyeon an annoyed look.

“You didn't tell me she's your cousin.” Doyeon shrugged without feeling guilty.

“Where's my cousin then? I mean, your girlfriend.” Hyewon's question suddenly made Somi gasp. But she quickly smiled when she realized that Hyewon knows about her relationship with Hyewon's cousin.

“Where's Elijah Kang?” Somi repeated the question with the same intonation as Doyeon. Shortly, before her gaze shifted on Doyeon. She turned her head at Hyewon with a small smile. “I don't know where she is. Maybe she's playing around in her kitchen, making trouble with the new recipes.”

Having the repetition of the girls made Chaewon frown. She could feel the subtle meaning in the girls' eyes when they mentioned their lover's name. In addition, their answers that sounded vague and secretive made Chaewon feel odd.

“I thought you would take her with you. Mina likes being a part of a party,” Hyewon responded casually. Didn't look suspicious at all by the answer the younger girl gave.

“She loves banquet, not this kind of business event that makes her bored. Besides, I don't want to make her presence exclusive news to reporters. I also don't want to associate her name with rumors and scandals. She's too precious for this industry. Mina Unnie has her privacy, which shouldn't be consumed by those around me. She is dating someone named Jeon Somi, not an Idol Jeon Somi.” The childish expression on the girl's face instantly vanished into a mature appearance that was completely different from what she had been showing.

Hyewon nodded with an understanding smile. Secretly relieved that her cousin isn't in a relationship with celebrities who only think about themselves.

“Excuse me, Miss Jeon, here your key.” One of the valet parking aides approached and handed over the car key.

Somi smiled and thanked him as she handed the car key to Doyeon. But Doyeon shook her head with a serious expression.

“You will drive my car.” Doyeon refused the car keys that were handed to her and finished the rest of the champagne in her glass.

“Yah! I'm Jeon Somi. How could you-”

“I've had enough drinks tonight, Som. Tomorrow I will visit your apartment.” Doyeon grinned before pointing to a corner. “There's Shin Ryujin. Didn't you say that she is the reason why you came here?”

“Ah, right! I want to discuss my current project with her.” Somi nodded excitedly and bowed to Hyewon and Chaewon, making a beeline to Ryujin.

“So, you already know about Mina and Somi's relationship?” Doyeon beamed at Hyewon, who was still enjoying the champagne in her hand.

Hyewon nodded.

“I saw them kissing when Somi picked up Mina at Turchase. Moreover, you already know their relationship, but you didn't tell me. I'm disappointed.” Hyewon responded playfully before she realized something. “Ah! You never even told me about your relationship with her.” She pointed at Chaewon who stayed still beside Doyeon.

“We respect each other's privacy. I think you did the same, Unnie. I thought you guys don't know each other, so I didn't say anything about Doyeon Unnie to you. You didn't even tell me if you knew Doyeon Unnie.” Chaewon replied while still trying to keep her mask on. She proceeded to respond to this conversation calmly without arousing any suspicions.

“You must have never told Chaewon who you were dating, Hye. I saw your exes around 3 or 4 in this room.” Doyeon patted Hyewon's back with a mischievous smile. “Good luck for tonight.”

“I'm not that jerk, Kim Doyeon.” Hyewon snorted at Doyeon's words.

“You need to settle with someone, Hye, like us.” Doyeon side hugs Chaewon and her head. The glint in her eyes tells Hyewon, she's not joking but concerned.

“By the way, I still have an errand to do. I need to meet someone here. See you, Cous, Hye.” Doyeon let go of her hug and walked backward waving her hand.

Somehow Chaewon proceeds to find the implied meaning of every sentence and gesture shown by Doyeon. Just as she expected, her cousin knew most of the guests at the event.

“Doyeon Unnie.” Chaewon's call halted Doyeon's steps. “Can we meet tomorrow? I want to talk to you about something.”

Doyeon frowned at her cousin's question. “Is everything alright? Is it about Supernova projects? Do you want me to take over some of your projects?”

Chaewon bit her lower lip with a perplexed expression. Seeing Chaewon's reaction, Doyeon walked over and stopped in front of her cousin. Chaewon grabbed Doyeon's wrist with a deep gaze and a faint smile on her lips.

“I will go back to Chrysalis with Jungeun. There is a lot of work still waiting for our care. Tomorrow morning we will have a meeting with the embassy regarding our project. Do you mind if we meet at Chrysalis after lunch? Or dinner? My treat.”

The tall girl in front of Chaewon smiled meaningfully and hugged her cousin's in her arms. Chaewon nodded in answer to the question. Doyeon let go of her hug and gently ruffled Chaewon's hair.

“Don't think too much about it. Everything will be fine. Take a deep breath and sleep well. I'll call you later, Chae.”

Once again Chaewon caught something different in that sentence but Evangeline Kim, the girl was acting normal. She waved her hand before disappearing among the guests.

Chaewon took a deep breath and tried to catch her breath. Cold sweat was seen damping her forehead. Subconsciously her hands clenched tightly at her side.

“Are you okay?” Chaewon could feel one soft touch on her back. “Your face is pale, Chae.” Hyewon's voice sounded worried.

“Kwon Eunbi was right. We have to be careful around her.” Chaewon's voice sounded shaking and made Hyewon take her to sit in the corner of the room.

“What do you mean?” Hyewon gently squeezed Chaewon's hand which felt cold and sweaty.

“Doyeon Unnie… I tried to look at her past and… She's gifted. A Gifted from other Ruler, Unnie.” Chaewon rubbed her chest which felt like squeezing. Her eyes narrowed in pain as she tried to take a deep breath.

“What do you see?” Hyewon rubbed her thumb on the back of Chaewon's hand. Chaewon could only shake her head to answer Hyewon's question.

“I need Minjoo, Unnie. Can you find her for me?” Chaewon stood up and let go of Hyewon's hand. The older girl still looked worried. She smiled gently at Hyewon. “Please don't make a scene. I'm okay. I will wait for Minjoo in my office.”




Chaewon walked towards the elevator which would take her back to the office. She leaned her body in the corner of the elevator and closed her eyes. She couldn't tell what she saw because the past was too dark for her.

The sound of screaming, wailing in pain, weeping, and pleading regretful sounded in her ears. The rain mixed with the musty smell of the blood, as well as the explosion took over her senses. Reminds her of the nightmares that always appearing when she sleeps.

Chaewon felt overwhelming. Her head ached, and suddenly her vision clouded. Even so, she tried to steel herself and dragged her steps down the hallway towards her office. But just a few steps she got out of the elevator, her legs felt weak and made her lean against the wall. She closed her eyes and tried to catch her breath.

“You should stay in Prague with Hyunjung Unnie, not break your promise and be in this place. And the worst part is you choose to be one of the sponsors who will support my project. You promised me not to interfere in all my business here, Unnie. Is that hard to keep your promise? What do you want?”

Chaewon opened her eyes when she heard an argument from the balcony. Chaewon could see familiar figures standing opposite each other without realizing her presence. She didn't think anyone would be here in the beginning if she remembered their event wasn't over.

Son Juyeon and Son Hyejoo.

Chaewon takes a deep breath. Not wanting to eavesdrop on private conversations between a family made Chaewon force herself to stay away from this place. But only a few steps, Chaewon heard something that made her steps stop.

“I hope you remember that you and I had different purposes in this place. What I'm doing is not too provoking you. I have to do that to-”

“Protecting the Ruler Line remaining in your circle after your Ruler's death on the battlefield?” Hyejoo interrupted without giving Juyeon a chance to explain.

Chaewon's jaw tightened at the question. She could feel her blood rush cold when she heard that confession. Son Juyeon is gifted, and Hyejoo finds out what happened in her sister's Ruler Line. But how did Hyejoo knows about that? Is she gifted too?

This conversation is not just an argument between siblings. This also has to do with her. Her Ruler Line. That information makes Chaewon turned around and looked for a place to hide.

“Is that something wrong with what I'm doing hmm? Do you want to see those within my Ruler Line get killed and destroyed just like my realm?”

Hyejoo was seen sighing without taking her gaze off Juyeon. She shook her head in response to Juyeon's question.

“I saw you with Yujin, Unnie. I don't know if you acknowledge each other. Like how? What exactly is your relationship with her?” Hyejoo's intonation sounded curious.

“Yujin is An Heeyeon's sister, Hyunjung Unnie's superior at the embassy. Their family is on good terms. I met her numerous times on several occasions.”

“Is that so?” Hyejoo seemed suspicious at Juyeon's explanation.

Chaewon can see Juyeon shook her head at how Hyejoo blatantly showed doubt towards her.

“I think we have agreed to behave normally as a family and forget what happened on each of the Ruler Lines. You can ask Hyunjung Unnie and Hyunjin if you don't believe me.” Juyeon reminded Hyejoo of one thing that Hyejoo seemed to forget. “I'm apologizing for deciding to support in your project without talking to you first. You are my sister, and like it or not, I am still responsible for your safety.”

“Don't use family as an excuse because you were never there for me since the beginning, Unnie,” Hyejoo sighed with hurt in her eyes

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1760 streak #1
Didn’t have a chance to read much yet but wanted to let you know that you’re doing a great job! Keep up the good work and thank you for sharing with us!
Pholux #2
Chapter 69: i'm still visiting this website because of your story, authornim. Thank you for writing this wonderful story, happy fifth anniv to Violet I guess haha. See you on the next update :)
1760 streak #3
Chapter 30: Saw the warning but got through it! Hope your day or night is going well!
1760 streak #4
Chapter 29: oh my gosh, now i have to go back and reread with the songs playing in the background!!
1760 streak #5
Chapter 28: wait a minute! wait a minute!!! i need to reread that again!
1760 streak #6
Chapter 27: Thanks for the comments response! I hope our comments encourage you!
1760 streak #7
Chapter 25: i almost forgot loona was in this fic!!! until i saw your note and of course the tags lol!
wonyoandyuj #8
Chapter 68: I hope they have a happy ending they are miserable enough in real life😮‍💨
1760 streak #9
Chapter 23: ugh just reading an izone fanfic after along time gets me in the feels!!!