Chapter 25 (Encounter)

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Happy 2nd anniversary, Babies...
One month passed.. Sorry for taking longer..
Looks like this chapter is the longest chapter I've ever written in Violet kekekeke
There are many clues as well as new terms.. Please take a look to Vlossarry ..
Happy reading !!
Peace... Love... and... Kewl !! ^^



Headquarter, Gallia

Friday, October 24th, 2025

“Most of Gamma keep protecting Delta and Omega who choose to defect from The Elder. Gamma realizes that they were being watched, but they do not care about it. They’re too powerful for us to bother them, so we only focused on The Ruler of Earth and The Pillars. Regarding The Pillars, I didn’t see any suspicious movement from them. They still carry out their activities as usual. Kim Chaewon will be on an overseas business trip for a long time after Sapphire Tier release, but now she’s still in Supernova. Considering Sapphire Tier will be released next week, Kang Hyewon will remain in Seoul until an indefinite time. Since afternoon Choi Yena was in Jeju. As for An Yujin, she is still with our Ruler in Amethyst. They are currently preparing for a festival which will be held on spring season next year.”

The voice was heard clearly from behind the wall and made Yena easily overheard the conversation. She frowned. So, we are being watched?? Yena can hear her heart beating fast. She didn’t expect they were being watched, she thought it would happen when they were with Wonyoung.

But why he said I’m at Jeju right now when I’m here?

For a while Yena had to control herself. Something is happening in this place. The owner of the room certainly keeps the secret behind the greatest plan for years hidden in a lie. But she can’t stay here too long, they have something to do.

Yena moved away quickly from the Headquarters. Without any trouble, she sneaked into a room on the corner inside of the library that was always locked. Her eyes wandered around, making sure there is nobody in sight. Carefully and without making any sound, she took out a coin from the pocket of her jacket.

Yena stared at the door before her. The ancient carvings on the surface seemed like a contrast with the other doors that were predominantly by glass and work based on smart buildings. Since the beginning, the door of this room has always been a hot topic among them.

Yena’s hand reached down the surface of the door and stopped just above the overlapping curve. She took a deep breath and placed the first coin in her hand in one of the curves. Yena gasped as the fine threads came out and tied the coins crossed each other and kept them from falling. With bated breath, Yena placed the other three coins in the remaining curves. Once again, the delicate threads appeared accompanied by a “click” sound as the door lock opened.

Damn it! Those coins did correspond to the mysterious room within the library.

Are you inside already?

Yena heard Hyewon’s voice.

I’ll go inside and check it out.

Unnie, be careful. Most of the guards will roam around the library. You don’t have much time. Half an hour from now you should be back here.

I’ll be back.

Yena bit her lower lip. Her heart was beating fast with uncertain feelings. Shocked, amazed, but also scared. Slowly she turned the knob and pushed the door open. Full alert, she entered and checked the contents of the room. The dim lighting made Yena narrow her eyes and try to concentrate on trifle every movement around her. No one insight.

Yena took out the small flashlight she brought to check every corner and side of the room so she could make a way out in case things happened beyond her predictions. One mandatory procedure that she always did every time she was on a mission. She sighed at the realization that the entrance door was the only way to enter and exit this room.

This room was not that big. It has a high enough ceiling and surrounded by brick walls without other layers. It looked more like a working room with a mini library than a secret room. Yena slowly walked among the neatly arranged old but sturdy shelves. The room was grimy and filled with spider webs, a sign that the room seemed to have not been visited for a long time. The smell of dust mixed with old parchment filled the room.

Yena’s steps stopped in front of a classic desk which was left in a neat condition. The books were stacked side by side with parchments that were bound together. The quill and inkwell look dusty and dry. Yena felt like she was in a different world. This place brought her to the old times she often saw in movies. Even Astreaia, which is a kingdom, doesn’t have these kinds of classical interior.

Yena stood behind the table and grabbed the parchment roll to check the contents. She frowned at an unfamiliar map. She opened another parchment and found the same thing. The frown on her forehead deepened as she opened the last parchment.

Astreaia map.

Yena took out her phone to take pictures of the parchments. She could only whine when she realized that she had deliberately turned off her phone before entering Gallia to escape Gallia’s security system. Her eyes began to search for something she could write with, but she found nothing.

Hyewon-ah, Chaewon-ah, I found a parchment containing some maps that I didn’t recognize. However, there is also a map of Astreaia here. I can’t take pictures because my phone will be detected in the security system in Gallia. Chae, can you check if there’s any surveillance camera I can use to take pictures nearby?

Yena’s hand moved to check every book piled on the table. Some old books with yellowing paper. The materials look fragile and make Yena have to be careful while opening them.

I found some books. But it looks like I’ve read them in the library, but the books look very old. Maybe this is the actual book of what we have studied so far.

Now the old books lined up side by side in front of her. Each of the books has thick covers in different colors.

Bronze. Silver. Gold. Black.

Yena opened all the books, but not a word was written in the first three books. The books were clean without scratches like a new notebook, but they are old. In contrast to the three books which were empty, the book with a black cover is the thickest one and there were some writing inside.

Yena read the rows of letters from the page in which she was opened.



June 28th, Waxing Gibbous

The Pillar of The Ruler of Water (Praesepea) killed the necromancers who destroy Praesepea.


August 28th, Full Moon

The Dragon of The Ruler of Water (Praesepea) died in Gaia.

The Dragon of The Ruler of Water (Oneiroia) is crowned in Gaia.




February 10th, Waning Crescent

The Phoenix of The Ruler of Air (Sadalmelikea) died in Gaia.


October 9th, New Moon

The Ruler of Air (Ukioia) will be born in W-Gibbous.


November 23rd, Full Moon

The First Odd Eye of Ukioia is called.


December 7th, New Moon

The Ruler of Fire (Ikigaea) is crowned in Gaia.




January 3rd, Waning Crescent

The Dragon of Ruler of Earth (Paonea) died in Gaia.


May 18th, Full Moon

The Second Odd Eye of Oneiroia is called.


June 21st, Full Moon

The Third Odd Eye of Ikigaea is called.


This book lists all the events related to all The Rulers. Realizing this, Yena’s hands quickly searched for a page that wrote down what happened in 2004.



August 31st, Waning Gibbous

The Ruler of Earth (Astreaia) was born in Gaia.

All the Rulers were born in Gaia for the first time in forever.

The Eden Gate closed, the thread between Eden, Oneiroia, Ukioia, Ikigaea, and Astreaia tangled.


September 14th, New Moon

The Last Odd Eye of Astreaia will be called on the full moon.


Yeah, this is Wonyoung’s. Yena could feel tighten.

! You must see what I just read! It seems like a chronology.

Yena’s hands stopped moving when she realized there was no response from her two partners.

Hyewon-ah? Yena tried to call Hyewon. No answer.

Kim Chaewon? The fact that Chaewon was also not answering, Yena’s heart was racing. Something happened and made her take out her phone. This time she didn’t care if Gallia’s security system would detect her presence.

Yena waited anxiously to phone as she prepared to switch the network on her phone before her gaze caught on noticing there was no signal bar on her phone. As far as she knows, Gallia was placed in a very strategic area and has never experienced any network disruptions. Yena snickered in frustration and opened the camera to record and take pictures of all the things she discovered today. Her fingers turned the pages of the book to the year in which the tragedy has occurred.

But before she had time to read the contents of the book, Yena heard a sound of a finger snapped and her phone instantly heated up. Shocked by the heat in her hand, the phone slipped from her grasp and caught fire when it hit the floor. Seeing that, Yena opened her hand and let out cold air to freeze the flames that sparked with her energy.

“You are not supposed to be here, Choi Yena.”

Yena straightened up and was alert when she realized that someone else was in the room. She turned in the direction of where the voice coming from and found someone sitting at the table located in the corner of the room. The dim lighting plus the position of the body back to the light makes the figure look like a silhouette. But Yena cannot recognize the voice that sounded strange to her ears.

“Who are you? What are you doing here?”

“You should get out of this place and forget what you found. You have no right for anything that belongs here.” Although the voice sounds calm, Yena could feel the pressure from that voice.

“I never saw you in Gallia.”

“I never set foot in Gallia.” The figure slid from the table and stood with arms crossed. “And we’re not in Gallia.”

“What are you talking about? And I don’t know you, so stop meddling my business!” Yena was infatuated, her hands clenched into fists ready to attack.

“You almost killed someone tonight, Choi. You will only make the situation worse if you don’t leave this place immediately.”

“I didn’t kill anyone!”


“Yah!! Why are you screaming?? We’ll get caught if you scream like that! Do you know how many guards are in Gallia??”

“You haven’t realized it yet?” The question seemed like it didn’t need an answer because she continued her sentence without waiting for Yena to speak. “We’re NOT in Gallia, Choi. We are currently in Florence, Italy, at the time when Michelangelo and Nostradamus were still alive. Thirty years before Nostradamus published Les Propheties.”

“Again, what are you talking—”

“Was your no-signal phone not enough to make you believe my words? Didn’t you feel anything strange about this place?” The figure sounded tired. “You unlocked the Tunnel Time with the Silver Chain you used earlier. The Tunnel Time will take you at the time relating to your intention. I guess you’re so ambitious to find out what happened five years ago that’s why Tunnel Time brought you to this place.”

“Bull!!” Yena hissed.

“Italy is my territory. You were travelling the time by extracting energy from the Odd Eye who has the same elements as you. She’s dying as we speak now, Choi. I’m asking you to leave before you kill her. I’m not joking when I said I would kill you if she died because of you.”

“Then what is this?” Yena pointed to the black book she had read earlier. She hissed as the heat touched her skin, the black book seemed to burn her.

“Not your business.”

“Why isn’t there any writing in these books?” Yena points to books with Gold, Silver, and Bronze covers.

“I told you that you have no right to anything in this place. The books did not belong to you.” Her voice was starting to sound impatient. “The Elder and Delta are having a meeting at the Headquarters. Ten minutes from now, Kang Hyewon and Kim Chaewon will follow you to invade Gallia. You’re off their radar and it worries them. If that happens, both of them will die so the protection of The Ruler of Earth will disappear. The incident five years ago will repeat itself and—”

“You are an Odd Eye.” Yena’s voice was almost a whisper but the figure could hear it.

“You should have realized that sooner. You were wasting a lot of my time and energy, Choi. There are a lot of more important things I need to do than just kick you out of this place.”


“Get out!” The voice sounded stressful but without threat. Yena could feel anxiety and worry in her intonation. “The longer you stay in this place, the more you will hasten their deaths, as well as yours. And you will waste all of Jang Wonyoung’s sacrifices if you do that.”

Yena’s throat choked when the figure mentions Wonyoung’s name. Even though she still didn’t believe what the stranger in front of her said, Yena didn’t want to take the risk of harming Hyewon and Chaewon. She hurriedly left the books and parchments scattered on the table and opened the door to leave the room.

The figure took a deep breath when Yena was no longer in the room. She walked over to the table to tidy up the old table. She raised the black book which previously was the thing that most caught Yena’s attention. She read a series of sentences that almost became part of Yena’s memory.



August 31st, Waxing Gibbous

The Ruler of Water sneaked in Ikigaea.

The Ruler of Fire sneaked in Ukioia.

The Phoenix of The Ruler of Fire, Water, and Air sneaked in Astreaia.

The Scepters of The Ruler will start the war in Astreaia and ended the war in Eden.

The Odd-Eyes opened the Eden gate.


September 1st, Waxing Gibbous

The Last Odd Eye of Astreaia loss in Eden.

The Dragon of Ruler of Earth (Astreaia) died and crowned in Oneiroia on the Full Moon.


November 30th, Full Moon with Eclipse

The Ultimate Odd Eye of Astreaia is called.

The Odd-Eyes restored Eden.


Her fingers moved to the last page and saw how the blank page slowly filled in the letter by letter to form sentences.



October 24th, Waxing Crescent

The Ash of The Odd Eye opened Oneiroia Gate to make an illusion in Gallia to protect the Pillar of The Ruler of Earth (Astreaia) from the Necromencers.

The Odd-Eyes got their vision. At the same time, the Pillar of The Ruler of Earth (Astreaia) sneaked in the Tunnel Time, going back to 1525 in Florence, Italy, to searching for The Chronicle Tales and knocked out The Navy of The Odd Eye in process.

The Scarlet of The Odd Eye going back to 1525 in Florence, Italy, and met the Pillar of The Ruler of Earth.

The Violet-


The girl closed The Chronicle Tales without waiting for the entire sentence to be written in it. She closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath as she looked to the future, the place where she should have been. Everything is still within their control and there is nothing to worry about.

“Thanks for being strong. I hope you will recover soon.”



Yena groaned for a moment after opening the door and exiting the room. Her head hurt and throbbing. The blurry vision kept her from noticing as a figure approached and pulled her body with a violent jolt. Without thinking much, Yena clenched her fists and swung vigorously to counter the sudden attack. She could feel her punch hitting on the spot before she felt a single blast back hit her jaw and knock her back.

Paying no heed to the pain, Yena quickly stood up and attacked her attacker. The fight is inevitable. Even though Yena was a Pillar and Pure Blood Warrior, Yena could sense that her opponent was not someone who could be easily defeated.

Several times Yena felt punches and kicks on her body. Even so, Yena could take that the punches and kicks she felt were comparable to the attacks Yena gave to her opponent. In less than five minutes Yena managed to lock the attacker by holding her opponent’s body between the ground and her body. Her hand went up to roll back up. However, her movements stopped when their gazes met.

“What did you do there? Shouldn’t you be in Jeju?” The voice that was almost a whisper made Yena snorted. She removed her grip on the girl’s collar and stood up with a long sigh.

“Should I answer your question? I don’t even know who I’m dealing with right now, friend or foe?”

“I’m the one who asked her to pull you out from Gallia, Unnie.”

Yena turned around and found Hyewon and Chaewon walking towards her.

“You didn’t answer our calls and you’ve been there for too long. It’s been four hours since you sneaked into Gallia and we were worried about you.” Hyewon stopped in front of Yena and looked at her with relief. “Thank God you’re okay.” Hyewon’s gaze turned to the girl who was Yena’s opponent.

The girl was still lying there gasping for the air with a palm pressed on her stomach. Next to her, Chaewon knelt to check her condition. She carefully pulled the girl to stand and leaned against a nearby tree. The girl seemed to hold back her groan as she felt pain all over her body due to the movement she made. She rubbed the corners of her bleeding lips and let Chaewon share her energy, trying to recover her condition because of Yena. Seeing this made Yena realize that she was no longer in Gallia. They are in the forest that lies behind Gallia.

“Tonight The Elder will hold a meeting with all of the Delta Teams. You shouldn’t be in Gallia, Yena. You will die if they find you.” The girl tried to catch her breath. Her eyes squinting at Yena who didn’t move from her position.

Yena frowned, trying to find the truth in what the girl said. What she just heard was similar to what the mysterious girl in the secret room had said.

“Someone gave me the coin—The Silver Chain and that was the key to enter the secret room within the library.” Yena bit her lower lip restlessly. The expression of the girl in front of her made Yena sure that she was not lying to her.

“Someone is set you up.” The girl hissed softly, understanding what was happened. “The Silver Chain shouldn’t be in your hands. You shouldn’t open that room.”

“But I did. It would be more accurate to say that someone was being kind enough to help me open the Pandora’s box.” Yena answered quickly. “Something happened in Gallia. They kept an eye on Omega for some reason. Now I have no reason to be quiet. I’ll be standing and fight for my team.”

“Your team is also mine, Stupid. Don’t do anything and forget what you found there. I just don’t want you to risk yourself and ruin my plans.”

“Should I? Was hiding Jang Wonyoung’s existence from us was a part of your plan, huh?” Yena raised one of her eyebrows at the serene expression of the girl in front of her. “From the way you speak, I know you still choose to hide behind the protection of your lover. If that’s the case, you are a traitor, Lee Chaeyeon!”

“I’m not on her side. Eunbi Unnie doesn’t know anything about what happened that night. I’m still disappointed but—”


Chaeyeon rubbed her ears. “Yah, can you hold back your emotions and let me rest for a bit huh? Your attacks have hurt me. At least, thank me for saving you tonight. Teleporting multiple times while carrying you is not an easy thing. You’re lucky because when Chaewon called me, I was at Chrysalis.”

“You—” Yena didn’t continue her words when she saw Chaeyeon close her eyes with her head leaning on Chaewon’s shoulder. Her face looks tired and in pain, made Yena feel guilty. Even so, there was one thing that bothered her and made her ignore Chaeyeon’s request. Yena opened to ask and—

“Do you know Yujin’s true identity?” Hyewo

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1760 streak #1
Didn’t have a chance to read much yet but wanted to let you know that you’re doing a great job! Keep up the good work and thank you for sharing with us!
Pholux #2
Chapter 69: i'm still visiting this website because of your story, authornim. Thank you for writing this wonderful story, happy fifth anniv to Violet I guess haha. See you on the next update :)
1760 streak #3
Chapter 30: Saw the warning but got through it! Hope your day or night is going well!
1760 streak #4
Chapter 29: oh my gosh, now i have to go back and reread with the songs playing in the background!!
1760 streak #5
Chapter 28: wait a minute! wait a minute!!! i need to reread that again!
1760 streak #6
Chapter 27: Thanks for the comments response! I hope our comments encourage you!
1760 streak #7
Chapter 25: i almost forgot loona was in this fic!!! until i saw your note and of course the tags lol!
wonyoandyuj #8
Chapter 68: I hope they have a happy ending they are miserable enough in real life😮‍💨
1760 streak #9
Chapter 23: ugh just reading an izone fanfic after along time gets me in the feels!!!