Chapter 20 (Moira)

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I'm sorry for leaving this place for too long. Sometimes adulting can be UGH but still I hope you’ll enjoy this chapter..

I will introduce some new characters in the next chapter. I've waited too long and can't wait to introduce them here. Maybe you can guess who will appear in the next chapter..

I don't know what it will be like but there will be many explanations that might give you a headache..

So get ready fufufu

Peace... Love... and... Kewl!!! ^^



Sapphire Corp., Seoul

Monday, October 20th, 2025

Hyewon took her glasses to look at Yena and Hyejoo who were still doing rehearsal for Sapphire Tier, the final game of Sapphire Crown series that will release later this month at the largest auditorium in Sapphire Corp. She sipped hot chocolate in her hand expressionlessly. Her eyes could not be separated from Yena who was still standing in the middle of the auditorium. There is no childish act that she used to show. Yena’s eyes looked cold and serious.

Hyewon frowned as she watched Yena begin to lose patience and looked annoyed when there were so many errors in the game she created. But Hyewon did not move and remained in her place when she saw Hyejoo managed to take over the situation and make the dark expression on Yena’s face disapeared, replaced with a broad smile and a hand that raised to patted Hyejoo’s head. As usual, Hyejoo was the only one on their team who understood how Yena’s program worked. Unconsciously, Hyewon smiled as Yena let out a happy squeals when Hyejoo successfully solved the problem in Sapphire Tier.

From the corner of her eyes, Hyewon could see that someone was walking closer and standing next to her, staring at the auditorium.

“I thought you will spend your time in Supernova, Chae,” Hyewon said to that person.

Chaewon shook her head. “You asked (Park) Chaewon and Chaeyoung to attend the meeting in Vienna, Yerim still in LA for the next few days, Heejin and Hyunjin are in Tokyo to check the merchandises. Half of our team isn’t in Seoul, Unnie. I can’t let you take care all of this without me.”

Hyewon turned and smiled at the look on Chaewon’s face that was not much different from Yena some time ago. Stiff and expressionless. She held out her hand to gently Chaewon’s head. She hated seeing the younger girl being drowned in her mind and Hyewon knew that it was not only the Sapphire Crown that disturbed Chaewon. Jang Wonyoung and Omega Team who returned to their regular training also concerned Chaewon. But more than that, the news she heard from Yena this morning was enough to make Hyewon understand something bigger was waiting for them after this.

“I heard that last week Kwon Eunbi visited you at Supernova.”

Chaewon nodded. “The Elder allowed Wonyoung to move to Chrysalis Village. They bought villas around our villas. So don’t be surprised if we are trapped between them.”

“Unexpected but I’m not surprised.” Hyewon took out a gum and chewed it. The familiar gesture that Chaewon knew, the older girl was trying to reduce her anxiety. “So far this situation happened according to what you expect.” Hyewon smiled meaningfully. “Then, will we continue our plan?”

“Of course. The renovation in our villas are almost complete and we can live in our base camp. We are just waiting for the opening of Chrysalis Village next month.”

“I don’t think that’s all you want to tell me, Chae.” Hyewon’s gum formed a balloon before letting it burst with a ‘plop’. “You’ve been disturbed because of something, a penny for your thought?” Hyewon asked softly.

“Kwon Eunbi warned me to be careful around Doyeon Unnie.” Chaewon sighed. “And she said it as if Doyeon Unnie will hurt me.”

“Did she state the reason why you have to be careful with Doyeon?”

“At that time I was too surprised to ask why. I was offended because she said something nonsense about my family.”

“Have you tried looking at Doyeon’s past to prove what Kwon Eunbi said?” Hyewon smiled as Chaewon shook her head.

“I’m too afraid to do it. What if Kwon Eunbi was right?” Chaewon laughed bitterly with her own thoughts. “I won’t do that until I have a reason to suspect her. I’m the one who is problematic here, not her. She is my cousin, my family, I shouldn’t cross the line by entering her private room for no reason, without her permission.”

Chaewon shook her head and bit the inside of her cheek. Realizing there was something she hadn’t revealed to Hyewon and she knew, Hyewon’s gaze asked for an explanation. For the past few days, Chaewon tried to forget what Eunbi said but she could not to lie to herself if she felt something different in her cousin.

“Why are you afraid to do it?” The corner of Hyewon’s lips lifted. The doubts on Chaewon’s face are the only answer that Hyewon needs. “You realize there is something different about her and you are afraid to look for the truth?”

Chaewon looked shock, but she nodded weakly to answer Hyewon’s question.

“Take your time, Chae. You don’t have to do it if you really don’t want it. You can trust her as long as you want. Maybe Kwon Eunbi is the one who being unreasonable here.” Hyewon smiled and grabbed Chaewon’s shoulder in her arms. “I know there are still many things you want to talk about, but I think there are other things we should do first.”

Chaewon smiled faintly and took out a box from her coat.

“If what you mean is looking for ways to sneak into Gallia and search for the truth, I think I have found the answer.”




Amethyst Saga University, Auditorium

Monday, October 20th, 2025

Wonyoung closed the sketchbook when the college council members and the event committees of the annual festival entered the auditorium. She saw her cousin sitting next to Doah and talked serious about something. Dohyon didn’t say anything about him involved in this festival, but seeing him coming with the event committees, he seemed to have taken part in the festival.

Wonyoung’s eyes looked around, searching for Yujin’s whereabouts. Since dropping off her at the lobby this morning, Wonyoung hasn’t found Yujin around Amethyst. Even at lunch, Yujin, who is usually in the corner of cafeteria with her friends, is nowhere to be seen. Wonyoung grabbed her phone and typed a message to Yujin, asking for her whereabouts.

A minute...

Five minutes...

Ten minutes...

Fifteen minutes...

Half an hour passed and Yujin did not read the message. Wonyoung started to worry. Seeing Jiheon who was leading the meeting, it means that Yujin classes was over. Wonyoung still saw Yujin’s car parked in front of her department building which meant Yujin was still in Amethyst. But where is the older girl?

The meeting continued with discussing the progress of each contributor of the festival. Starting from the performer, which is now led by Yuna and Doah. If the meeting goes on as usual, then after this it is Yujin’s responsibility to review the preparation of the exhibition. Jiheon who had finished her speech was seen leaving her spot and walking toward Wonyoung. She smiled as the older girl took a place next to her.

“How is the progress of Syzygy? Did Yujin bother you?”

Wonyoung looked surprised. She smiled and shook her head answering the question.

“Yujin Unnie was so nice and cooperative. She gave me advices how to complete our project.” Wonyoung could catch the doubt in Jiheon’s eyes when she said that but the older girl quickly returned to her calm gesture. Wonyoung chose to share her story with Yujin. “After reviewing all of Yujin Unnie’s photos and combining them with my paintings, we decided to design Syzygy in five criterias, Unnie. Besides that, I’m still trying to finish my other paintings. Hopefully I can finish it on time.”

Jiheon seemed relieved to hear Wonyoung’s explanation. “To be honest, I’m a little worried about you. Sometimes Yujin can be a perfectionist and it . It’s a relief if An Yujin doesn’t bother you.”

“I can understand your concern, Unnie. I heard a lot about how Yujin Unnie was like when she worked on the project. But I don’t feel burdened working with her. It seems we have the same style and pace of work. We always get a solution in our discussions.” Wonyoung smiled broadly, trying to erase the worries that were still visible on Jiheon’s face.

“Alright then. But don’t ever hesitate to tell me if An Yujin bothers you. I will scold her if she is being annoying. I’m too familiar with her troublemaker side.”

Wonyoung giggled at Jiheon’s words. Even so she nodded her head and asked Jiheon not to worry about their project by saying that Yujin even documented the progress of their project which she would use as new content on her channel later. Hearing that, Jiheon realized that her best friend hadn’t released any video on her channel for a long time, and it’s not like Yujin to not release anything for so long. Probably their final project had helped to change Yujin’s behaviors. Jiheon can’t help but chuckle as she remembered that Yujin hasn’t even skipped class since the beginning of the semester. The usual Yujin would only appears once or twice a week.

“Oh, can you help us to design the exhibition layout? Yujin would sulking at me if I asked something like that to her.”

Wonyoung nodded enthusiastically. “Of course, Unnie. That is my specialty.”

“Thank you, Dear.” Jiheon gently patted Wonyoung’s head with a smile.

“Unnie,” Wonyoung called to make Jiheon look back at the younger girl. “Do you know where Yujin Unnie is? Why didn’t she came to the meeting today?”

“Ahhh since morning Yujin was sick so I told her to rest at the college council and go home after she felt better. Gahyeon is there to accompany her.”

Wonyoung nodded in agreement. “This morning she was rather pale, but she said she was sleep deprived.”

“It seems so. She went volunteered for Sunflower charity event in orphanages and nursing homes on weekend. Last night after working on our project, Yujin went to the studio to record her broadcast for the next two weeks. It seems like she just finished the recording at the dawn.”

“I thought after getting some sleep and eat, she would go back to her usual annoying brat self, but she vomited and felt dizzy. Yujin rarely gets sick, but-” Jiheon stopped when the auditorium door opened and Yujin walked into the place where she usually sat. Gahyeon followed after her and took a place next to Yujin. Gahyeon stared at Jiheon and shook her head as if to say she had failed to persuade Yujin to go home. Jiheon snorted and typed a message on her phone. “Stubborn. As usual.” Jiheon’s voice was annoyed when she read the message that came on her phone.

“I know you are worried about her. But she won’t go home even if you force her. I will take her to the hospital if her condition getting worse, Unnie. I promised you.”

Jiheon turned at Wonyoung’s words, confused for a second. But then she remembered a few days ago Yujin and Wonyoung came and went home together, so the older girl just smiled and nodded her head. Yujin did not say anything about her relationship with Wonyoung but Jiheon was quite understanding of her best friend’s character. Yujin clearly showed an unusual attention to the younger girl.

Wonyoung looked back to the front, the place where Yujin was standing and began to delegate work related to the exhibition for which she was responsible. Her face still looked pale and her voice sounded hoarse, but the gaze in her eyes was still firm as usual.

“She’s sick but still stubborn, I know. But she had to do that because she knew she would not be able to rest if she left her responsibilities. Didn’t you say she was a perfectionist? Let her be, Unnie. We’ll deal with sick An Yujin later.”




Sunflower Art & Culture Foundation, Cafeteria

Monday, October 20th, 2025

Yuri looked out the window. Her fingers touched the window glass which wet by the rain that was pouring heavily outside. She can clearly heard the sound of the raindrops splashing against the roof of the cafeteria. Her manager’s voice also heard as he was busy talking to the staff participated in the birthday event.

Yes, her birthday event.

Yuri deliberately held her birthday event with her fans earlier from her actual birthday date because she wanted to spend her birthday with Yena. These days they rarely spend time together. The last few weeks the older girl is very busy with Sapphire Tier which will be released later this month.

There is nothing much she did in her birthday event this year. She visited the café that was holding a birthday event for her and met her fans, then visiting one of her favorite places, a museum inside the Sunflower Art & Culture Foundation complex. Unexpectedly, when she was doing live show and talking about her favorite spots, Minjoo appeared to be a special guest prepared by her agency.

“You’ve been daydreaming a lot these days, Miss Jo. What is bothering your mind, hmm?”

Yuri turned to look at Minjoo, who was leaning on the chair with her arms folded in front of the chest. Yuri blinked and took a deep breath. She groaned when Minjoo’s gaze did not tear away from her. Since earlier she had managed to cover up her messy mind with smiles and happy laughter during the birthday event. But in front of Minjoo, Yuri knew she could not escape.

Yuri reached for the mug filled with hot chocolate in front of her. She took a slow sip, trying to steal the time to arrange words that scattered in her head. She does not know which one dominates and takes over her attention.

“I will announce my engagement before end of the year.”

Yuri almost choked when Min

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1760 streak #1
Didn’t have a chance to read much yet but wanted to let you know that you’re doing a great job! Keep up the good work and thank you for sharing with us!
Pholux #2
Chapter 69: i'm still visiting this website because of your story, authornim. Thank you for writing this wonderful story, happy fifth anniv to Violet I guess haha. See you on the next update :)
1760 streak #3
Chapter 30: Saw the warning but got through it! Hope your day or night is going well!
1760 streak #4
Chapter 29: oh my gosh, now i have to go back and reread with the songs playing in the background!!
1760 streak #5
Chapter 28: wait a minute! wait a minute!!! i need to reread that again!
1760 streak #6
Chapter 27: Thanks for the comments response! I hope our comments encourage you!
1760 streak #7
Chapter 25: i almost forgot loona was in this fic!!! until i saw your note and of course the tags lol!
wonyoandyuj #8
Chapter 68: I hope they have a happy ending they are miserable enough in real life😮‍💨
1760 streak #9
Chapter 23: ugh just reading an izone fanfic after along time gets me in the feels!!!