Chapter 55 (Calandra Reva)

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Vicky Jang's latest post made a buzz with the unexpected response from the familiar names. The post consists of pictures with different activities that seem to picture Vicky Jang's dates with her lover. Since the first day she opened her social media account, the young heiress of Victory Group has been seen actively uploading her daily activities. However, this is the first time she has uploaded photos related to her love life.


“To the moon and back, you’re my safe space… My forever… It was a blessing to be with you.”

Gianna_J “Ahhh so last night you were traveling to space so you didn’t come home huh?”

Forever_young “Now you know what I feel every time you don’t come home, right, Unnie?”

JoGlassy “Hei, young blood… You need to wait until the new moon.”

Forever_young “I’m not you… I can wait, okay? :p”

CarissaKim “Keep warm and be careful from the cold, Babe.”

Forever_young “Roger that, Unnie. I love you~”

Hell_Kang “Our babies are now grown up… I’m touched..”

Forever_young “We’re 21 and 22, Unnie. We are not kids anymore…”

HelleKim507 “So this is the reason why you didn’t want to have dinner with us? Meanie~”

Forever_young “I can't wait to see you, Minmin. I’ll meet you and others after the event, okay?”

Naoi_Reichan “Both of you look so good together..”

Forever_young “We are kekeke hope to see you soon, Bub.”


[+6543, -21] Gianna Jang’s comment is such a mood. I can relate kekeke

-> She was hilarious to expose her little sister like that…

->> Vicky’s reply was hilarious too… they were crazy to expose each other like that…

->>> Glad they’re like an ordinary sibling in real life, I thought their relationship would be like a Makjang drama.

->>>> Looks like Vicky is a typical troublemaker little sister who usually makes the oldest headache.


[+5312, -46] Seeing the comment section makes me sure Vicky Jang is such a social butterfly!!

-> I didn’t expect she’d have such a cutie banter with Jo Yuri.

->> We already know Jo Yuri and Kim Minjoo are besties, looks like Vicky Jang has been in their circle for a while

->>> Maybe Vicky is the one who records their holiday vlog and is their photographer every time Yuri and Minjoo are together.

->>>> Even Hellena Kang was there too.. How can they know each other?

->>>>> There’s a rumor that Hellena Kang is Kim Minjoo’s lover… maybe the rumor was true.


[+4455, -33] I never thought I’d see Minji and Rei comment in Vicky’s post… BlueJeans’s leader and Illa’s rapper.. just wow!

-> Wait! The current largest stakeholder in IllaFemme’s agency is Victory Project, right?!

->> I expect Vicky to engage with Illa’s 04 liners, but, Minji?! That’s unexpected!

->>> I heard Minji and Vicky are childhood friends.

->>>> But Minji said “us”, maybe she referred to 04 liners.


[+4331, -9] Cooking her dinner, knitting scarves and mittens, night late drive, midnight snack, playing puzzles and Jenga, cuddling, and doing sketching. They’re definitely an adorable couple.

-> Looking at the pictures and caption, I know Vicky’s lover makes her the happiest person in the world. The silhouette picture is so aesthetic and warm. Wish them together forever…

->> Her lover is a year older than her and looking at the comment, Vicky’s lover is someone who is close to Hellena Kang. Someone who is good at cooking, knitting, driving, having fun, and playing games. Hmmm…

->>> Vicky’s beautiful, brainy, rich, and talented, that’s impossible if she’s still single lol I know Netizens will dig into Vicky’s life to expose her lover…

->>>> That’s the only name and person that popped up in my head after I saw the comment section. I think I know who’s Vicky’s safe space… kekeke




An Residence, Seoul

Thursday, November 20th, 2025 

“I'm from the MZ Generation, Unnie. I don't want my introduction video to feel like a boomer, especially since the company I'm handling is in the creative industry.” Wonyoung let her body collapse onto the couch, feeling its comforting embrace as she scrolled through the morning news on her sleek tablet. A serene smile adorned her lips, reflecting a sense of contentment.

“If that's what you want, you can discuss it directly with the PR division. Your secretary will arrange a meeting for you,” Gyuri replied, her voice carrying the air of someone accustomed to handling such matters effortlessly. She was used to her sister's behavior, which was demanding and perfectionist.

“Can I ask for video documentation from the PR division and request Yujin Unnie to make a video for me?” Wonyoung asked carefree as if it wasn't something that had to be thought through carefully.

“Yah! I know she's your lover, but Yujin is already with another agency. You can't just ask Yujin to do something for you without a proper partnership. Business is business; you can't keep using your privileges like that.”

Gyuri's response carried a tone of pragmatic authority. Her words were delivered with a measured calmness, reflecting a seasoned understanding of the business world. The choice of phrase, “Business is business,” underscored a sense of professionalism and adherence to established norms needed to align with the formalities of the industry. Gyuri's tone emphasizes the importance of respecting contracts and professional boundaries, even in personal matters. Wonyoung can't help but giggle at the response.

“Roger that, Sis. I'll have my secretary arrange a meeting with Yujin Unnie's agency and manager to negotiate a partnership contract.”

“I don't mind if you want to make an introduction video according to your preferences. However, tonight, you will represent Victory as the owner of one of the villas in Chrysalis. The congratulatory video needs to be ready for the grand opening of Chrysalis Village. Do you think Yujin can complete it in a few hours? I heard she'll be busy with her schedule today.”

“Unnie, I ask you to purchase that villa under your name, not mine!” Wonyoung whined upon learning that Gyuri made a mad decision without discussing it with her first. “I'll be in trouble if the Elders find out. You're sabotaging their plans to own several villas in Chrysalis.”

“I did it not for you, and I'm sure they won't suspect you. Besides, I don't like them having a villa there, and I did it before you asked me to. You have no involvement in this business.” Gyuri sounded nonchalant and remained composed, leaving Wonyoung with a mix of confusion and curiosity. “You can say that Gianna Jang purchased the villa and resold it to several buyers at a higher price. Just consider the villa under your name as a gift from me. They'll understand because that's how I work.”

“Besides me, to whom are you selling the other villas?”

“Don't you like surprises? You'll find out tonight.” Gyuri responded with a teasing tone as if she enjoyed keeping details hidden for a dramatic reveal.

“Unnie, you can't do this to me. I can't just show up unprepared. I need to know who I'll meet tonight.” Wonyoung's plea for more information. She felt overwhelmed by the unknown, emphasizing the importance of clarity before the anticipated event.

“Don't worry too much. There a people you know attending the event. Chaeyeonie, Doyeonie, and Sohye must be there because Chrysalis Village is their project. Kim Chaewon and Ha Sooyoung are on the guest list tonight as the owners of the villa. Also, I heard Jiwoo bought one of the villas, but I don't know if she'll come tonight, considering her relationship with her lover is still a bit strained.” Gyuri gives another piece of information that makes Wonyoung frown.

“Eden Kim has a lover?” Wonyoung asked for confirmation. “I watched her confession in her livestream with Yujin Unnie, but I thought it was just a gimmick.”

“Do you think she's lying and interested in your Yujin?” Wonyoung scoffed at Gyuri's question. “She has had a girlfriend, and she's been dating her since high school. Jiwoo's girlfriend is one of the architects who designed the Chrysalis project, and Jiwoo loves her deeply. Too deeply to the point of making me sick every time I hear her talk about her girlfriend.”

“You have no right to speak like that when you can't be far from your partner.” Wonyoung calmly retorted. “The presence of someone like her makes me believe that a relationship can still have the same sparks after years with the same person.”

“Do you doubt that Yujin will feel the same way about you after years together?” Gyuri asked point-blankly and made Wonyoung sigh.

“Who knows? We never know how God can change human feelings.” Wonyoung gives her reason.

“Don't be. If you still doubt the feeling between you and her, you shouldn't have started in the first place. You shouldn't have written 'My Safe Space, My Forever' in your cringe-worthy post last night.”

Gyuri's words made Wonyoung furrow her brow.

“You've never met Yujin Unnie, but it seems like you trust her a lot. You're my sister; you should be on my side.” She protested and Gyuri laughed at Wonyoung's words.

“I know both of her siblings well, and I believe they didn't raise their little sister to be a loser who would hurt someone she loves.” Gyuri gave her reason. “Did you tell Daddy about your relationship with Yujin?”

“Oh, yeah, and Daddy likes her.” Wonyoung shared the revelation about her father's positive impression of Yujin, reflecting a sense of delight and satisfaction. The memory of the conversation with her dad seemed to bring her joy, and her expressive face conveyed the warmth of that moment. “I think Ong Oppa has often talked about his wish to recruit Yujin Unnie to Daddy and failed to make her a part of Victory Project. It turns out I ended up dating her.”

“All entertainment agencies want her, Sis. I don't think you realize who you're dating.”

Wonyoung can imagine her sister's expression when she said that. Gyuri must be frustrated like what Seongwu did upon remembering Wonyoung looks so clueless about Yujin's popularity in the entertainment industry.

“Wonie, why didn't you wake me up?” Yujin's voice, soft and laced with a hint of morning warmth, gently diverted her attention.

“You were sleeping so soundly, Unnie. Did you think I'd be heartless enough to disturb you?” She answered with a smile.

Yujin's smile at the response. She walked closer to Wonyoung and painted a portrait of affection. With a tender grace, she bowed to kiss Wonyoung's forehead, a sweet morning greeting that spoke volumes without words. Wonyoung reciprocated the smile, savoring the delicate moments shared in the silence.

Yujin heading to the kitchen like a scene of the daily movie in the morning tranquility. The gentle way of the fridge opening marked the beginning of the day, and Wonyoung couldn't help but admire the serene scene unfolding before her. The kitchen island became a makeshift haven for the older girl, a place where sleepy gazes lingered on the fridge's contents. Wonyoung marveled at the sight, finding beauty in the simplicity of the morning routine shared with someone she cherished. Wonyoung couldn't help but feel a profound sense of gratitude for the quiet moments that spoke volumes in their shared world.

“Is that Yujin?” Gyuri's voice reminded her that they were still on the phone.

“Hmmm... I stayed at her apartment last night.” Wonyoung heard Gyuri chuckling at her answer.

“I'm sure you'll also spend the time with her today, so let your secretary arrange your schedule and bring the team to shoot the video at Amethyst.”

“I love you, Jang Gyuri. You're the best.” Wonyoung said before ending their conversation.

She looks up, searching for Yujin who is still in the kitchen. Yujin, still cloaked in pajamas, rubbed her eyes in an endearingly sleepy way. Just a simple act of taking a sip from a water bottle added a touch of intimacy, a silent affirmation of the presence of her lover.

“Unnie, is it okay if we have breakfast outside?” Wonyoung's request with a soft tone, a gentle plea that hung between them.

The corners of Yujin's lips curled upward in a subtle affirmation, a response that Wonyoung knows by heart as a 'yes'. She saw Yujin reach for a carton of milk, pouring its creamy contents into a porcelain mug. With a grace that spoke of routine familiarity, she approached Wonyoung, extending the mug as if offering a piece of morning serenity. Wonyoung accepted it with thanks, their fingers brushing in a fleeting dance of warmth.

Seated side by side, the unspoken conversation continued a silent exchange of affectionate glances that held promises for the day ahead as Wonyoung gulped the milk. The ambient light cast a soft glow, making Yujin's fingers move gently to brush Wonyoung's hair that hides her side profile.

“Do you want something for breakfast? Steak? Soup? Toast?” Yujin's voice sounds like a sweet invitation to partake in the morning's offerings.

Wonyoung furrowed her brow playfully at the array of choices presented. “Can I get everything?”

Yujin's laughter echoed like a soothing melody, a harmonious response to Wonyoung's whimsical request.

“Of course. I'll take you to one of my favorite places.” The promise lingered in the air, a prelude to an adventure where the flavors of their shared affection would blend seamlessly with the offerings of the day.

“Take me there.” Wonyoung placed the mug on the table and leaned into Yujin, nestling in her girlfriend's embrace.

Yujin was enveloped in the warmth as she felt the gentle weight of Wonyoung leaning into her, a seamless blend of affection and anticipation. With a tender grace, she pressed her cheek against the crown of Wonyoung's head, her fingertips tracing soothing patterns on her arms. It was a dance of comfort, a silent assurance that the day's offerings would unfold with the same serenity.

“If you stick to me like this, how am I supposed to take you there, hmm?”

Yujin's voice held a playful lilt. “Should I carry you again like last night?”

Wonyoung laughed playfully and shook her head. “Just for ten minutes. You're so warm; I want to be in your arms longer, Unnie.”

“More than ten minutes.” Yujin's response carried a soft sincerity. She kissed the top of Wonyoung's head, a tender seal on the unspoken promise, and tightened her embrace. “You can be in my arms for as long as you want. Forever, if you want me to.” The words lingered like a whispered vow, etching a love story into the canvas of their shared moments.




Rose Café, Seoul

Thursday, November 20th, 2025 

“Breakfast with love; what's your breakfast?” Wonyoung typed with a radiant smile before delicately tapping the post button on her account's story. Gently placing her phone on the table, she picked up her utensils, ready to savor the delightful menu before her.

“Is it okay to write a caption like that in your post?” Yujin extended her hand towards the plate of steak at the end of the table, presenting it before Wonyoung. Wonyoung's favorite dish. “You must be aware that your post from last night went viral and became the talk of the town.”

In response, Wonyoung nodded, her demeanor unfazed by the attention.

“Do you mind if I write something like that in my post?” Wonyoung asked in return, her eyes filled with curiosity.

Yujin shook her head, accompanied by a gentle smile. “I don't mind at all. I'm just concerned that netizens might talk about you and disturb your private life. You're not ordinary, Wonie. Since day one, anything you post on your account has effortlessly captivated the attention of netizens. Even without writing any captions, I'm sure your posts will still be the talk of the town.”

“Have you been bothered by what netizens do to you all this time?” Wonyoung asked, her eyes showing genuine concern for Yujin's well-being.

“I don't care because, at that time, there was nothing I needed to protect,” Yujin responded with a nonchalant shrug, her tone carrying a hint of indifference as if she had grown accustomed to the online scrutiny.

“And now?” Wonyoung probed further, her eyebrows slightly furrowed.

“I think I have to be more careful with anything I do. I don't want you getting hurt by the comments,” Yujin replied, her expression softening, revealing a protective undertone.

“Why?” Wonyoung asked, seeking to understand Yujin's underlying concern.

Yujin hesitated for a moment before answering, her eyes averting briefly as she delicately admitted, “You're too adorable and obvious at the same time. I'm sure soon netizens will know who your safe space and your forever are in your post.” Her face turned a subtle shade of red as she recalled the caption Wonyoung wrote last night. “I don't want you to face criticism ju

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1760 streak #1
Didn’t have a chance to read much yet but wanted to let you know that you’re doing a great job! Keep up the good work and thank you for sharing with us!
Pholux #2
Chapter 69: i'm still visiting this website because of your story, authornim. Thank you for writing this wonderful story, happy fifth anniv to Violet I guess haha. See you on the next update :)
1760 streak #3
Chapter 30: Saw the warning but got through it! Hope your day or night is going well!
1760 streak #4
Chapter 29: oh my gosh, now i have to go back and reread with the songs playing in the background!!
1760 streak #5
Chapter 28: wait a minute! wait a minute!!! i need to reread that again!
1760 streak #6
Chapter 27: Thanks for the comments response! I hope our comments encourage you!
1760 streak #7
Chapter 25: i almost forgot loona was in this fic!!! until i saw your note and of course the tags lol!
wonyoandyuj #8
Chapter 68: I hope they have a happy ending they are miserable enough in real life😮‍💨
1760 streak #9
Chapter 23: ugh just reading an izone fanfic after along time gets me in the feels!!!