Chapter 33 (Fool)

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It's the double update.

Please check and read the previous chapter (the chapter that was written in Indonesian now updated in the English version) before you continue to read this chapter.

Happy weekend and happy reading >.<

Peace... Love... and... Kewl! ^^



Soul Cemetery, Seoul

Friday, October 31st, 2025

“(Im) Nayoung Unnie is still in Tunis. I don't know when she will come back. She only asked me to convey her greetings to you.”

Chaeyeon pursed her lips for a moment after placing the last bouquet she was carrying on a gravestone. Next to her was another bouquet with fresh flowers laying first as if to mock her. It felt like it had been a long time since she had last visited this place. Her hectic overseas life and busy shooting schedule are always the best reasons she gives as excuses for herself. But today she chose not to run away. After all, today is exactly the seventh anniversary of the death of a loved one.

“You always say that Jung's pride is too ingrained in my blood and makes me hate being defeated. I guess you are right. It feels annoying every time I found out someone visiting you first, even if it's your best friend.” Chaeyeon grumbled before squatting and looking at the photo on the gravestone. “But it doesn't matter. I'm still the only one yours, Miss Ki.”

Chaeyeon bit her lower lip with her hand rubbing the gravestone.

“I know Kim Nayoung will come to tell you if the song she produced is back in the nominations for Song of the Year. But I didn't know she came before me.” Chaeyeon smiled remembering how the friendship of Nayoung and Heehyun, the girl who was sleeping peacefully under this gravestone. “I'm proud of her. I know you will feel the same. She is awesome.”

Chaeyeon played with her fingers, trying to keep her hand busy.

“It's been seven years, Unnie, and your pups... they are as annoying as ever. Looks like I keep complaining about the same thing huh?” Chaeyeon snorted to herself. She returned to stand at her feet with a gaze that did not move from the gravestone. “I don't blame (Kim) Nayoung Unnie for letting them do whatever they want. As the last leader and an Eidolon, the freedom she gives is reasonable considering The Elder killed half of your team. But still, it feels annoying every time they think I'm against them. It's as if they forgot that you, their leader, is used to be my Tier.”

Chaeyeon looked down at her fingers. She smiled a little looking at the ring coiled on her ring finger. A ring with two different gemstones.

“Unnie… At the end of last year, (Im) Nayoung Unnie proposed to me. Officially, not because of the ties in our Ruler Line. Do you think she loves me? Do you think she didn't do it because of your will?”

Chaeyeon took a deep breath and lifted her head. The sky started to give off an orange tinge. It's time for her to come back. Being in this place too long only made her feel gloomy.

Being in Jinsol's VIP suite and bothering Sooyoung is better than being in the apartment alone, she thought with one hand reaching into her coat pocket to get the phone.

“My beloved Solie, may I visit you?” Chaeyeon's voice sounded cheerful when she heard her cousin's voice. Her smile reached her eyes when she heard that Jinsol had now been discharged from the hospital. “Okay, I'm going to visit your apartment. Please, tell Sooyoung I'll bring her favorite macaron so she won't kick me out.”

Chaeyeon turned her body and immediately stopped her movement. She saw someone standing not far from her, right between two gravestones with a fresh flower bouquet lying on each gravestone. Chaeyeon frowned realizing that the other girl also put a bouquet in front of the same gravestone as her. Chaeyeon narrowed her eyes at the girl's face, she felt familiarity like she had met that girl before.

“Sooyoung asked you to bring dinner. She still hasn't eaten the macarons you brought yesterday.” Jinsol's voice brought Chaeyeon back to her senses. Chaeyeon turned back to face the gravestone, still with the phone to her ear.

“Okay, send me a text about what you want. I'll take it to your apartment.” From the corner of her eye, Chaeyeon saw the girl walking away from the gravestone towards the parking lot. “See you soon, Dear.”

Chaeyeon disconnected and walked towards the parking lot. But right in front of one of the graves where the girl who caught her attention put her flower bouquet, Chaeyeon's steps stopped. She stared at the gravestone with the engraved letters and a photo of a young girl.

“Kim Ji-” Chaeyeon narrowed her eyes because she could not see the name engraved on the gravestone because it was covered in a bouquet. She frowned trying to remember the owner of the face from the photo.


Chaeyeon felt her heart stop beating when she realized that the girl buried here had the same day of death as her ex-girlfriend. It has the same day of death as the owner of the other five gravestones that line next to it.

Instantly Chaeyeon felt shaking.


“Do you remember what happened today seven years ago? Isn't it a coincidence that Sapphire launched this event with the Sapphire Tier series? Those who bid farewell to the world seven years ago were also Tier. I'm sure you noticed, but you choose to ignore the information, assuming nothing.”

“Then what if I realized it? I can't bring back something that was lost. I can't bring back someone who has died. I also can't control human feelings. Anything can happen and betting is the way we always do, even if you know it's dangerous.”

“That's not a problem. But you... You opted out of the battlefield. You're not even in the bleachers to give the support we need. Honestly, I'm disappointed in you, Jung Chaeyeon. You can't keep hiding because of healing time. You're a Pillar. You have the power to change things.”

“I have the right to decide what I want in my life. Even the choice to stay out of the war that is coming in a matter of months. There are no rules that require a Pillar to be on the battlefield.”

“From the start, you knew there weren't any rules we had to follow. Killing or being killed is a choice. But I hope giving up isn't a decision. You're not the only one who feels lost. You lost your Tier, so did I.”

“You don't know how it feels when your beloved die in your arms.”

“At least you were on Heehyun Unnie's side. You're with her until her last breath. I don't even have a chance to bid a simple goodbye to my Tier. I lost her because I was too busy to protect my Ruler!”

“And now, you want me to do the same? Behaving like the other Pillar, to protect my Ruler with all cost?”

“I hope you remember this... Your Tier sacrifices herself to protect your Ruler. Even now I don't understand why your Tier who is my leader too, protects your Ruler. Right on this day, she dies in your arms to protect your Ruler, for your safety. I hope you don't forget that.”

“I hope you also haven't forgotten if that is her way of protecting you. Your Ruler will die if my Ruler die.”


Chaeyeon clenched her jaw, realizing that every coincidence that happened today was related to one another. As if giving her a sign that something big was waiting for her.




Sapphire Corp., Seoul

Friday, October 31st, 2025

“I'm not sure Unnies will let you try the Crown Sapphire simulation. You can go around and enjoy the food that Sapphire prepares for guests.”

Yujin signaled Wonyoung to get out of the elevator first. Wonyoung nodded and walked leading through the hallway to the hall. Realizing that Yujin was not keeping pace with her, she slowed down waiting for Yujin to walk beside her.

“Doah will come with her siblings. You can walk with her around. You can call me if you feel bored and want to go home. I'll be waiting for you on the lounge.”

This time, Wonyoung's steps stopped. She turned her body and looked at Yujin with a frown on her forehead.

“What's your problem, Unnie?” Wonyoung walked over to Yujin and stopped right in front of the older girl.

Yujin tilted her head, looking confused by Wonyoung's question.

“What's my problem?” She pointed to herself.

“You don't have to do that and make it very clear that you are avoiding me. If you are not enthusiastic about what is happening here why do you fulfill my request? You can stay at Busan until the end of the week. Why didn't you tell me that the other besides your squad also follows you to Busan? Why don't you ask me and-” Wonyoung took a deep breath realizing how she bombarded Yujin with questions. In her mind, she cursed herself for letting go of all her irritation on Yujin.

“Never mind. I'm sorry, Unnie. Please forget what I said earlier.” Wonyoung continued her steps, but Yujin moved quickly ahead of Wonyoung and stopped in front of the younger girl, deliberately blocking her steps.

Yujin can feel Wonyoung's gaze that feels differ

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1760 streak #1
Didn’t have a chance to read much yet but wanted to let you know that you’re doing a great job! Keep up the good work and thank you for sharing with us!
Pholux #2
Chapter 69: i'm still visiting this website because of your story, authornim. Thank you for writing this wonderful story, happy fifth anniv to Violet I guess haha. See you on the next update :)
1760 streak #3
Chapter 30: Saw the warning but got through it! Hope your day or night is going well!
1760 streak #4
Chapter 29: oh my gosh, now i have to go back and reread with the songs playing in the background!!
1760 streak #5
Chapter 28: wait a minute! wait a minute!!! i need to reread that again!
1760 streak #6
Chapter 27: Thanks for the comments response! I hope our comments encourage you!
1760 streak #7
Chapter 25: i almost forgot loona was in this fic!!! until i saw your note and of course the tags lol!
wonyoandyuj #8
Chapter 68: I hope they have a happy ending they are miserable enough in real life😮‍💨
1760 streak #9
Chapter 23: ugh just reading an izone fanfic after along time gets me in the feels!!!