Chapter 56 (Touch)

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An's Residence, Seoul

Friday, November 21st, 2025 

With the utmost care, Yujin untangled herself from Wonyoung's embrace and got off the bed. She reached for her shirt lying on the floor, slipping it on without making a sound. Yujin didn't immediately leave the room. Instead, she settled back on the bed's edge, casting a fond gaze upon the peacefully slumbering Wonyoung.

Since the first time they met, it has been rare for Yujin to wake up earlier than Wonyoung. But every time that happened, Yujin never missed the opportunity to look at the girl. Wonyoung looked beautiful in her sleep. For her, one thing that always warms her heart is seeing Wonyoung so comfortable by her side and sleeping soundly between her arms. Her hand went to tuck the blanket over Wonyoung's exposed shoulder, sealing the gesture with a gentle kiss on her forehead, unexpectedly causing Wonyoung's eyes to open.

“Good morning, Sleepyhead.” Yujin's fingers danced tenderly across Wonyoung's head. Wonyoung, in response, reached for Yujin's hand, gently urging her to return to the cocoon of their shared warmth.

“It's a bit chilly. Stay with me. Don't go anywhere.”

Yujin chuckled, seamlessly slipping back under the covers. She extended her arms, creating a pillow for Wonyoung's head as the younger girl nestled into her chest. Yujin's hand traced soothing patterns, caressing Wonyoung's , urging her to burrow even deeper into the comforting embrace.

“Wait a moment; I'll get a hoodie for you.” Without waiting for Wonyoung's reply, Yujin separated herself, swiftly retrieving clothing for her beloved.

“Put on your clothes, and I will let you continue your sleep.” Yujin sat beside Wonyoung and handed her the clothes she had brought.

“Dress me, please.” Wonyoung extended her hand with a pout on her face.

Yujin shook her head but readily acceded to Wonyoung's request. Seated beside her, Yujin gently pulled Wonyoung up to sit. The younger girl, complying with a smile, lifted her hands, making it easier for Yujin to delicately drape the hoodie over her. Despite it all, Wonyoung couldn't conceal the grin on her face, witnessing Yujin turn her head and deliberately avoid eye contact. The gentle blush on Yujin's face only fueled Wonyoung's playful teasing.

“You've seen everything already, yet why is your face blushing?” Wonyoung asked with a grin on her face. “Did you remember what we did last night? You saw me and-”

“My face isn't blushing; you're being full of yourself again.” Yujin bit her lower lip, feeling frustrated because of Wonyoung's teasing.

“In that case, help me with my shorts too.” Wonyoung gestured towards the underwear and shorts Yujin had brought, directing with a subtle tilt of her head.

“Are you enjoying torturing me like this?” Yujin huffed but followed what Wonyoung wanted.

“I know you enjoy it, Unnie.” Wonyoung crawled up into Yujin's lap after the girl finished helping her dress. She embraced Yujin once more, seeking solace in her warmth.

Yujin grumbled while searching for her comfortable position, steadfastly retaining her hold around Wonyoung's waist, making sure Wonyoung was still in her comfortable position.

“I'm glad to hear your heartbeat,” Wonyoung murmured with closed eyes. “At first, I was worried because your heart beats faster than usual whenever I'm near you. But now, I've grown accustomed to the melody of your strong, steady heartbeat. It's like a reassuring sign that you're right here with me, alive, and I know you're not going anywhere.”

“I'm not going anywhere.” Yujin kissed the side of Wonyoung's head and tightened their hug. “Sleep. I'll let you cuddle with me for another hour.”

“Why only an hour?” Wonyoung lifted her face with a furrowed forehead.

“Because in three hours, you have an interview with a magazine at Victory, and I need to meet my manager to review my schedule.” Yujin lowered her head, planting a chaste kiss on Wonyoung's lips.

“Can we have breakfast together before we dive into our busy schedules?”

“Sure.” Yujin reached for her phone, scrolling through the options for the nearest café to order breakfast. “Is there anything you'd like for breakfast? While waiting for our meal, you can cuddle me and enjoy a bit more sleep.”

“Anything, as long as it's with you. I don't mind.” Wonyoung tightened their hug and closed her eyes. It was easy for her to drift back into slumber when Yujin's comforting hand continued its gentle caresses.

“It's always nice to see you sleep well in my arms, Love,” Yujin whispered, nuzzling her cheek against the crown of Wonyoung's head.




Vicky Jang looked stunning at the grand opening of Chrysalis Village. Vicky Jang owned the spotlight at the event, and can we just take a moment to appreciate that congratulatory video? Her congratulatory video went viral faster than the WiFi connection, and the comments section is like a rollercoaster of feels! She speaks so eloquently with a calm and mature demeanor. She is a rising star in the fashion and entertainment business, and we need to keep an eye on her achievements.


[+20991, -1126] Someone's here ready to propose with a diamond ring, y'all! “Marry me, Miss Jang!!”

-> I need to remind myself that this amazing lady already has a lover. 

->> Is her lover good at fighting?

->>> If I were her lover, I'd be having an existential crisis daily and feeling insecure because I have a perfect girlfriend like Vicky Jang.

->>>> I bet her lover is perfect like her, and we're just a bunch of mere mortals. Well, lucky you to be the owner of Vicky's heart!


[+19787, -22] Mature and beautiful doesn't even cut it. She's a living, breathing work of art!

-> She’s ing gorgeous!! She’s a living doll!!

->> Our Wonyoungie is good with everything…

->>> Literally, my jaw met the floor when I saw her pictures. Cool and amazing? Understatement!

->>> Vicky's style is the new standard. Bow down!


[+10798, -12] “I'll be your person, Your Highness!!” bows dramatically

-> She's the reigning Queen in our hearts, and we're just living in her kingdom!

->> She dropped the casual look the other day and gave this Princess look the next day. We're loving it!

->>> She was crazy, and I’m crazy in love with her! Vicky's face is my new screensaver.

->>>> Lately, I've seen her face more often than my parents' faces. She’s everywhere!!


[+9452, -63] Life goals: Either be in Vicky's shoes or her lover's shoes.

-> Swapping lives with her lover? Sign me up!

->> Vicky's lover probably saved the world in their past lives; no biggie.

->>> The real dilemma is: Who's the owner of her heart? Is it a woman or a man? Broken hearts if it's a guy who owned her heart!

 ->>>> We don’t know—maybe both—but the recent conversation in her post only references Vicky’s lover as someone who’s a year older than her. Who knows?!




Amethyst Stadium, Amethyst Saga University

Friday, November 21st, 2025 

“Why didn't they tell me that you're taking part in this event?” Kazuha grumbled for a moment after flopping down next to Yujin. She checked her cue card again and highlighted it with a marker. “It's hard to ignore you if you're so close to me like this.”

Yujin laughed at Kazuha's complaint. She had no idea that Kazuha was one of the MCs for the event later. But unlike Kazuha, who whined upon finding out about Yujin's appearance, Yujin seems calm and unbothered.

“I guess they purposely didn't tell you because they were afraid you'd refuse to be an MC if they told you about my existence,” Yujin responded casually. “You always reject them because of me. Besides, what are you worried about?”

“I'm just annoyed that articles about our relationship might become media fodder again,” Kazuha pouted. “I know we casually dated a few times a long time ago, but it didn't mean anything. We didn't even kiss. It's just part of the past. Everyone has the past, right?”

“If it's just the past, it shouldn't bother you. Unless you've had feelings for me.”

“Yah! I'm not bothered; I'm just upset because it reminds me of the fact that An Yujin should always be by my side. I'm annoyed because An Yujin refused to join UnityEnt and debut with IllaFemme. And now you have an exclusive contract with IndieGo Voyage as a producer and director. You're annoying, An.”

“Do you think I'll be happy to follow the training schedules, releasing and promoting albums, fan signs, fan meetings, and touring around the world? I don't like being controlled. I can't imagine the schedule that demands me to do this and that. No one can control my life, okay?”

“I don't like being controlled. No one can control my life.” Kazuha scoffed, mocking Yujin's words. “Give me a reasonable explanation. Make me understand your position.”

“I was already popular before UnityEnt offered me that debut thing, so why should I sell my freedom to start over?” Yujin replied.

“Yah! An Yujin!” Kazuha stood up and crossed her arms in front of her chest, looking annoyed at Yujin's response. “Can we talk like adults? Stop giving me silly reasons.”

“Because you're gifted. You guys are gifted. That's the reason,” Yujin answered with a different look in her eyes, softening Kazuha's gaze. “Both IllaFemme and BlueJeans are in the same Ruler Line. I don't like dealing with gifted people, whoever they are. Not after what happened to me. I don't want them to have another reason to destroy me. Not after they make me lose someone I wanted to protect so much.”

“Sorry...” Kazuha whispered.

“Don't look at me like that. You'll only create a new scandal if someone else sees you like this. You look like an ex who apologized for dumping me and choosing her career as an idol.” Yujin threw a towel that hit Kazuha's face deliberately, bringing up rumors and scandals that always followed them.

“You bastard.” Kazuha frowned as Yujin's throw messed up her makeup and hair.

Yujin laughed and patted the sofa next to her. “Let me fix your hair and makeup.”

Instead of sitting next to Yujin, Kazuha intentionally sat on her lap and cupped her hands on Yujin's face.

“I wonder what the media would say if they saw me in your lap, your face like this, huh?”

“Yah! Stupid! Get out, you crazy bastard!” Yujin slapped Kazuha's thigh to get her off her lap, making Kazuha laugh. She got off Yujin's lap after intentionally messing up her hair. “I'll tell Yunjin Unnie about your stupid acts.”

“Do you think I'm scared?!” Kazuha stuck out her tongue and sat next to Yujin. Skillfully, her hands fixed her makeup and hair before turning to face Yujin.

“Does your girlfriend is a jealous type?”

Yujin furrowed her brow at the question. “I think her Ruler role makes her a bit possessive and demanding, but I don't know about the jealous thing. Why?”

“I forgot we're in the open space,” Kazuha grinned awkwardly. Although they were in a VIP room, the room was made of glass with sliding doors. Anything they did could be seen by those around the room.

“Hisshh... I won't be responsible if new rumors arise after your crazy behavior.”

“Yah! You're the one who threw a towel in my face! You'll only hurt my pride if there's a video of your antics later! I'm an idol, An Yujin.”

“And do I care?” Yujin replied and stuck out her tongue. “Besides, your image has been messed up since your debut. You don't need to maintain that little pride of yours.”

“I'll tell to Yunjin Unnie about this.”

“Do you think I'm scared?” Yujin retorted, not wanting to lose.

“Yah! You—”

“We shouldn't have left you two alone in this place without supervision if you're going to keep arguing like this.” Yuna shook her head and took a seat between Yujin and Kazuha, intentionally forcing them to move aside. She handed two cups of hot chocolate to Yujin and Kazuha before taking a deep breath.

“I'm grateful that I can still see and hear you two argue like back then. I thought you wouldn't greet each other like an ex with a bitter past.”

“I'm not her ex!” Yujin and Kazuha responded simultaneously.

“But you both act like bitter exes.” Yuna looked at Yujin. “You never came to IllaFemme's concert, even though Zuha invited all of us. Instead, you were in your apartment, and I don't know what you were doing.” Her gaze turned to Kazuha. “And you didn't come to see Yujin's solo exhibition. Even though you were in Seoul at the time and had no other schedule. Tell me which part doesn't show that you're avoiding each other.”

“It's just to avoid the media play,” Kazuha waved her hand.

Yuna blinked, not believing what she heard.

“Sometimes some agencies do the dirty trick to attract public attention, and in the case of IllaFemme, mentioning Yujin's name and using our relationship as a rumor is one of the cheapest and quickest marketing methods. Especially since Yujin's channel was already popular, and I think they're still salty because Yujin refused to join IllaFemme.” Kazuha shrugged with a disgusted expression. “I despise dirty tricks like that. As if we, IllaFemme, can't be popular without rumors and scandals.”

“Zuha asked me not to come to her concert, and she chose not to attend my solo exhibition. She's already fed up with all that media play, and I just play along with her.” Yujin added.

“But the reality is that IllaFemme is immensely talented and popular. Even without her presence.” Yuna pointed to Yujin and tried to lift Kazuha's mood. “Your CEO must be stupid to think like that. An Yujin becomes a troublemaker if she joins you. She will never follow your team schedule and will make your team go shambles.”

Yujin scoffed at Yuna's words, making Kazuha laugh.

“And I'm grateful that the Chief Commissioners fired the CEO a few months after our debut and chose to join hands with Victory Project. Unlike the previous CEOs, Dongmin Oppa and Ong Oppa give us freedom. But still, I choose to avoid doing unofficial projects with her.” Kazuha gave her reason and turned to Yujin. “Do you know they were so excited when they knew you would direct our MV? Yesterday, Ong Oppa even threw a party to celebrate it. I don't know what he would do if you did a collaboration performance with us.”

“I was surprised when they agreed to the revised concept that I changed without discussing it with them. The concept I changed would cost a lot of money, and I don't understand why they agreed to it. Especially considering that this is the first time I will direct your MV.” Yujin looked at Kazuha with curious eyes.

“I don't know what you changed, but if you get both of them to agree to your expensive concept, I think your concept is awesome. UnityEnt and Victory Project always give their best to support us if what you do has a positive impact on the group. Moreover, we know how you executed the two MVs before. You put a signature in your work that makes people know that it's Cairo Violette's work.”

Yuna gave the slightest smirk to hear the information.

“Are you not curious to know what will happen to your CEO if Yujin collaborates with IllaFemme members?” A mischievous smile appeared on Yuna's face. She looked alternately at Kazuha and Yujin before taking the pen and cue card from Kazuha's hand. “I came to tell you if there were any changes in the event itinerary. One of the performers can't attend due to an accident. I think it's okay to replace it with your names.” Yuna crossed out one performer on the list. She smiled thinly before handing it back to Kazuha. “You don't need to worry; we've got permission from your agencies. Just say yes, and we'll be okay. See you on the stage, Bub.”

Yuna quickly ran towards the stage, leaving Yujin and Kazuha staring at the cue card in Kazuha's hand with furrowed brows.

“Shin Yuna, you bastard.”




Amethyst Café, Amethyst Saga University

Friday, November 21st, 2025 

“I didn't expect you to ask to meet at this place. I thought you woul

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1760 streak #1
Didn’t have a chance to read much yet but wanted to let you know that you’re doing a great job! Keep up the good work and thank you for sharing with us!
Pholux #2
Chapter 69: i'm still visiting this website because of your story, authornim. Thank you for writing this wonderful story, happy fifth anniv to Violet I guess haha. See you on the next update :)
1760 streak #3
Chapter 30: Saw the warning but got through it! Hope your day or night is going well!
1760 streak #4
Chapter 29: oh my gosh, now i have to go back and reread with the songs playing in the background!!
1760 streak #5
Chapter 28: wait a minute! wait a minute!!! i need to reread that again!
1760 streak #6
Chapter 27: Thanks for the comments response! I hope our comments encourage you!
1760 streak #7
Chapter 25: i almost forgot loona was in this fic!!! until i saw your note and of course the tags lol!
wonyoandyuj #8
Chapter 68: I hope they have a happy ending they are miserable enough in real life😮‍💨
1760 streak #9
Chapter 23: ugh just reading an izone fanfic after along time gets me in the feels!!!