Chapter 52 (Summer Fall)

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Library, Gallia

Saturday, February 8th, 2019 

Wonyoung shifted her attention away from her sketchbook, filled with the of her hand. She glanced over at Yujin, who was still engrossed in her book. They sat in the quiet solitude of the library, a serene atmosphere surrounding them.

“Is the book you're reading more captivating than me, who sat beside you?” Wonyoung's words carried a mixture of playful banter and a subtle undercurrent of seeking attention.

Yujin chuckled at Wonyoung's question. She took off her glasses and tilted her head, looking at Wonyoung intently.

“You sound like a girl annoyed because her lover is ignoring her,” Yujin mused, reaching out to tuck a strand of hair behind Wonyoung's ear, a gesture that spoke of affection and tenderness toward the younger girl. “Are you growing tired of your sketchbook?” Her voice carried a weight that belied her teasing tone. Her fingers lingered a moment longer than necessary, a silent comfort that she was present.

“I'm just not used to being ignored,” she admitted. Her honesty was laid bare as she pouted, but she looked adorable in Yujin's eyes. “Do you know that instead of reading these books, you can ask me questions, and I'll answer them? I'm sure I can give you answers. I've read all the books in this library.”

Yujin's gaze darkened upon hearing Wonyoung's words, revealing a mixture of understanding and concern.

“What do you know about Tunnel Time?” Yujin's question was tinged with a sense of urgency and a desire to uncover truths that lay hidden beneath the surface.

A soft smile graced Wonyoung's lips as she took out her pink sketchbook, its cover adorned with the enigmatic number 1732. She opened the sketchbook, exposing beautiful drawings and explanations on each page. She handed it to Yujin as a silent invitation to explore the world she'd discovered. Yujin's attention shifted to Wonyoung's sketchbook, which held secrets in its pages— secrets that Wonyoung was willing to share.

“Tunnel Time is a time machine that looks like a corridor and can take you to any place you desire. Tunnel time can read your unconscious mind and take you there.” Wonyoung began, her voice steady as she shared her knowledge. “It offers the promise of traversing to any desired destination. Yet, to unlock the doors, one must possess a key—an heirloom intertwined with the blood of a Ruler or Odd-Eyes. But if you're a Ruler or Odd-Eyes, you can open it without the heirloom, just your blood.”

Yujin's raised eyebrow was an unspoken inquiry, curiosity, and skepticism mingling in her gaze. The sketchbook's symbols held their own language that was difficult for Yujin to understand. But she didn't want Wonyoung to realize what was her reason for questioning the existence of the Time Tunnel.

“Are you using your sketchbook as notes?” Yujin's cheeky smile was a gentle tease; it masked her deeper attention to the uniqueness that was Wonyoung. “Such nerdy behavior.”

“I'm not like you, using your sketchbook only to jot down things you want to do,” Wonyoung objected, staring at the blue sketchbook with a cover similar to her own. Both possessed sketchbooks, but they were filled with different things.

“Hey! You have no right to mock my sketchbook. Don't forget you wrote down your ideal type in my sketchbook. You also wrote down things you want there,” Yujin retorted, refusing to be outdone. Their playful banter was a reflection of their distinct identities, shared yet divergent.

Wonyoung laughed and shook her head. If only Yujin knew...

“Why are you so invested in uncovering Tunnel Time's mysteries?” As Wonyoung turned the pages, her sketchbook unveiled more drawing and writing, the secrets that were enigmatic and alluring. “Truth be told, I wasn't sure if Tunnel Time was reality or mere fiction until I stumbled upon it,” Wonyoung confessed, her voice a hushed confession shared only with Yujin, “here.”

“You found Tunnel Time here in Gallia?” Yujin's excitement was uncontainable, a spark of curiosity ignited into a flame of fascination. “Have you ever used it?” Her interest was genuine as she leaned closer, as if proximity could draw out more secrets.

“I didn't dare to try it. What if it's dangerous? I don't want to cause trouble for others just because of my curiosity,” Wonyoung sighed, leaning back in her chair. Wonyoung's admission held a tinge of hesitation, a glimpse into the trepidation that often accompanied the unknown. The sense of responsibility weighed heavy and resonated in every word spoken. “Besides, there's nowhere I want to go, so why bother checking it out further?”

“What else do you know about Tunnel Time?”

“Every door in Tunnel Time is always connected to each other, allowing us to meet strangers who are also traveling. You could even die and vanish in Tunnel Time if you encounter an enemy there,” as Wonyoung continued, her words held a sense of foreboding. The intricacies of Tunnel Time were painted with both wonder and danger. She frowned as she eyed Yujin. The older girl seemed to be pondering something, catching an unusual gesture from her.

“Unnie,” the word carried a weight, an endearment laced with a complex mix of protectiveness and susceptibility. “If someday you have the key and intend to do something with Tunnel Time, please, don't do that. I don't want anything bad to happen to you.”

“Nothing will happen to me if you all keep being overprotective,” Yujin's sigh spoke volumes, a reflection of the struggle between wanting independence and following the rule. The tension between autonomy and protection was a constant presence in their relationship. “Each day, you're becoming the kind of person who always worries about me. Why won't you let me handle my missions without others?”

“I've already said that I'll let you do anything after you turn 20,” Wonyoung's frustration was evident, her patience tested as she sought to strike a balance between support and restraint. The tension in the room was almost palpable, an unspoken battle between differing perspectives. “Is it that hard to be patient? You can learn a lot and get used to the missions you do with others. I'm not going anywhere. We'll be fine. I want you to be prepared when you do your missions and—”

“You're like this because you already know, right?” Yujin caught the darkening of Wonyoung's eyes before the younger girl averted her gaze, seemingly trying to control her emotions and avoid the topic. “You're worried about me because if The Elder finds out about my power, they'll keep using me in missions. You're worried because my position is like a punching bag, and my fate makes me the last Pillar who has to stay close to you to be your shield.”

The silence that followed was laden with unspoken truths, a shared understanding that transcended words. Yujin's chuckle held a hint of melancholy, an acknowledgment of Wonyoung's fears and a testament to their deep connection.

“You're an Odd Eye, Unnie,” Wonyoung looked at Yujin, her voice wavered. Her jaw tightened, and her fists clenched on the table. “What they know is that you'll only have that power when you're an adult. If they knew you've had that ability since birth, they would use you for missions. I can't imagine what they'd do if they knew.” Wonyoung sighed, frustrated with the situation she was facing. “Sometimes I want to lock you up in Astreaia and not let them touch you.”

Yujin chuckled at Wonyoung's statements. It seemed reasonable that Wonyoung's possessive and rebellious attitude would overcome her logic. After all, Wonyoung wasn't even 15 years old yet.

“You can't keep protecting me like this,” Yujin's hand reached out, gently prying open Wonyoung's clenched fist. In its place, she intertwined their fingers, holding them together. Her voice was a soft murmur, a gentle reminder of the limitations of protection laced with both tenderness and determination.”You can't change my destiny, and I will become a Pillar and an Odd Eye for you. All you need to do is support me in all missions and by my side to take care of me if I get hurt. I'll train hard to ease your worries. I'll become the coolest Warrior you've ever known.”

“Who says I can't change your destiny?” Wonyoung gazed deeply into Yujin's eyes, and a tender smile graced her lips as she noticed the furrow between Yujin's brows. “I'll apologize to you first, Unnie.” Wonyoung's hands cupped around Yujin's, a gentle encompassing of their intertwined fingers.

“Why apologize? Have you done something that would hurt me?”

Wonyoung's head shook slowly, her eyes reflecting a blend of sincerity and uncertainty. “I don't know, but I might do something that could hurt you. So, I want to apologize in advance.”

“Pre-apologizing for something you haven't even done? You're asking for forgiveness without even knowing what you're seeking forgiveness for.” Yujin's analytical mind was at work, trying to unravel the layers of Wonyoung's actions. “If you're worried about making mistakes, isn't that part of learning? But no matter what, I want you to know that I'll always forgive you. I trust that you'll always make your decisions thoughtfully.”

“Why do you trust me so much?”

The answer was simple, yet profound.

“Because you are the Jang Wonyoung, and you're my Ruler, Wonie. I've always believed in you and I devote myself to you,” Yujin's voice held an unspoken promise, a bond that transcended words. “No matter what path you choose, even if it sounds irrational,” a playful smile accompanied her words, “I'll stand by you, supporting you every step of the way.”

“Yeah, your trust belongs to me alone,” Wonyoung said with a soft possessiveness, a loving tug that drew them closer together. Wonyoung's head found a resting place on Yujin's shoulder as their bodies drew closer together.

A natural response from Yujin followed suit, her arms enveloping Wonyoung in a warm embrace, drawing her in even closer. Her hand instinctively found its way to Wonyoung's head, offering a comforting touch, a gesture that spoke volumes of the depth of their connection.

Yujin's question was a whisper, her voice holding a blend of curiosity and concern.

“What's on your mind, hmm?” Her cheek pressed gently against Wonyoung's head, a gesture that conveyed a sense of safety and familiarity. “Pondering such weighty matters that should be The Elder's responsibilities may wear you down.”

Wonyoung's response was a heartfelt confession, her voice soft but laden with emotion.

“I'm not sure what I'm thinking. What I do know is that I can't stand watching you suffer, Unnie. I'll do everything in my ability to protect you from harm. I'll give my life to protect you.” Her grasp tightened around Yujin's waist, a mixture of determination and worry in her grip.

“I don't want to be selfish or burdensome, but I'm afraid there will come a time when I will.” The words were packed with emotion and hidden truths, and Wonyoung wished she never told Yujin about what was going on in her mind. “And if that happens, I hope you can forgive me and still be by my side. Because my decisions could not only change your destiny but also change your life.”




The masterpiece, the “Chrysalis Parade” Mini Album, sits at the top of the search results. Prepare to be enchanted as you go on a melodious trip guided by talented musicians' and producers' reflections. Can you crack the enigmatic voice behind the Chrysalis Project collaboration?


🎵 Tracklist 🎵

Breakthrough (prod. Ellena Kim) Calea Luminii (prod. Eden Kim) Skyline (prod. Sharon Kim) The Road (prod. Kang Seulgi) Line (prod. Zhou Jieqiong) Parallel Universe (prod. Emily Kwon) Calea Luminii Inst Ver. (prod. Eden Kim)


[+12911, -9] My prediction from track 2 to track 6: An Yujin, Kim Chungha, Wendy Son, Jeon Somi, and Jo Yuri. I can hear their voices.

-> Is that An Yujin in track 2? Daebak!!

->> Obviously, track 2 is An Yujin's voice!! Damn it! Eden Kim got An Yujin to sing her song!!!

->>> The long-awaited collaboration of Sharon Kim and Kim Chungha has finally blossomed. 

->>>> I'm very grateful that Eden Kim managed to persuade Yujin to join this project.


[+9087, -2] Heavenly sounds. I feel like I'm daydreaming.

-> The arrangements sound rich and majestic.

->> This is the first time I've heard Somi sing a song of this genre. Chungha's voice sounds angelic.

->>> It's hard to believe that this mini-album exists because of a real estate project. The brains behind this project are truly extraordinary.


[+8803, -8] In one album, there are seven tracks, six producers, and five singers. THIS MINI-ALBUM IS GOING TO BE AMAZING!!!

-> I'm down on my knees. They were crazy about this!!

->> I knew something was going to happen when I found out that Sunny Lee and Summer Choi were the people behind this album. The CEOs of the biggest entertainment agency work together on an extraordinary project.

->>> Calea Luminii's instrumental version was released earlier this week as part of the Chrysalis Village advertisement.


[+3037, -2] Why is there no singer on track 1? Producer Ellena Kim without a singer. This is new. She was the one behind Song of the Year last year. Every singer wants her piece!

-> Trust me, track 1 contains a surprise.

->> Perhaps all of the singers will be on track 1.

->>> Ellena Kim scored in the Feathers Bullet game, so it's fine that she fills in for the opening instrument.


[911, -9812] Will this album be another nepotistic project from Chrysalis Saga?!

-> When else will we get this kind of collaboration? Kim Chungha will say “Call it love”.

->> An Yujin will claim, “It was 'once in a blue moon'“!!

->>> And “Fxxked Up” from our Somi…

->>>> “Goodbye” haters!!! You only have a “Bitter Taste”!!

->>>>> There is nothing wrong with a nepotism project if you can produce incredible results that can be enjoyed together.




A Little Piece about An Yujin, the real deal of Eden Kim’s new song

In the vibrant world of talent and entertainment, Eden Kim's words about An Yujin shine with enthusiasm and admiration. A captivating presence, An Yujin is a true dynamo who effortlessly traverses various realms. It sounds like Eden Kim has a lot of playful banter when talking about An Yujin. An Yujin seems like an incredibly talented and charismatic individual. An Yujin in Eden Kim’s eyes:

Talented Performer: An Yujin is a powerhouse when it comes to singing and dancing, suggesting she has a strong musical and performance talent. She can hit those low and high notes and move like nobody's business! Yujin's ability to engage, inspire, and captivate is a testament of a genius performer. With her performance, she continues to be a beacon of creativity, proving that the magic of her artistry knows no bounds. Expressive Star: Her expressions are always on point, you know? She's like a master at conveying emotions through her performances. It's quite a skill. Yujin's solo exhibition, a huge success that has touched everyone who has had the pleasure of seeing it, is a compelling work in its own right. Yujin's passion for her work is demonstrated by the painstaking way she brings her creations to fruition, with a level of attention and perfection that borders on artistic brilliance. Her works are expressions of her limitless inventiveness and aesthetic vision. Versatile with Multifaceted Talent: What's really cool is that she's not limited to the stage. An Yujin doesn't just excel in her chosen field; she conquers it. As a DJ, she effortlessly commands the airwaves, infusing every moment with her signature wit and irresistible charm. Her presence in the world of radio isn't just a broadcast; it's a captivating experience that keeps listeners tuned in, hanging on to every word she utters. But that's not where her brilliance ends. Yujin seamlessly transitions her creative prowess into the digital world through her vlogs, where her artistic spirit truly shines. Watching her vlogs isn't just passive entertainment; it's an immersive journey, a world of wonder and inspiration that captivates and delights audiences of all ages. Model and Actress Vibes: Can we talk about her looks for a second? She's got the kind of face that could easily grace magazine covers and movie screens. She possesses the allure of a model and the elegance of an actress, a combination that leaves an indelible mark. Model and actress material, no doubt.  Physical Prowess: Believe it or not, she's not just about the glitz and glam. An Yujin's got that hot physique that could give athletes a run for their achievement. She's got the potential to be a real sports star if she sets her mind to it. Her physique exudes strength and energy, it's as if she's a canvas painted with both elegance and vitality. Irresistible Personality: But it's not just about the talents and looks. An Yujin's got a personality that's as charming as it gets. Her personality is a treasure trove of charm, captivating those around her effortlessly. She brings a vivacity that lights up even the dullest corners, making her presence a joy to behold. People naturally gravitate towards her. Troublemaker with a Twist: She's annoyingly a troublemaker. Of course, every star has its quirks that are a part of what makes her so endearing. A mischievous streak and a competitive edge, perhaps occasionally irksome, add a delightful twist to the mix. So she might stir up a little trouble here and there, and that competitive streak of hers? Well, let's just say it keeps things interesting. Keeps everyone on their toes! The Ace of All Aces: An Yujin? Oh yeah, she's the real deal. An all-rounder ace who's basically the star attraction. I mean, who wouldn't want her on their team, right? An Yujin stands as the epitome of an ace, a multi-talented wonder that everyone desires to have
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1760 streak #1
Didn’t have a chance to read much yet but wanted to let you know that you’re doing a great job! Keep up the good work and thank you for sharing with us!
Pholux #2
Chapter 69: i'm still visiting this website because of your story, authornim. Thank you for writing this wonderful story, happy fifth anniv to Violet I guess haha. See you on the next update :)
1760 streak #3
Chapter 30: Saw the warning but got through it! Hope your day or night is going well!
1760 streak #4
Chapter 29: oh my gosh, now i have to go back and reread with the songs playing in the background!!
1760 streak #5
Chapter 28: wait a minute! wait a minute!!! i need to reread that again!
1760 streak #6
Chapter 27: Thanks for the comments response! I hope our comments encourage you!
1760 streak #7
Chapter 25: i almost forgot loona was in this fic!!! until i saw your note and of course the tags lol!
wonyoandyuj #8
Chapter 68: I hope they have a happy ending they are miserable enough in real life😮‍💨
1760 streak #9
Chapter 23: ugh just reading an izone fanfic after along time gets me in the feels!!!