Conditions change

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A/N: Hi, all, going to see if I can complete this soon, I mean sooner as in sooner rather than later since I still say by chapter 15 this should be complete, I hope so anyway this doesn’t need to be some super long drawn out fic, so yes please enjoy the remainder of the fic and thanks for those of you who have left comments too I appreciate that.


Sooyoung didn’t like to say she was nervous but she was sure as hell nervous when she got to school that Monday. Because Yerim said they would talk and a part of the alpha surely hoped it wasn’t going to end up in a worst scenario situation, like Yerim not ever wanting to speak to her again. 


“Okay, just calm down, Soo.” She tells herself. “Yerim said we’d talk and it won’t be bad, I’m sure it won’t be bad.”


It’s what she tells herself anyway, as she paces back and forth in a manner that is unlike herself.


“Sooyoung, are you…” She hears Chaeyoung’s voice as the omega looks at her with a worried gaze.


“Chaeng!” Sooyoung grabs her into a hug. This was perfect timing, Chaeyoung was absolutely the kind of person she needed. Someone who could really help her out. “I need your help, help me make Yerim jealous, please I beg of you?”


“Um, what…” there is nervous laughter. “I don’t know why you think that’ll…”


“Shh, look she’s coming, act natural.”


Yerim was indeed walking up to the main campus, a cup of coffee in her hand, and looking like she was terribly exhausted.


“Oh, my baby. She looks so tired.”


“Um, Sooyoung?”


“Oh, right, the plan.” Sooyoung has no real plan, of course. The alpha simply drags her along with her and the next thing Kim Yerim knows she’s face to face with Sooyoung and Park Chaeyoung, and she is way too tired for any of the nonsense.


“Hey, Yerimie, now you know I absolutely want to wife you up, but if you don’t want to accept my marriage proposal then I’m sure Chaeyoung will!”


“I’m what, oh no, no…”


Yerim blinks a few times, sips a few sips of coffee and shrugs. “Idiot, she already has a mate.”


“What!” The alpha blinks and looks at Chaeyoung with wide eyes. “Excuse me, when were you going to say you had a mate!”


“Well, if you had given me a chance to…”


“Babe!” They all hear the voice of Kim Jennie making a fast run over to them. “What the heck is going on, Sooyoung? Hands off my mate.”


“Oh, oh…hey look I don’t want her for real. I was just trying to make Yerim jealous, right, Yerimie?”


There is no response and that’s because Yerim is already walking off. “Ah, well if you’ll excuse me. Seriously, congrats and all you two! Gotta go!” Sooyoung moves away from Chaeyoung and Jennie so fast and makes a mad dash after Yerim. Chaeyoung simply hugs Jennie and lets her know that Sooyoung was simply being her silly self.


“She didn’t mean anything by it,” Chaeyoung smiles and kisses the top of her slightly shorter girl’s head. “Soo is really crazy about Yerim, and I’m crazy about you.”


“Good,” Jennie nods and kisses her lips fully. “But, yeah who doesn’t know that one is hopeless for Yerim. I hope it works out.”


“Me too.”


At this point the whole university is hoping that it will work out for Sooyoung who is really running after Yerim like her life depends on it.


“Wait, just wait…” Sooyoung takes a deep breath. “How do you walk so fast…”


The blonde omega looks back at her with a raised eyebrow and sighs. “Sooyoung?”


“Listen, it’s Monday and you said we could talk, so can we? Or are you still mad about the first date thing, because I know for sure our second date will be so much better.”

“I…” Yerim blinks and is at a total loss for words. “You do know that it wasn’t an actual date, right?”


“Well...yes, but still..look, I’m sorry okay. I hope that didn’t make you hate me even more or something, it was an accident and…”


“Sooyoung,” Yerim cuts her off, softly. “I don’t hate you.”


“Wait, what!” Now this is surprising as all hell. She really doesn’t know what to say for a moment. But if Yerim doesn’t hate her that’s just about the best news ever. “You don’t?”


“No, I don’t hate you. You drive me crazy sometimes, sure. But I don’t hate you. Now, if you don’t mind I really need to drink this coffee because I’m too tired to think, let’s meet later, okay?”


“Sure, of course, whatever you want! I’ll call you.” The alpha waves after her like a lovesick puppy and then lets out the most excited scream. “My wife doesn’t hate me, she doesn’t hate me, yes!” She just had to tell Seulgi about this latest development because Yerim doesn’t hate her, and it’s the best news ever. Only, when she calls her best friend it goes straight to voicemail, which is a little unusual.


“Oh, well, I guess I will catch her later.”


At least, that was Sooyoung’s hope, but for some reason she had a bad feeling in the back of her mind, and left Seulgi a message telling her to be careful. Seulgi didn’t get that message because she was on her way to talk to her former boss. She had to, because she had to make her boss see that she will not be working for her again. By the time Seulgi makes it to the house she’s already missed her first class, but this is more important.


“Seul, hey, it’s so good to see you.” One of the guards speaks.


“Are my eyes deceiving me, is that our gomdori? Are you coming back to work with us?”


More murmurs follow, only Seulgi ignores them until she’s granted an audience with her former boss. The brunette omega looks at her with a warm smile that does nothing but make Seulgi want to frown.


“Gomdori, oh how good it is to see you. I hope you are here to talk about returning, you are very much missed around here.”


Seulgi told herself she would never step foot in this house again. Especially once her debt was fully cleared, she said under no circumstances would she ever come here. Only the calls and texts were persisting and that was something Seulgi could not have going on. Her sister was already worried for her enough, and the last thing Seulgi wanted to do was cause Seungwan more stress, unintentionally or not.


“No, I came here to ask you to not contact me. I have no interest in working for you again, so if our business relationship meant anything to you, please don’t contact me anymore.”


The omega sighs and frowns a bit. “Of course it means everything to me, it’s why I want you back. You’re really the best you know, the way you can easily charm people into getting them to do what you want, it’s a rare quality. I’ll easily double your pay, and think about how much that money will do for you and your sister.”


The alpha frowns too. It doesn’t surprise Seulgi that her former boss would use her sister against her. Any time anyone knows of a weakness they will exploit it.


“Don’t use her against me. She has nothing to do with this, just leave me alone, okay. I paid your debt, we’re done.” Seulgi tries to leave, though the two muscular alpha guards try to stop her.


“No, let her go. Our gomdori must come to her decision on her own, no one can force her. But maybe, just maybe I know someone who could help your sister, she is rather ill is she not?”


Seulgi pauses only for a moment. This is a trick, it has to be, and she can’t be fooled by it.


“Please step out of my way.” Seulgi asks the two guards who do move, only because the boss nods to them. It was disappointing that Seulgi decided not to rejoin her, but maybe with some time Seulgi will come to her senses.


“You’re good at your job, Seulgi. Why try to run away from that? I’m sure we’ll be in touch again.” Are the last words Seulgi hears before getting out of that house. She hates that house with a passion as it brought her nothing but misery in more ways than one. At the same time, she also doesn’t think she has the energy to return to school right now, and she can’t really go home either. The dark-haired girl sits in her car for a long while just thinking when her phone is ringing. It wasn’t Sooyoung again, and it wasn’t even her sister. 


“Joohyun?” She answers in surprise, not expecting a phone call from the omega.


“Seulgi, are you okay?” Are the first words out of the other girl’s mouth and it takes Seulgi by surprise, at how that’s the first thing she says. Joohyun isn’t having her followed or anything, is she? No, of course she wouldn’t, that’s not her style. But it does amaze Seulgi how immediately the omega is acting as if she sensed something wrong.


“Yeah, I’m fine, why?”


“You’re not at school yet and I don’t know I was just worried about you.” Joohyun really had no other good explanation than that. She felt genuinely worried about Seulgi when she didn’t see her at all, even right now she isn’t getting the best of vibes.


“Oh, I’m fine, I overslept. I don’t think I’ll come today though, so I’ll see you tomorrow. Please don’t worry, Joohyun.”


Anytime someone says to not worry the other person will always worry more. Joohyun frowns a bit in concern.


“Seulgi, I don’t know what’s going on. But can you come to school, so I can at least see you and make sure you’re alright?”

The fact that Joohyun sounds so worried about her touches the alpha more than even she would have imagined, and Seulgi realized that without a doubt she didn’t want to hurt, worry, or disappoint Joohyun in some way.


“Well, if you’d like to ditch school with me, then we can hang out all day if you’re up for it. I’ll be there in a half-hour, I’ll see you then, maybe?”


Joohyun didn’t even get a chance to really respond because Seulgi was already off the phone. Well, this was a no-brainer, a smart straight A-student like her, the answer was simple.


“I can’t believe I’m about to ditch school.” Were the first thoughts in Joohyun’s mind, but it really wasn’t all that surprising after all, as when it came to her, Kang Seulgi was no doubt a huge weakness. Joohyun grabbed her books, bag, and left the hallway where she was sitting waiting for her class to begin. Something was clearly wrong with Seulgi and she would get to the bottom of it. That’s why by the time she saw Seulgi’s car pulling up the brunette was already standing outside waiting for her.


“Hey, you really are about to ditch school with me?” Seulgi laughs a bit, with eyes forming crescent shapes.


“For you.” Joohyun thinks, though she doesn’t voice it. “I wanted to see you.” That much is true. She really did want to see Seulgi, it wasn’t all about making sure she was alright, though that was the biggest concern.


“I’m here, and I’m fine. I’m sorry to worry you…” Seulgi is cut off when Joohyun hugs her suddenly. It’s the kind of warm hug that fills a person instantly with equally warm feelings. Seulgi is still for a few moments but only a few moments, and returns the embrace with her arms wrapped around the slightly shorter girl.


“Hey, I’m really okay.”


“I don’t believe you. Seulgi, you can trust me.” The omega says it in a soft, gentle whisper. “You don’t have to have all your walls up all the time, not with me, okay?” and in her bravest moment since paying off that debt for the alpha. Joohyun reaches up and touches her cheek in what can only be described as a soft touch that Seulgi finds herself leaning into. Whether it’s that hug or the pleasant smell of lavender that calms her, Seulgi nods and whispers a small thanks. She isn’t used to being so open and vulnerable with anyone. Though she can trust Joohyun, she knows that. Sooyoung’s words ring in her head too, about not thinking she’s good enough to deserve happiness. It was time to at least let go a little.


“Okay, not here though. Let’s go somewhere and talk, alright?”


“Alright, let’s go.” The omega slowly lets go of the hug, and reaches out her hand to offer Seulgi, hoping that this will not be rejected. It might break her heart if Seulgi refuses to hold her hand at this moment, so the huge smile on her face was a welcome sight for the alpha when she did reach over for Joohyun’s offered hand.


“How can I not be honest with the girl who’s about to ditch school with me?” Seulgi speaks in a soft tone of voice. “Let’s get out of here.”



Meanwhile, Yerim had her coffee and one more cup before agreeing to meet with Sooyoung during a time they both had their break. She felt more alive at least to talk to the alpha, though she had to admit Sooyoung didn’t sound like herself on the phone when they spoke briefly.


“It’s not like I’m worried about her or anything…” Only, Yerim was worried about her. She really was, especially when she saw the taller girl looking so lifeless as she kept tapping her foot against the ground in thought.


“Sooyoung, what’s wrong?” Yerim sits down next to her.


“Oh, hey...nothing.”


“Nothing?” The blonde frowns in worry. “If it’s nothing then why do you look so upset?”


“It’s...nothing, never mind. I’m glad you’re here.”


Yerim knew she had to do something, anything to get the alpha to talk about whatever was troubling her.


“Alright, here goes nothing.” She thinks to herself and grabs a hold of the auburn-haired girl’s hand, and the way Sooyoung’s cheeks went so red, had to be the most adorable sight ever. Yerim didn’t even think she was capable of blushing this hard, not Sooyoung who is always so confident, self-assured, and often over the top.


“Talk to me.”


“You, you’re holding my hand! Oh my god this day is looking up.”


“Yeah, don’t go getting used to it.” Yerim smiles somewhat. “Seriously, what is wrong? I don’t usually see you down this way.”


“No, I just spoke to my mom, my sire.” She clarifies since Yerim is looking at her with a confused look. “She wants to see me, like have dinner together or something, and it’s been a long time since I saw her, so I’m a little conflicted.”


Yerim understands in a way. Her own mother, the one who gave birth to her pretty much ran off when she was a kid and that was the last time either Yerim or her mom saw the woman. Sooyoung has a similar story too, only with her sire not being a full participant in her life.


“I get it, I’ve got an absentee parent too. I can’t tell you what to do here, Sooyoung. But, if you feel like meeting her to at least hear her out, there’s nothing wrong with that. Take your time to think about it.”


Sooyoung gives a soft nod and thanks Yerim for listening. “Thanks, Yerimie. I will, but now to more important things, like us!”

“You’ve really got a one track mind, don’t you?”


“When it comes to you, yes! Seriously, I really care about you, very much, and when that happened with me accidentally throwing water on you. I thought any chance I had of finally making you mine was out the door, so it means a lot to me that you’re talking to me now.”


Yerim has been doing some thinking, maybe it was in large part that she and Joohyun spoke a lot over the weekend, and her best friend did tell her she needed to at least give Sooyoung a proper chance, which the blonde omega reluctantly found that she had to agree. She hasn’t ever really given the alpha a chance, and it’s painfully clear that Sooyoung does like her a lot, even she acknowledged that. Yerim thinks her feelings are a bit complicated at this point, still she is going to see what happens. She could certainly do worse than Sooyoung, that’s for sure.


“I think it was an accident. You didn’t mean for that water to hit me and I honestly really appreciated how you tried to take care of me after. It was very sweet, Sooyoung.”


“Huh…” The alpha is looking at her like Yerim has suddenly grown another head, because truthfully she wasn’t expecting words like that.


“Are you okay right now, Yerimie? You’re saying nice things to me.” She even goes as far as putting her hand to Yerim’s forehead. The shorter girl can’t say she blames Sooyoung for her reaction.


“I suppose I haven’t been very nice to you, huh?”


“I get it, you can only express your love for me through tsundere actions, and that’s okay. We can totally build on that.”


Yerim takes a look at her and laughs out loud. Sooyoung is completely ridiculous, she truly is.


“Very well, okay, I think I’ll give you a chance, seriously. I’ve got nothing really to lose here, so if you’re going to ask me out on a proper date I suggest you do so before I change…” She doesn’t even get a chance to finish because Sooyoung is already on bended knee holding her hands like she’s about to really propose to her or something, and Yerim is kind of worried that the alpha really might propose to her.


“Okay, okay, I only get one chance at this so I better not screw it up.” Sooyoung tells herself. She then smiles up at the omega with a warm, genuine smile. “Kim Yerim, would you do me the honor of a real first date?”


“Yeah, Park Sooyoung, I will.”




And the hug that Yerim finds herself wrapped up in honestly makes the blonde feel these warm feelings that she had never really acknowledged before. Maybe, all she needed to do was give Sooyoung a chance all along. 



Someone else in the process of taking a chance was Seulgi, as she prepared to be honest with Joohyun. The alpha looked somewhat nervous to Joohyun as they sat down together in Joohyun’s room. The omega made the suggestion to go to her house, only because neither of her parents were home, and it was virtually quiet. It took Joohyun about five minutes to calm down though, when she realized that Seulgi was very much really sitting down on her bed with her. This was the stuff of dreams, daydreams, never real life. How is this her real life, with Seulgi in her room, like she has only thought about way too many times it’s a bit embarrassing.


“Okay,” Seulgi takes a breath. “My boss, or former boss during my more shadier work has been contacting me.”


Joohyun just knew it had to be something troubling, though she was hoping it wasn’t anything like that. 


“To work for them again?”


“Yeah, I guess we can’t always escape our pasts. But trust me I have no intentions of working for her again, not after everything. And I would never take your help that you gave me and throw it in your face basically, by working there again. No matter what she tries to use against me.”


It doesn’t take a genius to figure out what Seulgi is talking about. “She tried to use your sister against you, I’m sorry. That’s terrible of her to do.”


“Yeah, well she’s pretty terrible.” Seulgi sighs and runs her hands over her face. “I met with her today to get her to back off, but I don’t think she’ll actually do it easily. I’m a bit stressed about it.”


The omega nods in understanding. She reaches over for Seulgi’s hands and holds them in her own for a few moments. “Is there anything I can do? Can I help?”


Seulgi thinks this is something she must handle alone, and perhaps even more than that Joohyun already has done enough for her. There is no way she could ask for more. The alpha plants a warm smile on her face and shakes her head. Joohyun, though normally very weak for her smile, isn't buying it this time. Because it’s a sign of Seulgi pretending to be okay.


“No, Hyun. You’ve already done enough, I won’t ask more of you.”


“You’re not asking if I’m offering.”


Seulgi has to admit the gentle tone of her voice and the way Joohyun’s hands feel in her own makes her feel more calm than she had an hour or so ago.


“Yeah, there’s one thing you can do for me. You agreed to a date with me this Friday, and I hope you will stick to it. I’ll even come here to pick you up and ask your father for permission, if that’s okay with you?”


Joohyun smiles a bit and shakes her head. “You’re trying to distract me, knowing I’m excited about going on a date with you. That’s not very fair of you, Seulgi.”


“Did it work?”


“No, but I won’t push you. I just want you to know that you don’t have to do everything alone, Seulgi. It’s okay to ask for help when you need it.”


“Yes,” The alpha gives a nod. “I’m starting to see that now.”


And she spent the whole afternoon with Joohyun at her house. The two of them sat in Joohyun’s room talking for what felt like hours, but with the most natural of conversations.


“I really wanted to be a singer, when I was a kid.” Seulgi admitted to the brunette, who somehow finds she isn’t all that surprised by it.


“Would you sing for me, sometime?” The shy way Joohyun asks makes Seulgi want to sing anything she wants for her. Bae Joohyun is really the most adorable person she has ever met in, ever.


“Yeah, maybe I will, one day.”


Seulgi found out a lot about Joohyun. She knew the girl was smart, but when she saw her entire bookshelf that was filled to the brim with books, Seulgi could have sworn wo

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431 streak #1
Chapter 15: Nice to see everything worked out in the end ☺️
Sir_Loin #2
Chapter 11: Probably my fav chapter. Definitely a favourite for now :) ah~ friendship XD
Chapter 15: Aahhh too cute 🥺
Matzo210 #4
Chapter 15: THAT WAS SO CUUUUUUTE!!!!!! 💞💞💞💞💘💘💘💘💖💖💖💖💯💯💯💯💯🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Can start this now yay!
Chapter 15: Oh my god it's so soft 💖 I'm so happy to have read this. I'm gonna be honest that I was a bit surprised and thought that Sooyoung and Yerim might be going too fast, but hey, nothing's too fast if that's really how you feel, right? Thank you for this story 🙇‍♀️
2077 streak #7
Chapter 2: Awww Joohyun
monbyulsido #8
monbyulsido #9