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A/N: Thank you so much those of you who reviewed chapter 2 and are still interested. Here’s chapter three.


When Seulgi made it to school the next day she had one thing on her mind. She needed to find Bae Joohyun wherever she is and talk to her. The entire night before the alpha could not understand why a stranger would pay her debt. It wasn’t like Seulgi owed a few hundred dollars. She owed ten grand and most of that money had gone to Seungwan’s care and medicine. Seulgi was getting texts from Sooyoung who kept telling her to meet her by the main entrance. Seulgi responded she had something to do but would meet the taller alpha as soon as she’s able. Perhaps Seulgi should have gone to meet Sooyoung who at this moment was within range of one Bae Joohyun.


The auburn-haired alpha looks up when she sees the brunette on her way to class. She has an idea and calls out to her.




The sudden shout startles Joohyun and she tries to keep walking. But can hear the taller alpha running over to her.


“Um, you’re Yerim’s friend, right?” Sooyoung prides herself on the fact she knows everyone. Well she knows most everyone, as she has no idea what this girl’s name is. She only sees her around Yerim sometimes.


“I should go.” Joohyun says and walks faster.


“Hey, but wait. You’re her friend, yes?”


The omega pauses and kind of wishes she could disappear right now. Sooyoung is looking at her expectantly.


“I really should go.” The brunette hurried inside the building and Sooyoung stands stunned. She can say for sure that has never happened to her.


“Weird chick.”


Seulgi has no clue where she can find Joohyun. They have no classes together and when she asked. A lot of people claim to have never spoken to Princess Bae. Seulgi is aware that a lot of students call her that. She looks certainly like royalty. Her clothes are always impeccably ironed with nothing out of place. Her family driver comes to get her to and from school. She’s beautiful too in a princess sort of way. The alpha knows those are not the reasons why exactly. Bae Joohyun isn’t known for being talkative and sometimes that can look like she doesn’t want to be bothered. If it’s one thing Seulgi has personally always known it's to never judge a book by its cover.


“How the hell do I find someone I never really speak to.” The dark-haired alpha sighs and leans up against the wall. She needs to go to class anyway, so finding Bae Joohyun will have to wait for now. Said girl is in her class and sends Yerim a quick text.


“I just had an encounter with your future mate.” She smiles to herself in amusement. Yerim will not handle that well. There’s a series of expletives and unreadable language before Yerim writes something that makes sense.


TurtleYerimie: how dare you ruin my morning with such nonsense. I hope you also have an awful morning too, well maybe you did since you’ve run into Sooyoung.


Joohyun muffles her laugh and puts away her phone. The professor has just started the lecture and she needs to focus, or at least try to focus. She knows at some point she will run into Seulgi and have to confess what she’s done. Logically she probably shouldn’t have just paid of a debt for someone she doesn’t know. Joohyun just didn’t want her hurt or worse anymore. The other alpha was hitting her so much that he probably could have killed her, and that was something she couldn’t bare to see. Joohyun just hopes that the alpha won’t be angry or worse.


When Seulgi's class ends she sees Kim Yerim. The girl looks completely livid like someone spit in her tea or something. However, Seulgi knows she has seen Joohyun with her. She takes off in a run after the blonde.


“Hey, Yerim?”


“Oh, you’re Sooyoung’s friend.”


“Yes, Kang Seulgi. Can I….”


“No, you’re Sooyoung’s friend and that’s all I need to know.”


“Hey.” The dark-haired alpha frowns and walks after her. “What does that mean?”


“Use your brain and figure it out.”


The monolid girl looks shocked for a moment before pulling herself together.


“Hey, look. Whatever your issue is with my best friend has nothing to do with what I need to ask you. You’re friends with Joohyun?”


The question makes the blonde pause and nearly collide with another student. Now why is Kang Seulgi asking for her best friend.


“What do you what her for?”


“I need to talk to her, it’s important. Could you maybe find out where she is?”


Yerim sighs. She doesn’t know what compels her to do this. She calls Joohyun as she knows her friend is on a break right now.


“Hello?” Joohyun answers.


“Hey, Hyun. This person, what did you say your name was again?”


“Seulgi, it’s Kang Seulgi.”


“Seulgi!” Joohyun thinks and nearly drops her phone on the ground she is feeling all red faced and heart speeding up some.


“Hyun, are you there?”


“Yes.” The brunette says with a straight voice. “Um…”


“Well, do you want me to tell her where you are or what?”


“Ask her if she can meet me at the library.” Joohyun has to go somewhere she’ll be comfortable. A place in her element where she won’t lose her nerves too much and talk to her crush without freaking out.


“Go to the library.”


“Um, library?” Seulgi repeats. Yerim shakes her head.


“Such a delinquent, don’t even know where the library is. Hyun, scratch that. You better go meet at the cafeteria or something.” The blonde omega eyes Seulgi. “She looks like she at least knows that much.”


“Hey, there's no need for that kind of talk. Jesus no wonder why Soo likes you so much.”


“You take that back!” Yerim shouts. All Joohyun hears is some bickering back and forth. The brunette simply ends the call and makes her way to the cafeteria. She is very nervous now because soon Seulgi will be here, and they’ll have to talk. Of all the first real conversations Joohyun imagined they’d have. She never thought it could be about this.


“Okay, Hyun. You have to calm yourself down. Take a few deep breaths. It’s only Seulgi, just Kang Seulgi. The girl you have had feelings for many years. It’s going to be okay.” She mentally preps herself for Seulgi coming to meet her. The omega is feeling truly like a nervous wreck. She gets up to buy a bottle of water and while she does this she sees Seulgi enter.


The alpha looks too good in a white shirt and black skinny jeans. A few female students wave to the alpha and she politely smiles back. She just needs to find Joohyun. The omega slowly puts her hand in the air and Seulgi sees her. The monolid girl walks over and joins her at the table she’s sitting at.


“Hey, thanks for meeting me. I kind of need to talk to you.”


“I have to talk to you too.” Joohyun is proud of herself for not stuttering or looking red faced.


Seulgi nods and decides to just say it. “I know you paid my debt. I don’t really understand why you would. The last thing I want to be is in debt to your family, so I wanted to know if we could work out something. Some sort of payment plan. I know it would take me a long time, but I pay my debts.” Seulgi says seriously. Joohyun heard what she said. But was momentarily distracted by watching her lips moving.


“Um….can I suggest something else?”


Seulgi sits and waits for Joohyun to talk. The dark-haired girl has no idea what Joohyun will say and it’s making her anxious. Joohyun looks down and tries to gather her courage.


“Maybe we could…”


“I’ll pay you back.” Seulgi nods. “I kind of wish you had stayed out of it, but I can’t pretend it doesn’t solve my problem. I have a small part time job at the moment. Most of my money goes to my rent and everything. School is covered because of my scholarship, but I will pay you back. It makes no sense why you would do this for me. Unless, it’s some sort of charity thing. I don’t know how rich people think sometimes.”


“No.” Joohyun shakes her head. “It’s not charity. I just didn’t want you to be hurt. That man he could have killed you. I just….” the omega stops because she loses her voice. Seulgi isn’t saying anything and just staring at her.


“I have a suggestion.”


“If it’s about the payment plan thing, please remember I am mostly very broke.” Seulgi smiles with eyes forming crescents, and Joohyun knows she is red in this moment. “I would really appreciate the lowest possible installment. I know it would take me probably the rest of my life, but…”


“I don’t want anything from you.” The brunette says. “I don’t want any money. I just want you to…” it’s now or never. Joohyun thinks there is probably no other way for her to get the time to know Kang Seulgi personally. This could be her only chance.


“I want you to date me.”


“Huh!” Seulgi almost falls out to the floor, but catches herself. Did she hear correctly? Bae Joohyun wants her to date? Of all the crazy things.


“Um, wait. Why would you want to date me?”


“Why wouldn’t I?” Joohyun mentally smiles. “It’s my condition. You don’t have to pay me back, just date me.”


The alpha is at a loss for words. There’s no way someone like Bae Joohyun who is from a completely different world would want to date her. Seulgi thinks she knows what’s going on.


“Oh, I get it. You need me as a cover, right. You’re interested in someone else, and need me as a way to get their attention. You’re not one of Sooyoung’s fangirl’s are you?”


“No,” Joohyun shakes her head and makes a face at that. Seulgi couldn’t be more wrong. She is most certainly not any fangirl of Park Sooyoung. Seulgi shakes her head. Okay, maybe Joohyun doesn't want Sooyoung but it must be someone.


“How long would this condition last?” Seulgi asks.


Joohyun is hopeful that they would spend time together and maybe Seulgi will enjoy time with her, and perhaps feelings will develop for the alpha too. The brunette thinks this is her only real shot at spending one on one time with her crush. There might not have been any other chance had it not been for this incident of Seulgi owing money.


“A year.” Joohyun decides. “Is that okay?”


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431 streak #1
Chapter 15: Nice to see everything worked out in the end ☺️
Sir_Loin #2
Chapter 11: Probably my fav chapter. Definitely a favourite for now :) ah~ friendship XD
Chapter 15: Aahhh too cute 🥺
Matzo210 #4
Chapter 15: THAT WAS SO CUUUUUUTE!!!!!! 💞💞💞💞💘💘💘💘💖💖💖💖💯💯💯💯💯🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Can start this now yay!
Chapter 15: Oh my god it's so soft 💖 I'm so happy to have read this. I'm gonna be honest that I was a bit surprised and thought that Sooyoung and Yerim might be going too fast, but hey, nothing's too fast if that's really how you feel, right? Thank you for this story 🙇‍♀️
2076 streak #7
Chapter 2: Awww Joohyun
monbyulsido #8
monbyulsido #9