I'm her girlfriend

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A/N: Thank you so much for the reviews. I do appreciate them. I know some of you probably want to know the identity of Seul’s old boss. But I personally never had anyone in mind, it was just not super necessary for me to have an extra character to deal with as I just don’t like adding a bunch of people if they’re not necessary. So with that being said you can imagine her to be whoever you want. Anyway, on to chapter 13! Exciting 


Joohyun didn’t know what was more fascinating to watch, the way Seulgi shuffled that deck like a professional card dealer, how attractive and confident the alpha appeared as she dealt the cards, or how that lip bite was going to be the end of her. The omega couldn’t help but look at Seulgi more than the cards.


“If I win, you have to take off your top.”


“W-What!” Joohyun definitely hears that and her face explodes a healthy shade of red to which Seulgi laughs.


“I’m kidding, I’m just kidding. But you were looking so focused that I figured I had to say something to get your attention.”


“I...see...very funny, Seul.”


Now Joohyun didn’t think she would be able to get certain thoughts out of her head, whether it was actually being in front of Seulgi without a shirt, or herself in a more intimate setting with the monolid girl. She needed to get some water and fast. 


“How did you know how to deal cards so well?” She asks in order to make sure she can keep her mind together.


“It was mostly as a way to pass the time with some of the others at work, while we waited for our jobs that the boss wanted from us. I eventually got enough to win things, money, watches, whatever. But all the money I made from the card games went to taking care of Wan and our rent.”


Joohyun reaches over for her hands the moment she realizes Seulgi is explaining a time from her past.


“I know this isn’t easy for you, opening up to me like you have been. But just know I appreciate you doing so, and allowing for me to get to know you better.”


Seulgi nods and gives her hands a squeeze back. She had to start somewhere, little by little, and there was no safer place to start than with Joohyun. Someone who has shown her nothing but kindness, warmth, and a gentleness unlike what she’s used to.


“I appreciate you being patient with me, Joohyun.”


“Do you think one day you’ll tell me everything, no matter how hard it gets?”


The alpha appears to be thinking. She knows that she can trust Joohyun, and maybe one day she can be honest, with everything, because she knows Joohyun won’t judge her. It makes that comforting to know she can be honest one day.


“Yeah, I’d like to tell you everything, Joohyun, one day. Now, are we going to play cards, or are we going to hold hands all night.” She smiles warmly and Joohyun smiles back, not that she would have been against holding hands all night, but playing cards they were going to do.


“Yeah, let’s play cards.”


Yerim could feel Sooyoung holding onto her hand under the table. She had never seen the alpha nervous like this, not in all the years that she had known Sooyoung. Not that she could blame her, this was her sire after all, and there’s always a bond to one’s sire even if they haven’t spent time together like they should have.


“Are you staying in town or leaving once your new film wraps up?” Sooyoung asks, though she hadn’t meant to start off the evening that way. 


If Suzy was offended in any way she didn’t let it show. Instead, she takes a sip of her wine and assures Sooyoung she isn’t going away. “I am planning to stay in town, I just bought a new place, and when you’re ready you can come over. It will be nice to have dinner together at my house.”


It sure would be nice. Sooyoung wants to take the chance to get to know her mother. She can’t help that she’s still scared, because there’s nothing stopping this woman from walking away from her again. 




“Don’t worry, I plan to get to know you, Soo. I know I’m late in this, but it’s better late than never, and I just need a chance to prove myself.”


Sooyoung can ask her anything. All of the questions she’s been afraid to ask her mom about her sire. Or even the questions like did you ever love my mom? Did you ever love me? Why should I trust you now? None of that gets asked because the waiter is bringing over dishes and though everything looks really good. Sooyoung doesn’t have much appetite.


“Eat something, okay?” Yerim speaks from beside her and actually goes ahead and puts some of the beef on the fork to give to the alpha, who is freaking out because she’s being fed, and that is a first. How is the most anxiety filled night of her life also the best one because Yerim is here, supporting her, and being nice too.


“Thanks, Yerimie.”


“We can start small, Soo.” Suzy speaks. “It can be just dinners or lunches, whatever works for you with school, and then maybe you can come with me when I next film for a movie. I know you’re in school to be an actress.”

Sometimes, Sooyoung wondered if part of the reason why she studied acting was because of her mother, though she genuinely loves acting very much. Her mother is one of the most famous actresses there is and she had grown up watching her movies.


“How’d you…”

“I do speak to your mom. Maybe, she doesn’t tell you about all our conversations, but I do speak to her and we always talk about you.”


This is conflicting information to hear on the one hand it’s good to know her sire asks about her. But why didn’t her mom ever just say that they talk at least, what’s the big deal?


“And you couldn’t not once stop by to see how I was? I guess you were probably busy filming movies to see me.”


“Soo, things were complicated between your mom and I.”


“Then that means you take that out on me, because you two had issues.”


“No, you’re right, and I should have handled things a lot better on my part.”


Yerim felt terrible for Sooyoung at that moment. She has always told herself that Sooyoung was nothing more than some troublemaker, playgirl alpha, only to realize that she is nothing like that at all. Now she’s just looking at a young adult who wants to know why her sire wasn’t a part of her life. 


“Yeah, you should have.” Sooyoung sighs. 


Sensing that this conversation was getting a little too personal, Suzy asks if they can talk about this later.


“I’m sorry, Yerim. it’s not anything personal but this isn’t a conversation my daughter and I should be having in front of her friend.”


Yerim doesn’t know what comes over her. Maybe she’s thinking too much about how she wants to be there for Sooyoung right now, but the next thing the omega knows she is showing their intertwined hands.


“Yeah, well, I’m her girlfriend so you can whatever you want in front of me.”


“Huh!” Sooyoung gasps so loud and turns to the blonde with wide-eyes. Did Yerim just say that she’s her girlfriend? It was time to not only slap herself, pinch, but also throw water on herself too because this can’t possibly be happening.


“Girlfriend?” Suzy blinks in confusion. “Your mother didn’t tell me that you were dating someone.”

“Oh, well….yeah.” She nods and takes the opportunity to kiss Yerim on the cheek since, why not? Of course they would have to talk about this all later on, but screw it she was happy right now. Nothing that would happen here with her mother would change the fact that Kim Yerim just said that she was her girlfriend. This just might be the best-worst day of Sooyoung’s life.


Joohyun laughs at the bewildered expression on the monolid girl’s face as she had lost the fifth card game in a row. Seulgi just didn’t understand how Joohyun, who didn’t even know the rules prior, had never played this particular card game before, and still managed to win all the games they played.


“How are you doing this?” Seulgi whispers.


“Beginner’s luck?”

“Yeah, right.” She laughs. “You’re just naturally good at games, huh. Remind me never to take you gambling, Ms. Bae.”


Seulgi took a look at her phone to see how it was nearing 9 : 00 pm. How time flies when you’re having so much fun, they really did though. She gets more and more comfortable with Joohyun as they spend time together.


“It’s getting late, you need to be going, right?”


“Yeah,” Joohyun wishes she didn’t have to though to be honest. She would much rather stay here. “Tomorrow there’s a lot to do, finals are coming so it’s better I get home.”


“Yeah, I understand. I have an idea, why don’t we meet up before finals? Just us, is that okay?”


The omega smiles and nods. “I’d like that. It’s a date, Seul.”


“Yeah, it’s a date. Come on, I’ll walk you downstairs when you’re ready to meet your driver.”


Of course, it never takes her family driver that long, ever. He’s always there like the fastest uber ever and so Joohyun knows they won’t have a whole lot of time to talk now, so just before they get downstairs to the main lobby. The shorter girl turns to her, tiptoes and bravely kisses the alpha’s cheek, it’s a kiss for now. A kiss that is the start of other things to come.


“One day, right?” Joohyun smiles softly. “The time will be right.”


Knowing exactly what Joohyun is referring to without even having to ask. Seulgi nods and returns the favor with a kiss to Joohyun’s cheek too.


“One day the time will be right. Now, you get home safely, Ms. Bae.” She bows just a bit. “Call me or text when you get home.”


“I will, bye Seulgi. I’ll see you in school.”


“Bye, Joohyun.”


Again, Seulgi stands there until she sees Joohyun get safely into the car and waits until she is out of sight before heading back up to her apartment. To no surprise she finds Seungwan sitting on the couch with a glass of water acting like she just woke up from some long nap. 


“Oh, right on time, Wan.” Seulgi tells her. “You don’t look all that sleepy now.”

“It’s amazing what a power nap can do.”


“Uh-huh, sure. Nothing happened okay, I know you’re ready to ask.”


“I know nothing happened, I could hear you two in her laughing together and it was really sweet. I just wanted you to know I’m so happy for you, happy that you have someone like Joohyun. I won’t have to worry about you when…”


Seulgi gently cuts her off with a warm hug. “No, let’s not talk about anything like that, sis. You’ve honestly been doing so much better than I’ve seen you in years. Don’t give up yet, alright?”


The beta smiles sadly and returns the hug. She doesn’t want to upset her sister at all, not after how nice a day they all had.


“Alright, sis. You know I won’t give up easily, don’t worry about me. You just make sure you end up with that sweet and wonderful girl who is so into you, don’t let some other alpha get a chance.” Seungwan smiles in an encouraging way.


“I won’t, Wan. Everything will work out, you’ll see. Now, if you’re not tired want to sit up and watch a movie, just like we always do. I’ll make the popcorn.”


“Yes, I’d like that. But I get to pick the movie.”


“Deal.” The alpha agrees and goes to make the popcorn for their impromptu movie idea. She can’t think of anything better than ending an already great day by sitting with the sister she loves and watching a movie together. Seulgi can still feel Joohyun’s soft lips against her cheek and she smiles.


“There’s only one thing that’s better…” How can she not think of Bae Joohyun, who is slowly becoming such a huge part of her life. Maybe next time would be the right time they were both thinking of.


Dinner was over, and it didn’t end as awkward as it had started. Yerim could see Sooyoung getting hugged by her sire as she waited off to the side by Sooyoung’s car. It was a moment that Yerim felt like she didn’t need to interrupt. She hoped that this would be the beginning of a brand new relationship between the two. Now, she had to worry about something else. The fact that she had called herself Sooyoung’s girlfriend, there’s just no way the alpha would let that go, not ever.


It takes about two minutes, if that much before the taller girl is saying goodbye to her mother and walking over to her like she wants to start screaming at any moment. Yerim doesn’t blame her really, after all the omega did just drop some huge bomb by saying she was her girlfriend.


“Okay, listen.” Sooyoung grabs her. “Do you realize what you just said back there, and what that means?”


“Yeah, I know what I said.”


“So then you know why I’m losing my mind here, Yerimie.” Her hands are resting on the shorter girl’s shoulders. “If you’re just messing me with me, now is not the time for that, since I just had the hardest time back there with my sire.”


Yerim knows and understands that, and she would certainly never do something like this for a joke. While it’s true those words came out faster than she might have intended it, but at the same time there was no point in denying it anymore. She does have feelings for Sooyoung, maybe it took her a long time to get to this point, but that doesn’t take away from it being true. 


“I think, at this point there is no reason to hide the fact that I do…”


“Yes, yes…” The alpha looks like she will scream, for sure now.


“That I do like you, Soo.”

“Omg yes!” She even jumps up into the air a bit, which is a most interesting sight to see. “I knew it, I knew you liked me, and see how freeing it is to just admit it. But, this whole you’re my girlfriend thing.”


“Well, you already call me your girlfriend, I guess you better just make it official and ask me to be.”


This was really the moment that Sooyoung had waited for, for the last eight years or so. The moment where she could ask Yerim to be her girlfriend for real, and not just shout it out to everyone in passing that Yerim was her girlfriend. 


“Okay, okay… I had this planned in my head for years, now I kind of don’t even know what to say.”


“Say what’s on your mind, as cheesy at this sounds, just say it sincerely from your heart.”

Yerim was right. There was no need for anything over the top or extra at this time. All she had to do was be sincere, speak from her heart, and finally make this one girl she has always loved hers. Sooyoung carefully and gently takes Yerim’s hands into her own.


“This is really just about the last place I thought I would ask you, or the timing to be honest, after that difficult talk with my mother. But, I guess life works out that way sometimes. Yerim, I am really just this crazy about you, and you’re the only omega for me. Will you please finally be my girlfriend?”


And how could Yerim say no to such a sweet speech as that, it was why she didn’t say no and finally accepted the alpha as hers. People would probably lose their once they found out, but perhaps this was one of those only a matter of time situations. 


“Yes, Sooyoung. I’ll be your girlfriend.”

“Alright!” She leans down, but not before asking for permission to kiss her. “Is it okay?”

“Yeah,” Yerim answers softly. “It’s okay.”


With that, the two had their very first kiss, right there by Sooyoung’s car just outside of one of the most fanciest restaurants in the city. It was really the sweetest, most gentle kiss that Yerim ever had, though she had nothing to compare to honestly. This was in fact her first kiss, it was still sweet and she noticed how Sooyoung carefully touched her cheek too after it was nearing it’s end.


“You always act like I’m the most precious thing, Soo.”


The auburn-haired girl nods with a smile. “That’s because you are my most precious thing.” Smiling even wider when she sees the blonde’s cheeks flush red ever so slightly. Knowing that she could make Yerim blush like this was giving Sooyoung an extra confidence boos

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431 streak #1
Chapter 15: Nice to see everything worked out in the end ☺️
Sir_Loin #2
Chapter 11: Probably my fav chapter. Definitely a favourite for now :) ah~ friendship XD
Chapter 15: Aahhh too cute 🥺
Matzo210 #4
Chapter 15: THAT WAS SO CUUUUUUTE!!!!!! 💞💞💞💞💘💘💘💘💖💖💖💖💯💯💯💯💯🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Can start this now yay!
Chapter 15: Oh my god it's so soft 💖 I'm so happy to have read this. I'm gonna be honest that I was a bit surprised and thought that Sooyoung and Yerim might be going too fast, but hey, nothing's too fast if that's really how you feel, right? Thank you for this story 🙇‍♀️
2076 streak #7
Chapter 2: Awww Joohyun
monbyulsido #8
monbyulsido #9