Growing Comfortable

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A/N: Hi everyone. Thank you all for reading and reviewing. I appreciated the comments and I haven’t forgotten about this story it’s just difficult sometimes juggling so much at once and I only have two hands. But here I am with another chapter. Please enjoy.

Sponsor Mentions: Thank you all so much my sponsors. As always thank you very much to my sponsors. I appreciate all of you so much: fabricsoftener, AvryGeist171,royalshipper2122, DTHDHR, Bernkaset, Casti1004, jasonds,  ZombieJuhyun, Rita_1211, sleepyRu, Karasxo, falsuki, wittyadie95, Fantasiii, Km62201n, Eris78, Ody1204, captainsnsd, User_name1200, Androsssss, pinkpinkypin, 112714, TwFishy, and hiraiim-trash. Thank you so much for being sponsors. ^^



Seulgi took the job. The dark-haired alpha took the job that Joohyun suggested she take working for her father. Seulgi was always considering taking the job but she just needed the time to properly weigh her options. Joohyun hadn’t been pushy about it she just waited for Seulgi to decide on her own and it was something the monolid girl appreciated. Seulgi remembers meeting Mr. Bae the older male was kind of intimidating.




Seulgi knows that the Bae family is one of the most powerful and wealthy families in Seoul. It was part of the reason why she was so nervous when Joohyun told her that her father wanted to meet with her before officially hiring. The alpha can’t remember the last time she was feeling as anxious as she feels in this moment. Joohyun even noticed it too from the usually calm and cool monolid girl.


“Are you nervous?” Joohyun wondered as they are nearing the house. Seulgi looks over to the omega in the passenger seat. Joohyun looks concerned about her and the last thing she wants is to make Joohyun feel concerned about her right now. Seulgi gives her a smile.


“No, I’m not nervous. It’s like an interview, right?”


“Yes, he just wants to speak to you first. Don’t be nervous.”


“I’m not…” Seulgi doesn’t finish. She is actually nervous and tells herself to calm down. The house is huge. It’s a big estate that has a pool and accompanying pool house. Seulgi has only known one other person who is wealthy and that was her one time employer. But the Bae’s seem to be on an entirely different level. As soon as they make it up the walkway to the house a servant is greeting them immediately.


“Good afternoon, Ms. Joohyun and guest.”


Seulgi says a quick hello to the servant and Joohyun is about to ask her would she like something to drink first before meeting with her father. Seulgi thinks a beer right about now would be really great. It probably wouldn’t be very smart to just ask Joohyun if there’s any beer around.




“Hyun?” A male dressed in a dark business suit speaks and Seulgi looks up to the staircase to see a dark-haired male standing there with a serious expression on his face. Clearly he must be Mr. Bae because Joohyun smiles up at him and doesn’t look scared of him. Seulgi is feeling more than a bit nervous right now.


“He’s...tall.” Seulgi swallows nervously and hopes to god she can pull herself together long enough to not appear like a nervous wreck.


“Hi, dad.” Joohyun speaks and gets a hug from him when he’s downstairs. The father and daughter moment is rather sweet Seulgi supposes. The moment Mr. Bae turns to look at her he isn’t exactly all smiles like he was a moment ago with his daughter.


“Ms. Kang, right?” He asks.


“Oh, yes, sir.” Seulgi nods. “Hi, I’m Kang Seulgi. It’s nice to meet you, sir.”


Mr. Bae gives a nod but doesn’t elaborate further. “Hyun has told me about you and you go to school together?” He asks although he already knows the answer to that question. He is really just getting an idea on who this Kang Seulgi is and first impressions are very important.


“Yes, sir. We go to the same university.”


“I’ll keep this brief, Ms. Kang. I am looking to hire for security and if I were to higher you, you would mostly be working security here. Perhaps sometimes at one of my company locations as well. Before that I would like you to tell me why I should hire you?”


Seulgi is silent for a moment as she processes her thoughts. She wants to make a good impression on Mr. Bae. From the way Joohyun explained it this job working for her father would ultimately be better for her than the one she’s currently working. Plus, she will do anything she can to help Seungwan who does need her still.


“Well, sir. I have worked security before and it’s a job I’m good at. But more than that, Mr. Bae. I am also just trying to have a steady and stable way to take care of my sister. It’s just the two of us at home and I only want to take care of her while I can.”


Joohyun seems to be giving her a small smile of encouragement while she speaks and that does help. The kind sort of smile the omega is giving her does put her somewhat at ease. Seulgi thinks for a moment she sees Mr. Bae’s expression soften a bit. She could have just imagined that, however.


“You are the sole provider for your sister?”


“Yes, sir.”


Mr. Bae seems to be thinking and finally after what feels like much too long he speaks again. “I understand very well the circumstances you are in, Ms. Kang. I would like to offer you the security position here.”


“Truly?” Seulgi laughs nervously. “Um, are you sure?”


“Do you not want the job?”


“Oh, I want the job, Mr. Bae. Thank you, sir. I won’t let you down.”




That was more than two months ago now since she started working for Mr. Bae. The differences in the job she once had and the one she has working for Mr. Bae were right away evident. Mr. Bae was willing to be much more flexible and the pay was also better, but that was to be expected. A lot of stress and pressure from her previous job was also gone and that brought much relief to not only Seulgi but Seungwan too. Her sister took notice of how much better she was doing.


“I’m glad you’re not so stressed lately, Seul.” The beta speaks to her from the kitchen table. Today is a better day for Seungwan as she is sitting up and not in bed like most of the time. The alpha nods as she drinks her coffee. Seulgi hates it when Seungwan worries about her as her health is not in the best of states. Seungwan is just being a good sister who would worry for her anyway, and Seulgi does understand that even if she would rather Seungwan not worry too much.


“Mr. Bae is actually a pretty nice guy. I’m glad Joohyun suggested I take the job.”


Seungwan was told a while ago about Bae Joohyun and the entire situation that Seulgi is currently in. Seungwan was shocked to say the least when Seulgi told her the full details. She can’t imagine Seulgi truly going along with such an arrangement for a year at that.


“How come I haven’t met your girlfriend, Seul. I mean even if she’s not really your girlfriend. I still would like to meet her.”


“I…” the thoughts of having Seungwan meet Joohyun hadn’t really crossed her mind. Seungwan is looking at her with a look that says she’s waiting for a legitimate reason as to why she hasn’t met Joohyun.


“Well to be honest, Wan. I haven’t thought about it.”


“Why not, I want to meet your fake girlfriend.”


It shouldn’t sound as funny as it does. Seulgi laughs a little mostly from Seungwan’s expression. The beta appears to be looking at her in that mom sort of way that is showing concern and also somewhat annoyed too.


“Is there something funny, sis?”


“No, not at all. Listen, if it’s very important to you I will ask Joohyun when she has time to meet you. But only at a time where you’re feeling better too, alright?”


Seungwan agrees to the terms as she does want to meet the person who has essentially bailed her sister out of a lot of trouble. Bae Joohyun seems like a kind person and Seungwan wants to be able to thank the girl. She hopes there will be time for it.


“I should get going because I have to work a few hours today. Mr. Bae is really flexible with my schedule which I appreciate. Call me if you need anything, alright?” Seulgi tells the blonde and gets a hug from her before she gets ready to leave.


“Wait,” Seungwan smiles. “I made lunch for you, Seul.” She gets up and walks over to grab the lunch bag and orange thermos full of lemonade. Seulgi thanks her for always thinking about her.


“I will eat this well during my lunch break, Wan.”


“I hope so, you’re thin as it is.”


“Hey!” The alpha complains and sees the laughter coming from her sister. It’s so nice to hear Seungwan laugh and feel okay enough to do so. “I see how it is, Seungwan.” Seulgi laughs too. “Don’t push yourself too much, okay. Rest when you need too and I’ll see you later.”


Seungwan assures her that she will rest when she feels like it and sees her off. The beta is glad that Seulgi isn’t alone. She has good friends to help her and that brings Seungwan comfort to know that no matter what Seulgi won’t ever be alone.


“I’m glad you have such good friends and people you can count on, sis.”


One Bae Joohyun was feeling more than just a little excited. She was glad when Seulgi took the job because not only would working for her father help the alpha tremendously. Joohyun also couldn’t help to see it as an extra opportunity to spend with her crush. For the most part Seulgi is working security here at their house and Joohyun has been able to see her more because of that. They do spend time together in school but even that never feels quite enough. Being with Seulgi at her house gives them time to really talk, and so they do. Joohyun remembers once when she made an excuse to simply be near the monolid girl.



Seulgi has been working for her father about a month now. Joohyun hasn’t really been able to spend that much time with her as she would like. Seulgi is normally patrolling the grounds or sometimes found at the main security building her father had built on the property years before she was even born. Today the omega hopes to at least see her. She actually went down to the kitchen and made a small lunch for them. The brunette nervously holds the basket of food that she made and makes her way for the security building. Joohyun spots Seulgi standing at the main gate in conversation with one of the other security guards. The omega has to pause as she gets momentarily distracted by the gorgeous alpha dressed in the all black security uniform. Seulgi is already attractive to Joohyun in just about anything she wears,

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431 streak #1
Chapter 15: Nice to see everything worked out in the end ☺️
Sir_Loin #2
Chapter 11: Probably my fav chapter. Definitely a favourite for now :) ah~ friendship XD
Chapter 15: Aahhh too cute 🥺
Matzo210 #4
Chapter 15: THAT WAS SO CUUUUUUTE!!!!!! 💞💞💞💞💘💘💘💘💖💖💖💖💯💯💯💯💯🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Can start this now yay!
Chapter 15: Oh my god it's so soft 💖 I'm so happy to have read this. I'm gonna be honest that I was a bit surprised and thought that Sooyoung and Yerim might be going too fast, but hey, nothing's too fast if that's really how you feel, right? Thank you for this story 🙇‍♀️
2076 streak #7
Chapter 2: Awww Joohyun
monbyulsido #8
monbyulsido #9