Nothing, like your best friend

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A/N: Thank you all for your opinions, everyone said they were fine with Jinri staying, and she’s not a main character here, but will make appearances occasionally so I’m glad you’re fine with her continuing on. Also, I want to say I wrote this fic a long time ago, so please don’t take anything too personal as I write, we all know about what happened with Wendy, which was completely wrong and negligent! I am just glad she is on the road to recovery and I want her to be able to sue the hell out of sbs, and then she can one day own that company, okay my mini rant is over, here’s chapter 8 (the real chapter 8 now)


Sponsor mentions: As always, thank you very much to my sponsors. I appreciate all of you so much: fabricsoftener, AvryGeist171, royalshipper2122, DTHDHR, Bernkaset, Casti1004, jasonds,  ZombieJuhyun, Rita_1211, 112714, Karasxo, falsuki, wittyadie95, Fantasiii, Km62201n, Eris78, captainsnsd, User_name1200, Androsssss, hiraiim-trash, theRequiem78, jyrus_21, Seosunny, cwright01, kingdomcomes, sleepyhead, Jewster88, InformedPuppy, Fladoodlem8, ericakate, Ody1204, dga214, pinkpinkypin, Moonstunt, SleepyRu, Cheorrybat, Sarcasaticree, pokjl-123, Shouto818, PandaExpress69, j33200, shinneay, dmac20, Chan_94, Tashphobic, NoJamDubu, kiyomamoo, justsomeanimelover, iamforeverlame, Mmm2392, Sapphicblink, CheezeeMyoui,  aya_ah98, bangton, blazeaf, Supergirl, Lorna123, Revelsone, madam_mac, aya_ah98, Nyssa21, Icantstandtofly, Lelouch99, Kasey_1432, tay_84, Mooncrush22, tinybean, sawyer09, and taeyang729. Thank you so much for being sponsors. ^


Seulgi was hovering over her, Seungwan could tell because she was being an overprotective sister making sure she was fine. The alpha was moving about their apartment so fast checking if she had everything she needed before they went to meet Joohyun. It would have been humorous, well it was a little funny seeing Seulgi moving around so much, muttering to herself.




“Do you need another sweater? I checked the weather, and it didn’t seem like it was going to be cold today, but you know sometimes you get cold.”


“Seul?” The beta calls.


“Wan, don’t forget to bring your medicine with you, just in case, oh I’ll pack you some water, and something light to eat in case you get hungry, and…”


“Bring the entire bedroom too while you’re at it,” Seungwan says and that has the monolid girl pause. Seulgi turns to look at her sister with an embarrassed smile. She didn’t mean to overreact, but it’s been some time since Seungwan has felt fine enough to go outside. Seulgi can’t help if she’s worried about her. Seulgi sighs and kneels down before the blonde sitting up on her bed.


“I’m sorry, Wannie.” She apologizes. “I’m a little nervous, and not all because it’s been awhile since you’ve been out.”


Seungwan nods. “Don’t be nervous about my meeting your fake girlfriend, you said she was nice right?”


“She’s very nice. She’s probably the nicest person ever, besides you, but…”


“But different since she’s not family. I understand, well, then I can’t wait to meet her.”


Seulgi is about to say something else, when her phone rings. The alpha wonders if it’s Joohyun and if she needs to change the plan, but can’t imagine the omega waiting until the last minute like the day to change her mind, she quickly finds out it’s Sooyoung, again.


“Oh, , something must be wrong. She’s only been calling every hour.”


“Who is it, Seul?”


“Soo, I think something might be wrong. I better answer this time.”


The dark-haired alpha barely has time to say hello when she hears Sooyoung shouting at her with a lot of words that don’t sound all that happy, probably because she’s pissed Seulgi didn’t answer sooner.


“Well, good afternoon to you too, Ms. Park Sooyoung.”


“Good afternoon, is that all you can say! I’ve only been calling you forever, I need your advice and fast, Seul. I completely ruined my lunch date with Yerim the other day, and I’m scared when we get to school Monday it’ll be all over, she looked like she wanted nothing to do with me by the time we left the restaurant.”


“Um, doesn’t she always looks like she wants nothing to do with you?”


The other alpha on the phone groans in such a way that even Seungwan can hear her, and looks puzzled. She worries for Seulgi’s best friend too, now that she thinks about it.


“You’re not helping!”


“Sorry, um, but maybe can we talk about this in person? I can meet with you later, I’ll swing by your house this evening. I’m taking Wan to meet Joohyun.”


“You are? Hold up, you’re taking your sister to meet your fake girlfriend but I can’t even get my actual girlfriend to want me?” Sooyoung laughs at the insane words that just left , as it sounds completely ridiculous.


“Um, sure?” Seulgi nods.


“Ugh, what the !” Sooyoung sighs. “Okay, come by later, bring comfort food for my pain.”


“One bucket of fried chicken coming right up.” 


She ends the call and turns back to the blonde who looks amused by that small interaction. Seulgi tells Seungwan a lot of what goes on, and so she knows all about Sooyoung’s endless quest to gain this girl Yerim’s affection. Seungwan thinks it’s rather sweet in a way, how the other alpha hasn’t given up. 


“She really likes this girl.” Seulgi admits and has a seat beside her sister.


“Yes, from what you told me, that’s obvious. Does Yerim not like her back?”


“You know, I really don’t know. I mean, Yerim sure as hell acts like she wants nothing to do with Soo, but they’ve known each other since they were like 15, that’s what Soo told me. It’s complicated, anyway, how about we get ready to meet Joohyun now. Do you have all that you need?”


Seungwan decides she will not give her sister a hard time. Seulgi is only acting out of concern for her, the beta knows that. It’s why she lets her be that protective sister, and doesn’t argue with her when Seulgi grabs both a sweater and jacket, or when she insists on packing a small bag of things she then says is her care bag. Seulgi is one of the most wonderful people Seungwan has ever known, and certainly the best sister she could have ever asked for. It is Seulgi who sacrificed so much just to take care of her, it’s why the beta smiles even when she thinks the alpha might be doing too much. She knows it’s all because her sister cares about her.


“Okay, I think we’re all set.” The monolid girl says soon after having checked for what seems like the fourth time.


“Yes, I think we are too, sis.” Seungwan gives her a bright smile that makes Seulgi smile back. They were ready to meet up with Joohyun, hopefully she was ready too. 


The short answer was that Joohyun was technically ready. She wanted to make lunch for the three of them to share as they sat down to talk, which she was able to do, despite the fact that Yerim kept calling practically every hour. The brunette was all set to go with the food she made, and was about to meet her driver out front when again Yerim was calling, now Joohyun knew something must be wrong, because Yerim wouldn’t call this much if something wasn’t going on. The bespectacled girl puts down the bags she was carrying and answers the call.



“Well, finally!” Yerim sighs in relief when she hears Joohyun answer.


“What’s wrong?”


“What’s wrong?” Her fellow omega repeats. “What’s wrong, is how terrible going out to lunch with Sooyoung was, that’s what’s wrong. Now, she’s probably going to be all weird on Monday at school, and I don’t think I’m ready for it.” 


Joohyun wants to be able to talk to her fully, or rather she would talk to her in person, it sounds like Yerim needs to talk. 


“Hey, why don’t I come over to your place in a few hours? I’m about to go meet Seulgi and her sister right now, but I want to talk to you in person, maybe you’ll feel better after we talk?”


“You’re meeting your fake girlfriend’s sister?” Yerim is surprised that those words have left . Joohyun sure is acting like someone’s girlfriend, already meeting family, even though she is technically not even Seulgi’s girlfriend. Yerim doesn’t know if she’s proud or worried.


“Well, when you put it that way…” Joohyun sighs. “I guess that’s exactly what I'm doing.”


Her best friend laughs and tells her good luck. “Well, good luck. Come over later, and please bring me good food for my pain and suffering.”


“Yes, I’ll bring you of that awful chicken you like, promise.”

“Hey, it’s not awful!”


“Good bye, Yerimie.”


“Bye, Hyun, and thanks.”


Yerim ends the call and falls back into bed. She is going to need tons of chicken to relax her mind after what happened on her outing with one, Park Sooyoung. What in the hell was she thinking going anywhere with her, this is what she gets for being too nice? But Sooyoung was just so different that day when she asked her. It was clear to the blonde that Sooyoung only wanted to cheer her up, and didn’t care about anything else. Plus, it was nice to see another side to the alpha she hadn’t really seen before, despite knowing her since they were both teenagers. Yerim is about to text Joohyun to see if she can stay over the night, because she could really use her best friend. Here she is sitting at home alone, since her mother had to go away on a business trip, which is nothing unusual. Most of the times, Yerim is on her own when her mother is out of town, or working. She’s alone when her mother is home too, for that matter. She barely sends the text to Joohyun when her phone is ringing and it’s none other than Sooyoung.


“Oh, no…” The omega sighs. “No...why did I give her my number for!”


Again, this is what she gets for being nice. She is at a loss for what to do, she can either be rude and not answer, or answer and get it over with. Yerim sighs deeply and answers the call.


“Park Sooyoung!”


“Hehe.” She laughs nervously. “I knew you were going to shout at me first before anything else, see, soulmates, what did I tell you?”


The omega is silent for so long that Sooyoung is worried that she has been hung up on. She looks at the phone for a moment before calling out Yerim’s name several times.






Still no answer.


“Kim Yerimie?”


Still no answer at all, and so Sooyoung does what she does best and calls her the most perfect name.


“Park Yerimie!”


“Hey!” That seems to do the trick and brings the omega back to reality, and makes Sooyoung laugh.


“You’re still there, thank god.”

“What is wrong with you!” Yerim shouts out in exasperation. She doesn’t know what in the hell is wrong with this girl, still, not after all this time. She believes she will never know what’s wrong with Park Sooyoung. The alpha is like some huge mystery, wrapped up in an even bigger mystery, that no one can possibly understand, and it’s frustrating.


“You’re not my girlfriend and it’s been like 8 years, that’s what’s wrong with me!” Sooyoung shouts at her, but takes a deep breath. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, that’s not how I should be going about this. I know, my coming on so strongly hasn’t really been helping, and I’m working on that, but I can’t help that you drive me crazy, in a good way.”



“No, really. You’re like my dream girl, Yerim. I’ll do whatever it takes to win you over, I promise. I should go, but thanks for answering, and sorry about…”


“No!” Yerim shakes her head. “No, we will not talk about the restaurant stuff right now, please do not now. We can talk about it in person on Monday. I need time to think.”


“So…” It doesn’t sound too bad, that doesn’t sound like Yerim is saying to hell with her for good, but still Sooyoung doesn’t want to get her hopes up, not until she at least talks to Seulgi later on and gets that best friend advice that only best friends can give.


“I’ll see you on Monday, Sooyoung.” is what Yerim says. “Try not to go on anymore distastours restaurant dates until then.”


“Hey, if I’m going on any disastrous restaurant dates it’s only with you,” she realizes what she says. “Wait, , no. I meant, good dates, just good, not disasters. Thank you, Yerim. I’ll see you on Monday.”


They end the call at the same time, and now Sooyoung feels a bit relieved. She thought for sure that would have gone a lot worse, but the fact that it hadn’t gone terrible is such a weight off of her shoulders. It doesn’t mean she has suddenly won her over or anything, but it’s looking a lot better than it ever has. Sooyoung figures she has some time before Seulgi comes over, since she’s taking her sister to meet with Joohyun today. The alpha at least better use her time wisely and catch up on any school work she might have, or hear it from her mom later when she gets back in town.


“Ah,” She laughs excitedly. “I’ll win you over just yet, Kim Yerim.”  Sooyoung does however, send a quick text to Seulgi not only wishing her luck, but telling her she hopes her sister feels well while out there. She knows how sometimes Seungwan’s health can be, it can be tricky, one moment she’s well enough and feeling fine, and the next moment she isn’t feeling so good to be outside. Sooyoung hopes their day out today goes well for all of them, Joohyun too for that matter since she’s meeting someone very important to Seulgi. 


Seulgi sees the text and sends a quick thank you as she and Seungwan make their way to the park. She appreciates her best friend because Sooyoung is a genuine friend who cares, she knows how lucky she is to have Sooyoung as her best friend. For now, she looks at how genuinely happy her sister is to be outside right now, and that makes her happy too.


“Do you need your jacket?” Seulgi wonders.


“The sweater is fine.” Seungwan promises as she has on her comfortable blue sweater. “The weather really isn’t all that cold, Seul. It’s a nice day, and this is the park you told me that you like to come to during breaks?”

“Yes.” The alpha nods. “I come here a lot, sometimes when I’m on breaks from class. Hey, let’s go sit down at my favorite picnic bench, Joohyun should be on her way soon.”


“Wait, do you mind if I take some pictures too? I want to remember everything, and this is a really pretty park.”


“Sure, Wannie. Take all the pictures that you want.”


Seulgi watches as the blonde does exactly that and take some photos of things like the trees, flowers, and sky. It’s good to see her relaxed and happy as she does something simple like snap photos. The dark-haired girl is nearby at the picnic table when she hears approaching footsteps and sees Joohyun carrying some bags, with an apologetic smile.


“I’m sorry, I’m a little late.”


The alpha smiles and walks over to help her with the bags. “You’re right on time, Hyun.”


Seungwan turns too when she notices the pretty brown-haired omega, dressed in a nice black blouse, purple sweater, and jeans. She looks at how Seulgi helps her take the bags to the table, and sees the way Joohyun has a small but noticeable blush on her cheeks, it’s rather cute.


“Oh, Joohyun, let me introduce you to my sister.” 


The beta takes that as her cue and starts walking over to them with a warm smile on her face. 


“Wan, please meet Joohyun. Joohyun, please meet my sister, Seungwan.”


“Hi, Seungwan, it’s nice to meet you.” The bespectacled girl says politely. She is proud of herself for not stuttering or showing how anxious she is at all, at least she hopes that she’s not being too obvious about that.


“Hi, Joohyun, it’s really nice to meet you too. You didn’t say your girlfriend was so pretty, sis.” The blonde nudges Seulgi in the arm then and the monolid alpha simply laughs. Joohyun is at a loss for words, because just the thought of Seulgi even thinking she’s pretty is enough to make her feel like she’ll turn full on tomato-red in a moment.


“Haha, well that was none of your business, sis.” Seulgi says and then suggests everyone sit down at the table now that they are all here.


“I made food, I hope that’s fine.”


“That’s great.” The alpha nods. “Thanks, Joohyun, you didn’t have to.”


“That was really nice of you, Joohyun.” Seungwan agrees. “Thank you.”


The omega feels her initial nerves slowly disappear as they eat and talk. Seulgi and Seungwan are so close, and Joohyun enjoys seeing a different side to her crush. The side that can be more carefree and silly with her sister, as Seungwan tells her funny stories about Seulgi, which the monolid alpha denies, and looks cute doing so. Naturally, there’s a moment Seungwan asks to speak to Joohyun alone, and Seulgi looks hesitant in allowing this to happen. Joohyun is the one who lets her know it’s okay.


“I don’t mind, Seul.”


“Yeah, don’t worry, I won’t tell her anymore embarrassing stories about you.” 


“Well, see that you don’t. I can’t defend myself if I’m not sitting here when you bash me.”


“Hey!” Seungwan laughs. “I won’t bash you, now you can give us a moment to talk.”


“Sure, I’ll be right back. Let me know if she scares you, Hyun, I’ll come back in a moment to save you.” Seulgi says lightheartedly, and that’s enough to further relax the brunette, as from all she has seen about the beta. Seungwan seems very sweet and there’s nothing to worry about them talking alone. Seulgi walks off to give them a chance to talk alone, and Seungwan turns to the brunette.



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431 streak #1
Chapter 15: Nice to see everything worked out in the end ☺️
Sir_Loin #2
Chapter 11: Probably my fav chapter. Definitely a favourite for now :) ah~ friendship XD
Chapter 15: Aahhh too cute 🥺
Matzo210 #4
Chapter 15: THAT WAS SO CUUUUUUTE!!!!!! 💞💞💞💞💘💘💘💘💖💖💖💖💯💯💯💯💯🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Can start this now yay!
Chapter 15: Oh my god it's so soft 💖 I'm so happy to have read this. I'm gonna be honest that I was a bit surprised and thought that Sooyoung and Yerim might be going too fast, but hey, nothing's too fast if that's really how you feel, right? Thank you for this story 🙇‍♀️
2076 streak #7
Chapter 2: Awww Joohyun
monbyulsido #8
monbyulsido #9