Kang Seulgi's girl

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A/N: Thank you everyone who left a review on chapter 4. I appreciated your comments and general interest in this fic. I like that everyone’s interested in Joyri here too. Okay here’s chapter 5


It was as expected for both Joohyun and Seulgi when people around campus began seeing them together more. They each had looks of bewilderment, awe, and curiosity for starters. It only fueled their interest because Seulgi was truly acting like a girlfriend in every sense of the word. The alpha would walk her to most of her classes, wait for her, carry her bag or books, and was truly like a sweetheart in a lot of ways. Joohyun knew for 90 percent of her time spent with Seulgi she was probably blushing like a mad woman. How could she not when it’s her longtime crush and person she cares for. Nothing felt as good as having Seulgi’s larger and warm hand holding her own. As nice as spending time with Seulgi was the reality of the situation was that this is only a year arrangement.


“I have a year to hopefully help Seulgi to see we could be really good together.” The brunette thinks to herself while she sits in class. A group of girls are watching her but that is to be expected now. Everyone’s curious about her newfound relationship with Kang Seulgi.


“Hey, Joohyun.” One of them calls her. “You’ve got to tell us what’s really going on with you and Kang Seulgi.”


The omega ignores the question as she focuses on the lecture. These people who ask her questions like this have no right to ask because they are not her friends. They are not even associates or people she enjoys talking to. The brunette looks down to her phone when there’s a text notification from Seulgi. When she sees the message Joohyun can’t help but to smile.


“Hey, so are you busy for lunch today? Want to meet me outside by the main entrance?”


Joohyun texts back that she will meet Seulgi as soon as her class is over. She can’t wait to see the monolid girl later and spend more time getting to know her. Seulgi still hasn’t yet told her if she will accept the offered security job. Joohyun is hopeful that the alpha will because she’s already talked to her dad about it. He was a little suspicious at first but Joohyun won him over in the end. Her father joked that she could be a lawyer because of how persuasive her arguments always are. Joohyun hopes to help Seulgi in whatever way she can, anything is better than having her turn back to needing help from those bad people she was mixed up with.


“I’ll see you then.”


Joohyun can’t help to smile at the notification before sending a quick one back. “I’ll see you then.”


Kim Yerim was honestly having a morning that was quickly turning into a afternoon. She overslept today which made her late for her first class, but not before getting into an argument with her mother about her coming in at least a few days out of the week to have more hands on experience with the company. It’s bad enough that Yerim has known since she was a child she would be expected to lead the company one day. But everything in her life seems to revolve around the company. It’s why she is grateful she has at least an outlet in her music club activities where she can play guitar and write songs without being stressed out. Yerim realized early that she also forgot to bring her packed lunch which made her at the moment starving and angry.


“Why does today of all days have to be so ty!” The blonde omega groans and reaches into her bag for her wallet. She is so hungry and needs food or something like food soon.


“Hey, Yerim.” She hears a few people she knows call out to her and she waves back politely. There is nothing else that could ruin this day, well almost nothing except when on her way to the cafeteria she runs right into Sooyoung. She collides with the auburn-haired alpha so hard that she thinks she’ll fall, well Yerim would have fallen had a strong arm not reached out to grab her around the waist. Sooyoung was holding her securely in place from falling.


“Oh, my god.” Yerim sighs to herself. Of course it could and would get worse with her running into Park Sooyoung of all the alpha’s in the world.


“Are you okay?” Sooyoung asks her in what sounds like a genuine tone.


“Yes, I’m fine.” The shorter girl nods and carefully moves herself out of the alpha’s hold. Would it be too much to ask if she could get away without talking to Sooyoung? Oh, but of course it would be.


“Um, so…”


“So?” Yerim turns back to look at her.




Whatever Sooyoung wants to say doesn’t get said because a swarm of students literally come out of nowhere and practically shove Yerim to the ground they are trying to get to Sooyoung.


“Sooyoung, you were so good in class today!”


“You’re one of the best actresses!”


“I love you so much, Sooyoung!”


“Hey, can you guys please stop for a moment. I was talking to..” Sooyoung takes a look to where she last saw the blonde omega and she is long gone already. The taller girl sighs in disappointment. At this rate she will never be able to get Yerim to see she’s not so bad playgirl and that she only wants her. In the meantime since she is surrounded by so many of her acting classmates the auburn-haired girl smiles politely and thanks everyone for their kind comments. She wishes this could have waited as it will do nothing to help her cause with Yerim.


“Thanks a lot people, that was my wife you ran out of here!”


Joohyun is on her way to meet Seulgi when she sees the dark-haired alpha in conversation with a few of her art friends. Everyone knows how talented an artist Seulgi is and Joohyun has gone to the school art showings just to be able to see the art up close. The alpha is really amazing at how she can capture a piece right down to the tiniest of details. Joohyun wonders if she should wait until Seulgi finishes talking to go over there.


“Hey, Hyun.” Seulgi waves and makes a small run for her.


“H-Hyun…” Joohyun thinks anxiously. How come it sounds ten times nicer coming out of Seulgi’s mouth than when anyone in her family address her as Hyun. She is stunned for a long moment she almost misses the fact that the monolid girl has her arm wrapped around her waist.


“Hey, guys. Meet my girlfriend, Joohyun. Hyun these are some of my art buddies. Eunbi, Jisoo, and Lisa. But I’m the best one of the group obviously.” Seulgi teases in such a way that has her friends rolling their eyes and hitting her a few times in the shoulders.


“H-Hi…” Joohyun says it so softly that it’s nearly missed.


“Wow, you’re dating our Seul.” Jisoo the dark-haired beta says in shock. “Um, may I ask why?”


“Hey, I am a catch!”


“Yeah, did you lose a bet or something and got stuck with our gomdori?” The blonde alpha Lisa wonders next and that earns such a groan from Seulgi that even Joohyun has to pause because of the adorable frown on her face.

“Um, no...not exactly.”


“I don’t know what you did to get our Seul but good luck, Joohyun.” The brown-haired alpha Eunbi speaks. Joohyun recognizes Eunbi because she dates one of the student council members Jung Yerin.


“Oh, but…”


“Hey, that’s enough from all of you. My girlfriend and I don’t have to be subjected to this sort of treatment. Come on, babe.” Seulgi addresses Joohyun. All the omega hears is Seulgi’s friends shouting at her and Seulgi sort of shouting back. Joohyun can tell it’s a friendly conversation and they are all probably joking around. She soon hears Seulgi talk to her and turns to look at her fully.


“Would you like to go back to that park with me? I have food we can share. My sister made it and it’s really good.”


“Oh, I have food we can share too.” Joohyun says with a smile that makes Seulgi smile back as well. The slightly shorter girl can feel Seulgi take her hand again as they walk out of campus.


“You know so many people.”


“Oh, well I kind of do. Being friends with Sooyoung helps with that too.”


“You two seem so different.”


“Well, no offense Joohyun but you and Yerim are kind of different too. Sometimes those differences help in friendships, you know?”


Joohyun nods and says no more. She can’t deny that she and Yerim are different in ways, but it is those differences that do mix things up and keep their friendship interesting. When she and Seulgi get to the park they sit down at a park bench and split their food with one another.


“My sister is a really good cook. She’s been teaching me somethings too, for…” Seulgi stops and plants a smile on her face. She has already told Joohyun enough as far as Seungwan goes and doesn’t want to go any further. Joohyun looks at her curiously only she can tell the alpha isn’t going to say anything else. The omega decides to steer the subject in a completely different direction.


“Have you thought more about working for my dad?”


“Um..” Seulgi pauses. She has thought about it a little only because working for Mr. Bae would be way more money than what she’s making now. Plus if he is willing to

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431 streak #1
Chapter 15: Nice to see everything worked out in the end ☺️
Sir_Loin #2
Chapter 11: Probably my fav chapter. Definitely a favourite for now :) ah~ friendship XD
Chapter 15: Aahhh too cute 🥺
Matzo210 #4
Chapter 15: THAT WAS SO CUUUUUUTE!!!!!! 💞💞💞💞💘💘💘💘💖💖💖💖💯💯💯💯💯🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Can start this now yay!
Chapter 15: Oh my god it's so soft 💖 I'm so happy to have read this. I'm gonna be honest that I was a bit surprised and thought that Sooyoung and Yerim might be going too fast, but hey, nothing's too fast if that's really how you feel, right? Thank you for this story 🙇‍♀️
2076 streak #7
Chapter 2: Awww Joohyun
monbyulsido #8
monbyulsido #9