Just needing a chance

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A/N: Hi, all, and thank you for reading the previous chapter. I am still not sure how long this fic will be, usually I tend to leave my fics at 10 chapters, but in special cases 15, so perhaps this could be one of those special 15, since we still have things that need to be explored further, like seulrene’s developing relationship, and Joyri’s as well for example. We will get Yerim’s mom here too, and there are logical reasons why I chose this person, not only because they share a surname which made things easier, but also Yerim is close to this person in real life, Sulli who is Joy’s mom in this fic is also close to this person, which makes it all work, Please enjoy :)


Sponsor mentions: As always, thank you very much to my sponsors. I appreciate all of you so much: fabricsoftener, AvryGeist171,royalshipper2122, DTHDHR, Bernkaset, Casti1004, jasonds,  ZombieJuhyun, Rita_1211, Karasxo, falsuki, wittyadie95, Fantasiii, Km62201n, Eris78, captainsnsd, User_name1200, Androsssss, TwFishy, hiraiim-trash, theRequiem78, jyrus_21, Mmm2392, Seosunny, cwright01, kingdomcomes, sleepyhead, Jewster88, hailqueens, InformedPuppy, iamforeverlame, Dibidibidibi, Fladoodlem8, ericakate, RedAce, dga214, pinkpinkypin, taengayer, LOCOppl, Seulgalaxy, neverbeengood, paulineringo, Moonstunt, forvrene, Tashphobic,  xlmaoxlisax, victoriatrrsx, Cheorrybat, and Sarcasaticree. Thank you so much for being sponsors. ^^


Yerim hated when she had to attend events with her mother. Not only were they usually always boring for the young woman, she also was expected to network and work the room at some point during the night. Her mother has instilled in her brain that she will one day take over their family company, and one way to do that is to be seen in the room talking to people.


“If I have to talk to another person in a suit, I will lose my mind.” The omega grumbled to herself while hiding at the entrance to the gardens. Her feelings aside, the venue for this place is beautiful, with a classy atmosphere, waiters taking your drink, walking around with refreshments, and lots of rich people walking about. Yerim could care less. Yerim would rather be home in her pajamas eating junk food and playing video games. 


“Yerim, I thought I saw you earlier.” She hears Jinri calling out to her, and turns with a warm and polite smile. Jinri is good friends with her mom and she genuinely likes the former idol turned model. She is nice and kind, it’s not her fault that she created such annoying spawn in Sooyoung.


“Ms. Jinri, hello.” She walks over to the older omega and gives her a hug. “It’s nice to see you again.”


“It’s nice to see you too, hiding from your mom, hm?” The dark-haired woman asks knowingly with a gentle touch to her cheek. Yerim gives a nod, because she knows Jinri would understand.


“Tell her that I ran away with one of the waiters.”


Jinri laughs, but then quickly stops. She probably shouldn't be laughing at such things, and instead hugs Yerim. 


“I know things aren’t particularly easy for you, sweetie. Your mom means well, even if sometimes it doesn’t seem like it. Tell you what, I’ll have a talk with her, you just stay out of sight for a while.”


The younger woman smiles brightly and thanked her. “You’re the best, Ms. Jinri, oh but…” it dawns on Yerim now that if Jinri is here then there’s a very good chance that Sooyoung is also around too, because sometimes Sooyoung attends events with her mother, same as how she does with her own mom.


“Don’t worry.” The older omega smiles kindly again. “Sooyoung is at home. She’s studying tonight.”


Yerim hopes her face is not in anyway looking like she’s about to laugh or crack up at what the other omega just said to her.


“She’s doing what?”


“Studying, I know Soo can come across like she doesn’t care about things, but truly she’s very smart and likes to keep up with her grades. Now, I know she can come on a little strong.” Jinri takes notice of the frown on Yerim’s face and corrects herself.


“Sometimes very strongly.”


“You can say that again.” Yerim sighs.


“She’s very passionate about what she cares about, I’m afraid she might have gotten that from me, maybe try and give her a chance, okay. I think you could be really pleasantly surprised.”


“Sure, Ms. Jinri, thank you.”


Sulli smiles again and takes her leave away from the younger woman and back towards the main hall. Yerim uses the time to sneak out into the gardens so she can sit down and get away from the party for a moment. She is very surprised still that Jinri just said that Sooyoung is at home studying, that imagery isn’t adding up to her. She’s known Sooyoung a long time, and all she’s ever seen is the girl in one of so many modes. Yerim has seen actress Park Sooyoung, flirtatious Park Sooyoung, over-the-top Park Sooyoung, just to name some of the top of head. Yerim finds it hard to believe there can be anything else.


“I don’t have time to think about this right now, Hyun said I could call her if I needed.” She reminds herself that her best friend told her personally that if she needed her at any point to call. Yerim sits down on one of the benches outside and calls Joohyun who does answer.




“Hi, best friend.” Yerim says in a cheerful tone. “How’s your evening, because mine is really dull.”


Joohyun can be heard chuckling on the other end of the line. She figured at some point Yerim would be calling her, because her friend hates attending these events with her mother.


“I can still plan my rescue mission.”


“I wish.” Yerim agrees. “No, it should be almost over. Mom has to give her big speech and then it’s video games and junk food for me right after this.”


“Did you run into your wife?”


Yerim makes a strangled sound on the phone as Joohyun asks her that. She makes a mental note to get her back for that, best friend or not.


“She’s not!”


Joohyun laughs a bit louder on the phone. “I don’t think she heard that message, Yerimie.”


Yerim knows just how to stop Joohyun. “How about you, Ms. Bae or should I start calling you as Mrs. Kang Seulgi.”


Immediately, Joohyun is quiet on the phone and Yerim knows her best friend well enough to know that she’s blushing. She finds Joohyun too cute, especially now that she knows about this crush of hers, even if it’s on Sooyoung’s best friend.




“You’re so cute, Hyun. I know you’re over there blushing.”


“I-I am not!” Joohyun says it too fast for Yerim to believe her. The other omega laughs out loud at her friend.


“You’re cute.” She repeats. “Anyway, I’m going to go before Mom sends someone to collect me, catch you at school, Hyun.”


“I’ll see you at school, Yerimie.”


The blonde is barely off the phone when she hears footsteps approach and the dark boots of the taller alpha first before the actual face of the woman. She isn’t alarmed because she already expected to be found at some point.


“Hey, kiddo.” The tanned alpha smiles kindly. “Is this where they moved the party to?”


“Ms. Yuri.” Yerim shakes her head. “Did mom send you after me?”


“Well, off the record, no I have no idea what you’re talking about, Ms. Kim. But, officially I am supposed to get you back to the main hall before the speech.”


Kwon Yuri is a very close friend of her mother’s turned bodyguard over the years, and sometimes Yuri is tasked with keeping an eye on her. Yerim doesn’t necessarily mind, since Yuri is fun and nice. A lot times when growing up Yerim spent more time with Yuri than her mom.


“Can’t you just kidnap me?”


Yuri laughs and gently taps her head. “You know I can’t do that, kiddo. Do you think I want to explain to Sooyoungie that we have an extra mouth to feed.”


Sooyoung is Yuri’s wife and mate, a famous model turned chef who is really fun and kind too. Yerim personally feels like she is the only Sooyoung that she can tolerate. 


“Ms. Sooyoung loves me like a daughter.” Yerim points to herself proudly. Yuri nods and wraps her arms around the younger woman and gently knocks her upside the head in a playful manner.


“You’re like our daughter too, now please come with me before your mom gets worried, alright?”


Yerim takes note of how worried Yuri seems too, and the last thing she would want is to get her in trouble. It’s why Yerim gets up and follows Yuri back toward the main hall area where they are just in time to hear her mother’s speech. Her mother is the epitome of a strong and confident woman who can command a room without even speaking sometimes. Yerim stands a bit behind Yuri as she listens to a lot of the key points her mom is making.


“She’s really good at this sort of thing, huh?” Yerim speaks to Yuri who gives a laugh.


“She wasn’t always, your mom was quite the bad public speaker, and a huge dork, still is too, don’t let her cool boss persona fool you.”


The speech is short and to the point. Her mother moves the crowd and almost immediately Yerim can see people starting to pull out checkbooks to donate money. The young omega sighs to herself, as she doesn’t think she can ever be what her mother is to their family company, and then Yerim sees her heading over. The brown-haired alpha dressed in a grey business suit makes her way over to daughter and close friend, or she’s about to when someone stops her.


“Taeyeon, we have to catch up and soon.”


Taeyeon turns to the person and is about to politely tell them she must meet with her daughter, but can see this could take a bit of conversation. Yerim sighs in annoyance and turns away.


“Kiddo?” Yuri looks at her.


“Probably another Kim Taeyeon fan,” Yerim rolls her eyes. It was never easy being the daughter of a highly famous idol turned well known business woman. Yerim tells Yuri she will wait outside by the limo, and Yuri barely has time to stop her, or rather she doesn’t even bother. She knows that Yerim has her own issues with her mother, even though she loves her mom very much at the same time. By the time Taeyeon does make it over to Yuri she sees no sign of Yerim, which isn’t surprising.


“Wasn’t she just with you?”


“I think the party was getting overwhelming for her, it’s a school night, Taeng.”


The shorter alpha gives a nod. “I know, I didn’t think the event would go on this long, and she’s also in college, I think it’s good for her to have the experience of managing multiple things.”


“Taeng.” Yuri sighs. “Listen, I know you love Yerimie, but you can stand to give her a break sometimes, you know.”


Taeyeon doesn’t say anything to her comment, although she nods that she has heard her friend. The two exit the event hall and head out toward the limo where Yerim is waiting with phone in hand. The young omega is texting and Taeyeon knows from her body language that she isn’t in the mood.


“Yerimie?” The alpha calls out to her daughter who does at least look up from her phone.


“Yes, mom?”


In the moment, Taeyeon is at a loss for words. It’s a shame really, since she just gave a speech to a room full of business associates and donors. But when it comes to her young college-aged daughter, she finds that the words often escapes her.


“Nothing, nevermind. Let’s go home, you do have school tomorrow, I apologize that the event ran over time.”


Yerim shrugs and starts to enter the limo. “Yeah, mom, no problem.” She closes the door behind her and Taeyeon sighs. Yuri nudges her friend and shakes her head.


“Real smooth, Taeng, very smooth.”


“Shut up, Yul. I know that could have gone better.”


“You’re telling me.” The taller alpha sighs. “Anyway, let’s get you both home. Maybe, you’ll talk at home.” Yuri tries to be optimistic about it, but Taeyeon knows how things will go. Yerim will most likely go straight to her room and not speak to her for the rest of the evening. Taeyeon tells herself that she will try again tomorrow to talk with her daughter. She isn’t trying to alienate her only child, even if at the moment it seems like that’s all she’s doing.


Unfortunately for Kim Taeyeon, the following morning a work emergency came up that prevented her from even talking to her daughter. She left the house early before Yerim woke up, and by the time the young omega had to go to school, her mother was gone. It was not surprising in the least, and Yerim simply went on about getting herself ready to go.


“I better just go and face the day.”


Someone who was already up and facing the day was Park Sooyoung. The alpha was feeling hopeful and determined more than ever. She’s going to wait right here at the main entrance building until she sees Yerim, and she’s going to walk her to class.


“Okay, Soo. Even if you miss your own class, you will walk her to class.” Sooyoung says to herself. The auburn-haired girl looks up when she notices Joohyun walking up toward the school. Now, is her chance to at least try and make nice with Yerim’s friend. If she can make a better impression on Yerim’s friend then perhaps Joohyun won’t mind putting in a good word for her, plus Sooyoung can also help her out too.


“She does have a thing for Seul after all, I’m sure she won’t mind my helping her out there.”


Sooyoung waves her down to get the brown-haired omega’s attention. “Hey, Joohyun?” She calls out and her voice startles Joohyun so badly that she almost drops her lunch bag. Joohyun turns around with a wide-eyed expression that settles when she notices it’s just Sooyoung.


“Oh, Sooyoung, hello.” She says politely. Because of how much time she has been spending with Seulgi, Joohyun has had the chance to spend time with Sooyoung too, and in her opinion the taller alpha isn’t really so bad. She can come off a little strongly and she understands why Yerim could be put off by that in a way. But, from the way Sooyoung talks about Yerim and only Yerim. Joohyun can tell that Sooyoung is serious about her best friend.


“Hey, so can I talk to you first before you go to class.”


“Sure?” Joohyun nods. 


“Well, you are best friends with Yerim, so I’m sure she must listen to you.”


“Not always.” Joohyun admits with a tone of voice that makes Sooyoung laugh, even though the brunette was in no way trying to be funny. 


“Fine, but she listens to you enough, right? You have to put in a good word for me. I can help you with Seul.” The alpha smiles knowingly. “She’s not really picky, and you’re cute, if you’re doing the whole librarian school girl thing.” She takes note of Joohyun’s glasses.


“Librarian school girl thing?” The omega can only mouth to herself in disbelief. Before she can even ask Sooyoung what she’s talking about the alpha takes off running because she notices someone else. Joohyun knows the person too, and there’s an amused smile

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432 streak #1
Chapter 15: Nice to see everything worked out in the end ☺️
Sir_Loin #2
Chapter 11: Probably my fav chapter. Definitely a favourite for now :) ah~ friendship XD
Chapter 15: Aahhh too cute 🥺
Matzo210 #4
Chapter 15: THAT WAS SO CUUUUUUTE!!!!!! 💞💞💞💞💘💘💘💘💖💖💖💖💯💯💯💯💯🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Can start this now yay!
Chapter 15: Oh my god it's so soft 💖 I'm so happy to have read this. I'm gonna be honest that I was a bit surprised and thought that Sooyoung and Yerim might be going too fast, but hey, nothing's too fast if that's really how you feel, right? Thank you for this story 🙇‍♀️
2077 streak #7
Chapter 2: Awww Joohyun
monbyulsido #8
monbyulsido #9