To the Shy couple

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A/N: Chapter 15 everyone and the final chapter, yay! It’s been a good overall trip here writing this, and I am glad to be able to finish another fic, and thank you all for enjoying it if you did, and so let’s get some conclusions, yes! Yes.


Seulgi woke up first, which was unusual for her, since for the most part she likes to sleep in as much as possible. But if she has to be somewhere, like work, school, running errands, or making sure Seungwan made it to her appointments the alpha would always get up no matter what. The warm sun peeking through Joohyun’s window was the first thing that greeted her. The second thing was how simply beautiful Joohyun looked while still asleep, her brown locks framing her face, and pink lips parted ever so slightly. Seulgi wonders what she looks like without her glasses, though she is getting a glimpse of what Joohyun looks like now, but the alpha finds herself curious to see when the omega will open her eyes. The monolid girl sits up a bit and places her hand onto Joohyun’s cheek, in a soft way to not wake her up. This really was the most beautiful girl she had ever seen.


“Hey..” Joohyun yawns, eyes still closed, waking up because she feels Seulgi’s hand on her cheek. “Did you sleep okay?”


And then Seulgi freezes on the spot when those pretty bright brown eyes of hers open, and she still looks pretty with or without her glasses. Something about seeing Joohyun waking up this early in the morning, looking as breathtaking as she does, and yet with that sweet gaze does things to the monolid girl’s heart. Things she didn’t even think were possible, but then again being with Joohyun makes a lot of things possible.


“Seul?” Joohyun wonders what’s wrong because Seulgi isn’t saying anything, just staring at her.


“Sorry, this is just the first time I’m seeing you without your glasses.”


“Oh...yeah, I bet I look different to you.”


“You look beautiful, Joohyun, as always.”


It was honestly way too early in the morning to be this red-faced, so she whispers a soft thank you to the alpha, and checks the time. It’s nearly 8 am now, still a bit early for her parents to be home. At the least, they could have breakfast together.


“I don’t actually have any change of clothes.” Seulgi smiles a bit embarrassed, since she had come over in the night while injured.


“That’s okay, I can get an extra uniform for you downstairs, it’ll work for now. I’ll be right back and then you can shower in my bathroom.”


Joohyun’s face turns a bit red as she imagines Seulgi using her bathroom to shower, again, something she never thought would be possible in a million years. Yet, here they are, and so she hurries out the room to grab a few things, like a change of clothes, towels, and washcloth as well. Seulgi is also kind of internally freaking out about the fact she’s about to step into the omega’s personal bathroom to shower, but if she could share her bed and sleep beside her without much of a problem, taking a shower in her bathroom would be a piece of cake. In the meantime, while she waits she sends a text to Seungwan to make sure she’s okay.


“I’m fine, sis. I hope you’re being careful and not making pups over there, at least not before proper marriage.” There is a teasing face emoji and Seulgi groans before shaking her head, leave it to her sister to start joking and teasing early. She’ll be home soon anyway, at least once she and Joohyun explain her situation to the omega’s parents. Seulgi still finds herself incredibly grateful to have someone like Joohyun in her life. 


“Hey, I’m back.” Joohyun whispers softly upon entering the bedroom with freshly ironed clothes in her hand, as well as essentials like a towel, washcloth, extra toothbrush. “This should fit you well.” She hands over the clothes and their hands briefly touch for a few moments. The two share a soft smile and there’s again that urge to kiss each other. Seulgi reminds herself not to.


“Not that I don’t want to kiss you, Hyun. Soon, I promise.” The taller girl even holds her hands in her own and that was enough for Joohyun to understand completely what Seulgi is talking about.  But even still, the omega leans up to kiss her forehead.


“At least, this for now then, but soon.”


“Soon.” Seulgi repeats with a smile and then heads to get herself a shower. Joohyun texts Yerim while she waits, because she has a plan she needs to run past her best friend, though there was no immediate answer. Joohyun didn’t take it personally as she knew her friend would get back to her.


“Hopefully she’s not studying too hard.”


Studying was the last thing on the other omega’s mind as the book laid on the floor, and one alpha rolled off of her with such a smug smile on her face, that Yerim considered smacking Sooyoung in the head with her textbook.


“See, now you can’t blame us having a second time on drinking, since no one was drunk, so just admit you like having with me, your loving girlfriend!”


“Idiot,” Yerim sighs with a light laugh. Okay, so maybe that second time was definitely wanted, because Sooyoung looked so good focused on the notes they were studying, and maybe when the alpha touched her it felt nice. 


“An idiot you like to have with, oh wait, …” The alpha sighs and kisses her lips. “Let’s try this again, good morning, baby. How are you feeling?”


This is exactly the sort of thing that made her fall for Sooyoung, really, how could she not when the alpha acted like this.


“I’m fine, Soo. You must feel incredible now that you’ve gotten to sleep with me a second time.”


“Yes, but listen up. I’m not going to keep this whole thing without real commitment, so either marry me or mate me, or both, alright!”


Yerim looks surprised for a moment but it quickly fades. Well, she supposes it was bound to happen sooner or later, really.


“I hope you plan to ask me to marry you in a much better way than that, Sooyoung. But you have my permission to mark me as your mate, alright.”


“Now, before you say no….” She pauses as she realizes that Yerim just said the very opposite of no. “Wait, what…”


“I said you have permission to make me your mate. I’m not all that cool with sleeping with you without a serious commitment either, so might as well at least be mates, okay.”


“Yeah…” It’s said in an incredibly soft way and even Sooyoung looks like she’s about to start crying and it makes Yerim look at her with a soft look on her face. This was indeed her alpha, in every way that matters, the omega could accept that fully without any problems. Sooyoung nuzzles her neck just a bit, telling her to relax so that she can leave her mark against her scent glands and the bite at first is slightly painful, but only for a few moments. The pain subsides and is replaced by a pleasant feeling. Sooyoung is already making sure she’s fine though, with kisses to her skin.


“I’m fine, it’s okay, Soo.”


“I’ll always make sure you’re fine, Yerimie. Now, let’s talk wedding cakes, I’m thinking red velvet, what about you?”

Yerim simply pushes her face away from her own with a light shove. “Strawberry all the way.”


“Fine, whatever you want, as long as you marry me, like soon, since you know we’re not getting any younger over here.”


Yerim ends up laughing hard at that, at least her alpha is someone who keeps her laughing and on her toes, which is sort of exactly what Yerim always wanted for herself. Park Sooyoung really was her person and that was that.


“Okay, we can talk about marriage but seriously after at least a few more hours of sleep, because I am so tired.”


Sooyoung nods and carefully hugs her now mate around the waist and brings her closer to her. She always did say she’d end up with Kim Yerim, and to know it is finally really happening, a part of the taller girl feels as if she will need to pinch herself to make sure she’s not dreaming.


“What’s wrong?” Yerim wonders since Sooyoung has gone quiet and is appearing to be in deep thought.


“Nothing’s wrong, everything’s finally right, Yerimie. Now, if everyone can be as happy as us, then it’ll be even better, you know.”


The shorter girl did know and she was also hoping for the best for everyone too. Particularly for her best friend who, similar with Sooyoung who has had someone she wanted to be with for a long time, and she wants her best friend to be happy as well, especially since it’s pretty clear that Seulgi is the one that makes her happy. 


Everything would work out for the best, right? Yerim sure hoped so.



By the time, she and Seulgi were both showered, dressed, and down stairs having breakfast together. Joohyun knew her parents would be home soon, and that was okay. She wanted to be able to tell them what’s going on, as she knew there was no way her parents wouldn’t help Seulgi. They have already expressed how they liked the alpha, and they knew how much Seulgi meant to her. They are also just the kindest people she knows and they would not let someone go without being helped if it was in their power to do so. As much as Joohyun is not the type to flaunt wealth or status around For now, as they ate, the two of them kept on shyly reaching for the other’s free hand, and it was sweet. The omega liked to see that Seulgi could be just as adorably shy with her as well. But then Seulgi spoke and she found herself caressing the monolid girl’s knuckles.


“I am kind of nervous about this, talking to your parents. They’re both really nice and I would hate for their opinion to possibly change because of this situation with my old boss.”


Joohyun simply holds her hand in her own, and she understands. Had this situation been reversed and this was the omega having to confess about her past to the alpha’s parents she’d be nervous about it too. She wishes there was something she could say right now to ease Seulgi’s anxiety.


“I understand why you’d be nervous, Seul. My parents aren’t judgemental and they also really like you a lot, if you hadn’t noticed. We’re just going to be open and honest with them, okay?”


“Yeah, you’re right, open and honest, sounds okay. Thanks, Hyun.”


Seulgi doesn’t let go of her hand and neither does Joohyun let go. They sit there with their hands together even after breakfast is finished and the Bae’s come home. Joohyun’s parents, though surprised to see Seulgi, don’t make a big deal out of it. In fact, they can tell from the atmosphere alone that something must be going.


“Hyun, sweetie, is there something wrong?” Mrs. Bae asks. “Seulgi, are you okay?”


“Yes, are you okay, Seulgi?” Mr. Bae asks and the way those questions are posed, with that undertone of care in their voices makes Seulgi feel cared for. She knew Joohyun cared for her, but to hear how the omega’s parents are speaking to her with that kind of concern it feels nice. She thinks about a time where she had her parents, still alive, though for a brief period in her life. This is the feeling of being around caring adults, though she considers Sooyoung’s mom, as another parental figure too, always helping and being the kindest person. Seulgi thinks no matter how hard life has been in various states, she is pretty damn lucky. 


“No, everything’s not okay, Mr. Bae, Mrs. Bae.” And then Seulgi decided to tell them all she could. Joohyun held her hand the entire time she explained and that somehow made it easier, as the Bae’s listened intently. They listened as Seulgi explained how she ended up working for that shady woman, not because she wanted to, but because she had to do anything she could to help her sister who is very ill, and all the money she made went to her care and their rent. The alpha explains that even though she has not worked any job for her old boss in a long time, that same person is now harassing her.


“That’s really it, Mr. Bae, Mrs. Bae. I hope you don’t think I’m a terrible person now or…”


Seulgi is gently cut off by hugs, one from Joohyun’s mom and then her dad next. That was the last thing she expected but those hugs feel good and Seulgi knows she will start crying soon, especially when the Bae’s are still looking at her like nothing has changed.


“Don’t ever apologize because you were doing what you needed to survive for yourself and your sister, Seulgi.”


“My wife is right.” Mr. Bae agrees. “You’re still the same person we all have come to care for a lot. We are very glad you and Joohyun came to us with this, and you certainly won’t have to worry about this woman again. Let’s go over our plan.”


Joohyun knew that her parents would help, but still feels relieved and happy even when her parents explain to them what they will do moving forward. It’s relatively simple enough, all Seulgi has to do is call a meeting between herself and old boss, her parents will show up with her, not being expected, and they will handle things from there. Joohyun knows that very soon it’ll be all over, the biggest obstacle that has kept herself and Seulgi apart will be out of the way soon. 


“Can I go too?” The omega asks and now everyone is looking at her, with various worried expressions on their faces. Joohyun has to go too, she wants to be there for any extra support Seulgi could need, and she wants to be there mostly because it’s what she wants.


“Hyun, I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Her mother starts, since they have no idea what they will be walking in on, even though she and her husband do have a plan, and authorities on speed dial. Not that Mrs. Bae is the type to throw their wealth around either, but in special cases like this, it is necessary. They will not just allow Seulgi to be harassed by someone who doesn’t want her to be free of her past, especially when that past was all for the sake of her family. 


“But, mom, dad.” She looks determined in a way they aren’t quite used to from their usually quiet daughter. “I want to be there with her, because she matters to me very much and I want this to be over for Seulgi. She’s a really good person and it’s not fair she has to keep looking over her shoulders worrying something might happen if she doesn’t comply with orders she doesn’t even have to take anymore. Please let me be there.”


Seulgi is for sure crying at this point, casually wiping her eyes. It was probably Joohyun’s words most of all that really did it for her, not that she wasn’t already feeling emotional as it was.


“Okay, sweetheart.” Her parents nod in understanding, proud of their daughter for standing up for what she believes in, and not wanting to back down. “You can come, now everyone is clear on the plan, right?”


“Yes,” both Seulgi and Joohyun nod, still holding hands underneath the table. Seulgi had even forgotten for a moment because it just felt so natural holding hands with her. The alpha only lets go of her hand when it’s time she got home. Seulgi hopes that Seungwan isn’t too worried about her, and she is also feeling better to the point it wouldn’t be too noticeable that she had been hurt the night prior. Seulgi is sure to thank Joohyun’s parents again, at least this whole nightmare would be behind her soon, and Joohyun walks her to the door. The omega is also relieved too, that her parents will help. She knows that Seulgi will have nothing to worry about soon, at least not from that former boss of hers.


“See, I told you everything would work out.” Joohyun has this warm smile on her face that naturally makes Seulgi smile back. 


“You were right. I am a bit nervous though, I won’t lie. But I do feel better knowing that both you and your parents would be there to support me.”


Joohyun promises they will and before the driver comes over to give Seulgi a proper ride home since she didn’t come with her own car. The shorter girl hugs her tightly.


“All this will be over soon, Seul. Get home safely, and text me when you get in, alright?”


“I will, I’ll see you soon, Joohyun.”


Finals would begin on Monday for everyone, and though it would have been ideal to get this over with before then. It made sense to just get the exams out of the way first, that way this thing with her old boss would be the last thing to handle. Though, the alpha feels like she would much rather take a bunch of exams than have to deal with her again, at least she wouldn’t be dealing with her alone. Before she gets in the car she turns to Joohyun once more to hug her, but not before leaving a kiss on her forehead, it’s enough for now. Though the omega does want to feel her soft lips against her own again, soon. 


She then stands there for a while, only leaving when Seulgi is gone from sight. She then headed back inside because she still had some last minute studying she needed to do, but at least there was more relief than earlier, knowing everything would certainly be fine now. 


Perhaps the most relieved person at the moment was Seungwan when Seulgi finally came back. Though the beta knew she was safe from the storm at Joohyun’s house, that didn’t mean she didn’t worry about her sister anyway, and so she hugged Seulgi tightly when she got in the door.


“I was so worried about you, you were being so strange, and quiet. I thought maybe when you left you were going to do something stupid, no not stupid. But…” 


“It’s okay, Wan.” Seulgi assures her while returning the hug, which seems to calm Seungwan even more. “I’ve got some good news, let’s sit and talk, alright?”


“Sure, sis.”


Seungwan has no idea what this good news is. She does notice that Seulgi seems a bit less stressed which makes her happy already. The news that Seulgi tells her, makes her even happier, because this is the kind of break her sister needed. Seungwan asks her to repeat herself again, just so she can be sure that she heard everything correctly.


“Joohyun’s parents are going to help me out, so I won’t have to worry about my old boss anymore. Everything’s finally going to be alright there. It’s good news.”


“It’s great news, I’m so glad that you asked for help. It doesn’t hurt to ask for help, sis.”


“Yeah, I get that now, Wannie. I really do owe this to Joohyun, she’s done so much for me.”

Seungwan smiles with a nod and hugs her again. “Because she really cares about you, sis. I hope you can finally move forward with her, once you’re all free of that particular part of your past. I know that was the main reason you held back.”


The alpha did hold back for that particular reason, and now that it will soon be over. She sees no reason why she can’t move forward with Joohyun, who really is one of the best people she has ever known, and someone she cares for very much. 


“We’ve got a plan, Wan. I think, no, I know everything will be okay soon.”


“That’s the spirit, sis. I’m very happy that you’re also finally seeing you deserve to be happy just as much as anyone. Now, spill the details, what happened last night, you did stay over her house. I hope you were respectable.”


Seulgi ends up laughing out loud at her sister’s exaggerated tone and expression. Of course, Kang Seulgi was respectable. She is after all, a gentlewoman in all ways possible. Seulgi only tells her the main things how she met Joohyun for lunch, but was late for it, all because of losing track of time, and waited out the storm at the omega’s house. She didn’t want to go into full details about how and why she ended up at Joohyun’s house, or how she had been beaten up prior so couldn’t have left anyway not until she felt better. The last thing the monolid girl wants is for Seungwan to worry for nothing, especially now that she is feeling a lot better in more ways than one. 


“Why do I feel like you’re holding out on me?” The beta’s gaze is suspicious and Seulgi smiles in that charming way she usually does to get herself out of trouble, it never fails.


“I am not, come on. You know I tell you everything, Wan. Now, since you’re so very smart, sis. You can help me study for my exams.”

“Oh, sure, get out of answering my question because you’re flattering me. Alright, let’s see if I can work a miracle on you and help you study.”

And that’s how the two of them spent the afternoon with Seungwan helping her get any last minute studying in, and it was nice. More than nice talking, laughing, and actually absorbing the information she needed to know for her exams. By the time they were done. Seulgi felt ready to tackle her exams, and even ready to face her boss after that. Before she fell asleep that night she spent most of her time texting with Joohyun, smiling at some of the things the omega sent her, whether it was fun videos to help her laugh, or just the fact that the other girl’s presence made her feel better. It was a good way to end the evening.


“Thank you for everything you’ve done for me, Joohyun. I can’t wait until this is all over soon, because I think I’ve kept you waiting long enough.”


Joohyun smiles as she reads the last text. They would be together soon enough, and knowing that made the omega feel happy in ways she couldn’t have imagined. First, though she needed to meet up with Yerim and Sooyoung before anything, and so Joohyun took her first opportunity to do so the next day at school. 


Yerim had gotten the text and wondered what it was that Joohyun needed to discuss with them, and so she waited with Sooyoung while they were both on a break in between exams. 


“She didn’t say why she wanted to meet?” Sooyoung wonders.


“No, she didn’t say, but whatever it was must be important.”


It certainly was important as the couple found out soon enough when Joohyun walked over to them. The brunette apologizes for this being short notice but she then explains what her plan is, and asks them both if they would want to help. She figured they would want to though, and wasn’t surprised when both Yerim and Sooyoung agreed wholeheartedly.


“Well, of course, we’re in.” Sooyoung agrees. “But we better handle this on our own, and not tell them until after.”


“I agree.” Joohyun nods. “Not until after exams are over, and well, I should tell you both that my parents and I are going to help Seul with her current problems with her old boss.”

“Oh, good..” Yerim nods in relief. “I’m glad you’re going

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431 streak #1
Chapter 15: Nice to see everything worked out in the end ☺️
Sir_Loin #2
Chapter 11: Probably my fav chapter. Definitely a favourite for now :) ah~ friendship XD
Chapter 15: Aahhh too cute 🥺
Matzo210 #4
Chapter 15: THAT WAS SO CUUUUUUTE!!!!!! 💞💞💞💞💘💘💘💘💖💖💖💖💯💯💯💯💯🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Can start this now yay!
Chapter 15: Oh my god it's so soft 💖 I'm so happy to have read this. I'm gonna be honest that I was a bit surprised and thought that Sooyoung and Yerim might be going too fast, but hey, nothing's too fast if that's really how you feel, right? Thank you for this story 🙇‍♀️
2076 streak #7
Chapter 2: Awww Joohyun
monbyulsido #8
monbyulsido #9