Everything's going to be okay

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A/N: Hi all, chapter 12 here. I hope everyone understands for the sake of time/and still completing a full fic. There can’t be everything fully shown or explained, so somethings will be referenced or talked about in the past tense, so hopefully that’s okay. Just three more chapters and this will be complete, I almost didn’t think we’d get here, but we’re close. Thank you for the reviews last chapter as well!



Seulgi was distracted. Joohyun could tell, because though they were having a nice evening out, watching a movie together, and then Joohyun surprised the monolid alpha with tickets to an art show that Seulgi might have mentioned she wanted to go to a few times. There was something clearly bothering the alpha, and so the moment they were alone, and away from the large crowds at the art show. Joohyun carefully took her by the hand and sat down on that park bench with her. Happy to see that Seulgi hadn’t let go of her hand, and held onto it. She just needed to get the slightly taller girl to talk to her.


“What’s going on?” Joohyun decides to ask, rather than automatically asking what was wrong. She felt if she worded it that way, perhaps Seulgi would talk to her easier. 


“I’m sorry, I know I’m not much company right now.”


“Don’t be sorry, just talk to me, Seul.”


“Tonight was not supposed to be about you worrying about me, Joohyun. I feel bad, we were having a good night. I guess I've been thinking about what to do, as far as my former boss.”


“Has she contacted you recently?”


“No, and that’s what worries me. She’s been very silent and I just know she’ll make her presence known again, I need a favor.”


“Of course, Seul, if there’s any way I can help you.”


“Should she try and do something, and I have to take action, whatever that ends up being. I know this is a lot to ask, but could you help look after my sister? Soo has already said she would, but you two also get along really well, and I would appreciate it if you would…”


“Seulgi, of course, why wouldn’t I look after Seungwan. You know I would, but why are you talking like something might happen to you.”


The monolid alpha looks at her with a brave smile, before touching the side of Joohyun’s cheek. “Because, something might, and I wanted to at least let you know in case I don’t get a chance to…”




“I needed to let you know that I…”


“Yes?” Joohyun looks at her with such hopeful eyes that Seulgi wants to be able to tell her what she’s currently feeling. 


“I guess I just wanted to tell you that I like you a lot, and…”


The sound of her alarm by her nightstand wakes Seulgi up out of her sleep, and it takes her several long moments to realize she is at home in bed, and not out on a date with Joohyun, that had felt too real, it really did. Seulgi takes a breath and goes to the master bathroom in the room she has and throws some water over her face. She hadn’t ever dreamed about Joohyun before, at least not to where she could vividly remember it in detail. It’s nearing 7 am and she needs to be up because Seulgi adjusted her schedule for today so that she can take an earlier shift at work, with finals coming up soon she needed the time to study, though Mr. Bae told her he wouldn’t dock her pay if there were times she couldn’t come in. 


A tired yawn escapes the alpha. She wishes she could sleep another hour at least, but she does have to get going. Somehow, the thoughts of being able to at least say good morning to Joohyun makes her happy. Being near Joohyun makes her happy and she has been enjoying spending time with her, more than ever. Where she’s finding out all sorts of little things about the omega, how she likes tea over coffee, loves chocolate, and has a similar nervous tic that Seulgi has when she’s nervous, by in her lip. Seulgi wanted to be able to tell Joohyun she has feelings for her, and hopes one day she can. She just doesn’t see how it is possible to say anything until this situation with her old boss is handled.


She finishes getting herself dressed and ready. On her way out into the living room she saw Seungwan in the kitchen not only making breakfast, but appearing to be making lunch as well. 


“Hey, you’re up early, Wan.” Seulgi smiles and is happy to see that Seungwan doesn’t seem to be feeling unwell. She actually does seem to be in good spirits and Seulgi knows a lot of that has to do with their living space now, the stress of worrying about rent, or anyone Seulgi used to work with has been minimized. 


“Yeah, I know you had to get up earlier today so I wanted to make breakfast and make sure you had lunch to take with you. Don’t worry, I’m feeling pretty good today.”


“You do look good too, maybe that new medicine the doctor prescribed to you is helping better?”

“I think so, I don’t feel as weak right away either. We could surely use some good news huh, sis?”


The alpha agreed that they could surely use some good news. “Everything looks great, Wan, thank you.”


“It’s the least I can do, make food for you. I was thinking, why don’t we invite everyone over for the weekend, you all could use a small break before finals come up.”


“I think that’s a great idea, Wan. I’ll ask everyone what they’re up to, we could all probably use a breather.”


The two sit down to the breakfast the beta made and Seungwan did try her best to get Seulgi to talk to her about Joohyun, or specifically her feelings for the omega, every attempt she made ended up in vain as Seulgi deflected the conversation each time.


“Ugh come on, at least tell me that you have feelings for her. What am I going to do, I’m harmless.”


“You’re harmless?” Seulgi laughs out with a slight shake of her head. “You’re only my sister who can destroy my whole life if you choose, but sure, harmless.”


“I wouldn’t. Sure I might like to tease you from time to time, but I wouldn’t tell her you have feelings for her when it should be you to do so. Don’t wait forever, Seul.”


“Alright, Wannie.” She gently rubs her head and pokes her cheek in an affectionate way. “Now, I need to get going. Call me if you need, or Soo. I don’t think she has classes today so I know she’d be happy to spend some time with you if you’re feeling well.”


“I will, thanks sis. Oh and Seul…”




The next thing she knows Seungwan is hugging her. “I love you, sis. Have a good day, alright?”


“I love you too, Wan.”


She left after that and headed to work, with thoughts of her dream on her mind, though she tried to tell herself not to think about it too much. And the truth of the matter was, the moment she got there, and saw Joohyun who looked really cute in that white sweater and blue jeans and hair in a bun, which was the first time Seulgi thinks she has ever seen her with a bun. Seulgi knows she’s just standing there staring at the omega. Not only that her heart feels all warm all of a sudden, in ways she hasn’t ever felt before.


“Good morning, Seul.” Joohyun smiles. “Come in, have you had a chance to eat breakfast yet?”


Seulgi’s eyes look like they will pop when she sees the amount of food on that dining table, is Joohyun and her family expecting her father’s entire board of directors or something, because that’s sure a lot of food. 


“I know I can eat a lot, but that’s too much even for me, Hyun.”


The shorter girl laughs and shakes her head. “It’s for the entire staff that works here, my parents and I already had breakfast, but they like to do breakfasts, lunches, and dinners for the staff from time to time.”


Everything looked really good, and had it not been for the fact she just finished eating breakfast. Seulgi would have grabbed a full plate, but not to appear rude or ungrateful she did at least make a small plate of some of the fruits and pastries. 


“Are you getting ready for class?” The alpha asks.


“Not today, I took the day off because there’s just too much to know and study before finals.”

“Makes sense, I feel like my head is spinning just thinking about the amount of studying I still have left to do.” 


Joohyun looks concerned, as she knows how Seulgi had to alter her schedule a bit just so she could be able to make time for other things, studying for example. That’s why she grabs a hold of the alpha’s hand, prompting Seulgi to look at her.


“Hey, we can study together, if you’d like? That way at least you were able to get some studying in.”


“I know your father is cool about me having to study and do other things, but I don’t think I should just be ditching work either, you know?”


“Hey, I am the boss’ daughter so technically you do have to listen to me too. And if I say we should study together then we should study together.”


Seulgi is stunned by this bold behavior so much that she finds it very attractive and who is Seulgi to deny her boss’ daughter anything. Seulgi smiles and gives her hand a bit of a squeeze.


“Okay, Ms. Bae, ma’am.”


The small blush on the omega’s face is still cute, proving that no matter how bold Joohyun can be from time to time. She is still that same adorably shy girl that Seulgi has first met, and that in itself is reassuring. 


“We’ll make time to study together, maybe some of your smart energy will rub off on me before finals.”


“Sounds good, meet me upstairs in my room when you’re ready.”


“Sure..” Seulgi agrees and then something else hits her. Before when she had been to Joohyun’s room everything was fine then, they were just talking and bonding. This time around, now that the alpha knows she is feeling things, and is starting to have feelings, how the heck is she supposed to sit in Joohyun’s room, in an enclosed space without thinking about those feelings.


“Oh, …” The monolid girl sighs. Oh well, perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad, they were just going to study anyway.


Because, Sooyoung didn’t have class. She did take most of her day to study as much as possible, as despite what people may think about her based on her sometimes over the top personality. The alpha is very smart and cares about her grades. She knows Yerim is stuck in school and that’s why she decided to go to the university and see how she was doing, not to mention she might have also brought along some takeout in case Yerim was hungry. 


YerimieWife: Hey, I didn’t know you would be at campus today. Give me about half an hour and I’ll be done for the day.


The text is sent to her in reply to Sooyoung asking her if she was still around, and so the alpha waits for her, close to the main entrance as she knows the class Yerim is in will lead her straight out that way. Sooyoung feels that excited energy that only comes from when you’re about to see the person you like. She could see Yerim walking with some of her business club friends and how one of the male alpha’s seemed to be a little too close for her liking, not to mention he was smiling way too brightly at her wife, and that was going to stop soon or else. Sooyoung could feel the beginning of a snarl. She was so angry, only to calm down when Yerim shakes her head and gestures to the fact that Sooyoung is waiting for her.


“Yes, that’s my girl!” She calms down and feels better.


The male alpha looks a bit surprised but doesn’t appear to be trying to do anything further and simply nods to Yerim before walking off with some of the other club members. Yerim makes her way over to Sooyoung and before she could even say anything the taller girl was hugging her, tight.


“Um, hello to you too, Sooyoung.”


“You were turning him down, right? He was asking you out but you were saying no.” At least, that’s the impression Sooyoung got from the vibes, also she was sort of reading lips as best as she could.


“Of course I turned him down. He tries to get with any omega who breathes, so no, not exactly my type. He smelled kind of nice though.” She teases to see what Sooyoung’s reaction would be, and it is of course as she expected.


“Hey!” Sooyoung frowns, then pouts, then hugs her. “You shouldn’t be taking notice of other alpha’s scents, not when I smell as good as I do.”


The shorter girl laughs and then to Sooyoung’s surprise she gently pats her cheek in a way that makes her blush really hard. 


“I was kidding, Soo. Now, what’s going on? I thought you didn’t have class today.”


“I didn’t, I just wanted to see how you’re doing. I brought food, in case you were hungry? We can eat together.”


That was so thoughtful, but Yerim was getting used to this thoughtful behavior of the alpha. Not to mention she was also quite hungry too and so she agreed to sit for lunch. Everything was fine too, as they talked about random things, school, life, their moms, how good the food was, and just before Sooyoung could ask her if she was busy this weekend, her phone rang.


Yerim noticed how her face looked all serious and knew it could only be about one thing, or one person. The omega gently takes one of her hands then nods to her to answer it.


“Mom, hi.” 


“Soo, sweetheart, I know you said you needed some time to think about meeting me. But, I am in town again, so I would really like to see you for dinner this weekend. I spoke with your mother and she said it was up to you.”


Now, as much as Sooyoung would love to have a real relationship with her sire she isn’t sure if such a thing is possible after all this time. There are still some bitter feelings leftover based on how both she and her mom were left by this woman, and at the least, Sooyoung knew that her sire sent money to her, which was better than nothing. It would have been better to have her though, not just the money.


“Um…” Sooyoung thinks. “I don’t know, mom.”


“Think about it, alright? I’ll send you the address to the restaurant. I just want to see if we can start over, somewhere. You’re still my daughter, Soo. I do love you.”


Yerim can feel Sooyoung holding her hand tightly, as if afraid all of a sudden and that makes the blonde feel badly for her, and that’s why she doesn’t let go of the alpha’s hand, not once. Not even when Sooyoung’s off the phone.


“Hey, I heard some of it. Are you going to go see her?”


“I probably shouldn’t, but I do want to at least give her a chance. I’m just kinda scared , but don’t tell anyone. I have this cool image to uphold.”


Yerim nods and comes to a decision. She knows that if the situation were reversed and this was her mom coming back to her life after years of being out of it, there’s no way Sooyoung wouldn’t offer this to her.


“I can go with you, if you’d like.”


“What?” Sooyoung’s mouth looks like it will drop to the ground. She is stunned by what she’s hearing right now. Yerim just offered to go with her? Is she dreaming, is this even real life. Sooyoung has to pinch herself because she can’t believe what’s happening.


“Are you sure?”


“Yeah,” Yerim agrees. “I know you would do the same for me, and this doesn’t seem like something you should do alone, you know?”


“Thank you, Yerimie…” There are no other words needed. She would go to see her mother because she wanted to, and now that Yerim would go with her. Sooyoung felt better than ever and maybe it wouldn’t be so hard this coming weekend. 





Though, she and Seulgi were able to study. The omega could sense something was off or rather Seulgi seemed nervous about something, and Joohyun should know because she gets nervous easily. She would be able to recognize nervousness in someone else. That’s why she suggested a break with snacks and soda too. Seulgi seemed glad about the suggested snack break.


“Are you alright, Seul?” Joohyun wonders and hands her one of the sodas.


“I’m fine, Hyun.”


Joohyun didn’t believe that at all. Something was clearly bothering her and Joohyun wanted to get to the bottom of why.


“Is it about your former boss?”


“No, I haven’t been contacted by her lately. Please don’t worry about that.”


Maybe, Joohyun didn’t have to worry about it right now. She just knew it would come up again, but if this wasn’t the pressing issue at the moment, then Joohyun wants to know what it is, so they could help her.


“Then what’s on your

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432 streak #1
Chapter 15: Nice to see everything worked out in the end ☺️
Sir_Loin #2
Chapter 11: Probably my fav chapter. Definitely a favourite for now :) ah~ friendship XD
Chapter 15: Aahhh too cute 🥺
Matzo210 #4
Chapter 15: THAT WAS SO CUUUUUUTE!!!!!! 💞💞💞💞💘💘💘💘💖💖💖💖💯💯💯💯💯🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Can start this now yay!
Chapter 15: Oh my god it's so soft 💖 I'm so happy to have read this. I'm gonna be honest that I was a bit surprised and thought that Sooyoung and Yerim might be going too fast, but hey, nothing's too fast if that's really how you feel, right? Thank you for this story 🙇‍♀️
2077 streak #7
Chapter 2: Awww Joohyun
monbyulsido #8
monbyulsido #9