Chapter 8


Wendy's POV

I hated not knowing things. My job is to find intel about all the illegal activities and things that could be a threat to national security. Thus making me a curious, rather,  a nosy person. I liked to find out everything and I was good at it. The fact that I can't find out about anything that happened the day Joy and Seulgi left the organisation bugs me so much. Now, being back at work, because of the deal with Irene, I am gonna try and find out everything that happened that day. 

Irene is a laid-back boss. She doesn't breath down the agae4nts' necks to get them to work faster, nor does she pressure them into doing anything that they don't desire. I liked the way she managed the workload and right now, I'm gonna take advantage of this. I fired up my computer and as usual, check for e-mails and other social media apps before diving into my research. I pulled up all the CCTV footages of February 13 and started to look for 27th-floor footages. Our office was located on the top-most floor of the facility and the view from the window was breathtaking. 

Okay, now I need to go through all of this. 

But before hitting play, I decided to download the files and take it home with me so I can be more discreet with the footages and Irene wouldn't be able to find about my secret mission. 

If she ever does find out, you're getting killed. 

I wasn't really worried about getting caught because I knew Irene did something really wrong and it wasn't her nature to do so. I did understand the context of what happened. Seulgi and Joy were dating and they kept that a secret because they knew how toxic and narrow-minded some of the people working at the organisation were but somehow they must have been got caught by Joohyun. I can imagine Joohyun's wrath and disappointment and I understood that she had a good reason, at least according to her, for doing what she did to Joy. I know she wiped her memory but I didn't understand how and why would she go to that extreme for such a trivial matter. It was honestly a mystery to me and on top of that, Joohyun also made Joy forget about her work and everyone there.

I've heard stories about experiments that take place on the 3rd floor of the building where they do crazy science stuff that usually attracts a lot of scrutiny from the government and the public. However, it was hard to believe that they might have something to make people forget their memories and if so, I need them to use me as their next test subject because I would very much like to forget some things in my life. 

"WENDY!! YOU'RE BACK.", I looked up from my screen to see a widely smiling Yeri, which also made me grin back at her. Yeri was one of the coolest people I have ever met on this planet. She looks innocent but she's far from it and we both get along very well, making her my 3rd favourite person alive. 

"HEY! How have you been, kid? Are you keeping yourself out of trouble? Are you getting enough sleep? Have you acknowledged that you're gay? Are you happy? Wow, I've missed you." I said without breathing and hugged her when she came closer to me. 

"What do you mean by acknowledging my gayness, I'm straight!." she said and punched my arm.

"Yeah, straight from hell.", I punched her back and we both earned a few stares from the other agents. Yeri was the only one who could make e be goofy during work and she was my stress reliever. 

"Hey! Shut the up," said Yeri and sat next to me. "I missed you, ", she said with a smile.

"I missed you too. How are things going here, by the way.", I enquired her. 

"Pretty smooth if you ask me. After a week of being roasted by the Board Members, Jooohyun has finally calmed down and has gotten grip on herself. I seriously doubt she did something illegal to Joy. I mean, erasing memories??? What  was she even thinking?." Yeri answered. 

"Trust me when I say this, she takes things to another level when it comes to Joy.", I said, which made her look at me curiously but I was not gonna tell her anything more. 

"Whatever you say, Wan. How is Seulgi? Although I saw her literally everyday o screen, I couldn't really get a hold on how she was felling. Is she okay?", asked Yeri with an earnest concern. Wendy was so close to revealing that Seulgi was indeed okay and that she knows where Joy lives, but she controlled herself. 

"She is miserable but she is good. She is going to college now and she even took up extra art lessons so she can be a pro.", I said with much excitement that made Yeri excited too. 

"Yess, I'm so proud of her. She was honestly the best agent ever, like, no offence"

"None taken. I would say the same too." 

We both chatted for a while before we were interrupted by Irene summoning her secretary. 

I wish I could tell everything to Yeri. 

But that was a risk I was not willing to take. Yeri could keep secrets well but she didn't want Yeri to come into this because she did not want her to be punished by Irene if they ever got caught. 

I need to protect my friends who are also my family. I need to be strong for them. 

And I will be able to do thta only by going behind Irene's back. 

Sorry,ma'am but you screwd up and I'm gonna fix it all. 



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Chapter 24: Yoyoyoyooyoyoy.... Wow
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Chapter 23: Oh wow
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