Chapter 12


Yeri's POV

"Why can't you do your damn job, Irene? I gave you one job and you screw that up. I'm so disappointed in you. I don't wanna hear any excuses this time. Take out the target or remove yourself from your position." said a man with a very authoritative and booming voice before ending the call abruptly. I know it's wrong to listen in on the Cheif's phone calls but I had to do it to make sure that she was okay. 

The Chief has been acting really weird lately and it seems like she is going through some hard times but doesn't wanna share with anyone. I wonder if she has anyone who cares about her. A friend or a cousin or even a colleague. She looked like she has been having an internal struggle with herself for almost 2 months now. 

It all leads back to the day Seulgi and Joy left. I wonder what happened. 

And now, after listening to that phone call, I felt bad for her. She is being pressured by a higher ranked officer and that must be the reason for her stress. Could this have anything to do with Seulgi? Is she the target? Considering the fact that Irene had people follow Seulgi and provide safety for an anonymous client, is it possible that Irene is trying to protect a 'target' without the knowledge of the higher officials? 

Dude, that is crazy! She is not that stupid. 

Who knows. I might be right. I think- "YERI", okay, no time to think. 

"Yes, ma'am.", I stood before her obediently while trying to hide my fear. You're so getting roasted for eavesdropping. 

"Can you please call Wendy? And tell her it's emergency. Go! Right away!", she hastily commanded me to go fetch Wendy. 

Phew! Close call. 

I went in search of Wendy and found her in her office, with her glasses on top of her head and a cup of steaming hot coffee in her hands. She had a brooding expression on her face and I was curious. It's the job, it makes us all curious. 

"Hey, Wan. Irene is calling for you. She said it's an emergency.", I said soon as I entered her cubicle. She jerked away from the computer and spilt coffee on the floor and almost screamed. 

What the hell!? 

", it's you. Sorry, I was deep in my thoughts and well, y-yeah." she laughed nervously. 

"Weird. Are you watching ?", I jested, earning a slap on my shoulder.

"Shut up, Yeri. I was definitely not watching . I wish I was- I mean no- I ughhhh, Irene called me so I'm leaving okay? Just call someone to clean this mess up. I'm so sorry for startling you. See you later.", Wendy blabbered and escaped the scene. 

What in the world was that?

I have never seen her being a nervous wreck. She was probably the most laid back and cool person in the whole building. She must have got some pretty shocking intel for her to be this shook. I wanted to snoop in on her computer but decided not. She was my friend, not the head of a satanic cult going after the President. And yes, we had an actual case like that. 

It's probably nothing. I'll let it go this time. 


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