Chapter 23


"Hey.", Seulgi said when she saw Joy in front of her as she was going to meet an informer. She could feel herself smile instantly when her eyes laid on Joy. It was like a reflex, she just couldn't help herself from smiling or her heart from beating a little more rapidly. It was all reflex. 

"Hi, Seulgi. I was just looking for you.", Joy said and Seulgi forgot everything about the informer and silently followed Joy when she motioned her into one of the empty offices. There were too many offices and Seulgi, for the love of God, couldn't understand why they were empty. 

She let out a yelp when she felt Joy pull her inside and her heart literally ran out of her chest when Joy pinned her to the closed door and put her hands either side of my head and stared at her. She felt like she was in a stupor and just stared back at Joy, letting her eyes wander over her beautiful eyes, her flushed cheeks and finally landing on her lips that looked so soft and she knew by experience that it actually was. She let out a contented sigh and looked back up to Joy's eyes. She was still looking at her.

"What are you up to?", Seulgi asked and it came out as a whisper rather than a question. Joy smirked at Seulgi's state and made it even more difficult for Seulgi to stand still by leaning in and whispering in her ear.

"No good.", Joy said and Seulgi just couldn't control herself as she pulled Joy by her shirt collar and closed the gap between them by placing her lips over Joy's. 

Joy felt a shiver run through her whole body when she felt Seulgi's lips on hers and even though this was their second time kissing, it still felt like the first time. She sighed and kissed Seulgi more deeply and heard Seulgi gasp a little. With her hands on Seulgi's waist, her lips on hers and her body as close to hers as possible, she felt alive for the first time in her life and she couldn't help herself as she bit Seulgi's lower lip and elicited a groan from her. 

"KANG SEULGI IF YOU DON'T COME OUT RIGHT NOW I AM CALLING IRENE.", screamed a voice and Joy and Seulgi were so startled they let go of each other immediately. 

"Oh my God, I totally forgot about the informer. .", she exclaimed but pulled Joy once again to her and gave her a quick peck on her lips before opening the door to face the wrath of her best friend. 

"I'll make it up to you.", Seulgi said as she winked at Joy and blew her a kiss, making Joy blush and her heart flutter uncontrollably.

 Wendy's POV

"She just needs some time to recover. I won't be able to tell you if the procedure was a success till she wakes up. But she is alive and safe, that's for sure.", Jisoo said to Irene and we both let a huge breath out. After convincing Seulgi and Yeri to go home and take some rest, Irene and I decided to stay and watch over Joy. Seulgi did say that she wanted to be here when Joy woke up but when Jisoo said that she won't wake for the next 12 hours, Seulgi went home. But I was sure that she wasn't getting a wink of sleep. 

I yawned as I fought my sleepiness and stopped myself from thinking about my so soft and comfortable bed. Instead, I focused on studying all the medical charts and the monitors. Which, was a big mistake as I found myself getting even more sleepy.

"Feeling sleepy, are we?", Irene asked and nudged my shoulder as she sat next to me on the sofa in Joy's observation room. I smiled and nodded my head. Irene playfully smiled back.

"Me too. I'm so tired, Seungwan.", Irene said. 

"Come here.", I signalled her to lay her head on my shoulder and saw a smirk plastered on her face. I immediately felt my cheeks blush. 

Nice move, Wendy. Nice one.

"You're shorter than me. How can I do that?", Irene said and laughed at my reaction. I probably looked like a clown as I pretended to be offended by her remark. I pouted and looked at her in fake anger and she laughed at me even more so I shoved her off the sofa and took up all the space. 

"You're not that tall either, shut up.", I said bashfully. Since I was basically lying down on the sofa without giving her space, she tried to accommodate herself in between my open arms and curled up into a ball and laid her head on my chest. My heart was beating like crazy and I did not mind it one bit. I smiled to myself and soothingly played with Irene's hair. I knew it was soothing because I heard her sigh. I hugged her and pulled her closer and made her feel more comfortable. 

"This is nice, you know.", I said and continued to play with her hair. She hummed in reply and buried herself in my neck. I could feel her soft breathing and I thought that she was asleep. But she was not.



"After all this is over, I wanna take you out to dinner and I wanna star-gaze in the middle of the night in a park, surrounded by trees and birds and all that.", she said and with every breath, I felt a shiver run down my spine as she was literally breathing into my neck. 

"I like the sound of that.", I replied and tried to stop myself from grinning. I was too late. Irene got herself up from her position to look at me and she smiled softly, seeing the grin on my face. She propped herself on and supported her head with her arm and looked at me warmly as she said the next few words, which made me grin even more widely.

"Good, because I wanna do that with you for a very long time.", she said and leaned in towards me. I was nervous for a second but as soon as I understood what she was doing, I let myself be more comfortable and let her kiss me. 

I swear I melted into a puddle of mush when I felt her lips on mine. I felt distraught when I couldn't feel the warmth of Irene's lips and quickly opened my eyes to find an apprehensive Irene looking at her. I grabbed her hand softly and pulled her in once more. 

"Kiss me again.", I breathed and Irene was more than happy to comply. She moved around a bit and found a comfortable position, which was basically her straddling me, and cupped my face and slowly kissed me again. I kissed her back and I felt like this was the moment my whole life was centred upon. I felt like this was the purpose of my life, to taste the lips of Bae Joohyun. When the kiss started to get a little more heated, however, I heard a sudden beep of one of the machines and we both stopped what we were doing and scrambled over to Joy. 

The beep was coming from Joy's heart rate monitor and her heartbeat was raising suddenly. I called the nurse immediately. 

"It's nothing, she might be remembering something that is scary or maybe a little too romantic. You never know.", she said in a playful tone and we both relaxed. We went back to the sofa and I held Irene in my arms as she nodded off. 

I looked at her peaceful face and Joy's somewhat contented face made sure everything was normal before slipping into unconsciousness. 

I love you Bae Joohyun. I thought to myself as I drifted into sleep. 

Seulgi's POV

"Wake up, lovebirds.", I said as soon as I entered Joy's room. Seeing Wendy and Irene all cosy and comfy in the sofa was heart-warming and I felt so happy for her. I looked at them, cuddled up in each other's arms, and took out my phone to take a picture.

Blackmail folder: picture number 1.

I smiled to myself as I saw Wendy stir and smile at Irene, without knowing that I was standing in the room too. I cleared my throat and Wendy instantly tried to get let go of Irene but she had other plans. Irene refused to let go of her and just pulled Wendy closer if it was possible.

"Hey, Seulgi.", she said awkwardly and scratched her head. I laughed at her reaction and wanted to about it but we were both interrupted by someone calling my name.

"Seulgi.", said a voice so choked up that it would have been impossible to hear it if the room wasn't silent.

I snapped my head towards the sounds and it was coming from Joy. I rushed towards her and without a thought took her hand in mine.

"Hey, I'm here.", I said to her. Wendy was standing next to me in a second with Irene lazily following behind her. We were all looking at Joy with hopeful eyes and I was sure that I had tears in my eyes.

"Joy?", I called her as softly as possible so that I didn't startle her. Her eyes fluttered a little before opening and when she opened her eyes, she shut them right after and groaned in annoyance.

"Bright.", she said but tried opening her eyes again and this time they stayed half opened as they scanned the room. It finally landed on me. She looked at me and our linked hands in confusion. 

"Seulgi?", she asked. 

"Yeah, it's me Joy.", I replied and gave her hand a little squeeze and gave her a smile.

"Why is your hair brown?", she asked. All she did was ask me one simple question and my whole world suddenly lit up like Christmas. My eyes started to fill in with tears and it wasn't because of hopelessness or because I was sad. It was because of the realisation. The realisation that Joy knows. 

"Y-you remember?", I asked her with a trembling voice and a shaky breath. 

She smiled at me and nodded her head. 

"Yes", she said shyly and with much difficulty lifted my hand and kissed the back of my hand.

"HOLY ", someone exclaimed in the background but I couldn't hear any of it. Not the screams that Yeri let out or the pats on my shoulder that Wendy gave, I couldn't feel or hear anything. All I could do was look at her. Look at Joy. That's all I did for nearly 5 minutes until Joy shyly ducked her head and snapped me out of it. 

"Hi", I said, barely in a whisper without taking my eyes off her. Out of the corner of my eyes, I noticed that the others have left the room. I was thankful for that. 

"Hey, stranger.", she said with a chuckle and I couldn't help my heart as it fluttered in happiness. I sat down on the bed next to her and cupped her face with my right hand and my thumb along her reddening cheeks. 

"I missed you.", I said and simply, with that one statement, Joy's eyes filled with tears and she pulled me into a hug and buried her head on my chest and her tears on my shirt. I pulled her as close as possible and let her cry it out. She has gone through so much in the past years and I wanted to give her comfort. 

"Seulgi?", she asked with her muffled voice.


"You know that surprise I was planning to give you on Valentines' day, even though you told me that giving gifts on valentines day was cliche?" she asked me as she sniffed and controlled her crying. I ran my hand over her head and pressed my lips on the crown of her head.

"What was it?"

"I bought a house in the countryside with a small garden in the front. I already decided that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you so I bought it and before I could give it to you, well, happened." she said in a regretful voice, but my mind was still fixated on the "I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you" part. 

"You want to spend the rest of your life with me?", I asked her. I felt goosebumps on my skin as she pulled away from me only to trap me with her eyes. 

"Yes. I don't wanna spend it with anyone else.", she said so firmly. I felt the warmth, the same warmth that has been missing in my heart, spread all over my body and I couldn't help but tear up a little at her confession. 

"I mean, it's only possible if I don't forget to come to the wedding but I'll make sure I don't set foot in an operation theatre," she said and I just looked at her in disbelief.

"What? Too soon?", she asked me with a laugh and I couldn't help but laugh along with her and I hit her arm playfully. 

I saw Irene fondly looking at us from the doorway and immediately felt bad that I forgot about the others. 

"Joohyun.", Joy said, startling both me and Irene. No one called her Joohyun. No one except Kyuhyun.

"Why are you calling me that?", Irene asked her in a calm tone.

"I know who you are.", she replied in the same tone but with a little emotion. Irene immediately softened her stare and widened her eyes in shock or excitement, I couldn't tell.

"Oh my God.", she exclaimed, leaving me, Wendy and Yeri in utter confusion.

"If you could tell us all what's going on, it would be nice.", Yeri said and we agreed. But none of were ready to hear what Joy said after that.

"S-she is the long-lost sister I had been looking for." 













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Chapter 24: Yoyoyoyooyoyoy.... Wow
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Favebolous 14 streak #3
Chapter 23: Oh wow
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Chapter 22: Yeri wkkwwkwk
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Chapter 17: WenRene has a past? I mean as a couple?
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Chapter 16: IRENE???
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Chapter 6: May Joy soon remember about Seulgi
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Chapter 3: Jealous with Seulgi or Wendy?