Chapter 10


Joy's POV

The whole day felt like Déjà vu. Everything was so strange. Seulgi decided to leave her painting here so that it would dry up and I found myself being leered in by that piece of art. There was something about that scenery that was just so appealing to my memory. Seulgi and Taemin were convinced that it was just a coincidence but I felt weird. I felt like that picture depicted something very close to my heart. I was staring at ti for a while and was startled when Taemin patted my shoulder. 

"Are you so awestruck by that painting?", he teasingly asked me and tried to control his laughter. 

"Yes I am and what about it? Stop laughing, jerk.", I puffed out in annoyance and went back to staring at it. He wrapped his arms around me from behind and said," I think this speaks volumes about Seulgi's talent... and about your brain." 

"What do you mean?"

"You've been acting weird lately. I saw you going through your childhood journals, flipping through your high school photos the other night. Is something wrong?", he asked me with concern laced in every word.

Was something wrong with me? 

"I didn't want to tell you this because I don't want you to worry. But, these last few days, I've been feeling like I'm missing a part of my life. It's like, I don't exactly know what's wrong but I just feel like there's a huge hole in my heart..or rather in my head. I keep having these weird dreams which are vaguely similar to memories rather than dreams. I don't understand this feeling but it feels like I don't have memory of some things. Which sounds creepy and weird, ugh, I'm sorry. I'm fine okay? I'm just confused.", I stopped being a rambling mess and tried to reassure him. 

But I did feel like that, like I have forgotten my life's most remarkable and important moment. Needless to say, there are things in the past that I force myself to forget, like my sister, who hasn't even cared to visit me in more than 10 years or even bothered leave an address or a phone number; like how my dad died when I was 5 and how I had to put up with the disappearing act of my mom and my sister. I did attend high school and got into college but I haven't spoken to my family in ages. 

Or maybe you forgot about that too.

I cannot think about this anymore. I must have watched too many sci-fi movies. That's what this is.

"I dont understand what's going on Joy but I hope you know that you can tell me anything, okay?" I nodded my head in response. " Maybe this feeling of yours is nothing or maybe it is really a big deal. Maybe your memory was wiped away because of a car accident or something like that and you lost all your senses and maybe that's why you're dating me" I laughed at this part and the mood suddenly got lighter. "Look, whatever it is, I'm sure it will be alright. Just focus in the present and stop thinking about the past, babe.", he said this an endearing yet commanding tone, which reassured me and I quickly resolved to forget about this and just let it go. 

"Also, maybe if you explained these dreams to me, I can help?", he asked. 

Oh boy, if only you knew. 

I choked on air before replying" N-no, that's not necessary at all." A nervous laugh. "It's like you said, I'm not gonna dwell on these weird dreams and feelings. I'm gonna let it go.", I said with absolute confidence and that made him ease up a little. 

"Okay, just tell me if anything weird happens again, alright? Now, get some rest, I have catching up to do on the assignment correction." he kissed my forehead and left me to my own thoughts. 

Get some rest, he says. Pffft, I hope my dreams take a rest tonight. 



I wasn't so lucky. 


PS:Hello guys! Hope you enjoy this chapter. And I'm sorry if all these POVs confuse you. It's just essential for this story to work. Thank you for everyone who's reading this btw!! Have a great day, uwuu





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