Chapter 24


Irene's POV

As soon as I heard my name leave Joy's lips, I knew something was up. But I wasn't expecting that. I was absolutely not expecting that Joy knew about me. That she knew that I am her stepsister. I couldn't help but exclaim when she said that she knows who I am. I felt a wave of emotions wash through my heart's shore including happiness, regret and protectiveness. I composed myself before speaking my next words.

"How did you find out, Sooyoung?", I asked her, using her real name just because it has been so long since I had called her that. 

"Seulgi helped me with that actually. Even though she doesn't know.", Joy said which made me, and Wendy and Yeri, to look at Seulgi. She looked as clueless as us. 

"I-I did?", she asked Joy in clear confusion. Joy nodded her head and continued to explain.

"Remember that e-mail you were tracing?" asked Joy. Seulgi nodded enthusiastically.

"Of course! It traced right back to our office so I told you it must have been a prank."

"Yes. But it wasn't. I asked Wendy to locate the exact IP address of the e-mail and it was sent from Irene's computer." Joy said and looked at me with triumph. 

"That was you! I asked you about it and you said that I made a mistake. Ufff.", Wendy looked straight out offended but in a cute way.

Yeah because that makes sense.

"I was expecting Joy to barge into my office and ask me why I sent an e-mail that said 'You have a step-sister and she is still alive, trust me.' But instead, I find you asking me that. I did not want to disclose my personal family matters to you at that point. I also did not want anyone to find out that Joy and I are related. There is enough nepotism accusation in my family's name already.", I said with a shrug. One look at Wendy's face and I knew that she was slightly hurt by the fact that I hid something so big from her. So I pulled her close to me and held her hand. 

"I didn't mean to hide it from you, Seungwan. I had to keep it a secret so that no one would find out.", I said as softly as I could and only stopped looking at her when she smiled at me and said that it was fine.

"I wanted to be sure about it before I asked you, Joohyun. So I paid a visit to my dad and he was more than willing to fill up all the gap in my mind and he told me about everything that he had kept from me so that it doesn't affect my life. He also told me about the day you came to pick me up. About how ferocious you were and how you literally demanded that I should be 'handed over' to you", Joy said with laughter and I was embarrassed by the memory. 

"He told me how difficult it was for him to make you sit down and explain the reason for your sudden visit. Honestly, after that conversation, I saw you in a new light and I understood you better. Dad also told me about Kyuhyun and I was so ing angry at that time, Joohyun. I'm so sorry that I couldn't do anything to help you that day." I stopped before she could say anything and gently hugged her and felt her hands hesitantly at first but affectionately hug me back. 

"Man, this is like a reunion after reunion. I feel alone now.", said Yeri with a put and for which Seulgi and Wendy immediately started yelling on top of each other to tell Yeri how much they love her and they hugged her and much to her shock, gave her kisses and patted her head. 

"ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT I GET IT.", Yeri said as she was on the process cleansing her face from all the wet kisses. 

Everyone laughed and the mood of the hospital room was so high that we did not hear the nurse who was telling us to take it slow so that Joy can take some rest. At that, Seulgimmediatelyly made us all go out and took her place next to Joy. Right where she wanted to be for the past 2 years.

I looked at them, my sister and my close friend, cuddled up to each other with happy smiles on their faces. I let out a tear unwillingly as it forced its way out of my eyes. I felt a pair of hands engulfing me from the back and I sighed as I found comfort in Wendy's arms. 

Maybe the world isn't a cruel place. 

Maybe  love is real.

Maybe I can finally be happy too.





"You will regret this, Joohyun." he said with his voice threathning her very life. But Joohyun knew better than to fall for his bluff.

"I'm doing what is right,Kyuhyun. You will spend the rest of your life in this prison and you will never come out, I guarentee you. The case file against you is as thick as Antartic ice and you will NEVER get out. I will make sure of that. Now, please take him away from me before I ing shoot him.", Joohyun orders the guards and with a sense of freedom walked away from the shouts and screams of the man who called himself her father.

"That's my baby. Come here.", said Wendy and pulled Joohyun in for a hug and held on to her tighter when she felt Irene shudder. 



"I love you."

With goosebumps all over the body and her heartbeat going over the limit, Wendy said what she wanted to say the most in her life.

"I love you too, Joohyun". 

After a few years....


"Joohyun!", shouted Joy at the top of her voice, irritated that Joohyun was taking forever to get ready.

"I'm coming!", she shouted back.

"I'm sure she is.", snickered Yeri, which made Seulgi gasp out loud and hit the younger girl's arm.

"I'm so sorry guys. My idiot of a wife doesn't know when to s- oh, never mind.", Joohyun said with an awkward laugh which made Yeri once again snicker and she wiggled her eyesbrows at Joohyun.

"Shut up, fifth wheel.", Joohyun said and Yeri retorted right back.

"I'm not your fifth wheel today. I got a date, alright? Wait till you guys see her.", she said with the most loving smile and everyone were mesmerised by the younger girl's happy smile and looked at her as if she was their daughter.

"Okay, stop it. Y'all have the 'proud mom' face and it's creepy as .", Yeri said and skipped her way across to the lawn and left Wendy, IRene, Seulgi and Joy in the hall. 

"Well then, shall we?', said Seulgi said, tugging Joy's hands and the newly wed couple, Wendy and Irene followed them.

They were all going to watch a movie to take some time off their excrutiatingly painful job and to enjoy some fresh air. Wendy saw Yeri's date first and exclaimed at the sight. Saeron, as Yeri later introduces, looked younger than Yeri and it instantly kicked in her motherly insticnts much to the embarassment of Yeri.

"Stop giving her the same motherly looks, Wendy. I can't bear it. I'm gonna retch.", Yeri said and Saeron looked deighted by seeing her usually shy and smiley girlfriend being snarky. Yeri caught her amused stare and ducked her head in embarrassment which made Saeron laugh out loud, confusing the older couples. 

After watching the movie, Seulgi insisted that Joy should take a walk with her and Irene, Wendy, Saeron and Yeri left them alone in the park near to their home.

"Why are you making me walk, Kang Seulgi?", Joy asked in a threathning tone and Seulgi shivered at the authoritative tone in her voice. 

"I just wanted to take a stroll down the park with my beautiful girlfriend so I can show you off to the entire population of the park.", Seulgi said with a stupid grin on her face and hearing  this, Joy felt the warmth spread through her body, especially her cheeks.

"Hey! Stop being so cheesy, it makes me blush.", Joy said and pulled Seulgi next to her and they both walked hand-in-hand.

"Hey, look over there.", Seulgi said and Joy looked to the place Seulgi pointed. There was notghin extraordinary there. There were kids playing and one woman who looked at her and gave her a amll smile. The same woman seemed to gasp a little when she looked at the spot next to Joy. 

Intrigued by this, Joy also turned to where the woman was looking and she saw Seulgi, kneeling down and facing her, with an open palm that had a tiny little unopened box in her hadn with a smile threathning to show itself. Joy's eyes widened at the sight and she let out an involutary gasp. Seulgi now dazzingly smiled at her.

"Park Sooyoung, the joy of my life and the reason for my happiness, I made it clear to you that I don't want to spend my life with anyone else other than you. I have told you time and time again how much I love you but I don't think I actually expressed all of my love. I love you, Joy. I love everything you do and everything you make me do." She paused and chucked at Joy's frozen state.

"I love your smiles and laughs, your eyes and your lips, your voice that  makes me snap my neck everytime and your heart tht you have given me with immense trust. But do you know what I love the most, Joy? The memories that we made together. The memories that keep me concious when I'm working and the memories that keep me awake at night. These memories, I will forever cherish and I will never forget. And even if you do, I will tell you our story everyday and never leave your side. Park Sooyoung, you put a smile on my face just by existing, please let me put this ring on your finger so that I can be yours forever. Will you let me be yours?" Seulgi asked with glistening eyes and with an expectant expression mixed with so much love and devotion that Joy couldn't even stop herself from nodding her head like a madman.

"I can't quite hear you, you know.", Seulgi and Joy let out an exasperated sigh.

"Yes, Yes Yes! It's yes, Kang Seulgi.", Joy said it in a whisper with tears flooding her vision and as she cleared her eyes of her tears, she was met with the most beautiful sight she has ever seen. With the setting sun in the background and all the trees around her, SEulgi looked like an angel who had descened from heaven just to take Joy in her arms and fly back to their paradise. Seulgi looked at her with the biggest smile on her face and she took out the ring, smoothy slid it into her finger and with a proud gaze, looked at Joy's hand and grinned till her cheeks hurt.

"Now, if you don't kiss me the wedding is off.", said Joy and Seulgi, without any hesitancy, pulled Joy closer and captured her lips with hers and did not forget to make Joy's already crazy heart to go wild by muttering 'I love you' and 'I'm yours' in between their kisses. 

The nearby people, including the kids, erupted into an applause and Seulgi, with a shy grin, hid herself in Joy's neck and smiled to herself. This is the happiest day of her life and she couldn't wait to make new memories with the love of her life. 

"Forget-me-not. Did you really engrave that in the ring?", asked Joy as she was inspecting the ring and found thse three words engraved in the inside of the ring.

"Yeah. What? Too soon?", Seulgi said, eyes teasingly glimmering with mischeif.

"Touché.", said Joy and clicked her tongue. 

"Promise me that you won't ever forget this, Park Sooyoung."

"I promise."





[A/N: Ahhh, this has come to an end! Thank you everyone for giving this a chance and reading this. I appreciate everyone of you. Never thought this would be read by so much of you and I'm so thankful for that. This is my first fanfiction ever! Y'all are the best for sticking with this dumb story. Thank you all, once again. Mwahhhh >3]

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Chapter 24: Yoyoyoyooyoyoy.... Wow
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