Chapter 11


Unknown POV 

"Hello? The subject is starting to remember, sir. I don't think you're doing a great job of trying to stop her from remembering. Seulgi is still visiting and she might be the trigger for her memories, sir." said the voice of a man, probably in his twenties. 

" I don't care what you think, boy. I want you to do as I tell you to do. Don't tell me I'm not doing my job properly, just shut up and continue to observe the subject and do not interfere with Seulgi's classes. She doesn't know anything. I will take care of it without creating any suspicion. That's all for now." said the other man, who sounded like a powerful man. 

The younger of the two was scared of the other man but he also thought that his boss wasn't handling this situation very wisely. 

However, he thought better of his ideas of disobeying his boss' orders and instead decided to be a good subordinate. He knows what he was doing was a bit extreme and wrong in every sense but if he wanted to live, he had to do this. That was the only excuse he had for doing all the dirty work for his boss. 

One day, I'll be free to get out of this hole and actually settle down and have a life. He thinks to himself and wanders off the couch and falls asleep with heavy thoughts on his mind.  







Notes or whatever:

I'm really sorry for the late updates, I have been a little busy and I hope I can update this more regularly. Anyway, stan CLC. 



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