Chapter 13


Wendy's POV

I have been watching CCTV footages for the past 2 days and I finally figured out that some footages were missing. The footages from 17:43 to 16:03 was missing and every floor except the science floor had all the footages. So, something happened on February 13 between 17:43 to 16:03 and I was going to find out somehow. I was busy making plans to retrieve backup footages when Yeri informed me that Irene called me. I was scared but I had to go. I wanted to find out everything about the things that are making Seulgi suffer. I also wanted to trust Yeri with this but it was hard to do so. That girl loved learning pieces of information that were nowhere near her business. 

I hope Yeri doesn't snoop through my computer. It's for her own good.

I sighed and took a long breath to clear my head and knocked on Bae's office door. After hearing her affirmation for me to come in, I entered, with an innocent expression, which I was sure she would know is fake.  After all, no one can deceive Goddess Irene.  She met my eyes with a contorted expression as if she was struggling to make a decision. 

Huh, since when did she have internal conflicts? This must be eating her brain up. 

"Wendy, please sit down. I have something important to tell you.", she said in a sombre tone, setting the mood for this impromptu one-on-one meeting. I obeyed her and sat down. The seat was meant to be intimidating as Irene had a higher platform and she had the edge over whoever took the seat. To my surprise, I found her getting down from her high seat and standing next to me. This was different. I felt like she was going to tell me that she's pregnant or something intimate. I felt a tad bit uncomfortable as this was not the treatment I expected from her and I have, quite frankly, never been treated like this since a time which seems like millions of years ago. I readied myself for a heart-to-heart with the Chief. 

"I need you to make sure that Seulgi doesn't visit Joy again.", she said in a timid voice, not her usual commanding voice. 

Well, call me surprised. 

That was unexpected. " I thought we already had a deal, Irene.", I said, her name laced with more venom than I intended. " If I start to work here, again, you leave Seulgi and Joy alone. Do I have to spell it for you? A L O-" 

"Shut up or you'll regret what you're saying. That was an order and You're going to take care of Seulgi. I know you only agreed to work because you wanna know what happened that night and I know you've been snooping into the CCTV footages. This is your last chance to redeem your position in the agency or else you will be punished for your insubordination. So, make a wise choice. Either way, Seulgi is gonna be dealt with and I hope you do it because, the other agents won't be so easy on her, you know. Also, be quick about it, I don't have all day.", she said and resumed her position on her high seat, using her power of intimidation to make me feel smaller and weaker.

Well, sweetie, it's working. 

So, one one hand, I had to deprive Seulgi of her only source of Joy(pun intended), or disagree with Irene, lose my career and even maybe my life and Seulgi still gets separated from Joy in a much forceful way. I had a very obvious choice in front of me. 

"I'll take care fo Seulgi, Your Highness.", I said with sarcasm, the only weapon I had left. 

"Thought so. Wel, go about it then. I'm sure you have lots of planning to do. You only have 36 hours after all." Irene smugly dismissed me and her smugness was making me so irritated. 

36 hours?? This is crazy. 

With the thought of Seulgi on my mind, I left my work premises and didn't forget to take all my video files.

If I was going to lose anyway, I will at least make sure it was worth it. 





Notes: Hello! It's been a while and I hope y'all enjoy this update. At this point everyone must be curious, hehe. Don't worry, I'll try to make it worth it ;), have a good day uwu.


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