Chapter 18



"J-joy, I don't think I can arrange for a meeting between you and Seulgi.", Taemin said. 

"You are her professor, right? You can do it. Call her and ask her to come here. Feed her some lies Taemin because I need to know the truth." I pleaded with him and tried to force him to arrange the meeting. I need to know why she pretended not to know me. Why the hell did she have a file with my name on it? And where did she even get this information from? No one knows that I know everything about dogs but did not get one because wait- why didn't I get a dog before? I love dogs but I didn't for,um, I forgot the reason? What the .

"I'll try again Joy. Just be patient with me.", he sighed heavily and went outside to make a call. His voice cuts my train of thoughts and I was once again confused. 

Why do I feel like I haven't lived the last 2 years? 

Everything suddenly became so hazy and I felt like my head was about to explode. I know I was with someone else before I met Taemin. But I couldn't remember the person. I could have sworn that I knew who my last girlfriend was yesterday.


For some reason, I knew it was a girlfriend. And I was starting to think maybe it was Seulgi. 

Come on, Joy. How can you forget her? Have you seen that woman?

Yeah but all those dreams that I have about her ar-

-are because you're ually frustrated and Taemin doesn't get you off.

I visibly flushed a little at my thoughts and stopped myself from thinking about Seulgi's beautiful face, her sharp eyes and her so so so soft lips and how it would feel underneath my lip- OH MY GOD STOP. She might be extremely beautiful but right now, she might also be a dangerous stalker. Please shove your girl crush somewhere no one can find.

"Um, she won't pick up the phone." Taemin once again puts an end to my wandering thoughts.

How annoying.

"Oh? I could have sworn I heard you talking." I deadpanned. He was being shady as well. Something is very very wrong and I had to find out.

"I left her a message, Joy. Stop doubting me." He huffed in annoyance and I felt bad for him. Maybe I shouldn't be so hard on him. And then I suddenly remembered the conversation I wanted to have with him. About my crush on his student. I virtually facepalmed and readied myself to talk about it.

"Taemin, I have to tell you something-" I was rudely cut out by my phone's shrill ringer tone. Saved by the bell.


"Sooyoung, I know you want to see Seulgi and get some explanation. I'm outside your house and if you want to meet her, meet me outside exaclty in five minutes." The call ended and I was shaking a little from fright and the cold but calm voice of the woman who just spoke to her. It wasn't Seulgi, she was sure of that. But she wanted to take the risk of trusting a random stranger just so she can meet Seulgi. She needed those answers and no one was stopping her, not even Taemin. 

However, to her utter surprise, Taemin was the first one to leave in a hurry. 

"I have to get back to college, babe. One of the students was found dead near a ditch and we think it's suicide. I need to go, we'll talk later, okay?" He kissed me on my cheek and left without waiting for my answer. 

Well, good for me I guess. 

For security purposes, I took out my handgun from underneath my bed and walked out to the only car in my street. It was a sleek black car and the windows were so heavily tinted I couldn't see who was inside. I knocked on the window and entered as soon as the door was opened from the other side. I gasped when I found a literal angel sitting in the driver's seat. She was so beautiful but her eyes were so cold and disant and they did ot want to meet mine.

"I'm Irene but you don't know me. I will take you to Seulgi. Howvwer, I have to warn you. She won't be alone. So don't even think about dong anything stupid. Is that understood?" she asked me in an authoritative voice and I found myself nodding along to all of her whims. She doesn't get denied very often, I assumed. After a fifteen minute ride, Irene parked the car in a lonely alley. She motioned me to get out and held out a finger and pointed out the apartment where Seulgi was in. I squared my shoulders and went up the stairs and knocked on the first door on the floor. It was also the only apartment that was occupied. 

"Come in.", I heard someone say and once again, I was in shock at her beauty. Is this one of my dreams? Why are they all so beautiful a-and familiar looking? I entered the gloomy hallway and when I entered the bedroom, I saw Seulgi sitting there with her hair in a messy ponytail with a laptop on her lap. She was focused on whatever she was doing and I had to admit, even though all of this looked extremely creepy, she looked so cute. 

"Joy," Seulgi said when she saw me standing in the doorway. She looked at me in a sense of disbelief. 

"Seulgi. Care to explain why I found a folder with my name on it in your bag?" I said in a calm tone but I could feel my anger threatening to choke me up in tears. I had trusted her and she took advantage. I was more than furious.

"I can explain everything, Joy. Just take a seat and we'll talk, okay?" she held up her hands in surrender and she looked at me pleadingly. I gave her a single nod and when she took my hand and guided me towards the bed, I felt light headed and felt a sense of deja-vu pass over my mind. I couldn't help myself when I asked: "Have we done this before?" I felt so stupid after asking but one look at Seulgi's face and instead of apologising for what I said, I started to enjoy the show. 

"I- im, what?" she awkwardly laughed, " No, w-we haven't done anything that has to do with a bed" she again laughed in a cute way and I wanted to kiss her so bad. She was so cute, I don't know how she managed to make me swoon over her cuteness when the actual reason I came here for was to interrogate her about her stalkerish behaviour. 

"Seulgi, please stop embarrassing yourself" I turned around to where the voice had come from and found another pretty woman looking at me with an amused smile. 

"I'm Yeri and this is Wendy, by the way. Even though you are only interested in knowing about Seulgi," she said with a smirk and Seulgi hit her with a pencil and Wendy nudged her with her shoulder. I laughed at the antics and everyone I felt Seulgi looking at me instantly and I got quite and looked back. 

"I'm sorry Joy," she said and before I could ask her why I felt the prick of a needle on my arm and I fell on the soft bed, unconscious. 









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