Chapter 7: It's All or Nothing

The Orchard Dorm
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Do you have one of those moments where you wished a big gigantic hole can swallow you up in awkward and tense situations? Well that was what Nari felt surrounded by twelve guys who didn't look at all pleased about what the headmaster announced to them.


Baekhyun was the first to speak up by slamming his fist on the headmaster's desk. "Look old man." He sneered, "You first suspend me as quarterback of my team and then you make me take this damn music class. Now you expect me to be ok and go along with this boy band crap?"


"Well technically I gave the responsibility of choosing the members to Ms. Jeong and Ms. Liu during the auditions. They choose who fit best for this band and they thought you were fit for it."


"Wait that's impossible I didn't even audition." both Luhan and Junmyeon said at the same time while Chen kept quiet in the back expressing shock and confusion.


"I'm sorry but your names are listed down here. Even if you say you didn't audition maybe she may have seen you perform." That's when they both remembered the time Nari had watched them singing and simultaneously they glanced at her but fact was Nari didn't put their names on there either. It must have been Jeanie but she seemed to think they didn't care who did it they cared more about the why did they put their names down on that list.


Meanwhile, Kai and Lay were a super disappointed and irritated when they were both picked. It almost felt like a tie between the two of them. "Hold up can't you just find other people who would much rather do this more than us?" Chen finally spoke up and his reasoning surprised Nari the most but the headmaster shook his head. 


"I understand this decision is hard for you but this has been our school tradition. A school tradition that we have never won but with you twelve we can finally bring glory to Sawatomi's talented students." even if his speech was very uplifting the boys seemed adamant that they really didn't want to be a part of this at all. 


Junmyeon was the first to get up and bow. "I'm sorry headmaster but as the school president I already have so much on my plate. As do the rest of them I'm sure. I know that we may have auditioned but we don't think this is our type of scenery."


"Mr.Kim" Junmyeon just cuts off whatever the headmaster was going to argue with. "I'm sorry but I need to get some work done before my father has my head. Excuse me." The rest filed out after Junmyeon while Nari had her head hung low, her fist clenched thinking that so much for her judgment. None of them want to be on board for this at all. 


The headmaster regrettably sighs, "Oh well what can you do? I guess they can't really see their potential." Immediately Nari picks her head up and takes the headmasters words by rushing out of his office to catch up wth the boys. When she had caught up to them she blocks their way so they could stop and listen to her. But her little stunt just makes the school president irritated.


"Move" he demanded sharply but Nari stood her ground and needed to say this one more thing to the boys before they could walk out on all of this. 


"I know that this is definitely not what you wanted to happen in your high school career but I'm not just going to let you guys walk away from it. You guys are all talented. I only wanted others to see that too. Besides don't I get a say in this matter too? I'm not backing down without a fight."


Junmyeon just scoffs at her cheesy explanation before allowing it, "Fine so how do you think we should handle this then?" 


"How about a little wager?"


"Enlighten me."


"I challenge each of you to a duel that bets all chances. Either you join the band or I will forever drop the topic of you ever considering to be on it."


"Now we are determining this by some chidlish games?" Baekhyun chimed in before Junmyeon silenced him. "Do you really think this can be all settled with a bunch of little games?"


"It's more in your favor. You twelve get to decide what I should do to either win or lose." While Junmyeon started to think about this little ordeal, Baekhyun stepped out to face Nari with this demeanored look.


" you sure got guts. You do know who you're dealing with right?" emphasizing on all twelve of them.


"Yes." Nari says without a second thought while Junmyeon finally spoke up. "Alright, say we do these challenges? You promise that when you lose you leave us alone about all of this?" 


Nari nodded before putting her hand over her left chest like a pledge. "You have my word. But the same has to go for you when I win. You'll agree to join the band." The school president then turned towards the other eleven guys for their opinion and they all just shrugged like it wouldn't hurt the girl for trying at least. 


That was when Junmyeon  had made the decision and put his hand out to shake with hers, "OK you've got yourself a deal." They shook hands while Nari was trying to stop shaking realizing what she had just did, Junmyeon smirks before walking past her. "Well then prepare yourself Miss Jeong it's not going to be easy."


Nari didn't know if she picked the right choice to declare war on all twelve of them but again these boys were the path for her future and possibly for theirs too. She just really hoped that luck be on her side for all the challenges and that she could get to win against all twelve of them. 



"Wah that was very brave of her to just block our presidents way. Did you see the way she was trying not to fall. That was cute." Luhan, Chen and Junmyeon were all sitting by the soccer field bleachers enjoying their lunch break. That was until Luhan just mentions the topic of the boy band and the twelve challenges. "Yah Luhan do you have to talk about that now?"


"Ah right you got the first pick Chen. So what are you going to decide?" That was just the problem, Chen didn't know what he was going to do to determine the loser or winner. 


"Speaking of, I didn't even know that you auditioned. I thought you said you hated doing stuff like that." At the mention of his fear he had forgotten all about that feeling that took over him to courageously walk up on that stage. Was it just because there was less people there to judge him or because of Nari?


"Chen!" Junmyeon called his name the fifth t

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Thanks to Leefatyn for spending probably hours making this!!


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747 streak #1
Chapter 30: Welcome back, hope you’ve been well. I absolutely loved this chapter. It’s good to see Jongin and Yixing finally working together, it was a long time coming. Dongwoo’s statement summed up everything perfectly, but it’s not going to matter how much work they do.😏

It’s also good to see everyone getting along with Nari, with the exception of Baek. Hopefully, he will come around soon and kill it with his vocals in the process. Looking forward to what you have in store for us, this update was such a treat.
Fireflies123 #2
Chapter 30: Thank you for the update. I love this fic so much the wait is always worth a new chapter. I love the development of the story in this chapter. I’m so happy Jongin and Yixing made amends and I can’t wait to see how the other exos accomplish their parts. Baekhyun still seems so hostile towards Nari but hopefully he can change his attitude towards her as they work together for their debut.