Chapter 12: Shake It Off

The Orchard Dorm
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"Come on pick up the pace Nari!! I can hear your feet crying and I've seen babies go faster than that!" Jeanie's rough talk didn't help Nari run any quicker. Yes, Nari was running back and forth doing laps across the football field. Why? because she was training to go up against Kris, the captain of the basketball team. 


Nari slows down and yells across the field where Jeanie was sitting by the bleachers, "Jeanie is all this training necessary?"


"Of course! In order to beat that skyscraper at his own game, we need you to be in tip top shape so come on four more laps!" She blows the whistle again to get her moving but Nari starts slowing down feeling completely weak before landing into the cool grass.


"I don't think I can do this anymore Jeanie."


"Oh come on Nari the challenge is in a few days. You can't quit now." Nari just replied with a lifeless groan which meant she wasn't going to run anytime soon.


Jeanie didn't know what to do to movtivate this girl. She couldn't do it all alone. "There must be someone else who knows how to train you better than I will. Who else is gifted and atheletically fit?...." she then had a person  in mind that might just help.


"Exactly why am I here?" It was strange for Luhan to be suddenly excused out his classes, not that he didn't mind. But he did find it suspicious when Ms. Liu asked him a very interesting request.


"Look you and I both know Nari isn't the best at playing any kinds of sports."


"Oh no I remember it vividly how she played during our challenge." just remembering their challenge and how much she struggled learning how to play soccer made him cringe.


"Which is exactly why I need your help"


"Help with what?" 


"To give her a few pointers on how to play basketball and have a chance at beating Mr. Wu by this Friday?"


"What?! Now you're just being completely delusional! Why are you asking me when you have the other guys in this band who are atheletes too? Besides I don't have any experience with playing basketball."  


Jeanie's eyebrow quirked up not believing it. "Oh really? But I read somewhere in your school files that you used to play basketball as a secondary sport while soccer was your main. You were pretty good from what I've heard but you quit when you were more serious about soccer."


Luhan takes a big step back from the teacher who was just spouting his personal information. "Hold on isn't it illegal for teachers to read students's personal information?"


Ms. Liu shrugged, "Doesn't matter I did a lot of spare reading on some of the students backgrounds because I liked to keep myself informed. But come on pretty boy. She's running out of time and when she gets on the court with that huge beanstalk towering over her, she's going to get trampled. Won't you please do it as her friend? Hopefully if she is your friend at this point." 


He was torn at the moment. Luhan started biting the inside of his cheek thinking what he wanted to but eventually gives not because he felt bad but Nari was his friend. He also couldn't just say no to a girl in distress in this case Nari was a total disaster. Just like when she was practicing how to score the ball into the net she was shooting the basketball anywhere but the net. 


So before she threw another ball, Luhan quickly takes the ball away from her and makes her pay attention to him. "As horrible as that was chibi, I'm here so that you don't make a major fool of yourself in front of the captain of the varsity basketball team. So listen up, the first thing you got to do is keep your eyes on the ball and never leave it out of your sight when on defense. Second, always anticipate your opponents moves before they can get pass you by being sharp. Your eyes have got to follow him so that he doesn't pass you. Finally, a good basketball player always calculates his or her throw before they cast it." he finshes his lesson by shooting it perfectly into the basket. Nari 's mmediate reaction was her jaw hanging to the floor before Luhan gently closes it back. 


"If you were amazed by that then wait till you see Kris play against you. So you ready chibi?"


"Do you think there's a slight chance I can score against Kris?"


Luhan hesitated answering her not really sure if he should lie or tell the truth. "Um I'm not sure. I'll try to help and do the best I can to get you to hopefully earn some points but I'll do my best for you." He winks flirtatiously making her face turn pink before he runs pass her with the ball in his hand, "You're breaking the first rule already Chibi!" 


Luhan dribbles past her while Nari started chasing after him to steal the ball. After some time she got the hang of it and before Luhan could dribble past her she steals the ball and shoots but it misses. Nari looked disappointed that it didn't go into the net but Luhan seemed to think differently about that last play. 


"Hey it's ok. At least this time you're actually shooting near the net. Come on now we're moving onto some basketball drills."



After basketball practice, Kris stayed behind to practice some more. As captain and star player of the team, he needed to be the best of the best. Their first game was in a few days and if they win this it'll be one step closer to the championships. 


From the three point line he shoots the ball and it flawlessly goes into the net. He was pushing himself and did some turns before he jumped up to dunk but as he dunked the ball he came back down a little too quickly and fell backwards. 


He winces in pain and checks his ankle hoping nothing was out of place. So he tries to get up and does some more throws when he runs up and jumps he started to feel a stinging pain coming from his left ankle. It was a clear sign that he needed to stop for today. He limps over to his bag and decides to go back to the dorms hoping that when he checks on it it wouldn't be too serious.


When he got back to the dorm, he sees Ryeowook talking on the phone.  "Don't worry hyung I have everything under control with moving my stuff into their dorm. Besides the members were all nice to me when I got introduced to them so it should be fine." 


Kris just quietly set his stuff to the side and headed to the kitchen. He was reaching for a cup when he felt the same stinging pain on his ankle. The latter quickly retracts back down and checks his ankle to see a dark purple bruise formed there. "Sh*t" he lowly muttered but snapped his head up when Ryeowook was standing at the entrance of the kitchen gawking not at him but at his ankle. 


"A-are you ok?" he muttered, tone laced with concerned.


"Yeah I'm fine. I just fell that's all." Kris didn't want him staring at his ankle any longer and leaves the kitchen while Ryeowook didn't quite believe Kris that the injury onnhis ankle was anything but fine.



Tomorrow was Kris's challenge and Nari really should thank Luhan for somehow being a miracle worker. He had worked day and night training Nari how to play like any average person would play. Now she was having trouble trying to dribble the ball while moving around Luhan so she could get to the net. "Go Nari!!" Chen cheers while excitedly waving a pair of pom poms in the air like a perky cheerleader weirding Jeanie out a bit.


"Where did you even get those?" she asked.


"Um from the cheerleaders storage room duh." she rolled her eyes and continued watching Nari play and she finally shoots the ball into the net. After everything, she had finally scored a point while Chen got up and cheered even louder.


Luhan looked totally impressed and gives her a high five for that shot before they took a little water break. "That was great Nari! You actually scored for once." Chen exclaims while waving his pom poms in the air. 


"Thanks Chen sshi. I thought I would never score a point."


"Well when you're in the hands of this guy, anything is possible." Luhan was more prideful than all of them for actually getting her to score. Chen really didn't care and pushes Luhan away so he could talk with Nari more. 


"Aw I wish I would've been the one to teach you basketball." 


"You know how to play?" Nari asked

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Thanks to Leefatyn for spending probably hours making this!!


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747 streak #1
Chapter 30: Welcome back, hope you’ve been well. I absolutely loved this chapter. It’s good to see Jongin and Yixing finally working together, it was a long time coming. Dongwoo’s statement summed up everything perfectly, but it’s not going to matter how much work they do.😏

It’s also good to see everyone getting along with Nari, with the exception of Baek. Hopefully, he will come around soon and kill it with his vocals in the process. Looking forward to what you have in store for us, this update was such a treat.
Fireflies123 #2
Chapter 30: Thank you for the update. I love this fic so much the wait is always worth a new chapter. I love the development of the story in this chapter. I’m so happy Jongin and Yixing made amends and I can’t wait to see how the other exos accomplish their parts. Baekhyun still seems so hostile towards Nari but hopefully he can change his attitude towards her as they work together for their debut.