Chapter 4: Home

The Orchard Dorm
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"So let me go over this one more time just so I'm hearing it right. You're going to help me? How?" this was probably her fifth time asking her music teacher that had magical powers. "Wait are you some kind of fairy godmother?" she asked another question after witnessing Ms. Liu constantly making things disappear and appear from thin air. 


Ms. Liu immediately chuckles. "Nari please only children believe in Fairy Godmothers. But....yeah we are kinda like Fairy Godmothers but without the whole magic wand crap." rather than tell she shows her powers by making a buffet of desserts appear on the table. Nari's eyes bulge out of her sockets when she looks at the desserts come to life and walk towards her plate. 


"Instead of the term Fairy godmothers" she airquoted. "We simply call ourselves Wish makers." Nari takes a bite out of her strawberry cake intrigued with the existence of magical beings. "Ok not a lot of people know about wishmakers but you see around the world billions of children make a wish. How it works is when a kid makes a wish we send a wishmaker to help guide the child to acheive their dreams." 


She snaps her fingers again and presents thousands of pictures of kids around the world. "Our main purpose is to help you guys on earth to achieve what is possible. So each of us is assigned a child to watch over but we don't reveal ourselves until we are told to."


"So how do you guys keep track of us in your world?" Nari asked. 


Ms. Liu then poofs up a portrait of an elegant lady who looked like she could be a model for Chanel. "You see this lady here? We call her the seeress. She's the head of the wishmaker world. Her job is to predict which child will be assigned to us and when we are allowed to start our mission and reveal ourselves to said child."


"So if you're here to help me achieve my dreams, what would happen if I can't accomplish it?" Ms. Liu laughed at such a silly question and pats Nari's head like an innocent child. "Don't worry about the future dear. I'm here to help you and I won't stop until you get to your goal."


Nari a bit unsatisfied with her response just stopped asking further questons. Then Ms. Liu claps her hands and the food goes away. "Anyways, what we should be worried about is moving into your new dorm room tomorrow." Nari suddenly realizes that tomorrow was when she had to move all of her stuff into the Sawatomi Academy's dorms. How could she have forgotten about that? 


"Hey relax, good thing I'm here to help remember? Now that I have revealed myself, I swore on my contract that I would be by your side whenever in need. So let's take you home huh?" she waves her fingers and claps them together to teleport them back to Nari's apartment before Nari could even say one word. In a second, she looks around and couldn't believe it they were actually back in her small apartment and even her uniform had been cleaned up too. 


"Ms. Liu this is-"


"You should call me Jeanie. It's feels weird to have someone call me by my "official" last name but just not when other people are around ok?"


"Ok Jeanie." She smiles at Nari trying it out before stepping back to leave. "Well goodnight Nari. I'm so glad to have finally met you." seeing her smile made Nari smile back before Jeanie telelported herself out of the apartment leaving Nari all alone.


Of course her first initial reflex was to slap herself confirming that this wasn't all a dream. "....How on earth did this all happen on my first week?" she turns towards her parent's photo giving them an incredulous look thinking they wouldn't have believed this either. "I bet you would've freaked out too." 


*The Next Morning*


"Please be gentle with my instruments Jeanie!" Nari was especially nervous as Jeanie was using her magic to levitate all of her boxes into the living room. Luckily nothing broke and everything was wrapped up.


"Ok now that packing is done, I should call a taxi to help me with all of this." she was about to pull out her phone when Jeanie went to stop her. 


"Hold on there missy. There's an easier way to do this, remember last night?" right as Jeanie was about to do the spell, someone had knocked on the door. Nari immediately runs and looks through the peephole and turns back with a panicked look. "Oh no it's Mark. I totally forgot he was going to help me pack!" 


"Can't you just tell him you already moved all your stuff?" 


"I can't because lying to my best friend is wrong." she clicks her tongue before stopping the spell while Nari whispers before answering the door, "Whatever you do, please no magic."


"I know I know that's also in my contract too you know."


The knocking continued until Nari finally let him in. "Morning Nari~ ready to leave and forever regret moving away from me? You know I just thought of something-" he completely stops in his tracks noticing Jeanie in Nari's living room.


They both awkwardly looked at each other before Mark tensed up in front of the stranger. "Um who are you?" Mark asked 


"I'm her best friend." Jeanie teased Mark who looked a bit bothered by that reply and was going to say something before Nari luckily stepped in for introductions.


"Mark be nice. This is my teacher Ms. Liu." Mark relaxed a little but still seemed cautious of the stranger. "Ms. Liu this is my best friend Mark. He's here to help me move." She was hoping that one of them would at least shake hands for formalities but it seemed likely. 


"Thank you Ms. Liu. We really appreciate your help but I think we can handle this on our own. So if you don't mind leaving." Mark tried to shoo Jeanie towards the door but she wasn't having it.


"Yeah With those noodle arms you aren't going to carry all of this to her dorm in one day." 


"Hold on I'm sorry did you just call me weak?" he barked back . 


She shrugs. "I'm only stating facts." 


"You know we really should be going-"


"Sit down Nari." they both ordered while Nari stepped back thinking her morning wasn't supposed to be this hectic. 




"I don't know if I want to jump off a roof or get run over by a bus." Lay bluntly stated while Tao was jumping with excitment.


"Hey what's wrong with being in the same dorm building as me?" Tao whined.


"My point exactly you'll just annoy me nonstop. On top of that, I don't want to spend the rest of my semester living in a dorm building that sounds like what a princess would live in."


Tao just shrugs not minding the dorm they were assigned to."I think the name is cute hyung."


Lay figured he would say that, "Shutup Tao you think everything is cute. You think what's ugly is cute as well."


"Oh stop will you? We are going to have a lot of great memories in this place just watch." They both stop talking as soon as they saw the sign that read 'Orchard Dorm' Both looked up at the dorm building and Lay just shook his head.  "It's like living in a Barbie dollhouse." He commented while Tao grabbed the latter's forearm and dragged him towards the entrance of hell. "Still think it's cute. Come on!" 


When they were given their room numbers, Lay was at least happy that he won't sharing a room with Tao for the whole semester and so he left Tao to find his room. Meanwhile, Tao was confused finding his dorm when he was elated to have matched his number with his keys. He swipes the room card and walks in luggage in tow. 


The place had a living room in the center, and a stairwell leading up to the second room while the other room was downstairs. "Hm I wonder if my roommate is here too?"


When Tao started taking off his shoes, a sweet and delicious smell got his attention. He took another sniff before walking to the kitchen to find a dozen baked chocolate chip cookies. Without hesitation he started to eat them. The cookies were just so delicious in his mouth that he didn't hear Kyungsoo walking into the kitchen after he had just come out of the shower. 


Kyungsoo was going to check on his cookies he had baked when he gapes at the person munching away on all of them. If there was one thing that made Kyungsoo angry it was when people touched his things. So the latter just grabs a knife from one of the drawers and stood behind Tao until the poor boy noticed and turned around. Cookies all around his face. 


Tao was so oblivious to the knife in Kyungsoo's hand that he grins stupidly at Kyungsoo. "Hi! You must be my new roommate. I'm-


"So dead." 


The moment Kyungsoo had pulled the knife out was when Tao knew he ed up and started running for his life. Kyungsoo just starts chasing after him yelling that he was going to kill him over and over as Tao began weeping and crying for someone to save him. 



Meanwhile, Lay had been walking around the floor trying to find his dorm. Once he had found it he wanted to check out the dance room they had in the building too. When he had finally found the right room, he swiped his key in and was surprised no doubt at how his room looked. It was simple and not too grand just how he liked it. Maybe Tao was right; surprisingly. He could get used to this place. 


He settles his luggage down and finds another set of luggages and boxes by the living room. It was probably his roommate's and before his roommate could come back, Lay started checking the place out before walking outside to the balcony to enjoy the view and peaceful sound of nothing. Until he heard someone loudly snoring. 


"What on earth?" the snoring just gets louder as Lay kept looking around to see who it was when on the far right of the balcony he sees a pair of feet. He takes a closer look and was going to curse Tao but he also wanted to curse whoever the was messing with him. "Great what were the chances that he be my roommate?" 


Kai was oblivious to someone watching him sleep and just kept on snoring loudly much to Lay's annoyance. However, Lay had an idea on how to get him to stop. He spots the hose next to him and quietly turns it on before blasting it on full power right into Kai's face. 


If Kai wasn't awake before, he sure was definitely up and super pissed too. "What the hell?!" Kai screamed as he looked at himself from head to toe and saw his clothes were totally drenched. He glares at the person who did it while Lay looked highly amused. 


"Sorry did I wake you? I was just trying to clean off that nasty drool you got going on there." he had empahsized it was all around his face finding it humurous that Kai reminded him of a wet cat.  


"How did you even get into my dorm you ?" 


"Um with my room key ? What did you think how I got in here?" wow Lay thought. This guy was not only an idiot but a cocky mediocre dancer too. 


Immediately Kai's face dropped and started looking him for a second like he's seen him somewhere but couldn't decipher when or where. "Have we met before?" 


"Yeah last time it was at the dance studio when I regretted ever seeing your mediocre dancing. I had to bleach my eyes after that." 


Kai's eyes widen and put two and two together before pointing at Lay who was rolling his eyes at such dramatics. "No way! You have got to be kidding me this is bull!" 


"Oh believe me I'm not happily dancing around the living about this situation either."


"Why don't you switch then? Better for you and me."


He thought Lay was going to agree but he declines "No way, then I have to deal with another annoying bastard like you. Plus if you are going to sleep on the balcony every day I get to do this." emphasizing how wet Kai looked again.


Kai just raises his middle finger up before getting up in Lay's face, "Fine have it your way, just stay away from me and don't ever talk to me at school or here."


Lay just scoffs not really intimidated at all with Kai little threat before pushing him away. "Same here airhead." they broke away as Kai rushed inside to change into some new clothes while Lay stayed outside to relax before he could see that retard's face again. So much for a good semester.




The moment Chanyeol had walked into his dorm room with a couple of his things, he heard loud rock music playing. It sounded like it was coming from the second floor room where his roommate was probably. It was funny because this rock song was a personal favorite of someone he hated the most. What were the odds that it be him. 


Well the odds were never in his favor when he looked straight at Baekhyun who was coming down the stairs to get more of his stuff. "What are you doing here?.." was Chanyeol's initial response the moment he saw that .


"I'm here to clean the rooms. No what does it look like dip?" Baekhyun's sarcastic remark didn't help when they realizes their messy living situation. 


"" Chanyeol muttered as they both suspected this to be too much of a coincidence for them to be rooming with each other for the whole year. 


"You know I really hate how our fathers pulled some strings for us to be in the same room together. So let's just go over some ground rules. One don't go anywhere near my side of the room and two stay the away from me." Baekhyun said before storming up to his room leaving a very pissed off Chanyeol.


"Ditto." he grumbles before putting his shoes back on to find a place where he can cool down. When Chanyeol had left, Baekhyun had pulled out a picture of him, Chanyeol, and another girl when they were younger from one of the boxes. He took one glance before putting it away and taking out all his anger by unpacking. 




"KIM JONGDAE!!!" it was supposed to be safe for Chen to move his things into the dorms because he thought having Luhan with him would mean he wouldn't be seen by Woobin but he thought wrong. Just hearing Woobin's animalistic roar call out his name made him instantly drop his boxes and start running leaving Luhan astounded and grumpy. 


"Chen you're not seriously making me carry all your things for you just so you can play tag with your boyfriend?" Chen couldn't hear Luhan yell because of Woobin so Luhan being too good of a friend takes it like a man and brings in Chen's boxes after he put his in the building lobby. 


"I hope Woobin does kick your Chen because you deserve it." Luhan grumbles before he was given his room key and took all his things up to his floor. Once he swiped the room key he found the place already a mess. There were boxes opened and scattered all over the place and found piles of clothes and other items around the living room. 


For Luhan this gave him major OCD stress. He was so tempt

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Thanks to Leefatyn for spending probably hours making this!!


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747 streak #1
Chapter 30: Welcome back, hope you’ve been well. I absolutely loved this chapter. It’s good to see Jongin and Yixing finally working together, it was a long time coming. Dongwoo’s statement summed up everything perfectly, but it’s not going to matter how much work they do.😏

It’s also good to see everyone getting along with Nari, with the exception of Baek. Hopefully, he will come around soon and kill it with his vocals in the process. Looking forward to what you have in store for us, this update was such a treat.
Fireflies123 #2
Chapter 30: Thank you for the update. I love this fic so much the wait is always worth a new chapter. I love the development of the story in this chapter. I’m so happy Jongin and Yixing made amends and I can’t wait to see how the other exos accomplish their parts. Baekhyun still seems so hostile towards Nari but hopefully he can change his attitude towards her as they work together for their debut.