Chapter 13: Whistle

The Orchard Dorm
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"Stop! Stop!! You're killing me!!" Chen was just in agonizing pain. Pain of laughing too much from Nari's little punches. She had too many cushions attached to her while she tried attacking Chen with her "punches". Meanwhile, Chen kept dying of laughing at how cute her punches were. 


"Come on Chen it's not funny. I'm trying to punch you." he starts rolling around the ground still hysterically laughing making Nari upset and stop. Luhan who was just sitting by the sidelines went over and kicked him in the head for being so annoying.


Chen abruptly stops to glare at Luhan before he got up to calm himself. "Sorry Nari-ah but your punches it's like I'm being hit by a kitten."


Luhan sighs before turning towards Nari. "Have you ever taken any karate classes or self defense class?" just looking at Nari he knew the answer already. 


"I wasn't the type to want to punch someone."


"Ok but in life you're going to have to fight someone, someday.That's why before it's too late we're going to teach you. Now what is the first thing that has got to make you throw a good punch?"


"I don't know. Is it because they made you angry?" 


"Correct~ Most of the time your strength is in your punches. The more strength you have, the more your punches pack."


"Easier said than done. I've never thrown strong punches." 


"All you need is to have the perfect stance before you're ready to strike. Then you'll actually hit someone without making them giggle. Like so" Chen demonstrates by swinging his right fist on the practice dummy and it fell back. Nari claps in awe until the dummy came back hitting Chen square in the face. He falls back and groans in pain while Luhan smirks with amusement. "Well what do you know, a dummy hitting a dummy. You don't see that everyday."


"Shut up pretty boy unless you want this dummy to tackle you to the ground." 


Luhan scoffs and pushed Chen in the head. "Look, if you want to at least defend yourself against Tao's moves, you need to work on gaining some muscles. Basically you need to lift some weights. It helps with at least protecting yourself from his attacks and possibly you'll have a faster reaction." 


"Well one problem is that I haven't lifted weights before."


"Good thing we're starting now." 


"A-alright. What do I need to do first?" 


"Be right back." In about five minutes Chen and Luhan came back with tons of gym equipment. From medicine balls, dungbells, hurtles, to bungee chords. All of them were very new to her but it didn't stop her from giving them all a try. "Since you've never done any weight lifting before, we'll start with you just lifting this five pound weight." 


Luhan hands it to her when she grabs them she stumbles a little from how they dragged her hands. "Wow you weren't kidding when you said you hadn't done this before." Chen's comment earned him a jab to the stomach from Luhan's sharp elbow. 


"How do people do this everyday?" it was cute to see her analyzing the dungbells but Luhan took the honors of "helping" her. Meaning putting his hands on hers to help lift them. "Here I'll show you. This is supposed to help with your biceps. If you train everyday you can match with oppa." he seductively whispers in her ear ending it with a wink.


"Who would want to call you oppa?!?!" Chen mutters bitterly as he throws his sweaty towel onto the pretty boy's face.


"Ok after a few rounds of lifting, we will start warming up with having you put more effort in your punches."


"Here are your boxing gloves and helmet." 


"Technically he said that the challenge will be some sparring match correct?" she nods towards Chen, "Well since he specializes in martial arts it's impossible to beat him but you can at least defend yourself." Luhan comes back with boxing mitts for both of his hands and 


"Come on hit me again but this time make it really hard." 


"You can't be serious. I can't hit Chen." 


"It'll be fine Nari. You're not going to hurt me." she hesitates for a moment but goes for it. When she went for a hit, Chen dodged it and waits for her next move when she stops. "Ugh I can't do this." 


"Quitting already? I knew you were pretty stubborn but didn't think you were too weak to not even pack a punch." everyone looked at Kai approaching them giving them his lazy smirk. "Yo" he greeted. 


"What are you doing here Kai sshi?"


"I was trying to find a good place to nap but I couldn't help but watch how princess here was struggling to punch even a measly dummy." 


"And I suppose you know how to teach her?" Luhan asked while Kai shrugged seeming like he did.


"Maybe I did have some experience."


Suddenly Nari vaguely remembered that time during their challenge. "I remembered back at the alley you punched those guys. It was amazing how you took most of them down." Kai pats her head. "Thanks princess. Although, I'm a bit hurt you didn't come to me for help." 


"I hope your bragging comes with some kind of point." Luhan said as he wasn't impressed with someone like Kai.


"Let me teach her. I've had experience in boxing. You amateurs obviously are ok but give her to someone who knows how to actually get her to defend herself." 


"Hm I don't know..." Luhan said unsuredly while Kai turned to Nari. 


"Look, you wanna beat this kid right?" Nari nodded as Kai started putting box gloves over his hand. "Then you better let go. Don't think too much before you strike. Like this." his fist comes in contact with the dummy and not only did it fall back down it stayed down with a dent on the side of it. 


Nari's jawslacked and thought back to when he was fighting that gang that it must've hurt when he punched them. "Remind me never to piss you off." Chen backed away just a bit from the younger while Kai looked smug. 


"Since when were you an expert on boxing?" Luhan quirked a brow in curiosity. 


"When you're in a house full of girls you got to toughen up. Now if you excuse me. Come on princess your turn now." 


"But Tao's specialty is-" 


"Martial arts. I know. The kid's a scary dude when he fights seriosuly but I'm only just teaching you the basics before we can hit any hard stuff. It just depends if you want to do it or not." at this point she needed all the help she could get even if it didn't help that much. 


"If it helps princess, I used to be a red belt back when I was taking karate lessons." Kai said to lighten the mood. 


"Like that's going to help us." Chen muttered as Nari took a couple swings towards the hand matts in Kai's hand. 



Lay had spent a good four hours over at the dance studio and already treated it like it was his second home. Today was just the perfect day and he was more concentrated on his dancing until he realized that the halfwit jackass wasn't bothering him with that lazy smirk, his snarky comments, and sleeping in weird places.


He didn't care as to where he went but concluded that he must have tried to find somewhere to sleep since that's all he does. Dance, eat and sleep. It was like he had no motivation to go to class. After the last song played on his playlist he was offcially tired and decided to walk back to his dorms when he passes by Tao, who was meditating outside their dorm's lawn.


He had his eyes closed and smiled widely. It was his sixth sense that he could feel other people's prescense. Since he broke out of meditation he opened his eyes to greet Lay, "Hey Lay had fun at the studio?" 


"I guess. It's better than previous ones since I don't have to constantly hear that Kim Jongin talking down to me." Tao hummed while serenly looking at the clouds moving by. "How's your "Becoming one with mother nature" going?" 


"Great. I never knew I could concentrate even out here. I almost didn't even sense you coming." 


Lay looked a little weirded out by it as he joins him down in the grass. "It's weird that you have that sixth sense. I can never get you away from me ever." Tao pouts at the older being mean to him, "You shouldn't be saying that hyung. You love my company." 


Lay scoffs and ignored him when Tao almost forgot what he needed to say, "Ah by the way, your grandfather left a package for you. I left it on your kitchen counter so you could see it when you walk in." 


"Yah you can't just walk in freely to my dorm. I shouldn't have given you that key."


"But Hyung~ I like coming to your dorm. It's better than hanging out with my roommate. He's so mean and violent. Sometimes I feel afraid to be in the same room as him." Tao looked off in the distance when the very memories come crawling back. 


Lay rolled his eyes and noticed a white envelope in front of Tao after all this time. He picks it up recognizing the stamp and signature on the front. "Hmm looks like I'm not the only one who got something from their old man." Tao perked his ears hinting that he was listening. 


"How's the old man doing?"


He sighs like he had a troubled look, "He's still rambunctious and adventure seeking like always. Geez he's going to break his back if he keeps on planning all these stupid activities." Tao didn't even meditate anymore and kept ranting. 


"Still it's nice that he's still sending you handmade letters." Lay looked at the bright side of it but Tao still didn't look too happy.



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Thanks to Leefatyn for spending probably hours making this!!


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747 streak #1
Chapter 30: Welcome back, hope you’ve been well. I absolutely loved this chapter. It’s good to see Jongin and Yixing finally working together, it was a long time coming. Dongwoo’s statement summed up everything perfectly, but it’s not going to matter how much work they do.😏

It’s also good to see everyone getting along with Nari, with the exception of Baek. Hopefully, he will come around soon and kill it with his vocals in the process. Looking forward to what you have in store for us, this update was such a treat.
Fireflies123 #2
Chapter 30: Thank you for the update. I love this fic so much the wait is always worth a new chapter. I love the development of the story in this chapter. I’m so happy Jongin and Yixing made amends and I can’t wait to see how the other exos accomplish their parts. Baekhyun still seems so hostile towards Nari but hopefully he can change his attitude towards her as they work together for their debut.