Chapter 20: The Climb

The Orchard Dorm
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“Hy-hyung I-I’m so scared.”


“Don’t be scared.”


“It’s getting dark and you know I’m immensely terrified of the dark. Kya! Hold me HYUNGGG!!!!”


“Do not worry. As long as I am here you will be totally safe....” 


Tao just stomps his foot out of irritation from the lack of sympathy that Kyungsoo was showing towards Tao paranoia the further they walked into the forest. “Yah! Kyungsoo hyung! Can’t you at least be a bit more sympathetic towards my fear of the dark?” 


“Oh my bad then. I guess trying to comfort you of your fear of the dark is much more important than getting out of this goddamn forest! Aish! Why did that hippie have to give us such a complicated map?!”  Kyungsoo wasn’t having any of Tao’s bull as he squinted very hard just to look at the map.


Immediately Tao rushes over and covers Kyungsoo’s mouth. “Ssh hyung you're being too loud. What if it might attract a bear or worse bigfoot?” 


Kyungsoo couldn’t believe that out of all the people in the world he could've been paired up with, he was with this pansy in the middle of the woods. “Oh would you get a grip? There is no such thing as a bigfoot and besides they’re a bunch of sadistic people to send a bunch of teenagers out in the middle of the woods where wild animals might jump at us for their late night snack.”


“Still I don’t want to run into anything that could eat me.” 


“Well that’s not good….For the animal to be eating you. I mean the poor thing would probably have a hard time to get you to finally shut up.” 


They stopped talking when they suddenly heard a couple leaves rustling. Immediately Tao jumped at least ten feet and clung onto Kyungsoo for dear life. He was shaking and whimpering with fear. Meanwhile, Kyungsoo was rolling his eyes, so this was how he was going to die. His last moments would be in the woods with this guy. 


“H-h-hyung!! Was that a bear? A wolf? A tiger? KYAAA! Don’t eat me!!”


He stops screaming when a little bunny hops out from a couple of bushes. Tao almost felt a little embarrassed for making such a big fuss as Kyungsoo brushed off Tao’s clingy hands. 


“Stay calm Tao, the bunny can smell your fear.” 


“Yah it’s not funny hyung!” Tao whined as he continued walking through the woods before he starts to whistle remembering what Nari told him to do if he ever got scared of the dark.  


“Would you please stop freaking out every five seconds? There is nothing in there that can harm you besides me if you stop pestering me. And would you stop calling me hyung?!”


Suddenly it starts raining much to Kyungsoo’s luck and the two start running to find the camp faster. Thunder rumbles in the distance and Tao stops when he hears something odd.  Kyungsoo looked back and was annoyed wondering why he stopped all of a sudden. “Yah you idiot! What are you waiting for, the rabbit to come back and scare you?”


“No....For a second I thought I heard someone screaming?”


“It’s probably your subconscious making you on edge again. Now come on we need to find a way out of this forest.” 


Was it Tao’s imagination or maybe the fear circulating through his system but he could’ve sworn that he heard a scream and it sounded like it wasn’t too far away. However, he didn’t dwell on it further when loud rumbles of thunder rolled in and the wind picked in. 


"Ahhh! Someone help me!!" Nari screams as she holds onto the branches for dear life.


“Nari!! Take my hand!” Sehun tries to reach for Nari’s hand before she could fall off from a twenty foot cliff. 


Nari tries to reach for Sehun’s elongated hand but pulls back when she feels the trunks of the branches start to break. Sehun pulls back, troubled by the tricky dilemma and looks back where Luhan was. He was still sitting on the ground with a stricken face. 


Sehun just scrambles over to him with an idea in mind. “Yah princess! This is no time to be daydreaming! Help me pull her up!” 


Luhan immediately snaps out of it and scurries over realizing the dangerous situation. 


“I can’t reach her. So you have to hold onto me while I grab her but we need to be careful or else that branch is going to send her off this damn cliff.” Luhan intently listens to his instructions and carefully tries to reach for Nari as Sehun held onto his feet so he could inch closer to grab her.


Nari was scared for her life but needed to keep holding on. Meanwhile, Luhan was scared. What if they don't save her in time? He would never forgive himself after this. Suddenly they hear the branchs begin to break making Nari extremely nervous. So Sehun needed to reach her quickly. 


In a second the branch breaks but luckily Sehun held onto Nari tightly as the branches plummeted down the cliff breaking into splinters when it hit the ground. Sehun and Nari both sigh with relief before Sehun looked back at Luhan. “I got her! Quick pull us up!”


Luhan was extremely careful as he pulled both of them up but due to the downpour it was a bit hard with his wet hands but he uses all his strength to pull them back safely. It seemed like forever before Nari was back on the actual ground and away from the cliff. 


Luhan immediately checks on her to see if she was ok but it was obvious that she wasn’t. She was trembling with fear. The rain and lightning didn’t soothe her down either.


“We need to find some shelter quick before the storm gets worse.” 


Luhan for once listened to Sehun’s suggestion and held onto Nari as they ran to find a place to dry off. Luckily for them they had found an abandoned cabin and rush inside. 


All three were soaked to the bone and were shivering extremely hard from the weather and cold airin the cabin. “Damn the lights don’t work in here.” Sehun said as he tested the light switches again before trying to find any source of light available in this cabin. 


“Crap my phone isn’t working.” Luhan quipped as Sehun became more irritated that his phone wasn’t working either. 


"Well that's just great. It’ll take forever before the storm clears up. Maybe this wouldn’t have happened if someone didn’t get us lost.” 


“Se-sehun d-don’t st-start” Nari warns while she was shivering extremely hard from her cold, wet clothes. But it was too late. Luhan looked furious with Sehun's accusation and just had it up to here. 


“You know what? off! I’m not the one who keeps complaining and insulting people when you barely do yourself! Need I remind you that you almost cost chibi’s life?” 


“Oh would you just shut up? It's your fault too. I didn’t start swinging first and maybe if you weren’t so sensitive I might’ve, just might’ve not called you a princess; princess.” 


Luhan clenched and unclenched his fist really tempted to throw a punch at his smug and annoying little face but he chose not to. There were enough people getting hurt today. 


So he did the only thing he could do and that was to just walk away. “Whatever. While you keep playing the blame game, I’m going to find some dry towels for us to stay warm in. So when you stop acting like some little brat you can come and help or at least make sure chibi is ok.” 


Sehun just clicks his tongue in annoyance before sitting right next to Nari who was trying to twist the water out from her hair. None of them said a word since Sehun looked contempt just watching the rain outside but she could see that he was angry and annoyed. 


She knew that coming to this camp it was supposed to help build the guy’s relationships but this may have just made things worse. 



Meanwhile, back at the camp most of the boys had made it out of the woods and were in the mess hall drying off or eating the mediocre food being served at the cafeteria. The storm was still going on and while no one particularly cared about how bad the storm was, Chen and Chanyeol were worried. Every minute or so they would look at the doors expecting someone. They didn't even touch their food they had recieved a while ago. 


“Can you both stop looking back? It’s like you’re expecting Jesus to kick right through those doors.” Kris grumbles seemingly annoyed having to watch the two of them constantly turn their heads but they didn’t listen to him and still kept looking at the door. 


“She isn’t back yet. I’m starting to get more worried and the storm looks like it's getting worse.” 


“You don’t think something bad happened to them?” Chen's voice was laced with concern when he stated thinking about that possibility. 


Junmyeon was also sitting by them and was already ticked off with the dumb activities, the shabby cabins, and this crappy food. These two idiots moving around like headless chickens didn't help settle his mood. So he abruptly gets up having enough.


“For god’s sake! Both of you are so annoying. I can’t stand watching you pacing back and forth and looking at that door like some worried mom. Just sit your down because you know that stupid girl is going to walk in here with those two idiots soaked to the bone from the rain and you can all just shutup.”


All of a sudden the doors opened and a gust of wind rushes in causing some of the guys to hold on to their plates or blankets. The doors closed stopping the wind. Everyone looked at who walked in and Chen and Chanyeol’s hopes were being lifted thinking it was Nari but they were disappointed. 


“GOD! I thought we would never get out of there! I should have never trusted you to pick which way to go!” Kyungsoo aggressively takes off his wet jacket and grabs the nearest towel to dry himself off.


Tao just shakes his hair to dry it before pouring out all the water that gathered in his shoes. “I’m sorry Hyung but look at least we finally made it back here and we aren’t the last ones to make it back." he follows after with another question. "Wait….why aren’t we the last ones to make it back? “ 


“It appears that some of your friends are missing. You two were supposed to be the last ones to arrive but I believe something must have happened to your friends.” Mr. Shi explains while Chen and Chanyeol’s earlier suspicions were correct. 


“Ok first they’re not our friends. Second they’re probably just directionally challenged like these two over here. I know ain’t the brightest so her dumb self must’ve gotten those two lost with her.” 


Chanyeol was the first to get up and look out the windows where it was already dark. “But what if something bad happened to them? They could’ve been eaten by a bear or a mountain lion or-”


“See! I knew there were bears and mountain lions up here!” Tao quickly interjects before getting glared at by Kyungsoo.


“Well I’m not going to wait here idly and expect them to come back when they might not. They might be in trouble so let’s go look for them.” Chanyeol suggests and Chen and Tao quickly follow him. 


“Hold on boys” Mr. Jon interferes standing between them and the door. “As you can plainly see there’s still a storm going on and we can’t risk you all going out there. You can get hurt and we don’t have that amount of money to pay for your parents suing us.” 


“Geez you’re so caring.” Junmyeon sarcastically says while Chanyeol, Tao and Chen looked conflicted because they wanted to go out there and search for their friends.


“Look let’s just wait for the storm to clear. I’m sure they’ll make it back here and if the storm starts clearing up we can all search for them.” hesitantly they nodded at Mr.Shi’s suggestion and settled down with their eyes lingering on the doors hoping she would come through those doors. 


Secretly Kris was worried too and hoped that by some miracle those two idiots weren’t causing trouble. 


Back at the cabin, Nari was extremely uncomfortable considering the situation. It’s been awhile since the three had dried off and by some sheer luck had found some spare firewood to light up in the fire place. However, the cabin was so cold and there was only one fireplace so of course they squished together but Nari was stuck in the middle because Luhan and Sehun didn't want nothing to do with each other. Nari was just twiddling with her thumbs while Luhan was on her right and Sehun was on her left. Both looked anywhere but each other. 


“Yah piggy” Nari jolts from Sehun calling her by her nickname. 




“Can you please tell the princess over there to stop tapping his ing foot? It’s getting on my nerves.” 

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Thanks to Leefatyn for spending probably hours making this!!


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740 streak #1
Chapter 30: Welcome back, hope you’ve been well. I absolutely loved this chapter. It’s good to see Jongin and Yixing finally working together, it was a long time coming. Dongwoo’s statement summed up everything perfectly, but it’s not going to matter how much work they do.😏

It’s also good to see everyone getting along with Nari, with the exception of Baek. Hopefully, he will come around soon and kill it with his vocals in the process. Looking forward to what you have in store for us, this update was such a treat.
Fireflies123 #2
Chapter 30: Thank you for the update. I love this fic so much the wait is always worth a new chapter. I love the development of the story in this chapter. I’m so happy Jongin and Yixing made amends and I can’t wait to see how the other exos accomplish their parts. Baekhyun still seems so hostile towards Nari but hopefully he can change his attitude towards her as they work together for their debut.