Chapter 15 Pt. 2: Sweet Chaos

The Orchard Dorm
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There were two days before the band competition and Day6 had practiced for hours on end trying to make their setlist sound perfect. Much to their satisfaction, they were going to blow away the crowd at Friday's concert that's for certain. When they finished playing their last song, Sungjin talks close into the mic,


"How was that Ren?" Ren, their tech guy, gives him a thumbs up and Sungin sighs finally relieved. Today was finally a good day.


The other band members, including Nari, were also satisfied with their rehearsal today and called it until tomorrow where they had to do the same thing only better. "Hey, tomorrow we're going to do a full run-through of the set so no stopping and messing up. I want to crush this first performance I promise you we'll be number one." everyone replied with nods of approval before packing up their equipment.


As Nari finished packing up she looks at the time and realizes it'll be dark soon so she rushes down the stage to run back to the dorms, "Hold on Nari!" someone called her name. She looks back and sees Sungjin catching up to her. "Sungjin sshi what is it?" 


"I um heard what happened to Chanyeol a few days ago...." He awkwardly brought up as Nari suddenly couldn't get the image of Chanyeol that day out of her head. Even after he was treated and the doctors said he would recover slowly the feeling was still unsettling with her. 




"Huh What?" she muttered as her eyes looked at Sungjin who seemed worried about her now. 


"I asked how is Chanyeol? I heard he was at the hospital." 


"Oh yeah. The doctor said Chanyeol will be fine but Chanyeol's a bit upset because his coach told him he can't play in their game next week anymore. Honestly, he's been constantly trying to move out of his room but we keep telling him that he needs to rest." Sungjin sighs and smiles at the good news. "I'm glad. Do you mind telling Chanyeol that the whole band wishes for his recovery? And also tell him he shouldn't try to do anything stupid while at the dorms." 


"I will Sungji sshi. Have a goodnight! I'll see you tomorrow!" he waves back before he goes the other way with the rest of the band while Nari headed back to the dorms. That was when someone who was waiting for her appears to get her attention. "Chanyeol?" Nari immediately runs over to him before he could walk a step further. "Chanyeol what are you doing? You're not supposed to be walking around yet." 


The taller just brushes away her fretting hands. "Aiyah I'm fine Nari. It's been two days since the incident and I feel better already see." he jogs in place to show her that he was already healing but Nari didn't seem relaxed and walked by Chanyeol's side. Ever since that incident, she couldn't get the feeling of Chanyeol's blood on her hands and the sight of him helpless on the ground out of her mind. 


Meanwhile, Chanyeol was just thinking back when he talked privately with the doctor. He seemed highly suspicious of the numerous bruises displayed around his body calling them out that some of these were old bruises as if inflicted a couple of days ago. Chanyeol had to beg the doctor to never mention this to anyone and as the doctor promised he told Chaneyeol as long as he used the prescribed medicine every day the bruises should heal quicker. So far when he had used it, it healed most of them but there were some that were still visible haunting him every time he looked at it. He just hoped that night Nari never noticed the other bruises. It would be so embarrassing to have people he cared about to find out about what was really going on. 


"Chanyeol are you alright?" 


"Huh? Sorry, what were you saying?"


"I was saying that the whole band wished you get well and also practice has been going great lately. You know I think the band could actually win this year. As a matter of fact I never even knew the band could write songs too. I should ask them how they get their inspiration for their music and have the time to-" 


"Hey, Nari?" Chanyeol stops walking making her stop as well to look at him. "Chanyeol are you ok-" 


All of a sudden he bows his head all the way to the floor making Nari confused. "Chanyeol? What are you doing?" 


"I wanted to say thank you. To you and Ms.Liu for saving my life that night. I....I didn't know why I couldn't fight back. I was weak and because of me I let people do whatever they could please to hurt me more." 


"No don't say that Chanyeol. You're not weak." Nari had grabbed his hand to comfort him to which he responded with a slight blush. "You know those guys were the real cowards ganging up on you when you're just one person. Seriously who does that?" did Chanyeol never noticed how cute Nari was when she got upset? He couldn't help but quirk a little smile at her rant. 


"And I'm also upset that you didn't report who these bullies were to the headmaster. Bullying is a serious crime Chanyeol and they could be sent to jail for causing severe injuries to another student. I mean-" she immediately stops talking when Chanyeol had embraced her in a hug. His body was so big compared to Nari's that you could barely see her tightly wrapped between his arms. He didn't know why he decided to do that I guess you could say his body acted out before his mind could. 


"Thanks, Nari for making me feel better." 


She blushes a bit at the intimacy between the two but smiled at his words. "Yo-you're welcome" he lets go of her and they start walking again. "but seriously can anyone get away with anything in this school?" Nari asked incredulously to no one in particular when Chanyeol burst out laughing for the first time since that incident. He covers his mouth and blushes when he wondered why he was being all giggly and mushy around Nari. Oh god maybe Sehun was right, maybe he was developing a crush on her. 


Once Chanyeol and Nari had returned to the Orchard dorm, they both went to their respective rooms for the night. When Chanyeol walked into his dorm he sees the person he least wanted to see today. Baekhyun just had to be in the living room and for once not in his room. His roommate looked up from his book and noticed Chanyeol was home. So his eyes follow his roommate walking into the kitchen as if he was like a zoo animal on display.


As Chanyeol walked past him, his eyebrows arched at the noticeable bandages around his arms. It was also the first time he noticed the bruises on Chanyeol's cheeks before remembering hearing rumors about Chanyeol being beaten up by a couple of seniors on the baseball team but he knew that those seniors wouldn't have caused a lot of damage to cause him to be sent to the hospital. When Chanyeol drank his water Baekhyun kept looking all around Chanyeol's body seeing where else he got hurt. It was silent for a while before Chanyeol was walking back into his room, "Did the doctor see all of your injuries?" Baekhyun's response made Chanyeol stop in his tracks. He didn't expect Chanyeol to say something but was surprised when Chanyeol looked straight at him with a glare, "Since when did you care about what's happened to me?"


Baekhyun scoffs at the question before turning his body fully towards him. "Look I still hate your guts but I'm not heartless to ask about the incident that sent you to the hospital." 


"I'm fine," he said coldly but Baekhyun wasn't satisfied with that answer.


"Dude come on. I know that most of those injuries weren't caused by seniors. Did you really think it wasn't going to affect you in the long run?"


Chanyeol immediately whirls around and had this enraged look at Baekhyun. "Why does it matter to you if he really did do all this? I'm his son so he has the right to punish me whenever I do something wrong." 


"So it was your fault you wanted to learn how to play the drums, the guitar, and the piano? You're probably even hiding from him that you're on the baseball team too. Face it when are you going to man up and not cower at the face at your dear old man?" 


Chanyeol had clenched his fists till they turned white, and didn't spare him another look before storming off into his room and slamming the door. Meanwhile, Baekhyun just huffs feeling annoyed that even after so many years he was still afraid of the monster he called his father. 





It was finally the day of the band competition and several other bands were scattered around the venue along with other people who were there to watch. Meanwhile, Nari and Day6 were hanging out in the waiting room relaxing before their soundcheck when suddenly Ren had come bursting into the room. "! Ren, you almost scared the crap out of us-"


"We have a big problem." he cut in before he leads the band out of the dressing room and to where the mic checks and sound checks were being held. Immediately when they walked over to the stage they were a bit confused at hearing a familiar song when all of them gaped at that familiar song they heard playing was their song 'Sweet Chaos'. They push through the crowd to see who on earth was stupid enough to steal one of their songs when they saw a very familiar ex-drummer from their group who had quit. Jake had the audacity to smirk back at them as he continued on playing the song like he didn't do anything wrong.


Meanwhile, Sungjin and Youngk were the most furious out of the bunch as the others started to panic. "That son of a . I knew it was so suspicious that he just suddenly left our band like that."


"Sungjin what are we going to do?" YoungK asked "We can't perform that song after they do. It'll make us look ridiculous! So much for winning this whole damn thing." none of them stopped YoungK as he angrily stormed off to cool down. The others then look towards Sungjin hoping that he knew what to do at least but all he did was rush back to the dressing room and took out a notebook from his bag.


"Sungjin sshi what are you planning to do?" Nari asked as Sungjin was busy flipping through his songbook and skimmed through their list of songs thinking which of these songs could be the perfect one to perform at the very last minute. 


The others sat and waited for him to speak when he puts down the songbook on a certain page. "Ok what about this one?" Sungjin suggested while Jae flipped to another page and pointed towards his choice. "I think this would make a better choice Sungjin because it's an e

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Thanks to Leefatyn for spending probably hours making this!!


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747 streak #1
Chapter 30: Welcome back, hope you’ve been well. I absolutely loved this chapter. It’s good to see Jongin and Yixing finally working together, it was a long time coming. Dongwoo’s statement summed up everything perfectly, but it’s not going to matter how much work they do.😏

It’s also good to see everyone getting along with Nari, with the exception of Baek. Hopefully, he will come around soon and kill it with his vocals in the process. Looking forward to what you have in store for us, this update was such a treat.
Fireflies123 #2
Chapter 30: Thank you for the update. I love this fic so much the wait is always worth a new chapter. I love the development of the story in this chapter. I’m so happy Jongin and Yixing made amends and I can’t wait to see how the other exos accomplish their parts. Baekhyun still seems so hostile towards Nari but hopefully he can change his attitude towards her as they work together for their debut.